Page 34 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
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           LOT 5932                                                              LOT 5933

        CANADA Continued                                         5882. Û O21-5, F-VF, NH .......... 142.00  5925. Û BK106-9, VF, NH.......... 142.00  5964. Ú OA174, Position A, F ....... 200.00
                                                                 5883. ÕÛ O23, LL Plate Block #2, VF, NH .  5926. Û BK107, BK109, VF, NH ..... 100.00  5965. Ú OA175, Position C, VF ...... 120.00
                                                                  .............................. 200.00  5927. Û BK111A, VF, NH ........... 50.00  5966. Ú OA176, 50¢ Grand Pre, Position A,
                                                                 5884. ÕÛ O24, UR Plate Block #1. VF, NH .  5928. Û BK139c, VF, NH .......... 125.00  F, small tear .................... 150.00
                                                                  .............................. 130.00  5929. Ú BK265, Scarce used 2003 Hockey
                                                                 5885. ÕÛ O24, LL Plate Block. VF, NH ....  Booklet with Toronto F.D. cancels. VF .....
                                                                  .............................. 130.00  ........................... Est 40.00+
                                                                 5886. ÕÛ O25, LR Plate Block of the $1 Ferry  5930. Û BK280Abi, Cpl Booklet with Die Cut-
                                                                  “G”. VF, LH..................... 750.00  ting OMITTED. Fresh, VF, NH. Scarce ....
                                                                 5887. Ú O25, F-VF................. 75.00  ............................ 1,000.00
                                                                 5888. Ú O25, VF ................. 100.00  5931. Û BK280Abii, Booklet with cover
                                                                 5889. Û O27, VF, NH ............. 120.00  PRINTED ON GUM SIDE. VF, NH . . 125.00
                                                                 5890. Ú O27, VF .................. 80.00
                                                                 5891. ÕÛ O30, M/S’s Pl Blocks1&2.VF, NH  5932. Û BK317ii, Scarce 51¢ Flag Booklet
                                                                  .............................. 256.00  with DIE CUTTING OMITTED error. VF,
                                                                 5892. ÕÛ O31, M/S’s Plate Blocks #’s1&2.  NH. See photo above ........ 2,000.00
                                                                  VF, NH ........................ 280.00
                                                                 5893. ÕÛ O32, $1 Totem M/S Plate Blocks  5933. Û BK340i, QE Booklet Pane of 10  5967. Ú OA177, $1 Cavell, Position A, VF...
                                                                  #1, VF, NH ..................... 400.00  with DIE CUTTING OMITTED error.  ............................. 600.00
                                                                 5894. ÕÛ O32, $1 Totem M/S Plate Blocks  Fresh, VF, NH. See photo above 1,200.00  5968. Ú OA184, Position A, VF ...... 200.00
                                                                  #2. VF, NH ..................... 400.00
                                                                 5895. ÕÛ O32, Totem $1 M/S Plate Blocks  5934. Û BK343, Cpl Booklet with Misaligned  5969. Ú OA184, (Position C), F-VF . . . 150.00
                                                                                                                          5970. Ú OA190-2, All are Position A. F-VF ..
                                                                                              Back Cover variety. VF, NH......... 75.00
         5829. Û E8a, Sheet margins IMPERFORATE                   #1. VF, NH, couple of nibbed perfs . . 400.00  5935. Û BK440, BK522, BK639, VF, NH ...  .............................. 195.00
          PAIR, large margins, pristine fresh, XF, NH.  5849. Û J15a-20a, Cpl set of four diff  5896. ÕÛ O38a, M/S Plate Blocks #1. VF, NH  5971. Ú OA191, Position B, VF ...... 120.00
          Only 75 pairs exist............ 1,400.00+  IMPERF PAIRS. All with fresh colours,  .............................. 210.00  .............................. 150.00
                                      large margins, VF, OG, some minor DG.  5897. ÕÛ O38a, Textile, Flying G, M/S of     5972. Ú OA192-3, Position A, F-VF. . . 195.00
                                      Only 100 of each exist.......... 1,200.00  Plate Blocks #1. VF, NH........... 280.00  CANADA OFFICIAL
                                     5850. Û J16a, IMPERF PAIR of the 2¢ Post-  5898. Û O38a-9a, O45a, Flying “G” singles  OHMS PERFINS
                                      age Due. VF. Only 100 pairs exist! . . 250.00  & blocks (50¢ is LL Pl #1 block). VF, NH ...
                                     5851. ÕÛ J18-9, UR Plate #1 Blocks of 10.  .............................. 107.00  5936. Ú OA109 (Position C), OA109c (Position
                                      VF, NH ......................... 76.00  5899. ÕÛ O38ai, UR Pl Block showing FISH  A), F-VF ....................... 120.00
                                     5852. ÕÛ J31iii, Hibrite M/S Plate Blocks. VF,  HOOK ‘G’ variety. Fresh, F, NH..... 750.00  5937. Ú OA110, (Position A), F ....... 90.00
                                      NH ........................... 100.00  5900. ÕÛ O45, Mint wholesale lot of 24  5938. Ú OA111, (Position A), F ....... 60.00
                                     5853. ÕÛ J32a, M/S of Plate Blocks. VF, NH  Blocks of 15. VF, NH. Cat $1,350 (360  5939. Ú OA113, Position A, F ....... 150.00
                                      .............................. 400.00  stamps) ................... Est 150.00+  5940. Ú OA116, Position C, F ........ 60.00
                                     5854. Û MR1-5, Fresh, F-VF, NH .... 465.00  5901. ÕÛ O46-9, M/S’s corner blocks. VF, NH  5941. Ú OA118, Position A, F ....... 100.00
                                     5855. Û MR1-7, Also MR2a, MR3b, MR5i,  .............................. 180.00  5942. Ú OA119, Position A, F ........ 75.00
                                      F-VF .......................... 522.00  5902. ÕÛ O47i, Blunt “G” variety in LL corner  5943. Ú OA119c, Wet Printing, Position E, F .
                                     5856. Û MR2Bi, F, NH............. 360.00  block. VF, NH.................... 90.00  ............................... 75.00  5973. Ú OA194, Position C, VF, neat dated
                                     5857. ÕÛ MR3b, Nice mint block of 12 of                                               CDS ......................... 500.00
                                      the Rose Red shade Die I. Nice fresh bright
                                      colour. VF, 7 stamps are NH, 5 stamps LH .                                          5974. Ú OA202, Position A, F-VF .... 187.00
                                      ............................ 1,950.00
                                     5858. ÕÛ MR4, Marginal block with full Type
                                      A LATHEWORK doubling (15mm wide) below
                                      the lower left stamp. Fresh, F, NH. VERY
                                      SCARCE AND RARELY OFFERED ITEM .
                                      ............................ 2,000.00
         5830. Û E10a, Imperforate Pair. Fresh, VF.
          Only 75 pairs exist .............. 800.00
         5831. ÕÛ E10a, LL IMPERFORATE
          PLATE #1 BLOCK, large margins, fresh
          crisp colour, XF, NH. A RARITY. See                                                                             5975. Ú OA203, Position C, VF, small corner
          photo on Page 88 .......... 4,500.00+
                                                                                                                           crease........................ 300.00
        5832. ÕÛ F1, Block. F, NH, some separation,                                                                       5976. Ú OA204, Position A, VF ...... 180.00
         natural gum bends ............... 600.00                                                                         5977. Ú OA208, Position A, VF ...... 240.00
        5833. Ú F1 (12), F2 (16), Used wholesale lot                                                                      5978. Ú OA209, Position A, F-VF, small corner
         of Registered stamps. Variety of cancels &                                                                        crease, couple nibbed perfs........ 225.00
         shades. VG-VF.................. 112.00                                                                           5979. Ú OA210, Position C, F-VF .... 225.00
        5834. Ú F1, Jumbo with SON OTTAWA                                                                                 5980. Ú OA211, Position A, VF ...... 140.00
         CROWN cancel, XF .......... Est 30.00+
        5835. Û F1b, F, NG............... 250.00
        5836. Ú F1b, Nice study lot of 13 copies of the
         2¢ Rose Carmine. Has a range of shades &
         postmarks. F .................. 1,300.00
        5837. Ú F1b, Rose carmine. F-VF.... 125.00               5903. Û OX2a, Top margin Officially Sealed IMPERFORATE PAIR on thick blue paper. Only one
        5838. Ú F1d, Perf 12 x 11.5, VF ..... 150.00              sheet of 50 stamps recorded & this is certainly one of the finest pairs that exists. XF, ungummed
                                                                  as issued. Ex Saskatoon, Dean...........................................6,500.00+
                                     5859. ÕÛ MR4b, Imperforate block with
                                      large margins, crisp colour. XF..... 550.00  5904. Û OX3, F-VF ............... 137.00  5944. Ú OA120, Position A, F ....... 100.00
                                                                                             5945. Ú OA120, Position C, F-VF .... 150.00
                                     5860. Û MR7, MR7a, F-VF ......... 232.00                5946. Ú OA122, Position A, F ....... 125.00
                                     5861. ÕÛ O1, LL Plate #30 Block. F-VF, LH               5947. Ú OA122, Position B, F ....... 125.00
                                      .............................. 160.00                  5948. Ú OA141, Position A, VF ...... 150.00  5981. Ú OA216, Position A, VF, lightly
                                     5862. ÕÛ O1-8, O11-15A, CO1, EO1, Well                  5949. Ú OA142, Position A, VF ...... 250.00  cancelled...................... 600.00
                                      centered blocks. F, NH............ 814.00              5950. Ú OA143, Position A, F ....... 125.00
                                     5863. Û O1-10, Fresh, VF, NH ...... 540.00              5951. Ú OA144, Position B, F ........ 75.00
         5839. Û F3, Nicely centred with large mar-                                          5952. Ú OA145, Position A, F ....... 250.00
          gins. VF, NG ................... 900.00                                            5953. Ú OA146, Position A, F ........ 75.00
        5840. Û J1-5, F-VF ............... 230.00                                            5954. Ú OA147, Position C, F ....... 250.00
        5841. ÕÛ J1a, Block. VF, NH ...... 600.00
                                                                 5905. Û OX4P, Imperf Plate Proof on card.
                                                                  Large margins, XF .............. 800.00
                                                                   CANADA BOOKLETS
                                                                 5906. Û BK3e, English Booklet. VF, NH, slight
                                     5864. Û O1a, NO PERIOD AFTER “S” vari-  toning on panes ................. 250.00     5982. Ú OA223, Position C, VF ..... 250.00
                                      ety. VF, NH. Scarce ............. 300.00  5907. Û BK5f, English Booklet. F-VF, NH ...
                                                                  .............................. 150.00
                                     5865. ÕÛ O1i, O3i, NARROW SPACING  5908. Û BK32d, French Booklet. F-VF, NH .
                                      variety in blocks of 6. VF, NH....... 120.00  ............................... 45.00  5955. Ú OA148, Position A, VF...... 450.00
                                     5866. Û O1i-4i, OHMS Narrow Spacing Strips  5909. Û BK32d, BK32e, English Booklets.
                                      of 3. VF, NH .................... 251.00  F-VF, NH ....................... 75.00  5956. Ú OA149 (Position C), OA150-1 (Position
                                     5867. Û O2i, NARROW SPACING strip of 3.  5910. Û BK32d (English), BK34b (French),  A), F .......................... 170.00
                                      VF, NH ........................ 150.00  BK34c (English), BK40b (Bilingual). VF, NH  5957. Ú OA152-5, Position A, F...... 215.00
                                     5868. ÕÛ O3, LR Plate #32 Block, VF, NH .  .............................. 109.50  5958. Ú OA156, Position B, F ....... 300.00
                                      .............................. 165.00  5911. Û BK33a, English Booklet. VF, NH ...  5959. Ú OA157, Position C, F ........ 60.00
                                     5869. Û O7, Wholesale lot of 31. Fresh, VF,  ............................... 67.00  5960. Ú OA158, 50¢ Bluenose, Position A,
                                      NH ........................... 465.00  5912. Û BK34a, BK34c, French & English  F-VF, small sealed tear. Cat $787 ........
                                     5870. ÕÛ O8, Superb mint block of 8, XF, NH  Booklets. F-VF, NH (4)............. 64.00  .......................... Est 100.00+
                                      .............................. 324.00  5913. Û BK34a, BK34c-d, French Booklets.     5983. Ú OA224, Position A, VF...... 250.00
                                     5871. Û O9, F-VF, NH............. 265.00
                                                                  VF, NH (3 diff) .................. 166.00
                                                                 5914. Û BK34c English, BK34d French. F-VF,               5984. Ú OA237, Position F, F ....... 125.00
                                                                                                                          5985. Ú OA241a, Position E, VF ...... 50.00
                                                                  NH ............................ 89.00                   5986. Ú OA242, Position A. VF ....... 70.00
                                                                 5915. Û BK34d, French Booklet. VF, NH ...                5987. Ú OA243, Position A, F ........ 50.00
                                                                  .............................. 112.00
                                                                 5916. Û BK37e, English & French Booklets.
                                                                  VF, NH (2) ..................... 135.00
                                                                 5917. Û BK52d, Wholesale lot of 10. VF, NH
                                                                  .............................. 300.00
                                                                 5918. Û BK59d, Fluorescent Orange Ink
                                                                  Booklet. VF, NH .................. 60.00
                                                                 5919. Û BK74, Set of 10; each with interesting  5961. Ú OA158, 50¢ Bluenose, Position C, F,
                                                                  vert ORANGE STREAKS running through  dated CDS cancel............... 525.00
                                                                  left 1¢ issues in various positions. VF, NH ..
         5842. Û J2, Left margin vertical strip of  5872. Û O9, Perfectly centered, XF, NH.  ........................... Est 50.00+
          4 showing unusually cpl full TYPE A  A choice example ............... 330.00  5920. Û BK74j, STUTTERING “C” variety
          LATHEWORK. Rich colour, VF, some DG.  5873. Û O10, VF, NH ............. 120.00  Booklet. VF, NH ................. 75.00+
          Cat $10,000. SELDOM ENCOUNTERED  5874. Û O10, Large margins, XF, NH120.00+  5921. Û BK74k, Cpl set of 10 Booklets each
          LIKE THIS............... Est 3,500.00+  5875. ÕÛ O10, LL Plate Block. VF, NH ....  with a diff cover design, all having the  5988. Ú OAC3, Position A, VF ...... 600.00
        5843. ÕÛ J3, Block. F-VF, NH...... 490.00  .............................. 700.00  Re-entry in “AGE” of “POSTAGE”. VF, NH .  5989. Ú OAC5, Position G, F-VF..... 212.00
        5844. ÕÛ J5, Block, F-VF, bottom stamps NH  5876. ÕÛ O11, LR Plate Block. VF, NH ....  .............................. 300.00  5990. Ú OAC6, Position C, F-VF ...... 75.00
         .............................. 550.00  .............................. 350.00  5922. Û BK76c, Complete set of 10 Booklets  5991. Ú OA222, Position A, F ....... 125.00
        5845. ÕÛ J7, Top margin block of 10 with  5877. ÕÛ O11, LL Plate Block, VF, NH ....  (each with a diff cover design) all having the  5992. Û O225, VF, VLH, small corner crease
         (Plate) “1" imprint in selvedge. Fresh, VF, NH  .............................. 350.00  “REPEATING 10’s” VARIETY. VF, NH  .............................. 180.00
         .............................. 570.00  5878. Û O15b, No Period after “S”. F, one  .............................. 300.00  5993. Ú OA226, Position A, VF, couple nibbed
        5846. ÕÛ J10, Block. F-VF ........ 460.00  rounded corner.................. 400.00  5923. Û BK79d, “BLACK WEDGES” variety set  perfs .......................... 120.00
        5847. ÕÛ J15-20, Top margin Plate Blocks  5879. Û O16-25, VF, NH........... 213.00  of 5 Booklets, each with a diff cover design.  5962. Ú OA159, $1 Parliament, Position A, F  5994. Ú O237, Position C, VF ....... 160.00
         of 6. VF, NH (7 diff) .............. 160.00  5880. Û O16-27, VF, NH........... 336.00  VF, NH ........................ 150.00  ............................. 400.00  5995. Ú O239-40, KGVI Coils, VF, some pulled
        5848. ÕÛ J15-20, Each in a LR Plate #1  5881. Û O16-49, CO2, EO2, Cpl “G” Officials.  5924. Û BK91d, Scarce perforation. VF, NH .  perfs .......................... 330.00
         Block of 10. Fresh ,VF, NH ........ 202.00  VF............................ 309.00  .............................. 100.00  5963. Ú OA171-2, Position A, F...... 145.00  5996. Û O241-5, VF, LH ........... 305.00
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