Page 36 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 36
92 LOT 6095
LOT 6085 LOT 6119
CANADA OFFICIAL OHMS PERFINS Cont’d 6067. Ú SE6-8, Affixed on 1930 City of 6084. Û CLP3, $1 Aero Club of Canada. VF
Saskatoon, Sask Electrical Inspection Permit centering, some flts. Cat $500. . . Est 75.00+
form. F. Documents like this are scarce ....
........................... Est 50.00+ 6085. Ö CLP3, $1 Aero Club of Canada
6068. Ú SE7-30, Electrical Inspection cpl. Most neatly tied by blue boxed 25 Aug 1919
F-VF .......................... 282.50 cancel on FFC from Toronto to New York.
6069. Û SE28-9, F-VF, NH .......... 67.50 Addr to A.C. Roessler with his fancy
6070. Ú SL2, SL14-6, Group of 5 of each, all “Winged Letters” illustrated corner card.
with perfs all around, incl shades. F-VF (20 VF. A CHOICE COVER. See photo above
....................... Est 800.00+
stamps) ....................... 250.00
6071. Ö SL24, Affixed on court document from 6086. SSÛ (CLP4, CLP6), Depicting Toronto
Manor, Cannington District 19 Mar 1908. F. to Hamilton, & London to London flights on
Scarce on document .......... Est 75.00+ 1967 & 1970 private commem souvenir
6072. ÕÛ SL68-78, Cpl rouletted issue to $50 sheets. VF, NH .............. Est 50.00+
5997. Û O241-5, VF, NH .......... 610.00 in Blocks. VF, NH................ 480.00 6087. Ö (CLP5), Cacheted Estevan to Winni- 6124. Û CL20b, Patricia Airways, beautifully
6073. ÕÛ SL78, Saskatchewan $50 Law peg 1 Oct 1924 FFC with strip of 3 of #105
5998. Ú O242 (3), O243 (3), O244 (2), O245, Stamp lower Plate Imprint block of 8. VF, (no semi-official airmail). The reverse side centered, fresh rich colour, VF, OG. Scarce
O245i, All with diff perf positions, all CDS. NH .......................... 400.00+ has all over advertising & map of the Estevan (Only 200 exist). Has 2024 Greene Founda-
F-VF .......................... 208.00 6074. Û TBT151-2, Single & block of each, tion Certificate ................ 1,250.00
Sask area. F ................ Est 75.00+
5999. Ú O247, Position F, VF ....... 150.00 plus single of each showing a portion of the 6088. Û CL2, F-VF, NH, slight bend . . 240.00
6000. Û O249-62, F-VF, NH ........ 542.00 watermark. F-VF (12 stamps) ...... 195.00 6089. Û CL3, VF ................. 150.00
6001. Û O258-62, Fresh, VF, NH .... 480.00 6075. ÕÛ TBT152, Block of 16. VF, NH ... 6090. Û CL3, VF, NH ............. 225.00
6002. Û O262, Position A. VF, LH.... 240.00 .............................. 400.00 6091. Ö CL5, Northern Air Service tied on
6003. Û O262, VF, NH ............ 300.00
6004. Ú O262, Position A. VF ........ 75.00 cach Haileybury to Rouyn 27 June 1925 FFC.
Pilot Signed by B.W. Broatch. VF Est 125.00+
6005. Û O273, Position A. VF....... 135.00 6092. Ö CL5, Northern Air Service tied on
6006. Ú OAE7, Position A, VF, slight crease . cach Rouyn to Haileybury 27 June 1925 FFC.
.............................. 250.00 Pilot Signed by B.W. Broatch. VF Est 125.00+
6007. Û OCE4, VF ............... 150.00
6093. Û CL6, Jack V. Elliot (with zig-zag back-
CANADA PRECANCELS ground) mint pane of 8. Position #8 shows the
“WHITE SPOT” variety. The sheet also shows
Numbers & prices are from the current all the minor variations in the leaves on the
Walburn. stamps. Fresh, F-VF, NH, small DG spot in
6008. Ú 35, Lot of 7 diff Precancel types on left selvedge.................... 900.00 6125. Û CL20b, Patricia Airways, Brilliant
QV 1¢ Small Queens. Incl Montreal “21" 6036. Û FSC30, QV $1 Supreme Court 6094. Ú CL6, F.................... 60.00 fresh, perfectly centered, VF, NH 1,875.00+
inverted. F-VF ................... 96.00 Revenue with red “IN PRIZE” overprint. 6095. Ö CL6, Jack V. Elliot stamp used 6126. Û CL24, VF, NH ............ 180.00
6009. Ú D-35, VF .................. 75.00 Exceptionally fresh, F-VF, OG, some DG at 6076. Û TCP2, Canadian Pacific Railways over top of the blue imperforate unofficial 6127. Û CL25, VF, NH ............. 90.00
6010. Ú R-34, F ................... 50.00 hinge site. SCARCE ............. 950.00 1889 Booklet still containing two cpl panes 25¢ ESSAY on flight cover from Rolling 6128. Ö CL27, Patricia Airways tied on flight
6011. Ú U-34-V, QV 1/2¢ Small Queen vert 6037. Û FWM60-71, F-VF, NH ....... 89.00 of 4 of Telegraph Franks plus interleaving. Portage to Red Lake 6 Mar, 1926. VF. cover from Red Lake 13 Sp 1927 to Sioux
Precancel misplaced. VF. Couple short perfs 6038. Û FWS1, VF, NH............ 140.00 Panes are F-VF, NH. Scarce ..... 840.00+ Scarce. See photo above. . . Est 500.00+ Lookout (rec 19 Sp 1927). F . . . Est 350.00+
.............................. 100.00 6039. Û FWS5, War Savings 25¢ large size
6012. Ö U-35, Affixed on cover to Alma, Maine, DIE PROOF sunken on card (9 x 6 inches). 6077. Û TCP4, PANE of 4, 1891. F-VF, NH . 6096. Û CL7, Jack V. Elliot Air Service. VF,
Sept 1896 b/s. F, some staining on 1 corner. XF. Scarce................. Est 450.00+ .............................. 300.00 some minor DG ................. 120.00
Scarce ..................... Est 45.00+ 6040. Û FWS7-14, War Savings Stamps, VF, 6078. Û TCP12/TCP25, Coll of 8 diff Canadian 6097. Ö CL7, Jack V. Elliot Air Service tied on
6 stamps are NH ................ 148.00 Pacific Railways Telegraph Franks from 1899- cover by Red Lake CDS to Rolling Portage
CANADA REVENUES 6041. Ú FWS9/FWS14, Attractive WWII War 1912. F-VF, primarily with OG ...... 230.00 (12 Apr 1926 receiver); addr to A. Roessler
Savings folder with six diff War Savings 6079. Û TCP17, VF, NH ............ 70.00 in New Jersey. F-VF ......... Est 200.00+
All numbers & prices are from the Stamps affixed. F, some creases / flts ..... 6080. Û TGN11-2, TGN14. VF ...... 110.00 6098. Ö CL7, Jack V. Elliot Air Service on
current Van Dam catalogue. ........................... Est 50.00+ 6081. Ú YL13, Affixed on Yukon Territorial reverse of Roessler cover with Red Lake
6042. ÕÛ FWT8K, LL corner margin block of Court Summons from Whitehorse 6 Mar 1952. Apr. 8, 1926 postmark & Rolling Portage Apr.
6013. Ú AP1a, Two green 1¢ prosperity 6 showing full strong LATHEWORK TYPE B Has embossed court seal. VF. Scarce on 12, 1926 receiver. VF ........ Est 200.00+
stamps affixed on reverse of a 1936 in left margin. F, NG. Scarce. . . Est 200.00+ document.................. Est 100.00+ 6099. Ö CL7, Jack V. Elliot Air Service tied on
ALBERTA PROSPERITY CERTIFICATE. Red Lake to Rolling Portage 12 Apr 1926 FFC
Folded, some pinholes & some soiling. Hard addr to Roessler. VF ......... Est 250.00+
to find in any condition........ Est 350.00+ 6100. Û CL8, Elliot-Fairchild. F-VF .... 50.00
6014. Û BCL63, Fresh, F-VF, NH .... 312.00 6101. Û CL8, Offset on reverse variety. VF, LH 6129. Û CL29, VF................ 250.00
6015. ÕÛ BCL63, Lovely top margin block of ........................... Est 50.00+
10 of the Br. Columbia $1 Rouletted with light 6102. Û CL8, Elliot-Fairchild cpl pane of 8 with
red underprint. Has counter number in top background of swastikas. Shows the “TALL R”
margin. VF, NH. A PRETTY SHOWPIECE! . variety at positions2&4. Fresh, VF, NH ...
............................ 3,125.00 .............................. 675.00
6016. Û BCT103-5, BCT187-92, Three diff 6103. Û CL8c, Tall “r” variety. VF, LH. . 70.00
complete sets. VF ............... 236.00 6104. Û CL9, VF, NH .............. 60.00
6017. Û BCT190-2, VF, NH......... 150.00 6105. ÕÛ CL9, CL9c, Left margin block, the
6018. Ú FB12, SON 23 Dec 1865 cancel. F-VF UL stamp has the FILLED IN WING variety.
............................... 65.00 Fresh, F-VF, NH................. 330.00
6019. Ú FB15, QV $1. F............ 250.00 6106. Û CL9b, Vert TETE BECHE pair. F-VF,
6020. Û FB17, F, NH............... 96.00 one stamp is NH................ 150.00+
6107. Û CL9c, “Filled-in Wing” variety. VF, NH
.............................. 150.00
6043. Û FWS6b, Cpl WWII War Savings Booklet containing 5 panes of the 25¢ Spitfire. Very 6108. Û CL9d, Elliot-Fairchilds cpl pane of 8
clean Booklet, VF, NH. SCARCE & RARELY OFFERED ........................ 2,475.00
with FILLED-IN WING at Position1&UR 6130. Û CL30, Two stamps each with diff
6044. Ú FX20, FX74, F-VF .......... 75.00 CANADA SEMI- stamp INVERTED. Fresh, F-VF, NH . 525.00 overprints INVERTED. One is purple as-
6045. Û FX26, Wholesale lot of 5. F, NH ... 6109. Ú CL10, Neat Rouyn 24 Sp, 1926 CDS. cending, the other blue descending. F-VF
.............................. 250.00 OFFICIAL AIRMAILS VF............................. 80.00 (2)....................... Est 200.00+
6046. Û FX70, F ................. 110.00 6110. Ö CL10, Elliot Fairchild tied on cach 6131. Û CL30, Purple overprint descending.
6047. Ú FX70, F-VF................ 95.00 Rouyn to Haileybury FFC 12 Aug 1926 F-VF ........................... 85.00
6048. Û FX120-1, F, NH ............ 75.00 (only 400 covers flown). PILOT SIGNED. VF 6132. Û CL42, VF, NH ............. 67.50
6049. Û FX122, FX123(2), Interesting lot of 3 .......................... Est 225.00+ 6133. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on FFC
diff VARIETIES. Two have SURCHARGE 6111. Ö CL11, Fairchild Air Service tied on flown on April 15, 1928 from Atlin to Carcross.
OFFSETS on gum, other with much of the ‘14’ cach FFC Haileybury to Rouyn 20 Oct, 1926 F-VF, minor bend............. Est 65.00+
surcharge MISSING. F-VF (Normal stamps FFC. PILOT SIGNED. VF ...... Est 75.00+ 6134. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on Atlin
Cat $95).................... Est 75.00+ 6112. Ö CL11, Fairchild Air Transport tied on to White Horse FFC 15 Apr 1928. Pilot Signed
6050. Û FX122-3, FX125-6, FX130, F-VF 2 cach PILOT SIGNED to/from Haileybury - (only 375 covers flown). F-VF . . . Est 80.00+
(FX130 is NH) .................. 160.00 Rouyn FFC’s 20 Oct 1926. VF (2 covers)... 6135. Û CL42, Set of 4 diff unofficial Yukon
6051. Û FX129. F+ ............... 100.00 .......................... Est 200.00+ Airways reprints in bright colours. These will
6052. Ú FX129, FX133, F-VF ....... 210.00 6113. Û CL11a, Vertical TETE BECHE Pair. make nice collateral items for any airmail coll.
6053. Û NBT7c/NBT14d, Seven diff Tobacco VF, one stamp NH ............... 100.00 VF, NH..................... Est 40.00+
Tax Booklet Panes, from 1940-1. Includes 6114. Û CL12, VF, NH ............. 75.00 6136. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on White-
2¢ Pane with “TOBAOCO” Error. VF, NH .. 6115. Ö CL13, Patricia Airways tied on Sioux horse Star Newspaper from Whitehorse to
............................... 99.00 Lookout to Pine Ridge 7 July 1926 FFC (only Atlin 13 Apr 1928. F-VF....... Est 125.00+
6054. Û OGT11, Gasoline Tax, F, NH 300.00 125 pieces flown). F ......... Est 150.00+ 6137. Û CL42f, Repair entry in left “2" of ”25".
6116. Ö CL13, Patricia Airways tied on Red VF, NH ........................ 750.00
6021. Û FB 18-27, FB29, FB31-6, Second Lake to Sioux Lookout 7 July 1926 FFC. F-VF, 6138. Û CL43, VF, NH ............. 60.00
Bill imperf PLATE PROOF PAIRS, up to some foxing ................. Est 85.00+ 6139. Ö CL44, British Columbia Airways tied
$3. All on card in colour of issue except $1 6117. Ö CL13, Patricia Airways margin single on Victoria to Vancouver cach FFC 3 Aug
(reversed colours). VF. Gorgeous (16 diff tied on FFC Red Lake to Sioux Lookout 19 1928. F, couple cover creases & stain not
pairs) .................... Est 600.00+ Oct 1926. VF ............... Est 100.00+ affecting stamp ............. Est 150.00+
6118. SSÛ CL13c, CL13d, Patricia Airways
6022. Û FB28, Horiz Imperf strip of 3 of the cpl pane of 8 with “1" Imprint & BLUE-BLACK 6140. Û CL45, F-VF ............... 90.00
20¢ PLATE PROOF on India in brown TRIAL route inscriptions. Position 8 has the small 6141. Û CL45, Klondike Airways light blue
COLOUR (colour of issue was blue). Right ”T" in “TO” variety. VF, stamps are NH, small shade Vertical strip of 4. F, centre stamps, NH
stamps, VF, left stamp. F. Scarce......... 6082. Û CLP1, Scarce Aero Club of Canada corner crease in selvedge strengthened by a .............................. 450.00
.......................... Est 100.00+ without numerals of value. VF centering, OG, hinge. A VERY SCARCE SHEET. . 3,825.00 6142. Ö CL46i, Cherry Red Airline “Snow on
6023. Û FB34, Imperf Proof pair in green various flts at LL. Cat $3,500 . Est 1,000.00+ Wings” variety tied on Prince Albert to Ile a
with black centre, on India paper. VF ...... 6119. Ö CL13d, Patricia Airways LR mar- La Crosse 25 Dec 1929 FFC. VF (AAMC
.......................... Est 100.00+ gin single with SMALL “T” in “TO” variety #CL46 - 2905) ............... Est 75.00+
6024. Û FB34, Imperf $1 Plate Proof pair on neatly tied on cach FFC Pine Ridge to 6143. Ö CL46i, Cherry Red Airline SNOW
card, with colours reversed. VF. Very scarce Sioux Lookout 7 July, 1926. VF, minor ON WINGS variety tied on Ile a La Crosse to
.......................... Est 250.00+ 6055. ÕÛ OGT11, Scarce block of 6 of toned patch in cover corner. Scarce. See Pr. Albert 4 Feb 1930 FFC. F-VF Est 50.00+
6025. Û FB35, Imperf Proof pair in red with the scarce 5¢ Gasoline Tax. Fresh, F, NH. photo above ............. Est 400.00+ 6144. Û CL47, VF, slight corner crease 160.00
violet centre, on card. VF ..... Est 125.00+ Rarely ever seen in a large multiple like this 6120. Û CL14, VF, NH ............ 225.00 6145. Û CL47, Commercial Airways. VF, NG
6026. Û FB35, Imperf $2 Plate Proof pair on ............................ 1,800.00 6121. Ú CL15, Tied on piece along with 2¢ .............................. 160.00
card in colours of issue. VF. Very scarce ... Admiral by neat Sioux Lookout 22 Aug 1927 6146. Ö CL47, Commercial Airways tied on
.......................... Est 250.00+ 6056. Ú OL1-6, OL9, OL11, F-VF .... 126.75 duplex cancel. VF................ 275.00 cach Grande Prairie to Edmonton 21 May
6027. ÕÛ FB37, LR block of 8 with full Plate 6057. Ú OL34-5, OL37, OL41-2, F-VF. . 76.00 6122. Ö CL18, Patricia Airlines tied on cach 1929 FFC. VF .............. Est 100.00+
Imprint. F ................... Est 35.00+ 6058. Û OL65, $50 Law Stamp. F-VF, NH, 6147. Ö CL47, Commercial Airways tied on
6028. Ú FB53, QV $2 with MISPLACED gum bend ...................... 112.00 Sioux Lookout to Woman Lake 2 Aug 1926 cach FFC Grande Prairie to Edmonton 21
CENTRE VIGNETTE. A large part of “BILL 6059. Ú OL79-80, F ............... 152.25 FFC (only 216 pieces flown). VFEst 250.00+ May, 1929. VF.............. Est 150.00+
STAMP” is under the black. F . . . Est 70.00+ 6060. ÕÛ OST5, OST7, Ontario Stock Trans- 6148. Ö CL47a, BROKEN “C” in “CIAL” variety
6029. Ú FB53, Pair tied by blue BANK OF fer Tax, fresh blocks. F-VF, NH ...... 96.00 neatly tied on cach FFC Grande Prairie to
MONTREAL 26 Jun 1877 cancels to a portion 6061. ÚÛ OST16/OLT7, Coll of mint & used Edmonton 21 May, 1929. VF. . . Est 200.00+
of a cheque. Also has FB42 & FB52 (strip of Stock transfer & Luxury Tax stamps. F-VF (9) 6149. Ö CL47a, BROKEN “C” in “CIAL” variety
3), tied to the reverse. F.......... 116.00+ .............................. 125.50 tied on cach FFC Edmonton to Grande Prairie
6030. Û FPS20, F-VF, NH........... 75.00 6062. ÕÛ OST37, Block. VF, NH.... 150.00 21 May, 1929. VF ........... Est 200.00+
6031. Û FPS23-40, VF ............ 141.00 6063. Ú QL1, QL7-8, QL11-13, F-VF. . 177.00 6150. Ö CL48, Commercial Airways tied on
6032. Ú FSC21, KGVI Law Stamp affixed on 6064. Û QL119, VF, NH ........... 75.00+ Ft McMurray to Athabaska FFC 23 Feb 1931.
Supreme Court of Canada document, 8 Jan 6065. SSÛ QW7a-8a, QW11a, Three diff VF ........................ Est 50.00+
1953. VF ................... Est 40.00+ Quebec Wildlife Conservation miniature 6151. Ö CL48, Commercial Airways tied on
6033. ÕÛ FSC21-2; Also FS21a, Fresh well sheets of 4, 2 in original folders. VF, NH ... cach From Pine to Palm; Aklavik to Miami
centered blocks, VF, NH .......... 240.00 .............................. 300.00 14 Mar 1931 FFC. VF ......... Est 65.00+
6034. ÕÛ FSC22, KGVI surcharged block, VF, 6066. Ú SE6-7, SE8 (Pair), Affixed on an 6083. Ú CLP1, Scarce Aero Club of Canada 6123. Ö CL19, Tied by Rouyn 23 May 1927 6152. Û CL49, VF ................ 175.00
NH ........................... 140.00 application for Electrical Permit in Saskatoon with purple boxed Aerial Mail Aug 27, 1918 CDS on Airmail cover to Toronto. VF ..... 6153. Ö CL49, Commercial Airways Ltd tied
6035. ÕÛ FSC25, KGVI block. VF, NH .... 1 Oct 1930. F-VF, folded (affecting 3 stamps). Toronto Canada cancel. F+ . Est 1,500.00+ ......................... Est 350.00+ on cach Edmonton to Ft McMurray 23 July
............................. 140.00+ Scarce on document .......... Est 40.00+ 1930 FFC. VF .............. Est 250.00+