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96                                                       CANADA DUCK BOOKLETS TO 2012:
                                                                 6317. Û FWH1-29, Set of Federal Wildlife Hab-
                                                                  itat Conservation Booklets cpl from 1985-2012
                                                                  (No FWH26 which is a sou. sheet). A beautiful
                                                                  group! VF, NH. Cat $865 (28 diff Booklets) .
                                                                  .......................... Est 275.00+
                                                                 AUTOGRAPHED COVER OF FRED JARRETT:
                                                                 6318. Ö 277, Tied on 1951 cover (depicting a
                                                                  block of the 3 Pence Beaver) for the Canadian
                                                                  Philatelic Society Meeting. Has been auto-
           USA BACK OF BOOK COLLECTION:                           graphed by FRED JARRETT - who is consid-
         6292. ÚÛ C2/O138, Interesting back of book               ered the Dean of Canadian Philately. VF ...
          coll neatly arranged on pages, early to mod-  CANADA 2¢ MAP STAMPS:  ........................... Est 50.00+
          ern. Has airmails, special deliveries, post-  6304. ÚÛ 85-6, Accum for study of 2¢ Map
          age dues, parcel post & modern Officials.  stamps with a Wide variety of shades. Ma-            CANADA BOOKLET WITH DIE CUTTING OMITTED:
          We noted mint C18 NH ($75); plus used  jority are used but some are unused with     6341. Û BK340i, Cpl QE defin “P” Booklet with DIE CUTTING OMITTED error. Fresh, VF, NH ..
          E1 ($80), E3-4 ($160), etc. Majority VG-VF,  NG. Unchecked by us for plates, varieties,  .................................................................Cat 1,200.00
          some NH. 2024 Scott $1,400 (307).......  extra islands, re-entries, etc. F-VF. Cat
          ......................... Est 450.00+  $1,200-$1,500 (133) ........ Est 300.00+    OLDER CANADA USED
                                     MINT CANADA FACE VALUE $502:                            COLLECTION 1897-1951:
         CANADA OFFICIALS            6305. Û Unsorted accum of mints from 1970’s             6329. Ú Collection on pages with a range
         COLLECTION CAT $5,000:       -90’s. Has singles, sets, blocks, plate blocks,         of commems, defins, coils, plus officials,
         6293. ÚÛ O1/O49, CO1-2, EO1-2, Two  etc. VF, NH. Total face is $502 . Est 300.00+    Postage Dues, etc. Incl some better $5-$15
          volume specialized coll of Officials neatly                                         items plus some higher like 99 ($50), 101
          displayed on pages with protective plastic  CANADA CAPEX MEMORABILIA:               ($80), 103 ($120), 158-9 ($110), CO1-2,
          overleafs. Most of the value is in mint Plate  6306. ÚÛ Box with an interesting asst of sou-  EO1-2 ($64), etc. VG-VF (Over 250) .....
          Blocks with many matched sets incl better  venir items from International Stamp Exhibi-  .......................... Est 250.00+
          items, Flying G’s, scarcer positions, etc.  tions held in Toronto Canada. Incl Capex ‘78,
          Also has some additional singles with used  ‘87, ‘96, & ‘22. Has programmes, special cach
          & mint, etc. A nice clean lot with lots of  covers, special printer’s sheets, 1987 & 1996  NEWFOUNDLAND C3 AIRMAIL COVER:
          good stuff. F-VF, much mint NH. Cat approx  “Passports” filled with stamps & cancels from  6319. Ö C3, Neatly tied by St. John’s 22 Nov,
          $5,000 (100’s)............ Est 1,200.00+  participating postal agencies, bulletins, & other  1921 wavy line cancel on cover to USA. Has
                                      items from the shows. A nice group of collect-  Halifax NS 4 Feb 1922 b/s. VF. Has 2015
        CANADA ACCUMULATION           ibles. F-VF (Over 50 items) .... Est 125.00+  Greene Foundation Certificate. . Est 200.00+    CANADA
        ON STOCKCARDS:               BOX FULL WITH                                                                          OLDER USED HIGH VALUE BLOCKS:
        6294. ÚÛ Stack of stockcards with a duplicated  USED UNITED STATES ACCUMULATION:  CANADA FIRST DAY COVERS:        6342. ÕÚ 158/302, Coll of all diff used High
         accum in no particular order with commems,  6307. Ú A 10 pound wholesale accum of dupli-  6320. Ö Older coll of premium FDC’s from  Value blocks. Incl 50¢ Bluenose, $1 Parlia-
         defins, Xmas, etc. Does have some older but  cated used USA. Semi-sorted by kind in ‘102’  1932-63. Each selected for better issues or  ment, $1 Cavell, $1 Chateau, $1 Champlain,
         mainly 1950’s-90’s with used, mint, blocks,  cards, in glassines & in envelopes but in no  higher Cat value. The group incl 1933 UPU  $1 Ferry & $1 Fish. F-VF. A nice lot (7 diff)
         Plate Blocks, values up to $5, etc. Mostly  order. Primarily 1920’s-80’s era with commems,  Plate Number block; $1 Fish; 20¢ Fort Gary;  ......................... Est 300.00+
         VG-VF (Many 100’s) ......... Est 175.00+  defins, coils, Xmas, etc. Also some on stock-  50¢ Oil; C3 & C4 Airmails; $1 Export; etc.  CANADA MYSTERY LOT:
                                      sheets. Most VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) Est 175.00+  Most uncach. F-VF (22)....... Est 150.00+  6343. ÚÛ An intriguing lot that should be fun
                                     CANADA FIRST DAY COVERS     CANADA FFC’S SIGNED BY WOP MAY:        CANADA             to sort. Includes mint, used, singles, blocks,
                                     WITH FACE VALUE OF $688:    6321. Ö C1, Cach Fort McMurray to Fort  STAMP INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO:  remainders, etc. Should hold some surprises.
                                     6308. Ö Box with an accum of cach FDC’s  Chipewyan & return FFC’s 10 Dec 1929.  6330. Û Safety Deposit stockbook with a Ca-  Mixed condition. (100’s)....... Est 100.00+
                                      from 1970’s-2000’s. Has a wide range of  Each is SIGNED by famous Canadian pilot  nadian Stamp Investor’s Corporation portfo-  CANADA MYSTERY LOT:
                                      commems, defins, Xmas, se-tenants, etc.  WOP MAY. F-VF............ Est 125.00+  lio. Has issues from 1897-1967 incl QV 8¢  6344. ÚÛ Similar lot to above but more mate-
                                      Many are in blocks & Plate Blocks. Has                   Leaf issue IMPERF block (3 stamps are NH,  rial ....................... Est 200.00+
                                      values $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $5. VF. Total               Cat $3,500), $1 Champlain set, $1 Chateau
                                      original face value is $688..... Est 250.00+             set, C1 IMPERF block (Cat $1,050), Peace
                                                                                               set to $1 Ferry in blocks, O1-O15A, CO1,  2. BRITISH
                                     USA MINT AIRMAILS:
                                     6309. Û C25/C94a, Cigar box full with a                   EO1 OHMS Officials & more. Generally VF,  COMMONWEALTH:
                                      duplicated mint stock identified in glassines,           NH. Has original invoice from 1980 showing
                                      from 1941-79. Most are in blocks (large per-             cost of $9,339 ............ Est 2,500.00+
                                      centage are Plate Blocks), also a few coils            CANADA COVERS:               BR. COMMONWEALTH MINTS:
                                      & some Special Deliveries. F-VF, NH (Many              6331. Ö Interesting asst of early to modern  6345. Û Accum of mints in glassines on
                                      100’s of stamps) ............ Est 225.00+               covers, all realistically priced up in sleeves,  stockcards, from 1930’s-50’s, with a wide
                                                                                              mainly $5-$50 range. Has a couple stampless,  array of countries. Has many omnibus sets
                                                                                              illustrated advertising, flag cancels, airmail, a  incl 1937 Coronations, 1946 Peace, 1951
                                                                                                                           University, 1958 West Indies Federation, etc.
                                                                   CANADA COMPLETE BLUENOSE SET  few military, meter mail, some Newfoundland,  F-VF, appears NH (100’s) ..... Est 125.00+
                                                                       MINT NEVER HINGED:     couple OHMS with Ottawa Free h/s’s, &  AUSTRALIA ACCUMULATION:
                                                                 6322. Û 149-59, Cpl KGV Scroll set up to 50¢  others. VG-VF. Total retail is $900 (51) ....  6346. Ú Duplicated used accum on stockcards,
                                                                  Bluenose & $1 Parliament. All in selected  .......................... Est 325.00+  in no particular order. Has commems, pictori-
                                                                  VF, NH condition. Cat $2,180 Est 1,000.00+  CANADA USED STOCK:  als, defins, coils, etc. Primarily 1940’s-90’s.
           CANADA OFFICIAL OHMS PERFINS:                                                     6332. Ú Stack of 3-ring manila stockcards with  F-VF (Over 3,500) ........... Est 150.00+
         6295. Û O231-45, O249-62, Nice coll of                  USA MYSTERY CARTON:          a stock of used Canada from 19th Century  BR. COMMONWEALTH
          KGVI Perfins up to $1 Chateau & $1 De-                 6323. ÚÛ Primarily used accum loose in a car-  up to 1990’s. Has a wide range of commems,
          stroyer. VF, LH. Cat $981 .... Est 275.00+              ton, early to modern. Has stamps in sleeves;  pictorials, defins, Xmas, etc, with varying  MINT OMNIBUS SETS:
                                                                  in glassines; in envelopes; in a stockbook; on  duplication. Also has some Newfoundland.  6347. Û Cpl omnibus sets for all Br. Common-
        CANADA WWII SET MINT NH:      UNITED STATES 22K GOLD REPLICAS:  pages & stockcards; loose; covers, postcards  Mainly VG-VF (1,000’s) ....... Est 150.00+  wealth countries for 1965 ITU; 1966 World
        6296. Û 249-62, Fresh set up to $1 Destroyer,  6310. Ö Two specialty albums with a beauti-  & Postal Stationery; stocks & accums; odds  Cup Soccer; & 1966-7 UNESCO (no Fr New
         F-VF, NH. Cat $210........... Est 75.00+  ful coll of FDC’s from 1980-82. Each cover  & ends; etc. We saw cach FDC’s & special  CANADA MINT NH  Hebrides). F-VF, NH (187 diff stamps) .....
                                      has an encapsulated proof replica on 22K  events covers; stamps on piece tied by se-  CHAMPLAIN & DESTROYER SETS:  .................... 2025 Scott 214.00
                                      gold surface of the stamp on the FDC. Also  lected cancels; mint Plate Blocks, etc. Also  6333. Û 217-27, 249-62, Two different com-
                                                                                              plete sets, fresh, VF, NH. Cat $519 .......
                                      each has a printed write-up. Has a wide  some United Nations. Most VG-VF (Many
                                      variety of topicals like birds, flowers, Christ-  1,000’s) ................... Est 300.00+  .......................... Est 225.00+
                                      mas, space, sports, ocean life, art, Presi-            CANADA “G” OFFICIALS COMPLETE:
                                      dents, etc. VF (81) .......... Est 150.00+  BOX OF UNITED STATES  6334. Û O16-49, CO2, EO2, Cpl “G” over-
                                                                  FROM AN ESTATE:             printed Officials. Fresh, VF, NH. . Cat 465.00
                                     USA PRECANCEL HOARD IN A CARTON:  6324. ÚÛ Box with an unsorted accum of  NEWFOUNDLAND 1874 COVER:
                                     6311. Ú Hoard of Precancels loose in a car-  material from older to modern. Has stamps  6335. Ö 35, Tied on 1874 cross border cover
                                      ton, early to modern. Has stamps in glass-  on stockcards, in glassines, in sleeves, etc.  from Channel 17 Dec 1874 (“fleuron” b/s) to
                                      ines; in envelopes; in 4 stockbooks; on pages  Has commems; defins; sleeve of mint multi-  Marble Head Mass. Carried by Coastal West
                                      & stockcards; & on cover. Some semi-sorted  ples; a few old auction lots incl used #115  vessel to North Sydney, through Halifax &
            CANADA INDIAN HEAD ESSAY:  by City or State. We saw a broad range of is-  (Cat $225); approx $750 in Cat value of  onto Boston (all with b/s’s). The stamp pays
         6297. Û Scarce imperforate pair of the  sues incl Washington-Franklins, BOB, etc.  Duck Stamps (bit mixy); various covers from  the 6¢ rate to USA. Beautifully written-up on an
          4¢ INDIAN HEAD ESSAY. This was an  More sorting required. Much potential here  19th & 20th Century; souvenir shows cards;  exhibition page noting that THIS IS THE ONLY
          unadopted design from the 1950’s. VF, NH  for the Precancel collector. Majority VG-VF  etc. Also a bit of United Nations. Mostly  KNOWN DIRECT CROSS-GULF COVER
          ......................... Est 200.00+  (Many 1,000’s) ............. Est 650.00+  VG-VF (1,000’s)............ Est 500.00+  FROM THE WEST COAST OF NEWF’D
                                                                                              DURING THE ABNC PERIOD AND 1 OF
        6298. Û Two White Ace albums with a mint  6312. Û Cpl run of P.O. Year sets from  FROM USA & UNITED NATIONS:  SHORT-LIVED (1872-6) 6¢ RATE TO THE
         coll of New York issues from 1951-68. Has  1985-2001, plus the Millennium set. VF, NH.  6325. Ö Box with a duplicated accum of  USA. F. Ex Piercey .......... Est 275.00+
         sets, inscription blocks, Postal Stationery,  Cat $1,300 (18 diff sets)...... Est 600.00+  Aerogrammes from the 1960’s-90’s. Wide
         etc. Incl the good #38 souvenir sheet. F-VF,             variety of types with unused, used, F.D.
         most NH (100’s) ............ Est 125.00+  USED CANADA HOARD ON STOCKCARDS:  cancelled, illustrated cachets, etc. F-VF.
                                     6313. Ú Stack of approx 150 manila 3-Ring  Weight 8.4 pounds (100’s)..... Est 100.00+
                                      stockcards with a huge accum / stock of used                                           MINT NEW ZEALAND COLLECTION:
                                      Canada from 1952-2020, in order. Contains                                           6348. Û 67a/1380, etc, Attractive mint coll on
                                      only commems & Christmas with a tremen-                                              stockpages from older issues up to 1970’s.
                                      dous variety of issues with varying duplication                                      Has a wide range of commems, defins, pic-
                                      (no huge quantity of any one item). Mainly                                           torials, singles, sets, some BOB, etc. Has
                                      F-VF (1,000’s) .............. Est 250.00+                                            values to 10Sh, £1, $2, $10. Incl better like
                                                                                                                           mint 122-4 ($161), 157-9 ($95), 165-70
                                                                                                                           ($90), 182 ($72), 199-201 (NH, $35), 288-
                                                                                                                           301 ($179), 344-52 ($76), etc. Some light
                                                                                                        CANADA             duplication. VG-VF. 2025 Scott approx
                                                                                                STAMP INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO:  $1,500 (448)............... Est 450.00+
                                                                                              6336. Û Safety Deposit stockbook with a  ANTIGUA COLLECTION 1860’s-1960’s:
           CANADA STEAMBOAT LETTERS:                                                           Canadian Stamp Investor’s Corporation  6349. ÚÛ Two stockcards with a collection /
         6299. Ö Two stampless covers to Montreal                                              portfolio. Has issues from 1857-1946 incl  accumulation of Antigua from QV-QE. Has a
          each with STEAMBOAT LETTER QUEBEC                            CANADA COLLECTION       QV One Half Penny Plate Proof (8Pi Cat  range of defins & commems with all the value
          h/s’s. One in red dated 8 Sp 1852, the other               1897-1985 NEARLY COMPLETE:  $300), 1935 Silver Jubilee set blocks, KGVI  in the earlier issues. Mostly VG-VF (150) ...
          in black dated 15 Jy 1854. Both are rated ‘3’          6326. ÚÛ Extensive coll mounted on printed  Mufti issue coil strips of 4, Airmail set. Also  .......................... Est 225.00+
          in m/s. F (2) ............... Est 150.00+               pages. Very solid range of material here,  USA C25-31 Transport Plane set in blocks.
                                                                  with not much missing. Has a wide array of              GR. BRITAIN “SMILERS” SHEETS:
                                                                  commems, defins, coils, Xmas, higher val-  VF, NH. Has original invoice from 1981  6350. Û 1373b, 1652b, 2028c, Three diff cpl
                                                                  ues, etc. Incl cpl used QV Leaf, Numeral &  showing cost of $1,860 ...... Est 400.00+  Smilers type sheets. VF, NH 2025 Scott 94.50
                                                                  KE sets; cpl Quebec set; Admirals to $1 plus  USA WHITE PLAINS SHEET:
                                                                  coils & all 3 imperfs; Historical & Confedera-  6337. SSÛ 630, White Plains pane of 25,
                                         UNITED STATES COLLECTION
                                        IN 3 SCOTT MINUTEMAN ALBUMS:  tion sets mint; 1928-9 Scroll set to 50¢ Blue-  nicely centered, VF, LH. . 2025 Scott 275.00
                                     6314. Ú A clean used coll from 1880’s-2012.  nose & $1 Parliament (used); Arch set to $1
                                      Tremendous range of commems, pictorials,  used; 1932 mint Medallion set; mint Silver
                                      defins, coils, souvenir & miniature sheets,  Jubilee set, $1 Champlain set, $1 Chateau
                                      High Values up to $5, $8.75, $9.35, $10.75,  set, $1 Destroyer set, $1 Ferry set; then a
                                      etc. Also airmails incl C4-6 & other BOB.  solid run of later. Also has various Winnipeg
                                      VG-VF (1,000’s)............ Est 500.00+  Tagged; Airmails; Special Deliveries; Post-
                                                                  age Dues; Officials incl $1 Ferry overprinted
         6300. Û 190a, Imperforate pair of the  6315. Ö Attractive coll of 27 diff Hotel advertis-  VF. High cat value (100’s) .... Est 900.00+
          10¢ Cartier with crisp colour & excellent  ing covers (19 illustrated), from 1906-38.
          margins. VF, DG. Cat $650 . . . Est 350.00+  Most are from Washington State plus a few  CANADA #98 CANCELLATIONS:
                                      from Oregon. Some have enclosures. VG-VF,  6327. Ú 98, Specialized postmark coll of 2¢
        NEWFOUNDLAND MINT NH BLOCKS:  some flts. Interesting lot! ...... Est 150.00+  Quebecs neatly displayed & identified on  CANADA
        6301. ÕÛ 183/210. Selected lot of 13 diff                 pages. Has a nice group of Duplex Cancels  STAMP INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO:  AUSTRALIAN MINT COLLECTION:
         blocks. Fresh, VF, NH. Cat $351 . . . 110.00+            from Ontario & other Provinces. Most are fully  6338. Û Safety Deposit stockbook with a  6351. Û Two Lighthouse binders (with
        USA WWII WAR                                              dated with a nice variety of towns. Also a coll  Canadian Stamp Investor’s Corporation  slipcases) having a mint coll on black Vario
        INSIGNIA LABELS IN ALBUM:                                 of Roller Cancels incl scarcer types like Pilot  portfolio. Has issues from 1857-1971 incl  stocksheets, from 1934-2005. Starts with
        6302. Ú Ver Halen Publication 20-page soft                Mound Man, Stouffville Ont, Stoughton Sask,  Six Pence Albert Plate Proof (2TCvii Cat  some better mint sets like 142-4 ($60),
                                                                                                                           147-9 ($55), 1935 Silver Jubilee set ($49),
         cover Album (Vol 1, series 2) with 50 different          Kaslo BC, etc. Also a scarce block of 12 with  $300), KGVI Mufti issues coil strips of 4,  Robes set to £1 ($161), Navigators set to
         large size multi-colour labels affixed. Portray          Nelson BC rollers. F-VF (100). . Est 275.00+  set of 1967 Centennial issue coil pairs,
         insignia from military units from all branches                                        Airmails set, O32 $1 Totem, CO1-2, EO1-2.  £2 ($244), then many later singles, sets,
         of the forces incl commands, Squadrons,                                               Also USA C25-31 Transport Plane set in  souvenir sheets, strips, values to $20, &
                                                                                                                           more. F-VF, many NH (Many 100’s) ......
         Divisions, etc. with histories. Cover features                                        blocks. VF, NH. Has original invoice from  ......................... Est 600.00+
         an aircraft carrier in action. F. Historic .....                                      1981 showing cost of $1,862. . Est 400.00+
         .......................... Est 100.00+                                                                           MINT GR. BRITAIN FACE £120:
                                                                                             CANADA USED PLATE BLOCKS:
        UNITED STATES COLLECTION 1901-1950’s:                                                6339. ÕÛ 203/272, O11, Collection of 14  6352. Û Coll of mints from the 1970’s-90’s
        6303. ÚÛ Clean coll on printed pages in a                                                                          with a range of commem sets plus Machin
         Scott album with a wide range of commems,  USA $1.30 ZEPPELIN COVER:                 used Plate Blocks from the 1930’s-50’s, all diff  Head defins, Regionals, etc. Wide variety. F-
         defins, coils, airmails, etc. Has used 1901  6316. Ö C14, VF marginal single with vibrant  issues or plate positions. Incl 20¢ Grain, 50¢  VF, NH. Total face value is £120 or $203 Cdn
         Pan Am set; 1902-3 to $1; Louisiana set;  colour, neatly tied by Lakehurst NJ 2 June  Vancouver, 50¢ OHMS Oil, etc. F-VF, primar-  .......................... Est 140.00+
         Jamestown set; Pan Pacific perf 12 set; 1922-  1930 on Graf Zeppelin First Europe Pan-  ily with CDS’s ............... Est 85.00+  ISLE OF MAN POSTAL STATIONERY, ETC:
         5 to $5; mint Huguenot set; Norse set; 1932  America cach Flight cover. Has Signature  USA MINT PLATE BLOCKS     6353. Ö Attractive coll of postal stationery
         Washington set; 2 diff 1933 APS souvenir  & imprint of H.E. SHOEMAKER CAPTAIN  CANADA COMPLETE LARGE QUEENS:  ACCUMULATION FACE $715:  from the 1970’s-80’s. Incl Aerogrammes, Reg-
         sheets; 2 diff Parks souvenir sheets; Famous  U.S. NAVY. On reverse has Seville Spain  6328. Û 21-30, Cpl mint set of QV Lg Queens  6340. ÕÛ Duplicated lot of many diff Plate  istered letters, plus illustrated postcards, &
         Americans; etc. VG-VF (Approx 500) ......  roller cancel along with a bold Signature of  from À¢-15¢. Nice colours, F, most with  Block strips from 6¢ to 13¢ era, primarily  some other items the collector found interest-
         .......................... Est 250.00+  an unidentified person. VF.... Est 750.00+  gum. Cat $5,540 (10 diff) . . . Est 1,250.00+  commems VF, NH........... Face 715.00  ing. Nice variety. VF (79 items) . . Est 80.00+
   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45