Page 42 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 42

         6420. ÚÛ Extensive accum loose in a carton,
          from All Reigns. Much is semi-sorted by
          country or colony in glassines plus more on
          pages & stockcards. Has stamps from all
          over the globe. Excellent source for topicals,
          varieties & cancels. Hours of sorting pleasure
          here. Majority VG-VF (1,000’s) . Est 600.00+
        6421. ÚÛ Carton full of Br. Commonwealth,
         early to modern. Has stamps in ‘102’ cards;
         in glassines; in a stockbook; on pages &
         stockcards; colls & accums; etc. Unchecked
         by us in any detail but has Australia, Gr. Brit-
         ain, Malta, Br. Pacific, Br. Africa, New Zea-
         land, plus issues from many other countries
         & colonies incl Malaya area. Great source for
         cancels, topicals & varieties. Majority VG-VF
         (1,000’s)................... Est 450.00+

         6422. Ö Five expensive Lighthouse binders
          (with slipcases) with an extensive coll of
          cach FDC’s from 1932-2003. Starts with   KING EDWARD VII WOVEN SILK PORTRAIT:                   QUEEN ALEXANDRA WOVEN SILK PORTRAIT:
          1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge low values  6458. Ú Beautiful “STEVENGRAPH” portrait circa 1902 with a brightly coloured picture woven  6459. Û Lovely 'STEVENGRAPH' portrait of QUEEN ALEXANDRA circa 1902, with a brightly col-
          on cover cancelled Mar 22; then 1936 sets;  in pure silk (61 x 105 mm). Depicts a portrait of KEVII along with crest, Windsor Castle, etc.  oured picture woven in pure silk (61 x 105 mm). Depicts the Queen plus Royal crests and cap-
          1937 NSW; useful 1940’s-60’s; Navigators  Entitled “HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII”. Matted & framed. A perfect item for one’s stamp  tion 'HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDRA' Matted & framed. A perfection item for one's stamp
          to £2; 1971 Christmas block; many nice  den! VF............................................................Est 400.00+  den! VF............................................................Est 400.00+
          later singles, sets & values to $20; etc. F-VF
                                     6431. Ö Interesting coll of WWI era postcards;  6439. ÚÛ O3/O73, Primarily used collection  6462. Ú Interesting coll of 54 diff large size
        AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY:  4 depict Destroyers, 9 depict Dreadnaughts.  neatly arranged on a stockcard, QV-KE.  Feudatory State Revenues (from court reve-
        6423. ÚÛ Lighthouse binder & slipcase with a  We saw HMS’s Agincourt, Magnificent, Mars,  We noted used O32-3 & O34-6 ($622), etc.  nue paper documents), mainly early 20th
         coll of AAT from 1957-2006. Incl used coll on  Monarch, Prince George, Thunderer, Van-  Majority F-VF. 2024 Scott $653 (20).......  Century. Has about 15 States represented
         pages, mint coll, FDC’s, etc. Generally F-VF  guard, etc. F-VF, mainly unused (13 diff) ...  .......................... Est 150.00+  from Kishangar to Tonk. Also couple Br India.
         (325) ..................... Est 175.00+  .......................... Est 135.00+  SEYCHELLES SOUVENIR SHEETS, ETC:  Most VG-VF................ Est 135.00+
         BR. COMMONWEALTH                                        6440. Û 283a/808, Very nice all diff collection          AUSTRALIA 1938 ANNIVERSARY LABELS:
         MINT NH COLLECTION:                                      of souvenir sheets neatly identified in                 6463. Û Cpl set of 40 diff large size cinderella
         6424. Û Extensive mint NH coll neatly ar-                stockcards / glassines, from 1970-99. Also               labels issued for the 1938 Parramatta N.S.W.
          ranged on stockcards, primarily 1970’s.                 some Seychelles Z.E.S. issues. A very nice               150th Anniversary. These celebrated the
          Broad range of singles, sets, souvenir                  asst, plus some se-tenants in strips. VF, NH             second oldest settlement in Australia & depict
          sheets & booklets from many diff countries.             (50 items) ............ 2025 Scott 355.00                buildings, scenes, history, Governors, etc.
          Many are QE Silver Jubilee issues. Some                                                  SIX VOLUME AUSTRALIA    F-VF, most NH .............. Est 80.00+
          collected as singles plus many in blocks                                                USED COLLECTION 1913-2016:
          or gutter pairs. Has values to £1, £2, $5,                                          6453. Ú Six albums with an extensive used
          $10, etc. We noted Bahamas 158-73 ($86),                                             coll on pages with a tremendous range of
          etc. VF, NH (1,520 stamps, 49 SS’s, 27                                               commems, pictorials, defins, souvenir
          booklets) ................. Est 500.00+                                              sheets, etc. Has Kangaroos up to 5Sh;
                                                                                               KGV Heads to 1Sh6p; many better sets
                                                                                               from the 1930’s; Arms to £2; KGVI Robes
                                        GR. BRITAIN VICTORIAN COVERS:                          to £1; then a solid run of later issues. F-VF.
                                     6432. Ö 43, Correspondence of 12 QV folded                Huge Cat value here (Few 1,000) ........
                                      letters all with Four Pence stamps used                  ......................... Est 900.00+
                                      from 1865-8, from London to Nice France.
                                      Various Plate Numbers & attractive mark-               SINKING OF THE HMS AMPHION:
                                      ings. F. Cat $1,800+ US ..... Est 450.00+              6454. Ö Unused b/w illustrated postcard
                                                                                              circa 1914 depicting the Mining of “HMS
                                     MINT GR. BRITAIN FACE #254:                              AMPHION” at sea. Neatly written up on an  H.M.S. ARK ROYAL AIRCRAFT CARRIER:
                                     6433. Û Unsorted accum of mints mainly from              exhibition page. VF ........... Est 50.00+  6464. Ö Coll of 5 diff used / unused post-
                                      the 1980’s-90’s. Primarily commems with a  INDIA WWI PRISONER OF WAR COVERS:         cards, circa WWII. The carrier was involved
                                      terrific range of issues & lots of nice sets. Incl  6441. Ö Interesting coll of 4 pre-printed  in the first U-Boat kills of WWII; survived
           ANTIGUA COLLECTION 1921-1992:  £5 P+O Booklet & £5 Story of Times Booklet.  PRISONER OF WAR covers circa 1914-15  several attacks but was sunk by U-81, Nov
         6425. ÚÛ 42/1598, Album with a very nice  F-VF, appears NH. Face Value £254 or $431  from German POW’s in AHMEDNAGAR  1941 near Gibraltar. F-VF ..... Est 75.00+
          coll in hingeless mounts, of primarily all  Cdn ...................... Est 300.00+  CAMP. Incl various addresses (one to Ger-  GR. BRITAIN
          mint. Almost all in cpl sets with lots of lovely  VIRGIN ISLANDS 1883-1962:  many), markings, b/s’s, etc. F. Scarce lot ..  OFFICIAL ANNUAL COLLECTIONS FACE £54:
          commems, defins & souvenir sheets. Has  6434. Û 14/139, Sm QV-QE coll of all diff.  ......................... Est 275.00+  6465. Û Four diff cpl mint Official P.O. annual
          1921-9 to 5 Sh; 1935 Silver Jubilee set;  Incl 14 ($50), 16-17 ($56), 21-7 ($76), 76-85  AUSTRALIA COLLECTION:   colls in hardcover albums with slipcases from
          KGVI sets to £1; 1953-6 set to $4.80; 1966  ($49), etc. Mostly F-VF, some NH (44).....                           1986, 1993, 1996, & 1998. VF, NH Est 80.00+
          set to $5; 1970 set to $5; 1976 set to $10;  .................... 2024 Scott 466.00  6442. ÚÛ 1/762, Primarily used collection
          & extensive commem sets with popular                    on pages from 1913-80. Has mostly singles,              BR. COMMONWEALTH AIR LETTERS:
                                                                  some sets & some BOB. Also some mint
          topicals. F-VF, mainly NH (600 stamps, 70  PAPUA NEW GUINEA STOCK:  Antarctic Territory. Mainly F-VF (389)......  6466. Ö Attractive coll of 21 diff unused Postal
          SS’s) .................... Est 500.00+  6435. ÚÛ 1/927, BOB, Duplicated stock of                                 Stationery Air Letters from many diff countries,
                                      primarily used neatly arranged in a stockbook,  .......................... Est 110.00+  most circa 1960’s. Incl items from Abu Dhabi,
        SOUTHERN RHODESIA:            from 1901-97. We noted sets 153-63, 188-98,  GR. BRITAIN       COOK ISLANDS          Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait (2) & Qatar. F-VF (27)
        6426. ÚÛ Small plastic bag full with a loose  265-79, both mint & used ($150), also used  QV-KE COLLECTION CAT $2,450:  MINT NH COLLECTION 1949-2009:  ........................... Est 65.00+
         unsorted accum from the 1920’s-60’s. VG-VF  122-36 (2 sets, $88), C5-9 ($61), etc. Majority  6443. Ú 3/144, Attractive coll neatly arranged  6455. Û 131/1300a, B1/O69, Immaculate coll  GR. BRITAIN IMPERF PENNY REDS:
         (100’s) ..................... Est 65.00+  F-VF (Approx 1,980) ......... Est 225.00+  on pages, from 1841-1910. Some highlights  neatly displayed in 3 Springback albums in  6467. Ú 3, Sheet reconstruction of 214 diff
                                                                  are 45 ($160), 49 Pl 6 ($85), 64 Pl 12  mounts on pages. Very near completion incl  alphabet positions with a variety of shades
                                                                  ($185), 66 Pl 1 ($140), 96 ($185), 105  many nice defin, commem sets & SS’s, also  & cancels. Some mixed condition but much
                                                                  ($280), 108 ($290), etc. VG-VF. 2025 Scott  panes, se-tenants, surcharges / overprints,  VG-F+. 2025 Scott $6,955 (214) .........
                                                                  $2,450 (42)................ Est 500.00+  etc. Has a wide variety of beautiful topicals  ......................... Est 600.00+
                                                                 ST. KITTS & ST. KITTS-NEVIS   like ocean life, flowers, Royalty, paintings,
                                                                 SOUVENIR SHEETS:              sports, transportation, space, etc. F-VF, NH.
                                                                 6444. SSÛ Nice all diff asst of souvenir  2023 Scott $3,850 (1,150 stamps, 268 SS’s)
                                                                  sheets from 1980’s-2000’s, neatly identified in  ....................... Est 1,400.00+
                                                                  stockcards / glassines. Strongest in St. Kitts
                                                                  incl better like 467-9 ($35). VF, NH. 2025
                                                                  Scott $255 (38 diff) .......... Est 100.00+
                                                                 JAMAICA USED COLLECTION:
            DEVONPORT SHIP LETTER 1825                           6445. Ú Springback album with a used coll
            WITH HISTORICAL CONTENTS:                             from 1906-93. Incl KGV values to 5Sh &
         6427. Ö Pre-stamp Trans-Atlantic letter                  10Sh; KGVI to £1; QE to £1; many nice sets;
          from Geneva (New York) 10 Nov 1825 to                   & more. Generally F-VF (700). . Est 200.00+
          Aberdeenshire, Scotland, then redirected               LUNDY ISLAND COLLECTION:
          to Edinburgh. Has scarce red boxed “SHIP               6446. ÚÛ Interesting coll / accum of Lundy               GR. BRITAIN CORRESPONDENCE 1785-91:
          LETTER DEVONPORT” h/s. Has fascinat-                    Island locals from 1929-77. Has a nice range            6468. Ö Very interesting coll of 13 diff pre-
          ing historical contents concerning an inquiry           of older issues incl first issues, miniature             stamp folded letters from the 18th Century.
          from a descendent of JOHN FORBES,                       sheet, later sets, airmails on piece, tete beche         All from Newbridge to Sevenoaks, Kent & all
          EARL OF PITSLEGO SCOTLAND (a major                      pairs, cach FDC’s, etc. Also a Herm Island               have diff BISHOP MARKS on the reverse.
          figure in the JACOBITE REBELLION of                     1952 Pigeon Post cover with metal grommet  AUSTRALIA BOOKLET COLLECTION:  One has m/s “MISSENT TO ROCHESTER”
          1745). The inquiry is from an American  BAHAMAS COLLECTION 1863-1983:  at LL which was used to attach the cover to  6456. Û Lighthouse binder & slipcase with  with 2 diff Bishop Marks. Early correspon-
          relative of Forbes desiring to know if he  6436. ÚÛ 11/546a, B1/MR14, QV-modern  the pigeon’s leg. F-VF (71) .... Est 200.00+  a collection of Booklets from 1927-2005.  dences like this lot are rarely seen these
          could make a claim to the Forbes’ estate.  coll of singles, sets & SS’s on pages. Incl  NORFOLK IS SOUVENIR SHEETS:  Incl some better early types like 1927 Can-  days. Above average condition, F-VF .....
          The family lost their estate in Virginia follow-  used 14 ($85), 24-5 ($82), 31 ($100); mint  6447. SSÛ 248a/918, Lightly duplicated selec-  berra (Cat £90); 1949 2Sh6p KGVI (Cat  ......................... Est 500.00+
          ing the American Revolution as they were  44-7 ($96), 49-56 ($72), 65-9 ($34), 116-29  tion of souvenir sheets & se-tenant strips from  £80); 1952 3Sh6p (Cat £32); 1962 5Sh
          considered “aliens”. F ....... Est 600.00+  ($63), 148-9 ($45), 132-47 ($84), 185-200  1979-2007. VF, NH. 2025 Scott $352 (73) ..  (Cat £50); then many later Booklets; 10 diff  CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1896 DOCUMENT:
                                                                                                                          6469. Ú Interesting 1896 4-page “Deed of
                                      ($37), 204-18 ($41), 426-13 ($40), etc.  .......................... Est 100.00+  prestige types; etc. F-VF (160 Booklets)...
        TUVALU MINT NH COLLECTION:                                                             ......................... Est 250.00+  Transfer” legal document (on watermarked
        6428. Û 1/987d, etc, Beautiful all diff coll of  Many have both used & mint stamps. Mostly  MALAWI SOUVENIR SHEETS:  laid paper) for a property at Graaff Reinet.
         primarily sets, from 1976-2006. Many nice  VG-VF, 2024 Scott $2,111 (618 stamps,  6448. SSÛ 21a/598, Duplicated selection of  MALAYSIA BUTTERFLY ISSUE FDC’s:  Has 3 diff QV Revenues affixed up to £4. F.
         sets identified in ‘102’ cards. Also has some  17 SS’s) .................. Est 600.00+  souvenir sheets from 1964-92. Has many nice  6457. Ö Cpl coll of cpl Butterfly sets from all  Frameable .................. Est 75.00+
         islands. F-VF, NH (555 stamps) ..........  GIBRALTAR 1851 STAMPLESS COVERS:  topicals & some better like 322a ($100), 598  13 States, tied by 1 Feb 1971 CDS’s on 13
          .................... 2024 Scott 370.00                  ($60), etc. VF, some NH. 2025 Scott $391  beautiful FDC’s with matching cachets. VF,
                                     6437. Ö Stampless folded letter written in  (77) ...................... Est 125.00+  unaddr ..................... Est 85.00+
        GR. BRITAIN QE COLLECTION 1953-1995:  Italian dated 18 Mar 1851 from Gibraltar to  GR. BRITAIN COVERS:
        6429. ÚÛ 313/1619, etc, Springback album  Marseilles. Has red DE GIB / S. ROQUE /  6449. Ö Shoebox with an accum of 270 covers  TRINIDAD, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 1878-1958:
         with an extensive coll on pages of Elizabeth  ANDaBAXA, St Juan de Luz & Andalusia tran-  or cards, almost all QE era from the 1950’s to  6460. ÚÛ Coll of all diff singles & sets in
         issues. Lots of lovely sets here, defins up to  sits; Marseilles 27 Mar receiver. Also another  about 2011. Has over 70 cach FDC’s, most  mounts on pages. We noted Trinidad &
         £5 & £10, some Regionals, mint & used of  folded letter dated 24 Aug 1855 with same  with commem sets or SS plus used & unused  Tobago mint 64-5 ($31) & 72-83 ($59).
         some plus extras, etc. Primarily used, mainly  marking “DE GIB / S. ROQUE / ANDaBAXA”  postal stationery & commem covers or can-  VG-VF. 2024 Scott $386 (103) . Est 130.00+
         F-VF (Over 1,750) ........... Est 225.00+  in blue (scarcer), with St Juan de Luz & Cadiz  cels. Mainly F-VF (270 items) . . Est 100.00+
                                      transits to Arnheim, Holland. Fascinating pair
                                      of covers. F-VF (2) .......... Est 375.00+  CARTON OF BR. COMMONWEALTH:
                                                                 6450. ÚÛ Full carton with a mass of Br.
                                                                  Commonwealth material, early to modern
                                                                  from all over the globe. Has 1,000’s on
                                                                  stockcards plus more on pages, in a
                                                                  stockbook, etc. Strong in Australia, Br. Africa,
                                                                  GB, Malaya & Singapore area, NZ, South                  IRELAND MINT NH COLLECTION 1961-2005:
                                                                  Pacific, etc. Lots of stamps here. VG-VF                6470. Û Attractive coll of all diff singles, sets,
                                                                  (1,000’s) .................. Est 300.00+                 SS’s & Booklets on stockcards & in glass-
                                                                 BR. COMMONWEALTH SOUVENIR SHEETS:                         ines. Has many lovely topicals like sports,
                                                                 6451. SSÛ Chocolate box with an unsorted                  ships, birds, art, trains, flowers, wild ani-
             GR. BRITAIN SHIP COVERS:                             accum of souvenir / miniature sheets from  STOCKBOOK FULL OF GIBRALTAR:  mals, planes, etc. Current Scott $1,500+.
                                                                                                                           F-VF, NH (606 stamps, 40 SS’s, 8 Booklets)
         6430. Ö Interesting lot of cach Ship covers.             1970’s-2000’s. Some light duplication but a  6461. ÚÛ Stockbook full of Gibraltar. The  ......................... Est 700.00+
          Incl cach 1936 QUEEN MARY First Trip                    terrific variety of countries & loaded with  main value is in mint NH sets & souvenir
          cover & 1967 Last Arrival at Southampton;  SIERRA LEONE POSTAL STATIONERY:  popular topicals. Good Cat value here. VF,  sheets from the 2001-4 era with many lovely  ST. LUCIA MINT COLLECTION 1902-1983:
          1968 Queen Elizabeth Last Call at  6438. Ö All different collection of KE & KGV  NH (282) .................. Est 300.00+  items & popular topicals (like Elton John,  6471. Û 49/656, BOB, Fresh mint coll neatly
          Southampton; 1968 signed cover from Alex  Postal Stationery cards & reply cards all  AUSTRALIA ACCUMULATION:  royalty, Prince Harry, soccer, D-Day, avia-  arranged on stockcards. Many beautiful
          Rose after his solo voyage around the  with “SPECIMEN” overprints. Nice variety  6452. ÚÛ Box with an unsorted accum of  tion, etc). Also has scattered older used  singles & sets here; a few also collected
          world; 1969 Red Funnel Hydrofoil Service  of items & seldom offered. F (8 diff).......  older to modern, primarily used. VG-VF  singles, etc. F-VF. 2024 Scott $1,500 .....  as blocks. F-VF, much NH (235)..........
          signed cover; etc. F-VF (8) .... Est 90.00+  ......................... Est 150.00+  (Many 100’s) ................ Est 75.00+  ......................... Est 425.00+  .................... 2023 Scott 248.00
   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47