Page 45 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 45


                                                                                               COMPLETE GERMANY POSTHORN SET
                                                                                                    MINT NEVER HINGED:
                                                                                              6632. Û 670-85, Cpl Posthorn set, pristine
                                                                                               fresh colours, VF, NH. 2025 Scott $1,700..
                                                                                               ......................... Est 850.00+  VATICAN CITY COLLECTION 1929-1972:
                                                                                                                          6644. Û 1/520a, etc, Extensive coll neatly
                                                                                             DANISH WEST INDIES:           displayed in black protective mounts in a
                                                                                             6633. ÚÛ 5b/60, J1, Attractive coll on a  White Ace specialty album. Nearing comple-
                                                                                              stockcard, from 1874-1908. We noted used  tion for these years with lots of good cpl sets
                                                                                              8 ($45), 10 ($57), 15 ($72), 19 ($42), 48  like 41-6 ($176), 47-54 ($102), 55-60 ($66),
                                                                                              ($60); plus mint 22 NH ($55), 29-30 ($57),  155a ($160), 149-53 ($84), C16-19 ($470),
                                                                                              etc. VG-VF. 2025 Scott $760 (25).........  C20-1 (NH, $365), C22-3 ($47), etc. A nice
                                                                                              .......................... Est 250.00+  clean lot, F-VF (527) ........ Est 850.00+
                                                                                             GERMANY BACK OF BOOK COLLECTION:
                                                                                             6634. ÚÛ B15/9NB136, Diverse coll of
                                                                                              semi-postals, airmails, officials, Berlin, etc.  4. WORLDWIDE:
                                                                                              identified in ‘104 cards. Early to modern.
                                                                                              Majority F-VF, some NH. 2025 Scott $390
                                                                                              (Over 150) ................. Est 120.00+  WORLD COLLECTION IN SCOTT ALBUM:
                                                                                                                          6645. ÚÛ Scott International Album with a
                                                                                                                           coll of world stamps from 1850’s-1940. Has
                                                                                                                           a wide array of classic issues from all parts
                                                                                                                           of the globe with countries from A to Z.
                                     ITALY 1926 “NORGE” DIRIGIBLE COVER:                                                   Has Europe & Cols, Br. Empire, Asia, Latin
        6605. Ö 88, Tied on cach dirigible “NORGE” April 1926 AMUNDSEN - ELLSWORTH - NOBILE TRANSPOLAR FLIGHT cover. Has scarce  America, Scandinavia, Africa, etc. Mostly
          perforated vignette tied by special oval h/s in violet. Addr to prominent airpost dealer in Paris, France. VF. VERY SCARCE & SELDOM OFFERED  VG-VF (1,000’s)............ Est 650.00+
          AIR FLIGHT COVER. Sassone Cat 1,850 Euro ..................................................................Est 1,200.00+
        CILICIA COLLECTION 1919-1920:                            MINT AUSTRIA COLLECTION:
        6606. ÚÛ 2/123, BOB, Attractive primarily                6623. Û Nice mint coll of sets & singles primar-
         mint collection neatly arranged on pages.                ily 1940’s-80’s almost all diff. All Scott num-
         We noted mint 60-1 ($58), J1-2 & J9 ($66),               bered & priced in glassines & on ‘102’ cards.
         etc. Majority VG-VF (57)...............                  Has commems, defins, semi-postals, etc.  ITALY WWI
         .................... 2025 Scott 511.00                   F-VF, mostly NH. 2024 Scott $630 (Over 350)  MILITARY POSTAL STATIONERY:
        GERMANY OLDER PRIVATE PERFINS:                            .......................... Est 200.00+  6635. Ö Interesting collection of 27 diff
        6607. Ú Interesting all diff coll of 220 Private                                       colour illustrated Patriotic Military postcards
         Perfins loose unsorted in a glassine, from                                            from various units to Italian cities. Has a
         about 1900’s-30’s. Majority VG-VF ........                                            variety of printings depicting Italian &
         ........................... Est 50.00+                                                Allied flags, crests, etc. Nice range of
                                                                                               military unit & censor h/s’s. Most F ......
                                         ITALY-TRIESTE COLLECTION:                             ......................... Est 150.00+
                                     6615. ÚÛ 4/208, BOB, Attractive collection
                                      of Zone A issues neatly arranged on a                  ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN:       FISH & SEALIFE TOPICALS:
                                      stockcard, from 1947-54. Has a nice range              6636. Û Special Bhutan folder with various  6646. SSÛ All mint coll of 45 diff modern
                                      of issues incl mint 33-9 ($79), 75 & 77-8               stamps, souvenir sheets, & 2 FDC’s from  souvenir / miniature sheets depicting FISH
                                      ($79), J3-5 ($54), etc. Some collected both             the late 1960’s-early 1970’s. (34 items) ....  & SEALIFE. Has a variety of countries de-
                                      as mint & used. F-VF. 2025 Scott $982 (173)             ........................... Est 35.00+  picting all kinds of fish & sea creatures. Very
                                      ......................... Est 300.00+                  SPANISH CIVIL WAR LOCALS:     colourful lot! Has better singles & sets that
                                                                  JAPANESE WARSHIPS ON POSTCARDS:  6637. Û Interesting coll of Spanish Civil War  Cat $11-$20. VF, NH ........ Est 125.00+
                                     GERMANY                     6624. Ö Attractive coll of colour illustrated  Locals from the 1930’s with souvenir sheets
                                     ZEPPELIN REPRINTS:           Japanese Navy Patriotic postcards, circa  & singles. F-VF (10 SS’s, 9 stamps) .......  ANTIQUE & CLASSIC AUTOMOBILES:
                                     6616. ÕÛ C38-45, Complete set of 8 diff  1920’s-30’s. Depicts various warships, most  ........................... Est 60.00+  6647. SSÚÛ Very attractive coll of 59 diff
                                      overprinted Zeppelins, all in blocks. All  with commem handstamps. Also 1908 Visit   modern souvenir / miniature sheets from
                                      are private reprints. VF, NH (Genuine Cat  of American Fleet used souvenir postcard  many countries. These depict antique, classic
                GERMANY 1930’s        $36,400!) .................. Est 125.00+  depicting the American Battleship “Connect-  & vintage autos incl touring cars, sedans,
                                                                                                                           roadsters, racing cars, etc. Many better
          AIRMAIL COVERS TO SOUTH AMERICA:                        icut”. F-VF (9).............. Est 150.00+                singles & sets that Cat $12, $13, $17, $24,
         6608. Ö Interesting collection of 8 multi-              HUNGARY SOUVENIR SHEETS:                                  $27 & $31. VF, mint are NH, used CTO ....
          franked airmail covers 1934-8 from various             6625. SSÚÛ 486/2580, BOB, Primarily mint                  .......................... Est 150.00+
          German towns to South America. Incl                     coll of 25 diff souvenir sheets, from 1938-79.
          covers to Santiago Chile, Sao Paulo Brazil,             Has many nice space topicals. F-VF, most NH
          Rio de Janeiro Brazil & Buenos Aires                     .................... 2024 Scott 289.00
          Argentina. Incl one cover flown through                FIUME COLLECTION 1918-1924:
          Egypt with Egypt stamp added & with                    6626. ÚÛ Extensive coll on Scott Specialty
          aCairo cancel. VG-F, some flaws ........                pages. Good range of regular issues, special
          ......................... Est 125.00+                   deliveries, postage dues plus some semi-post-
        SPAIN ACCUMULATION 1852-1999:                             als, etc. Will have high Cat value with stamps
        6609. ÚÛ 12/2732, BOB, Bulging stockbook                  up to $550 each but none of these are certi-
         with a duplicated accum of 100’s of diff                 fied. VG-VF (217) ........... Est 350.00+
         stamps, from 1 to 5 of each. Ranges from
         early classics up to modern topical pictorials
         & commems; plus airmails & a variety of other                                                                           PRINCESS DIANA
         back of book issues plus some Spanish Civil                                                                           SPECIALTY COLLECTION:
         War, Telegraphs, etc. Good source for can-                                                                       6648. Û Album with a nice specialty topical
         cels & varieties. Has duplication from 1 to 5                                                                     coll from 1981-91 of souvenir sheets & sets
         of each. Majority VG-VF (Approx 2,000)....                                                                        honouring Princess Diana. Primarily Br.
         .......................... Est 300.00+                                                                            Commonwealth but does have some For-
        SWEDEN COLLECTION 1858-1961:                                                              PRINCIPALITY OF TRINIDAD  eign. Incl 1981 Royal Wedding, 21st Birth-
        6610. ÚÛ 8/595, Attractive primarily used                                                     CINDERELLAS:         day, First Wedding Anniversary, Royal Baby
         coll neatly arranged on a stockcard. Ranges  GERMANY COLLECTION 1872-1994:           6638. Û Fascinating lot of 4 diff Cinderellas  & 10the Wedding Anniversary. Lots of beauti-
         from early classics up to modern commem  6617. ÚÛ Extensive coll in order on stock-   circa 1893, from the short-lived state of  ful issues. F-VF, appears NH. 2025 Scott
         sets. We noted used 21 ($95), etc. Majority  cards, primarily used. Wide range of     “Principality of Trinidad”. These islands are  $700 (184 stamps, 80 SS’s) . . . Est 250.00+
         F-VF, some NH. 2024 Scott $516 (122) ..  commems, pictorials, defins, semi-postals,   located in the South Atlantic (now part of
         .......................... Est 150.00+  plus airmails, officials, etc. Has nice sets &  GERMANY ZEPPELIN COVERS:  Brazil), & were claimed by an American  OLD TRIUMPH ALBUM:
                                      singles from pre war, Third Reich & post  6627. Ö Interesting coll of 11 covers / cards  6649. ÚÛ Old “Triumph” album with a mounted
                                      war with better items throughout. Generally  carried on Graf Zeppelin or Hindenburg  James Harden-Hickey. He declared himself  coll of world stamps from older to modern, pri-
                                      VG-VF. 2023 Scott $4,600 (Approx 2,500) .  Zeppelin flights, from 1928-38. Has a variety  the ruler of the islands, had a flag, coat-of-  marily used. Wide range of commems, pictori-
                                      ......................... Est 900.00+  of frankings, postmarks, cachets, rec mark-  arms & even issued stamps. This lot has  als & defins. We estimate there are about
                                                                                               4 stamps, two of which are overprinted
                                     SWITZERLAND MINT SEMI-POSTALS:  ings, etc. A few flts but most F. Est 500.00+  “Official” F, HH. A history of the islands  3,000 stamps here. Mixed condition .......
                                                                                                                           .......................... Est 275.00+
                                     6618. Û B297/B642, Fresh coll of semi-postal  EARLY AUSTRIA COVERS 1858-1902:  accompanies the lot......... Est 125.00+
                                      sets & souvenir sheets neatly arranged on  6628. Ö Interesting coll of 8 diff folded entires  WORLD MINT ASSORTMENT:
                                      a stockcard, from 1960-99. We noted B297  & covers. Has a variety of rates, frankings  RUANDA-URUNDI MINT:  6650. Û Attractive asst from 1930’s-2000’s on
                                      (8 diff plates - $320); plus cpl run B370-478  & cancels like Debreczin, Mantova, Nagy-  6639. Û Collection from 1920’s-50’s with  black stockcards. Has sets, singles & souvenir
                                      ($73). VF, NH. 2024 Scott $404 (113 stamps,  Leward, etc. We noted 1871 Salzburg-Vienna  singles & sets with defins, overprints,  sheets. Incl Austria, Greece, Laos, Br. Com-
                                                                                              commems, semi-postals & dues. F-VF (70
                                      9SS’s) .................... Est 135.00+  2-line RPO cancel on cover to Florence,  diff)........................ Est 50.00+  monwealth, Mozambique, & many more. Lots
                                                                                                                           of nice material, F-VF, primarily NH (485
                                     NAZI GERMANY COVERS:         1902 part-printed 2h Postal Stationery  AUSTRIA ACCUMULATION:  stamps, 19 SS’s) ............ Est 225.00+
                                     6619. Ö Interesting coll of Nazi Germany  MONEY cover to Nagy-Leward, etc. VG-VF.  6640. ÚÛ Accum on pages from various
                                      covers 1941-45. Incl items from Occupied  .......................... Est 150.00+  sources, with stamps from 19th Century up  TWO ALBUMS WITH MINTS:
                                                                                                                          6651. Û Two albums with an accum of various
                                      Europe with Netherlands, Austria, Italy &  SWITZERLAND ON “102" CARDS:
                                      the Adriatic. All have official German cancels.  6629. Û 41/1104, Attractive asst of older to  to 1960’s. Has defins, commems, pictorials,  mints from the 1930’s-50’s. Most are in blocks
          MODERN FRANCE USED COLLECTION:  Most addr to Pirna Germany. Also 3 domestic  modern sets, singles & a few souvenir sheets  parcel posts, newspapers, etc. Mainly used,  & multiples but also some singles & miniature
         6611. Ú Large 32-page Uni-Safe stockbook  Official covers. F. Previous owner had these  all Scott numbered & priced. Primarily diff with  mostly VG-VF (100’s) ........ Est 100.00+  sheets. Primarily Br. Commonwealth incl NZ,
          with an extensive coll of used France from  priced at $390 (13) .......... Est 200.00+  a nice range of commems, pictorials & defins.  Canada & many others. F-VF, appears all NH
          the 1970’s-2000’s. Tremendous variety of  FRANCE EMPEROR NAPOLEON III MAIL:  Incl some better items with good Cat value.  (100’s) .................... Est 150.00+
          commems, pictorials, defins, semi-postals,  6620. Ö Stampless official cover from Paris  F-VF, primarily NH. 2024 Scott $895 (Several
          etc. Very colourful lot with many beautiful  28 May, 1857 with blue 2-line “MAISON DE  100) ...................... Est 275.00+
          large size stamps. F-VF (Over 1,700) .....
          ......................... Est 350.00+  L’EMPEREUR SERVICE DE LA MILITAIRE”.
                                      Addr to Blaye (rec b/s). F, file folds........
        POSTCARDS                     .......................... Est 100.00+
        6612. Ö Unusual coll of 28 diff b/w photo
         viewcards of the Island of Porquerolles in
         France, from 1910’s-30’s. F-VF, used/unused
         ........................... Est 65.00+
                                                                                                  SQUARED CIRCLE CANCELS:
                                                                                              6641. Ö Interesting collection of covers/
                                                                                               cards/postal stationary all with SQUARED
                                                                                               CIRCLE CANCELS from 1890’s-1914.
                                                                       FRANCE COLLECTION:      Terrific variety of towns with many nice
                                                                 6630. ÚÛ Extensive lot on stockcards &  strikes. Previous owner said retail about
                                                                  partly filling a stockbook. Has stamps from  $2,000 (195)............... Est 600.00+  WORLD WAR II AIRPLANES:
                                                                  19th Century up to 1970’s. Has commems,                 6652. SSÚÛ Very interesting coll of 91 diff
                                                                  pictorials, defins, semi-postals, dues, etc.  GERMANY POSTWAR ZONES:  modern souvenir / miniature sheets all de-
                                                                  The older issues are primarily used, but af-  6642. ÚÛ Stockbook with an interesting  picting WWII military aircraft. All kinds of fa-
                                                                  ter about 1940 it is primarily mint. Has a  duplicated coll / accum of postwar Zones  mous planes here from USA, Japan,
                                                                  few nice surprises incl used #37 (minor flts  from 1945-9. Has French Zone, Baden,  Germany, Britain & Russia. Some also show
                                        MEXICO COLLECTION 1864-2005:  but Cat $750); mint NH #625 (Cat $55).  Rhineland & Wurttemberg, plus A.M.G.  battle scenes, military leaders, pilots, drop-
                                     6621. ÚÛ 14a/2441, BOB, Extensive coll  Also has a few Colonies. VG-VF (100’s) ...  Nice variety of issues with used, mint, blocks,  ping bombs, etc. Incl better items & giant
              GERMANY / AUSTRIA       neatly arranged on stockcards. Has early  ......................... Est 325.00+  etc. F-VF. Good lot for the specialist (870) .  1992 FDC showing 11 diff planes. VF, mint
            NAVAL RELATED POSTCARDS:  classics up to modern topical pictorials,               .......................... Est 200.00+  are NH, used CTO .......... Est 225.00+
         6613. Ö Interesting coll of used / unused, b/w  commems & airmails (most of modern are  COLOMBIA INVERTED OVERPRINT SHEET:  MANCHUKUO ALBUM
          & colour illustrated Naval related postcards,  mint NH singles & sets). We noted used  6631. Û C231, Cpl mint airmail sheet of 100  WITH COLLECTION:  WORLD SOUVENIR SHEETS,
          from 1899 up to 1930’s (primarily WWI era).  180a ($125); plus mint C31-6 ($43), etc.  of the 1953 red 10¢ “AEREO” overprint issue  6643. ÚÛ Very scarce album for Manchukuo  SE-TENANTS, ETC:
          We noted ships Moltke & Vienna; plus Royal  Majority VG-VF. 2025 Scott $1,360 (1,215  with OVERPRINT INVERTED. Scott unlisted.  stamps published in 1940 by the Manchukuo  6653. Û Binder full with a nice clean coll of
                                                                                                                           souvenir / miniature sheets, se-tenants in
          Yacht Hohenzollern & Kaiser Wilhelm der  stamps, 19 SS’s) ........... Est 400.00+  F-VF, NH, folded. An eye-catching sheet!...  Postal Society (in English!). Contains a dupli-
          Grosse. Mainly unused, majority F-VF (26)  NETHERLANDS COLLECTION 1864-2011:  .......................... Est 250.00+  cated coll of over 190 stamps from 1932-9.  strips, booklets, etc. Has a variety of Foreign
          ......................... Est 175.00+                                                                            & Br. Commonwealth countries, generally
                                     6622. ÚÛ 5/1385, BOB, Attractive collection              Some stamps are in black mounts & some  1950’s-2000’s & mainly diff. Most are better
        UNSORTED SERBIA ACCUMULATION:  neatly identified in ‘104’ cards. Ranges from  There is never a  pages with notations. The album is quite  calibre items in the $4-$20 cat value range,
        6614. ÚÛ Two large glassines full with a  early classics up to modern topicals; strong  amazing & has info on postal history & details  but does have some higher up to $100 each.
         loose unsorted accum from the 1880’s-1940’s.  in semi-postal sets. We noted used 10 (2  Buyer's Fee at  of Manchukuo plus many b/w scenes from  Also has a few isolated used items. F-VF,
         Has a wide variety of issues incl some sets  shades - $48), 22 ($70), etc. Majority VG-VF,  the country. Scott $600 for the stamps & the  primarily NH. 2025 Scott approx $1,150 not
         & WWII issues. Generally VG-VF (100’s) ...  some NH. 2023 Scott $743 (511) ........  Vance Auctions!  album (which we have not seen before) is of  counting some imperforates & proofs (100’s)
         .......................... Est 120.00+  .......................... Est 225.00+       considerable value. VG-F ..... Est 300.00+  .......................... Est 350.00+
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50