Page 49 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 49
6889. Ú One pound of modern world mixture 6914. Ú Interesting lot of 3 publications for 6925. Ú Fascinating range of material relating
all on paper. Wide variety of countries & a British soldiers in the Far East at the end of to the history of the RCMP (mostly from
high percentage commems or large size WWII. Incl 1945 leaflet from Thailand 1945 for Western Canada). We noted 22 diff bro-
(Many 100’s) ................ Est 65.00+ liberated Prisoners of War; fascinating multi- chures, periodicals & booklets incl RCMP
WORLD MIXTURE: page booklet Sept 1945 with “NEWS from Schooner St. Roch, The Mounties & Law
6890. Ú Two pounds of loose world mixture. Britain” (incl Churchill Gov’t fallen, progress Enforcement, etc; 64 postcards / covers
All off paper. Loaded with larger size, topicals, of the war, etc); & a 1944 information Booklet depicting Mounties; 19 Christmas Greeting
CTO’s, etc. No high values but tremendous on the Japanese Way of Life (to help better cards, most with embossed RCMP crest;
quantity & completely unsorted. Looks like a understand the enemy). F ...... Est 80.00+ plus 11 other items incl Arthur Szyk 1946
lot of fun (1,000’s) ........... Est 130.00+ MARTIN SHEEN SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH: colour illustrated Canada page. F-VF (116 FRANCE 20 FRANCS GOLD:
WORLD MIXTURE: 6915. Û Glossy b/w8x10 publicity photo de- items)..................... Est 150.00+ 6941. Ú France 1876 20 Francs GOLD coin
6891. Ú One pound of loose unsorted world picting American film actor MARTIN SHEEN. EARLY TORONTO SOUVENIR BOOK: with “A” (Paris) mint mark. Uncirculated ...
mixture. All off paper. No high values but RACING YACHTS: His career has spanned 6 decades & he has 6926. Ú Scarce 19th Century miniature size ......................... Est 800.00+
looks like a lot of fun (1,000’s). . . Est 65.00+ received numerous awards. The photo is in- souvenir book containing b/w pictures of build-
6905. Ú Scarce cpl coll of 25 diff Player’s FIJI COINS:
THREE POUNDS OF WORLD MIXTURE: Cigarette Cards from 1938, depicting scribed in blue marker with his autograph. VF ings & the sights of Toronto from that period. 6942. Ú Coll of Fiji coins on pages from 1934-
6892. Ú Three pounds of loose unsorted world RACING YACHTS. F-VF. Rarely seen large ........................... Est 50.00+ Contents have separated from binding inside
mixture, all off paper. Lots of larger size size set .................. Est 125.00+ ANTHONY HOPKINS otherwise F ................. Est 65.00+ 92. Incl both pre-decimal & decimal issues
with denominations from Half Penny to Florin
commems & pictorials plus defins, etc. Wide SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH: CIGARETTE CARDS & 20¢. Condition varies from VF-AU (120) ..
variety (1,000's)............. Est 200.00+ MONTREAL BARTLETT PRINT ENGRAVING: 6916. Û Glossy coloured8x10 publicity photo DEPICTING DOGS & CATS: .......................... Est 100.00+
CANADA MIXTURE ON PAPER: 6906. Ú Lovely coloured Bartlett print engraving from a movie of actor ANTHONY HOPKINS. 6927. Ú Cpl coll of 27 diff Millhoff Cigarette
6893. Ú Eight pounds of modern single paper (9 x 7 inches) with a scene of Montreal from He is one of Britain’s most recognizable & pro- Cards from 1932 all with real photos of diff HONG KONG 1997 SET:
mixture of Canada from a charity source. Incl the St. Lawrence River, circa 1840. Perfect lific actors on the screen & stage. He has won Dog Breeds, plus a few horses & cats. VF . 6943. Û Special folder with 1997 uncirculated
set of seven coins from 10¢-$10 . Est 50.00+
defins, commems, Xmas, coils, etc (Many item to frame. VF............ Est 100.00+ 2 Academy awards for his roles in Silence of ........................... Est 60.00+
1,000’s) ................... Est 160.00+ EARLY HAWAII ENGRAVINGS: the Lambs & The Father (becoming the oldest QE 1953 CORONATION SOUVENIR:
6907. Û Very interesting coll of 14 diff b/w en- Best Actor Oscar Winner). VF. . . Est 65.00+ 6928. Ú Very attractive small red illustrated
EPHEMERA gravings (mostly about6x5 inches) of Hawaii tin box compliments of OXO Canada, Ltd.
from the early French travel book “Voyages
Pictoresque” circa 1830’s. These depict Montreal. Depicts QE, Union Jack, Royal
scenes of Hawaii with culture, Royalty, Standard, etc. “Long may she Reign”. VF...
TICKET STUBS, COLLECTIBLES, TORONTO villages, dancing, religion, etc. F-VF ...... ........................... Est 50.00+
BLUE JAYS ITEMS, CAPEX, ETC: .......................... Est 350.00+ EPHEMERA ACCUMULATION:
6894. ÚÛ Binder full with an interesting accum 6929. Ú Fascinating lot of ephemera (primarily
of ephemera items, primarily Canadian. Has PANAMA CANAL 1880 BOND CERTIFICATE: Canadian), arranged in sleeves, from 1908 to
6908. Ú Bond Certificate for 500 Francs
Toronto Blue Jay ticket stubs & other items #405379 with 2 Panama Canal Co. revenues 1960’s. Has notices, booklets, pamphlets for a
from 1970’s-2000’s; ticket stubs for other affixed with diff h/s’s. Has 12 coupons still at- variety of products & services incl official pub- HUNGARY 20 KORONA GOLD:
events incl Expo 67; Capex ‘96 Toronto show lications. We noted 3 Royal Alexandra Thea- 6944. Ú Hungary 1896 20 Korona GOLD
vehicle stamps & ephemera; lottery tickets; tached. The bond has signatures of company tre, Toronto programs 1946-52 plus other coin with portrait of King Franz Joseph I.
officials & printed signature of FERDINAND
Toronto Maple Leaf items; some foreign DE LESSEPS. He was the developer of the theatrical programs; 4 colour illustrated letter Uncirculated............... Est 850.00+
paper money; & numerous other items. VG- Suez Canal & attempted to repeat this suc- sheets for the QUEEN MARY from Cunard ISLE OF MAN COINS:
VF (230 items).............. Est 125.00+ cess to build a Panama Canal. The project Lines Offices, Budapest 1937-8; 1946 RMS 6945. Ú Binder with a coll of Isle of Man coins
ACCUMULATION OF EPHEMERA: was devastated by epidemics & financial prob- Queen Elizabeth pamphlet; etc. Also 2002 from 1733 up to 1990. Incl 1839 Farthing;
6895. Ú Fascinating retail lot of ephemera lems & the planned Panama Canal was never sports magazine autographed by Walter Half Pennies from 1758-1839 (6); Pennies
arranged in sleeves, from 1869 up to 1960’s. completed in his lifetime. It was later com- Gretzky (Wayne Gretzky’s father). Most from 1733-1839 (4); 1972 25 Pence SILVER
Primarily Canadian material comprised of pleted under the direction of the USA in 1914. VG-VF (57 items) ........... Est 175.00+ Proof; beautiful group of various Crowns from
pamphlets, booklets, labels, etc. We saw illus- F. An historical item! ......... Est 250.00+ 1970-90 (34); & more. Condition varies from
trated ads for a variety of products & services, NEWFOUNDLAND SHEET MUSIC: G-Proof (84)................ Est 375.00+
official publications, etc. We noted Canadian 6930. Ú Folio of 2 double-sided pages IRAN MINT SETS:
Pacific labels & forums, booklet on Civil of printed sheet music entitled THE 6946. Û Special case with two cards of mint
Aviation 1945, 1937 Cunard White Star NEWFOUNDLAND DOG, composed by sets from 1989 (16 coins) ..... Est 150.00+
Henry Russell, circa 1860’s-80’s. Has
Lines ticket Budapest to Toronto, Post War
Challenge to Canadian business (PC Party gorgeous vignette of a Newfoundland Dog
platform), Tribute to Winston Churchill, etc. rescuing a drowning child. F. A great item for
Most VG-VF (70+ items) ...... Est 200.00+ the Newfoundland or dog topical collector ..
FRENCH DOCUMENTS - THEATRE / OPERA: BOXING CIGARETTE CARDS: .......................... Est 200.00+
6896. Ú Interesting group of 14 different 6917. Ú Scarce cpl set of 50 diff Churchman WWII AMERICAN RATION COUPONS:
documents relating to French theatre / Cigarette Cards from 1938 depicting 6931. Û Interesting lot of WWII High Value
opera, from 1913-60. We noted signed BOXING PERSONALITIES. Has many commercial Ration Coupons for businesses
documents by Olivier Jallu, Jean Bernard famous boxers incl Jack Dempsey, Joe (not homes). Has two diff sheets of 10
Luc (2) & Henri Bourde (2), Henri Beaulieu, Louis, Gene Tunney, May Schmeling, etc. coupons for Sugar & Processed Foods plus
Roger Debrenne, etc. 2 with revenues affixed. Also depicts some promoters, managers, an intact 12-page Booklet for Fuel. VF .....
F-VF....................... Est 75.00+ & officials. VF.............. Est 200.00+ ........................... Est 65.00+ MEXICO 10 PESOS GOLD:
6897. Ú Antique multi-coloured print (15 x 11 PARTY POLICY HANDBOOK 1942: with portrait of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.
inches) entitled “RACES OF MANKIND”, by 6918. Ú Interesting 13-page publication COINS AND Uncirculated ............. Est 1,000.00+
Julius Bien, New York. Depicts portraits of outlining the platform of The Progressive NIUE $1 SILVER:
diff native people from around the globe. Conservative Party, Dec 1942. Touches on PAPER MONEY 6948. Û Special case with a proof $1 SILVER
Would look great framed. An unusual item. many policies affecting Canadian society in gold plated coin from 2014 depicting Symbols
F, centre fold ................ Est 85.00+ labour, agriculture, war effort, veterans, etc.
of Luck: Goldfish ............ Est 100.00+
6898. Û Signed glossy colour promo (8x10 6909. Ú Glossy b/w autographed photograph 6949. Û Special case with a proof $1 SILVER
inches) photo of American actress FAYE (3.4 x 5.4 in) with a young portrait of the GLADYS KNIGHT AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO: gold plated coin from 2014 depicting Symbols
DUNAWAY. She is the recipient of many ac- famous British actor JOHN MILLS (1908- 6919. Û Autographed b/w 1999 promo photo- of Luck: Four-Leaf Clover ..... Est 100.00+
graph (8 x 10 inches) of GLADYS KNIGHT.
colades incl an Academy Award & 3 Golden 2005). He appeared in more than 120 films She is known as the “Empress of Soul” & is
Globe Awards. She rose to fame playing the in a career spanning 7 decades. He gained a 10-time Grammy Award Winner. Her song
role of Bonnie Parker in the movie Bonnie & stardom for his roles in movies like Great “Midnight Train to Georgia” is one of her most
Clyde. VF................... Est 60.00+ Expectations, In Which We Serve, Scott of
FRANCE MINISTER the Antarctic, etc. He won an Oscar for his famous songs. VF ............ Est 60.00+ ANCIENT GREEK COIN:
OF THE INTERIOR PERIODICALS: supporting role in Ryan’s Daughter. F..... ALEX TREBEK AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO: 6932. Ú Ancient SILVER Drachm coin from
6899. Ú Fascinating lot of 6 diff 8-page printed ......................... Est 150.00+ 6920. Û Glossy b/w promo photo (8 x 10 Apollonia on the Illyrian coast of the Adriatic
Official Minister of the Interior “MONITEUR WILDLIFE COLLECTOR CARDS: inches) of ALEX TREBEK personally inscribed Sea circa 230-200 BC. Cow is facing to
DES COMMUNES” periodicals, from Apr to 6910. Û Cpl set of 50 diff multi-colour Brooke “For Jeff, All The Best Alex Trebek”. He was the left & obverse depicts square pattern &
Nov 1856. These contain a wide variety of Bond Tea collector cards entitled “Wonders a television personality from Canada & one of TIMON (Magistrate) ......... Est 125.00+
current news & reports incl the end of the of Wildlife”. VF............... Est 50.00+ the most famous game show hosts of all time.
Crimean War. F-VF. Interesting resource for JOAQUIN PHOENIX VF ........................ Est 50.00+ PRUSSIA 20 MARK GOLD:
study of period history ......... Est 75.00+ AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO: NAVAL HISTORY EPHEMERA: 6950. Ú Prussia 1894 20 Mark GOLD coin
6911. Û Glossy colour8x10 publicity photo 6921. Ú Fascinating coll of primarily British & with “A” (Berlin) mint mark & portrait of
German Naval related items, from 1900’s
with a close up movie still of JOAQUIN Kaiser Wilhelm II. EF ...... Est 1,000.00+
PHOENIX from the 2000 film “Gladiator”. up to WWII. Has 6 large size b/w & colour
Signed by him in blue sharpie. VF Est 50.00+ photographs of Warships, large souvenir card SWEDEN COINS:
showing “HMS Inflexible” picking up survivors
SPACE COLLECTOR CARDS: off the German Cruiser “Gneisenau”, 7 statisti- 6951. Ú Huge binder with an extensive coll
6912. Ú Cpl set of 50 diff Brooke Bond Tea cal sheets re German & British Warships with from 1667-1971. Starts with two pages of
collector cards circa 1970 entitled “The Race photos from 1900’s, souvenir item re “HMS ANCIENT GREEK COIN: very old coppers from 1667-1858 (32); then
Into Space”. Depicts major events & missions Warrior” voyage to/from Japan, etc. VG-VF, 6933. Ú Ancient SILVER Drachm coin from 1 Ore values from 1865-1971; 2 Ore values
in space. VF................. Est 50.00+ Apollonia on the Illyrian coast of the Adriatic from 1857-1971; 5 Ore values from 1867-
some flts (22 items)........... Est 50.00+ Sea circa 230-200 BC. Cow is facing to 1971; & 10 Ore SILVER from 1894-1944
the left and the reverse depicts square (57). Condition varies from G-AU. Lots of
pattern & NIKANDROS (Magistrate) ...... value here! (570) ........... Est 600.00+
HOW TO SWIM CARDS: ......................... Est 125.00+
6900. Ú Complete collection of 50 diff SWITZERLAND COINS:
Ogdens’s Cigarette Cards from 1935. 6952. Ú Large binder with a coll of Confeder-
These depict HOW TO SWIM & illustrate ation of Switzerland coins from 1850-1993.
the various strokes with descriptions on re- Has 1 Rappen from 1856-1988; 2 Rappen
verse. VF .................. Est 70.00+ from 1850-1970; 5 Rappen from 1850-1992;
ANIMALS OF THE COUNTRYSIDE: 10 Rappen from 1850-1989; & 20 Rappen
6901. Ú Cpl coll of 50 diff Player’s Cigarette from 1881-1993. Some better dates
Cards from 1939 depicting Animals (& Crea- throughout. Condition varies from F-AU
tures) of the Countryside. F..... Est 40.00+ (330)..................... Est 600.00+
6902. Ú Cpl set of 50 diff Brooke Bond Tea 6934. Ú Ancient SILVER Denarius coin from 6953. Û Interesting group of 100 diff
collector cards depicting Famous People. the period of 193-211 AD depicting Emperor uncirculated World Banknotes mostly from
Incl Baden Powell, Churchill, Mountbatten, Septimius Severus. Reverse depicts Jupiter the 1950’s - 2000 era. Wide variety of coun-
Lawrence of Arabia, Florence Nightingale, seated holding Victory ....... Est 100.00+ tries ...................... Est 100.00+
Charlie Chaplin, etc. VF ....... Est 50.00+ ANCIENT ROMAN COIN: BOX OF WORLD COINS:
THE CHILDREN’S STORY OF THE WAR: 6935. Ú Ancient bronze Centenionaus coin 6954. ÚÛ Box with an accum of various World
6904. Ú Softbound 64-page booklet (part #1), from the period of 307-337 AD depicting coins mostly from the 20th Century, with a few
published by the Ontario Dept of Education Emperor Constantine I. Reverse depicts earlier. Has a variety of countries incl ten USA
circa 1920’s. Has multiple b/w illustrations / “RARE STAMP” CARDS: two Victorias standing holding shield ...... SILVER Dimes with one 1853 with Arrows;
photos of famous leaders & events in wartime. 6913. Ú Cpl set of 30 diff “Twinnings” ........................... Est 90.00+ baggie of USA Zinc Pennies; group of Austra-
Covers events leading up to & during WWI. F, collector cards, circa 1959-60, depicting ANCIENT ROMAN COIN: lia SILVER coins from the 1940’s-50’s; Gr.
some wear. Makes very interesting reading . Rare Stamps of the world. All in colour with 6936. Ú Ancient bronze Follis coin of London Britain 1970 Proof set & 1983 Uncirculated
........................... Est 45.00+ write-ups on reverse. VF ...... Est 60.00+ set; New Zealand 1975 Proof Dollar; a few
mint from the period of 307-337 AD depicting old large Pennies; & more. Condition varies
CHARACTERS FROM DICKENS: Emperor Constantine I. Reverse depicts Sol from VG-Proof (370) ......... Est 250.00+
6922. Ú Cpl set of 50 diff Player’s Cigarette standing.................... Est 65.00+
Cards from 1923 depicting CHARACTERS ANCIENT ROMAN COIN:
FROM CHARLES DICKENS books. Incl Oli- 6937. Ú Ancient bronze AE3 coin from the
ver Twist, David Copperfield, Pickwick Pa- period of 337-361 AD depicting Emperor
pers, etc. F................ Est 100.00+ Constantius II. Reverse depicts soldier &
RAILROAD SHARE CERTIFICATES: captive ..................... Est 75.00+
6923. Ú Attractive coll of 9 diff redeemed en- AUSTRALIA 1969 PROOF SET:
graved Railroad Share Certificates with attrac- 6938. Û Special hard plastic case with a
tive illustrations & lathework, from 1925-82. Proof set of six different coins from 1969 ...
Seven are from Pennsylvania Railroad Co; .......................... Est 200.00+
2 from New York Central Railway Co. Depict EARLY BRITISH SILVER PENNY:
Co. crest, Mercury & male industry effigy from 6939. Ú SILVER Penny from the reign of
painting by A. Foringer (same design as on Edward I (1272-1307). Reverse depicts long
Canada stamp #E6). The NY Central Railroad cross. VF .................. Est 100.00+
design depicts the company’s founder,
Cornelius Vanderbilt. F, some staple holes,
etc. Frameable.............. Est 100.00+
STEREOSCOPIC CARDS: 6924. Ú Fascinating accum of 470 diff items 6955. Ú USA 1879 Morgan SILVER Dollar.
6903. Ú Scarce lot of 30 diff b/w STEREOSCOPIC CARDS depicting scenes from the 1902 signed or addr to important historical individ- VF ....................... Est 75.00+
CORONATION OF KING EDWARD VII. Each Stereoscopic card has a pair of separate images uals from the 19th Century. Incl Authors,
depicting left-eye & right-eye views of the same scene. When inserted in a Stereoscope viewer Politicians, Military Offices, Clergy; but USA 1884-O SILVER DOLLAR:
they provide a single three-dimensional image. The scenes depicted in this lot incl the Corona - mainly Aristocracy. Contains cover fronts, 6956. Ú USA 1884 Morgan SILVER Dollar with
tion Procession, Coronation events, decorated London Streets, Canadian Coronation Arch, letter sheets, signatures on piece, a few FRANCE 20 FRANCS GOLD: “O” (New Orleans) mint mark. EF Est 75.00+
Canadian Military Coronation Contingent, Heads of State of the British Empire (incl Sir Wilfrid covers, etc. We noted several “mourning” 6940. Ú France 1866 20 Francs GOLD coin USA 1884-S SILVER DOLLAR:
Laurier), etc. The cards were made by Underwood & Underwood. Mainly F-VF. NICE items, many red crown free frank strikes & with “A” (Paris) mint mark & portrait of 6957. Ú USA 1884 Morgan SILVER Dollar
COLLECTIBLES ....................................................Est 800.00+ other postal markings. Majority VG-VF .... Emperor Napoleon III. EF .... Est 800.00+ with “S” (San Francisco) mint mark. VF ....
......................... Est 750.00+ ........................... Est 75.00+