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108  COINS AND PAPER MONEY Continued                     USA 1994 RECALLED           USA $1 FULL SHEET:           CANADA “P” STAMPS FACE $490:
        DOMINION BANK $10 NOTE 1935:                             LEGENDS OF THE WEST SHEET:  7074. Û 1294, Cpl sheet of 100 of the $1  7093. Û Useful lot of “P” stamps with booklets,
        7022. Ú Dominion Bank $10 note with portraits            7057. SSÛ 2870, Scarce Recalled Legends  O’Neill. Nicely centered, fresh, VF, NH (Face  souvenir sheets, etc. Lots of attractive
         of Dawson & Carlisle. F....... Est 150.00+               of the West sheet. VF, NH..... Est 125.00+  $100 US)............. 2025 Scott 225.00  commems. VF, NH (495 stamps) Face 613.00
        PROVINCIAL BANK $10 NOTE 1935:                           GR. BRITAIN TWO PENNY BLUE -  GR. BRITAIN USED STOCK:
        7023. Ú Banque Provinciale du Canada $10                 THE WORLD’S SECOND STAMP:   7075. Ú 264/1344, Stock / accum of used from
         note with portrait of Rolland. F. . Est 150.00+         7058. Ú 2, Deluxe folder with a used Two  1948-90, in order on stockcards. Primarily
                                                                  Penny Blue stamp (F-VF condition) encapsu-  commems with useful duplication up to 5-10
        CANADA $5 BANK NOTE 1935:
        7024. Ú Banque Canadienne Nationale $5                    lated. Accompanied by a Certificate of Authen-  of a kind. Mostly F-VF (100’s) . . . Est 80.00+
         note from 1935. F-VF ........ Est 175.00+                ticity, a separate cover with two used #3 along  CANADA POSTAGE DUE SHEET:
        ROYAL BANK $10 NOTE:                                      with an informative booklet..... Est 350.00+  7076. Û J36a, Full Plate Imprint sheet of 100,
        7025. Ú Royal Bank of Canada $10 note from  WURTTEMBERG COLLECTION 1851-1920:  ONTARIO LUXURY TAX SHEET:  perf 12.5 x 12. VF, NH......... Cat 228.00
         1935 with portraits of Wilson & Holt & large  7045. ÚÛ 2/71, O1/O183, Very nice coll of all  7059. Û OLT2, Cpl mint sheet of 100 Ontario  RED CROSS TOPICALS:
                                                                  Luxury Tax Revenue 2À mills red brown,
         signatures. EF .............. Est 150.00+  diff singles & sets in mounts on pages. Incl  7077. SSÛ Beautiful all mint coll of modern
                                      used 4 ($32), 10 ($65), 21 ($100), 37 ($55),  circa 1925. F-VF, NH, light bend, light DG &  souvenir / miniature sheets all with RED
        ROYAL BANK $5 NOTE:           43 ($52), 48 ($140), 51-2 ($85), 66 ($40),  small thin on LR stamps. Cat $500 Est 90.00+  CROSS themes. Has a variety of countries
        7026. Ú Royal Bank of Canada large size $5  107-11 ($91), O59-63 ($48); mint O43-58
         note from 1927 with portraits of Neill & Holt  ($36), O101 ($35), etc. VG-VF. 2025 Scott  USA TRANSPORTATION COILS:  & contains many higher Cat value items from
         & Neill signature at left. F ..... Est 150.00+          7060. ÚÛ Attractive ‘Fleetwood’ coll of Trans-  $12-$17 each. VF, NH........ Est 135.00+  GIBRALTAR DEALER’S STOCK 1953-2011:
                                      $1,260 (186)............... Est 300.00+  portation Coils 1981-95 with mint coil pairs &  CANADA WINNIPEG TAGGED SHEET:  7094. ÚÛ 131/1300, J1/MR1, Two small 3-
        ROYAL BANK $20 NOTE:                                      lovely cach FDC’s, neatly displayed on special  7078. Û 508p-11p, Cpl Tagged sheet of 50
        7027. Ú Royal Bank of Canada large size $20  ITALY COLLECTION ON PAGES:  cards. Incl all kinds of forms of land & water  of the 25¢ Expo. VF, NH ....... Cat 185.00  Ring binders with a nice clean dealer’s stock
         note from 1927 with portraits of Neill & Holt &  7046. ÚÛ Coll of primarily used from 1900’s-  transportation. VF (52 diff)...... Est 90.00+  of singles, sets & SS’s identified & priced on
                                                                                                                           pages. Wide range of commems & defins
         Wilson signature at left. F+ .... Est 250.00+  80’s. Wide range of commems, pictorials,  BOX OF COVERS:
        ROYAL BANK $5 NOTE:           defins plus BOB. VG-VF (100’s) . Est 75.00+  7061. Ö Box with an accum of world covers,  incl better like used 147-60 ($51), 186-99
                                                                                                                           ($50); mint 142 ($32), 157-9 ($50), 186-99
        7028. Ú Royal Bank of Canada $5 note from  PHILIPPINES COLLECTION:  mainly 1930’s-80’s. Has single & multiple      ($39), 340-55A ($31), etc. Has useful dupli-
         1935 with portraits of Wilson & Holt & large  7047. ÚÛ Stack of album pages with a coll  frankings, commercial mail, FDC’s, Postal  cation of 1-6 of each. F-VF. An above aver-
         signatures. EF .............. Est 225.00+  from 19th Century up to 2000, primarily used.  Stationery, etc. Mostly VG-VF (Over 400) ..  age stock of this popular area. Scott approx
        BRONZE RELIGIOUS MEDALLIONS:  Lots of stamps with a wide variety of commems,  ........................... Est 80.00+  $2,600 (990 stamps, 105 SS’s) Est 700.00+
        7029. Û Special case with a cpl set of 9 diff  pictorials, defins, etc. Also a couple stockcards  MINT CANADA PLATE BLOCKS, ETC:
         40mm bronze medallions issued for the 2000  full. VG-VF (100’s) ............ Est 80.00+  7062. Û Box with an accum of Plate Blocks in  USA PRESIDENTIAL
         Millennium. Each depicts a diff Catholic reli-  AUSTRIA ACCUMULATION IN 2 BOOKS:  black mounts on pages, mainly 1940’s-50’s.  INAUGURATION DAY COVERS:
         gious scene. VF.............. Est 40.00+  7048. ÚÛ Stockbook & a binder with a dupli-  Primarily commems but also defins, with a  7095. Ö Nice lot of 5 Inauguration Day covers.
        CANADA 1967 CENTENNIAL SETS:  cated accum of Austria from 19th Century  wide variety of issues, positions & plate num-  Incl Jimmy Carter 1977 (3 diff cachets, he
        7030. Û Three cpl sets of 1967 Centennial  up to 1980’s. Primarily used with commems,  bers. Also some blocks / multiples, singles,  recently passed away) & Ronald Reagan
                                                                                                                           1981 (2 diff cachets). Two of the cachets
         SILVER coins in special cases with denomina-  pictorials, defins, BOB, etc. VG-VF (Few  a few Newfoundland, etc. F-VF (100’s).....  also show the First Lady. VF.... Est 45.00+
         tions from 1¢-$1 (18 coins) .... Est 150.00+  1,000) .................... Est 150.00+  .......................... Est 225.00+
        CANADA 1971 BR. COLUMBIA $1:                              GERMANY ACCUMULATION             YUKON AIRWAYS PROOF:
        7031. Û Lot of 18 Br. Columbia $1 uncirculated            IN FOUR VOLUMES:            7079. Û Reversed DIE PROOF in black of
         coins, each in presentation case. Est 40.00+             7063. ÚÛ Interesting coll/accum in 3  the 25¢ Yukon Airways & Exploration semi-
                                                                  stockbooks & 1 binder early to modern. Has  official airmail. VF. Ex Bileski. . . Cat 450.00
                                                                  defins, pictorials, commems, back of book,  STOCKBOOK FULL
                                                                  etc. Incl Germany - all eras, DDR, Berlin  OF BR. COMMONWEALTH:
                                                                  & a smattering of Danzig, Memel & Saar.  7080. ÚÛ An accum of older to modern
                                                                  Has commems, defins, a broad range of  material, mainly used. Has Basutoland,
                                                                  semi-postal singles & sets, souvenir sheets,  Bechuanaland, Belize, Botswana, Br. Guiana,
                                                                  better post WWII commems, blocks, etc.  Br. Honduras, Burma, Cayman, etc. Duplica-
                                                                  Great source for cancels, varieties &  tion but good variety of commems, pictorials
                                                                  topicals. Majority VG-VF (Over 4,700  & defins. VG-VF (Many 100’s). . Est 100.00+  JAMAICA DEALER’S STOCK 1911-1952:
                                                                  stamps, plus 73 SS’s) ....... Est 600.00+
                                                                                             CANADA WINNIPEG TAGGED SHEET:  7096. ÚÛ 60/152, B1/O4, Small 3-Ring
                                                                 CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:  7081. Û 541p, Cpl Tagged sheet of 50 of the  binder with a KE-KGVI dealer’s stock of
                                                                 7064. Ö C1, Coll of 38 diff cach FFC’s 3 Mar,  15¢ Radio Canada. VF, NH..... Cat 187.00  singles & sets identified & priced on pages.
                                                                  1930 from Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba.  PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:  Nice variety of commems $ defins. Incl
                                                                  Many attractive cachets. F-VF . . . Est 90.00+  7082. Û Cpl P.O. Year Set for 1997. VF, NH  better like used 61-9 ($56), 84, 86 ($129),
                                                                                               ..................... 2025 Scott 76.00  109-12 ($39), B1-3 ($32), MR1-3 ($41), O2-
                                                                                             CANADIAN PILGRIMAGE TO VIMY RIDGE:  4 ($51); mint 103-6 ($76), etc. Useful dupli-
                                                                                             7083. Ö 211 (2), 212-3, 215, C1, Tied by  cation of 1-7 of each. VG-VF. Scott from a
                                           LATVIA FIRST ISSUES                                Quebec 18 July 1936 cancels on 4 cach  couple years ago was $2,300 (Over 300) ..
            CANADA $20 AVIATION COINS:                                                                                     ......................... Est 550.00+
         7032. Û Special cases with a cpl set of 10  PRINTED ON OLD MILITARY MAPS:            CANADIAN PILGRIMAGE to VIMY RIDGE
          diff $20 SILVER Aviation series Proof coins  7049. Û 1-2, Accum of perforated & imperfo-  & BATTLEFIELDS covers addr to Toronto  STAMPLESS
                                                                                              (incl Airmail & Reg’d covers). Each has “S.S.
          with gold inserts from 1990-4. Incl Lancaster  rate first issues which are all printed on the  MONTROSE” ship cancel (Ludlow #S-152,  GR. BRITAIN COVERS 1825-1850:
          Bomber, Silver Dart, Curtiss Canuck, etc  backs of old German Military Maps. Many   RF475). F-VF (4 covers) ...... Est 100.00+  7097. Ö Interesting group of 10 stampless
          (10 Silver Coins) ........... Est 750.00+  are with the Maps in black & brown while                              covers mainly from London to Paris; plus one
                                      others are just in black. Incl some blocks &            GR. BRITAIN QV STOCK 1841-1900:  to Switzerland (1825). Has a variety of postal
        CANADA PROOF SETS 1986-1993:  multiples. An interesting lot (178 stamps) ..           7084. Ú 3/126, BOB, Valuable duplicated  markings incl 4 diff 1-2 line London local can-
        7033. Û Special black leather cases with  ......................... Est 300.00+        stock neatly arranged on stockcards, from  cels. Some have interesting contents incl
         Double Dollar Proof sets of seven coins from                                          1 to 75+ of each. Some highlights are 150  letter to the US Consul in Nantes. F-VF, much
         1986-93 (8 sets) ............ Est 300.00+  WORLD H TO K COUNTRIES                     imperf & perf Penny Reds, 26 (23 - $2,875),  to study ................... Est 125.00+
                                     WITH 3,950 DIFFERENT:                                     27 (15 - $1,500), 34 (10 - $750), 42 (4 -  SOCCER TOPICALS:
          Late Arrivals              7050. ÚÛ Binder with a coll of “H” to “K”  AUTOMOBILE TOPICALS:  $1,040), 48 (5 - $1,125), 55 (4 - $800), 96 &  7098. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 47 diff souvenir /
                                      countries, neatly displayed on pages. Has
                                                                                                                           miniature sheets issued for WORLD CUP
                                                                                               108 ($415), 104 ($210), 120 (33 - $1,485),
                                      older to modern with stronger areas being
                                      Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indo-  7065. SSÚÛ Beautiful coll of 89 diff modern  etc. Good source for shades varieties &  SOCCER from 1970’s - 2000’s. Primarily mint
                                                                  souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting
                                                                                                                           with a wide variety of countries & issues de-
        BOX FULL OF STAMPS:           nesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, KUT,  automobiles. Has a variety of countries  cancels. Also a few mints. Majority VG-VF.  picting soccer action scenes, games, players,
                                                                                               Huge Cat value (1,288)..... Est 1,500.00+
        7034. ÚÛ Carton full of all kinds of world  etc. Mainly used with a wide range of  depicting all types of vehicles incl vintage,  etc. VF, mint are NH ......... Est 125.00+
         material, early to modern. Stamps on pages,  commems, pictorials, defins, etc. Clean lot,  classic, racing, modern, early concepts,  NUDE TOPICALS:
         in glassines, on cards, covers, remainders,  F-VF (Approx 3,950 diff) ..... Est 500.00+  etc. Incl better $9-$17 Cat value items. VF,  7085. ÚÛ Eight page stockbook (16 sides)  GRENADA DEALER’S STOCK 1953-1978:
         partial old auction lots, loose, etc. Should pro-        mint are NH, used CTO ...... Est 175.00+  with a coll of Nude / Topless women on  7099. ÚÛ 171/856, Two small 3-Ring binders
         vide lots of fun & profit. (1000’s) Est 350.00+  PIGEONGRAM COLLECTION 1950’s-1990’s:  stamps & souvenir / miniature sheets. Has a  with a stock of primarily mint with singles, sets
                                     7051. Ö Interesting covers & cinderella mate-  USA PLATE BLOCKS & BLOCKS 1923-1965:  variety of countries with most being artwork  & SS’s. All identified & priced on pages. Incl
        BIGGER BOX FULL OF STAMPS:                               7066. ÕÛ 610/1276, Scott album with an ex-
        7035. ÚÛ Similar to above lot but more  rial from New Zealand. Incl 1997 flight cover  tensive coll in mounts on pages. The older  from famous paintings. F-VF (Over 300)....  mint 171-83 ($51), 294-309 ($36), 528-41 ($33);
                                                                                                                           used 539-41 ($33), etc. Also many other issues
                                      (one of only 2000 flown); two special unused
         material ................... Est 500.00+                                             ........................... Est 80.00+
                                      Pigeongrams 1990 for FIP World Stamp Festi-  issues are mainly blocks, the later are mostly  in the $1-$14+ Cat range. Useful duplication of
         MINT CANADA 1920’s-1950’s:   val; nine other covers; 2 Cinderella sheets.  Plate Blocks. Majority are commems. Has  1-5 of each. F-VF, many mint NH. Scott over
         7036. Û Two black stocksheets with a good  Also 1952 Herm Island miniature Pigeon  assorted earlier incl 1928 Aeronautic; various  $1,000 (790 stamps, 95 SS’s) . . Est 275.00+
          accum of older mint Canadian with many  cover with special Pigeon Service local stamp.  1932 Washington Bicentennial to 8¢, useful  WHALES & DOLPHINS TOPICALS:
          better stamps. Incl 50¢ Bluenose, $1 Parlia-  F-VF (16 items) ............. Est 250.00+  2¢-3¢ issues, 1954-68 Liberty defins up to  7100. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 48 diff modern
          ment, $1 Cavell, $1 Champlain (4), $1 Cha-              $1; extensive 4¢-5¢ commems. Also has                    souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting
          teau (4), $1 Destroyer (4), $1 Ferry, $1 Fish           the 2 diff 1933 APS souvenir sheets. F-VF                WHALES & DOLPHINS (and some other sea
          (3), $1 Ferry G, $1 Fish G (3), EO1-2, etc.             (Approx 420) ............... Est 225.00+                 creatures & endangered species). Has a vari-
          F-VF, some NH. Cat approx $3,000 (95)...               BR. COMMONWEALTH ACCUMULATION:                            ety of countries with many better singles / sets
          ......................... Est 800.00+                  7067. ÚÛ Accum from older to modern, on                   that Cat $10-$18. VF, mint are NH, used are
                                                                  stockcards. Useful duplication from 1 to 5 of            CTO...................... Est 100.00+
         UNITED STATES 1881                                       each. Has Grenada, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan,
         COMPOUND PLATE ‘ESSAY’ SHEET OF 40:                      Sierra Leone, etc. Mostly used, mainly VG-VF
         7037. Û 206-E, 210-E, Imperforate sheet of               (Over 2,000) ............... Est 150.00+  DOMINICA SELECTION:
          40 of 1¢ Franklins & 2¢-3¢ Washingtons                 PRINCE WILLIAM SOUVENIR SHEETS:  7086. ÚÛ 50/1630, Two dealer’s binders
          showing “reversed designs”. Printed in                 7068. SSÛ Colourful coll of 38 diff Br. Com-  with a nearly all mint selection of all diff from
          Germany on a steam press on the gum side                                             1908-93. Loaded with many nice sets, sou-
          in red brown, on thin wove paper. Consists              monwealth souvenir sheets commemorating  venir sheets, topicals, & more. F-VF, many
                                                                  PRINCE WILLIAMS 18th Birthday in 2000
          of 2 vert columns of each value plus 2 vert             & 21st Birthday in 2003. Has a variety of  NH. Scott approx $1,200 (650 stamps, 86
          columns with all 3 values. VF, a few natural            countries. Also 8 diff GB & Gibraltar stamps.  SS’s) .................... Est 400.00+
          bends. VERY SCARCE .... Est 2,000.00+
                                                                  VF, NH .............. 2025 Scott 253.00  SOUTH PACIFIC POSTCARDS:
         UNITED STATES MISCUT SHEET:                             FIRE ENGINES, FIRE FIGHTERS:  7087. Ö Interesting coll of 12 diff unused b/w
         7038. Û 2400, An amazing MISCUT SHEET                   7069. SSÛ All mint topical coll of 45 diff  postcards circa 1930’s issued by the “Maristes
          of the 25¢ Christmas. Contains 56 full / par-           modern souvenir / miniature sheets depicting  Fathers” Missions in the South Pacific. These
          tial stamps with a full UNLISTED VERTICAL               Fire Engines, Fire Fighters & Fire Fighting  depict island scenes, natives incl Samoa, New
          GUTTER. Shows 6 GUTTER PAIRS +  CANADA IMPERFORATE PAIR:  Equipment. Has a variety of French Commu-  Caledonia, Tutuila, etc. One depicts Father
          1 PARTIAL GUTTER PAIR. VF, NH. AN  7052. Û 1172h, Sheet margin IMPERF PAIR  nity countries with strength in Guinea &  Chanel who was canonized & is the patron
          EYE-CATCHING ITEM..... Est 1,200.00+  of the 45¢ Pronghorn. Fresh, XF, NH .....  Guinea-Bissau. VF, NH....... Est 120.00+  saint of Oceania. VF .......... Est 85.00+  SOUTH AFRICA
                                       ........................ Cat 1,200.00                  CANADA #5 ON 1857 COVER:         DEALER’S STOCK 1910-1949:
         BRITISH COLUMBIA $1 LAW STAMP                                                        7088. Ö 5, Tied by 4-Ring ‘18’ on cross  7101. ÚÛ 1/114, Two small 3-Ring binders
         IN A RARE COMPLETE SHEET:   CANADA COLLECTION IN MINKUS ALBUM:                        border cover from Kingston UC 8 Ap 1857  with a clean dealer’s stock of organized &
         7039. Û BCL63, Cpl sheet of 25 of the Br.  7053. ÚÛ 15/846a, BOB, Minkus Album with   to New York. Has ‘CANADA’ in red arc. F,  priced on pages. Wide range of issues incl
          Columbia rouletted $1 Blue Law Stamp. Has  a clean coll neatly arranged, from 1859 up to  bit roughly opened at top ..... Est 750.00+  better like mint 2-11 ($57), 25 ($37), 30a-b
          Plate Number ‘13615’ at top. VF, NH. FULL  1979. Some highlights are used 23-5 & 27                              ($40), 53 ($45), 65 ($45), 90-7 ($45); used
          SHEETS LIKE THIS ARE EXTREMELY  ($100), 84 ($80), 103 ($120), 149-59 ($147);       NAZI GERMANY MINT NH STAMPS:  2-15 ($36), 17-20 ($35), 25 ($42), 43 ($45),
          RARE. Van Dam $7,812.... Est 2,000.00+  plus mint 50 ($70), 140 NH ($67), etc. Majority  7089. Û 432/480, B79/C60, All diff Third Reich
                                      VG-VF (Approx 770) ......... Est 300.00+                coll. Incl B79-81 ($50), B102 ($52), B134-6  85-6 ($55), etc. Has useful duplication of
        MOOSE RIVER NOVA SCOTIA      AIRMAIL ACCUMULATION:                                    ($82), C59-60 ($42), etc. F-VF, NH (56)....  1-13 of each. VG-VF. Scott a couple years
        MINE RESCUE COVER & POSTCARD:  7054. Ú Duplicated wholesale stock of used              .................... 2025 Scott 306.00  ago was $4,100 (Over 1,000) . Est 900.00+
        7040. Ö 143, Tied by Middle Musquodoboit  Foreign Airmail stamps on stockcards. Primar-  GERMANY STOCK IN 2 BOOKS:  CANADA PICTURE POSTAGE SHEETS:
         NS 23 Ap 1938 on 2ND ANNIVERSARY OF                                                 7090. ÚÛ 46/1389, BOB, Duplicated primarily  7102. Û 2063-4, Cpl mint panes of 21. VF, NH
         MINE RESCUE cover autographed by E.A.  ily 1930’s-40’s with Venezuela, Nicaragua,    used stock neatly arranged in 2 stockbooks  ........................... Cat 90.00
                                      Angola, Ecuador, Hungary, Cuba, Salvador
         Scadding & Dr. Robertson. These were the  & others. Duplication from a few up to 75 or  (one book is only partly full), from 1889 up to
         2 men that were rescued alive from the mine  more of a kind. VG-VF (Over 5,000 stamps)  BOY SCOUT TOPICALS:  1980’s. Mainly post WWII incl 100’s of diff top-  MINT UNITED STATES FACE $337:
         cave-in. Also has b/w postcard of the Moose             7070. SSÛ All mint coll of 60 diff modern /  ical singles, sets, semi-postals, etc. Also has a  7103. Û Accum of mints from 1970’s-2000’s.
         River Mine NS. Neatly displayed & written-up  .......................... Est 150.00+  souvenir / miniature sheets with all being  nice range of Berlin issues plus a smattering  Much is in cpl sheets/panes but also has
         on an album page. VF. Ex Kutz. Est 100.00+  GRENADA COLLECTION:  Scouting topicals. Has a variety of countries  of East Germany. Most F-VF, most NH  some multiples, singles, booklets, etc. Primarily
        CANADA OFFICIAL PERFORATED   7055. Ú Coll on pages from KGV era up to  with many colourful items. Incl higher Cat  (1,000’s)................... Est 225.00+  commems. F-VF, mostly all NH . Face 337.00
        OHMS COMPLETE SHEET:          1973 with commems & defins. F-VF (361) ..  value sheets up to $12-$16 each. VF, NH .
        7041. Û O241a, Cpl sheet of 50 of the 10¢  ........................... Est 75.00+  ......................... Est 175.00+
         Carmine Rose with OHMS 4-Hole Perfins.                  USA “GREAT FIGHTING SHIPS
         Has Plate #1 Imprint at LL & showing two                OF THE 50 STATES”:
         cutting guidelines at other corners. Fresh              7071. Ö Album with a beautiful limited edition
         rich colour & has never been folded, VF, NH.             Fleetwood coll of 50 diff covers 1986-8 depict-
         A RARE SHEET........... Cat 7,500.00+                    ing famous American Warships in history.
        COMORO ISLANDS SOUVENIR SHEETS:                           Each cover has a gorgeous colour cachet
        7042. SSÛ 993/1098, Beautiful coll of all diff            drawn by Charles Lundgren & is postmarked
         souvenir sheets, very near cpl between these             at a diff State. Many legendary naval ships
         numbers. Loaded with popular topicals incl               here! VF................... Est 100.00+
         transportation, famous people, birds, dogs,             PARIS “MAP” POSTCARDS:                                     GERMANY COLLECTION 1872-1956:
         sealife, insects, dinosaurs, etc. Fresh, VF, NH.        7072. Ú Fascinating set of 20 diff unused col-           7104. ÚÛ 2/734, B348/P1, Very nice coll of
         2025 Scott $1,563 (108 SS’s) . . Est 450.00+             oured postcards circa 1930, each depicting a             all diff singles & sets in mounts on pages.
        ROMANIA COLLECTION:                                       detailed street map of a diff portion of Paris.  RECENT NEW ZEALAND  Incl used 2-3 ($76), 27 ($42), 634-61 ($52);
        7043. ÚÛ Large Minkus Album with a coll                   All with illustrations surrounding the maps. F  MINT NEVER HINGED:  mint 665-85 ($116), 702-21 ($88), 755-61
         from the 1870’s-1989. Has a nice group of                ........................... Est 90.00+  7091. Û 1322/2287, Attractive coll of all  ($32), C27-34 ($113), etc. Has many others
         19th Century issues, later singles & sets,              GR. BRITAIN STAMP DEALER      diff mints from 1996-2009. Nice range of  in the $1-$26 Cat range, also some Berlin.
         semi-postals, some souvenir sheets, & more.  CANADA     CORRESPONDENCE 1937-1941:     commems & defins with many attractive  Some with both mint & used stamps. VG-VF.
         Generally F-VF (Many 100’s) . . Est 200.00+  UNISSUED 52¢ CHRISTMAS STAMP:  7073. Ö Interesting correspondence of 40  sets. All Scott identified on ‘102’ cards. VF,  2025 Scott $2,237 (944) ..... Est 700.00+
        CANADA COLLECTION 2007-2011 FACE $402:  7056. Û 1534ii, Lot of 5 singles of the unissued  covers from Whitfield King & Co. (old-time  NH (100’s) ......... 2025 Scott 1,180.00  MINT CANADA FACE $535:
        7044. Û Coll of mints on pages from 2007-11.  52¢ Christmas stamp. This 52¢ stamp was  English stamp dealer) in Ipswich. All addr to  PEI WILDLIFE SHEETS 1995-1996:  7105. Û Box with an accum of mints mainly
         Loaded with many “P” stamps, souvenir  printed in anticipation of a rate increase that  the same collector in New York City. Most are  7092. SSÛ PEW1-2, PEW1b-2b, PEW1f-2f,  from 1970’s-90’s. Has singles, blocks, Plate
         sheets, values to $10, & more. VF, NH  was not approved. Some stamps ended up in  Reg’d, many have USA Customs & censor  PEI Wildlife Federation Mini-sheets of 1, 4 &  blocks, booklets, PO packs, etc. Good variety.
         (Few 100) ................. Face 402.00  private hands. VF, NH ....... Cat 1,000.00  handstamps. F (40) .......... Est 125.00+  8 for 1995-96. VF, NH ......... Cat 459.00  VF, appears NH ............ Face 535.00
   47   48   49   50   51   52