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        CANADA MILITARY POSTAL MARKINGS:  6834. Ú Comprised of softbound 297-page
        6812. Û Two perfect bound volumes (with  “Postal History & Usage of 1907 & Earlier
         matching slipcase) by Bailey & Troop, 1996,  Precancels”, by C.C. Souder, 1989; &
         the experts on the topic. Beautiful reference  Precancel Stamp Society catalogue in 2
         books with a wealth of information. Like-new  binders, 2019 edition. VF....... Est 65.00+
         condition .................. Est 100.00+  CANADA KGV ADMIRALS:
        JAMAICA PHILATELIC LIBRARY:  6835. Ú Useful group of 3 handbooks by Hans
        6813. Ú Seven editions covering postal history,  Reiche. Incl Admiral study 1911-25; Admiral
         stamp issues, postmarks, etc; from 1928-68.  cancels; & Admiral Lathework. Each signed
         Incl Stanley Gibbons hardcover book 1928,  by the author. F .............. Est 50.00+
         Philatelic Handbook of Jamaica by Aguilar  NEWFOUNDLAND PENCE 1857-1866:
         (3 diff editions), Jamaica Pre-stamp covers,  6836. Û Hardbound 192-page book by Robert
         & hardcover Jamaica / The Postal History by  Pratt, 1981. An invaluable illustrated reference  MICHIGAN POSTCARD  OLD POSTCARDS:  GR. BRITAIN
         Foster, etc. Nicely illustrated. VG-VF, some  work for any Newf’d collector. Like new ....  DEALER’S STOCK RETAIL $2,530:  6862. Ö Interesting group of various old post-  EARLY BOY SCOUT POSTCARDS:
         wear...................... Est 150.00+  ........................... Est 75.00+  6854. Ö Shoebox full of picture postcards of  cards from about 1906-12. All are Canada  6871. Ö Very interesting coll of 6 diff used /
        CANADA LITERATURE:           BERMUDA HISTORY & MONEY:     Michigan circa 1907-50’s. All are sleeved &  & USA with many from Buffalo; President  unused b/w photo postcards (incl 2 real
                                                                  individually priced mainly from $2-$10 each
        6814. Ú Four diff useful handbooks: Incl  6837. Ú Hardcover 224-page book “A History  with only light duplication. About 40% of the  William Jennings Bryan & VP John Kern,  photos), circa 1909-10. Depict BOY
         Robson Lowe - The Maritime Provinces,  of Bermuda & Its Paper Money” Sterling         Easter Greetings; Hamilton, Ont incl Church  SCOUTS in Military type maneuvers. F-VF.
         1973; Br. Columbia Post Offices, 1991; The  & Decimal by Nelson Page Aspen, 2000.  lot is from Saginaw Mich with this portion  Parade of 91st Highlanders; 1.0.0.F., City of  Early items as the Boy Scout movement
         Postal History of the Postcard in Canada;  Signed by the author. VF....... Est 50.00+  being subdivided into topics like Bridges,  Cincinnati steamer; “The Old Pilot” sharing  was only established in 1908. . Est 125.00+
         & Canada / Steel Engraved Constant Plate  USA POSTAL CANCELS LITERATURE:  Street Scenes, Buildings, Parks, PO’s, &  Laurier at the helm of a ship; & more. Gen-  ROYAL NAVY
                                                                  so on. The rest are from other parts of the
         Varieties, 1982. F-VF.......... Est 50.00+  6838. Ú Three softbound handbooks incl Postal  State with various towns, etc (only a modest  erally F (75) ............... Est 150.00+  AIRCRAFT CARRIERS WWI-WWII:
        AUCTION CATALOGUE FOR         History & Usage of 1907 & Earlier Precancels;  section of Detroit). Majority are used & has  6872. Ö Coll of 5 unused photo & colour
        ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION 1934:  United States Doanes, 2002; & Colorado  coloured, b/w & some real photo types. Also  illustrated postcards. Depict HMS’s Formida-
        6815. Ú Softbound 150-page Walter S. Scott  Postmarks & Places, 1976 which is signed  a few advertising cards, etc. Mainly F or  ble, Furious (2) & Hermes (2). All diff as to
         auction catalogue for the Br. Empire coll of  by the author. VF............. Est 75.00+  better. Total retail is $2,530. Good profit  ship & printing. F-VF .......... Est 75.00+
         ARTHUR HIND (b/w photo plates accompany  USA STAMPS 1933-1937:  potential for a dealer. (685) . . . Est 800.00+
         in separate folder). Fascinating flashback to
         the efforts of one of America’s foremost col-  6839. Ú Hardcover 309-page book (Vol 4)  MUSKOKA CHROME POSTCARDS:
                                      of USA commems, by Max Johl. Contains a
         lectors who had many rarities . . . Est 80.00+          6855. Ö Eye-catching coll of of 96 colour
                                      wealth of detailed info not easily found else-
        RUSSIA ZEMSTVOS:              where & is well illustrated. F .... Est 60.00+  chrome postcards, mainly 1950’s-70’s. Depict
        6816. Ú Three diff illustrated handbooks on  ROBSON LOWE’S BR. EMPIRE  Muskoka scenery, lakes, resorts, hotels,
         these fascinating issues of Imperial Russia.             all-season destinations, bird’s eye views of
         Two are by A. Artuchov covering towns from  ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR NORTH AMERICA:  towns & other locations, boats, etc. F-VF,
         A to K, the other by F. G. Chuchin. Lots of  6840. Ú Hardcover 2 volume First Edition set  used / unused .............. Est 200.00+
         useful info here not easily found elsewhere.  from 1973. The first book is signed by the  WWI BRITISH WARSHIPS
                                      author. A wealth of information here & well
         VF ....................... Est 100.00+  illustrated. These books once belonged to          ON TUCK POSTCARDS:
        IMPORTANT USA AUCTION CATALOGUE:  George Wegg who was a well-known old-time           6863. Ö Interesting collection of 8 diff
        6817. Ú Christie’s 1993 hardcover auction cata-  Toronto stamp dealer. Like-new condition ..  mostly unused WWI postcards depicting
         logue of the fabulous RYOHEI ISHIKAWA  .......................... Est 150.00+         cruisers, battleships, etc. We noted HMS’s  CANADA TRAIN WRECK POSTCARDS:
         Collection of USA Stamps & Covers 1847-69.                                            Agamemnon, Lord Nelson, Marlborough,  6873. Ö Coll of 7 diff unused b/w real photo
         At the time is was the most stunning coll of  CANADA JARRETT’S BNA CATALOGUE:         etc. F-VF .................. Est 90.00+  postcards circa 1910 of a terrible wreck of
                                     6841. Ú Standard Br. North America catalogue;
         this period ever assembled & is an invaluable                                       USA WINTERTHUR MUSEUM:        a Grand Trunk Railway train in Ontario.
         reference work for any collector or dealer.  softbound 610-page 1929 edition. A collect-  6864. Ö Coll of 32 diff unused b/w postcards  Each shows a diff scene of the wreckage
         Prices Realized list is included. F Est 125.00+  able; should be in every Canadian collector’s  circa 1950’s, depicting scenes of Henry  & salvage efforts. VF ........ Est 225.00+
                                      library. F, usual binding wear.... Est 45.00+
        ATLANTIC MAILS BY ARNELL:                                                             Francis Du Pont Winterthur Museum. These
        6818. Û Like-new 407-page book “Atlantic  LEEWARD ISLANDS:                            postcards show the interior rooms, artifacts,
         Mails - A History of the Mail Service between  6842. Ú Hardbound 293-page illustrated edition  buildings, etc. They house one of the richest
         GB & Canada to 1889" by J.C. Arnell, 1980.  by Christie’s Robson Lowe, 1991. The ency-  MUSKOKA POSTCARDS COLLECTION:  collections of Americana in the USA. VF ...
         This is the deluxe edition hardbound in quarter  clopedia of British Empire Postage Stamps,  6856. Ö Excellent coll of 122 diff used /  ........................... Est 50.00+
         morocco with slipcase, numbered & signed  Volume VI with history, postal history, cancels,  unused b/w (incl real photos) & colour post-
         by the author (only 250 made like this). An  stamps & Postal Stationery up to 1951. A  cards depicting various scenes of Muskoka
         essential book on Trans-Atlantic mail ......  defin reference. VF ........... Est 65.00+  communities, lakes, steamers, resorts,
         .......................... Est 125.00+  CANADIAN CONTINGENTS IN BOER WAR:  hotels, etc; from 1900’s up to WWII (a few
        CANADA COVER                 6843. Û Like-new 104-page hardcover book  later). Has many scarcer items. Previous
        HANDBOOKS & CATALOGUES:       on the Postal History of the Canadian Contin-  owner paid $10, $15, $20, $25, each for
        6819. Ú Coll of 6 diff publications on Canadian  gents in the Boer War 1899-1902, by Ken  some of these. F-VF ........ Est 600.00+
         covers, Postal Stationery, picture postcards,  Rowe. Excellent reference work . Est 50.00+
         posted letter guide, etc. Two signed by au-  ALBUM WEEDS BY EAREE:                                                       GR. BRITAIN
         thors. F-VF, useful books ...... Est 50.00+  6844. Ú Hardcover 560-page book “ALBUM                                 EARLY BOY SCOUT POSTCARDS:
        AUSTRLIA AIRMAIL POSTAL LITERATURE:  WEEDS OR HOW TO DETECT FORGED                                                6874. Ö Attractive coll of 6 diff used / unused
        6820. Ú Hardbound The Australian Air  STAMPS” by Rev. R.B. Earee. This is the                                      Valentine’s colour photo postcards depicting
         Mail Catalogue, by Eustis 1990; & The  rare first edition published in London England                             various BOY SCOUT activities incl one with
         Aerogrammes of Australia & Its Dependencies  in 1882. Has gold stamped green morocco    EARLY AVIATION POSTCARDS:  a musical verse. Four cards have Paignton
         1944-80 by Stein, 1984. VF.... Est 100.00+  cover. Inside covers a trifle split otherwise  6865. Ö Series of 7 diff unused France post-  Oct 1909 cancels. These are early Scouting
                                      immaculate. A rare classic of philatelic                                             items, as the Boy Scout movement was only
        CLASSIC MAURITIUS:                                                                     cards from the European Aviation Circuit
        6821. Û Like-new 144-page reference work  literature................... Est 250.00+    June-July 1911. Each depicts a diff early  established in 1908. F ....... Est 200.00+
         “Classic Mauritius, The Locally Printed Post-  CANADA HOLMES CATALOGUE 1940:          plane along with an inset portrait of an early
         age Stamps 1847-59" by H. Kannai. Printed  6845. Ú Softbound 134-page illustrated edition.  pilot & crests. Nice lot of pioneer aviation
         by Stanley Gibbons in 1981. This is a lavish  Lists mint 12d black at $3,000. A nice collect-  postcards. VF.............. Est 300.00+  MIXTURES
         in-depth study of these fascinating classic  able of this early edition. F...... Est 45.00+  BRITISH WARSHIPS
         stamps. The book is quarter bound in leather,  HOW TO DETECT FORGED STAMPS:  ON POSTCARDS WWI-WWII:              AUSTRALIA MIXTURE:
         has 20+ colour plates & with a slipcase. A lav-  6846. Ú Two-volume hardcover set of ALBUM  6857. Ö Eye-catching coll of 18 diff postcards  6875. Ú Bag with over 1.5 pounds of loose off
         ish high-end book ........... Est 175.00+  WEEDS by Rev R.B. Earee. These are clas-  mainly b/w types depicting Royal Navy Bat-  paper mixture, mainly 1960’s-90’s. A high per-
        ESTONIA SPECIALIZED CATALOGUE:  sic Third Edition books published by Stanley  tleships & Dreadnaughts. All diff as to ship  centage are large size commems & pictorials.
        6822. Ú Hardbound 767-page Estonia special-  Gibbons in 1906 & detail how to detect fake &  & printing. We saw HMS’s Neptune, KGV,  Good variety (1,000’s) ........ Est 125.00+
         ized Catalogue / Handbook (in English) by  forged stamps of the 19th Century. Excellent  Resolution, Revenge, Vanguard, Howe,  CANADA ‘P’ COMMEMS:
         Hurt & Ojaste. This book provides in depth  condition. VF ............... Est 125.00+  Malaya, Queen Elizabeth, etc. F-VF, primar-  6876. Ú Well over 1 pound of recent ‘P’
         coverage of stamps, postal history, postmarks  BRITISH NORTH AMERICA  ily unused (18) ............. Est 200.00+   commems on single paper. Wide variety
         & many other aspects of this country. F ....  ENCYCLOPEDIA:                                                       of issues. Also a few Xmas. Recent mixture
         .......................... Est 100.00+  6847. Ú Hardbound 760-page The Encyclope-                                 like this is getting very difficult to obtain (100’s)
        HONG KONG LITERATURE:         dia of British Empire Postage Stamps /                                               .......................... Est 180.00+
        6823. Ú Two diff handbooks: Hong Kong:  Volume V / North America, by Robson Lowe,                                 LARGE BAG FULL OF USA
         Branch, Sub-Offices & Temporary Office  1973. In depth reference to all aspects of                               WITH MANY 1,000’s:
         Markings, 1967; & The Hong Kong “China”  philately. A must have for the BNA collector.                           6877. Ú Large bag with approx 5.5 pounds of
         Overprints, 1972. F-VF ........ Est 40.00+  Long out of print. F-VF......... Est 75.00+                           loose off paper mixture from older to modern.
        BRITISH CARIBBEAN            HANDBOOK ON STAMP COLLECTION:                                                         Completely unchecked & unorganized. Has
        REFERENCE COLLECTION:        6848. Ú Hardbound book by R. Cabeen with                                              defins, commems, pictorials, coils, Xmas,
        6824. Ú Useful reference lot for a collector of  over 600 pages, covering all aspects of stamp                     BOB, multiples, etc. Also some additional
         West Indies material. Has Cayman Is hard-  collecting. Much useful info for any collector. F                      material in glassines, etc. A huge quantity of
         bound book by Aguilar & Saunders; Research  ........................... Est 40.00+                                stamps here! (Many 1,000’s). . . Est 225.00+
         Book on Mail Routes to West Indies by                                                     BOY SCOUT POSTCARD:    WORLD ON PAPER MIXTURE:
         Dibden; Steam Packets to Bermuda & Baha-                        GR. BRITAIN          6866. Ö Unused glossy b/w Tuck’s postcard  6878. Ú Over 2 pounds of on paper mixture
         mas 1842-59 by Ludington; First Flights to  POSTCARDS      EARLY BOY SCOUT POSTCARDS:  circa 1920’s, depicting THE PRINCE OF  in a shoebox, from 1950’s-2000’s. Has
         Bermuda by Cwiakala; Trin & Tobago Meter                6858. Ö Attractive coll of 11 diff b/w or sepia  WALES (later became King Edward VIII)  strength in Europe, USA, Australia; but many
         Stamps; numerous journals of the Roses                   photo postcards incl 3 real photos, circa  along with SIR BADEN-POWELL (the  other countries as well. F-VF (Many 100’s) .
         Caribbean Philatelic Society; Westley’s Early  CANADA POSTCARDS:                      leader & founder of the Scouting move-  .......................... Est 150.00+
         Postal History of the Br. W. Indies. Then  6849. Ö Interesting coll of postcards, used  1910’s. Depict Scouts in a variety of activi-  ment). This postcard would make the
                                                                  ties, performing tasks, pitching tents, march-
         photocopies of Bahamas book by Gisburn;  & unused, all depicting scenes from across  ing, drills, etc. F-VF, most are unused.....  perfect “opening page” item for a Boy  USA OFF PAPER MIXTURE:
         photocopies of other handbooks / auction  Canada. Primarily all coloured types with  ......................... Est 225.00+  Scout coll! VF ............. Est 150.00+  6879. Ú Shoebox crammed full of loose
         catalogues; etc. VG-F ........ Est 150.00+  strength in 1905-12 era but does have numer-  CHARLIE CHAPLIN POSTCARDS:  off paper mixture, older to modern. Primarily
        ENGLAND’S POSTAL HISTORY:     ous later. Incl buildings, landscape, shore-  JAMAICA POSTCARDS:  6867. Ö Coll of 3 diff b/w postcards circa  commems incl some multiples & blocks. Great
        6825. Ú Hardcover 167-page book by R.M.  lines, historical places, schools, monuments,  6859. Ö Collection of 21 diff multi-coloured  1920’s (one a nice glossy type with fancy  source for cancels & varieties. Hours of enjoy-
                                                                                                                           able sorting here (Many 1,000’s) Est 200.00+
         Willcocks, 1975. A good overview on British  etc. F. Previous owner paid over $300 buying  postcards mostly circa 1910’s-20’s depicting  edges) all depicting CHARLIE CHAPLIN who
         Postal History & postmarks. F. . . Est 40.00+  these one at time (120) ....... Est 140.00+  scenes from around Jamaica. Incl Myrtle Bank  rose to fame in the Silent Film era. Besides  WORLD ON PAPER MIXTURE:
        GAMBIA STAMPS & POSTAL HISTORY:  EUROPE POSTCARD COLLECTION:  Hotel (5 diff), Ocho Rios, Kingston Street  being a comic actor he was a film maker  6880. Ú Large shoebox containing 3À lbs of
                                                                                                                           world on paper mixture, mainly 1950’s-90’s.
        6826. Ú Hardcover 159-page handbook “The  6850. Ö Fascinating coll / accum of European  scene, Governor’s house, St. Anns, Blue  & composer. One of the postcards has his
         Stamps & Postal History of The Gambia” com-  postcards, almost all unused, pre WWII.  Mountains, Port Antonio, rural scenes, etc. F  printed signature. VF, one used, others  Broad range of issues & countries here
         piled by the West Africa Study Circle edited by  Mainly unused b/w & colour photo & illus-  .......................... Est 140.00+  unused..................... Est 90.00+  incl many large size commems & pictorials
                                                                                                                           (1,000’s)................... Est 150.00+
         J.O. Andrew, 1985. Excellent reference work  trated. Majority are French depicting architec-
         ........................... Est 50.00+  ture, historic events & famous persons incl                              WORLD ON PAPER MIXTURE:
                                      French Revolution & Napoleonic era, art, etc.                                       6881. Ú Large shoebox containing approx 4
        THE DE LA RUE YEARS 1878-1910:  Plus Spain incl bull fights; British architecture;                                 pounds of world on paper mixture from many
        6827. Û Excellent hardbound 364-page edition
         by W.A. Wiseman, 1984. Author Signed. Very  etc. Also a few French North Africa. Majority                         diff countries, from 1960’s-2000’s. Some
         Informative. VF .............. Est 50.00+  F-VF (Approx 268)........... Est 100.00+                               strength in Australia, Japan & USA. Many
                                     GR. BRITAIN POSTCARDS:                                                                large size commems & pictorials noted, some
        NEW GUINEA & PAPUA POSTAL HISTORY:                                                                                 nice cancels. F-VF (1,000’s) . . . Est 150.00+
        6828. Ú Two diff useful handbooks incl soft-  6851. Ö Box of unused postcards from Eng-
         bound The Postal History of The Territory  land, Wales & Scotland. Primarily modern                              OVER TWO POUNDS OF WORLD MIXTURE:
         of New Guinea 1888-1942, Powell 1964; &  chrome types with a tremendous variety of                               6882. Ú Over 2 pounds of world mix on paper
         hardbound The Postal History of British New  scenes & views with buildings, historical                            from a charity source. Has a range of issues
         Guinea & Papua 1885-1942 by Lee, 1983.  types, seaside, topicals (some depicting                                  & countries (no Canada) with both large &
         F-VF....................... Est 50.00+  maps), etc. F-VF (We estimate 600-700) ...                                small size stamps ........... Est 100.00+
        ONTARIO BROKEN CIRCLE CANCELS:  .......................... Est 125.00+                                            ONE POUND OF AUSTRALIA:
        6829. Ú Spiral bound 240 page handbook by  TOPICAL POSTCARDS, ETC:                                                6883. Ú One pound of loose off paper mixture
         Bruce Graham & edited by David Handelman,  6852. Ö Box with an interesting range of post-                         mainly 1960’s-90’s. A high percentage are
         1999. A wealth of info here for any cancel  cards mostly divided into topics. Incl Transpor-                      large size commems & has a good variety
         or postal history collector / dealer. Like-new  tation, People, Humour, Philatelic Art, Crafts,                   (Many 100’s) ................ Est 80.00+
         condition ................... Est 40.00+  Flowers, Sheep / Animals, etc. Most are mod-                           WORLD ON PAPER MIXTURE:
        HIGGINS & GAGE POSTAL STATIONERY:  ern chrome types & mainly GB but does have                                     6884. Ú Bag with a large mixture weighing 2.75
        6830. Ú Four 3-Ring binders containing Cata-  some USA, Canada, etc. Mainly VG-VF                                  pounds of world stamps mostly all on single
                                      (Several 100’s) ............. Est 100.00+
         logue listings for “A” to “L” countries & colo-                                                                   paper. Ranges from 1950’s-2000’s with lots of
         nies. Various editions from the 1960’s-70’s.                                                                      large size commems & pictorials. Wide variety
         Useful reference books, long out of print. F .                                          WWII CARICATURE POSTCARDS:  of issues (1,000’s) ........... Est 125.00+
         ........................... Est 50.00+                                               6868. Ö Collection of 5 diff unused WWII  CANADA COMMEMORATIVES OFF PAPER:
        CANADA VARIETIES:                                                                      postcards depicting all diff caricatures of  6885. Ú One pound of loose unsorted OFF
        6831. Ú Lot of 8 diff handbooks on Canada                                              the wartime leaders. Depicts ROOSEVELT,  PAPER commem mix mainly from the 1950’s-
         varieties printed from 1952-95. Incl Constant                                         CHURCHILL, STALIN, HITLER &  90’s. Terrific variety & a large quantity of
         Plate Varieties on Sm Queens (signed by                                               MUSSOLINI. F, some scuffing / toning ....  stamps (Many 100’s) .......... Est 75.00+
         author H. Reiche); Tagging; QE era variety;                 BOY SCOUTS OF THE WORLD:  ......................... Est 200.00+  WORLD MIXTURE:
         Dinky Daymus varieties; etc. F . . Est 50.00+           6860. Ö Spectacular coll of unused colour  MALAGASY REPUBLIC  6886. Ú One pound of loose unsorted world
                                                                  photo postcards depicting BOY SCOUTS in
        CANADA’S SMALL QUEEN ERA:                                 uniforms from 111 diff countries from A-Z.  POSTCARDS 1911-1912:  mixture. All off paper. No high values but
        6832. Ú Hardcover 459-page “CANADA’S                      Published by Boy Scouts of America / Nat.  6869. Ö 28, 65, 82 (3), Tied on 4 b/w photo  looks like a lot of fun (1,000’s). . . Est 65.00+
         SMALL QUEEN ERA 1870-97", by Geo.                        Supply Division in 1968. AN AMAZING  postcards by Tamatave CDS’s, addr to  CANADA MIXTURE ON PAPER:
         Arfken 1989. An extensive study of the  TORONTO POSTCARDS:  SERIES. (111 diff postcards). . Est 600.00+  France. Depict Andrabe dancers, street  6887. Ú Four pounds of modern single paper
         rates, markings, uses, registration, etc. with  6853. Ö Plastic tub full with an accum of  cleaners, boy with produce & primitive metal  mixture of Canada from a charity source. Incl
         emphasis on postal history. F . . . Est 90.00+  postcards in sleeves, with duplication, all  TORONTO ONTARIO POSTCARDS:  forger. F-VF ................. Est 50.00+  defins, commems, Xmas, coils, etc (1,000’s)
        WORLD AIRMAIL CATALOGUE:      depicting scenes of Toronto. Has both used  6861. Ö Accum of coloured postcards all  HMS GLORIOUS AIRCRAFT CARRIER:  ........................... Est 80.00+
        6833. Ú Sanabria Catalogue of World Airmail  & unused & mainly 1906-40’s era. Mostly  depicting scenes of Toronto. Primarily 1906-  6870. Ö Coll of 4 diff b/w real photo postcards  CANADA COMMEMS:
         stamps, 1966. Even though this is an older  coloured types depicting famous buildings,  12 era & mainly unused. Most show down-  from 1931 of the Royal Navy Aircraft Carrier  6888. Ú Bag with 2 pounds of commems on
         catalogue, it is loaded with useful info &  CNE, Hotels, Churches, parks, University  town churches, notable buildings, City Hall,  “HMS Glorious”. Three show the damaged  single brown paper mostly from 1979-85.
         listings not easily found elsewhere. We use  of Toronto, Queens Park, & more. F. Total  Casa Loma, couple patriotics, etc. F (70) ...  ship after a collision & another shows a relief  Primarily 17¢ values but does have other
         our office copy regularly. F ..... Est 50.00+  retail approx $1,100 (400) .... Est 225.00+  ........................... Est 90.00+  vessel. F, unused ........... Est 100.00+  values up to 32¢ ............. Est 90.00+
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52