Page 50 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
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                                                                                                                  LOT 7015

                                       LOT 7012

        USA 1889 SILVER DOLLAR:      6969. Û Special cases with two diff colourized  6978. Û Special black leather case with
        6958. Ú USA 1889 Morgan SILVER Dollar. VF  50¢ Specimen Holidays coins. Incl 2008  a 2012 SILVER Proof set of eight coins ....
         ........................... Est 75.00+  Snowman & 2009 Toy Train (2) . Est 75.00+  .......................... Est 225.00+
        USA 1921 SILVER DOLLAR:                                  CANADA 2012 SPECIMEN SET:
        6959. Ú USA 1921 Morgan SILVER Dollar. EF                6979. Û Special case with a 2012 Specimen
         ........................... Est 75.00+                   set of seven coins ............ Est 60.00+
        USA 1922 SILVER DOLLAR:
        6960. Ú USA 1922 Peace SILVER Dollar. VF
         ........................... Est 75.00+
        6961. Û Two special folders with new low num-
         bered uncirculated $20 notes from 1998 (2)
         ........................... Est 80.00+
                                            CANADA $5 GOLD:
                                     6970. Ú Canada 1912 KGV $5 GOLD. EF-AU
                                       ....................... Est 1,100.00+
                                                                                                  CANADA $20 MAPLE LEAVES:
                                                                                              6995. Û Special case with a $20 SILVER  CANADA $20 SNAIL:
                                                                                               Proof three-dimensional coin from 2016  7004. Û Special case with a $20 SILVER
                                                                                               depicting Majestic Maple Leaves with Drusy  Proof coloured & three dimensional coin
                                                                                               Stone .................... Est 150.00+  from 2016 commemorating Little Creatures
                                                                                                                           (Snail).................... Est 150.00+
                                                                                             CANADA $20 SILVER 2017:
                                                                           CANADA            6996. Û Canada encapsulated $20 Snowflake  BANK OF MONTREAL $10:
                                                                     NATIONAL HEROES COIN SET:  Silver proof coin with glitter enamel, from 2017  7005. Ú Bank of Montreal $10 Bank note from
                                                                 6980. Û Special wooden box with a beautiful  in special case.............. Est 100.00+  1938. Circulated condition..... Est 175.00+
             UNITED STATES $10 GOLD:                              set of four diff $15 SILVER coloured proof
         6962. Ú USA 1881 $10 GOLD Liberty Head  CANADA $5 GOLD:  coins from 2016 depicting National Heroes:  CANADA $20 SILVER:  CANADA KGVI NOTES:
          Eagle. VF-EF ............ Est 2,000.00+  6971. Ú Canada 1913 KGV $5 GOLD. EF-AU  Firefighters, Paramedics, Police & Military  6997. Û Special case with a proof coloured  7006. Ú Bank of Canada KGVI $10 & $20
                                       ....................... Est 1,100.00+                  & three dimensional $20 SILVER coin from  notes from 1937. F-VF (2)...... Est 80.00+
                                                                  (4)....................... Est 375.00+  2017 depicting Mother Nature’s Magnification  CANADA 25¢ SHINPLASTER:
                                                                 CANADA                       - Beauty under the sun ....... Est 100.00+  7007. Ú Three Dominion of Canada 25¢
                                                                 19TH CENTURY BANK TOKENS:                                 shinplaster notes from 1900 (2) & 1923.
                                                                 6981. Ú Group of Half Penny & One Penny                   Generally F-VF (3)........... Est 100.00+
                                                                  tokens from 1837-1857. Incl New Brunswick               BANK OF CANADA $1 NOTE:
                                                                  1843 Penny; Bank of Upper Canada (5);                   7008. Ú Beautiful high grade Bank of Canada
                                                                  Habitant token; Bank of Montreal (2) &                   $1 note from 1937 with portrait of King George
                                                                  Quebec bank token. Generally F (10) ....                 VI. AU .................... Est 200.00+
                                                                  .......................... Est 100.00+
             UNITED STATES $2.50 GOLD:                                                                                    CANADA $1 DEVIL’S FACE:
         6963. Ú USA 1911 $2.50 GOLD Indian Head                 CANADA 50¢ SILVER BIRD COINS:                            7009. Ú Beautiful BANK OF CANADA $1 note
          Quarter Eagle. EF .......... Est 700.00+               6982. Û Special folder with a set of 4 diff proof         from 1954 with “Devil’s Face” portrait. AU ..
                                                                  SILVER 50¢ coins from 1995 depicting Birds               ........................... Est 90.00+
                                                                  (4) ........................ Est 75.00+                 DOMINION OF CANADA $1 NOTE:
                                           CANADA $10 GOLD:      CANADA                                                   7010. Ú Large size Dominion Canada $1 note
                                     6972. Ú Canada 1913 KGV $10 GOLD. EF .  SPECIAL EDITION PROOF SETS:                   from 1923 with portrait of King George V &
                                       ....................... Est 2,000.00+  6983. Û Two burgundy leather cases with      Campbell-Sellar signatures with black seal. F
                                                                  special edition double dollar proof sets of              ........................... Est 75.00+
                                                                  seven coins from 1994 and 1995 ........
                                                                  ......................... Est 100.00+                   BANK OF CANADA $1 NOTE:
                                                                                                                          7011. Ú Bank of Canada $1 note from 1935
                                                                 CANADA COINS 1882-1967:                                   with portrait of King George V & series B. VG
                                                                 6984. Ú Accum of various coins on plastic  CANADA $30 SILVER:
             UNITED STATES $2.50 GOLD:                            pages from 1882-1967. Incl a few Large  6998. Û Large size proof $30 SILVER coin  ........................... Est 90.00+
         6964. Ú USA 1908 $2.50 GOLD Indian Head                  Pennies; Nickels; SILVER Dimes incl 1901  from 2014 commemorating the Grand Trunk  BANK OF CANADA $100 NOTE 1937:
          Quarter Eagle. EF .......... Est 700.00+                (6); SILVER Quarters (11); 1967 SILVER  Pacific Railway............. Est 175.00+  7012. Ú Attractive Bank of Canada $100
                                                                  Halves (4); & SILVER Dollars (4). Condition               note from 1937 with Gordon-Towers sig-
         USA PRESIDENTIAL DOLLARS:                                varies from G-EF (78) ........ Est 275.00+  CANADA $20 SILVER:  natures. EF-AU. See photo above......
         6965. Û Collection of 39 diff uncirculated              CANADA 2011 PROOF SET:      6999. Û Special case with a $20 SILVER Proof  ....................... Est 400.00+
          sealed rolls (of 12) Presidential Dollars from         6985. Û Special case with a 2011 Proof set  coloured coin from 2017 depicting the Sacri-
          the Danbury Mint. These depict Presidents               of eight coins ............... Est 100.00+  fice Medal ................. Est 100.00+  ROYAL BANK $10 NOTE:
          from George Washington (2007) to Ronald  CANADA $10 GOLD:                          CANADA $30 COUGAR:            7013. Ú Royal Bank of Canada large
          Reagan (2016). Face $468 US .........  6973. Ú Canada 1913 KGV $10 GOLD.  CANADA 2013 PROOF SET:  7000. Û Special case with a large size proof  size $10 note from 1933 with portraits
                                                                 6986. Û Special black leather case with
          ........................ Est 900.00+  Has been CCCS Certified & graded AU-55.  a 2013 SILVER Proof set of seven coins ...  $30 SILVER coloured & glow-in-the-dark coin  of Wilson & Holt. VF. See photo below ..
                                      A beautiful coin! .......... Est 2,000.00+              from 2017 depicting Cougar in the moonlight
        USA MINT SETS:                                            .......................... Est 225.00+  .......................... Est 200.00+  ....................... Est 450.00+
        6966. Û Accum of various uncirculated mint  CANADA 1963 YEAR SET:  CANADA            CANADA $20 AUTUMN FALLS:
         sets. Incl two 1966 special mint sets of 5  6974. Û Hard plastic case with a set of 1963  HORSE STAMP & COIN SET:  7001. Û Special case with a $20 SILVER Proof  ROYAL BANK $10 NOTE:
         coins; 1999 Susan B. Anthony Philadelphia  uncirculated coins from 1¢-$1 (6 coins) ....  6987. Û Special wooden box with 2006 Sable  coin from 2014 depicting a waterfall in Autumn  7014. Ú Royal Bank of Canada large size
         & Denver Dollars (2 sets); 2000 P&D (2 sets  ........................... Est 50.00+  Island Horse set with $5 SILVER Proof coin  .......................... Est 100.00+  $10 note from 1913 with image of Battle-
         of each); 2002 P&D (2 sets of each); 2003  CANADA 2013 PROOF SET:  & pair of $2 stamps ........... Est 70.00+      ship Bellerophon & typed Neill signature
         P&D (2 sets of each); 2004 P&D; & 2007  6975. Û Special case with 2013 Special  CANADA 2017 PROOF SET:             at left. VG-F. See photo below .........
         P&D (20 sets) .............. Est 175.00+  Edition SILVER Proof set of seven coins .  6988. Û Special black leather case with  ....................... Est 400.00+
                                      .......................... Est 225.00+  a 2017 SILVER Proof set of seven coins
        6967. Ú Six WWII era War Medals with original  CANADA SILVER 1976 OLYMPICS:  commemorating Our Home & Native Land.  BANK OF CANADA $20 NOTE:
         ribbons in special boxes. Incl European-Afri-  6976. Û Special wooden box with a set of two  The SILVER Dollar has gold highlights.....  7015. Ú Beautiful Bank of Canada $20
         can-Middle Eastern Campaign, WWII Victory  $5 & two $10 encapsulated proof Montreal  .......................... Est 225.00+  note from 1935 with portrait of Princess
         Medal (2); Air Medal; Army Achievement  1976 Olympic SILVER coins (4) .........  CANADA 2016 PROOF SET:            Elizabeth & small seal. VF. See photo
         Medal; & Prisoner of War Medal. Also has a  ......................... Est 150.00+  6989. Û Special black leather case with a  above ................ Est 2,000.00+
         1931 Collegiate School Medal with ribbon.                2016 Proof set of seven coins commemorat-               BANK OF CANADA $2 NOTE:
         An interesting lot (7) ......... Est 150.00+             ing the 150th Anniversary of the Transatlantic
                                                                  Cable .................... Est 100.00+                  7016. Ú Beautiful Bank of Canada $2 note
                                                                 CANADA SILVER QUARTERS:                                   from 1937 with portrait of King George VI. EF
                                                                                                                           .......................... Est 400.00+
                                                                 6990. Ú Group of QE SILVER Quarters from
                                                                  1956-66. VF-EF (20) ......... Est 135.00+               CANADA $2 DEVIL’S FACE:
                                                                 CANADA $5 ROYAL BIRTH 2013:     CANADA $10 STAR TREK COINS:  7017. Ú Beautiful Bank of Canada $2 note
                                                                 6991. Û Special case with 2013 $5 SILVER  7002. Û Complete set of 4 diff $10 SILVER  from 1954 with “Devil’s Face” portrait. AU ..
                                                                  Proof coin with gold highlights commemorat-  coloured proof coins from 2016 depicting  .......................... Est 200.00+
                                                                  ing the Birth of Prince George. . . Est 75.00+          BANK OF CANADA $10 NOTE:
                                                                                               the Star Trek Crew; Kirk, Spock, Scotty &  7018. Ú Beautiful Bank of Canada $10 note
                                                                 CANADA $20 SILVER:            Uhura (4) ................. Est 250.00+
                                                                 6992. Û Special case with a $20 SILVER Proof              from 1935 with portrait of Princess Mary. F .
                                                                  coloured & three-dimensional coin from 2017  CANADA $3 CATERPILLAR:  .......................... Est 350.00+
                                                                  depicting Mother Nature’s Magnification:  7003. Û Special case with a $3 SILVER Proof  BANK OF COMMERCE $20 NOTE:
                                                                  Beauty Under the Sun........ Est 100.00+  coloured coin from 2014 commemorating  7019. Ú Canadian Bank of Commerce $20
                                                                                              Animal Architects - Caterpillar & Chrysalis .  note from 1935. F-VF ........ Est 200.00+
                                                                 CANADA $20 WOODCHUCK:        ........................... Est 70.00+
                                                                 6993. Û Special case with a $20 SILVER Proof             BANK OF MONTREAL $20 NOTE:
                                                                  coin from 2016 depicting a baby Woodchuck               7020. Ú Bank of Montreal $20 note from
                                                                  .......................... Est 100.00+  There is never a  1935 with portraits of Dodds & Gordon. VF .
                                       CANADA 1998 YEAR OF THE TIGER:  CANADA $20 PEARL FLOWERS:                           .......................... Est 200.00+
            CANADA $5 BANK NOTE COINS:  6977. Û Special folder with 1998 Year of the  6994. Û Special case with a proof $20 SILVER  Buyer's Fee at  BANK OF MONTREAL $5 NOTE:
         6968. Û Special cases with a cpl set of four  Tiger stamp & coin set. Incl souvenir sheet  three dimensional coin from 2017 depicting  7021. Ú Bank of Montreal $5 note from 1938
          diff Canadian Bank Note Series $5 Proof  & $15 Proof SILVER coin with 24kt gold         Vance Auctions!          with portraits of Dodds & Gordon. VF-EF ...
          SILVER coins from 2013-5 (4). Est 275.00+  plated cameo .............. Est 250.00+  Pearl Flowers with mother-of-pearl embellish-
                                                                  ments..................... Est 125.00+                   .......................... Est 175.00+
                                      LOT 7013
                                                                                                             LOT 7014
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