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                                     6667. SSÚÛ Attractive lot of world souvenir  6679. ÚÛ Stack of stockcards with an  WITH OVER 2,400 DIFF:  6699. Ú Box with an accum/hoard of wholesale
                                      sheets all Scott identified on pages. Primarily  accumulation of world stamps from older  6688. ÚÛ Old “Beaver” album made by  used stamps in bundles/part bundles, in no
                                      1950’s-2000’s with European, Mexico, Br.  to modern, in no particular order. Also 2  Marks Stamp Co. - early Toronto stamp  order. Primarily Canada but also USA, Gr.
                                      Commonwealth, Scandinavia, etc. Mainly  stockbooks - one with Canada, the other with  dealers. Has a mounted world coll from A-Z  Britain, etc. Mainly 1960’s-90’s with commems,
                                      $3-$18 items but does have some higher Cat  mostly South Africa. Also some additional  countries with stamps from 19th Century up  Xmas & defins. A huge quantity of stamps
                                      up to $50 & $70 each. Incl popular topicals.  material. Most are used, mainly VG-VF  to about 1940. Primarily used with Europe &  here! Good lot for a dealer, packet maker, or
                                      F-VF, mostly mint. 2025 Scott $745 (73) ...  (Many 100’s) ............... Est 150.00+  Cols, Br. Empire, Scandinavia, Latin Amer-  variety hunter (10,000’s) ...... Est 250.00+
                                      .......................... Est 225.00+                   ica, etc. We noted some better stamps like
                                                                                               used 50¢ Bluenose ($50), $1 Parliament
                                                                                               ($60); Gr. Britain #222 ($40); France #126
                                                                                               ($75); Denmark #3-4 ($75); USA #296, #298
                                                                                               ($68), 524 ($40); Cook Is #24 ($57); etc.
                                                                                               Mainly VG-VF (Over 2,400 diff). Est 700.00+
                                                                                             WORLD COLLECTION:
                                                                                             6689. ÚÛ World coll mounted on printed
                                                                                              Harris pages, primarily used. Has a wide
                                                                                              variety of countries incl Europe, Br. Common-
              WILD ANIMAL TOPICALS:                                                           wealth, USA, Canada, Latin America, Asia,
         6654. ÚÛ Accum of WILD ANIMAL topicals                                               Africa, etc. Has stamps from 19th Century up  BASEBALL TOPICAL COLLECTION
          with singles, sets, strips, blocks, SS’s, cov-                                      to 1970’s. VG-VF (1,000’s) .... Est 250.00+  IN 4 VOLUMES:
          ers, postcards, etc. These depict all kinds                                                                     6700. ÚÛ Extensive coll of BASEBALL
          of wild animals from the diff continents. Has                 TENNIS TOPICALS:                                   topicals in 2 Gibbons springback albums &
          a large variety of countries, great base for a                                                                   2 stockbooks. Contains a tremendous array
          good coll. F-VF (1,079 stamps, 55 SS’s /               6680. ÚÛ Box full of TENNIS topicals from                 of issues from many diff countries, 1930’s-
          Sheets, 21 Covers, 155 Postcards / Ciga-                the 1940’s-90’s with countries all over the              90’s. Has sets, singles, souvenir/miniature
          rette Cards / Maxi’s, etc) ..... Est 300.00+            globe. These were acquired by a collector                sheets, FDC’s (incl silk cachets), se-tenants,
                                                                  from stamp shows, mail order dealers                     Specimens, Foil types, USA 1939 FDC with
        WORLD LOT IN ENVELOPES, ETC:      ZEPPELINS & DIRIGIBLES:  & new issue dealers. All are still in the               Clifford cachet, etc. These depict Baseball
        6655. ÚÛ Box with an estate accum of older to  6668. ÚÛ Attractive coll of 55 diff modern  original glassines, ‘102’ cards, on cach  Games, Famous Baseball Players, Special
         modern world stamps. Much is semi-sorted by  souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting  FDC’s, etc, the way they were purchased.
         country into envelopes. Also additional loose  ZEPPELINS, DIRIGIBLES & BALLOONS.  Has tennis matches, Championship events,  Events, Anniversaries, etc. Great lot that the
                                                                                                                           previous owner collected over many years.
         material incl some souvenir sheets, etc. Un-  Has a wide variety of countries & incl better  Famous Players, etc. If organized, this  F-VF, mint are NH (100’s)..... Est 450.00+
         checked by us. VG-VF (1,000’s) Est 125.00+  singles/sets up to $14-$20 each. Also over  would make an excellent coll of this
        STACK OF ALBUM PAGES          150 diff single stamps. VF, mint are NH,  popular topic. F-VF, mint are NH (100’s)..  PAQUEBOT COVERS:  CARTON FULL WITH 1,000’s:
        & STOCKCARDS IN A CARTON:     used CTO................. Est 200.00+  ......................... Est 300.00+  6690. Ö Nice lot of 20 diff covers 1952-9  6701. ÚÛ Carton full with 1,000’s of world
        6656. ÚÛ Thousands of world stamps on  WORLD COLLECTION OF 1940’s STAMPS:              all with PAQUEBOT / SHIP cancels &  stamps, primarily used. Much of the lot is in
         album pages & on stockcards, from several  6669. ÚÛ Scott album with a mounted coll of  BOX WITH A COLLECTOR’S ESTATE:  handstamps. Has stamps from Canada,  small plastic baggies with stamps semi-sorted
         sources. Has stamps from 19th Century up  1940-46 era world stamps. Wide range of  6681. ÚÛ Box with one collector’s estate of  USA, Netherlands, Norway, Egypt, etc.  from all over the globe. Also has more mate-
         to modern with Europe & Colonies, Central  countries here with Europe & Cols, Br. Em-  material from older to about the 1970’s. Incl  which are used abroad. VF . . . Est 125.00+  rial on stockcards; Netherlands remaindered
         & South America, Asia, Br. Commonwealth,  pire, Latin America, Scandinavia, Asia, etc.  old Scott Modern Album; stockbook of USA;  MINT SOUVENIR SHEETS:  coll on pages; FDC’s; various in glassines;
         etc. Mostly VG-VF (1,000’s) . . . Est 400.00+  Mostly VG-VF (1,000’s)....... Est 250.00+  stack of World on Harris pages; mint Portugal  6691. SSÛ Attractive all diff coll of souvenir  some souvenir sheets incl mint NH Macedonia
        WORLD IN BINDERS, ETC:       CHRISTMAS TOPICALS:          1940 Roland Hill set & souvenir sheet (Cat  sheets primarily 1950’s-2000’s. Has a wide  #352 (Cat $100); etc ......... Est 350.00+
                                                                  $190); group of USA mints from the 1960’s;
        6657. ÚÛ Box with an accum on black & ma-  6670. SSÛ Beautiful all mint coll of 86 diff  range of countries & issues all identified on  WORLD STAMPS FROM 1940-1951:
         nila stockcards in 6 binders. The stamps are  modern souvenir/miniature sheets all with  group of USA FDC’s incl a few nice Staehle  pages. Has Europe, Br. Commonwealth, Latin  6702. ÚÛ Several 1,000 stamps on Scott
         semi-organized in alphabetical country order.  Christmas themes. Has a wide variety of  cachets; & more. Generally VG-VF (Many  America, Asia, etc. Incl some better items like  pages, from 1940-51 with ‘A’ to ‘Z’ countries.
         Has a wide array of issues. Mainly 1940’s-90’s  countries incl many higher Cat value with  100’s)..................... Est 200.00+  a nice group of Hong Kong with sheets up to  Tremendous range of countries & issues with
         era & mostly used. Also has a stockbook of  $9-$22 items. VF, NH ........ Est 250.00+  WORLD MYSTERY BOX:  $20 & $30 ea; Hungary with items up to $35  commems, pictorials, defins, cancels, etc.
         Canada; album with FDC’s; & an album with               6682. ÚÛ Box full with an unsorted accum  & $40 ea; China up to $26 ea; Montenegro  Majority VG-VF ............. Est 225.00+
         Flower topical postcards. VG-VF (1,000’s) .              of world material, older to modern. Has  #129E perf & imperf Cat $91; etc. F-VF,  LARGE SHOEBOX FULL
         .......................... Est 225.00+                   tamps on stockcards, in glassines, on pages,  primarily NH. 2025 Scott $1,200 (117) .....  OF 1,000’s OF STAMPS:
        SHOEBOX FULL OF STAMPS:                                   loose, souvenir sheets, bag of used Germany  .......................... Est 350.00+  6703. Ú A mass of loose unsorted world
        6658. Ú Shoebox with a huge quantity of loose             commems off paper, etc. Has a wide array                 stamps, older to modern. Wide variety of
         unsorted stamps, from older to modern. Has               of countries. Incl Montenegro mint NH #129E              countries with lots of large commems &
         a range of countries from all over but lots of           perf & imperf (Cat $91); Canada mint NH                  pictorials (Many 1,000’s) ...... Est 250.00+
         Canada. Has both large & small size. Days                #405bq (Cat $55), #SL78 (Cat $50);                      EXTENSIVE 5-VOLUME
         of sorting here! (1,000’s) ...... Est 200.00+            Macedonia #352 sheetlet (Cat $100); Cyprus              WORLD COLLECTION:
                                                                  used #168-82 (Cat $85); etc (1,000’s) ....
        SHOEBOX FULL WITH 1,000’s:                                                                                        6704. ÚÛ Five large size 2-post albums with
        6659. ÚÛ Approx 2 pounds of loose world mix-              .......................... Est 375.00+                   an all diff A-Z worldwide coll mounted on
         ture in a shoebox, older to modern, primarily           TWO CARTONS OF WORLD                                      Harris printed pages. Primarily used with a
         used. Wide range of countries here with lots of         WITH 70 POUNDS OF MATERIAL:                               tremendous variety of stamps from around
         larger size. Has Europe, Br. Commonwealth,              6683. ÚÛ Two large & heavy boxes filled with              the globe, older to modern. Wide variety of
         Asia, etc. incl Iraq, Italy, Japan, etc. A large         a big estate lot of world in albums, on pages,           commems, pictorials, defins, plus BOB. Has
         quantity of stamps that will provide hours of            loose, etc, from early to modern. Incl several           Europe & Cols, Br. Commonwealth, Asia,
         sorting pleasure. VG-VF (1000’s) Est 150.00+  FAMOUS PAINTINGS TOPICALS:  World Albums; Canada in Lighthouse album  Latin America, Africa, Scandinavia, etc.
                                     6671. SSÚÛ Beautiful coll of 159 diff souve-                                          An excellent base to build on. Generally
        WORLD R-Z COUNTRIES IN GLASSINES:  nir sheets all depicting famous paintings /  incl used 10¢ Jubilee (Cat $160); some Gr.  COVERS & CARDS
        6660. ÚÛ Mostly diff accum of many diff R to Z  artwork from many diff artists. Wide variety  Britain mint sets; general Foreign & more.  FROM OFFICES IN TURKEY:  VG-VF. We estimate that there are 20,000 -
         countries & colonies. Semi-sorted by country  of countries & issues from 1970’s-2000’s.  Nothing rare but a great lot to search & sort  6692. Ö Fascinating coll of covers, postal stat  25,000 diff stamps......... Est 2,000.00+
         in glassines, early to modern. Stamps from  Incl items up to $13 each. VF, mint are NH  through! Generally VG-VF (1,000’s) .......  cards & view cards from European Offices  TWO CITATION ALBUMS:
         Reunion to Zimbabwe. Many older stamps  ......................... Est 350.00+  .......................... Est 350.00+  in Turkey, from 1894 up to 1921. We saw  6705. Ú Two large Harris “Citation” albums
         here. Great source for cancels, varieties &                                           Offices of Austria (6), France (10), Gr.  with a general world coll from older to modern,
         topicals. Majority VG-VF (1,000’s) Est 275.00+  PRINCESS DIANA TOPICAL COLLECTION:    Britain (8), Germany (7) & Russia (1); most  primarily used. Has a decent starter coll
        BOX OF WORLD COVERS:         6672. Û Coll / accum of mint miniature &                  addr to USA & Europe. Variety of rates,  throughout. VG-VF. Our estimate is partly
        6661. Ö Box with an unsorted accum of older  souvenir sheets commemorating Princess Di-  stamps & cancels. Some interesting views.  for the stamps & partly for fine albums them-
         to modern covers. Has a wide range of coun-  ana. Seems to be all memorial tribute issues  Some flts but most VG-F (32) . Est 350.00+  selves (1,000’s) ............. Est 175.00+
         tries with single & multiple frankings, airmail,  following her tragic death in 1997. Has a wide  CONCORDE JET AIRPLANE:
         FDC’s, commercial mail, etc. Mostly VG-VF  variety of countries. VF, NH (Over 100 items)  6693. SSÚÛ Attractive coll of 53 diff modern
         (We estimate 650-700 covers) . Est 225.00+  .......................... Est 125.00+
                                                                                              souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting the fa-
        MYSTERY CARTON FULL                                                                   mous CONCORDE JET AIRLINER, primarily
        WITH 30 POUNDS OF MATERIAL:                                                           mint. Has a variety of countries. Incl several
        6662. ÚÛ Large carton full with 30 pounds                                             that Cat $12 each & one set that Cat $29. VF,
         of unsorted material, older to modern. Has                                           mint are NH, used CTO....... Est 125.00+
         stamps on pages, on stockcards, in
         stockbooks, in glassines, etc. Much of this
         has come in from diff estates which we did                  SKIING TOPICAL COLLECTION
         not have time to process. Lots of stamps to                      IN 3 VOLUMES:
         sort & search through (1,000’s). Est 450.00+            6684. ÚÛ Two Gibbons Simplex Springback
                                                                  albums & on 16-page Lighthouse stockbook
                                                                  with an extensive coll of world SKIING                    AUTOMOBILE & VEHICLE TOPICALS:
                                                                  topicals, from 1940’s-90’s, primarily mint.             6706. SSÛ Beautiful all mint coll of 89 diff
                                                                  Has a terrific range of countries with sets,             modern souvenir / miniature sheets depict-
                                                                  singles, souvenir / miniature sheets, se-ten-            ing autos of all types incl passenger cars,
                                                                  ants, FDC’s, imperforates, etc. These cover              sedans, sports cars, classics, racing cars,
                                         WORLD SOUVENIR SHEETS:   Winter Olympics, Downhill, Slalom, Ski                   etc. Also some trucks, buses, fire trucks,
                                     6673. SSÚÛ Stockbook full with a nice coll  Jumping, famous men & women skiers,       etc. Many higher cataloguing items in the
                                      of all diff souvenir / miniature sheets from  etc. F-VF, mint are NH (Many 100’s) .....  $10 - $17 range each. VF, NH. Est 225.00+
                                      1950’s-2000’s. Mainly mint with a terrific  ......................... Est 400.00+   WORLD COLLECTION IN ALBUM:
                                      variety of countries & issues. Loaded with                                          6707. ÚÛ Large Harris album with 1,000’s
                                      popular topicals. Incl better items up to $25  CANADA POST LUNAR NEW YEAR PACKS:  FAMOUS PAINTING TOPICALS:  of older world stamps mounted on pages.
                                      & $50 each. F-VF. 2024 Scott $1,330 (220)  6685. Û Lot of 10 diff Canada Post Lunar  6694. SSÛ Beautiful all mint coll of 136 diff  Ranges from 19th Century up to 1960’s. Has
                                      ......................... Est 400.00+  New Year Packs from 1997-2002 & 2005-8.  modern souvenir / miniature sheets all de-  Europe & Colonies, Br. Commonwealth, Latin
          BASKETBALL TOPICAL COLLECTION                           Each contains issues from Canada, People’s  picting Famous Paintings. Terrific variety  America, Scandinavia, Africa, etc. Unchecked
                IN 4 VOLUMES:        NUDE TOPICALS ACCUMULATION:  Republic of China & Hong Kong. VF, NH ...  of paintings & artwork with many from the  in any detail by us. Much to discover here.
         6663. ÚÛ Two Gibbons springback albums &  6674. ÚÛ Primarily used coll / accum of nude /  .......................... Cat 230.00  Masters. Incl many higher Cat value items  Mostly VG-VF (1,000’s)....... Est 450.00+
          2 stockbooks with an extensive coll of world  partially nude women on stamps from a range  from $10-$22 each. This lot is like having  GRACE LINE MAIDEN VOYAGE COVERS:
          BASKETBALL topicals, from 1930’s-90’s.  of countries. Has stamps loose, on pages, in  your own miniature art gallery! VF, NH ....  6708. Ö Coll of 16 GRACE LINE cach Maiden
          Has a wide array of countries with sets, sin-  packets, some in blocks, etc. Many images  ......................... Est 400.00+  Voyage covers, from 1932-3 (one from 1946).
          gles, souvenir / miniature sheets, cach  from classic paintings. F-VF (575 stamps,                               All are diff as to voyage & cachet colour.
          FDC’s, Postal Stationery, maxi-cards, se-  11 SS’s, 12 postcards) ....... Est 100.00+  WORLD SOUVENIR SHEETS:    Mainly USA frankings, plus covers from Co-
          tenants, imperforates, etc. These depict var-  MUSHROOM TOPICALS:                  6695. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of souvenir sheets  lombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Salvador, Guate-
          ious Championships, special events, Olym-  6675. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 52 diff modern  from many diff countries, mainly 1960’s-90’s &  mala, Mexico & Venezuela. Also 3 other USA
          pics, famous teams & players, etc. A great  souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting  primarily mint NH. Lovely topicals throughout  First Voyage covers incl 1932 “SS Manhattan”
          lot that the previous owner acquired over  mushrooms. Nice variety from numerous    incl Flora & Fauna, Birds, Art, Celebrities,
          many years. Also a binder with reference  countries. Numerous better items from $11  Transportation, etc. VF (110 diff) Est 200.00+  which was the largest ship ever built in USA
          listings entitled “The Handbook of Basket-  to $16 each. VF, mint are NH, used CTO...                            (up to that time). F (19) ........ Est 75.00+
          ball Philately”. F-VF (100’s) . . . Est 400.00+  .......................... Est 110.00+                         MOTORCYCLE TOPICALS:
                                                                                                                          6709. SSÚÛ Nice coll of 30 diff modern
        FORMULA 1 RACING CARS:                                                                                             souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting
        6664. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 27 diff modern                                                                        MOTORCYCLES. Has a variety of countries
         souvenir / miniature sheets from various                    GOLF TOPICAL COLLECTION                               with early types, classics, racing bikes,
         countries. Incl a lovely souvenir folder with 3                 IN 3 VOLUMES:                                     famous models, etc. Incl a couple sheets
         diff Ferrari items from Italy. VF, mint are NH,         6686. ÚÛ Gibbons Simplex album & 2                        that Cat $16.50 each. Also has 2 cach FDC’s
         used CTO .................. Est 70.00+                   stockbooks with an extensive coll of GOLF                with stamps. VF.............. Est 90.00+
        OLD SCOTT INTERNATIONAL                                   topicals, from 1950’s-90’s. Has a wide array
        JUNIOR ALBUM:                                             of world countries with sets, singles, souve-
        6665. ÚÛ Old Scott International Junior Album             nir / miniature sheets, FDC’s, imperforates,
         (1933 edition) with a slightly remaindered &             etc. These depict golf games, Famous Golf
         primarily used coll of World from the 19th               Courses, Famous Players, Championship
         Century up to 1933. Has a wide variety of                events, & more. These were acquired by the
         countries incl USA, Europe, Latin America, &  WWII MILITARY AIRPLANES:  previous owner over many years. VF (100’s)
                                                                                                  FISH & SEALIFE TOPICALS:
         more. Some mixed condition but much VG-VF  6676. SSÛ Colourful all mint coll of 75 diff  ......................... Est 350.00+  6696. SSÚÛ Beautiful coll of 65 diff modern
         (Many 100’s) ............... Est 200.00+  modern souvenir / miniature sheets depict-  souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting Fish
                                      ing WWII Airplanes. These depict famous                  & Sealife. Has a variety of countries incl
                                      planes from USA, Japan, Britain, Germany                 numerous better items that Cat $12-$17
                                      & Russia. Some also show military leaders,               each plus a couple sets that Cat $21 & $27.
                                      battle scenes, pilots, etc. Has better items             VF, mint are NH, used CTO. . . Est 150.00+
                                      up to $13, $14, $18 each. VF, NH........
                                      ......................... Est 225.00+                  DESK CLEARING LOT:
                                                                                             6697. ÚÛ Large shoebox with unsorted world  STAMP ON STAMP TOPICALS:
                                     WORLD K-P COUNTRIES                                      material that got cleared off one of our back  6710. SSÚÛ Extensive coll of 125 diff world
                                     IN GLASSINES:                                            office desks. Has used, mint, souvenir sheets,  souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting
                                     6677. ÚÛ Several 1,000 stamps sorted by                  covers, FDC’s, cards, seals / labels, various in  stamps. Has issues from many countries
                                      country in glassines, early to modern. Has              glassines, on cards, Canada $1 Export Plate  showing classic to modern stamps. Some
                                      K to P countries with Br. Commonwealth,                 Block (Cat $90); Macedonia #352 NH sheetlet  also depict Rowland Hill. Incl better $10-$21
                                      Europe & Colonies, Latin America, etc.                  (Cat $100); Honduras #C344a Perf & Imperf  items plus one sheet that Cat $100. VF,
                                      Great source for varieties, cancels & topicals.         ($90); etc. VG-VF (Many 100’s) Est 250.00+  mint are NH, used are CTO. . . Est 300.00+
                                      Majority VG-VF. Much sorting pleasure ....
                SPACE TOPICALS:                                                              MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO PRINCESS DIANA:  DISNEY TOPICAL COLLECTION:
         6666. SSÛ Very colourful all mint coll of 72  .......................... Est 275.00+  SHIPS OF THE WORLD TOPICALS:  6698. ÚÛ Two Postal Commemorative Society  6711. ÚÛ Primarily mint coll of WALT DISNEY
          diff souvenir / miniature sheets from 1970’s-  SHOEBOX FULL OF WORLD STAMPS:  6687. SSÚÛ Beautiful coll of 119 diff modern  specialty colls with a memorial to Princess  topicals, mostly arranged on stockcards. Also
                                                                  souvenir/miniature sheets depicting ships
          2000’s with a variety of countries. These  6678. ÚÛ Shoebox jammed full with an off  from ancient sailing ships up to modern  Diana. Incl a display case containing 97 diff  a few glassines, souv sheets & cach FDC’s.
          depict achievements in space, American  paper mixture of world stamps. Primarily used  passenger ships. Many show older masted  souvenir sheets in sleeves & album with 107  Much from Br. West Indies. Has all our favour-
          & Russian space programs, famous astro-  & mainly 1940’s-90’s. Has countries from all  diff lovely cach unaddr FDC’s & Map illus-  ite characters incl Mickey & Minnie, Donald
          nauts, space shuttle, rockets, etc. Has many  over with both Foreign & Br. Commonwealth  vessels from a wide variety of countries.  trated histories. A tremendous range of Br.  Duck, Goofy, Disney Princesses, Pinocchio,
                                                                  Lots of higher Cat value $10-$14 items. VF,
          higher Cat items with singles & sets in the  areas. Days of enjoyable sorting here. Mostly  mint are NH, used CTO ...... Est 275.00+  Commonwealth & foreign countries here. VF,  Peter Pan, Lion King, etc. Most VF, NH (420
          $14-$58 range. VF, NH ...... Est 225.00+  VG-VF (Many 1,000’s)........ Est 200.00+  NH ...................... Est 150.00+  stamps, 50 SS’s, 20 covers) . . . Est 135.00+
   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51