Page 44 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 44

100                          JAPAN COLLECTION IN SCOTT ALBUM:
        MINT NETHERLANDS MULTIPLES:  6557. ÚÛ 56/984, BOB, Attractive coll of pri-
        6539. Û Box with a duplicated accum of mint  marily used, neatly arranged in a Scott album,
         NH Netherlands from the 1970’s in part sheets  from 1876 up to 1969. We noted used 183 &
         /multiples. Has commems, semi-postals &  185 ($77), 480-97 ($46), C11-3 ($49); plus
         some coils. Varying duplication. F-VF, NH. Will  mint 594 Sheet NH ($47), C3 ($45), etc.
         have high Cat value (Over 2,500) Est 250.00+  Most VG-VF (Over 600 stamps, 5 SS’s) ...
        ITALY CALENDAR COLLECTION 1940-2000:  .......................... Est 165.00+
        6540. Ú Interesting CALENDAR cancel coll  FRANCE AND BELGIUM:
         spread out in order on monthly homemade  6558. Ú Six stockcards full with an asst of
         recycled pages. Has a variety of issues from  modern used from each country. Loaded
         a wide range of towns & cities. Cancels have  with beautiful commems & pictorials with a
         clear readable dates. Sparse in areas. Major-  wide variety of issues. Also some defins, etc.
         ity VG-VF, some flts (Approx 3,475 cancels)  F-VF (We estimate 700-800 stamps) ......    SWITZERLAND POSTCARDS
         .......................... Est 225.00+  .......................... Est 120.00+             DEPICTING STAMPS:
        LATIN AMERICA                DENMARK REVENUES:                                        6582. Ö Coll of 11 diff multi-coloured post-
        ACCUMULATION IN A CARTON:    6559. Ú Coll of 5 old commercial invoices from            cards all depicting early Swiss stamps along  FRENCH POLYNESIA
        6541. ÚÛ Carton full with over 12 pounds  1939-49 all with Danish Revenues affixed.    with crests, floral arrangements, several  MINT NH COLLECTION:
         of material, older to modern. Has stamps  Has 2-4 Revenues on each. Interesting lot.  with scenes, etc. Some are used from 1901-  6594. Û 505/1104, O16/O27a, Nice collection
         in glassines & envelopes, on pages &  F-VF....................... Est 50.00+          6, others unused. Many nice types with  of all diff singles & sets on black stock-
         stockcards, odds & ends, etc. Stamps here                                             some scarcer Canton stamps depicted. F .  sheets from 1989-2013. Incl 505 ($55),
         from every Central & South American country;                                          ......................... Est 250.00+  549-51 ($22), 560-2 ($53), 735 ($22), 906-7
         plus Mexico, Cuba & Dominican Republic.                                                                           ($20), 958-60 ($20), etc. Also many others
         Great source for topicals, cancels & varieties.                                     ARGENTINA IMPERF PROOF PAIRS:  in the $2-$17 Cat range. Has pretty topicals
         VG-VF, some NH (1,000’s) .... Est 275.00+               BELGIUM RAILWAY CANCEL COLLECTION:  6583. Û 431/503, C41, Interesting lot of 7  like coral, landscapes, birds, ships, costumes,
        FOREIGN MYSTERY CARTON:                                  6572. Ú Three volume specialized coll of  imperf proof pairs, all diff in some way. The  flowers, art, etc. F-VF, NH (423) .........
        6542. ÚÛ Carton full of Foreign countries,                Belgian Railway cancels, neatly written up  C41 pair is PRINTED ON BOTH SIDES. VF  .................. 2024 Scott 1,312.00
         early to modern. Has stamps in glassines                 & identified in alphabetical order on pages.  ........................... Est 75.00+  ARAB STATES ASSORTMENT:
         & stockbook; on pages & stockcards; loose;               Primarily 1900’s-70’s with a wide variety of            6595. ÚÛ Small box with an asst on cards
         etc. Has strength in Europe incl Belgium,                Parcel Post stamps. An above average lot                 of Sand Dune countries from the 1960’s -
         Denmark, France, Netherlands & Switzerland;              with mostly selected fully dated strikes. Also           early 1970’s. Has Ajman, Fujeira, Manama
         plus Israel, Japan & Latin America. Majority             an additional volume with literature & related
         VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 350.00+                 reference material. A great lot! VG-VF (Over             & Ras Al Khaima. Loaded with popular
        THAILAND ACCUMULATION:                                    2,200 stamps) ............. Est 650.00+                  topicals. Primarily CTO used. F-VF (100’s) .
                                                                                                                           ........................... Est 75.00+
        6543. ÚÛ Box with an unsorted loose  GERMANY 1929 ZEPPELIN COVER:
         accum of older to modern stamps, primarily  6560. Ö C37, Horiz pair of the 4 Mark Graf  Bidding Tip              SHOEBOX OF ROMANIA:
         used. Has stamps both on & off paper with  Zeppelin issue neatly tied by Friedrichshafen                         6596. ÚÛ Shoebox filled with a hoard of
         commems, pictorials, defins, etc. Unchecked  15 Aug 1929 CDS on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  An estimated value (i.e. Est 100.00)  loose unsorted Romania from the early
         by us so may hold surprises. VG-VF (Approx  AROUND THE WORLD FLIGHT cover. This  indicates what we estimate a lot is  1900’s-90’s. Most are used with a big
         1,500) .................... Est 200.00+  is the Friedrichshafen to Los Angeles leg  worth in Canadian funds after taking  quantity of stamps to search through with
        HUNGARY ACCUMULATION:         (rec b/s 26 Aug 1929). VF .... Est 300.00+                     GERMANY MINT NH       singles, some sets, topicals, souvenir sheets,
        6544. ÚÛ Extensive duplicated accum on  ALGERIA COLLECTION 1936-1966:  things like catalogue value, condition  SEMI-POSTALS 2002-2014:  & more. Generally F-VF (1,000’s) .........
         stockcards, early to modern. Great source for  6561. ÚÛ 79/347, BOB, Interesting coll neatly  and demand into consideration. We  6584. Û B897/B1088, Nice coll of recent  .......................... Est 150.00+
         cancels, shades & varieties amongst earlier;              have found that lots with estimated  semi-postal sets & souvenir sheets, all  GERMANY & BERLIN FIRST DAY CARDS:
         many lovely large size issues, much sorted  arranged on stockcards. We noted mint 341-7  Scott identified in glassines / cards. Lots  6597. Ö Attractive lot of over 400 “ETB”
                                      ($47), C8-11 ($51), etc. F-VF (68) ........
         by topic; plus a wide variety of back of book  .................... 2024 Scott 214.00  values usually sell for between  of beautiful issues. VF, NH .............  First Day Cards, from 1975-84. Incl both Ger-
         issues. Majority VG-VF. We estimate 4,000 -                70% and 125% of the estimates.  .................... 2025 Scott 343.00  many & Berlin issues. Many lovely topical
         5,000 stamps............... Est 250.00+  FRENCH COLONIES COLLECTION:  Bids under 70% stand a reduced              commems, pictorials & semi-postals with lots
        PHILIPPINES                  6562. ÚÛ 1/59, J1/J21, Attractive coll of  chance of success.  OLDER ETHIOPIA 1894-1936:  of nice sets. Slight duplication. VF ........
        COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION:    general issues neatly arranged on pages,               6585. ÚÛ Small coll of older issues on pages.  .......................... Est 180.00+
        6545. ÚÛ 145/2979j, BOB, Duplicated coll /  from 1859-86. Some highlights are used 1-5  VG-VF (48) ................. Est 50.00+  OVER FOUR POUNDS
         accum neatly arranged on stockcards, from  ($78), 59 ($45); mint 55 ($45); etc. Majority  FAROE ISLANDS COLLECTION:  CUBA EARLY CLASSICS 1862-1898:  OF NETHERLANDS:
         1892 up to 2005. Wide variety of issues from  VG-VF (54) ........... 2025 Scott 825.00  6573. ÚÛ 7/508, Attractive coll neatly arranged  6586. Û 20/169, Interesting coll of 20 diff  6598. ÚÛ Large shoebox full with over 4
         1 to 10+ of each. Some collected both as mint  DENMARK COLLECTION:  on stockcards, from 1975 up to 2009. Some  stamps. F-VF........... 2025 Scott 80.00  pounds of loose unsorted material from older
         & used. Has a beautiful range of large size  6563. ÚÛ Extensive coll neatly mounted on  collected both as mint & used. F-VF, mint are  issues up to 2000’s. Primarily all used with
         topicals & thematics incl imperfs. Majority  printed pages from 1870’s-1977. Has a wide  NH (184 stamps, 3 SS’s, 5 Booklets) ......  loose on & off paper. Has commems, pictori-
         VG-VF, some NH (Approx 2,450 stamps,  range of commems, pictorials, defins, semi-  .................... 2024 Scott 302.00  als, defins, semi-postals, etc. Also some in
         8 SS’s) ................... Est 250.00+  postals plus postage dues, newspapers &  GERMANY BERLIN COLLECTION:      ‘102’ cards, in glassines, cach FDC’s, used
        CARTON FULL OF UNSORTED EUROPEAN:  other BOB. Primarily used & incl some better  6574. ÚÛ 9N1/9NB285, Extensive coll of  blocks, & more. VG-VF (1,000’s) ........
        6546. ÚÛ Carton with a mass of European  items. Clean lot, VG-VF. 2023 Scott $975  primarily used neatly displayed on printed  .......................... Est 250.00+
         material from older to modern. Has stamps  (645) ..................... Est 300.00+  pages. Lots of nice singles & sets with  SHOEBOX OF POLAND
         on pages, in glassines, in ‘102’ cards, covers,          commems, defins & semi-postals. Incl some               WITH 2.5 POUNDS OF MATERIAL:
         balances, etc. Has a diverse range of issues             better like used 9N35-41 ($211), 9N69 ($35),            6599. ÚÛ Shoebox crammed full with a
         with just about every European country here.             9N75-9 ($63), etc. Also has uncertified 9N20             hoard of loose unsorted Poland from the
         No rarities but a tremendous quantity of                 Cat $500 which is not counted. A nice clean              1910’s-90’s. Most are used with a huge
         stamps. Will provide hours of sorting pleasure.          lot, F-VF (765) .............. Est 300.00+               quantity of stamps with singles, some sets,
         Mostly VG-VF (1,000’s)....... Est 400.00+               ISRAEL FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION:
        WEST GERMANY                                             6575. Ö Beautiful coll of cach FDC’s from                 topicals, souvenir sheets, some covers, &
                                                                                                                           more. Generally F-VF (1000’s) . Est 200.00+
        USED COMMEMORATIVE STOCK 1953-2006:                       1949-74, neatly arranged in a Scott cover  BHUTAN UNISSUED STAMPS:
        6547. Ú 692/2378, Large stockbook with an                 album. Has attractive topical cachets &  6587. Û Scarce 1962 Malaria Eradication set  CARTON FULL WITH 20 POUNDS
         extensive used commem stock arranged by                  frankings. Some duplication but many diff.  of 3 diff stamps. These were prepared but  OF EUROPE & COLONIES:
         Cat number. Well represented throughout with             Most singles & sets are with tabs. F-VF,  not issued (see footnote in Scott after #9).  6600. ÚÛ Approx 20 pounds of material
         1-10 of a kind in most cases. Clean saleable             almost all unaddr (264) ....... Est 175.00+  VF, NH.............. 2025 Scott 275.00  loose in a carton, early to modern. Has
         material with neat cancels, F-VF (Over 1,900            LIECHTENSTEIN MINI SHEETS:  LATVIA LABELS AND SEALS:      stamps in glassines, sleeves, envelopes,
         stamps, plus 19 SS) ......... Est 250.00+                                                                         ‘102’ cards, stockbooks, approval books,
                                                                 6576. SSÚ 817-19 (17 sets of mini sheets  6588. Û Dealer’s stock of various Latvian
                                       AUSTRIA STOCK / ACCUMULATION:  of 10 attractive Painting topicals), 861-2  labels, seals & Cinderellas from 1960’s-91.  on pages & stockcards, covers, colls, odds
                                     6564. ÚÛ 2/1869, BOB, Broad ranging stock  (6 sets of mini sheets of 20 Europa topicals).  These were printed by organizations in North  & ends, etc. We saw strength in Germany
                                      / accum from 1850 to 2002. Useful duplica-  VF, CTO. A nice lot for a dealer or investor.  America, etc. Incl blocks, multiples, sheets,  & area, France, Belgium, Scandinavia,
                                      tion of 1 to 5 of a kind neatly arranged on  2024 Scott $732 ............ Est 135.00+  etc. Has anti-Russian types, patriotics, Boy  Turkey, Russia, Italy, some Colonies, etc.
                                      stockcards. Has early classics up to modern             Scouts, Song Festival, Goppers Foundation,  Great source for cancels, varieties, topicals,
                                      large size topical commems & pictorials;                Latvian Heritage, etc. Many interesting items  etc. Hours of sorting here on rainy weekend.
                                      plus semi-postals, postage dues, newspa-                incl some colour proofs. F-VF, NH (1,120) ..  Majority VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) ........
                                      pers, offices, etc. We noted used C57 &                 .......................... Est 225.00+  ......................... Est 500.00+
                                      C59 ($132), etc. Good source for varieties,
                                      topicals & cancels. Majority VG-VF (2,875)
                                      ......................... Est 350.00+
                                     EUROPA TOPICAL ACCUMULATION:
                 GERMANY             6565. Û Stack of stockcards & album pages
           SOUTH AMERICA ZEPPELIN COVER:  with an all mint duplicated accumulation
         6548. Ö C39, VF vert pair of the 4 Mark Zep-  of EUROPA topicals, from 1959-70’s. A
          pelin neatly cancelled by Friedrichshafen 18  terrific range of countries & issues. Useful
          May 1930 CDS on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  duplication that will provide lots of saleable
          SOUTH AMERICA flight cover. VF (Used  stock for any dealer or future dealer. F-VF,
          stamps Cat $600 US)........ Est 350.00+  primarily NH (Over 1,750 stamps).........
        SAXONY KING JOHN I ACCUMULATION:  .......................... Est 300.00+
        6549. Ú 9-10, Old-time duplicated accum in  FRANCE IMPERFORATE SHEET:                        GERMANY BERLIN
         approval book. Contains #9 (81) & #10 (56).  6566. Û 2394a, Cpl imperforate se-tenant   MINT NH COLLECTION 1966-1985:
         Arranged in numeral cancel order. Good  sheet from 1993, containing 4 Booklet Panes  6589. Û 9N226/9N506, 9NB37/9NB231,
         source for varieties & shades. Majority VG-VF.  (48 stamps). VF, NH ......... Est 275.00+  Pristine mint NH coll neatly arranged on
         2025 Scott $1,096 (137) ...... Est 200.00+  NIGER ACCUMULATION:                       stockcards. Has defins incl High Values,
         POLAND COLLECTION 1918-1989:  6567. ÚÛ Primarily mint accum / stock all               topical commem & semi-postal singles &
                                                                                               sets, souvenir sheets, etc. VF, NH. 2023
         6550. ÚÛ Extensive coll neatly displayed  neatly arranged by catalogue number in glass-  Scott $404 (484 stamps, 5 SS’s).........
          on pages with a wide array of commems,  ines from 1921-2004. Has a nice group of     ......................... Est 150.00+  MODERN JAPAN COLLECTION:
          pictorials, defins plus semi-postals, postage  French Colonial issues, later Republic issues                    6601. Ú Large Uni-Safe 32-page stockbook
          dues & other BOB. Lots of nice sets &  with many attractive sets, topicals, semi-post-  LUXEMBOURG COLLECTION 1859-1976:  AUSTRIA  with an extensive coll of modern Japan from
          singles. Also has a good section of WWII  als incl mint B1-10 ($103), airmails incl mint  6577. ÚÛ 7/587, BOB, Attractive coll neatly  RECENT MINIATURE SHEETS 2001-2011:  1970’s-2000’s. Has a tremendous variety of
          German General Gov’t issues. F-VF. 2024  C148 ($65), & more. Generally F-VF, some  displayed in a Minkus Album. Some col-  6590. SSÛ B371/B386, Beautiful looking coll  commems, pictorials, defins, prefectures,
          Scott approx $1,700 (2,950+) . Est 500.00+  CTO (Many 100’s) ........... Est 200.00+  lected both as mint & used. Some highlights  of 10 diff Stamp Day / Train / Aviation / Ship  se-tenants, souvenir sheets, etc. Clean
                                                                  are mint 20 ($175), 86 ($65), 329-31 NH  miniature sheets. Fresh, VF, NH. 2025 Scott  colourful lot with neat cancels. Also contains
        GERMANY MINT & USED STOCK 1872-1934:                                                                               some mint. F-VF (Over 2,000). Est 400.00+
        6551. ÚÛ 13/477, Duplicated old-time stock of             ($49); plus used 245 ($40), etc. Majority  $488...................... Est 175.00+
         primarily used neatly arranged in 3 small                VG-VF. 2025 Scott approx $1,975 (824)...                USED NETHERLANDS
         stockbooks. Has from 1 to 30+ of each. Nice               ......................... Est 600.00+                  COLLECTION 1852-1979:
         ranges of Germanias, Inflations, Numerals,              TURKEY COVERS & POSTCARDS:                               6602. Ú Extensive used coll neatly mounted in
         Hindenburgs, postwar, etc. We noted used                6578. Ö Interesting coll of b/w & colour                  order on printed 3-Ring pages. Has a wide ar-
         228 ($115), 299 ($34), 310 & 312 ($51), etc.             illustrated postcards, Postal Stationery & a             ray of commems, defins & semi-postals with
         Excellent source for cancels & varieties. Ma-            few covers, from 19th Century up to 1920’s.              lots of cpl sets & better items. Incl 1-3 ($192),
         jority VG-VF (Many 100’s)..... Est 150.00+               Variety of rates & cancels; addr domestically            4-6 ($124), 7-10 ($66), 17-22 ($238), 23-33
         GERMANY COLLECTION 1969-2001:                            & abroad. The postcards depict side paddle               ($234), 40-50 ($135), 105 ($100), 278-81
         6552. ÚÛ 1007a/2143, B460/B895, Very                     steamer, city & rural views, etc. VG-VF (29)             ($52), plus lots of better semi-postal sets.
          nice coll of primarily used neatly arranged in          .......................... Est 175.00+                   Some flaws but mostly VG-VF (850).......
          a Davo Album. Contains gorgeous cpl defin,                                                                       .......................... Est 350.00+
          pictorial, commem & semi-postal sets; plus
          souvenir sheets, Booklet Panes & frama
          issues. Has many extras plus used blocks
          & multiples. A great lot! F-VF. Scott from a  ICELAND COLLECTION 1876-2019:
          few years ago was $2,500+ (Approx 3,400  6568. ÚÛ 11/1494, BOB, Attractive coll of
          stamps, 63 SS) ............ Est 750.00+  mainly used neatly arranged on stockcards.
                                      Wide range of issues. Some highlights are
        GERMAN NAZI ERA WORKER'S BOOK:  used 27 ($110), 59 ($70), 89 & 91 ($76),
        6553. Ú Hardcover 32 page Nazi Worker's  157 ($85), O8 ($50); plus mint 15 ($62),
         'Arbeit' Book with gold Swastika imprint on  76 ($150), 147 ($72), C2 ($60), etc. Some
         cover. Has 16 revenues affixed & entries,  have both a used & mint example. Majority
         from 1936-40. VF............. Est 65.00+  VG-VF, some NH. 2025 Scott $1,998 (384)    GERMANY AMG TRAVEL PERMIT STAMPS:
                                                                       ITALY COVERS 1865-1922:
        GERMANY THIRD REICH NH MINTS:  ......................... Est 600.00+  6579. Ö Attractive coll of 21 diff covers (incl  6591. Û Interesting coll of 21 diff AMG Mili-
        6554. Û 456/501, B169/B289, Fresh coll                    11 folded covers), postcards & Postal Sta-  tary Travel Permit Revenue stamps, circa
         of mint NH commem & semi-postal sets &  FRANCE OFFICES IN TCHONGKING CHINA:  tionery cards; most addr to USA but does  1948. Has various values & colours with  JAPAN RUSSO-JAPANESE
         singles. F-VF, NH (58) . . 2024 Scott 202.00  6569. ÚÛ 1/67, Attractive collection neatly  some surcharges. F-VF ...... Est 225.00+  WAR POSTCARDS:
                                      arranged on pages, from 1903-19. Some  have 2 to Jaffa, Palestine. Has a variety    6603. Ö 92 (2), 94 (5), Each tied by Tokyo /
        LATVIA LABELS, ETC:                                       of single & multi-frankings, cancels, rates,             Triumph of the Manchurian Headquarters
        6555. ÚÛ Interesting coll of Latvian labels  highlights are used 30 ($42); plus mint 17-23  h/s’s, etc. Majority VG-VF .... Est 275.00+  VATICAN CITY ACCUMULATION:  1907 special illustrated cancels on 7 diff
                                      & 25-8 ($165), 46-7 & 49 ($61), 68-9 ($51),
         (with multiples, sheets, etc) from the 1960’s-                                      6592. ÚÛ Four stockcards with an unsorted  Russo-Japanese War illustrated Patriotic
         80’s for various events, charity causes,  etc. Majority VG-VF (54) ...............  SWITZERLAND  accum of older to modern. Incl some better  postcards. Also unfranked card with similar
         anti-Russian, patriotic, Baltic States, etc.  ................... 2025 Scott 513.00  FDC COLLECTION:  like mint 169-70 ($22), 173 ($37), 242a (NH,  cancel. These depict battle scenes, Field
         Also some USA covers with Latvian related  PORTUGAL COLLECTION 1862-1940:  6580. Ö Beautiful collection of 129 diff cach  $20), C9-15 ($26); used C22-3 ($29). VG-VF  Post Office, Artillery, War spoils, Ogama
         cachets, labels, etc. F-VF (Many dozens)...  6570. ÚÛ 12/602, BOB, Attractive coll neatly  FDC’s neatly arranged in an album, from  (Couple 100) ................ Est 75.00+
         ........................... Est 75.00+  arranged on pages. Some highlights are  1963-96. Beautiful topical singles, sets &  FINLAND COLLECTION:  entering Mukden, etc. F-VF, unaddressed
        ARGENTINA ACCUMULATION:       used 12 ($42), 44e ($47), 53 ($47); plus mint  souvenir sheet frankings. VF, unaddressed .  6593. ÚÛ Extensive coll neatly displayed  (8)....................... Est 150.00+
        6556. ÚÛ 11/1796, Lightly duplicated accum  558-60 ($90), 587-94 ($54), etc. Majority  .......................... Est 150.00+  on printed pages from the 19th Century up  WWI RED CROSS POW MAIL:
         arranged & identified on stockcards, from  F-VF. 2024 Scott $874 (253). . . Est 275.00+  ITALIAN TRIESTE:  to 1977. Has a wide array of commems,  6604. Ö Interesting group of 4 stampless
         1865 up to 1993. Wide range of early classics  DENMARK 2014 NEW ISSUES:  6581. Û Double-sided stockcard with an  pictorials, defins, semi-postals plus some  printed POW related covers from Russian
         up to modern large topical & thematic commems.  6571. Û Envelope with a selection of new  attractive coll of mints from 1948-54. Has a  airmails, etc. Lots of nice sets here. Would  POW’s in Germany to the Red Cross offices
         We noted mint 18A (NG, $50), 24 ($150), 45  issues from 2014. Incl self-adhesive singles,  good range of issues incl some better like 41  make an excellent base to build on. Clean  in Copenhagen. Has 3 diff cover types. Incl
         ($90); plus used 32 ($40), 246 ($50), etc.  souvenir sheets, booklet panes, etc. VF, NH  ($72), 78 ($35), etc. F-VF, many NH (78 diff)  lot, VG-VF. 2023 Scott $1,575 (760)......  Camp cancels from Gnadenfrei, Minden,
         Majority VG-VF (Over 2,100) . . Est 225.00+  (31 items) ............ 2025 Scott 135.00  .......................... Est 140.00+  ......................... Est 500.00+  Nierderzwehren & Stettin. F .... Est 50.00+
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49