Page 39 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
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CANADA BOOKLET STOCK 1972-1979:                                                                              95
                                     6242. Û BK74/BK80, Duplicated stock of cpl
                                      mint Booklets identified in glassines. Some
                                      selected for counting marks or minor to major
                                      varieties. We noted BK76 (7 with MAJOR
                                      SHIFT of “CANADA” downwards), BK76c
                                      (REPEATING “10’s”, diff - $240), BK79d
                                      (BLACK WEDGE, 3 diff - $90), etc. F-VF,
                                      NH. Cat $1,740 (520 Booklets) .........
                                      ......................... Est 400.00+
                                     USA CARTON FULL:
                                     6243. ÚÛ Primarily used stock / accum loose
                                      in a carton, early to modern. Has stamps in
                                      sleeves; in envelopes; in glassines; in a
                                      stockbook; on pages & stockcards; etc. We  BETTER CANADA NH PLATE BLOCKS:
                                      saw a multitude of topical commems, a few  6254. ÕÛ 273, 294 (3 different positions),
                                      early private cach FDC’s, Postal Stationery  302, 321, 411, Nice lot of high value Plate
           USA DUCK STAMP COLLECTION:  incl cut squares, etc. Much to sort through  Blocks. VF, NH. Cat $815 .... Est 225.00+
         6228. Û RW43-4, RW46-70, Attractive coll  on a rainy weekend. Majority VG-VF (1,000’s)
          of 27 diff Duck Stamps, from 1976-2003.  .......................... Est 275.00+  USA NAVY RELATED COVERS:
          Several are Plate Number singles. VF, NH.  USA         6255. Ö Collection of 8 diff covers, from
                                                                  1941-69. We saw naval ship cancels, WWII
          .................... 2025 Scott 671.00  POSTAL STATIONERY ACCUMULATION:  Patriotics, etc. We noted 1960 Christening
        USA MINT HIGH VALUE          6244. Ö Accum of Postal Stationery items  of “USS ENTERPRISE”, 1965 Commissioning
        ACCUMULATION FACE $204:       loose in a carton, early to mostly modern &  of “USS AMERICA”, etc. F-VF . . Est 40.00+
        6229. Û Mint accum of mint issues in mainly  primarily unused. Has 100’s of diff envelopes,  USA MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $670:
         blocks & Plate Blocks, each stamp from  cards, reply cards, wrappers, airmail enve-  6256. Û Duplicated accum of 20¢ to 50¢ values;
         $1.00 to $9.95 each. VF, NH . . Face 204.00  lopes & cards & aerogrammes. Some duplica-  mainly commem & defin Plate Blocks & coils,
                                      tion. We saw some with attractive illustrated  from 1980’s-90’s. VF, NH ..... Face 670.00  CANADA QV PLATE PROOF SET:
                                      advertising. Most F-VF (Approx 1,300 items)              6286. Û 66P-73P, Cpl set of QV Leaf Plate Proofs, all in matching horiz pairs on card. All with
                                      .......................... Est 275.00+                   large margins & fresh colours. VF. Cat $4,000............................ Est 1,750.00+
                                                                                             USA LOT OF SECONDS:          CANADA MYSTERY CARTON:
                                                                                             6267. ÚÛ 10/239, C5, Lot of “seconds” all with  6279. ÚÛ Carton full of a wide range of mate-
                                                                                              flts incl high Cat items, from 1851 up to 1923.  rial, early to modern. Has stamps in glassines,
                                                                                              We noted used 71 ($250), 208 ($110); plus  ‘102’ cards, envelopes, sleeves, on pages &
                                                                                              mint 205 ($240), 211 ($225), 239 (2 - $450),  stockcards, circuit books, odds & ends, etc.
                                                                                              240 ($450). All faulty but presentable copies.  We saw a nice early to modern coll on pages;
                                                                                              Cat $1,945 (9 diff) ........... Est 200.00+  1995-7 Annual colls plus Millennium coll
                                                                                                                           (Face $130); Postal Stationery; souvenir arti-
                                                                                                                           cles; mint NH miniature panes #405bq ($55)
                                                                                                                           & #458b ($40); 1992 Signature sheet #1407ai
                                                                       USA INTERNATIONAL
                   CANADA                                           FIRST FLIGHT COVERS 1935-1940:                         ($125). VG-VF (1,000’s) ...... Est 400.00+
            STAMP INVESTORS PORTFOLIO:                           6257. Ö Coll of all diff FFC’s, primarily cach.          USA FIRST DAY COVERS 1965-1993:
         6230. Û 141/585, Stockbook with an invest-  CANADA #98 TOWN CANCEL COLLECTION:  Incl various Trans-Pacific Clipper flights  6280. Ö Attractive coll of Postal Commemora-
          ment portfolio of mint NH Canada from  6245. Ú 98, Specialized coll of 2¢ Quebecs  plus Trans-Atlantic flight to London. Also  tive Society cach FDC’s in 7 matching spe-
          1927-72 with sets, singles & blocks. Incl  with circular town cancels. All neatly orga-  1939 Ireland to Newfoundland. F-VF (6)...  cialty albums with historic descriptive pages
          1927 Confederation & Historical, sets; 1935  nized by Province & identified on pages.  .......................... Est 90.00+  (plus some more loose on pages). Lots of
                                                                                                                           beautiful cachets. VF, addr (Approx 550) ...
          Sil Jubilee set of singles & blocks; $1 Cham-  An above average lot with almost all being  USA FLIGHT RELATED COVERS:  .......................... Est 275.00+
          plain set; $1 Champlain block; 1938 Pictorial  fully dated with many SON. Many small  6258. Ö Attractive collection of cach FFC’s,
          blocks 10¢-20¢; $1 Destroyer set; $1 Ferry  towns noted. The majority are from Ontario  Flight Anniversary covers & Airport Dedication  CANADA 1/2 PENCE IMPERFORATE:  USA MINT STOCK 1933-1986 IN 5 BOXES:
          Set; $1 Fish block; $1 Export block; Centen-  but almost all other Provinces represented.  covers, etc., from 1928-52. We noted 3  6268. Û 8, A nice example with four full  6281. Û 752/2176, Huge mint stock of pri-
          nial blocks to $1 plus coil strips of 4; cpl  F-VF (164 diff) ............. Est 450.00+  international clipper flights 1939-40; 15  margins, rich colour, VF, NG. Cat $1,400 ..  marily Plate Blocks identified in glassines in
          Airmails; etc. VF, NH. Cat over $3,000  USA MINT SHEET COLLECTION FACE $696:  Dedication covers; 2 New York to Hamilton,  ......................... Est 600.00+  5 large boxes. Has both commems & defins
          (465 stamps) .............. Est 800.00+  6246. Û Coll of 165 sheets in 6 mint sheet files,  Bermuda 6 Apr 1938 flight covers with US  CANADA USED OHMS OFFICIALS:  with many cpl runs here. A multitude of diff
                                      from 1940’s-90’s. All appear diff as to issue &  Consulate h/s’s; etc. Also 3 diff cacheted  Plate Blocks as to issue, plate number &
        USA MINT SHEET                                                                       6269. Ú O1-4, O6-8, O12-15A, CO1, Useful  plate position. Varying duplication but many
        COLLECTION FACE $101:         plate number with a wide variety of commems  First Voyage Ship covers incl 1932 “SS  wholesale lot of 100 of each of used OHMS  diff. Also some coils. F-VF, NH (Many
        6231. Û 1031A/3293, BOB, Fresh mint  & defins. F-VF, NH .......... Face 696.00  MANHATTAN” - the largest ship ever built  overprinted Officials. F-VF. Cat $3,100.....  1,000’s of stamps) .......... Est 750.00+
         collection of 18 mint sheets, from 1960-99.              in America (up to that time). F-VF (25) .....  .......................... Est 400.00+
         All are diff as to issue & plate no. VF, NH ..           ........................... Est 85.00+  CANADA COLLECTION 1859-1984:
          ......................... Face 101.00                  USA MINT FOREVER STAMPS FACE $153:  6270. ÚÛ Uni-Safe 32-page stockbook with
                                                                 6259. Û Mint accum of 210 FOREVER stamps.  a coll of Canada. Wide range of commems,
        6232. Û OLT2, Cpl mint sheet of 100 Ontario               VF, NH ................... Face 153.00  defins, coils, etc. The earlier issues are pri-
         Luxury Tax Revenue 2À mills red brown,                                               marily used & in mixed condition, later mainly
         circa 1925. F-VF, NH, light bend & light touch                                       F-VF with many mints to be found. Has
         of DG on LR stamps .......... Cat 500.00                                             stamps up to $50 & $100 each (100’s) .....
                                                                                              .......................... Est 175.00+
        CANADA USED $1 FISH:                                                                 MINT CANADA FACE $519:
        6233. Ú 302, Wholesale lot of 100 used $1                                            6271. Û Fresh mint accum from about
         Fish. Not often seen in a large quantity like                                        1980-90. Many are in sealed P.O. packs with
         this. F-VF. Cat $1,500 ........ Est 300.00+
                                          CANADA MINT JUBILEES:                               matched sets of Plate Blocks, plus others in
                                     6247. Û 50-60, Jubilees up to 50¢, F-VF.                 glassines, etc. Mostly commems. VF, NH ..  NORTH YAKIMA,
                                      Cat $1,695 (11 diff) ......... Est 450.00+               ......................... Face 519.00  WASHINGTON STATE POSTAL HISTORY:
                                                                                                                          6282. Ö Interesting coll of covers, Postal
                                     USA POSTAL STATIONERY:
                                     6248. Ö Interesting group of 6 slightly better                                        Stationery, postcards, etc. with a variety
                                      unused postal cards, one postal reply card  CANADA MINT 50¢ BLUENOSES:               of NORTH YAKIMA Wa cancel types, from
                                                                                                                           1883-1917. We noted advertising & local
                                      & one envelope, from 1876 up to 1926. We  6260. Û 158, Four selected fresh mints.    business corner cards incl Hotel Tieton,
                                      noted U218 ($70), UX5 ($75), UX10 ($47),  Incl three stamps VF, LH & one stamp F-VF,  advertising card for Vendome Hotel, 2 post-
                                      etc. F-VF ............. 2025 Scott 247.00  NH. Cat $1,550 ............ Est 500.00+
                                                                                                                           cards with purple boxed “R.F.D. / North
                                                                 MARK MESSIER AUTOGRAPHED COVER:                           Yakima / Wash circa 1903 cancels, etc.
                                                                 6261. Ö Canada #2941e, “P” stamp depicting                Mixed condition, some F-VF. Old retail US
                                                                  famous NHL player MARK MESSIER on                        $195 (23 items) ............ Est 125.00+
         CANADA 38¢ REGIMENT PLATE BLOCKS:                        2016 cach FDC, which he has autographed.
         6234. Ö 1250ii, Matched set of Plate Blocks              He is one of the highest scoring players in             USA USED BLOCKS ACCUMULATION:
          neatly tied on 4 separate cach unaddressed              NHL history. VF ................. 50.00+                6283. ÕÚ Extensive accum of mostly diff used
          FDC’s. VF. Scarce set covers . . Cat 500.00                                                                      blocks loose unsorted in a sleeve, early to
                                                                                                                           modern. Primarily commems, plus back of
        USA POSTAGE DUE SHEETS:                                                                                            book, etc. Many have nice circular cancels.
        6235. Û J89-92, Coll of 1¢-4¢ Postage Due                                                                          Some are Plate Blocks. Majority F-VF (Approx
         sheets of 100, 1959 issue. All are diff as                                                                        350 blocks) ................. Est 90.00+
         to issue & plate #. F-VF, NH (10 sheets) ...                                                                     CANADA COLLECTION 1859-1963:
          ................... 2025 Scott 250.00+                                                                          6284. ÚÛ Old-time Canada coll on Minkus
                                                                                                       USA EARLY
        USA IN SHOEBOX:                 NEWFOUNDLAND COLLECTION:                                 COLLECTION/ACCUMULATION:  pages of primarily used. Has a wide range of
        6236. Ú Shoebox with a duplicated accum of  6250. Ú 45/J7, Coll on pages / stockcards  6272. ÚÛ 11/893, BOB, Interesting coll /  commems, defins, coils, BOB, etc. Some high-
         defins & commems. Many are in glassines                                               accum arranged on stockcards, from 1855  lights are used 18 ($80), 40 ($50), 47 ($30),
         but much is loose. VG-VF (1,000’s) .......  with older to later issues, mostly mint. Incl  up to 1940. We noted used 73 ($70), 113  99-101 ($265), 123-4 ($80), 136-8 ($87), 149-
         ........................... Est 70.00+  mint 1897 Cabot set ($362); 1928 Publicity    ($90); plus mint 215 ($180), 235 ($55), 285-  61 ($164), 177 ($20), O9 ($125); mint O10
                                      set ($144); 1933 Gilbert set ($165); VF 1933                                         ($65), etc. VG-VF (Approx 400) . Est 425.00+
        BOX OF USED USA:              Gilbert set ($165); VF 1933 Labrador Airmail             90 ($542), 298-9 ($205), 305 & 308 ($100),
                                                                     CANADA RAILWAY CANCELS:
        6237. Ú Envelope box filled with a hoard of  set ($260); cpl Postage Dues ($63); etc.  6262. Ú 98, Specialized coll of 127 Quebec  C1 ($55), C18 ($45), etc. Majority VG-VF.  UNITED STATES COLLECTION:
         loose unsorted used USA, from the early  Also has some covers incl one with the  2¢ all having RPO cancels. An outstanding  2025 Scott approx $3,300 (174) Est 850.00+  6285. ÚÛ CWS album with an extensive coll
         1900’s up to the 2000’s. Has a tremendous  1935 Silver Jubilee set. F-VF (Over 100) ..  lot with clear strikes & mostly all fully dated.  USA CIVIL WAR ERA PRINT:  on printed pages, primarily all used. Has some
                                                                                                                           older but mostly 1930’s-99 with a wide array
         variety of issues to sort through with defins,  ......................... Est 400.00+  Cancels from Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes &  6273. Ú Circa 1862 newspaper b/w print depict-  of commems, pictorials, defins, coils, both
         many nice commems, airmails, & more.                     Western all organized & identified on pages.  ing FLEET at “CHARLESTON HARBOUR  1933 APS souvenir sheets, etc. Also has air-
         Generally VG-VF (1,000’s) .... Est 175.00+  CANADA USED
                                     BACK OF THE BOOK:            F-VF (127) ................ Est 400.00+  LOOKING TOWARDS THE CITY”. Measures  mails incl C4-6. VG-VF (100’s) . Est 175.00+
        CANADA MYSTERY LOT:          6251. Ú C1/MR4, Used dealer’s stock                      21.5 x 8 inches. F, folded. Frameable......  CANADA STAMP INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO:
        6238. ÚÛ Diverse accum of material loose  mounted on pages with Airmails, Special  MICHIGAN STATE DUCK STAMPS:  ........................... Est 40.00+  6287. Û Safety Deposit stockbook with a Ca-
         in a carton, early to modern. Has stamps in  Deliveries & War Tax. Useful duplication from  6263. ÚÛ 1/18, Coll of 15 diff Michigan State  USA PRIVATE PERFINS:  nadian Stamp Investor’s Corporation portfolio.
         glassines, ‘102’ cards, sleeves, envelopes,  2-200+ of a kind. Also has 32 copies of O23.  DUCK STAMPS neatly arranged on pages,  6274. Ú Accumulation of Private Perfins loose  Has issues from 1915-78 incl various issues
                                                                  from 1976-93. Also has a cpl mint NH sheet
         stockbooks; on stockcards & pages, souvenir  Good Cat value here. Mainly F-VF (Many  of 10 of #1 ($50). Most F-VF (25 stamps) ....  unsorted in a large glassine, older to modern.  from the 1930’s, CE1-4, 2¢ KGV Admiral coil
         articles, covers, cards & Postal Stationery,  100’s)..................... Est 225.00+  .................... 2024 Scott 253.00  Duplicated but a wide variety. VG-VF (Approx  strip of 4, KGVI coil strips of 4, $1 Vancouver
         odds & ends, loose on & off paper; etc. We  QUEBEC STAMPLESS COVERS:                 600) ...................... Est 125.00+  & $2 Quebec blocks, & more. VF, NH. Has
         saw at a glance mint Plate Blocks & multiples,  6252. Ö Two diff Quebec small town stampless  CANADA QUEBEC SET MINT:  original invoice from 1980 showing cost of
         1976 Olympics bronze stamp replicas, 2 hard-  covers rated “7" each with VF double split-ring  6264. Û 96-103, Cpl Quebec set, fresh mint  $932...................... Est 200.00+
                                                                  colours, F-VF (97-9, 101 are NH). Cat $1,690
         cover circa 1967 Official colls “Some Cana-  cancels. Incl PORT-NEWF LC 20 No 1862;  .......................... Est 450.00+  USA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:
         dian Postage Stamps” & “Canadian Postage                                                                         6288. Ö Interesting coll of 39 diff cach FFC’s &
         Stamps 1967", etc. Hours of sorting pleasure  & DESCHAMBAULT LC 15 Ap 1863. Each  CANADA 5¢ CAMEO                 flight related covers, from 1928-75. Most are
         here on a rainy weekend. Majority VG-VF  addressed to Quebec with rec b/s’s. F .....  TAGGED MINIATURE PANES:     Washington State related. F-VF . Est 75.00+
         (1,000’s)................... Est 350.00+  ........................... Est 90.00+  6265. SSÛ 405bqi, Wholesale lot of 18 tagged
                                     CANADA TRAIN RELATED COVERS:  panes in cello packs. VF, NH. A nice lot for           USA 1994 RECALLED
        USA PLATE BLOCKS 1944-1953:  6253. Ö Interesting coll of covers / cards all  any dealer! ................ Cat 1,350.00  LEGENDS OF THE WEST SHEET:
        6239. ÕÛ 922/1025, Coll of 675 diff Plate  Train / Railway related from about 1930’s-  USA PLATE BLOCKS 1927-1933:  6289. SSÛ 2870, Scarce Legends of the
         Blocks incl 13 M/S’s identified in glassines.  80’s. Has 1939 Royal Train cover, 1973 Royal  6266. ÕÛ 643/732, Attractive coll of 18 mint Pl  West Recalled sheet in original blue holder
         F-VF, NH............. 2025 Scott 699.00  Train covers (2), 2 diff silk cach FDC’s; Postal  Blocks; all diff as to issue & plate number. We  envelope. VF, NH ........... Est 135.00+
        CANADA & USA MINT STUCK DOWN:  Stationery cards with Railway waybill notices;  noted 643 ($45), 649 (7 diff - $116), 650 (2 diff
        6240. Û Shoebox from an estate with an  etc. F-VF (21) ............... Est 50.00+  - $85), etc. F-VF, most NH 2024 Scott 311.00
         accum of mints in glassines, primarily from                                              MINT CANADA BLOCKS AND
         the 1960’s-70’s. Unfortunately all seem                                               PLATE BLOCKS FROM 1930’s-1950’s:
         to be stuck down due to improper storage.                                            6275. ÕÛ Album with a coll of KGV & KGVI
         Majority are in blacks, Plate Blocks or
         multiples. Salvage work required (100’s) ...                                          blocks & Plate Blocks. Various blocks incl
                                                                                               50¢ Victoria, $1 Champlain, 20¢ Fort Gary,
         .......................... Est 100.00+
                                                                                               50¢ Victoria, $1 Chateau, 50¢ Munitions,
                                                                                               $1 Destroyer, Peace to $1 Ferry, etc. Also
                                                                                               many Plate Blocks incl a few nice cracked
                                                                                               plate varieties, $1 Fish pair, etc. F-VF,
                                                                                               mostly all NH. Will have high Cat value
                                                                                               (100’s of stamps) ......... Est 1,250.00+  CANADA KGV-KGVI COLLECTION:
                                                                                                                          6290. ÚÛ 104/324, Attractive coll neatly ar-
                                                                                             CANADA KGVI BOOKLET PANES:
                                                                                             6276. ÚÛ 231a/287b, Interesting collection  ranged on pages, from 1911-53. Has a nice
                                                                                              19 diff KGVI mint & used Booklet Panes,  range of Admirals, incl coils, but lots of nice
                                                                                              from 1937-49. VF, NH ......... Cat 250.00  later issues as well. Some highlights are mint
                                                                                             CANADA $1 FUNDY:              111 ($185), 113 NH ($60), 116 ($120), 120 &
                                                                                             6277. Ú 726 (600), 726a (200), Wholesale lot  120a ($225), 157 & 159 ($550), 177 ($225),
                USA COLORANO                                                                  of tagged & untagged issues in glassines &  198 NH ($101), 227 ($80), 245 ($100), 302
          SILK CACHETED FIRST DAY COVERS:                                                     bundles. F-VF. Cat $640 ....... Est 75.00+  ($60), etc. A few collected both mint & used.
         6241. Ö Four albums with a beautiful coll of                                        CANADA MYSTERY LOT:           Also better early commems. Majority VG-VF,
          410 diff Colorano Silk cach FDC’s, from                                            6278. ÚÛ Diverse accum of material loose  some NH. Cat $5,075 (353) . Est 1,250.00+
          1986-90. Terrific array of commems plus                                             in a carton, early to modern. Has stamps in  CANADA IN FOUR STOCKBOOKS:
          other issues incl $8.75 Eagle, se-tenant                                            glassines; in ‘102’ cards; in sleeves; on pages  6291. ÚÛ Four stockbooks with a duplicated
          multiples, postal stationery, booklet panes,                                        & stockcards; covers; FDC’s; postcards;  coll from the 1950’s-80’s. Has commems,
          etc. Loaded with popular topicals like avia-  CANADA IMPERFORATE BLOCK:             used & unused Postal Stationery; souvenir  defins, coils, Xmas, used, mint, singles,
          tion, trains, cars, space, Indians, birds,  6249. ÕÛ 2220a, Scarce IMPERFORATE BLOCK of the 52¢ World Youth Championships.  articles; odds & ends, mint Plate Blocks; mint  blocks, Plate Blocks, souvenir sheets, minia-
          Presidents, historical, etc. VF, unaddr.....  Fresh, VF, NH. Cat $2,600.............................................Est 850.00+  1283a-6b ($50), etc. Most F-VF (1,000’s)...  ture panes (incl items up to $40 & $55 each),
          ......................... Est 600.00+                                               .......................... Est 275.00+  & more. F-VF (100’s)......... Est 225.00+
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