Page 38 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 38
6154. Ö CL51, Canadian Airways cacheted
Edmonton to Fort McMurray & return 30-1 The Caboose
Dec 1932 FFC’s. VF (2 covers). Est 125.00+
6155. Ö CL52, Canadian Airways tied on cach
Edmonton to Fort McMurray 19 July 1934 1. CANADA,
FFC. F-VF .................. Est 90.00+
6156. Û March 1931 Commercial Airways PROVINCES AND
black on orange Aklavik to Miami imperf Tete
Beche Essay Pair / Sticker. VF . . Est 50.00+ UNITED STATES:
6157. Û Lot of 4 diff 1931 MARITIME &
........................... Est 45.00+ 6183. Û A binder & a stockbook with an accum
6158. Û A.C. Roessler’s Canadian Airways of mints from the 1970’s-90’s, incl singles,
Ltd. red-brown & green stamp depicting multiples & Pl Blocks. VF, NH. . Face 450.00
ski-plane & spruce trees. F-VF. Interesting ALBERTA 5¢ FLOWER PLATE BLOCKS:
reference item ............... Est 40.00+
6184. ÕÛ 426, Wholesale lot of 100 M/S of
CANADA Plate Blocks #1 of the 1966 Alberta Wild Rose
& Coat of Arms issue. VF, NH. . . Cat 700.00
for W.H. Thorne & Co. dated 5 Apr 1885 for
shipment from St John, NB to Moncton, NB.
F-VF, small flts............... Est 50.00+
6160. Ú Intercolonial Railway Waybill from St.
John Station 13 Apr, 1889 for a shipment of
barb wire, etc. to Hampton. VF . . Est 50.00+
6161. Ú Intercolonial Railway Waybill from St USA WWII MILITARY CANCELS
John Station NB dated 13 Ap, 1889, for a FROM FOREIGN BASES:
shipment of flour & cornmeal to Hampton. Has 6185. Ö 899-900, Tied on 10 diff cach WWII
lovely illustration of a train. F, small spindal colour illustrated Patriotic cover from 1941
holes ...................... Est 75.00+ to New York. The covers are from USA
CANADA INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY: Bases in Bermuda, Br. Guiana, Cuba, Ice-
6162. Ú INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Waybill land, Jamaica, Newfoundland (3 diff), &
for Hall & Fairweather, Millers dated St John, Trinidad (2 diff). F-VF (10) .... Est 175.00+
NB 3 Apr 1889 to Salisbury, NB. F, small CANADA 20¢ FORT GARY SHEET:
flts ........................ Est 50.00+ 6186. Û 243, Cpl sheet of 50 of the 20¢ Fort
CANADA DOMINION EXPRESS CO: Gary with Plate #2 imprint at LR. Fresh, nicely
6163. Ú DOMINION EXPRESS Co. Merchan- centered, VF, NH. Scarce .... Cat 1,950.00
dise Receipt dated 8 July 1915 issued to CANADA MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $442:
CPR GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT R. 6187. Û Duplicated mint NH accum of many
MARPOLE (on his Pass A847) to move a diff issues loose in sleeves, from 1980’s up to
crate from Vancouver to Westholme, BC to 2010. Has singles, blocks, se-tenant multiples,
Mrs Marpole. Nice Railway / Express Co. item etc. VF, NH (Many 100’s) ..... Face 442.00
(measures 8x5 inches). VF, touch of toning, USA MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $248:
centre fold .................. Est 75.00+
6188. Û Lightly duplicated mint accum loose
CANADA DOMINION EXPRESS CO: in a sleeve, from 1970’s-2000’s. Has singles,
6164. Û DOMINION EXPRESS Co. circa 1911 blocks, Plate Blocks, panes, etc. VF, NH ...
green on white Advertising Blotter for “Money ......................... Face 248.00
Orders & Foreign Cheques”. Has comparative
rates for Gr. Britain giving Post Office rates as
well. VF .................... Est 40.00+
6165. Û 106/117, Selected lot of 6 diff KGV CANADA 2¢ MAP OF THE LARGEST FIRST DAY MULTIPLE KNOWN:
Admirals incl the 5¢ blue & 10¢ blue. VF, LH. 6196. Ú 85 (2 vertical strips of 5), 86 (block of 40), All used on piece & cancelled by OTTAWA, CANADA 25 Dec, 1898 CDS’s. THIS IS THE
Cat $525 .................. Est 125.00+ OFFICIAL FIRST DAY OF ISSUE (and First Day of the 2¢ Empire rate). F-VF, lower right stamp faulty. Has 2018 Greene Foundation Certificate.
6166. Ú Very interesting coll of 21 diff YACHT Saskatoon ...............................................................................................Est 6,000.00+
CLUB PRIVILEGE CARDS circa 1927 issued
to the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. These CANADA MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $256: CANADA $1 EXPORT USED: USA COVERS 1904-1940:
provided use of Moorings & Club House at 6200. Û Hundreds of stamps loose unsorted 6210. Ú 411, Lot of 500 used $1 Export high 6219. Ö Diverse coll of mainly early FDC’s &
various other clubs in USA & Canada. F. in a glassine, mainly 1980’s-90’s. Has coils, values. These are from an old-time Toronto Airmail covers. We noted one cover franked
AN UNUSUAL LOT ........... Est 65.00+ Plate Blocks, se-tenant commems, etc. VF, dealer’s estate & have not been on the market by C6; C24 FDC ($50); 6 cach FDC’s from
CANADA MINTS: NH....................... Face 256.00 in years. Mostly F-VF. Cat $1,500 Est 175.00+ 1930’s; two 1928 Lindbergh Flight covers;
6167. Û 242/411, Asst of older mints incl CANADA $1 CENTENNIAL BOOKLETS: CANADA BOOKLETS FACE $533: Macon Airship Arrives at Miami 1934 Airmail
242(3), 259 (Block), 273, 294(4), 302, etc. 6201. Û BK57, Wholesale lot of 100 cpl mint 6211. Û Lightly duplicated accum of 108 Book- cover; etc. Also 2 diff Seapost covers incl “SS
F-VF, NH. Cat $488 (36) ...... Est 140.00+ Booklets. VF, NH. Cat $1,250 . . Est 250.00+ lets from the 1990’s-2000’s. Has a wide vari- Manhattan” (largest ship ever built in America)
VISIT TORONTO 1939 LABELS: USA SPECIAL DELIVERY PLATE BLOCKS: ety of types, designs & values with commems, cach cover. Most F-VF (19 covers)........
6168. ÕÛ Se-tenant block of 25 diff VISIT 6202. ÕÛ E15-23, Coll of 52 Plate Blocks. defins & Xmas. VF, NH....... Face 533.00 .......................... Est 150.00+
TORONTO 1939 multi-coloured large size All diff in some way with plate numbers or CANADA KGVI COLLECTION:
labels. These were printed by the Toronto positions. F-VF, NH..... 2025 Scott 276.00 6220. ÚÛ 231/281, C6-9, Parallel mint & used
Convention & Tourist Assoc. & depict various CANADA 15¢ LARGE QUEENS: collections on pages with some extras. High-
Toronto tourist attractions / scenes. F-VF, NH. 6189. Ú 29-30, Accum of 28 used 15¢ Lg CANADA COLLECTION 1898-1971: lights incl mint 241-3, 245, 249-62, 263-7 &
La freniere $100 ............. Est 50.00+ Queens with a terrific range of shades with 6203. ÚÛ 142/553, C1/O49, Coll of singles & 278-81 (2), 268-73. Generally F-VF. Cat over
CHRISTMAS 1949 MESSAGE grey violets, greys, blue greys, red lilacs, sets on pages & in glassines. Many issues $1,000 (150 stamps, 4 Booklets, 3 covers)..
FROM THE GOVERNOR GENERAL: etc. Cancels incl corks, grids, CDS’s, etc. both mint & used. We noted some better like .......................... Est 250.00+
6169. Ú Christmas 1949 printed message VG-VF. A nice study lot!...... Est 500.00+ used 158 ($50); mint 209 (Pair, $110), 217-27
to Canadian WWII Veterans signed by the ($136), 241-5 ($153), 249-62 ($151), 268-73 UNITED NATIONS
Governor General LORD ALEXANDER OF YUKON AIRWAYS FIRST FLIGHT COVERS: ($65), C2, C4 ($82), etc. Mostly F-VF. Previous DEALER’S STOCK:
TUNIS. On Government House, Ottawa 6190. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on Atlin to owner’s Scott Cat $1,470 (850). . Est 350.00+ 6221. Ú Large 24-page stockbook with a
stationery. VF ............... Est 50.00+ Carcross & Carcross to White Horse 13 Apr dealer’s stock / accum of used New York is-
1928 FFC’s. F-VF (2 covers). . . Est 100.00+ sues, from 1951-2001. Has a tremendous va-
OLDER MINT CANADA COLLECTION: CANADA #98 CANCELLATIONS: riety of issues plus souvenir sheets incl #38.
6191. Û 87/130, Coll of older mint Canada from 6212. Ú 98, Specialized coll of 2¢ Quebecs all All with useful duplication. Clean lot, F-VF
1899-1925. Has QV Provisionals; KE 1¢-20¢; with diff split-ring town cancels all identified (Many 100’s) ............... Est 165.00+
cpl Quebec set; cpl KGV Admirals to $1 plus on pages. Has cancels from across Canada BRITISH COLUMBIA LAW STAMPS:
all coils; cpl 1¢-3¢ Imperforates; & both Admi- with strength in Ontario & Quebec. An above 6222. ÕÛ BCL38/BCL63, Coll of 8 diff
ral surcharges. A few flts but much F-VF. Will average lot with many small towns & most Br. Columbia Law Stamp blocks up to $20.
have high Cat value (51) ...... Est 400.00+ being fully dated. F-VF (64) . . . Est 250.00+
Fresh, F-VF, NH. Cat $2,095. . Est 500.00+
6192. Û Mint accum loose & on stockcards, 6213. ÚÛ Nice “Unity Canada” 3-ring album
from 1970’s up to 2002. Has singles, blocks, with a very clean coll in protective mounts on
CANADA INDIAN HEAD ESSAY: Plate Blocks, se-tenant multiples, sheets, colour printed pages. A nice range of commems,
6170. Û Scarce imperforate margin pair of airmails, etc. F-VF, NH ....... Face 298.00 defins, coils, Xmas, etc. Older issues prior to
the 4¢ INDIAN HEAD ESSAY. An unadopted CANADA 1973 YOUTH GAMES COVERS: 1930 are mainly used but after that, it is mostly
design from the 1950’s. VF, NH Est 200.00+ 6193. Ö 612, Set of 15 Youth Games Covers mint. Incl better like 3 diff 1859’s; various other
with attractive MAP cachets; each with a diff QV issues incl mint 68-9; useful KGV with $1
CANADA POSTAGE DUE LABEL: cancel from across Canada, St. Johns to Cavell used, #180-1 coil line pairs mint, 5¢ UPU
6171. Û Large size pink Canada Post Office Yellowknife. F-VF, addr........ Est 35.00+ & 5¢ Royal William mint, Sil. Jubilee set mint,
bilingual label for 2¢ Postage Due for publica- 1938 to 20¢ mint; then various KGVI; QE era
tions, circa 1950’s. VF, full OG. Scarce .... with a solid run. F-VF (100’s) . . . Est 250.00+
........................... Est 35.00+
6172. Ú Coll of 4 diff recent Cannabis Reve- TRANS-MISSISSIPPI SET MINT: 6214. Û BK76c, Cpl coll of 10 Booklets (each CANADA
nues each from a diff Province. F Est 45.00+ 6204. Û 285-93, Cpl set up to $2, fresh with a diff cover design) all with the repeating PATRIOTIC POSTCARD COLLECTION:
10’s variety. VF, NH. Cat $300 . Est 100.00+
CANADA ENGRAVING: colours, F-VF, 291 has 1998 Philatelic Foun- 6223. Ö Gorgeous collection of used /
6173. Û Canadian Bank Note engraving Die dation Certificate, 293 HH. An attractive set. unused illustrated Patriotic postcards circa
Proof on Indian Warriors. VF.... Est 40.00+ 2025 Scott $4,543 US ...... Est 2,500.00+ 1900’s (some embossed). From Ont,
CANADA ENGRAVING: CANADA 20¢ GRAIN FIRST DAY COVERS: Que & Maritimes published by Atkinson,
6174. Û Canadian Bank Note engraving of 6205. Ö 203, Coll of 8 uncach FDC’s of the A. Strauss, Warwick Bros & Rutter,
Canadian Beavers at work. VF . . Est 40.00+ 20¢ Grain all cancelled in Regina, Sask 24 MacFarlane, Valentines, etc. We noted 6
CANADA ENGRAVING: CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS 1928-41: July, 1933. Most have diff addresses & 4 Quebec Tercentenary plus others depicting
6175. Û Canadian Bank Note engraving 6194. Ö Attractive coll of 71 diff FFC’s from covers are Reg’d. F-VF ........ Cat 600.00 architecture, ports, town & city views, histor-
depicting a vintage bi-plane being loaded with across Canada. Wide variety of illustrated CANADA MINT PLATE BLOCKS FACE $274: ical sites, flags, crests, emblems, etc.
cachets. Some interesting frankings incl
mail. VF .................... Est 40.00+ A good lot. Most F-VF (78).... Est 800.00+
126a, 198 (pair), 201, C2, C4 (5), etc. Also 6206. ÕÛ Mint coll of 238 diff Plate Blocks
CANADA ENGRAVING: 2 Reg’d, 2 Postmaster Signed & 9 with NWT loose in a sleeve; from 1970’s-90’s. Primarily CANADA $1 CENTENNIAL BOOKLETS:
6176. Û Canadian Bank Note engraving of a cancels. F-VF.............. Est 250.00+ commems, plus Christmas & defins. VF, NH
Conestoga Wagon. VF ........ Est 40.00+ ......................... Face 274.00 6224. Û BK57, Wholesale lot of 100 complete
.......................... Est 250.00+
6177. Û Two diff Canadian Bank Note engrav- 6195. SSÛ 821-32, Wholesale lot of 200 6207. Û 600, 600ii, 600iv, Full field sheet of 50 6215. Ö Attractive coll of 78 diff cach FFC’s,
ings depicting Generals Wolfe & Montcalm. panes of 12 of the 17¢ Provincial & Territorial with four $1 Sign varieties. VF, NH Cat 438.00 from 1928-47. We noted 9 with NWT cancels
VF ........................ Est 80.00+ Flags. Still in sealed P.O. Packs. VF, NH ... & 1 franked by C2. Majority F-VF Est 175.00+
6178. ÕÛ 385, 389, 399, Sheet margin USED CANADA ON STOCKCARDS: FROM IMPROPER STORAGE: 6216. Ö 1909, $9.35 Eagle tied on
blocks all autographed by the stamp designer 6197. Ú Duplicated accum on stockcards, 6208. Û Sometimes an estate lot comes into “CHALLENGER” cach space shuttle cover
HELEN FITZGERALD (or Helen Bacon - primarily 1950’s - 2000’s but does have some our office that makes one cry - this is one Aug 1983 with Launched & Returned to Earth
her married name). #385 has both top & older. Primarily large commems with a terrific such lot. Has mint stamps mostly in blocks, cancels. Nicely displayed in an illustrated
margin signed blocks. VF, NH (5 Blocks of 6) variety. Also defins, Xmas, etc. Mostly F-VF Plate Blocks, multiples from 1911-60’s in informative folder. VF ......... Est 50.00+
........................... Est 75.00+ (We estimate about 3,500 stamps) Est 175.00+ glassines in a stockbook, on stockcards, etc. CANADA KGV - KGVI USED WHOLESALE:
Unfortunately due to improper storage over
CANADA $2 BLACK PRINT: USA MINT HIGH VALUES: the years the stamps are mostly all stuck to 6217. Ú 241-4, 270-3, 297-300, 309-10, Useful
6179. Û 977, $2 Commonwealth Day Presen- 6198. Û Accum of Higher Value mints with the glassines. Has lots of good KGV issues lot of 100 used of each. Incl better like 50¢ UNITED STATES 1869’s:
tation “BLACK PRINT” card from 1983. Only stamps from 90¢ to $19.99 each. VF, NH .. plus later that would Cat $1,000’s. Salvage Vancouver, 50¢ Lumbering, $1 Ferry, coils, 6225. Ú 112-17, 119, Seven diff used 1869’s
20,000 printed by Ashton-Potter like this. ......................... Face 143.00 work required (100’s)......... Est 250.00+ etc. Mostly F-VF. Cat $1,880. . . Est 275.00+ up to 15¢. F. Cat $925....... Est 325.00+
VF ........................ Est 50.00+ UNITED STATES
6180. Û CP24i-8i, Computer vended postage 6226. Û J89-91, Mint wholesale lot of 1959
wholesale lot of 19 strips of 5, circa 2016. VF, issue 1¢-3¢ Postage Dues in sheets of 100.
NH. Cat $332................ Est 80.00+ Has duplication from 1 to 10 of each (8 diff as
CANADA POSTAL STRIKE LOCALS: to issue & plate no.). F-VF, NH. 2025 Scott
6181. Û Cpl mint sheet of 32 POST PAR 30¢ $725 (29 sheets) ............ Est 150.00+
Local stamps, from Montreal 1988, black on CANADA
orange issue. VF, NH . . . Lafreniere 160.00 QV STREET CANCELS:
CANADA $1.29 TURTLES STAMP: 6227. Ö Coll of 19 QV covers / Postal Statio-
6182. Ú Turtles Chocolates unlisted stamp af- nery cards from 1893-1900 all with STREET
fixed on mini box. In a little known promotion, CANADA 10¢ SMALL QUEENS: USA C6 FIRST DAY COVER: CANADA CANCELS from Toronto, Montreal & Hamil-
Canada Post issued a $1.29 stamp to mail a 6199. Ú 40 (6), 45 (9), Nice accum of 10¢ 6209. Ö C6, Scarce FDC with neat Washing- COMPLETE MINT SMALL QUEENS SET: ton. Incl Elm St, Bleecker St, St. Joseph St,
mini box of Turtles as a Christmas present in Sm Queens with both Montreal & Ottawa ton DC 21 Aug 1923 cancel. Has typed 6218. Û 34-45, Cpl set of mint Sm Queens, Clinton St, Prince Arthur St, etc. Some dupli-
Dec 2012. The only way to acquire the stamp printings with shades & cancels. F-VF. Cat address to Edward Worden in New Jersey. nice colours, VG-F+ (#39 NG). Cat $2,432 cation. Mixed condition but many VG-F ....
was with the box of Turtles. F . . . Est 35.00+ $1,050 ................... Est 275.00+ Fresh, clean, VF ...... 2025 Scott 750.00 ......................... Est 600.00+ ........................... Est 80.00+