Page 43 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
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6482. SSÛ Beautiful coll of 60 diff souvenir / COLLECTION 1940-1994: CUBA LOTTERY TICKETS FROM 1840’s:
miniature sheets. Has a wonderful array of 6513. Ú Interesting calendar cancel coll of 6525. Ú Two diff imperf sheets of 19th Century
popular topicals incl birds, transportation, ce- broad range of issues with clear readable Lottery Tickets with 8 tickets in each. One
lebrities, Princess Diana, Betty Boop, Sports, dated cancels arranged in monthly cancel sheet dated 1844, the other 1846. Approx 7 x
dinosaurs, etc. VF, NH. Inventory enclosed. order & spread out on homemade recycled 12 inches each. VG+, some minor flts. Very
VF, NH. 2025 Scott $650 ..... Est 200.00+ pages. Many diff towns & cities seen. Majority unusual lot! ................. Est 75.00+
STOCKBOOK FULL OF SWITZERLAND: F-VF, some flts (Over 4,700 cancels) ......
6483. Ú Nice 10-page stockbook (20 sides) .......................... Est 300.00+
packed full with a large accum of duplicated EUROPE & COLONIES ACCUMULATION:
used, mainly 1930’s-80’s. Has a wide array 6514. ÚÛ Carton full of 1,000’s of stamps,
of commems, pictorials, defins & semi-postals. early to modern. Majority are semi-sorted by
Useful duplication with nothing overly exces- country or colony in glassines. Tremendous
sive. Clean lot, F-VF (We estimate 2,000- range of stamps here from many diff places.
2,500 stamps) .............. Est 200.00+ Has Germany, Russia, Greece, Netherlands,
MALAGASY REPUBLIC COLLECTION: Italy, Belgium, Scandinavia, & many more.
6484. ÚÛ 32/210, BOB, Attractive French ISRAEL MINT NH COLLECTION 1974-1992: Has commems, pictorials, defins, singles &
Colonial coll neatly arranged on pages, from 6498. Û 533/1109, Pristine mint NH coll sets; plus souvenir sheets, etc. Great source
1901-40. Some highlights are mint 70-2 & 74 neatly arranged in 2 stockbooks. Most for varieties & cancels. Majority VG-VF. A
($147), 130-4 ($51), etc. Majority F-VF. 2025 collected as blocks with tabs; plus some huge quantity of stamps here! (Many 1,000’s)
Scott $677 (190 stamps, 1 SS) . Est 225.00+ singles & strips with tabs. Many beautiful .......................... Est 450.00+
WEST GERMANY topical issues here. VF, NH. 2024 Scott HUNGARY STOCK 1874-1948:
$794 (1,265 stamps, 6 SS’s) . . Est 250.00+
ANNUAL COLLECTIONS 1977-1983: 6515. ÚÛ 15/834, Cigar box full with a stock
HONG KONG COLLECTION 1871-1954: 6485. Û Nice lot of 7 diff Post Office annual INDONESIA ANNUAL COLLECTION 1980: of primarily used identified in glassines, from
6472. ÚÛ 20/198, J1/N2, QV-QE coll of all colls from 1977-83. Contains all diff commems, 6499. Û 1067/1110, Issues cpl for 1980 in 1 to 25+ of each. Many diff providing a source
diff singles & sets in mounts on pages. Incl semi-postals, souvenir sheets, etc. VF, NH presentation album. Beautiful topicals here. for cancels, varieties & shades. Majority
used 47-8 ($67), 79 ($33), 103 ($60), J1-5 (Couple 100) ............... Est 150.00+ VF (38 stamps, 7 SS’s) . . 2024 Scott 112.00 VG-VF (Many 100’s) .......... Est 65.00+ NETHERLANDS COLLECTION 1867-1998
($51); mint 92 ($57), 98 ($65), 100 ($77), IN TWO DAVO ALBUMS:
102 ($60), 147-50 ($73), 168-73 ($49), FRANCE OFFICES IN PAKHOI CHINA: NETHERLANDS DEALER’S STOCK 6526. ÚÛ 7/1014, B1/O57, Attractive coll of
180-3 ($66), J12 ($45), etc. Mostly F-VF. 6500. ÚÛ 1/69, Attractive coll neatly arranged OF FIRST DAY COVERS: all diff sets, souvenir / mini-sheets&afew
2024 Scott $1,049 (115) ..... Est 400.00+ on pages, from 1903-19. We noted mint 50 6516. Ö Box with a dealer’s stock of cach booklets in hingeless mounts in two Davo
($85), 67-9 ($61), etc. Majority VG-VF (54) . FDC’s from 1950’s-90’s. Has a wide variety
NEW ZEALAND STOCK 1882-1971: .................... 2025 Scott 444.00 of issues with commems, semi-postals with albums. Has a wide array of commems,
6473. ÚÛ 61/458, BOB, Duplicated stock LATVIA LABELS & SEALS: singles & sets. Useful duplication up to defins & BOB. Incl used 22 ($70), 83a
neatly arranged in a stockbook, from All 6501. Û Dealer’s stock of various Latvian about 3 of a kind. The previous owner ($110), B54-7 ($41); mint 286-300 ($60),
Reigns. Great source for varieties & cancels. labels, seals & cinderellas from 1960’s-91. has each cover priced & this totals approx B1-3 ($80), B25-32 ($52), B50-3 ($41),
Majority are used. VG-VF (100’s) Est 75.00+ $2,700. F-VF (757).......... Est 750.00+ B144a-5a ($175), B214-8 ($47), J11, (NG,
These were printed by organizations in North $210), O2-7 ($66), etc. Has nice topicals
America, etc. Incl blocks, multiples, sheets, DENMARK SOUVENIR SHEETS & PANES: like birds, ships, art, folklore, architecture,
etc. Has anti-Russian types, patriotics, Boy 6517. SSÛ 919a/1657, Selection of mint sou- sports, etc. VG-VF, many mint NH. 2025
Scouts, Song Festival, Goppers Foundation, Scott $4,200 (1,962 stamps, 66 SS’s /
CANAL ZONE SEAPOST COVERS: venir sheets & booklet panes from 1990-2013.
6486. Ö Interesting coll of 62 covers / post- Latvian Heritage, etc. Many interesting items Generally VF, NH. 2025 Scott $858 (82) ... sheets, 6 Booklets) ........ Est 1,250.00+
cards 1926-40 all with U.S. Sea Post Canal incl some colour proofs. Also a few used. .......................... Est 275.00+ NETHERLANDS COLONIES COLLECTION:
Zone postmarks. Has various named ships F-VF, the mint are NH (730) . . . Est 125.00+ POLAND IN 7 ALBUMS 1951-1974: 6527. ÚÛ Coll of Netherlands Antilles, Nether-
incl SS Ancon, Cristobal, Pres. Garfield, WORLD REFUGEE YEAR TOPICALS: 6518. ÚÛ Extensive coll / accum of Poland in lands Indies & New Guinea, plus Surinam.
Pres. Harrison, Pres. Hayes, Pres. Adams 6502. Û Attractive mint coll of World Refugee 7 matching Gibbons “Plymouth” albums with Neatly arranged in “UNIE” album with stamps
& others. The covers are franked mostly Year topicals from 1960. Wide variety of stamps neatly hinged on quadrilled pages. from 19th Century up to 1966; plus more in
with USA stamps but has other countries countries with sets, singles & souvenir sheets. Primarily used with a terrific range of stockbook up to 1988. Nice range of early
incl Canal Zone, Haiti, Panama, etc. These The best item we saw was Belgium souvenir commems, pictorials, defins, singles, pairs, classics up to modern topical commems, semi-
covers generally retail for $10-$20 each sheet #B662a (Cat $70). F-VF, appears NH blocks, souvenir sheets, extras, etc. F-VF postals, etc. Majority F-VF, some NH. 2024
BRITISH WARSHIPS ON POSTCARDS: ($620-$1,240). Also one Canal Zone 1929 (150 stamps, 8 SS’s) ......... Est 125.00+ (2,700 stamps, 35 SS’s) ...... Est 275.00+ Scott $909 (724 stamps, 23 SS’s) Est 300.00+
6474. Ö Very interesting coll of 22 colour FFC. Mostly F (63).......... Est 375.00+ STOCKBOOK OF NETHERLANDS: RUSSIA WWII MEDAL SHEET:
illustrated & b/w photo, primarily WWI 6519. ÚÛ Large Lighthouse 32-page 6528. Û 1341A, Cpl mint sheet of 50 of the 2R
postcards depicting cruisers & destroyers. FINLAND DEALER’S STOCK stockbook with a duplicated accum from WWII Medal. F-VF, NH, centre fold, natural
All diff as to ship & printing. F-VF, mostly all IN 3 BOOKS 1866-2010: 1870’s-1990’s. Has a variety of issues with an patch of gum on face of 2 stamps. 2025 Scott
unused (22) ............... Est 200.00+ 6487. ÚÛ 6/1354, BOB, Dealer’s stock excellent group of semi-postals incl mint B1-3 $550....................... Est 70.00+
neatly arranged, identified & priced in
3 counter books. Has singles, sets, ($80), B48-9 ($37), B54-7 ($80), B62-5 ($54), MIDDLE EAST POSTCARDS CIRCA 1900’s:
souvenir sheets, booklets, classics, topical B77-81 ($58), B214-8 ($47), & more. Gener- 6529. Ö Interesting coll of 11 diff unused b/w
commems, semi-postals, airmails & Karelia. ally VG-VF (Approx 1,900) .... Est 225.00+ photo & colour illustrated / photo postcards.
Light duplication overall. Has 23 early Coat GERMANY ACCUMULATION: Depict scenes of Bethlehem, Beirut & Jerusa-
of Arms issues (mixed condition). We noted PARIS FRANCE COVERS 1840-1857: 6520. ÚÛ Box with a stock / accum of primarily lem. F-VF................... Est 75.00+
used 17 ($70), 23 (5-$300), 30 ($55), etc. 6503. Ö Very attractive specialized coll of used on stockcards, from 1872 up to 2000
Majority VG-VF. 2021 Scott approx $6,700 stampless covers from Paris beautifully (mainly post WWII). Tremendous range of
(100’s).................. Est 1,250.00+ written-up on pages. Contains a study of commems, pictorials, defins, semi-postals,
FINLAND STEAMSHIP CO., ETC, POSTCARDS: Paris time & rate markings. Has some etc. We noted used B318-9 ($80), B330
6488. Ö Interesting coll of ship postcards de- colour strikes, railway cancels, merchant ($60), B318-9 ($80), B337 ($57), etc. Majority
picting Cargo Vessels plus some Passenger corner cards, Postage Dues. Majority F-VF VG-VF. Much to investigate (1,000’s) .....
.......................... Est 300.00+
QUEENSLAND QV COVER COLLECTION: Liners that serviced the Baltic Sea, Kiel Canal, (25 covers)................ Est 250.00+
6475. Ö Very interesting coll of covers & Baltic States & English Channel, from the NETHERLANDS COLLECTION 1852-1983: EUROPE & COLONIES ACCUMULATION
postcards from Queensland, from 1869-1910 1920’s-60’s. Wide variety of ships depicted. 6504. ÚÛ Davo album with an extensive WITH 20 POUNDS OF MATERIAL:
(mainly 1900’s). Variety of Queensland can- F-VF, primarily all unused (55) . Est 100.00+ coll neatly displayed on painted pages with 6521. ÚÛ Carton full with 20 pounds of
cels, all with additional matching NUMERAL LOMBARDY-VENETIA STAMPLESS COVERS: many lovely sets, singles, souvenir sheets, material, early to modern. Has stamps in
strikes. Majority are posted to Hobart but a 6489. Ö Interesting lot of 5 pre-stamp covers etc. Has commems, defins & semi-postals. glassines, ‘102’ cards, stockbook, on pages & SWITZERLAND PAX SET USED:
few to England & USA. Has 8 Reg’d covers dated 1774, 1791, 1816, 1828 & 1837. Vari- Older issues are mostly used but much mint stockcards, balances, etc. Many diff countries 6530. Ú 293-305, Cpl Pax set to 10 Fr. F-VF,
are Reg’d. Mixed condition but ideal lot for ous destinations & markings. Nice condition, & colonies here with strength in Austria, neat cancels. 2025 Scott $806. Est 250.00+
study (99) ................. Est 250.00+ F-VF....................... Est 90.00+ in the later. Lots of better singles / sets in Switzerland, Benelux, Scandinavia, Italy, etc. GERMANY BAHNPOST
the $25-$230 Cat value range. A solid coll.
Great source for topicals, thematics, cancels
BR. COMMONWEALTH MYSTERY LOT: 6490. ÚÛ Decent coll of primarily used neatly VG-VF. 2025 Scott $2,400 (100’s) ....... & varieties. Majority VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) . CANCEL COLLECTION:
6476. ÚÛ Interesting accum on pages, in displayed on printed pages. Wide range of ......................... Est 750.00+ .......................... Est 400.00+ 6531. Ú Very interesting coll of selected BAHN-
glassines, on covers, loose, etc. Ranges commems, pictorials, defins plus officials, POST cancels on stamps, on stamps on piece
from early to modern with a wide variety of WWII GERMAN OCCUPATION & on covers / postcards, earlier to modern.
countries. A fun lot to sort through (100’s) .. semi-postals & other BOB. Incl some better OF ALSACE MINT NEVER HINGED: Tremendous variety here incl Germanias,
like mint B1-3 ($128), B54-65 ($90); used
.......................... Est 100.00+ 6505. ÕÛ N39-42, Mint multiples of 49 Inflation era, Third Reich & early post WWII.
B5-8 ($33); etc. A nice clean lot, perfect to stamps each of the WWII German Occupa- F-VF (212 cancels, 20 covers) . Est 250.00+
GR. BRITAIN MYSTERY LOT: build on. VG-VF. 2023 Scott $1,150 (715) .. tion of Alsace. Fresh colours, nice centering,
6477. ÚÛ A wide variety from older to modern .......................... Est 375.00+ LAOS COLLECTION 1951-1974:
incl all reigns. Contains stamps on pages, on F-VF, NH. 2025 Scott $2,401 (196 stamps) 6532. Û Stockbook with a mint all diff coll incl
cards, loose, etc, incl better items & some ......................... Est 600.00+ commems, defins, airmails, souvenir sheets,
covers. Many interesting items to be found SOUTH KOREA 1971 SE-TENANT: etc. F-VF, appears NH (207 stamps, 6 SS’s)
(100’s) .................... Est 100.00+ 6506. ÕÛ 756-80, Se-tenant block of 25 diff .......................... Est 100.00+
depicting the United Nations agencies. VF, NETHERLANDS COLLECTION 1852-1990:
3. FOREIGN: NH................... 2025 Scott 93.75 6533. ÚÛ Extensive coll on pages from sev-
eral sources. Has a wide array of commems,
LATIN AMERICA pictorials, defins, semi-postals plus other
EUROPE MAXI-CARDS: 6507. Ö Attractive coll of 22 diff WWII Cen- BOB. Terrific variety of issues incl some
better. VG-VF (Over 1,300).... Est 250.00+
6478. Ö Colourful coll of maxi-cards from the sored covers, 7 from Brazil; plus 15 more
1980’s. Has Germany, DDR, Vatican, Swiss, from 9 diff Latin American countries. Contains
Guernsey, Austria, etc. Has views, buildings, a variety of frankings, rates, cancels, destina-
art, famous people, etc. VF (83) . Est 80.00+ AUSTRIA COLLECTION 1945-1999: tions, censor h/s’s & tapes. Most addr to USA
6491. Ú 455/1798, BOB, Beautiful coll neatly & Europe; 2 have German censor tapes. Most
arranged on Scott pages. Has topical large VG-VF .................... Est 100.00+
size commems & pictorials; plus souvenir
sheets. Also a few isolated mint. F-VF FRANCE COLLECTION
(1,113 stamps, 6 SS’s)....... Est 200.00+
HUNGARY COLLECTION ON PAGES: 6522. ÚÛ 3/937, BOB, Exceptional coll
6492. ÚÛ Extensive coll from 19th Century up neatly arranged in a Lighthouse Hingeless
to 1988, neatly mounted in order on printed Album (with matching slipcase), with stamps
pages. Primarily used with a wide array of & pages from 1849 up to 1959. Some
commems, pictorials, defins, airmails & BOB. highlights are used 12-3 & 19-20 ($187), 38 SOUTH KOREA SOUVENIR SHEETS:
A good lot. VG-VF (Approx 2,250 diff) ..... ($125), 126 ($75); plus mint 100 ($72), 291- 6534. SSÛ 305a/881a, Nice all diff coll of
.......................... Est 200.00+ 7 ($183), B3-6 ($145), B20-3 ($181), B31-3 souvenir sheets from 1960-73. Incl better
LARGE STOCKBOOK FULL OF GERMANY: GERMANY MINT NH STOCK 1974-1977: ($108), B153-7 ($60), B249-54 ($72), B285-
6479. ÚÛ Large Uni-Safe 32-page stockbook 6493. Û 1135/1253, B508/B541, Dealer’s stock 92 & B294-9 ($270); etc. Primarily mint with like 441a-3a ($49), 492a ($22), 579a ($62),
(64 sides) filled with a coll / accum of Ger- many cpl runs incl other better commems, 790-3 ($46), etc. VF, most NH (39 diff) ....
many from 19th Century up to 2000’s. of mints in a sheet file in blocks & part sheets. WWI PRISONERS OF WAR POSTCARDS: semi-postals & airmails. Majority VG-VF. .................... 2025 Scott 428.00
Has a nice range of commems, semi-postals,
Tremendous variety of issues here with etc with most having 24-29 of a kind. A good 6508. Ö Interesting coll of 14 WWI coloured 2025 Scott $6,800 (Over 1,200) ......... TIBET RATION COUPONS:
commems, pictorials, defins & semi-postals. clean lot for a dealer with useful duplication. postcards (all diff in some way) depicting ....................... Est 1,750.00+ 6535. Û Interesting accum of Tibet Ration
Strength in post war material from 1950’s F-VF, NH. Scott from a few years ago was Prisoners of War captured by the Germans. coupons circa 1960’s-80’s, used for shortages
onwards but does have some older interest- $3,000+ (Over 2,400) ........ Est 450.00+ Incl various groups & uniforms with English, SCOTT SPECIALTY ALBUM of food, fuel, & clothing. Has various types,
ing items. Majority are used with light dupli- Scottish, Belgian, Zouaves, French, etc. FOR IRELAND 1998-2018: designs, sizes, etc. F-VF (80) . . . Est 80.00+
cation throughout. Clean lot with a huge GERMANY ACCUMULATION Unused & used. Most F. An unusual lot!... 6523. Û Scott 3-Ring Specialty Album for
quantity of stamps here. VG-VF (We esti- IN 6 STOCKBOOKS: ......................... Est 150.00+ modern Ireland with printed pages from 1998-
mate 3,500-4,500 stamps).... Est 500.00+ 6494. ÚÛ Six large stockbooks with a dupli- 2018. Has a solid showing of mint stamps
cated accum, mainly 1940’s-70’s era. Strength BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA from 1998-2001, then empty after that. The
AUSTRIA MINT COLLECTION: in West Germany & Berlin with commems, SPECIALTY COLLECTION: stamps (and unfilled pages) have black
6480. Û 36/1254, BOB, Diverse mint coll neatly semi-postals with lots of mint, selected used, 6509. ÚÛ 1/23, Specialty coll / accum of mounts affixed ready to be filled. Also has
arranged on stockcards, from 19th Century up singles, sets, blocks, etc. Also has some older Coat of Arms issues Mi / SG identified on some Postage Dues & used Airmails at the
to 1980’s. We saw much back of book issues, material, cancels, WWII occupied areas, DDR, stockcards, from 1879-1900. Primarily used back. F-VF, appears all NH. Our estimate
semi-postal sets, Postage Dues, etc. We etc. Good lot for a dealer. VG-VF (Many 100’s) with diff types, shades, perfs, cancels & is partly for the stamps & partly for the fine
noted 45 ($55), B57-65, B71-6 & B156-64 .......................... Est 400.00+ extras. VG-VF, some mints are NH. Good lot album itself (215 stamps, 28 SS’s) ........
($63), etc. Majority VG-VF, some NH (1,068) NETHERLANDS 1984-2001 MINT NH for the specialist (570)........ Est 150.00+ .......................... Est 250.00+
.......................... Est 175.00+ IN 2 HINGELESS ALBUMS: GERMANY BERLIN COLLECTION 1948-1990:
6495. Û Two Davo Hingeless Albums with 6510. ÚÛ Very clean coll of primarily used
a beautiful coll of modern Netherlands. neatly displayed in order on pages. Nice JAPANESE WARSHIPS ON POSTCARDS:
Many pages have all the spaces filled. Has range of issues with commems, pictorials, 6536. Ö Historic coll of 11 diff used / unused
commems, semi-postals, souvenir sheets, defins, etc. Incl better like 9N38-9 ($58), mainly b/w photo postcards depicting Japa-
self adhesives, etc. F-VF, NH (100’s) ...... 9N42-63 ($164), 9N75-9 ($63), etc. F-VF. nese Warships, primarily 1900’s-10’s. Many
.................... 2025 Scott 789.00 Scott from a few years ago was $1,400 (570) participated in the Russo-Japanese War.
GERMANY CANCEL COLLECTION: .......................... Est 375.00+ We noted ships Katori, Kashima, Sagami,
6496. Ú Very interesting coll / accum of se- Shikshima; plus the Hatsuse (which was
lected cancels on pages & stockcards, early SHOEBOX FULL OF ITALY WITH 1,000’s: sunk by a mine in 1904). F-VF. Est 150.00+
to modern (much pre WWII). Has a variety of 6511. ÚÛ Shoebox full of loose unsorted
stamps & cancel types on Eagles, Germanias, Italian stamps from older to modern, primarily SWITZERLAND COLLECTION:
Third Reich, post war, etc. Majority VG-VF. all used. Has commems, pictorials, defins & EAST GERMANY 6537. ÚÛ Attractive coll on pages from 19th
A great lot for the postmark collector (Approx BOB. We have not examined this lot so may MINT COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION: Century up to 1991. Has a wide range of
FRANCE STUDY OF STAMPLESS COVERS: 1,150 cancels, 6 covers) ...... Est 350.00+ hold some surprises. You will be amazed at 6524. Û 48/2852, BOB, Pristine duplicated commems, defins, semi-postals, etc. Lots of
6481. Ö Detailed study of stampless covers how many stamps are actually here. Most coll / accum neatly arranged on Vario nice mints in the later issues. Unchecked in
beautifully written-up on pages. Specialty AUSTRIA COLLECTION 1945-1979: VG-VF (Many 1,000’s)........ Est 350.00+ stockcards, from 1949-90 (plus some Rus- any detail by us. VG-VF (980). . Est 175.00+
coll dealing with supplemental markings, 6497. ÚÛ 390/1140, BOB, Very nice clean POLAND & RUSSIA POSTAL STATIONERY: sia Zone Regionals). Much collected as WEST GERMANY & FRANCE
rural branches, offices, railway strikes, etc, coll neatly arranged on pages. Much col- 6512. Ö Attractive coll of used & unused postal singles, pairs & blocks (a few used). We COMMEMS & PICTORIALS:
lected both as mint & used incl commem &
from 1830-58. Has a wide range of nation- semi-postal sets & singles. We noted used stationery envelopes & cards from late 1970’s noted mint 48-55 ($80), 137-46 (blocks - 6538. Ú Six stockcards of Germany & one of
wide cancels & cancel types, rates, h/s’s, to early 1980’s. Many have attractive cachets / $83), B14-25 ($89), B21a (4 - $100), etc. France containing large size commems, picto-
corner cards. We noted short paid items, 394-404 ($71); plus mint B260-72 ($212) illustrations commemorating special events. Majority VF, almost all NH. AN EXTENSIVE rials & semi-postals. Has stamps from about
prepaid h/s’s, forwarded items, delayed h/ & C54-60 ($150); also both mint & used #’s Also some additionally franked by stamps & LOT WITH FRESH STOCK FOR A 1960’s - 2000’s with lots of beautiful items.
557-87 ($254) & B245-51 ($79). Nice lot.
s’s, supplemental fee h/s’s, etc. VG-VF (53 F-VF (Approx 1,300) ........ Est 500.00+ addr to Canada incl 27 Reg’d Airmail. VG-VF DEALER (Approx 3,200 stamps, 221 SS’s) Nice quality lot with neat postmarks. Also has
covers) ................... Est 500.00+ (268) ...................... Est 90.00+ ......................... Est 450.00+ a few defins. F-VF (Approx 750) Est 125.00+