Page 24 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 24
80 CANADA Continued 5196. Û 71P, Plate Proof on card. XF. 225.00
5197. Û 71P, Horiz imperf proof pair on card.
VF............................ 450.00
5198. Û 72, F-VF................. 250.00
5199. Û 72, Top margin imprint single. F-VF,
NH ........................... 815.00
5200. Û 73, VF .................. 800.00
5201. Ú 73, F ..................... 60.00
5202. Û 74a, Imperforate pair. F-VF, RG ...
.............................. 550.00
5203. ÕÛ 74ii, Margin block with the LR stamp
having the MAJOR RE-ENTRY. VF, NH,
5178. ÕÚ 65, Rare marginal used block of the a few separated perfs............. 450.00 5222. Û 81, Fresh, VF, NH, couple trivial
Five Dollar Jubilee. Deep rich colour, neat little gum spots do not detract from this nice 5238. Û 83a, IMPERFORATE PAIR, large
5166. Ú 62, Two Dollar Jubilee. Nicely cen- magenta Winnipeg CDS’s. Beautifully cen- stamp ........................ 900.00 even margins, fresh rich colour. VF, NH.
tred, neat CDS cancel (which is scarce on tered, VF. Has 2007 Gratton Certificate which Tiny little indentation on gum of left stamp
this stamp & having a 50% premium). VF, does not mention that there is perf separation 5223. Û 81-2, F .................. 280.00 does not detract from this lovely item ....
small corner crease ............ 1,200.00 & the stamps have been reattached 6,400.00 5224. Û 81a, Sheet margin IMPERF PAIR. ........................... 3,750.00
VF, light crease on left stamp. Only 100 pairs
5179. Û 66, Top Plate #1 Imprint strip of 4. exist .......................... 800.00
5167. ÕÛ 62P, LL corner Plate Proof Fresh, VF, NH ................. 240.00+
block on card. Fresh, XF. See photo on 5180. ÕÛ 66, 66i, Beautifully centred block 5225. Û 81P, Imperf Plate Proof pair on card.
VF............................ 450.00
Page 78 ................... 3,200.00 with the UL stamp having the MAJOR RE- 5226. Û 82, F-VF, NH............ 1,100.00
ENTRY. VF, VLH, slight gum toning . 150.00 5227. Û 82, Lovely centering, VF, minor DG .
.............................. 600.00
5228. Ú 82, VF, CDS ............... 40.00
5239. Û 83ii, Imperf Pair with excellent
margins, fresh colour. VF ....... 1,250.00
5240. Û 84, VF, hinge remnants. Nice rich
colour ....................... 1,000.00
5168. Û 63, Three Dollar Jubilee, fresh rich 5181. Û 66-73, Complete QV Leaf set, F-VF 5204. Û 74P-84P, An exceptional cpl set of 5241. ÕÛ 84, Scarce mint block of the 20¢
colour, F-VF, OG, hinge remnant . 1,600.00 ............................ 1,362.00 10 diff imperf Plate Proofs in issued colours, QV Numeral. The LL stamp has EXTENDED
on card. Each with full margins. VF. VERY FRAMELINE variety at top. Fresh, F.......
SCARCE .................... 4,000.00 5229. Û 82a, Imperf Pair. Excellent margins, ........................... 1,200.00+
VF, OG. Only 100 pairs exist..... 1,500.00
5205. Û 74v, IMPERFORATE PAIR. VF ....
.............................. 500.00
5206. ÕÛ 74v, Bottom margin sheet of 6, on
vert wove paper. Large margins, XF. Scarce
............................ 1,500.00
5169. Û 63, Three Dollar Jubilee with
MAJOR RE-ENTRY (Position 13) in the
“OST” of “POSTAGE”. Rich colour, F-VF .. 5230. Û 82ii, Fresh Imperforate Pair, large
............................ 1,600.00 even margins, brilliant colour, XF . . . 900.00
5231. Û 82P, Imperf Plate Proof pair on card.
5207. Û 75vi, Left margin Imperforate Pair VF............................ 450.00
on vertical wove paper. VF........ 900.00
5208. Û 76a, Thick paper, F-VF ..... 175.00
5182. ÕÛ 66-73, Beautiful set of mint QV 5209. Û 77, VF, NH............... 270.00
Leaf blocks with selected centering. F-VF,
many stamps are NH & priced as such (68
& 72 have creases) ............ 6,690.00
5242. ÕÛ 84, Scarce mint block with nice
5183. Û 66P, Plate Proof pair, small scissor centering, fresh rich colour, crisp impres-
cut between proofs, at top. VF...... 250.00 sion. VF, NH. Has 2021 Greene Founda-
tion Certificate ............... 12,000.00
5170. Ú 63, Three Dollar Jubilee, beautifully 5243. Ú 84, “S.L.A. Co.” private perfin. F ....
centered, crisp rich colour, light magenta ........................... Est 65.00+
cancel shows through on reverse a bit. VF . 5244. Ú 84, F-VF ................. 120.00
............................ 1,600.00 5245. Û 85, 86, 86b, F-VF, NH ...... 355.00
5246. ÕÛ 85, Block, F, NH, tiny corner crease
5210. Û 77d, Imperf sheet margin pair. Huge
5171. ÕÛ 63P, LL corner Plate Proof .............................. 200.00
block on card. Fresh, XF. See photo on margins. XF. A choice item ...... 1,500.00 5247. ÕÛ 85-6, Map Blocks. F-VF, NH ....
Page 78 ................... 3,200.00 5232. Û 83, Beautifully centered, deep fresh .............................. 920.00
colour, VF, NH. Has 2008 Greene Founda- 5248. Ú 85-6, Selected lot of 2¢ Map stamps all
5172. Ú 64, Four Dollar Jubilee. F, smudge tion Certificate ................ 2,250.00 with TOWN CANCELS from across Canada.
cancel .................... Est 250.00+ 5184. Û 66P-73P, Cpl QV Leaf set up to
10¢ imperforate Plate Proofs on card. All Incl places like Berlin Ont, Madoc Ont,
with large margins. VF.......... 2,000.00 Barnardo Man, Winchester Ont, etc. Also a
few Squared Circles. Many are fully dated.
5185. Û 67P, Plate Proof pair, large margins. Has a good range of shades. F-VF (35) ....
VF............................ 330.00
5186. ÕÛ 67P, Imperf Plate Proof block on .......................... Est 200.00+
card. Excellent margins, VF........ 660.00 5249. Û 85a, Imperf pair with brilliant rich
5187. Û 68, Top margin strip of 4 with full Plate colours. VF. Gum added on the reverse ...
4 Imprint. Fresh, F-VF, NH........ 560.00+ .............................. 700.00
5188. Û 69, Top margin OTTAWA No 5 Plate 5250. Û 86, Muddy Water variety, VF ......
Imprint strip of 4. Fresh, F-VF, NH. A LOVELY ........................... Est 50.00+
ITEM! ........................ 940.00+ 5251. ÕÛ 86, Well centered block. VF ....
.............................. 240.00
5189. Û 70P, Plate Proof pair, VF.... 600.00 5252. Û 86a, UR IMPERFORATE PAIR
5190. ÕÛ 71, Block, F-VF, bottom stamps are 5233. Û 83, Beautifully centered, fresh rich
NH ........................... 965.00 colour, XF, LH. Has 2014 Greene Founda- of the 2¢ Map, VF, tear in right margin just
5191. Û 71, F-VF, NH ............. 355.00 tion Certificate.................. 750.00 touches the lower stamp. Cat $700........
.......................... Est 150.00+
5173. Ú 64, Four Dollar Jubilee, magenta
corner cancel, nice centering, VF. Has
2014 Gratton Certificate ........ 1,600.00
5211. Û 77d, Vert IMPERF PAIR of the
5174. ÕÛ 64P, LL corner Plate Proof scarce Die II, four margins, VF . . . 1,500.00
block on card. Fresh, XF. See photo on
Page 78 ................... 3,200.00 5212. Û 78, Top margin PLATE #2 IMPRINT
strip of 3. F-VF, NH ............. 1,192.00
5213. Û 78P, Imperf Plate Proof pair on card.
VF............................ 400.00
5192. Û 71, Beautifully centered, fresh, VF,
NH. Has 2023 Gratton Certificate. . . 750.00
5175. Û 65, Five Dollar Jubilee, deep fresh
colour, F-VF, OG .............. 1,600.00
5253. ÕÛ 86a, Top margin IMPERFORATE BLOCK OF 6 of the 2¢ Map with full “AMERICAN
5193. Û 71, Beautifully centred with fresh Ex Mass, Saskatoon ...................................................3,150.00+
radiant colour, pristine gum. XF, NH GEM .
............................ 600.00+ 5234. ÕÛ 83, Block. F, NH, tiny gum spot on 5254. ÕÛ 86b, Fresh block, F-VF, bottom
LL stamp ..................... 1,600.00 stamps are NH .................. 387.00
5255. Û 86b, VF, LH ............... 75.00
5256. ÕÛ 87, QV 2¢ Provisional Block. VF,
NH ........................... 360.00
5257. ÕÛ 87-8, Nice set of Blocks. VF, 3
stamps in each are NH............ 800.00
5176. Û 65, Five Dollar Jubilee, beautifully
centered, deep rich colour. VF, NH, a small
corner crease & a few nibbed perfs do not
detract from this nice stamp ..... 8,000.00
5214. Û 78P, Engraved DIE PROOF (41 x 73
mm) on wove paper with clear horiz mesh.
Has die number “F-113" & ABNC Imprint.
VF. A CHOICE PROOF...... Est 650.00+
5194. ÕÛ 71, 71ii, Block of 6 with Misplaced
Entry (on stamp #5). A nice positional block 5215. Û 78P, Large DIE PROOF in carmine
& a clear example. Fresh, F-VF, NH 3,962.00 with Die ‘No. F-118’ & ‘American Bank Note
Co. Ottawa’ inscriptions. VF. Scarce ......
.......................... Est 750.00+
5216. ÕÛ 79, Block, F-VF, bottom stamps NH
............................ 1,700.00
5217. Û 79-80, F, NH ............. 400.00 5235. ÕÛ 83, Fresh mint block, F-VF, 5258. Û 87i, 88i, NARROW SPACING horiz
5218. Û 79P, Plate Proof pair on card. Crisp the bottom stamps are NH. Scarce ..... strips of 3. Fresh, F-VF, NH ....... 580.00
colour. VF...................... 400.00 ............................ 3,600.00 5259. ÕÛ 87i, Top margin block of 6 with two
5219. Û 80, Six Cent Numeral. Plate Position 5236. Ú 83, Scarce horiz strip of 4 with neat NARROW SPACING STRIPS OF 3. Shows a
79B with distinctive wear in LL corner. F-VF, ‘R’ in oval cancels. VF ............ 160.00 portion of the “OTTAWA” imprint at top. VF,
LH............................ 200.00 5237. ÕÚ 83, Used block. F-VF ..... 120.00 NH ........................... 720.00
5177. Ú 65, Five Dollar Jubilee, a marvelous 5220. ÕÛ 81, Beautifully centered unused 5260. ÕÛ 88, Block. VF, bottom stamps NH
used example with superb colour, fresh block, excellent colour, VF, NG. Cat $1,200 Toll Free Bid Line: .............................. 400.00
paper, light magenta corner cancel. VF ... 5195. Û 71ii, “MISPLACED ENTRY” variety .......................... Est 200.00+ 5261. Û 89, Nice lot of 7 blocks & 8 singles
.......................... 1,600.00+ (Pos 72), fresh, F-VF, LH ......... 750.00 5221. ÕÛ 81, Fresh mint block, VF, top 1-877-957-3364 with a good range of shades. F, NH .....
stamps LH, bottom stamps, NH . . . 1,440.00 ............................ 1,620.00