Page 26 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
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                                                                               LOT 5420                                      LOT 5421

                            LOT 5418

        CANADA Continued                                         5380. Û 126i, Coil Paste-up strip of 4. VF, LH  5401. Û 138, Imperf Pair, VF, NH ..... 50.00  5428. Û 149a, 150a, Booklet Panes. F-VF, NH
        5354. ÕÛ 117, Top margin Plate A22 Imprint                ............................... 80.00  5402. ÕÛ 138, LR corner block with full Type  .............................. 134.00
         block. Beautiful centering, fresh, VF, NH ...           5381. Û 128-30, Coil Pairs. F-VF, NH. 593.00  D LATHEWORK. VF ............. 300.00  5429. ÕÛ 149b, Sheet margin IMPERF
          ............................ 1,440.00                                              5403. ÕÛ 138, Bottom margin Plate A127  BLOCK, large margins, pristine fresh, XF, NH
        5355. ÕÛ 117a, Lovely mint block, dry print-                                          Imprint block of 12 showing full Type D Lathe-  ............................. 375.00+
         ing, nicely centered, VF, NH ....... 840.00                                          work. Pristine fresh colour, VF, NH, light diag-  5430. Û 149b, Left margin Imperf pair. VF, NH,
        5356. Û 118, VF, NH.............. 180.00                                              onal natural gum bend on 2 stamps 1,350.00  tiny gum crease ................. 187.00
        5357. Û 118b, VF, NH............. 240.00                                             5404. ÕÛ 138, Bottom margin block of 8 with
        5358. Û 119, Pair with TYPE D LATHEWORK.                                              full Type D Lathework with Plate A128 imprint.
         VG+, NH. Scarce .............. 1,400.00                                              Fresh, VF, NH. A beautiful item! . . 1,500.00
                                                                                             5405. Ú 138, LL corner vertical pair with TYPE
                                                                                              D LATHEWORK at bottom. Huge margins, XF
                                                                                              ........................... Est 75.00+
                                                                                             5406. ÕÛ 138, Imperf block, VF, NH . 200.00

                                     5370. ÕÛ 122, Fresh block with crisp colour,
                                      F-VF, NH...................... 880.00
                                     5371. Û 122, Fresh, VF, NH ........ 360.00
                                     5372. Û 122, Jumbo margins, perfectly cen-
                                      tred. Superb, LH................ 120.00+

                                                                                                                          5431. ÕÛ 149b, Imperforate block with
                                                                                              5407. ÕÛ 138i, PYRAMID GUIDE BLOCK,  4.5 mm horizontal margin between the
                                                                 5382. Û 128ai, Vert margin imperf between  Fresh, VF, LH .................. 300.00  stamps (indicating that this is from the
                                                                  pair with TYPE D LATHEWORK (normal                       imperf booklet pane sheet). VF, NG ......
                                                                  20% strength). VF ............. 1,000.00  5408. ÕÛ 139, UL corner margin block of 30.  ......................... Est 250.00+
                                                                                              Shows partial Ottawa No A11 Plate Imprint at
                                                                                              top & “ghost” Pyramid Guide Lines at left. Fresh,
                                                                                              F-VF, NH. Pretty showpiece ..... 4,050.00+
                                                                                             5409. Û 139-40, VF, NH ........... 300.00
         5359. ÕÛ 119, Bottom margin block with
          TYPE D LATHEWORK. Nicely centered,                                                 5410. Û 140, Coll of 3 diff top margin Plate
          VF, lower stamps are NH ....... 1,600.00                                            Imprint strips of 4. Incl Plates 115, 116 & 117.
                                                                                              F-F+, NH (116 VLH in selvedge) Est 350.00+
        5360. ÕÚ 119, Bottom margin block with full                                          5411. ÕÛ 140, Block. F, NH........ 140.00
         TYPE D LATHEWORK. F, lightly cancelled .                                            5412. ÕÛ 140, Top margin Plate No 117
         .............................. 800.00                                                Imprint block of 8. Fresh rich colour, F-VF,
        5361. Û 120, F+, NH ............... 90.00                                             4 stamps are NH ................ 375.00
        5362. Û 120, F-VF, NH ............ 180.00                                            5413. ÕÚ 140, Used block, F-VF .... 120.00
        5363. Û 120, VF, LH .............. 100.00                                            5414. ÕÚ 141-8, Used blocks, F-VF. . 144.00
        5364. Û 120a, Black shade, F-VF.... 380.00                                           5415. Û 142b, Vertical pair. Imperforate horiz.  5432. Û 149cvi, Horizontal imperforate TETE
                                     5373. ÕÛ 122, Block, perfectly centred,                  VF, LH ........................ 160.00  BECHE PAIR. Fresh, VF, NH, one little gum
                                      fresh. Superb, NH ............ 1,560.00+               5416. ÕÛ 143, Block. VF, NH ...... 120.00  wrinkle........................ 750.00
                                                                                             5417. Û 143a, Imperf pair. VF, NH, minute
                                     5374. ÕÚ 122, Used block, F-VF . Est 35.00+  5383. ÕÛ 128ai, Sheet margin Wet Printing  corner crease ................... 240.00  5433. Û 149e, Imperf between pair. Fresh, VF,
                                                                  IMPERFORATE BETWEEN BLOCK, deep                          NH ........................... 225.00
                                                                  rich colour, fresh. Has unusually wide  5418. ÕÛ 143a, Extremely rare top  5434. Û 150a, Booklet Pane, VF, NH . . 90.00
                                                                  margin in the right pair. F, NH. Has 2010  margin IMPERFORATE PLATE #A3  5435. Û 150a, Booklet Pane. VF, NH . . 90.00
                                                                  Gratton Certificate .......... Est 700.00+  BLOCK of 6 with full imprint. An excep-
                                                                                               tional showpiece & probably a unique
                                                                 5384. Û 131, 134, Coil pair, VF, NH . . 150.00  imperf Plate position block. VF, NH,
                                                                 5385. Û 131-4, Coil set, VF......... 210.00  couple trivial gum wrinkles in selvedge.
                                                                 5386. Û 132, Coil Pair. VF, one stamp NH ..  See photo above........Est 1,250.00+
                                                                  .............................. 210.00
         5365. Û 120b, Scarce IMPERFORATE                        5387. Û 132, Pair with paste-up at bottom  5419. ÕÛ 144, Top Plate A1 Block of 8. Fresh,
          PAIR of the 50¢ Admiral, full margins, VF,              margin. VF, NH ................. 300.00  F-VF, NH ...................... 117.00
          sweated gum, tiny repaired tear. Only 50               5388. Û 133, VF, LH .............. 120.00  5420. ÕÛ 144a, Extremely rare top
          pairs exist.................... 4,000.00               5389. Û 133i, Paste-up pair, VF, lower stamp
                                     5375. Û123, Pristine fresh, rich colour, XF, NH.  is NH ......................... 300.00  margin IMPERFORATE PLATE #A2
                                      Has 2016 Gratton Certificate . . . Est 450.00+           BLOCK of 12 with full imprint. An excep-
                                                                 5390. Û 134, Coil Strip of 3. VF, NH . . 150.00
                                     5376. Û 125-9, F-VF, NH .......... 436.00  5391. Û 135, F-VF, NH ............ 125.00  tional showpiece & probably a unique
                                                                                               imperf Plate position block. XF, NH.
                                     5377. Û 126-9, 131-2, 131ii, 134, Coil pairs.  5392. Û 136, Imperf pair, VF, NH .... 200.00  Ex. Lydecker, Forsyth & Ogg. See photo
                                      F-VF .......................... 363.00  5393. Û 136, Top margin strip of 5 with A180  above ................ Est 2,500.00+  5436. Û 150cvi, Horizontal imperforate
                                     5378. ÕÛ 126a, 128a, Imperf Between Blocks.  imprint, small stain in top margin but stamps  TETE BECHE PAIR, fresh, VF, NH ....
                                      VF, NH ........................ 240.00  are VF, NH ..................... 500.00       ............................. 750.00
                                                                 5394. ÕÛ 136, Top margin block of 6 with  5421. ÕÛ 144b, Extremely rare top  5437. Û 152b, Marginal imperf between pair.
                                                                  partial imprint in selvedge. VF, NH, natural  margin PLATE #A2 BLOCK of 8 IMPER-  VF, NH ........................ 225.00
                                                                  gum bends ..................... 600.00  FORATE VERTICALLY. It is estimated  5438. Û 152c, Imperf between pair. VF, NH .
                                                                 5395. ÕÛ 136-8, Cpl set of imperf blocks. VF,  that only 5-10 Plate Blocks exist! VF, LH  .............................. 225.00
                                                                  bottom stamps are NH ............ 750.00  in top margin, stamps are NH. See photo  5439. ÕÛ 153, Well centred block. VF, NH .
                                                                 5396. ÕÚ 136, Imperforate block, VF, lightly  above .................. Est 850.00+  .............................. 160.00
         5366. Û 120i, SILVER BLACK shade, fresh,                 cancelled ...................... 200.00                 5440. Û 153b, Sheet margin IMPERF PAIR.
          VF ........................... 600.00                  5397. Ú 136-8, Imperf pairs, VF...... 250.00  5422. Û 144c, Imperf Between pair. VF, VLH  VF, NH ........................ 225.00
                                                                                               .............................. 160.00
                                                                                             5423. Û 145, VF, NH............... 70.00
                                                                                              5424. ÕÛ 145b, An extremely rare UR
                                                                                               corner block of 8 of the 12¢ Map of
                                                                                               Canada, IMPERFORATE VERTICALLY
                                                                                               with full Ottawa Plate A2 imprint. VF, NH,
                                                                                               couple minor bends do not detract. A
                                                                                               beautiful showpiece! See photo below ..
                                                                                                ..................... Est 1,500.00+
                                                                                             5425. Û 145c, Imperf Between pair. VF, VLH
                                                                                               .............................. 160.00
                                                                                             5426. Û 146c, Imperf Between pair, VF, NH .
                                                                                               .............................. 240.00
                                                                 5398. ÕÚ 136-8, Set of used imperf blocks
                                                                  with matching Spadina Ave, Toronto 22
         5367. Û 122, Marginal pair with full TYPE D              June, 1931 CDS’s. The #136 is a block of 6,
          LATHEWORK. Deep rich colour, F, NH.                     others are blocks of 4. VF. A beautiful lot!
          A pretty showpiece ............ 1,200.00                Ex. Henry Hicks ................ 600.00
                                                                 5399. ÕÛ 137, Top margin Plate 189 Imprint
        5368. Û 122, F-VF, NH ............ 220.00
        5369. Û 122, Horiz top margin pair with  5379. ÕÛ 126c, Beautiful centred Imperf  Block of 10. VF, hinged in selvedge but all
         “982-A” Plate Imprint in selvedge. F-VF, NH  Between block, wet printing with full Type B  stamps are NH ................ 1,000.00  5441. ÕÛ 153b, Imperf block with 4.5 mm
         .............................. 440.00                   5400. ÕÛ 137, Pretty Imperforate Block of 36
                                      Lathework at bottom. Brilliant fresh colour,  of the 2¢ Admiral. Nice fresh colour, excellent  horizontal margin (indicating this is from        VF, 3 stamps NH. VERY Scarce this nice .  margins all around. XF, 28 stamps are NH.  5427. Û 149-59, Cpl Scroll set to $1 Parlia-  the imperf booklet pane sheet). VF, NG ....
                                                                                                                           ......................... Est 250.00+
                                      ............................ 3,500.00
                                                                                               ment. F-VF, NH ............... 1,649.00
                                                                  Rarely seen in such a large multiple 3,200.00
                                                  LOT 5424                                     LOT 5455
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