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                                                                                                       LOT 4690

             LOT 4670

                                                                                     LOT 4744

                                              LOT 4743                                                      LOT 4773

        CANADA KGV-KGVI COVERS Continued  4690. Ö 1155/1183, Thirteen diff definitive  4703. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard 1910  CANADA  4733. Ö 903-6, Matched set of Plate Blocks of
        4677. Ö 233, Tied by 1941 RPO cancel on  stamps all with black “SPECIMEN” over-  depicting the passenger ship “PRINCESS  the Aviation issue on FDC’s from Ottawa 27
         WWII cover addr to a serviceman in England.  prints along with Beaver illustration &  MAY” which grounded at Sentinel Island in  FIRST DAY COVERS  Nov 1981 Each with private cachets depicting
         The cover was redirected with label affixed &  “DISPLAY COPY / TORONTO’S FIRST  Alaska. This has long been considered one of  the McKee Aviation Trophy. All are signed by
         with RETURN TO SENDER h/s. On reverse  POST OFFICE”. The “Specimen” overprint  the most spectacular ship wrecks in nautical  4716. Ö 142, Tied by Ottawa Diamond Jubilee  famous aviation artist ROBERT BRADFORD
         has Returned Letter Branch Leeds cancel.  is inverted on #’s 1155-61. The stamps are  history. The photo of her at low tide with her  of Confederation Flag cancel on FDC. VF.  whose paintings were used for the stamps. VF
                                                                                              Cat $150 ................... Est 90.00+
         The cover has illustrated corner card for Hotel  all tied on cover by York Toronto 10 June,  bow in the air is an amazing sight! VF .....  4717. Ö 150, Very scarce FDC of the 2¢ KGV  (8 diff) ..................... Est 75.00+
         Iroquois in Asbestos PQ. VG+, edge worn .  1990. Prepared by G. McBurnie Ass. Post-  ........................... Est 60.00+  Scroll used from Spadina Ave, Toronto Ont  4734. Ö 1228, Angus Walters cach FDC 18
         ........................... Est 75.00+  master for display at Toronto’s First P.O. at  4704. Ö Unused blue photo advertising post-  Nov 1988. Has been autographed by B.J.
        4678. Ö 233/252, Tied by Hamilton Ont  260 Adelaide St E. Only 4 covers like this  card for DOMINION EXPRESS Co. Depicts  17 Oct 1928 on FDC to Michigan. VF. A  “SPIKE” WALTERS - son of the famous
                                                                                              RARE & UNDERVALUED FDC Est 300.00+
         1938 & 1947 cancels on 2 diff #10 illustrated  exist (info accompanies). VF, unaddr. See  scene at Cdn. National Exhibition, 1911.  4718. Ö 191, Block on FDC from Ottawa 21  captain of the Bluenose ship. VF. Ex Hugh
         advertising covers for the BRAESIDE CAMP  photo above ............. Est 250.00+  VF ........................ Est 50.00+  June 1932. VF............... Est 40.00+  Corkum Bluenose collection .... Est 40.00+
         MEETING in Paris Ont. This was Canada’s                 4705. Ö Gr. Britain #154, Tied by Liverpool 16  4719. Ö 203, Tied by Regina Sask 24 July,  4735. Ö 1250ii, LR Plate Block of the 38¢ Reg-
         largest Pentecostal Religious Camp. VF  4691. Ö 2072, MAJOR MISCUT variety tied  May 1912 CDS on green on white DOMINION  iments on cach unaddr FDC. VF. Cat 125.00
         (2 covers) .................. Est 75.00+  by circa Vancouver 2005 jet spray cancel on  EXPRESS Co. of Canada advice card to Levi,  1933 CDS on Reg’d FDC. Has Hamilton  4736. Ö 1250ii, UL Regiments Plate Block on
                                                                                              Philatelic Society “wheat sheafs” cachet. F-VF
        4679. Ö 246-7, Tied by Paquebot cancel on  cover to London, Ont. VF, cover is reduced  Sondheimer & Co. of Calais, France. Advises  ........................... Est 50.00+  cach unaddr FDC. VF ......... Cat 125.00
         cover with Le Havre France 1939 cancel  ........................... Est 50.00+  a consignment will be forwarded aboard the  4720. Ö 211-12, Silver Jubilee issues tied by  4737. Ö 1443, NHL 75th Anniversary silk cach
         alongside addressed to England. F........                “EMPRESS of BRITAIN”. Gives telephone #                  FDC from 1992 autographed by Hall of Famer
         ........................... Est 60.00+  MISCELLANEOUS    & cable address - “Operating exclusively over  4 May 1935 cancels on 6 FDC’s from Halifax,  & one of the greatest defensemen of all time,
                                                                  all the Lines of the CPR”. VF.... Est 85.00+  Lethbridge, Ottawa, Quebec, Regina &  BILL GADSBY. VF .......... Est 125.00+
         4680. Ö 254/CE4, Six diff stamps tied by  4692. Ö MR2, Tied by Winnipeg 4 June 1915  4706. Ö Stampless Ottawa ‘FREE’ cover 22  Winnipeg. F-VF (6) ........... Est 40.00+  4738. Ö C3, Coll of 18 FDC’s with 22 Feb 1932
          Lillooet BC 25 Mar, 1948 CDS’s paying  cancel on local multi-colour Patriotic cover.  Nov 1912 from the PRIME MINISTER’S  4721. Ö 211-16, Cpl SILVER JUBILEE set  cancels from 18 diff cities from across Canada.
          50¢ rate, on airmail cover to CHINA IN-  Depicts British Bulldog & flags of Britain, Bel-  OFFICE with red imprint on back flap. This  neatly tied by Regina, Sask 4 May, 1935  All addressed to USA. F-V.  .... Cat 360.00
          LAND MISSION in Anking China. Has  gium & France. Patriotic slogans on reverse.  cover is from Prime Minister ROBERT L.  CDS’s on Reg’d Special Delivery FDC.  4739. Ö C6, E7-9, Tied on 3 separate Special
          Hwaining China rec b/s. F. NICE SMALL  F, some toning & mounting adhesion on re-  BORDEN & has been countersigned “RLB” at  Addr to an RCMP Officer at Town Station in  Delivery FDC’s (all diff cancels) 1938-39.
          TOWN BC COVER TO CHINA. See  verse. Nice WWI era item ...... Est 75.00+  LL. Addr to Henry Morgan in Ottawa. Robert  Regina. VF.................. Est 60.00+  F-VF....................... Est 75.00+
          photo below ............. Est 125.00+  4693. Ö Coll of 9 diff real b/w photo used  Borden is best known as Canada’s leader  4722. Ö 211-6, Tied by Hamilton, Ont 4 May
                                      (not posted) & unused depicting farm family             1935 CDS’s on KGV Silver Jubilee unaddr  CANADA
        4681. Ö 255 (3), Tied by Collingwood Ont  & rural views circa early 1900’s. Mainly from  during WWI. VF, light toning on back. Scarce  FDC. Cachet depicts the Royal Couple on
         15 Mr 1947 CDS’s paying 15¢ airmail rate to  Portage Plains, Man. Interesting flash back  .......................... Est 400.00+  medallion. VF................ Est 65.00+  AIRMAIL COVERS
         CZECHOSLOVAKIA. A nice post war cover.  to 100 years ago. F ........... Est 45.00+  4707. Ö Unused SIR WILFRID LAURIER  4723. Ö 211-6, Tied by Hamilton, Ont 4 May
         F ......................... Est 60.00+  4694. Ö Fascinating lot of 6 diff unused b/w  mourning postcard circa 1919. Has portrait  1935 CDS’s on violet brown cach KGV Silver  4740. Ö 109, Tied by Victoria BC 21 Sept
        4682. Ö 263 (11), Coils, Each tied by a differ-  postcards (printed in France) all showing early  along with Born/Died information. F .......  Jubilee local Reg’d FDC. Hamilton Philatelic  1925 on cach FFC VICTORIA to SEATTLE
         ent slogan cancel on 11 diff WWII related  1900’s lifestyle of CANADIAN INUIT PEOPLE.  ........................... Est 50.00+  Society crown & maple leaf illustrated cachet.  Seaplane Service cover. VF .... Est 50.00+
         cacheted Patriotic covers 1945-6 from all  Incl people in furs, dog team, missionary, etc.  4708. Ö Two diff unused b/w real photo  F-VF....................... Est 75.00+  4741. Ö 142, Tied by Red Lake to Rolling
         different towns to Vancouver. Most promote  F-VF....................... Est 75.00+  postcards from the CALGARY STAMPEDE.  4724. Ö 231-6, 241a, 242-4, C6, Tied by vari-  Portage 14 Mar 1928 Airmail cover similar
         purchase of Victory Bonds. F-VF (11)......  4695. Ö Stampless DOMINION EXPRESS  One depicts 1928 BLONDY JOHNSON, rop-  ous 1937-38 cancels on 7 FDC’s. F-VF,  to AAMC #2803a. F-VF........ Est 40.00+
         .......................... Est 100.00+  Co. C.O.D. Envelope (form #151) from Three  ing a steer; the other “MIST GHOST” KICKS  addressed. Cat $214.......... Est 80.00+  4742. Ö 142, Tied by Red Lake to Rolling
        4683. Ö 287, 323, Two multi-franked airmail  Rivers, Que to Grande Mere, Que 12 June  PETER WESLEY GOODBYE. VF (2)......  4725. Ö 249/262, C7, CE1, E10, Fourteen  Portage 1 Aug 1928 Airmail cover, similar to
         covers from 1950 & 1953 addr to Denmark.  1901. Wax / string seals with “725" on reverse.  ........................... Est 60.00+  stamp franking tied by Ottawa 1 July 1942  AAMC #2803a. F-VF.......... Est 40.00+
         Both have illustrated advertising for SKODA  F, slightly reduced ............ Est 50.00+  4709. Ö Unused b/w postcard depicting  CDS’s on large size Reg’d FDC from Royal  4743. Ö 155, 158, Tied by Montreal 2 My
         CARS from a Calgary Ab car dealership.  4696. Ö Unused sepia photo postcard depict-  “JUMBO” the famous elephant. He was part  Bank of Canada to Sydney Nova Scotia. F..  1930 CDS’s on cach FFC to BUENOS
                                                                  of the Barnum & Bailey Circus & was billed
         Skoda cars are popular in Europe but  ing “Afternoon on the Grounds” at Cdn. Ntl.  as the largest elephant in the world. He was  .......................... Est 175.00+  AIRES, ARGENTINA (rec b/s). Has large
         rarely ever seen in North America. F (2)...  Exhibition 1907 advertising postcard for  tragically killed after being hit by a train in St.  4726. Ö 262, VF $1 Destroyer tied on Reg’d  violet boxed cachet “CANADIAN AIR
         ........................... Est 65.00+  DOMINION EXPRESS Co. F, minor corner         FDC from Ottawa 1 July, 1942 to California.  MAIL 7 DAYS TO ARGENTINE FIRST
        4684. Ö 289, 303, Tied by St. Kitts 24 Oct  stain....................... Est 45.00+  Thomas, Ont 15 Sept, 1885. F. Some refer-  VF ....................... Est 100.00+  FLIGHT”. F, minor crease affecting #158.
                                                                  ence material on JUMBO accompanies ....
         1951 CDS’s & “Paquebot” h/s’s on ship cover  4697. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1908 de-  ........................... Est 90.00+  4727. Ö 294, Cacheted FDC of the 50¢ Oil  VERY SCARCE 50¢ BLUENOSE COVER.
         to USA. Has “LADY NELSON / POSTED  picting the WRECK OF THE “SS BEAVER”,  4710. Ö Unused full front multi-colour illus-  from Ottawa 1 Mar 1950. VF.... Est 35.00+  See photo above .........Est 500.00+
         ON THE HIGH SEAS / Canadian National  the first steamship to operate in the Pacific  trated advertising cover pre 1930 for Redpath  4728. Ö 302, Cacheted addr FDC of the $1
         Steamships” h/s. F, missing back flap......  Northwest of No. America. She made remote  Fish, VF .................... Est 75.00+  4744. Ö 158 (50¢ Bluenose), C1 (2), Tied
         ........................... Est 40.00+  parts of the west coast accessible for maritime  Sugar Co. depicting products with S.S.  4729. Ö 383 (Block of 6), With Baddeck, NS  by Halifax NS 25 June, 1930 CDS’s on
                                                                  Fetterly, Hallville, Ont return addr. VF......
        4685. Ö 315, Tied by boxed PACKET BOAT  trading. Postcard shows the steamer which  ........................... Est 65.00+  23 Feb 1959 F.D. cancels on Reg’d Airmail  airmail cover to ASUNCION PARAGUAY
         cancel on cover to England. Has Auckland  has been tragically run aground in 1888 after  4711. Ö Coll of 5 diff b/w real photo postcards  OHMS Dept of Defence cover. This was the  (airmail b/s’s 15 July, 1930). On reverse
         NZ 26 Feb 1952 CDS & PURSER’S OFFICE  the crew became inebriated. F . . Est 60.00+  circa 1937-39, all depicting diff HOCKEY  50th Anniversary of the first flight in Canada.  has violet oval Walker Air Port, Windsor
         M.S. Aorangi h/s of the same day. VF .....  4698. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard circa  SIGNED by PILOT of the first flight J.A.  Ont 26 Jun, 1930. F, a bit roughly opened
         ........................... Est 45.00+  1908 depicting grave & monument of Louis  PLAYERS of the Brighton Tigers. Scarce  MCCurdy; Commander P. Hartman who  at top. A VERY SCARCE BLUENOSE
                                      RIEL in St Boniface Manitoba. Riel was a  group. VF.................. Est 200.00+  flew the 1959 replica; Baddeck Postmaster  AIRMAIL COVER DESTINATION (the
                 MODERN               Metis leader & central figure in the Red River  4712. Ö Stampless CANADIAN PACIFIC  Langille; & L. McCaffrey Designer of the  only one we can recall seeing to Para-
                                      & North-West Rebellions. F..... Est 50.00+  EXPRESS internal Registered illustrated en-  replica. VF. A must addition to an aviation  guay, in our 50+ years of auctions). See
        4686. Ö 404, Tied by Kelowna BC 6 Sept,  4699. Ö Set of 5 diff Patriotic postcards for the  velope from Cobble Hill, BC to Ladysmith, BC.  collection .................. Est 150.00+
         1963 cancel on a most unusual 6 panel fold-  1908 TERCENTENARY OF QUEBEC. Shows  “Valuable Paper” m/s dated 26 June 1939. F  4730. Ö 522i, XMAS CENTRE BLOCK with  photo above ............. Est 900.00+
         out letter card (in accordion style). The panels  diff views incl Quebec, Plains of Abraham,  ........................... Est 65.00+  “Cole” cachet. VF ............ Est 40.00+
         have coloured comic scenes with the story of  Monuments of Champlain, Jacques Cartier &  4713. Ö Unused colour illustrated novelty post-  4731. Ö 522i, 525i, Christmas CENTRE
         “OGO POGO” of Lake Okanagan (equivalent  Laval. Nice condition. F-VF (5 diff) Est 60.00+  card depicting Union Jack in red, black & or-  BLOCKS on cach FDC’s. VF (2 diff).......
         of the Loch Ness Monster). VF. Scarce ....  4700. Ö Unused multi-coloured patriotic post-  ange; souvenir from Electrical Building CNE,  .......................... Cat 100.00
         ........................... Est 65.00+  card circa 1909 depicting portraits of KE,  1951. If you look at the flag on the front & turn
        4687. Ö 404a, Cameo Booklet Pane tied from  Queen Alexandra, provincial crests, flags, etc.  the card, it reappears on the back (optical illu-
         RCAF Station at St Sylvestre PQ 3 Mar 1964  Has illustrated advertising on reverse for Pru-  sion). F-VF.................. Est 50.00+
         on airmail cover to NEW ZEALAND. Also  dential Life Insurance Co. VF . . . Est 65.00+  4714. Ö Stampless Ottawa 26 June 1957 Free
         #401a Booklet Pane with 1964 Toronto Emer-  4701. Ö Unused souvenir advertising postcard  Franked Official cover to Toronto. Enclosure
         gency No. 1 cancels on cover to Shanty Bay,  1910, from the DOMINION EXPRESS Co. de-  Signed by the newly appointed POST
         Ont. F (2 covers) ............. Est 40.00+  picting a scene of the Prize Winning HEAVY  MASTER GENERAL WILLIAM HAMILTON.
        4688. Ö 471-2, Tied by Embro Ont 1967 can-  DRAUGHT HORSES at the Canadian Na-  Contents relate to his election win & appoint-
         cel on 2 diff multi-coloured postcards depicting  tional Exhibition in Toronto. VF . . Est 60.00+  ment. Matching crest on sheet & flap. F-VF .  4745. Ö 219, Tied by Sept Iles PQ 19 July
         QUEEN ELIZABETH & PRINCE PHILIP.  4702. Ö Unused b/w real photo A20 postcard  ........................... Est 50.00+  1935 machine cancel on cach cover for the
         Each portrait is from a photograph by Baron.  circa 1910 depicting a woman wearing THE  4715. Ö Coll of 3 diff colour 1976 postcards  Trans-Atlantic Flight by the Norwegian Pilot
         VF (2)...................... Est 40.00+  FIRST HAREM SKIRT IN CANADA. Getting  from Br. Columbia “ROYAL HUDSON” TRAIN  THOR SOLBERG in his amphibian plane
        4689. Ö 705/711, Group of 3 multi-franked  out of long dresses into more mobile “pants”  trip from Vancouver to Squamish. Each has  4732. Ö 522i, 522pi, 525i, 525pi, Set of 4 diff  ‘LEIV EIRIKSSON". The flight traced the
         Floral covers all cancelled in Toronto 20 April  creating quite a scandal at the time. Interest-  matching local stamp on the face of the post-  1970 Christmas CENTRE BLOCKS (both  route of the Viking explorer Leiv Eiriksson.
         1977 - TWO DAYS BEFORE THE FIRST  ing social history item. VF, has message on  card with special postmark forming lovely  regular & tagged) on cach FDC’s. VF (4)  This cover is Pilot Signed & addr to New
         DAY. VF.................... Est 65.00+  reverse but not mailed......... Est 65.00+  maxi-cards. VF .............. Est 35.00+  .......................... Cat 500.00  York. F (AAMC #3517)....... Est 250.00+
                               LOT 4680
                                                                                         LOT 4746
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