Page 1 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 1
Wednesday, January 22, 20 25 Part 2
Telephone: 905-957-3364 Fax: 905-957-0100 Email: Toll-Free Bid Line: 877-957-3364
Worldwide 3600. Ö Gr. Britain #89, Tied by #541 FPO 3632. Û 238-50, F-VF ............. 161.25 3651. Ú J1-4, J6, J8-9, J11, F-VF .... 415.00
3652. Û LX1, City Postage issue. VF, NG,
22 Aug 1900 CDS on BOER WAR era cover
3633. Ö 241a (single & pair), Tied by Penang
via Oban, Scotland to a soldier with Field
14 July 1941 CDS on WWII Censored com-
expert repair at UR, bit of TS. Cat $1,100...
continued Force in South Africa. F, cover flaws ...... mercial cover to “Canada Cycle & Motor 3653. Û O2, Fresh, F, OG, slight gum bend .
.......................... Est 125.00+
Co.” in Ontario. Has extensive advertising /
........................... Est 40.00+
3601. Ö Unused b/w postcard (from Belgium) corner card. K. Lee San & Co. canners. F-VF. .............................. 300.00
SOMALIA: paying tribute to the heroes of the BOER Attractive ................... Est 50.00+ 3654. Ö Stampless Censored WWII cach
WAR. Incl Generals Botha, De Wet & De La SUDAN: Stockholm to New York First Trans-Atlantic
Rey. VF .................... Est 65.00+ 3634. Ö 9 (Pair), Tied by blue Wadi Halfa 30 Flight cover addr to Montreal. Has 22 June
June, 1898 CDS on 3m Postal Stationery 1945, 160 Ore advertising meter; flown “via
card addr to BERN SWITZERLAND (rec England”. F ................. Est 45.00+
CDS). Has Alexandria Egypt transit cancel. SWITZERLAND:
VF ....................... Est 100.00+
3635. Ö 12, Tied by blue Wadi Halfa 7 Feb,
1899 CDS’s on 5m Postal Stationery over-
printed envelope addr to LUCERNE
SWITZERLAND (rec b/s). VF . . . Est 90.00+
3636. Û O44-60, O62-75, F-VF, NH . . 106.90
3637. Ö Two diff used Postal Stationery cards
3602. Û Two diff 1d Springbok perforated
3566. Ú 8-9, Scarce 1905 Surcharge set. ESSAYS from 1927. One in green & car- used from Halfa one from 1911 the other from
VG-F, neatly cancelled ......... 1,400.00 mine, other in ultramarine & gray blue. 1915. Each addr to MOUDON
3567. Û 164-9, C1-6, F-VF .......... 55.50 Fresh, F, NH .............. Est 350.00+ SWITZERLAND. F (2)......... Est 75.00+
3568. Ú B1-4, Cpl semi-postal set, fresh 3638. Û B49-52, F-VF .............. 64.00
colours, F-VF ................... 215.00 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: SWAZILAND:
3569. Ú C1-6, Cpl Art Exhibition set with neat 3603. Ö 110, 114 with “OS” perfins, Tied by
Mogadiscio CDS’s. VF ............ 151.00 Adelaide 28 Jan 1910 CDS on Reg’d OHMS 3619. ÕÛ B64-73, Cpl Coronation Anniver-
3570. Û C17-27, F-VF............. 119.50 cover to Lorain, O. via San Francisco. Also sary set in mint blocks. Fresh colours, F-VF,
3571. Û CB1-10, F-VF............. 158.00 has violet “Correspondence Office / GPO” NH ......................... 5,200.00
3572. Û J15a, J16-7, VG-F ......... 265.00 same day strike. F, touch of TS. Attractive . 3620. SSÛ C97c, Scarce 1938 USA Constitu-
3573. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Italian ........................... Est 65.00+ tion surcharged souvenir sheet. VF, LH in 3655. Ú 3, A nice fresh example of this clas-
Propaganda postcard for the 3rd Auto Unit, SOUTHERN RHODESIA: selvedge (stamp is NH & has guarantee b/s). sic stamp with clean impression & light can-
Mogadishu depicting driver with wounded sol- Small selvedge stain ......... Est 750.00+ cel. F. Has 2000 APS Certificate . 2,950.00
dier in midst of battle. VF. Scarce. Est 80.00+
SOMALI COAST: 3656. Ö 8, Horiz pair with four margins
3574. Û 50, 52, INVERTED CENTRE errors. cancelled by blue grids on neat folded
F-VF, NH ................... Est 60.00+ cover with blue Sursee 9 Feb 1853 dou-
3575. Ö 98, 110, 112, 128, 135, 137-8, Tied ble circle cancel. F-VF, a portion of one
by Djibouti 22 Apr 1932 CDS’s on Reg’d cach 3639. Ú 10-19, Cpl KGV set to 10 Shilling, back panel missing. See photo below ...
First Airmail Service Djibouti to Dakar FFC. neat cancels, F-VF.......... Est 300.00+ ....................... Est 400.00+
Addr to Paris. F-VF. Attractive. . . Est 75.00+ 3640. Û 55-66, QE set to £1. F-VF, NH ....
SOMALILAND: .............................. 110.10 3657. Ú 25, 36a, 38a, VG-F......... 160.00
3576. ÕÛ 108a, KGVI Block Perf 13.5. F-VF, 3641. Û 80-107, F-VF ............. 106.35 3658. Ú 87b, VG-F................ 350.00
NH ............................ 92.00 3659. Û 96, Two shades, F, HH ..... 200.00
3577. Û 128-39, F-VF ............. 139.15 3642. Û 92-107, F-VF, NH .......... 57.85 3660. Û 98-100, F-VF .............. 84.50
3643. Û 405, “WWF” issue. VF, NH . . 105.00
SOUTH AFRICA: 3604. Û 1c, Scarce KGV 1/2d horizontal pair 3644. Ú 405, 427, Birds. VF, CDS’s. . . 100.00 3661. Û 129-37, 139-44, F-VF ...... 209.35
3578. Ö 3 (24 stamps), Neatly arranged & tied IMPERF vertically. F-VF, LH .... 1,300.00 SWEDEN: 3662. Ö 143, 203, C11 (2), Tied on cach July
by Sea Point 10 Dec 1915 WWI Censored 3621. Ú CB18a, Rare used single of the sur- 1934 Fourth South America Zeppelin Flight
Reg’d large business reply envelope to Detroit, 3605. Û Scarce KGVI cpl 2sh6p Booklet from charged Visit of General Franco to the Ca- cover addr to Buenos Aires. F. . Est 150.00+
USA. F, reduced. Eye-catching . . Est 45.00+ 1938 containing 7 panes. Fresh, VF, NH. nary Islands issue (without control number 3663. Ú 160a, Se-tenant Block of 6. VF, slight
3579. Ú 26-32, Cpl set of 1927-8 bilingual pairs RARELY OFFERED (SG #SB4 Cat £350) . on reverse). Full intact perforations, lightly separation. Cat $100.......... Est 30.00+
up to 10 Shilling plus a few extra perf variet- .......................... Est 300.00+ cancelled. VF. Has 1980 Royal Philatelic 3664. Ö 162, Tied by Urnasch 28 Dec 1920
ies. Most in horiz pairs. F-VF ..... 1,463.00 SPAIN: Society Certificate ............. 1,500.00 CDS on Swiss 6th Regiment Patriotic post-
3580. Ö 36b, C5, Tied by Capetown 27 Jan 3606. Ö Stampless letter in Spanish dated card to Zurich. Depicts soldiers on horseback
1932 CDS’s on cach FFC Capetown to Mwanza Valencia 12 Oct 1839 with “GIBRALTAR” 3622. Ö Unused b/w illustrated Patriotic post- on the frontier. VF ............ Est 40.00+
(now in Tanzania). Not claimed & returned. enclosed in arc postmark to London (4 Nov card commemorating the visit of President
Reverse has 9 cancels / handstamps. VF ... b/s). Has 1sh6d rate. F ....... Est 175.00+ Loubet of France in 1905. Depicts the Presi-
........................... Est 75.00+ 3607. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic cover dent & King Alphonso XIII, plus emblems, etc.
3581. Û 38, F+................... 100.00 datelined Malaga 7 July 1849 to Boston, F-VF....................... Est 35.00+
3582. Ú 40, Vertical pair. VF ........ 140.00 aboard barque “La Marline”. Has “NEW 3623. Ö Two diff unused ALUMINUM post-
3583. Ú 65, F-VF .................. 85.00 YORK / SHIP / AUG 21 / 7cts” red CDS. cards circa 1910’s depicting SPANISH
3584. ÕÚ 65, Block with neat Johannesburg F-VF ...................... Est 75.00+ WOMEN in fancy dresses. VF. Scarce (2) ..
28 Ap 1954 CDS’s. VF............ 170.00 3608. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Malaga ........................... Est 90.00+
3585. Û 65, 67, Pairs. F-VF.......... 90.00 6-20 Apr 1852 to Boston. Travelled via Madrid 3624. Ö France #’s 507, 536, Tied by
3586. Ö 99, Tied by Bloemfontein 4 Sept & Paris to Baring Bros Co. Agents in London Perigueux / Dordogne 1945 CDS on ANTI-
1950 slogan cancel on cover to “Fatlar Island / & sent “By Earliest Mail Str.” from Liverpool, FRANCO / ANTI-FASCIST Propaganda
Near Australia”. Returned with violet boxed Trans-Atlantic to USA. Has “24" & ”19 / postcard from forces in Spain via France. 3645. Ú 1, Attractive example with rich col-
“INSUFFICIENT / ADDRESS” h/s, rose CENTS" hammer rates, St. Jean de Luz Addr to PRIME MINISTER ATTLEE in London our, boxed Arboga 14 May, 1858 cancel.
“RETOUR” & DLO, Sydney h/s’s & black transit, etc. Interesting content re fruit trade. F England. Has printed message pleading for F, small thin. Has 1968 Sjoman Certificate. 3665. Û 181, Very scarce 3Fr The Mythen.
Capetown DLO b/s 18 Nov. F-VF, some cover .......................... Est 100.00+ assistance against Franco. F. Historic item . A NICE LOOKING EXAMPLE OF A VERY Fresh, VF, NH. A RARELY OFFERED
toning. Unusual item .......... Est 45.00+ 3609. Ú 11, Light red cancel, F ...... 400.00 ........................... Est 80.00+ SCARCE STAMP ............. 5,000.00 STAMP ..................... 2,150.00
3587. Ö 115-9, Tied by Van Riebeeck 14 Mar 3610. Ú 13, Tied on piece, F-VF ..... 130.00 3625. Ú Lot of 4 Revenue High Values from 3666. Û 210-15, With two 60¢ shades. F-VF
1952 F.D. cancels on special cover flown by 3611. Ú 16, F .................... 400.00 1976. Has both shades of the 1,000 & 5,000 ............................... 62.45
KLM to Holland where it was franked with 3612. Ú 23, Nice colour, F .......... 450.00 Peseta values. VF (Edifil #’s 748-9 & 748a-9a, 3667. Ö 210-15, Cpl Disarmament Conference
the Dutch Van Riebeeck semi-postal set with 3613. Ö 168, Tied by dotted cancel on folded 300 Euro).................. Est 120.00+ set tied by Zurich 17 Feb 1932 cancels on
fancy 5 Apr 1952 cancels. F .... Est 45.00+ letter with Cadiz 6 Sept 1871 / CDS to Boston. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: postcard. F, minor bit of toning . . Est 50.00+
3588. Û 200-13, 254-66, F-VF ....... 80.75 Has red London / Paid transit, blue “3" m/s 3626. Ú 8, VG-F.................. 110.00 3668. Ú 244-6, F-VF .............. 105.00
3589. Û 200-13, 241-66, F-VF, NH. . . 102.80 rate, blue Rudolph / Cadiz, Spain corner 3627. Ú 10/18, Coll of 6 diff FORGERIES of 3669. Ú 247-67, F-VF .............. 96.70
3590. Û 298, F-VF, VLH ............ 60.00 card, etc. F-VF. Nice Trans-Atlantic cover .. various QV stamps up to 96¢. Probably Spiro 3670. Ö 280, Also Swiss Military Games /
3591. Û B1-4, B9-11, F-VF .......... 97.00 ........................... Est 50.00+ Bros. VG-F, some small flts..... Est 75.00+ Competition label, Tied by matching 1941 can-
3592. Û B5-11, F-VF .............. 136.50 3614. Û 185, F-VF................. 80.00 cel & h/s on matching sepia illustrated souve-
3593. Û B9-11, F-VF, NH ........... 53.50 3615. Ö 335, 341, 342(3), Tied on cacheted nir card to Basel. Depicts profiles of soldiers
3594. ÕÛ J34-7, Blocks. F-VF, 2 stamps in GRAF ZEPPELIN cover 5 June 1930 Seville from 1444 & 1941. VF ......... Est 45.00+
each NH ....................... 234.00 to Friedrichshafen (rec b/s). F . . Est 125.00+
3595. Û J52, Pair, BROKEN “1" on right stamp. 3616. Û 705, F-VF................ 100.00
Interesting variety. F .......... Est 20.00+ 3617. Û 877a-8a, 1095-1104, 1159-68, F-VF,
3596. ÕÚ O19, Block. F-VF ........ 180.00 some NH ....................... 64.85
3597. Û O26-7, F-VF............... 80.00
3598. Ö Unused Boer War postcard depicting
GENERAL JOUBERT. He was Commandant-
General of the South African Republic from 3646. Ú 5, Scarce 24sk brick red with deep
1880-1900 & active in the Boer War. VF .... colour on bright paper, nearly cpl 13 Jan,
........................... Est 60.00+ 1858 circular cancel. F, tiny perf crease.
3628. Û 88, Scarce QV $5 High Value, fresh
3599. Ö Gr. Britain #89 (Pair), Tied by bright colours, F+, NH. RARELY SEEN IN Signed by expert Sjoman & with 1999
Field P.O., British Army S. Africa 30 Ju, NEVER HINGED CONDITION Est 600.00+ Wilen Certificate (Facit #5c, Cat SKr
1900 cancels on One Penny rose Postal 3629. Ú 171, KGV $5, F............. 60.00 18,000) ..................... 2,200.00 3671. Ú 293-305, PAX set. F-VF, neat cancels
Stationery envelope addr to Hong Kong, 3630. Ö 189, 192, Tied by Penang 6 Oct 1928 3647. Û 13b, Three Ore brown Type I. F, ............................. 806.00
CHINA. On reverse has Durban Natal 10 CDS on “FIRST SERVICE FROM MALACCA/ scarce......................... 925.00 3672. Ö 301, Pax 1 Fr tied by Bern 16 July
Jy, 1900 transit cancel & Hong Kong 22 CONNECTING WITH MARSEILLES/LONDON 3648. Ú 17, 19-20, 22-6, F, neat CDS’s158.00 1945 Censored Airmail cover to Toronto,
Aug, 1900 rec cancel. F, most of back flap AIRMAIL.” Addr to England. Has pencil nota- 3649. Û 172, 175, 179, 185-8, Coil strips of 4. Redirected to Haliburton, Ont. Has purple
missing, sealed edge tear at left. A very 3618. Û B64-73, Cpl Coronation Anniversary tion “Only 40 known.” VF....... Est 75.00+ F-VF, 2 NH in each .............. 251.00 O.A.T. (onward air travel) in oval h/s. F,
scarce Boer War destination cover to set. Fresh colours. VF, NH, several with 3631. Ú 201, KGV $5 Vert pair with neat 1933 3650. SSÛ 1298, Lot of 17, each with a diff roughly opened at back........ Est 40.00+
Hong Kong. See photo below Est 400.00+ guarantee b/s’s ............... 1,300.00 Penang CDS. F-VF ............... 90.00 Plate # at UR. VF, NH ......... Est 40.00+ 3673. SSÛ 352a, 371a, VF, NH ...... 93.00
LOT 3656
LOT 3599
LOT 3737