Page 8 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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64  UNITED STATES Continued                              4131. ÕÛ WEST VIRGINIA Waterfowl Hunting  UNITED STATES (CONFEDERATE STATES):
                                                                  Permit #5a Plate Block, Governor’s Edition.
                                                                  VF, NH ....................... 260.00+
                                                                 4132. ÕÛ WEST VIRGINIA Waterfowl Hunting
                                                                  Permit #6a Plate Block, Governor’s Edition.
                                                                  VF, NH ....................... 260.00+
                                                                    UNITED STATES (CANAL ZONE):
                                                                 4133. Ú 4-5, 7, VG-F+ ............. 132.50

                                                                                                                          4161. Û 23, Unused 1¢ black Numeral on
                                                                                              4150. Ö 101XU1, SAVANNAH GA. 5¢  laid paper (Plate 8A, Typed V, Pos 6). F-VF,
                                                                                               Postmasters’ Provisional envelope with Dec  four close margins, NG, two tiny pinholes.
                                                                                               23 CDS & control mark on the front side.  Has 2022 PSAG Certificate ....... 300.00
                                                                                               Addr to Dawson Georgia. F, a bit reduced.
                                                                                               Cat $450 US .............. Est 250.00+
        4087. Û O93, Beautiful UL horiz sheet margin strip of 4 of the 90¢ Perry Official, with full PLATE
          IMPRINT. Fresh, F, OG, left stamp is NH. A LOVELY SHOWPIECE ............ Est 900.00+
                                     4109. Ú RW3, RW5, F-VF, SE....... 175.00
                                                                 4134. Û 33a, Beautiful mint 5¢ Balboa with
                                                                  DOUBLE OVERPRINT. VF, LH. Has 2023
                                                                  PSE Certificate graded “VF 80". Only 200
                                                                  printed!................... Est 400.00+

                                                                                              4151. Ö 1a, Four margin single tied by 7-bar
                                                                                               circular grid cancel on cover with Staunton
         4097. Û Q11, Fresh mint 75¢ Parcel Post. VF,                                          Va 3 Dec 1861 CDS. Addr to State Gov.
          NH. Has 2004 PSE Certificate . Est 275.00+                                           JOHN LETCHER at Richmond. He served  4162. Û R11P4, Imperforate $1 Proof on
                                                                                               as Governor of Virginia from 1860-64, dur-  card, crisp colour, large margins, VF 700.00
        4098. ÕÛ QE1-3, QE4a, Blocks. VF, NH ...                                               ing the Civil War years. F, stamp is nice but
         .............................. 199.00                                                 cover toned. A scarce cover . . Est 400.00+  4163. Ö UX2, Unused 2¢ black postal card.
        4099. Ú R10c/R118, Seven diff slightly better                                                                      VF, couple minor toned spots .... Cat 50.00
         revenues. VG-VF ................ 159.50                                                                          4164. Ö UX3, Unused 3¢ blue green postal
                                                                                                                           card. VF..................... Cat 67.50
                                                                                                                          4165. Ö UY1, Attractive unused & unsevered
                                                                                                                           1¢ & 1¢ purple paid reply postal cards. F-VF
                                                                                                                           .......................... Cat 400.00
                                                                                                                          4166. Ö UY3, Attractive unused & unsevered
                                                                 4135. ÕÛ C25a, Scarce IMPERF                              1¢ & 1¢ grey violet paid reply postal cards.
                                                                  BETWEEN BLOCK, fresh, F-VF, NH,                          VF. Fresh! .................. Cat 450.00
                                                                  couple natural gum bends. Only 98 pairs
                                                                  & 1 single stamp recorded. Each pencil                     UNITED STATES (PHILIPPINES):
                                                                  initialed “JTD” (James T. DeVoss, former                4167. Ú 213-22, F-VF .............. 99.95
                                     4110. Û RW4, Plate Number single, fresh,  APS President with position number).
                                      F-VF, NH .................... 300.00+  VERY RARE AND SELDOM OFFERED  4152. Ö 1c, Olive green, Stone A/B, VF sin-
                                                                  ANYWHERE ............. Est 2,500.00+  gle tied by a perfectly struck New Orleans
                                                                                               La 27 Dec CDS on a pretty lemon coloured
                                                                       UNITED STATES (CHINA):
                                                                                               cover, addr to Port Gibson, Miss. VF, some
                                                                                               mounting adhesions on reverseEst 400.00+
         4100. Ú R47b, Used 25¢ part perf Life Insurance                                                                  4168. Û 223A, Fresh mint single of the $1
          Revenue. F-VF, neat m/s cancel, short perf                                                                       Perry type II. VF, OG, LH. Has 1973 Phila-
          at right. Has 2019 PSE Certificate . 1,250.00
                                                                                                                           telic Foundation Certificate ...... 1,500.00
        4101. Ú R66a, R66c, R71c-72c, R76c, VG-F
         .............................. 160.00                                                                            4169. Ö C4, Tied by USTP SEA POST/SS
                                                                                                                           PRES MADISON 24 July 1926 cancel on #10
                                                                                                                           size cover to New Jersey. Has corner card of
                                                                                              4153. Ö 2, VF single with four large balanced  ‘THE COMMANDING GENERAL,
                                                                                               margins & neat “X” cancel, on cover. Has  PHILIPPINE DIVISION, FORT WILLIAM Mc-
                                                                                               m/s “Jamestown, Ala Nov 22d” & addr to  KINLEY’. F, file folds not affecting the stamp
                                                                                               Demopolis Ala. VF, small corner cover tear.  or cancel .................. Est 125.00+
                                     4111. Û RW5, Plate Number single. Fresh,                  A NICE LOOKING COVER!. . . Est 300.00+
                                      F, NH, couple tiny DG spots do not detract
                                      ............................ 425.00+                   4154. Ö 7 (Horiz pair), Pen cancelled on cover  United States
                                                                                              addr to Danville Va. The cover was re-used
                                     4112. Û RW7, Plate Number single, F-VF, NH               with #11a cancelled at Danville to Hallsboro
                                      ............................. 250.00+                   Va. VG+, some flts. A RARE CONFEDERATE  Covers
                                     4113. ÕÛ RW12, Pretty LL corner block with               TURNED COVER ........... Est 500.00+
                                      Plate Number. Fresh, F, NH, some natural  4136. ÕÛ K1, Right margin Plate Block of 6,
                                      gum skips...................... 400.00  nicely centered, VF, NH. Has 2004 PSE       4170. Ö Stampless folded Trans-Atlantic
                                     4114. Ú RW49, Along with Maryland $3 Water-  Certificate & 2014 PSE Certificate . . 600.00  letter dated New York 3 Dec 1817 to Glasgow.
                                      fowl Stamp on reverse of 1983 Maryland                                               Has boxed step type “LIVERPOOL / SHIP
                                      3-Day Hunting License for Non Residents. F,  4137. Ú K1, F..................... 70.00  LETTER” h/s & Glasgow receiver, plus vari-
                                      normal folds................. Est 35.00+  4138. Ö K1, Rare proper usage of 2¢ Shanghai  ous m/s rates. F............. Est 150.00+
                                     4115. Û RW59, RW66, VF, NH....... 70.00  tied on postcard by proper US Postal Agency  4171. Ö Stampless 1817 folded letter with red
                                     4116. ÕÛ WX7, Unused Block of the 1911  China 30 Dec 1920 duplex cancel addr to       oval Stamford, Ct. 20 Apr cancel & “10" m/s
                                      Christmas seal. F-VF, NG ......... 200.00  New York. F-VF............. Est 250.00+   rate to Middletown, Ct. F ....... Est 75.00+
                                     4117. Ú STATE OF LOUISIANA $5 Bond from  4139. Û K1-5, VG-VF ............. 215.00    4172. Ö Stampless folded cover from Philadel-
                                      1880. Has 4 interest coupons for 7À¢ each  4140. Û K8, Fresh, VF, NH, slight gum bend  phia Pa 29 Dec rated “7" in circle to Lynchburg
                                      still attached. F .............. Est 50.00+  .............................. 170.00   Va. Has ”SHIP" h/s. F ........ Est 125.00+
                                     4118. Û COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION 1893  4141. Ú K10, F-VF ................ 140.00  4155. Ö 7, Horiz pair tied by Butler Ala 21  4173. Ö Stampless 1823 cover with
                                      Admission Ticket. Has lovely design by ABN  4142. Ú K12, F................... 230.00  Oct CDS on 1862 ADVERSITY cover, made  Kennebunk, Me 16 June CDS & “PAID” h/s to
         4102. Ú R97a, Fresh used $15 Mortgage  Co. depicting the portrait of ABRAHAM          from a printed receipt for what appears to be  Boston. F-VF ................ Est 45.00+
          IMPERFORATE with bright blue colour. VF,  LINCOLN. VF .............. Est 100.00+     a general store in Mt Sterling Ala. Addr to  4174. Ö Stampless folded letter from Liverpool
          four full margins, light m/s cancel. Has 2017  4119. Ú Nice b/w engraving (4.5 x 6.5 inches)  McKinley Ala & docketed “Rec’d Nov 1-1862"  datelined 31 Jan, 1828 to Costine Maine.
          Philatelic Foundation Certificate . . 4,500.00  from 19th Century depicting PRESIDENT  at left. VF, 1 stamp has corner flt Est 450.00+  Has red “SHIP” h/s & Boston 1 Ap CDS. F..
                                      ANDREW JACKSON with his printed signa-                 4156. Ö 11c, Tied by scarce circular grid  ........................... Est 90.00+
                                      ture. F, slight edge stains ..... Est 100.00+           cancel on neat cover to Elizabeth Town NC.  4175. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Phila-
                                     4120. Û Nice b/w engraving (5.5 x 8.75 inches)           F, cover a bit reduced ........ Est 150.00+  telic 19 Sept 1831 addr to Bordeaux France.
                                      of ANDREW JACKSON in military uniform                  4157. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa 1910  Has nice markings incl Philatelic CDS, boxed
                                      with a flowing cape. Entitled “GEN. JACKSON”            depicting SUTHERLIN’S HOME - the last  “PAY D’OUTREMER”, Le Havre French entry
                                      with his printed signature. VF . . Est 150.00+          Capitol of the Confederacy in Danville Va.  cancel, ‘10’ rating, etc. Write-up accompanies.
                                     4121. Û Memorial b/w engraving on card                   President Jefferson Davis signed his last  VF ........................ Est 90.00+
                                      (3.9 x 8.5 inches) in memory of ANDREW                  official proclamation here on 10 April 1865. F  4176. Ö Stampless 1832 Trans-Atlantic cover
                                      JACKSON - “THE ILLUSTRIOUS PATRIOT,  4143. Û K15, One Dollar. Rich colour, F....  ........................... Est 65.00+  nicely written up on a page. From Boston to
                                      STATESMAN & HERO” who died 8 June  ............................. 550.00  UNITED STATES (GUAM):  Sheffield England carried aboard the Black
                                      1845. Has his portrait, surrounded by flags,           4158. Û 1-2, 5-6, 8, VG-F .......... 240.00  Ball Line ship The “North America”. Has
                                      eagle, cannon, etc. VF........ Est 150.00+                                           “LIVERPOOL / SHIP LETTER” b/s. Has
                                     4122. Û Engraved b/w print on card (6 x 8                     UNITED STATES (HAWAII):  double letter inside. F. Ex Pullin Est 150.00+
                                      inches) of PRESIDENT ANDREW JACKSON                                                 4177. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic ship cover
                                      surrounded by a fancy wreath. This is the                                            dated Philadelphia 28 Feb 1832 to Bordeaux,
                                      portrait that appears on an American $20 Bill                                        France. Has red PHILA / MAR cancel “PAID”
                                      since 1929. VF.............. Est 100.00+                                             in arc h/s, boxed “PAYS D’OUTREMER” h/s,
                                     4123. Ö Autograph of GLENN T. SEABORG                                                 Le Havre transit & “10" m/s rate. VF .......
                                      (1912-99) on a business card. He was an                                              ........................... Est 60.00+
                                      American scientist & Nobel Prize winner &                                           4178. Ö Stampless 1833 folded cover to
                                      is best known for being a co-discoverer of                                           Providence R.I. with red STEAMBOAT h/s. F
                                      plutonium & all further transuranium elements.                                       ........................... Est 70.00+
                                      VF ........................ Est 50.00+                                              4179. Ö Stampless 1833 Trans-Atlantic cover
                                     4124. Ú Autographed of American comedian  4144. Ú K15, VG+, lightly cancelled ......  from New Orleans 9 Oct (docketing) to Lon-
                                      JERRY LEWIS (1926-2017) on a slip of  ........................... 1,000.00           don, rated 4/9 with a fine strike of red boxed
                                      paper. He appeared in more than 50  4145. Û K17, F, NH............... 225.00         ‘FORWARDED/BY/V.W. SCHMIDT & CO.’
                                      motion pictures (incl 16 films with his                                              & boxed LIVERPOOL SHIP LETTER. F....
         4103. Ú R100a, Attractive used $25 red Mort-  partner, singer Dean Martin). On reverse  4146. ÕÛ K17, Top margin Plate #10595  .......................... Est 200.00+
          gage Revenue. VF, four full margins, light-  it is also autographed by veteran golfer  Block of 6. F, NH............... 1,750.00  4180. Ö Stampless folded letter dated New
          ened m/s cancel, tiny thins at the left & top  DEANE BEMAN & head of the PGA. VF ..  4147. ÕÛ K17, Left margin Plate #11729  York 11 Nov 1833 with red 37À cent m/s rate
          right. Has 2020 William T. Crowe Certificate  ........................... Est 75.00+  Block of 6. F, NH............... 1,750.00  & 2-line “STEAM / BOAT” h/s to Canandaigua,
          ............................ 3,250.00  4125. Ú Autograph of actor JACKIE COOPER  4148. Û K18, F-VF, NH, slight gum bend ...  4159. Ú 12, Rare 1¢ light blue Numeral on  NY. Interesting contents re shipment of whis-
                                      with a photo of him alongside. He began his  .............................. 225.00  bluish white paper (Plate 2A, Type III, Pos  key. F...................... Est 65.00+
        4104. Ú R155, Scarce “I.R.” Provisional tied                                           1). F-VF, three close to large margins, nega-
         by manuscript “JDW 7/1/98" FD Cancel on a  career performing in film as a child & success-  tive “H” type cancel, thins, wrinkles at right  4181. Ö Stampless Diplomatic Mail/cover addr
         cheque dated the same day. Very scarce First  fully transitioned to adult roles. He was a fea-  edge. Has 2017 Hawaiian Philatelic Society  in French to His Excellency DAVID
         Day Of Use. VF. Has 2002 American Phila-  tured member of the “Our Gang” ensemble                                 CAMPBELL, GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA
         telic Society Certificate Brookman 1,000.00  in 1929-31. F ................ Est 50.00+  Certificate. Seldom offered stamp 15,000.00  (Governor from 1837-40) at Richmond.
        4105. Û RE201, VF ................ 50.00  4126. Û Four different older large size BOY                              Carried by favour from the French Consul in
        4106. Û RJA99b, 20¢ Violet NARCOTIC  SCOUT multi-colour labels. Incl 1935 &                                        Richmond. VG-F, sealed tear . . . Est 60.00+
         REVENUE. VF, NH .............. 425.00  1937 Jamboree from Washington DC; & 2                                     4182. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic ship cover
        4107. Ú RL2-6, Custom Fee Revenues. F-VF  diff BOY SCOUT WEEK types. F-VF, 2 NG .                                  dated Philadelphia 9 Mar 1838 to Bordeaux,
         ............................... 52.00  ........................... Est 50.00+                                     France. Has red “PHILA / MAR” cancel &
                                     4127. ÕÛ Lot of 7 diff mint advertising label                                         “PAID” h/s, boxed “PAYS D’OUTREMER /
                                      blocks with New York scenes for Eaton’s Fine                                         PAR LE HAVRE” transit & blue “10" m/s rate.
                                      Letter Papers printed by American Bank Note                                          F-VF....................... Est 60.00+
                                      Co., in 1939. VF, NH .......... Est 40.00+                                          4183. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic ship cover
                                     4128. Û PHILATELIC TRUCK souvenir sheet                                               dated Philadelphia 7 May 1838 to Paris.
                                      issued by the P.O. Department in 1939. This                                          Has blue “PHILADa” CDS & boxed “PAID”
                                      is printed in blue & depicts the White House.                                        h/s, red New York transit & boxed “PAYS
                                      Has been signed by Emma E. Hyland, Post-                                             D’OUTREMER / PAR LE HAVRE” h/s. VF .
                                      master Camden NJ. F, NG, minor bends ...                                             ........................... Est 65.00+
                                      ........................... Est 75.00+                                              4184. Ö Stampless 1840 Cross Border cover
                                     4129. Ú Lettersheet headed “THE WHITE                                                 from Boston 30 Mar to Toronto, Upper Can-
                                      HOUSE” 29 Dec 1972 from PRESIDENT                       4160. Ú 16, VF four margin example of Plate  ada. Has Queenston UC transfer cancel &
                                      RICHARD NIXON congratulating the RED                     3-F-V (showing a portion of the adjoining  rated “1/10". F, small edge flaw . . Est 70.00+
         4108. Û RW3, Beautiful corner margin copy.  CROSS for their achievements. Bears his   stamp at left, illustrating how tight the mar-  4185. Ö Stampless Cross Border cover with
                                                                                               gins are between the stamps), manuscript
          XF, NH. Has 2007 PSE Certificate graded  printed signature. VF.......... Est 75.00+  4149. ÕÛ K18, Top Plate #13129 Block of 6,  cancel tied on piece, addr to Lahaina. VF.  Oswego, NY 23 Feb CDS to Toronto, C.W.
          “XF-Superb 95" ........... Est 1,250.00+  4130. Û DELAWARE $5 State Hunting Permit  fresh, F, NH .................. 1,750.00  Has 2011 APS Certificate........ 850.00+  circa 1840. Has “UNITED STATES” h/s &
                                      #2, from 1981. VF, NH ............. 50.00                                            “10" & ”6d" hammer rates. F-VF . . Est 50.00+
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