Page 12 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 12
LOT 4252
LOT 4240
LOT 4248
UNITED STATES COVERS Continued 4238. Ö 71 (2), Tied by fancy cork cancels 4252. Ö 76 (Pair), With 7 bar grid cancels 4287. Ö 114 (2), Tied by negative Star cork
4223. Ö 68,Tied by partial Star cancel on cover on Trans-Atlantic cover, 4 x 15¢ rate, to on cross border cover with Portland, Me cancels on advertising cover for Planter’s
with Downieville, Ca 20 Sept 1862 CDS to PARIS FRANCE. Has red New York / 24 / 7 Sept 1864 CDS & “U. STATES” en- Tobacco Warehouse, Paducah, Ky corner
Union, Maine. F, bit of edge wear Est 150.00+ 7 Jan cancel & USA / Calais 19 Jan 1865 closed curve h/s to Chambly Basin, CE card with partial Paducah 20 Jun circa 1869
CDS to Farmington, Ky. F, roughly opened
4224. Ö 68, Tied by New Orleans 23 Jan transit. F+, small edge flt. Attractive & (lovely large 8 Sept b/s). Has St Hilaire back flap .................. Est 150.00+
(1863) CDS & Star in Circle cork cancel scarce. See photo on Page 66 ........ Station CE transit. F, roughly opened. At- 4288. Ö 114, Plate Imprint at top single with
on Postal Stationery envelope #U58 to ....................... Est 350.00+ tractive & scarce item. See photo above cork cancel on cover with partial Elbridge 17
HAVANA CUBA (rec b/s). From Civil ....................... Est 500.00+ Jan CDS to Moravia, NY. F-VF . Est 125.00+
War Union Occupied New Orleans. Has 4239. Ö 71 (2), Tied by fancy segmented 4253. Ö 76, Tied by cork cancel on 1864 4289. Ö 114, Large margin JUMBO tied by
Cuban “NA1" in oval h/s. F-VF. Scarce. cork cancels on 1866 cover with New folded letter with Phila, Pa 16 Dec CDS to East Hampton, Ma 31 May 1868 CDS (obvi-
See photo on Page 66 .....Est 500.00+ York 20 Nov CDS to Palermo, Italy Halifax, Nova Scotia. Has Boston Br. Pkt ous error as stamp not issued until 1869) to
(7 Dec b/s). Has Calais & Livorno tran- 4267. Ö 112 (Strip of 3), Tied by cork cancels Southfield, Ma. VF, slightly reduced .......
4225. Ö 68, Tied by cork cancel on cover transit. Contents relate a shipment of potatoes on cover with Boston, Mass 22 Dec (1869)
with New Haven, Conn 31 May circa 1865 sits. F, some flaws. Has 1999 Philatelic to the writer from PEI on a ship in distress at CDS to Hon Mr Willard M.C., Washington, .......................... Est 150.00+
CDS. Addr to Frank H. Bradley, American Foundation Certificate. Scarce. See Halifax. Has “Cunard Steamer from Boston” DC. Fascinating contents relating to contro- 4290. Ö 114, With neat cork cancel on cover
Geologist, care of the US Consul, Panama, photo on Page 66.........Est 500.00+ m/s. F, some repairs. Interesting item...... versy about counterfeit money. Also has a with small Barrington, RI.23 June 1869 CDS
New Grenada (Colombia). F-VF Est 250.00+ .......................... Est 250.00+ New York Tribune clipping from Dec 1869. to Mobile, Alabama. F-VF, slightly reduced .
4226. Ö 68, Tied by segmented cork cancel 4240. Ö 71, 76, Tied by Cog cancels on 4254. Ö 78, With 5 bar grid oval cancel on F-VF..................... Est 400.00+ .......................... Est 200.00+
on circa 1865 cover to CARDENAS, CUBA. Trans-Atlantic cover with San Francisco 1865 cover with Guilford 12 Oct CDS cancel
Has Cuban “NA1" in oval h/s. Addr to a Capt 21 Aug 1865 2-Ring cancel to Locarno, Trans-Atlantic to London (24 Oct receiver). 4268. Ö 112, With cork cancel on local drop
Angier Merriman c/o of William Safford & Brig Switzerland (4 Oct b/s). Carried on Has red New York Packet 3 transit. VG+, cover with Berrien Springs, Mi 2 Feb (1870)
A.H. Curtis). Safford was a famous botanist Prussian Closed Mail via Aachen, GR. cover has some flts but scarce ......... CDS. Has interesting enclosure. F-VF, slightly
employed by the US Navy & served in the BAD Bahnpost & Basel. F, minor edge ......................... Est 300.00+ reduced ................... Est 200.00+
Spanish-American War. F, slightly reduced . flaws. Attractive looking cover. See photo 4255. Ö 86 (E Grill), 113, Tied by blue 4269. Ö 112, Pen cancelled on pretty em-
.......................... Est 125.00+ above .................. Est 300.00+ quartered cork cancels on cover with match- bossed Valentine’s cover with exquisite Paper
4227. Ö 68, Tied by target cancel on Trans- ing Savannah, Ga 9 Oct circa 1869 cover Lace colour illustrated Valentine enclosure
Atlantic cover circa 1865 with Montrose, Iowa 4241. Ö 73, With blue grid cancel on cover to to Franklin Springs, Ga. F-VF, #113 has from Ohio. F, roughly opened back flap ....
3 Oct CDS to OSIECK, PRUSSIA (non New Paris, Ohio. Has Maddux Bro’s Tobacco rounded corner. Has 2015 PSE Certificate.. .......................... Est 300.00+
Poland). Has red “BREMEN / FRANCO” Dealer corner card. F, light horiz fold ...... .......................... Est 300.00+ 4270. Ö 113, Tied by fancy cork cancel on neat
transit. F................... Est 150.00+ .......................... Est 125.00+ 4256. Ö 87, E Grill (scissor cut at bottom) tied cover with Philadelphia business corner card
4242. Ö 73, With cork cancel on illustrated ad- by cork cancel on cover with S.S. Scranton addr to Academia Pa. F, cover a bit reduced 4291. Ö 114, With cork cancel on full front
vertising business reply envelope for Phoenix & Co., Publishers, Hartford, Conn corner card .......................... Est 150.00+ blue printed advertising cover for “The
Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. Addr to to Sampsonville, NY. F, some edge wear... 4271. Ö 113 (Pair), With bold 7 bar circular Christian” religious periodical, from Boston
Wilmington, NC. Depicts Phoenix rising, .......................... Est 100.00+ grid cancels on cover with Buckingham, C.H., to Weld, ME. F, slightly reduced Est 200.00+
Cornucopia, etc. F........... Est 125.00+ 4257. Ö 93, Tied by cork cancel tied on Va 19 Dec CDS to Richmond, Va. F, some
4243. Ö 73 (Strip of 3), Tied by neat cork & illustrated advertising cover for T. Morris edge flaws. Very attractive .... Est 250.00+ 4292. Ö 114, MAJOR MISPERF single tied by
New York 28 Sept cancels on 1865 cover to Perrot & Co., Drug Warehouse, Philadelphia. 4272. Ö 113, Tied by cork cancel & New York cork cancel on cover with Sharon, Pa 3 Mar
Albany, NY. Has illustrated embossed J.R. Depicts pharmaceutical equipment, etc. circa 1869 CDS on local illustrated advertising 1870 CDS to Blair County, Penn. F, slightly
reduced ................... Est 200.00+
Smith Jr / MERCHANT / WHISKEY" corner Addressed to Lee’s Cross Roads, Pa. F.... cover for The New York Genealogical & 4293. Ö 114, Tied by unusual fancy cork cancel
card & matching enclosure. Also has “ISAAC .......................... Est 150.00+ Biographical Society. Used in the first year on yellow cover with Holden, Mo CDS to Cadiz,
W. ATKIN / ALBANY 30 Sept” handstamps of the college & the stamp. F. . . Est 125.00+
(cargo ship’s master) struck 7 times. Inside 4273. Ö 113, Tied by lovely circle of wedges Ohio. F-VF, slightly reduced . . . Est 150.00+
4228. Ö 68, Tied by NEW YORK STEAM- has matching Tallship illustrated bill of lading cork cancel on local drop rated cover with
New York 21 Sept (1869) CDS. Has Charles
SHIP CDS on cover circa 1865, to Dubuque, with revenue affixed. F, roughly opened. Very Francke & Co. corner card & blue C.E.
Iowa. Has “Via Panama” m/s. F, slightly attractive .................. Est 325.00+ Harding & Co. same date receiving h/s. VF.
reduced .................. Est 300.00+ 4244. Ö 73, Tied by Boston CDS & cork cancel Attractive cover ............. Est 300.00+
on illustrated advertising cover for Lewis Lillie
4229. Ö 68, Tied by New York 7 Feb CDS Burglar & Fire-Proof Safes. Addr to Hartford, 4274. Ö 113, Tied by cork & CDS cancels on
on 1866 cover “Per steamship Morra Castle” Conn. F-VF ................ Est 175.00+ circular rated unsealed cover to Oxford, NY.
to HAVANA, CUBA. Has bold “NA1" in oval Has “University Convocation of the State of
h/s’s. Inside has lengthy enclosure. Wife New York / Seventh Anniversary, Albany,
informs husband of the loss of their baby. VF 2-4 Aug 1870" imprint. F ...... Est 200.00+
.......................... Est 200.00+ 4258. Ö 93, F Grill tied by lovely cork 4275. Ö 113 (Strip of 3), Tied by cork cancels
cancel on advertising cover for C.S. & New Orleans CDS on cover. Has Decan, 4294. Ö 114, With interesting & unusual “W”
Zerega & Co. corner card to Richmond,
WHITMAN & CO., SOLICITORS & Maine. F, cover flts. Attractive 3 stamp frank- m/s (for Weston) on cover with blue Weston,
PATENTS, WASHINGTON, DC with ing ....................... Est 200.00+ Mass 16 June CDS to Washington, DC. F,
Washington CDS. Addressed to Annisquam, roughly opened at back flap. Scarce &
Mass. Has detailed printed ad on the front 4276. Ö 113, Tied by cork cancel on full attractive ................. Est 300.00+
side. VF .................. Est 200.00+ front advertising cover for Perkins &
House’s Non-Explosive Kerosene Lamp 4295. Ö 114, Tied by cork cancel & New Or-
4259. Ö 93, F Grill tied by target cancel & with Springfield, Ma 28 July CDS to leans May 1869 CDS on folded printed notice
Rome, NY cancel on advertising cover for of a Bankruptcy. Addr to New York. Returned
4245. Ö 73, Tied by neat segmented cork T.B. Slingerland, perfume & medicines. Has Vineland, NJ. F, unsealed. See photo undelivered with NY illustrated “Returned to
cancels on illustrated advertising cover for matching printed advertising flyer enclosed. F, below .................. Est 250.00+ Writer” h/s. VF. Lovely condition! Est 300.00+
Chinese Tea Co. Washington, DC to New 4296. Ö 114, Tied by cork cancel & Brooklyn,
Market, MD. Depicts Chinese man carrying couple tiny edge tears ........ Est 200.00+ 4277. Ö 113, Tied by cork cancel & partial NY 10 Sept CDS on illustrated advertising
boxes of tea. F-VF. Very attractive!....... CDS on unsealed circular rated cover to
4230. Ö 68, Tied by VF NEW YORK / ......................... Est 250.00+ Sperryville, Va. VF............ Est 75.00+ cover to Hubbard & Whittaker, Burdon Iron
STEAMSHIP 21 Oct CDS on cover to 4278. Ö 114, Tied by cork cancel on cover with Works / Engines to Charleston S.C. Depicts
vintage engines. F........... Est 225.00+
Washington, DC. Has Washington 4246. Ö 73, Tied by cork cancel & Boston July New York 14 Apr CDS on advertising cover 4297. Ö 114, Tied by quartered cork cancel
(1867) CDS on red brown illustrated advertis-
“CARRIER” b/s. F-VF, roughly opened at ing cover depicting THE NEW AMERICAN with Louis Rosenstein & Co. Importers of on cover with Baltimore, MD 6 Jan circa 1870
European Produce corner card. Addr to the
flap. A PRETTY COVER!..... Est 400.00+
HEAT REGULATOR. Addr to Boston. F-VF. 2nd Auditor, Treasury Dept, Washington, DC CDS to New Market, MD. Has attractive illus-
4231. Ö 68, 73(2), Tied by segmented cork Attractive .................. Est 175.00+ (blue oval h/s) then forwarded to the 4th Audi- trated I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of Maryland cor-
cancels on unusual 14¢ rated Trans-Atlantic 4247. Ö 73, Tied by neat crossroads cork tor (matching b/s). F, edge flts. . . Est 60.00+ ner card. VF. Ex Foote ....... Est 225.00+
cover with Norfolk, Va. 15 June 1864 double- cancel on cover to South Hope, Maine, Has 4279. Ö 114, Tied on cover with Cape Vincent
ring cancel to Wisbeach, England (1 July b/s). detailed Phrenological Journal, NY corner NY 27 March, 1869 CDS alongside. THIS IS
Has red “Paid Liverpool / US Packet & New card. A company with very interesting history. THE EARLIEST KNOWN DATE FOR THIS
York” transits. Cover is faulty & repaired but F ........................ Est 150.00+ STAMP ON COVER. However, this cover is
nevertheless eye-catching & scarce ....... 4260. Ö 93, With cork cancel on orange illus- likely a fake & is being sold as such. F. An in-
.......................... Est 150.00+ 4248. Ö 73, Tied by Baltimore Md blue trated advertising cover for Marriot Hays / teresting item for the specialist . Est 300.00+
4232. Ö 68, 76, Tied by grid cancels on CDS on gorgeous illustrated advertising Howes Babcock & Co., Mercersburg Pa & 4280. Ö 114, Tied by blue Cincinnati, O circa
Trans-Atlantic cover to Paris, France. Mailed cover for LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & Co. Silver Creek, NY depicting turbine Water 1869 duplex cancel on advertising cover for
from Providence, RI 4 Oct 1864 red CDS. merchants. On reverse has all-over ad- Wheel. Addr to Academia, Pa. F, flap miss- Gundry’s Business College to Painesville, O.
Has “PAID” in circle h/s & New York / Paid / vertising list of their products & dry goods ing ...................... Est 250.00+ Has 24 diff ads on reverse for Cincinnati busi-
12 & Calais transits. F ........ Est 150.00+ which would be delivered free to all parts 4261. Ö 93, F-Grill vertical strip of 3 with cork nesses. F-VF. Interesting item . Est 150.00+
of Baltimore plus Railroad & Steamboat 4281. Ö 114 (2), Tied by fancy cork cancels &
4233. Ö 68 (2), 76, Tied by San Francisco Stations. F, minor soiling on reverse. F. cancels on #10 “OFFICIAL BUSINESS” New York 11 June 1869 CDS on cover with
Cog cancels on Trans-Atlantic cover with See photo above .........Est 300.00+ cover with Helena, MONTANO (spelling 4298. Ö 114, 119, Tied by cork cancels &
San Francisco 23 Mar 1865 CDS to ERROR) 14 Feb (1869) CDS to Brastown, Smith, Sturges & Co. Iron & Steel corner card Vinton, Iowa 28 Feb (1870) CDS on Reg’d
Locarno, Switzerland (4 May b/s). Has 4249. Ö 73, Tied by neat cork cancels on local MT. Has Neil Howie, US MARSHAL, Helena to Shancks, Ohio. Has original enclosure with cover to Clarence, Iowa. Has interesting
matching letterhead. VF, slightly reduced...
several postal markings incl blue boxed advertising cover for Hubbard Bros Planing MT corner card. F, slightly reduced, docketing. .......................... Est 150.00+ enclosure. F, some edge wear. Attractive &
“AACHEN / FRANCO” cross border h/s, Mill, Middletown, Conn. Has lovely red Interesting Territorial cover .... Est 275.00+ scarce early Reg’d cover ..... Est 500.00+
Hamburg oval & RPO strike. F. Attractive Middletown, Ct 2-ring cancel. F, slightly re- 4262. Ö 93, F Grill tied on advertising cover 4282. Ö 114, Tied by fancy cork cancel & 4299. Ö 115, Tied by fancy geometric cork
& scarce cover. See photo on Page 66 duced..................... Est 135.00+ for Perkins & House Non-Explosive Kerosene Bridgeport, Ct 6 Oct CDS on ladies’ cover cancel on cross border cover to Cornwallis,
to Wilton, Ct. F............... Est 75.00+
....................... Est 250.00+ Lamp by cork cancel to West Minden, Ohio. Nova Scotia. Has Boston 17 May 1870 CDS
Has Springfield, Mass 29 May CDS. VF.... 4283. Ö 114, Tied by cork cancel on 1869
4234. Ö 69 (2), Tied by grid oval & New York / .......................... Est 225.00+ official cover with Comptroller’s Office, Albany, & Halifax NS transit b/s. F ..... Est 300.00+
Br. Packet/310Jan 1862 CDS on Trans- 4263. Ö 93, F-Grill with cork cancel & tied by NY corner card & Albany 9 Oct CDS to
Atlantic cover to Scotland Edinburgh (24 Helena, MONTANO (spelling ERROR) 16 Somers, NY (12 Oct receiver), redirected to
Jan b/s). F-VF, small flts. Attractive & scarce July (1869) CDS on #10 “Official Business” Croton Falls, NY. Has matching printed enclo-
.......................... Est 200.00+ sure addr to a WAR of 1812 veteran advising
4235. Ö 69 (Pair), Tied by target cancels & m/s cover addr locally (without full addr). Re- that he is due $21.36 for services in the war.
New Orleans 19 Feb 1866 CDS on Trans- turned with “UNCLAIMED” h/s. F-VF, slightly VF, slightly reduced. Historic!!. . Est 250.00+
Atlantic cover to Ayr, Scotland (1 Mar b/s). reduced, docketing. Interesting Territorial 4284. Ö 114, Tied by cork cancel & Philadel-
Has red New York & London transits. VG-F, cover ..................... Est 250.00+ phia 7 Mar CDS on advertising cover with
some flts but an attractive cover Est 250.00+ 4264. Ö 96, F Grill, Tied by fancy cork cancel Emil Mathieu & Son Pickling & Preserving
4236. Ö 70, With blue grid oval cancel on 4250. Ö 73, Tied by cork cancel on full front on Trans-Atlantic ship cover from New York corner card to Barlow, Pa. A pretty cover.
Trans-Atlantic cover with matching Norwalk, illustrated advertising cover for The Great circa 1870 to Menslage, Germany (b/s). F, F-VF ..................... Est 100.00+
O 1 July circa 1865 CDS to London. Has American Tea Co. in New York. Addressed bit soiled .................. Est 150.00+ 4285. Ö 114, Tied by cork cancel on advertis-
red New York transit. F, some edge flaws .. to Groton, Mass. Depicts the company’s 4265. Ö 112, Tied by Bristol, NH 25 May ing cover with William Mann Stationer &
.......................... Est 200.00+ CDS on cover to Rumney, NH. F-VF, slightly Printer corner card & Philadelphia Aug 1869 4300. Ö 115, Tied by quartered cork cancel
4237. Ö 71, With cork cancel tied by Albany, buildings. F-VF............. Est 250.00+ reduced ................... Est 200.00+ CDS to Mifflintown, Pa. F-VF . . Est 100.00+ on Trans-Atlantic cover with violet Philadel-
NY 2 Oct CDS on Trans-Atlantic cover to 4251. Ö 73, Tied by Portland, Me 6 Feb octa- 4266. Ö 112, Tied by Peterborough, NH 4286. Ö 114, Tied by red target & phia / Paid All 8 Feb 1870 CDS to London
Darmstadt, Germany. Has red “PAID” h/s, gon cancel on orange cover to Hollis, Me. Has CDS on local drop cover with Hatch & Lewis, Chambersburg, Pa 3 Jan advertising cover (red 24 Feb receiver). Has lengthy letter
New York & Aachen / Franco red boxed tran- attractive F.G. Rich, Mercantile Job Printer Attorneys & Counsellors corner card. F, with Eyster & Heyser Hollywell Paper Mill cor- enclosure. F-VF. Attractive . . . Est 400.00+
sits. F, roughly opened at back . Est 300.00+ corner card. F-VF ........... Est 150.00+ slightly reduced ............. Est 200.00+ ner card to Mc Alisterville, Pa. VF Est 150.00+
LOT 4307
LOT 4276 LOT 4301