Page 10 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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             LOT 4201                                       LOT 4202
                                                                                                          LOT 4203

                            LOT 4207

                                                                   LOT 4208                                LOT 4218

        UNITED STATES COVERS Continued  4198. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic folded letter
        4186. Ö Stampless embossed miniature  datelined Philadelphia 13 Dec 1856 with
         ladies’ cover with circa 1840’s 2-ring  “Steamship” m/s. Addr to Birmingham, Eng-
         “BLOOD’S / DISPATCH / 30 Sept / 8. A.M.  land (27 Dec b/s). Has New York / Br. Pkt 3¢
         local h/s (Philadelphia). Addr to State House.  & “Paid” London transits. F-VF . Est 100.00+
         Has matching enclosure. F-VF . Est 125.00+
        4187. Ö Stampless cover circa 1840’s with
         red “STEAMBOAT” from Providence RI,
         addr to Warwick RI. F ......... Est 50.00+
        4188. Ö Stampless folded ship cover with
         red Stonington, Conn 25 Mar (1840) CDS
         & “STEAM” h/s to North Andover, Mass. F,
         edge tear ................... Est 50.00+                4205. Ö 15, Green 10¢ Washington Type                    4217. Ö 63, 73, Tied by fancy cork cancels
        4189. Ö Stampless folded partial ship letter              III tied by nice unframed Buffalo NY CDS  4210. Ö 26, Tied by Detroit Mich 1861 CDS  on green full front illustrated advertising
         with red Beverly (NJ) 15 May 1841 CDS addr               on neat cover to San Francisco California.  on pink Civil War Patriotic cover depicting  cover for McNab Manufacturers of faucets,
                                                                                               large coloured flag with slogan & caption
         to “Mate of the Ship Mason Elsineur” care of             F, some minor age toning .... Est 200.00+  below. Addr to Johnstown Mich. F, a bit  etc. Addr to Richmond, Va. Depicts various
         American Consul. Has New York, French                                                 reduced .................. Est 125.00+  hardware products. F, bit soiled, small
         transit, Hamburg 25 June b/s, red “18" & black  4199. Ö Stampless 1866 Trans-Atlantic cover                       mounting adhesions on reverse. Very attrac-
         ”18Á" m/s rates, etc. VG+, repairs. Scarce  in green from the CHARLESTON HOTEL,     4211. Ö 29, Scarce Type 1 vertical strip of 3  tive ...................... Est 225.00+
         item....................... Est 100.00+  South Carolina to Mulhouse France. Has      tied by Clarksville, Ten 12 Ap, 1861 CDS’s on
        4190. Ö Stampless folded letter from Philadel-  Charleston 12 Nov dispatch cancel, New  an orange legal size cover addr to Richmond,
         phia 13 Dec 1844 to New York. Has two diff  York transit, rate markings, red French  Virginia. On reverse is a sworn statement from  4218. Ö 65, Tied by Washington, DC
         red HALE & Co. Philadelphia Forwarding  Paquebot cancel & various French rec b/s’s.  a local Justice of the Peace Charles Bailey  circa 1861 colour illustrated Civil War Pa-
         markings with 6¢ Collect. VF.... Est 90.00+  VF. A SPECTACULAR LOOKING COVER!        J.P. The cover has file folds not affecting  triotic cover to Deer Isle, Maine. Depicts
        4191. Ö Stampless 1845 folded letter with  ......................... Est 500.00+      the strip which is fresh & sound & quite well  Eagle, Stars & Stripes, “Gen Washington
         “Tuscaloosa, Al” 8 Aug (1845) CDS with  4200. Ö Stampless 1871 Trans-Atlantic ship   centered. F (Stamps alone Cat $1,200+ US)  / Hero of the Past” & “Gen McClellan /
         scarcer small “5" hammer rate. Addr to Macon,  folded letter written in French with New York /  .......................... Est 900.00+  Hero of the Present”. VF, slightly re-
         Ala. VF..................... Est 50.00+                                             4212. Ö 33, Tied by clear San Francisco Cal  duced. Very attractive! See photo above
        4192. Ö Stampless 1846 folded letter with  Br. Transit 1 Feb CDS carried aboard steamer  1 Aug 1859 CDS on cover to Herkimer New  ....................... Est 350.00+
         blue Baltimore, Md 7 Oct with local “2" in  “Minnesota” to Le Havre, France via London.  4206. Ö 24, Tied by Chicago 20 Ap, 1858  York. F, cover fold (not affecting stamp) &
                                      Has “GB/2F” h/s. Contents refer to the Capitu-
         oval. A nice drop letter. F-VF.... Est 50.00+  lation of Paris at the end of the Franco-Prus-  CDS on illustrated advertising cover (orange  some cover wear. A nice early CALIFORNIA
        4193. Ö Stampless advertising circular with  sian War, plus commerce. F-VF Est 200.00+  coloured) for Geo. R. Roberts LUMBER /  COVER ................... Est 225.00+
         red “NEW YORK / 24 JUNE 1847 / PAID /                    SHINGLES DEALER. Depicts a beautiful
         5ct” CDS to Shelbyville, Ky. Addr to Howard  4201. Ö 1, Horiz pair with full / tight mar-  MASTED SAILING SHIP in dark blue oval.
         Lodge No 15 / 1.0.0.F.; advertising for Aldrich,  gins tied by neat red circular grid cancels  Addr locally & still has original contents. F,
         Barston & Co., carpeting. F-VF . . Est 75.00+  & 2 strikes of New Orleans postmarks on  light edge creases .......... Est 250.00+
        4194. Ö Stampless folded letter dated 3 Oct  cover from the Linsley correspondence
         1849 with red oval “FORWARDED / HALE  addr to Stratford, Conn. Has 2 strikes of  4207. Ö 26,Tied by Lowell Ms 10 Aug 1858
         & CO. & NEW YORK” & boxed “COLLECT /  red straightline “STEAM” handstamp & m/s  CDS on yellow cover to New Boston, NH.
         SIX CENTS / HALE & CO.” / h/s’s to Boston.  “SAXON” above (presumably a Steam-  Has portrait of JOHN FREMONT facing
         F-VF. Scarce & attractive ..... Est 150.00+  boat). F, central stain from seal which  left who was the Republican Presidential
                                       has been removed on reverse. Ex Boker,  Candidate in the 1856 Election (along with
                                       Gross. See photo above . . Est 1,500.00+  William Dayton for Vice President). VF,  4213. Ö 35 (4), Tied by Bangor Me CDS’s  4219. Ö 65, Tied by target cancel on attrac-
                                                                   tiny edge flt in cover. Ex Bischel (Walcott  paying a 40¢ rate on #10 size cover (m/s  tive coloured Civil War patriotic cover enti-
                                     4202. Ö 1, VF horiz pair with full margins  W-540 var). See photo above Est 350.00+  1859 date on reverse) to HONOLULU  tled “UNION FOREVER” with flags, eagle
                                       tied by red square grid cancels with New                SANDWICH ISLANDS. It is addr to HON  & crest. Has Washington DC 7 Dec, 1863
                                       York June 25 CDS alongside on 1849  4208. Ö 26, With “PAID / 3" circular cancel  ELISHA H. ALLEN. Allen was a notable  CDS. Addr to Lima NY. VG-F, small corner
                                       cross border cover to St Catharines,  on red & blue illustrated CIVIL WAR PA-  figure in Hawaiian history. He was Chancel-  repair .................... Est 175.00+
                                       Canada West. Endorsed “PAID TO THE  TRIOTIC cover with Windham Centre,  lor for King Kamehameha V; Chief Justice  4220. Ö 65, Tied by circular grid cancel on Civil
                                       LINES”, light Queenston exchange CDS  NY 12 June CDS (circa 1861) to Middle  of the Supreme Court of Hawaii & was a  War patriotic cover from Lockport NY 7 Dec.
                                       & m/s ‘4À’ pence due rating. VF. Ex  Valley, Va. Depicts military officer holding  Hawaiian Minister of Finance. F, cover re-  Depicts a waving American Flag with patriotic
                                       Gross. A CHOICE #1 PAIR PAYING 10¢  sword & flag. F, missing flap. Very attrac-  duced. A nice historical cover with a scarce  slogan. Addr to Courtland NY. Lovely condi-
                                       RATE ON COVER TO CANADA. Has  tive. See photo above .....Est 225.00+  rate .................... Est 1,000.00+
         4195. Ö Stampless 1851 Trans-Atlantic  1990 & 2020 Philatelic Foundation Certifi-   4214. Ö 35, Tied by New Orleans CDS on part  tion. VF ................... Est 125.00+
          folded letter “PER STEAMER NIAGARA” to  cates. See photo above . . Est 2,500.00+    printed business circular dated 6 June 1859  4221. Ö 65, 71, Tied by cork cancels on
          Genoa, Italy written on beautiful watermarked                                       to Vera Cruz, Mexico. Has both “2" m/s & ”2"  1865 Trans-Atlantic cover with Chicago
          laid paper. Interesting variety of postal                                           hammer rates (2 Reales Mexican single rate  27 Jan CDS to Graubanden, Switzerland.
          markings. Contents mention a letter of  4203. Ö 12 (Single & horiz pair), 26, 36,   credit). VF ................. Est 175.00+  Nice cancels incl Boston (2 diff), Aachen,
          credit in favour of GENERAL JOHN WATTS  (LR corner missing), Tied by ‘PAID’ grid   4215. Ö 63, 68, Tied by Philadelphia 21 Jan  Calais, St Galen, Chur, GR. BAD
          DE PEYSTER. He was Adjutant General of  cancels on partial cover to France. Has     1863 CDS paying on 11¢ rate on cover to San  Bahnpost & Zurich (2 diff transits). F,
          New York, served in the Mexican-American  red New York PAID 14 Sept 1859 cancel.    Francisco, Calif. Pays 1¢ Carrier & 10¢ rate  slightly reduced. Attractive & rare cover.
          & Civil Wars & was author of the “Art of  Accompanied by 1977 Philatelic Founda-    to Ca. (has Carrier b/s). F, roughly opened &  See photo below .........Est 450.00+
          War”, etc. VF. Historic ....... Est 100.00+  tion Certificate mentioning that ‘the cover
                                       is restored & that the 5¢ stamps have                  with sealed tear at top. Attractive Est 150.00+
        4196. Ö Two 1852 stampless folded letters to  been lifted & replaced. Extraordinary  4216. Ö 63, 73, Tied by grid oval & Richmond,  4222. Ö 65, 71 (Pair), Tied by grid oval
         CUBA with red postal markings & 10¢ rates.  cover nevertheless! Ex Hessel. F, flaws.  Va 20 Sept (1866) CDS on illustrated advertis-  cancels on 1865 Trans-Atlantic cover to
         One from Boston, the other from New York.  See photo above........Est 2,500.00+      ing cover for Jones & Hewitt Commission &  ZURICH SWITZERLAND (19 Mar b/s).
         Both have “PAID” & “NA” h/s’s. VG-F+ (2) ..                                          Forwarding Agents. Addr to New Hope, Va.  Mailed from Highland, Ill 27 Feb. Has
         .......................... Est 100.00+  4204. Ö 14, Tied by neat New Orleans La  4209. Ö 26, Tied by indistinct CDS circa 1861  Has “HELD FOR / POSTAGE” boxed h/s &  “Paid 63" & ”Via Liverpool" m/s’s & New
        4197. Ö Stampless cover with manuscript “Per  1 Jun CDS on printed price list for various  on cover to South Granville, NY. Printed by  “Due 1" m/s. Still has original handwritten  York / Paid, Calais, Bern, etc. transits.
         Wells, Fargo, Co., San Francisco, Express”.  commodities (prices in manuscript) dated 31  J.A. Howell 1860. Has fancy vine illustrated  statement letter enclosed. An interesting post  F-VF. Attractive & rare classic cover. See
         Addr to D.F. Douglass, Secretary of State,  May, 1856. Addr to VERACRUZ, MEXICO. F  border & 3 stanza printed poem “Write  Civil War item. F, cover roughly opened on  photo below ............. Est 500.00+
         Sacramento dated 8 Dec 1856. VF Est 85.00+  .......................... Est 200.00+  Often”. F, bit of staining. Pretty Est 150.00+  back...................... Est 225.00+
                                 LOT 4221
                                                                                        LOT 4222
                                                                                                          LOT 4224

            LOT 4239

                                                          LOT 4233                                        LOT 4238
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