Page 14 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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70                                                                LOT 4361
                                                                                                        FROM LOT 4394

                                LOT 4337

        UNITED STATES COVERS Continued                           4338. Ö 555, Tied by Washington, DC 12 Feb  4361. Ö 634 (Perfin), 682, E16; Also  4382. Ö 905 (2), 927, Each tied by green
                                                                  1923 slogan cancel on FDC (Postal Stationery             Greenhurst, NY 8 May 1945 VICTORY in
         4301. Ö 116, Tied by N. YORK / STEAM-                    envelope #U420) to New York. VF ........  Germany #C38 (2 Mark South America  Europe day cancels on 3 different WWII
          SHIP 13 May 1869 CDS on folded cover                    ........................... Est 40.00+  Zeppelin), Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPE-  Patriotic unaddr covers. All with different
          to CIENFUEGOS, CUBA. Has blue                                                        LIN First Europe - Pan American Round  cachets incl one with a Tank in action. VF ..
          Cuban “NA1" in oval h/s & matching                     4339. Ö 555, Tied by Hodgenville, Ky 12 Feb,  Flight postcard addr to Roessler, Special  .......................... Est 100.00+
          Havana b/s. Carried aboard the ship                     1923 duplex cancel on FDC. VF. Scarce town  Delivery. Better German Airmail is tied  4383. Ö 914, Tied by NY Geneva & Buffalo
          ”Eagle" (only 4 or 5 uses recorded). F,                  ......................... Cat 350.00+  by ON BOARD cancel. This is the  RPO 7 Dec 1943 cancel on black illustrated
          repaired. Attractive. See photo on Page                4340. Ö 555, Tied by Alexandria Va 12 Feb,  Friedrichshafen to Seville leg. F-VF.  WWII Patriotic cover to Jamestown, NY.
          68 ..................... Est 400.00+                    1923 cancel on unaddr FDC. VF. THIS IS A  A NICE ITEM! See photo above ......
                                                                  SCARCE UNOFFICIAL CITY FOR A FIRST  ....................... Est 500.00+  Depicts skull with caption “THIS IS A SAFE
                                                                  DAY ...................... Est 150.00+                   JAP”. F-VF.................. Est 50.00+
                                                                 4341. Ö 556, Tied by Washington, DC 15  4362. Ö 637, Tied on Air Mail Field, Cleveland  4384. Ö 950/1078, Three diff 1958 covers each
                                                                  Jan 1923 slogan cancel on local FDC. F-VF  Ohio 1 Sept, 1930 cancel on cach cover for  with a HAND DRAWN COLOURED CACHET,
                                     4317. Ö 319, Tied on full front multi-colour                                          done by John D’Auberteuil of New Orleans.
                                      illustrated cover with New York 11 Oct  ........................... Cat 65.00  GORDON BENNETT BALLOON RACE &  The drawings match the theme on the stamps.
                                      1904 cancel to Middletown, NY; 31 Oct  4342. Ö 557, Tied by Washington, DC 27  AERIAL CARNIVAL in Cleveland. VF......  F-VF....................... Est 90.00+
                                      Flag cancel b/s. Depicts 2 children carrying  Oct 1922 slogan Cancel on “Worden” FDC  ........................... Est 50.00+  4385. Ö 990, White House issue tied by
                                      address parcel with rural scene in back-  to Millburn, NJ. F-VF .......... Cat 135.00  4363. Ö 705, 707, 710, Tied by Lakehurst NJ 1  Denver, Colo 28 Oct 1955 cancel on cover
                                      ground. Has interesting enclosure. F-VF...  4343. Ö 559, Tied by Washington, DC 1 May  Aug, 1932 cancel on USS AKRON Dirigible  with “WHITE HOUSE” corner card. Addr to
                                      ......................... Est 150.00+  1923 slogan cancel on “Worden” FDC to  Tactical Training Flight cover carrying mail.
                                                                  Millburn, NJ. VF.............. Cat 185.00  Has cachets on both front & reverse & with  Warren, Mass. Has matching, printed card
                                     4318. Ö 319, Tied by Lawrence, Kan 20 Jan  4344. Ö 560, Tied by Washington, DC 1 May  special illustrated USS Akron cinderella label  enclosure expressing thanks re PRESIDENT
                                      1905 flag cancel on illustrated advertising             affixed & tied. Addr to Roessler. F (Frost  EISENHOWER’S recent birthday & for
         4302. Ö 116, Tied by Iron Cross cork cancel  cover for Kansas University Bible Chair in  1923 slogan cancel on Worden FDC to  speedy recovery from his heart attack. VF ..
                                                                                              ZR54-Ea with label, Cat $170) . Est 100.00+
          on 1870 Trans-Atlantic cover with red  Lawrence depicting campus building. Addr to  Millburn, NJ. VF.............. Cat 190.00  4364. Ö 710, Tied on triple cach USS AKRON  .......................... Est 100.00+
          New York Paid All 26 May CDS cancel to  McPherson, Kan; with matching letter sheet  4345. Ö 562, Tied by Washington, DC 15 Jan  Coast to Coast Mail Flight, Lakehurst to San  4386. Ö 1067, Armed Forces Reserve issue
          KOENIGREICH, WURTTEMBERG via  in violet. F-VF ............... Est 40.00+  1923 slogan cancel on “Worden” FDC to  tied by Washington First Day cancel on
          Bremen & Stuttgart (10 June b/s). F, light              Millburn, NJ. VF.............. Cat 190.00  Diego cover, May 1932. Also has full front  illustrated MAXI-CARD 21 May 1955. VF...
          bend..................... Est 400.00+                  4346. Ö 562, 567 (Pair), Tied on cacheted  blue illustration of the airship.... Est 65.00+  ........................... Est 35.00+
                                                                  GRAF ZEPPELIN May 1936 First North  4365. Ö 799, 858, Two diff WINTER
                                                                  America Flight cover; Lakehurst-Frankfurt  EMERGENCY AIRMAIL COVERS from 1937  4387. Ö 1213, Tied by US Navy/13606 BR 28
                                                                  leg; addressed to Canada. F-VF . Est 65.00+  & 1939. Each from diff small towns in Minne-  June 1965 cancel on UNITAS V 1964 cach
                                                                 4347. Ö 564, Tied by Caldwell, NJ 20 Mar  sota. VF (2) ................. Est 65.00+  special event cover to Norfolk, Va. From &
                                                                  1923 duplex cancel on FDC. VF, unaddr.  4366. Ö 804, Tied by US Navy 28 Oct, 1945  signed by REAR ADMIRAL A.R. GRALLA to
                                                                                                                           wife of VICE ADMIRAL K.S. MASTERSON
                                                                  Scarce ..................... Cat 230.00  CDS on US Army Landing at Nagoya, propa-  with illustrated enclosure headed “Com-
                                                                 4348. Ö 567, Tied by Washington, DC 1 May  ganda card. Nagoya was the site of a WWII  mander South Atlantic Force”; also signed.
                                                                  1923 slogan cancel on FDC. VF, unaddr.  Bomber Plant. The card depicts a draped  Both officers served with valor during WWII.
                                                                  Scarce ..................... Cat 600.00  Japanese military uniform on one side &  (Masterson was an officer on USS ARIZONA).
                                                                 4349. Ö 567, Tied on CATAPULT FLIGHT  civilian clothes on the other. VF. Unusual item!  F-VF. Interesting Naval history . . Est 75.00+
                                                                  cover from SS Bremen (at Cherbourg) 28 Aug  ........................... Est 60.00+
                                     4319. Ö 324, Tied by New Orleans 10 July  1929 to Berlin. F ............. Est 75.00+  4367. Ö 804, 907, Tied by red “VE” (Victory in  4388. Ö 1276, Christmas 5¢ Tied by Silver
         4303. Ö 116, 147, Tied by fancy cork  1904 cancel on full front multi-colour illus-  4350. Ö 567/641 (8 diff), Tied on cach GRAF  Europe) & Point Chautauqua, NY 8 May 1945  Bell Arizona 2 Nov 1965 FD cancel on Official
                                                                                                                           Luncheon & F.D. Ceremony ticket. VF. Nice
          cancels on 1871 Trans-Atlantic cover with  trated cover to Palma Sola, Fla. Depicts boy  ZEPPELIN Oct-Nov 1928 America Flight  cancels on colour illustrated Patriotic cover.  Christmas topical............. Est 40.00+
          Canastoga, NY 3 July CDS cancel via New  with fishing pole “I’m going to drop a line”.  #10 cover, Lakehurst-Friedrichshafen leg addr  VF ........................ Est 50.00+  4389. Ö 1663, Tied by Washington 23 Feb
          York to Peterborough, England (17 July  F........................ Est 150.00+  to Lakehurst. F, a few flaws. Very attractive .  4368. Ö 804, 806, 905, 925, Tied on 3 diff  1976 cancel on METAL Eagle / Moon-scape
          b/s). F, repaired back, some soiling.......  4320. Ö 331, Tied by Chicago 19 Aug  ........................... Est 65.00+  WWII Patriotic covers by naval cancels to  cach FDC. AUTOGRAPHED by GOVERNOR
          ......................... Est 400.00+  1911 cancel on b/w real photo postcard to  4351. Ö 567 (2), C10 (3), C11-2, Tied on  Jamestown, NY. Each has a diff cach depict-  of CALIFORNIA JERRY BROWN. VF, unaddr
                                                                                              ing a U.S. SUBMARINE. VF .... Est 40.00+
        4304. Ö 156, Pale ultra shade tied by cork  Minneapolis. The postcard depicts vintage  two cach HINDENBURG ZEPPELIN First  4369. Ö 807 (2), Each tied by green  ........................... Est 75.00+
         cancel on pretty embossed cover (produced  “HYDROPLANE” cruising on water during  North America Flight covers (Lakehurst to  Greenhurst, NY / VJ 2 Sept 1945 duplex  4390. Ö 1673, 2092, Plus MONTANA Water-
         by Whitney / Worcester) with Providence, RI  “Aviation Week 12-21 Aug 1911, Chicago”.  Frankfurt leg) May 1936. Each has a diff  cancel for VICTORY DAY in JAPAN on 2  fowl stamp #39 (Snow Geese), Tied by
         13 Feb circa 1875 CDS to Lynn, Mass. F,  VF. Scarce early aviation item. . Est 100.00+  illustrated Frankfurt receiver. One addr to  WWII unaddr Patriotic covers (diff cachets). F  Helena, Mt 15 Mar 1991 CDS’s on “Milford”
         a few spots of TS............. Est 45.00+  4321. Ö 331, Tied by Provincetown, DE 30 Jan  New York, the other to Hamburg (2 covers) .  ........................... Est 85.00+  HAND PAINTED cach FDC, depicting Snow
        4305. Ö 157, Tied by smudge cancel on  1912 cancel on multi-colour floral illustrated  ........................... Est 90.00+  4370. Ö 807, 899-900, 905, Tied on 3 diff  Geese. VF .................. Est 50.00+
         illustrated advertising cover with Washington,  postcard to Anson, Maine. Depicts 3 Iris in diff  colour illustrated WWII Patriotic covers by diff  4391. Ö 2419, $2.40 Moon Landing neatly tied
         DC / Local CDS circa 1875. Has N.B. Clarke  colours. F-VF. Beautiful topical . . Est 85.00+  1943-4 cancels. Each depicts US flag, Jesus,  on colour cach FDC. Has been autographed
         & Co, corner card & New England Mutual  4322. Ö 332, Tied by Pasadena, Calif         Globe, servicemen, citizens, etc. “For God,  by CHRIS CALLE (the stamp designer) &
         Insurance Co. building illustration. Carrier b/s.  22 Oct 1909 cancel on blue illustrated  Prince of Peace, For Country”. F-VF (3)....  TOM MCMEELY (the cachet designer). VF .
         F ........................ Est 100.00+  TOURNAMENT of ROSES / New Years Day          ........................... Est 50.00+  ........................... Est 65.00+
                                      advertising cover for Pasadena Land & Water            4371. Ö 807/923, Tied by various cancels on  4392. Ö C2, Tied by purple oval “N.Y. CHIC. /
                                      Co. Addr to Portsmouth NH. Undelivered with             6 WWII RED CROSS Patriotic covers. All  AEROMAIL / 9.5.1918 / FIRST TRIP” cach
                                      return to sender h/s. Depicts a Roman girl              have diff cachets. F-VF ........ Est 45.00+  on #10 cover to Cincinnati. Has Aerial League
                                      holding a rose. F ............ Est 100.00+             4372. Ö 833, $2 Harding neatly tied by Wash-  of America, NY corner card. F, some creasing
                                     4323. Ö 332, Tied by Pasadena, Calif 3 Nov               ington DC 29 Sept 1938 cancel on cach FDC.  (AAMC #108)............... Est 100.00+
                                      1910 cancel on local blue illustrated advertis-         VF ....................... Est 125.00+  4393. Ö C4, Scarce ‘Worden’ FDC from
                                      ing cover for Penn Oil Co. Depicts a Roman             4373. Ö 842, Tied by Pottstown,Pa 16 Apr  Washington DC 15 Aug 1923. F-VF. Cat $400
                                      girl holding a rose. VF ........ Est 125.00+  4352. Ö 569, Tied by Washington, DC 20  1945 cancel on comic Anti-Axis WWII Patriotic  .......................... Est 250.00+
                                     4324. Ö 343 (2), 345 (Block of 6), 513, 551  Mar 1923 slogan cancel on FDC. VF,  cover to Louisville, Ky. Has Paul Miller cachet
                                      (Block of 8), 562 (2), Tied front & back on  unaddressed. Scarce......... Cat 800.00  showing Adolf Hitler being blasted in the air  4394. Ö C4-6, Cpl set of Airmails tied by
                                      cach GRAF ZEPPELIN Aug 1929 Round The  4353. Ö 570, C11, Tied on cach GRAF  above Map of Europe. F-VF .... Est 40.00+  VF Washington DC cancels on individual
                                      World Flight card to Berlin. F-VF. Est 75.00+  ZEPPELIN Oct 1928 America Flight,  4374. Ö 859-93, Cpl set of 7 diff sets of  FIRST DAY COVERS. Each cover is addr
         4306. Ö 157-8, Tied by blue target cancels  4325. Ö 405, Tied by Columbus 1913 cancel  Lakehurst-Friedrichshafen leg blue photo  Famous Americans on 7 diff covers. All with  to Edward Worden in Millburn NJ. VF.
          on 1878 cover from Townsend Harbour  depicting the terrible FLOOD IN COLUMBUS  postcard to Friedrichshafen. Card depicts  New York 1940 duplex cancels to Canada.  Scott $1,750 US (3). See photo above ..
          Mass 2 Ap to CONSTANTINOPLE TURKEY  OHIO 3 Mar, 1913. Shows a house floating  the airship in flight next to hangar. Has “By  Two of the covers with labels on reverse.  ..................... Est 1,000.00+
          (rec b/s). Has red Paid All cancel. Vienna  in the water. F ............... Est 50.00+  German Airship L.Z. 127 GRAF ZEPPLIN  F-VF (7 covers) .............. Est 50.00+  4395. Ö C5, Tied by Chicago 1 July 1924
          transit & Constantinople Lloyd cancel. VF .  4326. Ö 405, Tied by Kansas 1914 CDS on  from LAKEHURST” airmail etiquette. F-VF..  4375. Ö 899-900, 905 (4), Coll of 5 diff WWII  duplex cancel on cach Trans-Continental FFC
          ......................... Est 200.00+  coloured postcard depicting the HOME OF  ........................... Est 65.00+  Patriotic covers 1943-5 with TANK designed  “via San Francisco” to Carmel, Ca. Has Red
                                      JESSE JAMES in St Joseph, Mo. Has inset                 cachets; various cancels. F-VF . . Est 40.00+  Cross corner card. F, some TS on stamp...
         4307. Ö 189, Tied by cork cancel on Reg’d  portrait of him. Jesse James is one of the  4354. Ö 571, C11, Tied on cacheted GRAF  4376. Ö 900, 905 (2), Each tied on 3 diff WWII  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                                                  ZEPPELIN Oct 1928 America Flight cover,
          cover with Newark, NJ 25 Feb 1881 CDS  most infamous American Outlaws, Bank /  Lakehurst-Friedrichshafen leg, addressed to  cach Patriotic covers. All have colour illus-  4396. Ö C8, Neatly tied by Washington DC
          to Vienna, Austria; Neubau, Wien 12 Mar  Train Robbers of all time. F..... Est 50.00+  Erlangen. F, minor flaws ....... Est 45.00+  trated comic caricature cachets depicting  18 Sept 1926 duplex on FDC to Chicago. F,
          b/s. Has fancy violet box Reg’d transit  4327. Ö 442, Tied by Jersey City, NJ 6 Jan  4355. Ö 578, Horiz pair tied by New York 10  Hitler, Mussolini & Hirohito under Uncle Sam’s  slight soiling................. Est 75.00+
          b/s. F, some toning. Attractive & scarce.  1915 cancel on front & back colour illustrated  May 1924 duplex on cover to Washington DC.  boot & being chased by trains & one showing  4397. Ö C8, C12, Tied by New York duplex
          See photo on Page 68 .....Est 200.00+  advertising cover for Joseph Dixon Crucible  One stamp has a rounded corner. F, some  fist bursting through Axis flags. F-VF (3)....  cancels on cach BREMEN-AMSTERDAM
                                      Co. to Dayton, Ohio. Depicts Dixon & various            ........................... Est 65.00+
        4308. Ö 210, Tied by Winsted Conn 1 May on  company products. F-VF, corner flt. Very at-  small edge flaws in cover. VERY SCARCE  4377. Ö 905, Lot of 3 WWII covers 1943-4  CATAPULT FLIGHT cover 2 July 1930.
         1886 illustrated pink coloured advertising  tractive cover! .............. Est 150.00+  USAGE ON COVER. Cat $700+ US.......  each with diff coloured Patriotic cachets. Each  Addr to Konstanz, Germany via Baden. VF .
         cover for M.W. Dowd & Co. Printing. Depicts  4328. Ö 492, Tied by Los Angeles 4 May 1925  .......................... Est 275.00+  entitled “TOKYO HERE WE COME” with a diff  ........................... Est 75.00+
         an Eagle. Addr to Durham Conn with  cancel on local illustrated advertising cover for  4356. Ö 583, Tied by Buffalo, NY 4 Mar 1926  diving American warplane. VF (3) Est 50.00+
         “MISSENT” h/s. F ............ Est 65.00+  Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce depicting  cancel on beautiful illustrated advertising  4378. Ö 905, Two diff 1943-4 Patriotic cach
        4309. Ö 220, Tied by New York 12 Oct 1891  the port. Has matching letter sheet enclosure.  postcard for Buffalo Corn Gluten Feed. VF .  covers with U.S. Navy cancels. Each depicts
         duplex cancel on yellow brown illustrated ad-  Interesting contents. F......... Est 40.00+  ........................... Est 40.00+  naval Torpedo Boat “PT 10" in action. The
         vertising cover depicting building for Harper  4329. Ö 548-9, Each tied on front of 2 diff  4357. Ö 599, Tied by Thief River Falls, Minn  boat was lost in the Mediterranean 14 June
         & Bros. Publishers to Worthington, Pa. F-VF,  postcards by Cincinnati 18 Jan 1921 duplex  7 June 1932 duplex cancel on red illustrated  1942. F-VF.................. Est 45.00+
         slightly reduced .............. Est 50.00+  cancels to England. Each has 4-line “Stamp  #10 size Minnesota Firemen’s Convention  4379. Ö 905, Tied by green “VE” cancel on
        4310. Ö 233-4, Tied by Seattle Wash oval  View Side” h/s in 4 diff languages. Cards  special event cover. F-VF ...... Est 50.00+  WWII cach Patriotic Victory in Europe cover
         cancels on 1896 Reg’d 4¢ Postal Stationery  show views of Fort Thomas, Ky & Wyckoff  4358. Ö 614 (Block), Neatly cancelled by  with green Greenhurst, NY 8 May 1945 CDS.
         envelope addressed to Hythe England (rec  St, Brooklyn. F-VF. Unusual .... Est 40.00+  red New York Airmail 27 Ap 1925 cancel on  VF ........................ Est 50.00+
         b/s). F, light crease away from stamps .....  4330. Ö 551, Vert Pair tied by Washington, DC  DIRIGIBLE Airmail cover to San Juan Puerto  4380. Ö 905, Tied by violet VICTORY, Vt 8
         .......................... Est 125.00+  slogan & duplex cancels on FDC with Walter  Rico. Has violet 2-line “AIR MAIL BY AIRSHIP  May 1945 duplex cancel on VICTORY in
        4311. Ö 264, 271, 537, C8, Tied on cach  Plant / Multipost Co. corner card to Michigan.  LOS ANGELES FROM LAKEHURST NJ”. VF  EUROPE DAY WWII Patriotic unaddr cover.
         Norfolk-Philadelphia 10 Oct 1926 FFC.  F ......................... Est 35.00+  .......................... Est 135.00+  Blue cach depicts soldier & Allied flags  4398. Ö C13, Tied by Philadelphia 31 May,
         Addressed to Dallas. F (AAMC #15N3b) ...  4331. Ö 551, Tied by Washington, DC 4 Apr  “United Nations”. F-VF ........ Est 50.00+  1930 duplex on uprated 1¢ green postal
         ........................... Est 40.00+  1925 First Day Cancel on local 1À¢ Postal   4381. Ö 905, Tied by Syracuse, NY 8 May  card, addr to MARIBOR YUGOSLAVIA
        4312. Ö 267a, Tied by Boston 26 June 1896  Stationery envelope (#U481). VF Est 35.00+  1945 VICTORY in EUROPE DAY cancel on  (with double-ring rec cancel). Has 2 diff
         flag cancel on cover with Paine Furniture  4332. Ö 551 (block), Tied by San Juan, PR 6  cach WWII Patriotic cover. Cachet depicts  Zeppelin cancels & Friedrichshafen transit
         Co. corner card to Atlanta, Ga. Returned  May 1925 cancel on dirigible Airship “LOS  eagle with wings forming “V” for Victory. VF  cancel. F. A NEAT ITEM TO AN UNUSUAL
         UNCLAIMED with Boston 29 July Flag cancel  ANGELES” Mayaguez to Lakehurst flight     ........................... Est 50.00+  DESTINATION............. Est 400.00+
         b/s & additional #267a tied by Boston 29 Jul  cover, addr to New York. VF . . . Est 150.00+
         duplex. Redirectional h/s & m/s’s. F, some  4333. Ö 552, Pair tied by Washington, DC
         soiling ..................... Est 50.00+  17 Jan 1923 slogan cancel on local FDC. VF
        4313. Ö 272-3, 275 (Pair), Tied by New York  ........................... Est 35.00+
         19 Dec 1896 Reg’d oval cancels on folded  4334. Ö 554, Tied by Washington, DC 15 Jan
         large size cover to Switzerland. Has Bern  1923 duplex cancel on FDC to Worcester,
         27 Dec b/s “Per Str Lucania” m/s & 3 large  Mass. Has violet 2-line h/s “Received at
         “James C. Grotty / Notary / New York County”  Washington, D.C. / Without Contents” h/s. VF  4359. Ö 632, Along with $1 privately printed
         red wax seals on reverse. Rough faulty  ........................... Est 40.00+  indicia, Tied on double green cach New
         condition but very scarce item. . Est 100.00+  4335. Ö 554 (Plate number single), Tied on  York to Budapest via Harbour Grace,
        4314. Ö 279B, Tied by Lancaster, PA 24 Apr  cach Airship LOS ANGELES Lakehurst to  Newf’d 15 July 1931 Trans-Atlantic Flight
         1896 Flag cancel on grey green illustrated  Bermuda 20 Apr 1925 flight cover (addr to  postcard. Has Budapest 16 July receiver.
         advertising cover depicting a VINTAGE  Bermuda). VF .............. Est 150.00+  Matching card depicts the plane (“JUSTICE
         CARRIAGE for D.A. Altick & Son, Carriage  4336. Ö 554, Tied by New Orleans 27 June,  FOR HUNGARY”) flying from America to
         M’f’g. Addr to Detroit (2 diff b/s’s). VF.  1925 slogan cancel on Roessler flight cover.  Europe. Addressed to Lord Rothermere,
         Attractive .................. Est 100.00+  Has oval violet “VIA HYDROPLANE MAIL /  London (Newspaper Publisher). Has serial
        4315. Ö 298, 305, Tied by Bethlehem, Pa  NEW ORLEANS - PILOTTOWN LA / TOO  #32. The purpose of the flight was to bring
         8 Sept 1908 CDS cancels on reverse side  LATE”. Addr to Tegucigalpa, Honduras (rec  attention to the injustices done to Hungary
         of Reg’d cover to Syracuse, NY. F, some  b/s). VF ................... Est 160.00+  by the Trianon Peace Treaty.F, vertical
         edge wear. Scarce & attractive franking ....  4337. Ö 554, Also Poland #C4, Tied on  crease. SCARCE AVIATION ITEM .......
         .......................... Est 100.00+  cach New York to Warsaw Trans-Atlantic  ......................... Est 250.00+
        4316. Ö 300, Tied by Honolulu Hawaii 13 Oct,  Flight 27 Jun 1934 cover. PILOT SIGNED  4360. Ö 634, 720, Tied by Carpinteria, Ca
         1908 Flag cancel on b/w postcard. Shows  by the two Polish-American brothers  20 July 1935 cancel on cover to Southold, NY;  4402. Ö C14-15, Zeppelin $1.30 & $2.60 High Value airmails tied by Varick St. Sta NY
         photo of a traditional sailing ship crossing the  Benjamin & Joseph Adamowicz. They at-  REDIRECTED to Windsor, Vt, then to Little  1 May 1930 cancel on GRAF ZEPPELIN COMPLETE FLIGHT COVER from Lakehurst to
         Equator with strange events going on aboard  tempted a nonstop flight from New York to  Hadham, England, thence to Coolmain Castle,
         the deck of the ship. This “sea baptism” is for  Warsaw but ran out of fuel in France. After  Ireland & finally returned to New York 5 Sept.  Friedrichshafen & return. Has 3 diff Zeppelin cachets. The cover is signed by HUGO ECKENER
                                                                                               - commander of the Graf Zeppelin for most of it’s record-setting flights (incl the first airship flight
         people who have never crossed the Equator  refueling, they carried on to Warsaw. VF.  Variety of h/s’s & markings. F, creases.  around the world). F, small cover corner crease & small mounting stains on reverse. A NICE
         & has become a long standing tradition. F ..  Scarce. See photo above. . . Est 300.00+  Eye-catching & well travelled cover! .......  LOOKING COVER!.................................................Est 1,250.00+
         ........................... Est 65.00+                   .......................... Est 100.00+
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19