Page 18 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 18

74                                                                                                                LOT 4496
                                                                         LOT 4495
            LOT 4494

        BRITISH COLUMBIA Continued                               4501. Ö Stampless cross border cover from  4509. Ú 1/11, Interesting accum of Fakes/
                                                                  Bathurst NB 25 Ju, 1854 (b/s) to Staten Is-  Forgeries incl 12 Pence imperf & 5¢ Connell.
                                                                  land, New York. Has 6d rate h/s overrated  Mixed condition (11) ......... Est 150.00+
                                                                  to “10". F.................... Est 80.00+  4510. Ú 1a, Dark Red, F, some creasing, neat
                                                                                              cancel. F....................... 400.00

                                                                                                                          4518. Û 2P, Six Pence Plate Proof in black,
                                                                                                                           on card. VF .................... 500.00

                                                                 4502. Ö Superb stampless folded letter date-  4511. Ú 1a, Dark red with four full to clear
                                     4491. Û 18, Selected mint example,  lined Saint John 1 Dec, 1854 to New York,  margins, lovely Edmunston numeral ‘12’
         4486. Û 12, Bright mint single with excellent  excellent colour, fresh, VF, OG. Has 2011  rated ‘10’. Has VF “EXPRESS MAIL ST  grid cancel (RF 6, Rare). F-VF.... 600.00+
          colour. F, OG. Has 1997 Greene Founda-  Greene Foundation Certificate . . . 3,600.00  JOHN 6 Dec” handstamp. XF. Choice cover.
          tion Certificate ................ 1,600.00              Ex Allan Steinhart Collection . . Est 500.00+

                                                                                              4512. Ú 1a, Dark Red with a nice clear strike
                                     4492. Ú 18, Scarce $1 on 3d Green, F-VF,                                             4519. Û 3, One Shilling Bright Red Violet
                                      lightly cancelled, some clipped perfs at                 of the Hillsborough numeral grid “17" cancel  unused, full margins, top margin has been
                                      bottom ...................... 2,300.00  4503. Ú 1, Beautiful crisp St. John numeral “1"  (RF9, Very Rare), an almost cpl strike. Four  repaired to improve appearance (with some
                                                                  grid cancel (RF4, Very Scarce). Stamp with  clear to large margins, VF ....... 800.00+
                                     4493. Ö Colonial strike of NEW WESTMIN-                                               of design at top painted in). Nonetheless a
                                      STER BRITISH COLUMBIA POST OFFICE  four margins, VF. A great cancel on a nice  4513. Ú 1b, 3a, BISECTS of the One Shilling  rare certified unused example of the One
                                      double-ring oval handstamp in blue, on an un-  stamp ........................ 700.00  & Three Pence tied by oval grid ‘8’ cancel on  Shilling stamp with a current 2023 Greene
                                      used envelope. Also has a blue Postmaster’s             a piece. We believe these to be fake bisects.  Foundation Certificate. Cat $30,000 ......
                                      Office New Westminister BC 1 Jun 1939 h/s.              An interesting reference item. F (Genuine  ....................... Est 5,000.00+
         4487. Û 12, Beautifully centered example  The Colonial oval hammer was used during   bisects Cat $36,000 on cover). . Est 350.00+
          with lovely bright colour, F-VF, OG. Has  1860’s & the re-discovered hammer was used
          2023 Greene Foundation Certificate .....  to make a few favour strikes in 1939. F, minor
          .......................... 2,000.00+  age spots, couple pinholes .... Est 100.00+
                                       NEW BRUNSWICK:
                                     4494. Ö Stampless 1796 folded cover with
                                       a magnificent strike of the straightline “ST
                                       JOHN N*B* / APRILE, 1 ‘96" handstamp.
                                       Rated ”N7" & addr to Isaac Hedden at
                                       Fredericton. As nice as they come for
                                       this very early & rare straightline marking.
                                       Exhibition quality! XF. Ex Glassco. See                4514. Ú 2, Nice used pair with a clear strike of the St. John numeral ‘1’ grid cancel (RF 4 , Very
                                       photo above ............. Est 800.00+
                                                                                               Scarce), on piece (the piece has an embossed business logo). Has a red St. John Paid 24 Jan,
                                                                                               1860 datestamp alongside. F, left stamp slight crease. Has 1986 APS Certificate..... 1,600.00
                                     4495. Ö Stampless folded letter dateline
                                       Duck trap 9 Feb, 1799 mailed to St John
                                       River. Has scarce “SHIP LETTER” straight-
                                       line attributed to St John (JGY Type 140)
                                       predating the recorded date of 1810 by
                                       more than 10 years! Backstamped with 2-  4504. Ú 1, Pair with full margins, neat oval
         4488. Ú 12, Excellent colour, very lightly  line “St John / April”. VG+, sensibly hinge  grid St. John ‘1’ cancels. VF. Multiples of
                                                                  this issue are quite scarce....... 1,400.00
          cancelled, F-VF............... 1,500.00  reinforced. A remarkable early & rare ship
                                       letter cover. See photo above Est 750.00+
                                     4496. Ö Stampless cross border folded
                                       letter datelined St John NB 22 March,
                                       1799 addr to Springfield, Mass. Has                    4515. Ú 2, Crisp clear strike of the Baie Verte  4520. Ú 3, One Shilling, excellent rich colour,
                                       circular USA Bishop Mark “10Ap”. Inside                 numeral “3" grid cancel (RF9, Very Rare). F  lightly cancelled. F. Has 1946 Royal Phila-
                                       has a family letter. An early ship letter. F.           appearance, repaired........ Est 500.00+  telic Society Certificate ......... 4,000.00
                                       See photo above .........Est 450.00+
                                     4497. Ö Stampless folded letter datelined Sack-
                                      ville 25 Feb, 1811 to Malton, Yorkshire England
                                      rated “2/2". Faint Halifax transit. Possibly car-
                                      ried by the ship ”Adventure" from New York.  4505. Ú 1, VF four margin single with a
                                      Has lengthy legible letter regarding life & family  lovely Fredericton ‘13’ grid cancel (RF4,
                                      news in early New Brunswick, loading lumber  Very Scarce). VF .............. 700.00+
                                      on ships bound for England, etc. F Est 150.00+
         4489. Û 12i, INVERTED WATERMARK,                                                     4516. Ú 2, Gorgeous SON strike of the
          deep rich colour, fresh, F-VF, OG. Has                                               Memramcook numeral “19" grid cancel
          2024 Greene Foundation Certificate......                                             (RD10, Extremely Rare). Four margins,
          ........................... 2,300.00                                                 VF. ONE OF THE RARITIES OF NEW
                                                                                               BRUNSWICK CANCELS ...... 1,600.00+
                                                                                                                          4521. Ú 3, Scarce One Shilling bright red vio-
                                                                                                                           let, four margins, exceptionally rich colour,
                                                                                                                           faint blue grid cancel (almost appears un-
                                                                 4506. Ú 1, Crisp VF strike of the Gagetown                used). VF, light crease. Has 1997 APS Cer-
                                                                  numeral “14" grid cancel (RF8, Very Rare),               tificate. A VERY ATTRACTIVE EXAMPLE
                                     4498. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic folded  on piece. VF cancel on a VF stamp 700.00+    OF THIS SCARCE HIGH VALUE. 8,000.00
                                      letter datelined London 10 Dec, 1831 to St
                                      Andrews, NB. Rated “2/2" with accountancy  4507. Ö 1, VF four margin single with
                                      markings & h/s’s on the front side. Nice red  lovely bright colour tied by neat oval grid
                                      wax seal on reverse. F....... Est 150.00+  cancel on cover from Saint John 18 Feb
                                                                   1854 to Richibucto NB (rec b/s 21 Feb
                                     4499. Ö Stampless folded letter from St John  1854). The stamp pays the 3 Pence
                                      NB 10 June, 1843 to Miramichi. F, file folds .
                                      ........................... Est 75.00+  Domestic Letter Rate. VF. A choice cover.
                                                                   See photo below .........Est 750.00+
                                     4500. Ö Stampless folded Official part printed           4517. Ö 2, Tied by lovely Shediac numeral
                                      contract bond with W.O. (Way Office) Spring-             grid “26" cancel (RF5, Very Scarce) on
                                      field, NB red split-ring cancel (no indicia) to  4508. Ö 1, Tied by neat oval grid “13" can-  cross border from Shediac 15 Oct, 1858 to
                                      Fredericton with 30 July 1851 b/s. Has St.  cel from Fredericton 1 Sept, 1856 to St.  Tonawanda, New York. Has St. John transit
                                      John & Hampton Ferry transits. Addr to J.R.  John NB (rec b/s 2 Sept, 1856). F, small  cancel. F. Has 1996 Greene Foundation
         4490. Û 15, Nicely centered, fresh bright  Partelou Provincial Secretary. Has “3" m/s  age stain in cover. Has 2016 Gratton  Certificate. Ex. R. Martin. Cat $2,000 .....  4522. Û 3P, One Shilling Plate Proof in black
          colour, VF, large part OG ....... 3,200.00  rate. F, file fold, some separation Est 65.00+  Certificate. See photo below Est 600.00+  ....................... Est 1,250.00+  on card. VF .................... 800.00
                        LOT 4507
                                                                  LOT 4508

                                                                                                   LOT 4545
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