Page 22 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 22
LOT 4848
LOT 4737 LOT 4834
of the Waterlow printing with security printing
punch holes. VF, NH ............. 450.00
4819. ÕÛ 255vi, Queen Elizabeth 3¢ IMPERF
BLOCK of the Waterlow printing with security
printing punch holes. VF, NH, some wrinkling
at left.......................... 450.00
4820. Ö 257, Tied by St. John’s Sept 1940
slogan cancel on cover with F.M. O’Leary
Ltd corner card. On reverse has illustrated
advertising for TEN TEST Roofing & Wall
Board. Addressed to Bishop’s Falls. F ....
........................... Est 35.00+
4767. Û 128, Fresh, F-VF, NH ...... 450.00
4768. Ú 128, F-VF, light cancel ...... 287.00 4804. Û 224a, Imperf Pair with large margins.
4769. Û 131-44, F-VF ............. 203.00 XF, LH........................ 300.00
4805. ÕÛ 233-43, KGVI Coronation set in 4841. ÕÛ C3, C3b, C3d, C3j, A scarce
Blocks. F-VF, NH ................ 324.00 positional block showing four diff overprint
variations. Fresh, F-VF, 3 stamps LH, one
stamp NH. Has 1980 Enzo Diena Certificate
........................... 1,625.00+
4791. Û 189P, DIE PROOF (2 X 2.45 inches)
on watermarked paper showing partial re-
4770. Û 131b, Imperf Pair, VF, ungummed versed number at top. VF, crease at left
as issued...................... 250.00 (NSSC Cat $700 US)........ Est 500.00+
4821. Û 257b, Horiz pair IMPERFORATE
4771. ÚÛ 145, Mint UR corner pair & used 4792. ÕÛ 191a, Margin block. VF, NH 120.00 BETWEEN. VF, NH, crease in right stamp.
block of 10 both showing BLIND PERF at Scarce........................ 900.00
the top of each stamp. F-VF, mint is NH. 4822. ÕÛ 257vii, Right margin imperf block
Interesting varieties for the specialist ...... with security punches. VF, some toning on 4842. Û C3d, C3f, Positional pair with two diff
........................... Est 60.00+ gum / natural gum bends .......... 300.00 overprint varieties. Fresh, VF, OG 1,050.00
4772. Û 145-59, F-VF ............. 144.00 4823. ÕÛ 260ii, Salmon 10¢ IMPERF BLOCK 4843. Ú C3f, VF single neatly tied by St. John’s
4773. Û 160, 160iii, Cpl mint sheet of 25 of the Waterlow printing. Has security printing 25 Nov 1921 machine cancel. VF . . . 450.00
containing 3 “C” of “CENTS” below the “T” of punch holes & small red printer’s marking. VF,
“THREE” varieties (3 other unlisted varieties NH, natural crease ............... 450.00
are present). VF, many stamps are NH .... 4824. Û 261, COMPLETE OFFSET on re-
.............................. 458.00 verse. F-VF, NH ........... NSSC 190.00
4774. Û 163, Right margin single with a 4825. ÕÛ 267i, GUTTER Block. VF, NH ...
dramatic slanting double perf at right (plus ............................... 75.00
a third perf row unpunched). VF ......... 4826. ÕÛ 264iii, IMPERF BLOCK of the 24¢
.......................... Est 100.00+ 4806. Û 233P-43P, Cpl set of 1937 Corona- Bell Island with Printer’s Security Punches
4775. Û 163c, Vert Imperf Pair with unusual tion imperforate black proofs. The 1¢ is on & proofer’s correction marks. VF, NH, horiz
offset impression on the face. VF, DG .... 4793. Û 194, Large Die Proof of the 14¢ bookend paper, the others on stout wove. crease on bottom pair ............ 450.00
.............................. 160.00 Newfoundland Dog in colour of issue, on The 3¢ & 7¢ show nice over-inking errors. 4827. ÕÛ 266, Left centre block showing
unwatermarked wove paper (75 x 53 mm). All with four margins, VF ..... Est 500.00+
From the Approved Die with engraver’s GUIDE CROSS & a portion of the “41793"
guideline above the design. XF ......... IMPRINT. VF, NH................ 120.00 4844. Ú C3f, Neatly tied on piece by St John’s
......................... Est 600.00+ 4828. Ú 269, Tied on piece by FOGO DIST. 26 Nov 1921 cancel. VF .......... 450.00
T.P.O. / NFLD 6 Sept 1947 cancel. VF
4794. ÕÛ 197P, Plate Proof block on thin (Ludlow #N-33, RF 430) ....... Est 75.00+ 4845. Ö C3f, Tied by neat St. John’s 21 Nov
card, in black, VF............ Est 200.00+ 4829. ÕÛ 269, 269v, Perforated & Imperf 1921 wavy bars cancel on airmail cover. Addr
Blocks each with PRINTER’S SECURITY to Cowansville Que with Halifax 4 Feb 1922
PUNCHES. The perforated block not listed transit on reverse. F. Cat $500 . Est 225.00+
in catalogues. VF, imperf block has NH gum 4846. Ö C3f, Scarce 1.5 mm between ‘AIR’
.......................... Est 175.00+ & ‘MAIL’ variety neatly tied by St. John’s 26
4830. ÕÛ 269v, Princess Elizabeth Birthday Nov 1926 machine cancel on airmail cover
top margin IMPERF BLOCK with security to Halifax (b/s 4 Feb 1922). VF . Est 350.00+
printing punch holes. VF, NH....... 450.00 4847. Ö C3h, Tied by St. John’s 24 Nov 1921
machine cancel on flight cover with Halifax
4 Feb, 1922 b/s. Addr to Montreal. VF .....
4807. Û 237, Trial Colour large Die Proof in .......................... Est 250.00+
black on yellowish unwatermarked paper
(80 x 54 mm). This is the final die with en- 4848. Ö C5, Fresh nicely centred
4795. Û 199a, Top margin Imperf Pair. VF, graver’s cross guideline at sides & reversed COLUMBIA airmail stamp neatly tied by
stamps are NH, natural gum bends . 270.00 die number “121" at top left. VF Est 700.00+ St. John’s 25 Sept 1930 slogan cancel
4776. Û 163ii, Imperforate at bottom, with on clean cover to Liverpool England. Has
sheet margin at right. VF, NH, couple gum 4796. Û 212-25, Gilbert set. F-VF.... 165.00 4808. ÕÛ 237, Top margin vert block of 10. Harbour Grace Newf’d 9 Oct, 1930 transit
bends. Scarce.................. 400.00 VF, NH ........................ 120.00 cancel on reverse. VF. Has 1972 BPA
Certificate & 2017 Greene Foundation
See photo above.......Est 12,500.00+
4849. Ö C6 (Pair), Tied by St. John’s 2 Jan
1931 slogan cancel on cach FFC St. John’s
4831. Û BK3, Complete Booklet. VF, NH ...
............................. 900.00 to Western Arm. F ............ Est 75.00+
4850. Ö C6 (Pair), Tied by St. John’s 26
4832. Ú C1, Hawker Flight Airmail FORGERY Jan 1931 slogan on cach FFC St. John’s
“tied” on piece. F. Genuine Cat $17,500.... to Conche. F ................ Est 70.00+
.......................... Est 100.00+ 4851. Ö C6, Tied by Ireland’s Eye Newf’d 16
4833. Û C2, VF, small thin. Cat $300....... My, 1932 split-ring cancels on Reg’d airmail
........................... Est 50.00+ cover to Tacoma, Wash. VF. Very attractive
........................... Est 65.00+
4834. Ö C2, Tied by superbly struck St.
4777. ÕÛ 164a, Left margin imperf block. John’s 9 June 1919 cancel on cover for
VF, LH........................ 400.00 HANDLEY-PAGE ATLANTIC ATTEMPTED
4778. ÕÛ 171, Block. F-VF, 3 stamps NH ..
.............................. 487.00 bour Grace 14 June 1919 dispatch can-
4779. Û 172-82, F-VF ............. 230.00 cel. The flight departed from Harbour
4780. Û 183, 183ii, F-VF, NH .... Est 25.00+ Grace on July 4, crash landing later at
4781. Û 183a, Booklet Pane, VF, LH . 100.00 Parrsboro Nova Scotia. The cover has
4782. Û 183b, Imperforate Pair, VF, VLH ... Steer Brothers imprint on back flap. F-VF,
.............................. 300.00 4809. Û 238a, Scarce Imperforate Pair, small tear at left. Only 115 pieces carried
4797. ÕÛ 212-25, Complete Gilbert set in large margins, XF. A choice item!. . . 500.00 from the St. John’s mail & only 34 are
lovely mint blocks. F-VF, NH.... 1,215.00+ recorded in the extensive Vasseur 2015 4852. Û C6-8, Cpl set of 3 diff imperf proofs
4810. ÕÛ 240, Mint block of 50 of the 20¢ in black, printed on bond paper. Large mar-
4798. Ö 212-25, Complete Gilbert set on KGVI Coronation. Fresh, F-VF, NH . . 412.00 census (AAMC #FF-4). See photo above gins. VF. Only 100 sets exist . Est 600.00+
separate Reg’d FDC’s from St. John’s 3 ..................... Est 1,250.00+
Aug 1933. All from the same correspondence 4835. Û C2a, F-VF, LH ............ 300.00
addr to Illinois. The 1¢-4¢ are in pairs /
blocks, rest are in singles. F-VF (14 covers).
.......................... Est 200.00+
4799. Û 213a, Imperforate Pair, VF, natural
gum creases..................... 60.00
4800. Û 215a, Imperf Pair. VF, NH . . . 130.00
4801. ÕÛ 217, Block, F-VF, NH..... 137.00
4802. ÕÛ 221, UR corner block. VF, one
stamp NH ...................... 125.00
4836. Û C2a, C2ii, Horiz pair. Left without 4853. Û C6-11, Pictorial Airmail sets. VF ...
comma, right with small comma after Post. ............................. 350.00
VF ......................... 1,000.00
4854. Ö C7, Tied on cach FFC St John’s to
4837. Ú C3, Tied by St. John’s 26 Nov 1921 North Sydney 23 Aug, 1931 by Gypsy Moth
cancel on piece. F-VF. A pretty item . 200.00 Plane. Signed by the Pilot A.D. SULLIVAN.
4838. Ö C3, Tied by St. John’s 24 Nov 1921 F, light crease ............... Est 75.00+
cancel on Airmail cover to St. John, NB. F-VF 4855. Ö C8, Scarce single $1 franking tied
.......................... Est 150.00+ by St Johns 19 May 1932 slogan cancel on
4839. Ö C3, Tied by St. Johns 14 June business reply envelope to England. F-VF ..
1929 Trans-Atlantic Airmail slogan cancel .......................... Est 150.00+
4783. ÕÛ 183c, Block horiz IMPERFORATE on scarce locally addr cover. Normally this 4856. ÕÛ C9ii, Block, left pair without water-
BETWEEN, fresh rich colour, VF, LH .... 4811. Û 242a, Imperf pair, VF ...... 400.00 stamp is found on an airmail cover to Halifax mark. VF....................... 100.00
............................. 500.00
4812. Û 245, Left margin Plate Proof pair, & not a locally addressed cover. F-VF ..... 4857. Ú C11, F-VF................ 100.00
4784. Û 184, Plate Proof pair in black, on on stout wove, in the colour of issue. VF ... .......................... Est 150.00+ 4858. Û C12, $1.50 Do-X. F-VF ..... 325.00
stout paper. VF ............. Est 100.00+ ........................... Est 75.00+
4785. ÕÛ 185P, Imperf Plate Proof block 4813. Û 247P, Plate proof pair on wove paper
on wove paper in black. VF.... Est 200.00+ with surface mosaic in pink. VF. Est 125.00+
4786. Û 186iii, Imperforate pair. VF, NG ... 4814. Û 248a, Left margin Imperf Pair. XF,
............................... 60.00 ungummed ..................... 200.00
4787. ÕÛ 186iii, Die 2, right margin imperf 4815. Û 248P, Imperf Plate Proof pair on thick
block. VF, top pair LH, lower NH .... 150.00 paper. XF.................. Est 100.00+
4788. Û 187d, Imperf Pair. Tiny age dot at top, 4816. ÕÛ 253i, Imperf block with security
otherwise VF, OG................ 120.00 punches. VF, NH ................ 450.00
4789. Û 189a, Imperforate Pair, VF, NH .... 4803. ÕÛ 222a, Imperforate block. Large 4817. ÕÛ 253i, 254iv, Imperf margin blocks 4840. Û C3, C3b, Horiz pair with & without
.............................. 112.00 margins, rich colour, rather heavy natural with small size printer’s SECURITY period after “1921". Pristine fresh colour, VF 4859. Û C12, $1.50 DO-X Airmail. Fresh, VF,
4790. ÕÛ 189b, Block, imperf horiz between. gum bends, otherwise VF, NH.... 1,400.00 PUNCHES. VF, usual gum bends (254iv ............................ 450.00+ NH, light natural gum bends....... 800.00
F-VF, LH....................... 250.00 some DG)...................... 600.00