Page 25 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 25
LOT 4959
LOT 4982
LOT 4973
CANADA 4999. Ö 90, Tied by Dawson Y.T. 1 Oct 1904 5023. Ö 106, MR1, Tied by Fredericton, NB 5048. Ö 152, BISECT of the 4¢ Scroll tied 5074. Ö 243/260, Three diff WWII airmail
LEAF/NUMERAL/MAP COVERS Continued duplex on cover to Seattle Wash. Has colour 16 Apr 1915 cancel on Barker House Hotel by violet Abbotsford PQ 4 Dec 1929 CDS covers from 1942 to England. Each cover
4976. Ö 69, Tied by Montreal 13 Dec 1898 illustrated corner card for NORTH AMERICAN illustrated advertising cover to Halifax, NS. on cover to Texas. Has bold “4" postage due has 2-stamp franking paying the 30¢ rate.
Flag cancel on illustrated advertising cover TRANSPORTATION & TRADING Co in VF, no back flap.............. Est 80.00+ h/s. VF. A SCARCE UNOFFICIAL BISECT . Two have tape censors. F (3) . . . Est 65.00+
for Meadow Sweet Cheese Mfg. Co. to Paris, Dawson Y.T. Company red wax seal on 5024. Ö 107, Tied by Hamilton, Ont 9 Apr 1923 .......................... Est 175.00+ 5075. Ö 245, $1 Chateau tied by TRAIN
Ont. F, stamp has rounded corner Est 65.00+ reverse. F, trivial stain. Ex Dr. Selby....... cancel on local illustrated advertising cover 5049. Ö 153, Tied on Magpie, Que to Sept Iles ROYAL 15 Mai, 1939 cancel (in French) on
4977. Ö 70, 76, Tied by Utterson, Ont 6 June .......................... Est 125.00+ for The Permanent Ink Co. Ltd. Depicts pack- leg of COMETIQUE LABRADOR DOGTEAM Reg’d ROYAL TRAIN cover to Ottawa. Has
1899 split-ring cancel on Reg’d cover to Lon- 5000. Ö 90, Tied on multi-coloured patriotic aging for “Magic Furniture Polish”. F-VF.... MAIL run illustrated cover, 14 (4 inverted) Feb 2 additional Train Royal & Montreal b/s’s. F.
don, Ont. Has 2 diff RPO b/s’s. F-VF, slightly postcard from Merritton Ont 26 Nov 1904 to ........................... Est 65.00+ 1947; addr to USA. Has Riviere au Tonnerre SCARCE FRANKING ........ Est 150.00+
reduced .................... Est 45.00+ STAVANGER NORWAY (rec CDS). The post- 5025. Ö 107, 118, Tied by grid oval cancels transits. F-VF................ Est 50.00+ 5076. Ö 246 (Block & single), 247 (Pair), 248
4978. Ö 70, 80, On Reg’d advertising cover for card depicts the entrance to The Welland St. on Reg’d business reply envelope for The 5050. Ö 163-4, Three diff b/w real photo post- (Block), Tied by Milltown, NB 7 Sept 1939
Chas. D’Etremont & Co., General Merchants Catharines MINERAL SPRINGS & has draped Family Herald & Weekly Star, Montreal. Has cards 1930-1 showing scenes of buildings & CDS’s (Canada entered WWII on 10 Sept) on
with West Pubnico, NS 3 July 1899 split-ring flags, beaver & maple leaf. VF . . Est 65.00+ Manigotagan, Man 28 Aug 1926 (26 inverted) town at TURKEY POINT, ONT (on Lake Erie, large size Reg’d cover for Cdn Cottons, Ltd. to
cancel to Yarmouth NS (4 July b/s). Has 5001. Ö 90, Tied by Halifax & Campbellton split-ring cancel & Helca, Man & Winnipeg west of Port Dover). One used. F, some Arnham, Holland. Enclosure reveals exchange
Pubnico Harbour transit. F, some edge wear. RPO 12 Jan, 1905 cancel on cach advertising transits. F. Scarce ............ Est 65.00+ bends...................... Est 45.00+ of postage stamps as well as commerce. The
Attractive .................. Est 150.00+ cover for 4th MARITIME WINTER FAIR in 5026. Ö 107, 118, Tied on cover with violet 5051. Ö 165, 173, Tied by Windsor, Ont / contents reflect on uncertain times. Cover
4979. Ö 71, 75, Tied by Halifax, NS 27 Mar Amherst NS. Has corner card for Amherst Toronto / Deer Park Reg’d h/s addr locally. Sandwich Postal Station 25 Feb 1931 CDS’s returned to sender with separate yellow label
1899 duplex cancel on partially printed Boot & Shoe Co. Addr to Mahone Bay NS. F Not found & returned with 3 diff redirectional on Reg’d letter with Treasurer of the County “POSTAL CENSORSHIP / THIS LETTER
“OHMS / Army Form D156" Military cover ........................... Est 75.00+ h/s’s. Has Mount Pleasant Cemetery corner of Essex corner card. Addr to Tilbury, Ont. Re- IS RETURNED AS IT IS UNDESIRABLE
to an ”Army Pensioner, Brantford, Ont" (1 5002. Ö 90, Tied by Truro, NS 19 Feb 1906 card; multiple b/s’s. F+ ........ Est 65.00+ turned undelivered. Has original enclosure re THAT POSTAGE STAMPS SHOULD BE
Apr b/s). F, reduced. Interesting cover with CDS on illustrated advertising cover for The 5027. Ö 107bs, Tied by Banff Alta 13 July 1925 the sale of a property for arrears in taxes. VF. IMPORTED OR EXPORTED AT THE
mixed franking.............. Est 150.00+ Northern Life Assurance Co., London, Ont BANFF ALBERTA WINTER SPORTS FEB 3 Interesting depression era item. . Est 40.00+ PRESENT TIME”. Has blue Ottawa DLO
4980. Ö 72, Tied by Montreal 29 Mar 1898 addr to Guysborough, NS. Depicts Polar Bear to 16, 1926 slogan cancel on b/w real photo 5052. Ö 166-7, Tied by Vancouver BC 9 Ap, b/s. F, tape stains ........... Est 125.00+
roller cancel on Reg’d cover with Squared on ice floe. F ................ Est 50.00+ postcard of the Bow Valley in Banff. Addr to 1932 “Flying Postman” slogan cancel on cover 5077. Ö 248 (2), Tied by Three Rivers PQ
Circle Precursor cancel. Addr to London, 5003. Ö 90, Tied by Aurora Ont 27 April 1906 USA. F..................... Est 40.00+ to VIENNA AUSTRIA. Has Canadian Pacific cancel on WWII Censored cover to FINLAND.
Ont. Has “Thos. Gauthier” corner card. F, duplex on b/w postcard to MEXICO (scarce 5028. Ö 108, Tied by Ottawa 15 Dec 1919 Steamship Line imprint on back flap. F, bit Has violet boxed Finnish h/s dated 20 Oct,
some edge wear ............. Est 50.00+ destination). The postcard depicts a scene of cancel on illustrated advertising cover for roughly opened at top ......... Est 50.00+ 1939 - very early date at the beginning of the
4981. Ö 72, Tied by Reg’d oval cancel on YONGE ST. in AURORA. F, corner crease . the Chateau Laurier hotel. Depicts the hotel, 5053. Ö 170, Scarce single franking of the war. VF .................... Est 60.00+
cover with Toronto 1 Aug 1898 CDS to Little ........................... Est 65.00+ Grand Trunk Station, old Parliament Buildings, KGV 5¢ blue Arch tied by Toronto 12 May, 5078. Ö 249, Tied by Toronto 1943 slogan
Current, Ont (5 Aug Squared Circle b/s). Has 5004. Ö 90, Tied on 1907 coloured postcard etc. F, roughly opened at top. Attractive .... 1931 machine cancel on cover to SWITZER- cancel on WWII cover to a soldier at Camp
H.P. Gould & Co., Produce corner card & depicting “LAUNCHING OF CANADA’S ........................... Est 75.00+ LAND. VF .................. Est 50.00+ Stewart Ga, USA. Then redirected to San
green Collingwood Ont transit. F-VF, slightly GREATEST BOAT.” Shows a scene at 5029. Ö 109, 117, Tied by Windsor Ont / Sand- 5054. Ö 175, 199, Tied by violet Canal Place Francisco with various handstamps & mark-
reduced .................... Est 75.00+ Collingwood Ont with the launching of the wich Postal Station 15 Jan 1924 CDS’s on BC 31 Jan 193? cancel on parcel post mailing ings. The soldier was never found & the cover
freighter “MIDLAND PRINCE” - CANADA’S Reg’d cover from the Treasurer of Essex tag, addr to a Taxidermist in Cranbrook BC. was returned back to the sender. A Postage
4982. Ö 73, VF single tied on Reg’d cross LARGEST VESSEL BUILT IN THE COUNTRY. County (corner card) to Chicago. Returned in- The stamps pay a 25¢ rate for a parcel weigh- Due of 1¢ was assigned but 6¢ was collected.
border cover from Chatham Ont 19 Aug F ......................... Est 45.00+ sufficiently addr (multiple h/s’s). Has original ing around 6 pounds (one wonders what was A well-travelled cover with lots of markings.
1898 to Bergen New York. Has advertis- 5005. Ö 90, Tied by Toronto 15 Feb 1908 enclosure re sale of land / taxes in arrears. contained in it). F. Ex Sessions. . Est 75.00+ Write-up accompanies. F ...... Est 75.00+
ing for THE BEEHIVE WALL PAPER cancel on commercial cover with Hyslop Has full back advertising for Essex County. 5055. Ö 181, BISECT of 2¢ KGV Arch coil tied 5079. Ö 249, 254 (DIAGONAL BISECT), Tied
AND WINDOW BLINDS. VF. A RARE Bros Ltd. Automobiles & Bicycles corner F-VF, small edge tear ......... Est 75.00+ by Toronto 5 Mar 1931 slogan cancel on #10 by Toronto 23 Dec, 1947 machine cancel on
SINGLE FRANKING COVER. Cat card. On reverse has scarce maroon label for 5030. Ö 109, 122, Tied by Norwich Ont roller size commercial window envelope. Scarce locally addr cover. VF. Interesting unautho-
$1,200. See photo above. . . Est 750.00+ “Automobile & Sportsmans Show, Toronto”, cancel on P.O. Circular Form. F . Est 65.00+ unauthorized bisect usage. F, small flaws .. rized BISECT usage .......... Est 80.00+
Mar 1908. F-VF .............. Est 50.00+ 5031. Ö 110, Coll of three Admiral 4¢ post- .......................... Est 125.00+ 5080. Ö 249, 254, 257, 260, Nice mixed frank-
4983. Ö 74, 74ii, Tied by cork cancels on QV
1¢ postal stationery card from Queenston Ont 5006. Ö 90, Tied by Halifax, NS 20 July 1908 cards 1926-7 to Foreign destinations - Ger- 5056. Ö 192, Ottawa Conference 3¢ tied by ing paying 35¢ airmail rate on WWII airmail
cancel on illustrated advertising cover for
many, Denmark & France. Each depicts a
censored cover from Montreal to SANTIAGO
Toronto 19 Oct 1932 slogan cancel to a W.J.
14 Ap 1899 to Stuttgart Germany. The top 1/ Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition. Depicts fe- diff scene in Canada. F (3) ..... Est 85.00+ GAGE window envelope. The stamp has a CHILE. F ................... Est 65.00+
2¢ has the MAJOR RE-ENTRY (Position 18,
Pl 1R, a nice clear example). Attractive For- male effigy with cornucopia & Halifax harbour. 5032. Ö 111, Tied by Wakaw Sask 28 Aug, “WJG” PERFIN. F ............ Est 40.00+ 5081. Ö 249as, 252as, Tied on green illus-
F, stamp has rounded corner . . . Est 75.00+
eign destination item. VF...... Est 250.00+ 5007. Ö 90, Tied by triple-ring Toronto 28 1914 split-ring cancel on cover with censored 5057. Ö 195, Tied by PAQUEBOT POSTED trated Canadian Dog Team Mail cover with
tape, addr to DENMARK (rec b/s). Very early
Tete A La Baleine, Que 27 Dec 1945 split-
4984. Ö 74 (Pair), 98, 101, Tied by Ottawa Nov 1908 cancel on postcard (depicting To- WWI censored cover as war was declared by cancel on cover to California. VF Est 45.00+ ring cancel to USA. Has backstamps from
24 June 1922 CDS’s on 13¢ Rate drop letter ronto Normal School). Addr to SHANGHAI Canada on 4 Aug, 1914. F ..... Est 75.00+ 5058. Ö 195-6, Tied by Toronto Ont 6 Feb, Herrington Harbour, PQ; Havre St. Pierre, PQ;
sent Reg’d from Stewarton Ottawa. F. A pretty
franking ................... Est 200.00+ CHINA (partial BPO rec cancel 30 Dec 1908). 5033. Ö 111, VF 5¢ blue Admiral neatly tied 1934 cancel on illustrated advertising cover Riviere au Tonnerre, PQ; etc. VF Est 60.00+
4985. Ö 75, Tied by York Street, Toronto 2 Au, The postcard spent 34 days in transit. VF. by Montreal 18 Sept, 1914 machine cancel for MAPLE LEAF GARDENS - HOME OF 5082. Ö 255, 260-1, Three colour franking
SCARCE DESTINATION ..... Est 100.00+
on cover to BASEL SWITZERLAND. F.....
paying 75¢ rate, tied by Toronto 5 Dec 1944
1898 CDS on unsealed illustrated advertising 5008. Ö 90, Tied by Montreal 8 Aug 1911 ........................... Est 60.00+ CLUB. Very early Hockey related cover. F .. slogan cancel on censored airmail cover to
cover for THE AMERICAN TIRE Co. in To-
ronto. Very early tire illustrated cover. Addr cancel on illustrated advertising cover for The 5034. Ö 111, Tied by Toronto 31 May 1919 ........................... Est 60.00+ CHUNGKING CHINA. F ...... Est 200.00+
to Moncton. F, minor soiling .... Est 75.00+ Pedlar People, sheet metal building material. slogan cancel on commercial cover with 5059. Ö 197, Tied by Vancouver BC 10 5083. Ö 257, 260 (Pair), 261, Tied by Montreal
4986. Ö 75, Tied by Moncton NB 7 Jan 1899 Depicts exterior & interior of home. Addr to Dominion Rubber System corner card to Feb 1934 machine cancel & scarce violet 23 Mar 1944 CDS’s on large size WWII Reg’d
Philipsburg East, Que. F, slightly reduced ..
Airmail cover to The Royal Bank of Canada,
Smithville, Ont. F-VF, slightly reduced. Scarce
straightline “WAYMAIL” h/s on cover to
CDS tied on illustrated advertising cover for ........................... Est 75.00+ single usage on cover. Cat $200Est 100.00+ Vancouver. Has corner card for a person in London, England. Has Foreign Exchange h/s,
Record Foundry & Machine Co. of Moncton.
VF ........................ Est 65.00+ 5009. Ö 90, Tied on illustrated advertising 5035. Ö 111, Tied by Winnipeg WWI related Victoria BC. F ............... Est 50.00+ Royal Bank, Montreal corner card & 2 seals
on back. F, small flts. Attractive. . Est 60.00+
4987. Ö 75, Tied by Kingston, Ont circa 1900 cover for TANGLEFOOT FLY PAPER addr Patriotic slogan cancel 19 Nov 1919 to 5060. Ö 197, Cover posted aboard a Canadian 5084. Ö 271-2, 273 (Pair), Tied by 1948 To-
SWITZERLAND. Has Continental Importers
to Michigan. VF .............. Est 65.00+
Pacific Steamship where it received a violet
roller cancel on illustrated advertising printed 5010. Ö 90A, Horizontal strip of 3 tied by corner card. F ............... Est 50.00+ PAQUEBOT h/s. It was put ashore at KOBE ronto Ont roller cancels on airmail cover to
matter rated cover for D.A. Davidson, Manu- Edmonton, Alta 23 Jan 1923 cancel on #10 5036. Ö 111, VF single tied by grid cancel JAPAN where it received a CDS cancel & SWITZERLAND. F, slight bends. A SCARCE
facturer of Davidson Cigar Bundler (depict
machine). F-VF .............. Est 75.00+ business reply envelope to Winnipeg. F .... on cover from Deloro Ont 25 Aug 1926 on transmitted to New South Wales, Australia. USAGE OF THE $1 FERRY . . . Est 175.00+
........................... Est 75.00+
4988. Ö 75, Tied by circa 1900 Toronto roller 5011. Ö 90b, Booklet Pane single stamp tied cover to HELSINKI, FINLAND. F, some The 3¢ stamp was the correct rate for letters 5085. Ö 273, $1 Ferry tied by Quebec 20 Feb
sent within the Br. Empire. F .... Est 65.00+
edge creases / bends ......... Est 65.00+
CDS on Reg’d 1948 cover to PARIS FRANCE
cancel on printed matter rated colour illus- to neat picture postcard (depicting the ruins 5037. Ö 113, Tied by Humboldt, Sask 5 Apr 5061. Ö 197, E5, Tied by Montreal 10 Apr (rec b/s). F. A SCARCE EXAMPLE OF THE
trated advertising cover for Adams & Sons
Co., Tutti Frutti Chewing gum to London, of the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco Calif 1915 duplex cancel on #10 Reg’d cover with 1934 duplex cancels on Special Delivery $1 FERRY USED ON COVER . Est 225.00+
Ont. Depicts hands holding playing cards. F, after earthquake & fire) used from Rock Bay Dominion Lands Office h/s to Wakaw, Sask; cover to New York. Has violet “SPECIAL 5086. Ö 277/381, Tied on 5 cach EXUP Cente-
12 Apr b/s. Returned with redirectional h/s.
nary Montreal 1949 & 1958 (4) special event
DELIVERY” bilingual h/s & purple “Fee
small edge tear, slight bends.... Est 75.00+ (rec CDS). VF ............... Est 80.00+ F-VF, small back flt. Attractive single usage Claimed by Office / of First Address” USA covers. All diff as to cachet, date & franking.
4989. Ö 76, Tied by grid oval cancel on illus- 5012. Ö 91 (Horiz pair), Tied by Montreal 5 ........................... Est 75.00+ h/s. F-VF ................... Est 65.00+ VF, 1 unaddr ................ Est 45.00+
trated advertising cover for American Express
Co. with Inwood, Ont 13 Mar 1899 split-ring March 1906 CDS’s on double rate cover 5038. Ö 115, 118, Tied by large “R” in oval 5062. Ö 198, C3, Tied by Montreal 6 Nov 1933 5087. Ö 287, Tied by Sudbury, Ont 2 Aug
cancel. Depicts “Travelers Cheque”. Addr to to Apolda Germany (rec b/s). F, reduced ... Reg’d cancel on cover with Toronto 21 Feb CDS’s on airmail cover to GERMANY. The 1950 machine cancel on cover addr to The
stamps pay the 10¢ Airmail rate. Has red Ger-
1928 CDS to Thalwil, SWITZERLAND (5 Mar
.......................... Est 100.00+
London, Ont. F-VF............ Est 50.00+ 5013. Ö 92, Tied by Mc Clure, NS 3 Mar 1910 b/s). Has London hooded Reg’d transit. F-VF man airmail h/s. VF ........... Est 50.00+ MINISTER OF GREAT BRITAIN 10 Downing
4990. Ö 77, 79, Tied on Reg’d cover from split-ring cancel on Reg’d cover to Arichat, ........................... Est 75.00+ 5063. Ö 199, Scarce single franking KGV 5¢ St, London. F, edge bends. Interesting collect-
Niagara Falls Ont 13 Sp, 1902 on pretty illus-
trated advertising cover for ‘THE WINDSOR NS. Has 4 diff RPO b/s’s. F+.... Est 65.00+ 5039. Ö 120, 122 (Pair), All with Ottawa On- Medallion tied by Prince Rupert BC 6 July able ....................... Est 75.00+
HOUSE’ hotel. F, a bit roughly opened..... 5014. Ö 93, Tied by Toronto 5 Sep 1907 ma- tario Precancels on printed Circular Receipt 1938 cancel on cover to SWEDEN (where it 5088. Ö 289-93, Tied by Tor & Ott C.P.R.,
Form used at Edmonton Alberta. F, taped
M.C. #4 20 Jan 1950 RPO cancel on Garthe
was redirected to Gotland, a small island off
chine cancel on cover to Chemnitz Germany
........................... Est 70.00+
(rec b/s). F. VERY SCARCE SINGLE 10¢ KE repaired tear at bottom ....... Est 110.00+ the mainland). F.............. Est 60.00+ cach 23nd Day Cover. (FDC Cats $275). VF,
FRANKING ................ Est 350.00+ 5040. Ö 125, 127, Two diff Admiral coils tied 5064. Ö 211-2, 214 (Pair), Tied by Quebec unaddr ..................... Est 50.00+
by Hamilton Ont 18 May 1916 machine cancel 18 July 1936 cancel on cach CANADIAN 5089. Ö 289, 303, Tied by Paquebot /
ADMIRALS on commercial window envelope for Cummer- PILGRIMAGE TO VIMY RIDGE & POSTED AT SEA / RECEIVED / HALIFAX 27
Dowswell Ltd. On reverse has all over illus- BATTLEFIELDS Reg’d cover to Toronto. Oct 1951 CDS on ship cover to USA. Has car-
5015. Ö 104 (Pair), Tied by Halifax, NS 1 Oct
1914 cancel on colour illustrated advertising trated advertising for BUY ONLY MADE IN Has “S.S. MONTROSE” ship b/s (Ludlow mine “C.N.S. LADY RODNEY / PURSER’S
covers for Clayton & Sons Clothing to Arichat, CANADA MERCHANDISE. Addr to Smithville #S-152, RF475). F-VF......... Est 45.00+ OFFICE / POSTED / ON THE / HIGH / SEAS”
CB.F. Eye-catching cover!...... Est 65.00+ Ont with original contents. F, a bit reduced at 5065. Ö 211-6, KGV Silver Jubilee set tied h/s. VF ..................... Est 45.00+
by Quebec 18 July 1936 cancels on 3 cach
right ....................... Est 65.00+
5016. Ö 104, 106 (3), Tied by Powassan, Ont 5041. Ö 127, Tied by FPO April 1917 cancel & VIMY RIDGE PILGRIMAGE Reg’d covers to MODERN
28 Oct 1913 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to Minister
of Crown Lands, Toronto (House of Assembly Hamilton Ont 8 May 1917 slogan flag cancel Toronto. Each has “S.S. MONTROSE” oval 5090. Ö 319, Tied by Kingston Jamaica
28 Oct duplex b/s). F-VF, few tiny pinholes. on WWI Censored cover. The cover is addr ship cancel (Ludlow #S-152, RF475). F-VF . PAQUEBOT cancel 28 Jan, 1953 to New
Attractive ................... Est 50.00+ to Lady Gibson - wife of Sir John Gibson. He .......................... Est 150.00+ York. Has red boxed “SS SUNMONT” ship
4991. Ö 80, VF single, Tied by Toronto ‘B’ 5017. Ö 104, 106 (2), MR1, Tied by Montreal had a notable life incl an officer at Battle of 5066. Ö 212 (2), Each tied by Callander Ont h/s. VF ..................... Est 40.00+
Flag cancel 31 Oct 1898 (Bickerdike Type 20 Ap 1915 duplex cancels on cover to Ridgeway 1866 during the Fenian Raids; 29 Aug 1935 CDS’s on 2 b/w real photo post- 5091. Ö 328, Along with a Ukrainian label both
8) on cover to LONDON ENGLAND (rec b/s BASEL SWITZERLAND (rec b/s). This is Attorney General of Ont; Lieut. Gov. of Ont; cards to USA. Depict tourists lined up outside tied by UKRAINA MAN 7 De 1935 split-ring
11 Nov 1898). VF. Ex Cantor. A SCARCE the 5th day of usage of the War Tax stamp. founding leader of Can. Red Cross; & more. the DIONNE QUINTUPLETS birthplace & the cancels. VF ................. Est 45.00+
SINGLE USE COVER OF THE 6¢ NUMERAL Very early item. F ............ Est 60.00+ F ........................ Est 100.00+ Dafoe Hospital where the babies were held 5092. Ö 351, Tied by Kingsville Ont 19 Mar
for a time. VF................ Est 50.00+
......................... Est 650.00+ 5018. Ö 104/113, Two interesting larger size 5042. Ö 130a (Rare VF IMPERFORATE 5067. Ö 216, Tied by Quebec 18 July 1936 1970 cancel on gorgeous #10 size illustrated
BETWEEN PAIR of the 3¢ Admiral), 179,
EDWARDS/QUEBECS multi-franked Admiral covers from Toronto 181 (coil pair), Tied by Montreal Place cancel on cach orange CANADIAN advertising cover for THE JACK MINER
1921 to USA. The covers were originally
4992. Ö 89, Tied by St. Catharines Ont 19 mailed from England & have GB stamps D’Armes 26 Mar, 1938 CDS’s on Reg’d cover PILGRIMAGE to VIMY RIDGE & Montreal. VF ................ Est 50.00+
to GEORGES VANIER in Paris, France (rec
BATTLEFIELDS cover Reg’d to Toronto.
Aug 1903 duplex on pretty coloured “GLORIA affixed & then Admiral stamps applied & b/s). Vanier was a Canadian military officer & Has “S.S. MONTROSE” ship cancel (Ludlow 5093. Ö 454 (Centennial Block of 6), Tied by
MUNDI” patriotic postcard (printed by J.C. remailed. VG+, some creases/bends ...... diplomat who later became Governor General #S-152, RF475). F-VF......... Est 65.00+ RCAF STATION BORDEN ONT roller cancels
Wilson). Addr to Chicago. F, some edge flts ........................... Est 75.00+ of Canada. F. Very scarce franking! ....... on cover. VF ................ Est 45.00+
at top ...................... Est 80.00+ 5019. Ö 105, Tied by Toronto 28 Jan 1926 .......................... Est 500.00+ 5068. Ö 217 (3), Tied by Vancouver wavy line 5094. Ö 471-2, Tied by Embro Ont 1967 can-
cancel & “S.S. PRINCESS NORAH” Vancou-
4993. Ö 89, Tied by cork cancel on red adver- slogan cancel on blue illustrated advertising 5043. Ö 132, 162, Tied by blue MAILED AT ver & Skagway Ship cancel on illustrated 1936 cels on 2 diff multi-coloured postcards depict-
tising cancel for Reliable Standard Brands postcard for Alexander Murray & Co. roofing SEA straightline on cover with Barbados 28 cover with Totem Pole & mountains. Has been ing QUEEN ELIZABETH & PRINCE PHILIP.
Flour, Pictou NS. Addr to Arichat, NS (17 Oct materials. Addr to Blind River, Ont. Depicts Aug 1933 CDS alongside. Addr to Toronto. F Purser Signed. VF............ Est 65.00+ Each portrait is from a photograph by the fa-
1904 b/s). VF, missing back flap . Est 65.00+ roofing products. F-VF, bit of edge wear.... ........................... Est 60.00+ mous photographer Baron. VF (2) Est 40.00+
4994. Ö 89, Niagara Falls, Ont 28 July 1909 ........................... Est 50.00+ 5069. Ö 218, Tied by Christmas ISLAND NS 5095. Ö 593A, With private red “X” overprint
cancel on illustrated advertising cover for The 5020. Ö 106, Tied by Quebec 8 July 1914 du- KGV-KGVI 25 Dec 1936 CDS to an unsealed cover to over the Queen’s face on cach cover com-
Clifton Hotel. Depicts Niagara Falls & the ho- plex on b/w memorial photo postcard. Depicts England. VF. A GREAT ITEM FOR THE memorating the victory of Réné Lévesque
tel. Addr to Port Dover Ont. F+ . . Est 50.00+ the EMPRESS OF IRELAND passenger ship 5044. Ö 142, Tied by Montreal P.Q./Bona- CHRISTMAS TOPICAL COLLECTOR! .... of the Parti Quebecois with 15 Nov 1976
4995. Ö 89, Tied by Toronto 1910-2 cancels & the Collier “Storstad” which rammed the venture Sta’n 29 Mar 1928 RPO cancel on b/w ........................... Est 35.00+ cancels. VF, unaddr .......... Est 40.00+
on two illustrated advertising covers for the Empress of Ireland on 29 May 1914. It was photo illustrated advertising cover for House 5070. Ö 223-6, C1, C5, All tied by Quebec 27 5096. Ö 612 (13), Each tied by 13 diff nation-
Supreme Court Independent Order of Forest- the worst peacetime maritime disaster in Ca- of Shagmoor to Toronto. F-VF . . Est 45.00+ Aug 1937 duplex cancels paying $1.04 rate wide cancels on 13 1973 CANADA GAMES
ers to Ingersoll, Ont. Depicts crest on front nadian history with over 1,000 lives lost. Addr 5045. Ö 148, Scarce single franking of the 20¢ on airmail cover addr to England. F. Scarce covers with matching MAP cachets & cancels
& Temple Building on back (1 in blue, 1 in to England. VF.............. Est 150.00+ Historical issue neatly tied by Windsor, Ont 16 multi-franking............... Est 200.00+ from St. John’s to Victoria. Addr to New West-
black). F-VF (2 covers) ........ Est 50.00+ 5021. Ö 106, 108 (Pair), 111, Tied by large Sept, 1927 slogan cancel on postcard to De- 5071. Ö 226, 241, Tied by Halifax 14 June minster, BC. Each has descriptive card insert.
4996. Ö 89 (Pair), Tied by Ottawa 24 Apr 1911 oval Reg’d / Dauphin, Man May 1921 cancels troit. Has coloured scene of Masonic Hall in 1939 cancel on Trans-Atlantic cover to F-VF....................... Est 65.00+
cancel on illustrated advertising cover for JH on large size cover to Solater, Man. Returned Windsor. VF, small corner crease Est 90.00+ England. Scarce 50¢ Victoria franking. F, 5097. Ö 952ii, Horiz Pair IMPERF BETWEEN
Connor & Son, washing machines. Depicts “not called for” to Dominion Lands Offices, 5046. Ö 150 (2), Tied by Toronto 2 Jan 1930 minor bit of TS............... Est 65.00+ tied by Saskatoon 18 Jan 1986 slogan cancel
life saver in ocean on reverse. F . Est 45.00+ Dauphin (3 diff h/s’s), plus 2 diff Winnipeg & slogan cancel on red illustrated front & back 5072. Ö 235, Tied by Saskatoon, Sask 28 on “Saskatoon Board of Education” window
4997. Ö 89 (3), 90, Tied by Quebec 28 Nov, Swan River RPO strikes. F. Eye-catching .. advertising cover for Eastlake Metal Roofing June, 1939 slogan cancel on ROYAL VISIT envelope. Scarce. VF ......... Est 50.00+
1905 duplex cancels paying 5¢ rate to Paris, ........................... Est 80.00+ Co. Addr to Charles Knechtel, Architect cover with scarcer cachet. Addr to Belgium. 5098. Ö 976, Also with Portugal & Gr. Britain
France (b/s) where it was redirected. F..... 5022. Ö 106, 213, Two covers 21 July 1936 (more than 100 works attributed to him in F, minor edge crease.......... Est 50.00+ stamps on cach Giltspur TRANS-ATLANTIC
........................... Est 65.00+ each with matching early TRAIN illustrated ca- the Waterloo Ont area). F-VF, a bit reduced. 5073. Ö 243 (Pair), 244, Tied on Shawnigan VOYAGE cover from St John’s Newf’d to
4998. Ö 90, Tied by Toronto 16 Oct 1903 chets commemorating the 100th Anniversary ........................... Est 65.00+ Lake School airmail cover with m/s VIA Oporto Portugal, June 1983. Autographed by
machine cancel on pretty BROOM illustrated Of Steam Transportation IN CANADA. One 5047. Ö 151 (BISECT), 162 (BISECT), Tied PAN-AMERICAN AIRWAYS. Addr to HONG adventurer Tom McClean & with a Certificate
advertising cover for Taylor, Scott & Co. of from St. Jean Quebec, the other from La Prai- by Quilchena BC 1931 split-ring cancel on KONG. Has Shawnigan Lake BC cancel of Authenticity. This was the SMALLEST
Toronto. Addr to Halifax. F, roughly opened rie Quebec. Shows map of the early railroad illustrated advertising cover to Vancouver. & light violet boxed “NOT OPENED BY VESSEL IN HISTORY (7 feet 9 in) to make
at top ...................... Est 75.00+ route. VF (2) ................ Est 75.00+ Illegal bisect usage. VF ........ Est 80.00+ CENSOR” h/s. F ............ Est 200.00+ a Trans-Atlantic crossing. VF . . . Est 45.00+