Page 30 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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86  CANADA Continued         5332. Ú 7, Scarce red target cancel, rich
        5317. Ú 4, SON target cancel. F ..... 150.00  colour, F, tiny edge nick. Has 2019 Greene
                                      Foundation Certificate........... 1,200.00

                                                                 5344. Ú 9ii, MAJOR RE-ENTRY (a nice clear  5362. Ú 14iv, The scarce “Q” FLAW (Position
         5318. Ú 4, Superb sheet margin single with               example), rich colour, light red cancel. F ..  38). A nice clear example of this variety
          neat 4-Ring ‘29" cancel (Perth, RF 4). XF.               ............................ 3,750.00  well clear of the cancel. This is the best &
          A CHOICE EXAMPLE ....... Est 450.00+                                                 scarcest of the 3 known stages of this plate
                                     5333. Ú 7, Attractive example with almost
                                      four margins. F-VF............. 1,800.00                 flaw. F ...................... 1,000.00
                                                                                             5363. Ú 15, SON Brockville 4-Ring ‘51" cancel.
                                                                                              VG-F ...................... Est 45.00+
                                                                                             5364. Ú 15, G.W.R.-H. & T; Railway cancel
                                                                                              on 5¢ Beaver (Ludlow RR-72, RF 350). F...
                                                                                              ........................... Est 75.00+
                                                                                             5365. Ú 15, Used wholesale lot of 16. One  5394. ÕÛ 20, Rare mint block of the 2¢
                                                                                              with neat red target cancel. F....... 320.00  Rose (First Printing, Perf 12 x 11.75),
                                                                                             5366. Ú 15, Bowmanville, SON 4-Ring ‘4"  quite well centered, lovely fresh colour,
                                                                                              numeral cancel. VF. Rare ...... Est 75.00+  F-VF, disturbed OG, light crease at right.
                                                                                             5367. Ú 15, Brantford, SON 4-Ring ‘5" numeral  FEW BLOCKS (IN ANY CONDITION)
                                                                                              cancel. VG+................. Est 50.00+  REMAIN INTACT, THIS ONE IS
                                                                                             5368. Ú 15, Chatham, SON 4-Ring “8" numeral  PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE . . 5,500.00
                                     5334. Ú 7, Four large margins, rich colour,              cancel. F. A super strike!....... Est 75.00+
         5319. Û 4c, Unused SOFT RIBBED PAPER.  lightly cancelled. VF, light crease . 2,400.00  5369. Ú 15, Clifton, SON 4-Ring ‘52" numeral
          Rich colour, crisp impression, F, NG. Has                                           cancel. F ................... Est 50.00+
          2018 Greene Foundation Certificate. A                   5345. Û 10, Rare mint Six Pence Reddish  5370. Ú 15, Montreal & Oshawa, 4-Ring ‘21"
          SCARCE STAMP ............. 3,000.00                      Brown on thick soft paper, excellent colour.  & ‘25" numeral cancels. VG-F (2 stamps) ...
                                                                   F, disturbed brownish OG. Has 2024  ........................... Est 75.00+
        5320. Ú 4c, Ribbed soft wove paper, neat                   Gratton Certificate. A VERY SCARCE  5371. Ú 15, Lovely SON Napanee 4-Ring ‘22’
         Montreal 4-Ring ‘21" cancel. F ...... 400.00              MINT PENCE STAMP ........ 40,000.00  cancel (RF 4). F.............. Est 75.00+
        5321. Ú 4c, Soft RIBBED PAPER SON 4-Ring                                             5372. Ú 15, Ottawa, SON 4-Ring ‘27" numeral
         ‘21" cancel. F, minute margin tear . . . 400.00                                      cancel. F. A SUPER STRIKE!. . . Est 65.00+
        5322. Ú 4d, F .................... 150.00                                            5373. Ú 15, Perth, SON 4-Ring ‘29" numeral
                                                                                              cancel. VG-F. A superb strike! . . Est 75.00+
                                                                                             5374. Ú 15, Prescott, neat 4-Ring ‘35" numeral
                                                                                              cancel. VG-F ................ Est 50.00+
                                                                                             5375. Ú 15iii, Thick Paper. Has clinging perfs
                                                                                              which is a characteristic of this paper. F....
                                                                                               .............................. 150.00
                                                                                                                          5395. Û 20, Nicely centred mint, fresh rich
                                                                 5346. Ú 10, Scarce Six Pence Reddish
         5323. Ú 4d, Four margins, light “beaver free”  5335. Ú 7a, Thick Paper, four margins,                             colour, VF, large part OG ....... 2,000.00
          cancel in blue. VF............... 300.00  excellent colour, VF, slight crease ......  Purple on thick soft paper, 4-Ring ‘21"
        5324. Ú 4iii, Hard Ribbed Paper, scarce SON  ........................... 3,000.00  cancel, F-VF, slight thins. Cat $6,750 .....
                                                                   ....................... Est 1,000.00+
         ‘37" NUMERAL GRID cancel. F-VF, minor  5336. Ú 8, Neat SON Montreal ‘21" 4-Ring
         corner crease ................... 675.00  numeral cancel. F-VF, tiny thin. Cat $750...
                                      .......................... Est 175.00+
                                     5337. Ú 8, Four large even margins, very lightly
                                      cancelled (appears unused). VF, trace of a
                                      thin.......................... 1,000.00
                                                                                              5376. ÕÛ 15TCii, Gorgeous Plate Proof  5396. Ú 20, Scarce straightline “EUGENIA”
                                                                                               block on India Paper. Crisp fresh colour,  cancel. A lovely full strike. VG-F, tiny corner
                                                                                               large margins, VF, tiny stain. Ex Sir G.
                                                                                               Baillie ....................... 1,100.00  crease ................... Est 200.00+
                                                                                             5377. Û 16Pi, Plate Proof on India paper. VF
                                                                                               .............................. 450.00
                                     5338. Ú 8, Four margins, light target cancel
                                      in RED (which is scarce). VF. . Est 600.00+  5347. Ú 10, Scarce Six Pence Reddish Pur-
         5325. Û 5, Rare unused Six Pence Slate                    ple on thick soft paper, four margins, neat
                                                                   light 4-Ring cancel. VF. Has guarantee
          Grey, four full margins, excellent colour. VF            b/s’s & 2010 Greene Foundation Certifi-
          appearance, RG, bottom margin added /                    cate. A BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE OF THIS
          frameline repainted. Has 2024 Greene                     DIFFICULT STAMP ........... 9,000.00
          Foundation Certificate. Cat $40,000 ......
          ....................... Est 6,000.00+
        5326. Ú 5, Neat 4-Ring numeral cancel,
         excellent colour, F, small notation on reverse
         .......................... Est 300.00+
                                                                                                                          5397. Û 20iii, 20v, Crisply printed mint copy
                                     5339. Ú 8, Four large to jumbo margins, SON                                           of the 2¢ rose with both the ENGRAVER’S
                                      Montreal 4-Ring ‘21’ cancel. VF. Has 2021                                            SLIP at lower left & DASH IN RIGHT ‘2"
                                      Gratton Certificate. An outstanding stamp                                            varieties. An interesting item! F, OG,
                                      & cancel..................... 1,000.00                                               sweated gum. Has 2016 Greene Founda-
                                                                                                                           tion Certificate ................ 1,500.00
                                                                 5348. Û 11, Scarce QV perforated Half
                                                                  Penny mint, fresh rich colour, F, expertly  5378. ÕÛ 16Pi, Left sheet margin Plate
                                                                  RG, sealed tear. Has 2014 Greene Founda-  Proof block on India Paper with deep rich
                                                                  tion Certificate. Cat $2,000 . . . Est 600.00+  colour & oversized margins. XF. Ex Sir G.
                                                                 5349. Ú 12, VG-F, lightly cancelled, a few blunt  Baillie ....................... 1,800.00
                                                                  perfs...................... Est 250.00+  5379. Ú 17, F ..................... 80.00
         5327. Ú 5, Beautiful example with four large
          margins, excellent colour, superb Montreal
          4-Ring ‘21" cancel. VF. AN OUTSTANDING
          EXAMPLE ................... 1,600.00
                                                                                              5380. Ú 17, 17a, 17b, Accum of 11 used 10¢
                                                                                               Consorts. Has a range of shades, various
                                                                                               postmarks, one jumbo, etc. F ...... 880.00
                                     5340. ÕÛ 8Pi, Lovely Plate Proof block,                 5381. Ú 17a, Napanee 4-Ring ‘22" cancel. F,
                                      full margins, rich colour, VF...... 1,200.00            a few clipped perfs............ Est 35.00+
                                                                  5350. Û 13, Rare mint Six Pence Brown Vio-  5382. Ú 17a, F ................... 100.00
                                                                   let, very well centered, fabulous rich colour,  5383. Ú 17b, Tied on piece by Montreal, CE
                                                                   intact perforations except at bottom where it  10 Aug 1866 duplex cancel. F. . . Est 60.00+
                                                                   has been expertly reperfed. VF, disturbed  5384. Ú 17e, DEEP RED PURPLE with bold
                                                                   OG. A CHOICE LOOKING EXAMPLE OF  colour, F, tiny thin................ 500.00
                                                                   THIS CHALLENGING CLASSIC STAMP.  5385. Ú 17v, DOUBLE EPAULETTE variety.
                                                                   Has 2012 Greene Foundation Certificate.  F, one pulled perf. Scarce ......... 500.00  5398. ÕÛ 20TCi, Left margin Plate Proof
                                                                   Ex Ron Brigham. Cat $87,500 ..........  5386. Ú 18, Sandwich, 4-Ring ‘41" numeral  block of 6 on card with FULL PLATE
                                                                   ...................... Est 20,000.00+  cancel. VG+, some trimmed perfs. Very rare  INSCRIPTION. One stamp with dash
         5328. Û 5b, Beautiful looking example of the                                         cancel in any condition ....... Est 100.00+  in LR ‘2" & another stamp shows the
          Greenish Grey with four full margins, crisp            5351. Ú 14, Belleville, nice 4-Ring ‘2" numeral  5387. Ú 18, F-VF ................. 150.00  ENGRAVER’S SLIP. VF. A LOVELY
          impression. VF, NG, slight thins. Cat $40,000.          cancel (RF 4). F.............. Est 65.00+  5388. Ú 18-19, F ................. 200.00  SHOWPIECE................ 2,100.00+
          Has 1988 Greene Foundation Certificate. It             5352. Ú 14, Niagara, UC SON 4-Ring ‘23"  5389. Û 18a, Excellent colour, F, NG, small
          has been estimated that less than 15 un-                numeral cancel. F ............ Est 80.00+  thin....................... Est 150.00+  5399. Û 20v, Dash in lower right ‘2" variety.
          used examples exist...... Est 10,000.00+               5353. Ú 14, Kingston, SON 4-Ring ‘18" numeral  5390. Û 18Pi, Plate Proof. VF....... 300.00  VG-F, NG ...................... 450.00
                                                                  cancel. VF. Scarce............... 120.00  5391. Û 19, Rich colour, nice centering, F,  5400. Ú 21-30, Also 27a, 29b, 30b, Cpl set of
        5329. Ú 5b, Greenish grey, nice colour, blue             5354. Ú 14, Accum of 11 used with a range of  OG, small flts. Cat $2,250 ..... Est 325.00+  QV Large Queens. F ............. 780.00
         cancel, F-VF .................. 1,200.00                 singles. Incl a “FREE” cancel & one jumbo. F  5392. Ú 19, F-VF, small thin. Cat $210......
                                                                  .............................. 440.00
                                     5341. Û 9, Scarce unused single with four                ........................... Est 35.00+
                                      margins, fresh rich colour, crisp impression.  5355. Ú 14, 14b, F ................ 105.00
                                                                 5356. Ú 14(4), 15(6), Selected lot with a range
                                      VF, tiny tear, minute facial spot. Has 2018  of shades & cancels. F-VF......... 530.00
                                      Greene Foundation Certificate. A LOVELY  5357. Ú 14-5, 17a, 18a, 19-20, F..... 565.00
                                      LOOKING STAMP. Cat $14,000.........
                                       ....................... Est 4,500.00+  5358. Ú 14-5, 17-20, Also 17a-b, 18a, F (9
                                                                  stamps) ....................... 790.00
                                     5342. Ú 9, Four clear to full margins, excellent
                                      colour, light pen cancel. F-VF, light hinge thin
                                      ............................ 3,500.00
         5330. Ú 5d, A choice used example of the
          Six Pence on Thick Hard Wove Paper.                    5359. Ú 14-5, 17, 18a, 19, 20a, Selected  5393. Ú 19ii, The elusive MAJOR RE-
          Large margins, light Toronto diamond grid               condition, F-VF ............... 1,010.00  ENTRY (Position 100), rich colour, very
          cancel. VF. Has 2007 Greene Foundation                                               lightly cancelled which permits seeing the
          Certificate ................... 4,000.00  5343. Ú 9, Four large margins, excellent  5360. Ú 14b, SON Three Rivers 4-Ring ‘47" (RF  prominent doubling & other traits. F-VF, a  5401. ÕÛ 21iv, Nice mint block with all 4
                                      colour, lightly cancelled, VF, couple minor  4). Jumbo size stamp. F ...... Est 100.00+  few nibbed perfs. A SCARCE & SOUGHT-  stamps having the SPUR AT LEFT variety.
        5331. Ú 7, Rich colour, neat 4-Ring numeral  flaws. Cat $5,000 ........... Est 900.00+  5361. Û 14iii, Unused THIN PAPER. F, NG.  AFTER VARIETY ............. 3,000.00  Fresh colour, F-VF, OG......... 1,200.00
         cancel, F ..................... 1,200.00                 Ex Montclair .................... 900.00
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