Page 30 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 30
86 CANADA Continued 5332. Ú 7, Scarce red target cancel, rich
5317. Ú 4, SON target cancel. F ..... 150.00 colour, F, tiny edge nick. Has 2019 Greene
Foundation Certificate........... 1,200.00
5344. Ú 9ii, MAJOR RE-ENTRY (a nice clear 5362. Ú 14iv, The scarce “Q” FLAW (Position
5318. Ú 4, Superb sheet margin single with example), rich colour, light red cancel. F .. 38). A nice clear example of this variety
neat 4-Ring ‘29" cancel (Perth, RF 4). XF. ............................ 3,750.00 well clear of the cancel. This is the best &
A CHOICE EXAMPLE ....... Est 450.00+ scarcest of the 3 known stages of this plate
5333. Ú 7, Attractive example with almost
four margins. F-VF............. 1,800.00 flaw. F ...................... 1,000.00
5363. Ú 15, SON Brockville 4-Ring ‘51" cancel.
VG-F ...................... Est 45.00+
5364. Ú 15, G.W.R.-H. & T; Railway cancel
on 5¢ Beaver (Ludlow RR-72, RF 350). F...
........................... Est 75.00+
5365. Ú 15, Used wholesale lot of 16. One 5394. ÕÛ 20, Rare mint block of the 2¢
with neat red target cancel. F....... 320.00 Rose (First Printing, Perf 12 x 11.75),
5366. Ú 15, Bowmanville, SON 4-Ring ‘4" quite well centered, lovely fresh colour,
numeral cancel. VF. Rare ...... Est 75.00+ F-VF, disturbed OG, light crease at right.
5367. Ú 15, Brantford, SON 4-Ring ‘5" numeral FEW BLOCKS (IN ANY CONDITION)
cancel. VG+................. Est 50.00+ REMAIN INTACT, THIS ONE IS
5368. Ú 15, Chatham, SON 4-Ring “8" numeral PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE . . 5,500.00
5334. Ú 7, Four large margins, rich colour, cancel. F. A super strike!....... Est 75.00+
5319. Û 4c, Unused SOFT RIBBED PAPER. lightly cancelled. VF, light crease . 2,400.00 5369. Ú 15, Clifton, SON 4-Ring ‘52" numeral
Rich colour, crisp impression, F, NG. Has cancel. F ................... Est 50.00+
2018 Greene Foundation Certificate. A 5345. Û 10, Rare mint Six Pence Reddish 5370. Ú 15, Montreal & Oshawa, 4-Ring ‘21"
SCARCE STAMP ............. 3,000.00 Brown on thick soft paper, excellent colour. & ‘25" numeral cancels. VG-F (2 stamps) ...
F, disturbed brownish OG. Has 2024 ........................... Est 75.00+
5320. Ú 4c, Ribbed soft wove paper, neat Gratton Certificate. A VERY SCARCE 5371. Ú 15, Lovely SON Napanee 4-Ring ‘22’
Montreal 4-Ring ‘21" cancel. F ...... 400.00 MINT PENCE STAMP ........ 40,000.00 cancel (RF 4). F.............. Est 75.00+
5321. Ú 4c, Soft RIBBED PAPER SON 4-Ring 5372. Ú 15, Ottawa, SON 4-Ring ‘27" numeral
‘21" cancel. F, minute margin tear . . . 400.00 cancel. F. A SUPER STRIKE!. . . Est 65.00+
5322. Ú 4d, F .................... 150.00 5373. Ú 15, Perth, SON 4-Ring ‘29" numeral
cancel. VG-F. A superb strike! . . Est 75.00+
5374. Ú 15, Prescott, neat 4-Ring ‘35" numeral
cancel. VG-F ................ Est 50.00+
5375. Ú 15iii, Thick Paper. Has clinging perfs
which is a characteristic of this paper. F....
.............................. 150.00
5395. Û 20, Nicely centred mint, fresh rich
5346. Ú 10, Scarce Six Pence Reddish
5323. Ú 4d, Four margins, light “beaver free” 5335. Ú 7a, Thick Paper, four margins, colour, VF, large part OG ....... 2,000.00
cancel in blue. VF............... 300.00 excellent colour, VF, slight crease ...... Purple on thick soft paper, 4-Ring ‘21"
5324. Ú 4iii, Hard Ribbed Paper, scarce SON ........................... 3,000.00 cancel, F-VF, slight thins. Cat $6,750 .....
....................... Est 1,000.00+
‘37" NUMERAL GRID cancel. F-VF, minor 5336. Ú 8, Neat SON Montreal ‘21" 4-Ring
corner crease ................... 675.00 numeral cancel. F-VF, tiny thin. Cat $750...
.......................... Est 175.00+
5337. Ú 8, Four large even margins, very lightly
cancelled (appears unused). VF, trace of a
thin.......................... 1,000.00
5376. ÕÛ 15TCii, Gorgeous Plate Proof 5396. Ú 20, Scarce straightline “EUGENIA”
block on India Paper. Crisp fresh colour, cancel. A lovely full strike. VG-F, tiny corner
large margins, VF, tiny stain. Ex Sir G.
Baillie ....................... 1,100.00 crease ................... Est 200.00+
5377. Û 16Pi, Plate Proof on India paper. VF
.............................. 450.00
5338. Ú 8, Four margins, light target cancel
in RED (which is scarce). VF. . Est 600.00+ 5347. Ú 10, Scarce Six Pence Reddish Pur-
5325. Û 5, Rare unused Six Pence Slate ple on thick soft paper, four margins, neat
light 4-Ring cancel. VF. Has guarantee
Grey, four full margins, excellent colour. VF b/s’s & 2010 Greene Foundation Certifi-
appearance, RG, bottom margin added / cate. A BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE OF THIS
frameline repainted. Has 2024 Greene DIFFICULT STAMP ........... 9,000.00
Foundation Certificate. Cat $40,000 ......
....................... Est 6,000.00+
5326. Ú 5, Neat 4-Ring numeral cancel,
excellent colour, F, small notation on reverse
.......................... Est 300.00+
5397. Û 20iii, 20v, Crisply printed mint copy
5339. Ú 8, Four large to jumbo margins, SON of the 2¢ rose with both the ENGRAVER’S
Montreal 4-Ring ‘21’ cancel. VF. Has 2021 SLIP at lower left & DASH IN RIGHT ‘2"
Gratton Certificate. An outstanding stamp varieties. An interesting item! F, OG,
& cancel..................... 1,000.00 sweated gum. Has 2016 Greene Founda-
tion Certificate ................ 1,500.00
5348. Û 11, Scarce QV perforated Half
Penny mint, fresh rich colour, F, expertly 5378. ÕÛ 16Pi, Left sheet margin Plate
RG, sealed tear. Has 2014 Greene Founda- Proof block on India Paper with deep rich
tion Certificate. Cat $2,000 . . . Est 600.00+ colour & oversized margins. XF. Ex Sir G.
5349. Ú 12, VG-F, lightly cancelled, a few blunt Baillie ....................... 1,800.00
perfs...................... Est 250.00+ 5379. Ú 17, F ..................... 80.00
5327. Ú 5, Beautiful example with four large
margins, excellent colour, superb Montreal
4-Ring ‘21" cancel. VF. AN OUTSTANDING
EXAMPLE ................... 1,600.00
5380. Ú 17, 17a, 17b, Accum of 11 used 10¢
Consorts. Has a range of shades, various
postmarks, one jumbo, etc. F ...... 880.00
5340. ÕÛ 8Pi, Lovely Plate Proof block, 5381. Ú 17a, Napanee 4-Ring ‘22" cancel. F,
full margins, rich colour, VF...... 1,200.00 a few clipped perfs............ Est 35.00+
5350. Û 13, Rare mint Six Pence Brown Vio- 5382. Ú 17a, F ................... 100.00
let, very well centered, fabulous rich colour, 5383. Ú 17b, Tied on piece by Montreal, CE
intact perforations except at bottom where it 10 Aug 1866 duplex cancel. F. . . Est 60.00+
has been expertly reperfed. VF, disturbed 5384. Ú 17e, DEEP RED PURPLE with bold
OG. A CHOICE LOOKING EXAMPLE OF colour, F, tiny thin................ 500.00
Has 2012 Greene Foundation Certificate. F, one pulled perf. Scarce ......... 500.00 5398. ÕÛ 20TCi, Left margin Plate Proof
Ex Ron Brigham. Cat $87,500 .......... 5386. Ú 18, Sandwich, 4-Ring ‘41" numeral block of 6 on card with FULL PLATE
...................... Est 20,000.00+ cancel. VG+, some trimmed perfs. Very rare INSCRIPTION. One stamp with dash
5328. Û 5b, Beautiful looking example of the cancel in any condition ....... Est 100.00+ in LR ‘2" & another stamp shows the
Greenish Grey with four full margins, crisp 5351. Ú 14, Belleville, nice 4-Ring ‘2" numeral 5387. Ú 18, F-VF ................. 150.00 ENGRAVER’S SLIP. VF. A LOVELY
impression. VF, NG, slight thins. Cat $40,000. cancel (RF 4). F.............. Est 65.00+ 5388. Ú 18-19, F ................. 200.00 SHOWPIECE................ 2,100.00+
Has 1988 Greene Foundation Certificate. It 5352. Ú 14, Niagara, UC SON 4-Ring ‘23" 5389. Û 18a, Excellent colour, F, NG, small
has been estimated that less than 15 un- numeral cancel. F ............ Est 80.00+ thin....................... Est 150.00+ 5399. Û 20v, Dash in lower right ‘2" variety.
used examples exist...... Est 10,000.00+ 5353. Ú 14, Kingston, SON 4-Ring ‘18" numeral 5390. Û 18Pi, Plate Proof. VF....... 300.00 VG-F, NG ...................... 450.00
cancel. VF. Scarce............... 120.00 5391. Û 19, Rich colour, nice centering, F, 5400. Ú 21-30, Also 27a, 29b, 30b, Cpl set of
5329. Ú 5b, Greenish grey, nice colour, blue 5354. Ú 14, Accum of 11 used with a range of OG, small flts. Cat $2,250 ..... Est 325.00+ QV Large Queens. F ............. 780.00
cancel, F-VF .................. 1,200.00 singles. Incl a “FREE” cancel & one jumbo. F 5392. Ú 19, F-VF, small thin. Cat $210......
.............................. 440.00
5341. Û 9, Scarce unused single with four ........................... Est 35.00+
margins, fresh rich colour, crisp impression. 5355. Ú 14, 14b, F ................ 105.00
5356. Ú 14(4), 15(6), Selected lot with a range
VF, tiny tear, minute facial spot. Has 2018 of shades & cancels. F-VF......... 530.00
Greene Foundation Certificate. A LOVELY 5357. Ú 14-5, 17a, 18a, 19-20, F..... 565.00
LOOKING STAMP. Cat $14,000.........
....................... Est 4,500.00+ 5358. Ú 14-5, 17-20, Also 17a-b, 18a, F (9
stamps) ....................... 790.00
5342. Ú 9, Four clear to full margins, excellent
colour, light pen cancel. F-VF, light hinge thin
............................ 3,500.00
5330. Ú 5d, A choice used example of the
Six Pence on Thick Hard Wove Paper. 5359. Ú 14-5, 17, 18a, 19, 20a, Selected 5393. Ú 19ii, The elusive MAJOR RE-
Large margins, light Toronto diamond grid condition, F-VF ............... 1,010.00 ENTRY (Position 100), rich colour, very
cancel. VF. Has 2007 Greene Foundation lightly cancelled which permits seeing the
Certificate ................... 4,000.00 5343. Ú 9, Four large margins, excellent 5360. Ú 14b, SON Three Rivers 4-Ring ‘47" (RF prominent doubling & other traits. F-VF, a 5401. ÕÛ 21iv, Nice mint block with all 4
colour, lightly cancelled, VF, couple minor 4). Jumbo size stamp. F ...... Est 100.00+ few nibbed perfs. A SCARCE & SOUGHT- stamps having the SPUR AT LEFT variety.
5331. Ú 7, Rich colour, neat 4-Ring numeral flaws. Cat $5,000 ........... Est 900.00+ 5361. Û 14iii, Unused THIN PAPER. F, NG. AFTER VARIETY ............. 3,000.00 Fresh colour, F-VF, OG......... 1,200.00
cancel, F ..................... 1,200.00 Ex Montclair .................... 900.00