Page 33 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 33
LOT 5566
LOT 5514
LOT 5555
CANADA Continued 5512. Û 42, Jumbo margins, VF, DG . 300.00
5514. ÕÛ 43, Fresh mint lower margin
Plate Block of 8 from the “C” plate with
full “BABN” Imprint (Boggs Type V).
Lovely rich colour on fresh paper. F,
6 stamps are NH. See photo above.....
....................... Est 800.00+
5471. Û 30e, Pair of the 15¢ DEEP BLUE,
fresh colour, F, disturbed OG. Has 2024
Greene Foundation Certificate . . . 4,000.00
5487. ÕÛ 35ii, A fabulous mint block of the 1¢ Orange perf 11.9, First Ottawa Printing. Beautifully
centered, pristine fresh colour, VF, 4 stamps are NH. Has 2024 Greene Foundation Certificate.
5523. ÕÛ 46, Lovely block with bright vibrant
colour, fresh, F-VF, OG ......... 1,600.00
5515. ÕÛ 43, Fresh block, rich colour, F-VF,
bottom stamps NH, top stamps VLH 1,762.00
5516. Û 44, VF .................. 350.00
5517. Û 45a, F................... 250.00
5518. Û 45a, Fresh, F-VF .......... 525.00
5477. Ú 33, Scarce 3¢ Large Queen on laid 5519. Û 45a, VF, RG. A beauty with vibrant
paper showing verje line. F, tiny corner 5492. Ú 36c, VERTICAL BISECT tied by colour ......................... 800.00
crease ...................... 1,500.00 Halifax 24 Oct, 1884 CDS on piece. VF
5478. Û 34, Well centered strip of 3 showing a (Cat $3,000 as a cover) ...... Est 250.00+
nice printing offset on reverse. VF, NH 225.00 5493. Ú 37, Melbourne, SON 4-Ring ‘20" nu-
5472. ÕÛ 30iii, 30b, Blue Grey corner block 5479. Û 34-6, F-VF ............... 130.00 meral cancel. VG-F. Great strike! Est 45.00+
clearly showing the “PAWNBROKER” 5480. Û 34 (4), 35 (2), 36 (3), 37, 41 (4), 43 5494. Ú 37, Brantford, SON ‘15" 2-Ring
variety on the UR stamp (position 10). AN (2), Mint Sm Queens with a range of shades. numeral cancel. F ............ Est 35.00+
IDEAL POSITIONAL PIECE FOR THIS Most F, Cat $530 (16 stamps). . Est 100.00+ 5495. Ú 37, St. Catharines, partial 4-Ring ‘38"
VARIETY. Fresh colour, F, OG, stamps are 5481. Û 34, 36, 36d, 42, 44 (2 shades), F, OG numeral cancel. F-VF. Scarce. . . Est 50.00+
NH (LR stamp light crease) ...... 3,900.00 .............................. 350.00 5496. Ú 37, Pictou, 2-Ring ‘30" numeral cancel.
5482. Û 35, Huge JUMBO with large margins. VF, couple short perfs ......... Est 35.00+
VG, NG .................... Est 40.00+ 5497. Ú 37, Cornwall, SON 2-Ring ‘40" numeral 5524. Û 46, Nicely centered, strong rich
5483. ÕÛ 35, Block, F-VF ......... 160.00 cancel. VF. A super strike ...... Est 40.00+ colour, fresh, VF, NH .......... 2,400.00
5484. ÕÛ 35, Fresh block of 12 with fresh col- 5498. Ú 37, St. Hyacinthe, SON 2-Ring ‘52" nu- 5525. Ú 46, SON TORONTO ONT 19 Ja ‘97
our & nice centering. F-VF, some reinforced meral cancel. VF. A great strike! . Est 45.00+ split-ring cancel. F-VF ............ 100.00
perfs, couple stamps are NH ....... 620.00 5499. Ú 37, 41, Brampton, Each with a SON
5485. Ú 35a, 37, Each with a clear St. Catha- 2-Ring ‘56" numeral cancel. F-VF. Super
rines 2-Ring ‘12’ cancel. VF .... Est 50.00+ strikes! ..................... Est 80.00+
5500. Û 37iii, Perf 11.5 x 12. VG-F . . . 145.00
5501. Û 38, F, NG ................ 300.00
5502. Û 38, Lovely centring, fresh, VF, VLH,
light vert crease................ 1,000.00
5503. Û 39b, Scarce unused perf 11.5 x 12,
fresh colour, nicely centred. VF, RG. Ex 5520. ÕÛ 45a, Nicely centered Rose Car-
Bedford ...................... 1,200.00 mine mint block with great colour, VF, OG .
5504. Û 41, Bottom margin strip of 10 with ............................ 3,200.00
all stamps. Has full Plate Imprint in selvedge. 5521. Ú 45a, Accum of 10¢ Small Queens. All
5473. Û 30v, “CRACKED PLATE” variety F-VF, faulty at right & 2 stamps with thins. are roses. VG-VF (10) ............ 300.00 5526. Û 46-7, Exceptional set of QV Widow
(position 65). A nice clear example. F-VF, A NICE SHOWPIECE ...... Est 1,250.00+ Weeds, beautifully centered, rich colours,
disturbed OG................. 3,100.00
5505. Û 41, VF ................... 90.00 VF, LH ...................... 1,200.00
5506. Ú 41, Major MISPERF, neat Hamilton 5527. Û 47i, MAJOR RE-ENTRY. Nice colour,
11 No, ‘96 cancel. F........... Est 50.00+ VG-F.......................... 300.00
5507. Ú 41, Coll of 10 Sm Queens 3¢ with 5528. Û 50, VF .................. 140.00
Fredericton NB CDS cancels from 1892-4. 5529. Û 50, VF, NH, crease ........ 450.00
Each shows a diff TIME INDICIA in the can- 5530. ÕÛ 50, Nice block. VF, bottom stamps
cel. F-VF ................... Est 30.00+ are NH....................... 1,200.00
5508. Û 41-4, F .................. 265.00 5531. Ú 50, VF................... 140.00
5509. Ú 41, F2, EN 15 (Cut Square), Each with 5532. Û 50-4, F-VF ............... 252.00
MOOSOMIN / NWT 1895-8 split-ring cancels. 5533. ÕÛ 50P, UL Plate Proof block of 6 on
5486. ÕÛ 35d, Block perf 11.5 x 12, orange F-VF....................... Est 35.00+ card. Fresh, XF ................. 540.00
yellow shade. Fresh rich colour, F-VF, OG, 5534. Ú 51, SON Belleville Ont 19 June 1897
neat hinge remnants. Has 2016 Greene Squared Circle cancel. A LOVELY FIRST
Foundation Certificate .......... 1,600.00 DAY CANCEL. F ............ Est 125.00+
5535. Ú 51, 52 (VERT BISECT), Tied on
piece by Montreal 4 Aug 1897 Jubilee Flag
5474. Ú 30vi, Huge JUMBO with a monster cancel. F-VF. The 2¢ is unlisted as a bisect
size bottom margin, showing the “BALLOON (but the 1¢ bisect Cat $6,000 on cover) ....
FLAW” variety as well as a trace of the plate .......................... Est 250.00+
imprint. F-VF, minor flaws at bottom. AN 5536. ÕÚ 51-2, Used Jubilee blocks with
EYE CATCHING STAMP! ........ 500.00 Montreal Flag cancels. F-VF .... Est 50.00+
5537. ÕÛ 51-3, Fresh blocks, F-VF, 2 stamps
in each are NH .................. 625.00
5522. ÕÛ 45c, Bottom margin IMPERF 5538. ÕÛ 51, 54, Blocks, F, 3 stamps in each
5510. Û 41b, Sheet margin Imperf Pair. Large Block showing a large portion of the BABN NH ........................... 300.00
margins, VF, NG................ 600.00 imprint (Boggs Type V). VF, lower pair is NH 5539. ÕÛ 51P, UL Plate Proof block of 6 on
5488. Û 35P, Imperf Plate Proof on card. 5511. Û 42, F, LH ................. 80.00 ........................... 2,625.00+ card. Fresh, XF ................. 390.00
F-VF ......................... 600.00 5540. Û 52-3, VF, NH ............. 270.00
5541. ÕÛ 52-3, Blocks. F-VF, NH . . . 640.00
5489. Ú 35viii, Medium “STRAND OF HAIR”
variety on 1¢ Sm Queen. Neat Guelph Ont 5542. ÕÛ 52P, UR Plate Proof block of 6 on
Squared Circle cancel tied on piece. F 300.00 card. Fresh, XF ................. 390.00
5543. Û 53, Top margin Plate #11 single. F-VF,
NH ........................ Est 35.00+
5544. Û 53, VF, NH............... 120.00
5545. ÕÛ 53P, UR Plate Proof block of 6 on
5475. Ú 30viii, 15¢ Blue Grey showing clear card. Fresh, XF ................. 300.00
PLATE SCRATCH at top left, attributed to 5546. ÕÛ 54, Beautifully centred block, crisp
Position 9. Neat fancy cork cancel. F+ 500.00 colour, VF, LH .................. 400.00
5547. ÕÛ 54P, UR Plate Proof block of 6 on
card. Fresh, XF ................. 540.00
5548. Û 55, LR corner margin single. F-VF,
NH. Very pretty.................. 600.00
5549. ÕÛ 55, Beautiful fresh block with rich
5490. Ú 35viii, Long STRAND OF HAIR colour. F-VF, NH ............... 2,400.00
variety. F-VF, neat CDS .......... 450.00 5550. Û 55, VF .................. 300.00
5551. ÕÚ 55, Scarce used block of the 6¢
Jubilee, light central CDS cancel, rich colour,
F ........................ Est 400.00+
5552. Ú 55, VF................... 250.00
5553. Û 56, F-VF, NH, natural gum streak ..
.............................. 360.00
5554. ÕÛ 56, Fresh block, F-VF, NH ......
............................ 1,480.00
5555. ÕÛ 56, Beautiful block of 9, fresh
rich colour, nice centering. Cat value
5476. Ú 31, Scarce 1¢ Large Queen, strong listed as 3 stamps VF, NH&6stamps
laid lines, deep rich colour, neat cancel. VF, F-VF, NH. Two stamps with minor gum
thin at top. A nice looking stamp! Has 2013 5491. Ú 35viii, Sm Queen 1¢ with long bends. RARELY SEEN IN SUCH A
Greene Foundation Certificate. Cat $12,500 “STRAND OF HAIR” variety. A beautiful 5513. ÕÛ 42, UR corner block of 15, post office fresh colour. F-VF, bottom centre stamp LH leav- NICE MULTIPLE. See photo above ...
....................... Est 3,000.00+ clear example. VF............... 600.00 ing 14 stamps NEVER HINGED. AN IMPRESSIVE SMALL QUEEN MULTIPLE ..... 7,610.00 .......................... 3,960.00