Page 38 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 38
LOT 5841 LOT 5847 LOT 5880 LOT 5884
CANADA Continued 5761. Û 116a, Fresh, F-VF, NH, small gum 5809. Û 147a, Sheet margin IMPERF single. 5845. Û 159, VF, VLH ............. 450.00
5748. Û 111a, Indigo blue shade (first printing). crease ........................ 862.00 VF, NH (Cat $240 as a pair) .... Est 80.00+
F-VF .......................... 295.00 5762. ÕÛ 117, Wet Printing marginal block of 5810. Û 148a, Sheet margin IMPERF single.
5749. Û 112, Large margins, VF, NH . 180.00 6 with partial LATHEWORK TYPE D. Fresh, VF, NH (Cat $240 as a pair) .... Est 80.00+
5750. ÕÛ 112, Wet printing, top margin block F-VF, NH..................... 2,100.00 5811. Û 149-56, F-VF, NH ......... 314.00
with nearly full Ottawa No A2 Imprint. VF, 5763. ÕÛ 117, Nicely centred margin block 5812. Û 149-57, F-VF, NH ......... 416.00
stamps NH, some gum bends ...... 720.00 with normal strength TYPE D LATHEWORK 5813. Ú 149-59, F-VF ............. 220.00
5751. ÕÛ 112a, Attractive bottom margin in selvedge. Fresh, VF, NH, couple natural 5814. Û 149-61, Cpl Scroll set plus Coils. F-VF
block with LATHEWORK TYPE D INVERTED. gum skips .................... 2,250.00 .............................. 926.55
Fresh, F, LH .................... 500.00 5764. Û 118, 118b, VF, LH ......... 140.00 5815. Ú 149-61, Scroll set to $1 Parliament
5752. Û 112a, F-VF, NH ............ 90.00 5765. Û 118b, Pretty top margin Plate 24 Im- plus coils. F-VF, some nice CDS’s. . . 246.00
print strip of 4 of the distinctive Yellow Brown 5816. Û 149a, 150a, 153a, Booklet panes,
shade. Fresh, VF, stamps are NH . . . 960.00 light gum bends in 5¢. F-VF, NH .... 492.00
5766. Û 119, Bottom margin single with Type 5773. Û 122, Pristine fresh, rich colour, XF, 5817. Û 149d, Street margin IMPERFORATE
D Lathework. F-VF............... 350.00 ............................ 360.00+ BETWEEN pair, VF, NH........... 225.00
5767. Û 119c, Well centred. VF ..... 220.00 5818. Û 150a, Booklet Pane, VF, NH . . 90.00
5819. Û 150b, Imperf pair. F ........ 100.00 5846. ÕÛ 159, Block of the $1 Parliament.
5820. Û 150b, Left margin Imperf Pair. VF, NH Fresh rich colour, F, 3 stamps are NH ....
.............................. 187.00 ............................ 1,500.00
5821. Û 150b, Horiz pair IMPERF BETWEEN,
VF, NH ........................ 225.00 5847. ÕÛ 159, Pretty block of the $1
5822. Û 151b, Horiz pair IMPERF BETWEEN, Parliament. Fresh rich colour, F-VF, NH.
VF, LH ........................ 150.00 See photo above ............ 2,550.00
5753. Û 114a, Imperforate Pair, large mar-
gins, fresh rich colour, VF, OG, crease in
right stamp. Only 50 pairs exist. . . 3,000.00
5754. Û 114v, Line in ‘N’ of ‘CENTS’. F-VF .
.............................. 100.00
5768. Û 119c, Well centered wet printing Plate A4 lower left horiz strip of 4. Three stamps with
FULL TYPE A LATHEWORK with one showing prominent doubling (20mm wide). VF, end
stamps LH, centre stamps NH. AN OUTSTANDING MULTIPLE .................. 4,200.00
5848. Û 159, Beautifully centered, fresh, VF,
NH........................... 900.00
5755. Û 115a, IMPERF PAIR with large
margins & beautiful deep rich colour. VF,
OG. Only 50 pairs exist......... 3,000.00
5756. Û 116, F, NH ............... 240.00
5823. ÕÛ 151b, Imperforate Between block.
Pristine fresh, XF, NH. A BEAUTY! 450.00+ 5849. Û 159b, Horiz pair IMPERFORATE
BETWEEN, Fresh, VF, NH ...... 1,350.00
5824. Û 151c, Vertical pair, imperf horiz. VF,
5769. Û 120a, BLACK 50¢ Admiral WET 5774. Û 123-34, Admiral Coils Complete. NH ........................... 225.00
PRINTING. Has a nice variety - the LL nu- F-VF ......................... 566.50 5825. Û 152b, Horiz pair IMPERF BETWEEN,
VF, NH ........................ 225.00
meral box with top horizontal line extending 5775. Ú 124, Wholesale lot of 10 with fiscal 5826. Û 153b, Imperf pair. VF, NH . . . 225.00
into the left margin. Fresh, F-VF, NH. cancels. F-VF. Cat $700 ....... Est 75.00+ 5827. Û 153d, Horiz pair IMPERF BETWEEN,
A NICE ITEM FOR THE SPECIALIST ... 5776. Û 126, 128-9, Coil Pairs. VF, NH 400.00
............................ 1,440.00 5777. ÕÛ 126a, 128a, Imperf between blocks. VF, NH ........................ 225.00
VF............................ 160.00 5828. Û 153e, Imperf between pair. F-VF, NH
.............................. 190.00
5778. ÕÛ 126a, Admiral 1¢ orange IMPERF 5829. ÕÛ 154, Block, VF, NH ...... 200.00
BETWEEN Block of 8. VF, NH...... 240.00 5830. Û 154b, Horiz pair IMPERF BETWEEN,
5779. ÕÚ 126a, 128a, Used imperf between VF, NH ........................ 225.00
blocks, VF ..................... 160.00 5831. ÕÛ 155-7, Fresh blocks. F-VF, NH ..
5780. ÕÛ 128ai, First Printing IMPERF .............................. 986.00
BETWEEN bottom margin block with usual 5832. Û 155b, Imperf Between pair, VF, LH .
strength (trace) of LATHEWORK. Fresh, F, .............................. 250.00
NH .......................... 3,500.00
5781. Û 130, VF, NH. Nice!........ 250.00+ 5833. Û 155b, LL corner margin horiz pair
IMPERF BETWEEN. VF, NH...... 375.00+
5782. Û 130i, Paste-up coil strip of 4. Fresh, F, 5834. Û 156b, Imperf Between pair, VF, LH .
LH............................ 225.00 .............................. 250.00
5783. Û 130i, Paste-up single, VF.... 125.00
5784. Û 131, XF, NH. Nice! ..... Est 30.00+
5785. Û 131-2, Coil pairs, VF, NH (132 with
bend on one stamp) .............. 350.00
5757. ÕÛ 116, Bottom margin block with 5850. Û 159c, $1 Parliament vertical pair.
full TYPE C LATHEWORK. Fresh, VG-F, 5770. Û 122, Bottom margin single with IMPERF BETWEEN. Fresh, VF, VLH ....
one stamp is NH. VERY SCARCE 3,000.00 FULL TYPE D LATHEWORK. Fresh, VF, ............................. 900.00
NH .......................... 900.00
5835. Û 156c, Imperf Between pair. Fresh,
VF, NH ....................... 375.00
5836. ÕÛ 157, Block, F, NH........ 180.00
5786. Û 131iv, Toronto Experimental Coil 5837. Û 157b, Imperf Between pair, VF, LH .
Pair. VF, NH ................... 500.00
.............................. 250.00
5787. Û 133, F-VF................. 90.00 5838. Û 158, F-VF, LH ............ 275.00
5788. Û 133, A well centered pair. VF. 250.00 5839. Û 158, VF ................. 350.00
5758. ÕÛ 116, Block, fresh rich colour, 5789. Ú 133, VF.................. 100.00
F-VF, NH. A nice block!......... 2,880.00 5790. ÕÛ 135, Block, F-VF, NH..... 500.00
5771. ÕÛ 122, Beautifully centred mint
5759. ÕÛ 116, Top margin block with 5791. Û 135, 135i, F-VF, NH........ 289.00 5851. Û 159c, Imperf Between pair. Fresh,
OTTAWA NO. A9 plate imprint. Deep rich block with fresh vivid colour & full original 5792. Û 136, Bottom margin single with TYPE VF, NH...................... 1,350.00
colour. VF .................... 1,600.00 gum. VF, NH. As beautiful as the day it was B LATHEWORK. VF, LH, light bend . 400.00 5852. Û 160, Coil strip of 4. VF, 2 stamps are
printed ...................... 1,440.00
5793. Û 136-8, Imperf Pairs. VF ..... 250.00 NH ........................... 360.00
5794. Û 136-8, Imperf Pairs. VF, NH . 500.00 5853. Û 160i, Paste-up coil strip of 4. Fresh,
5795. ÕÛ 136-8, Imperf blocks. Fresh, VF, NH F-VF .......................... 185.00
............................ 1,000.00 5854. Û 160i, Paste-up pair. VF, NH. . 300.00
5796. ÕÚ 137, Imperf pair, VF, CDS’s 100.00 5855. Û 160i-61i, Paste-up pairs, F-VF ....
5797. ÕÛ 138, Bottom margin Plate #A127 .............................. 210.00
Lathework Type D imperforate block of 8. 5856. ÕÛ 162-71, Fresh lot of KGV Arch
Fresh, VF, NH, light natural gum bend. A blocks from 1¢-8¢. F-VF, NH ....... 475.00
PRETTY BLOCK.............. 1,500.00+ 5840. Û 158, Fresh, VF, NH........ 700.00
5798. ÕÛ 138, Bottom margin Plate
#A128 Imprint block of 10 with full TYPE D 5841. ÕÛ 158, Lovely bright fresh block,
LATHEWORK. XF, NH. A GORGEOUS nicely centered, VF, NH. See photo
SHOWPIECE ................. 1,500.00 above ..................... 2,800.00
5799. ÕÚ 138, Imperf block with neat circular 5842. Ú 158, VF, light cancel........ 100.00
“R” cancel, VF .................. 100.00 5843. ÕÚ 158, Bluenose top margin “OTTAWA
5800. ÕÛ 138ii, Right margin Imperforate -NOA-3 936" IMPRINT block with neat
R-GAUGE block of 14. Fresh, VF, 11 stamps Toronto roller cancels. F-VF ...... 300.00+
are NH. A PRETTY SHOWPIECE. . . 750.00
5801. Û 139, VF, NH.............. 200.00
5802. ÕÛ 140, Top margin Plate No A-117
block of 8. Lovely fresh colour, exceptional
centering. VF, NH, trivial bit of offset on gum 5857. Û 162-83, Fresh set plus coils. F-VF,
.............................. 900.00 NH ......................... 1,295.00
5803. ÕÛ 141-8, Blocks, F-VF, neat hinge
remnants ..................... 358.00+ 5858. ÕÛ 162i, MAJOR RE-ENTRY in right “1"
5804. Ú 145, Used wholesale lot of 100. Some in block (with 3 normal). F-VF, NH. . . 220.00
5760. ÕÚ 116, Well centered marginal used are in blocks. Most F-VF .......... 675.00 5859. ÕÛ 162i, 163ii, Blocks each showing
the MAJOR RE-ENTRY in ‘1’ varieties. F-VF
block with full Type A Lathework with clearly 5805. Û 146a, Sheet margin IMPERFORATE
legible printing order “934F” number under pair, VF, VLH ................... 160.00 .............................. 125.00
lathework of the right stamp. Oval registered 5772. ÕÛ 122, Bottom margin block dry 5806. Û 146b, Imperf Between pair. VF, VLH
18 Jan 1919 cancels in blue. F-VF. 2020 printing with full TYPE D LATHEWORK. .............................. 160.00 5844. Ú 158iii, Scarce MAN ON THE MAST Toll Free Bid Line:
Greene Foundation Certificate. A rare used Fresh, VF, NH, slight natural gum spotting . 5807. ÕÛ 147, Block, VF, NH ...... 120.00 variety. F-VF, minor crease. Has 2007 1-877-957-3364
lathework block of this key value 2,400.00+ ............................ 2,250.00 5808. Ú 147, Used wholesale lot of 90, some Greene Foundation Certificate . . . 1,500.00
in blocks. F-VF .................. 529.00