Page 41 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 41
CANADA Continued 6163. Û 2405, Margin pair of the $10 Whale 97
6127. Ú 1167d, Horiz pair IMPERF BETWEEN. signed by the stamp’s engraver JORGE
VF, left stamp has crease (Mint pair Cat $500) PERAL in the selvedge. VF, NH . Est 50.00+
.......................... Est 125.00+ 6164. SSÛ 2513i-8i, Complete set of 6 diff
2012 Diamond Jubilee mini sheets, VF, NH
(6) ............................ 51.00
6165. SSÛ 2844, Recalled UNESCO souvenir
sheet. VF, NH.................. 275.00+
variety. UNLISTED. VF, NH, normal for
comparison ................. Est 40.00+
6167. ÕÛ C1-5, Mint Blocks. F-VF, most NH
............................ 1,215.00
6142. Û 1341b, IMPERFORATE PAIR of the 6168. Û C2, VF, NH .............. 140.00
80¢ Christmas. Large margins all around, 6169. Ú C2, XF GEM .......... Est 35.00+
fresh, VF, NH, trivial gum bend . . . 1,000.00
6170. ÕÛ C2-3, Blocks of 6. Fresh, F-VF, NH
6143. Û 1356a, IMPERF PAIR with huge .............................. 650.00
margins. VF, NH, small pen mark at top. VF,
NH. Cat $1,000 ............. Est 350.00+
6187. Û E5a, Imperf Pair, large balanced
margins, pristine fresh, VF, NH. Only 75
6153. ÕÛ 1764b, UR Plate Block of the 45¢ pairs known .................. 1,600.00
Christmas Angels perf 13.1x13.6. A VERY 6188. Û E6-11, Well centered. VF, NH ....
SCARCE PERFORATION. XF, NH 2,500.00 .............................. 177.00
6154. SSÛ 1818-34, Cpl set of MILLENNIUM 6189. ÕÛ E6-11, Blocks, VF, NH.... 710.00
souvenir sheets. VF, NH .......... 153.00 6190. Û E7a, Imperforate Pair, large margins,
fresh, VF, LH. Only 75 pairs exist . . . 800.00
6191. ÕÛ E8, Fresh block. VF, NH . . 350.00
6192. ÕÛ E8, Well centered UL block of 6
having Plate Imprint at UR. VF, NH . . 568.00
6193. ÕÛ E8-9, Blocks, Fresh, VF, NH ....
.............................. 434.00
6144. Û 1358ai, Marginal IMPERF PAIR of
the 43¢ Queen. XF, NH......... 1,200.00
6171. Û C5b, Imperf pair with large margins.
6128. ÕÛ 1167d, 1167di, QE 39¢ block of Fresh, VF, NH ................ 1,200.00
7. Contains 3 IMPERF BETWEEN PAIRS 6155. Û 1932a, Beautiful IMPERF PAIR
plus a label / stamp IMPERF BETWEEN at of the 48¢ Queen Elizabeth. Fresh, large 6172. Û C5i, Yellow Brown. VF....... 90.00
top. VF, NH. A BEAUTIFUL SHOWPIECE margins, XF, NH .............. 1,800.00 6173. Û CO1-2, EO1-2, VF, NH ..... 105.00
ERROR ..................... 2,100.00
6129. Û 1167di, QE 39¢ with label IMPERF
BETWEEN. XF, NH ............. 600.00 6194. Û E8a, UR corner IMPERF PAIR
6145. Û 1359g, IMPERF PAIR of the 43¢
6130. Ú 1171c, Scarce perf. VF....... 60.00 Flag with enormous margins all around. showing a portion of the guide arrow in
6131. ÕÛ 1172h, IMPERFORATE UL Has interesting yellowish margins on selvedge. VF, NH, slight gum bend .....
............................ 1,400.00
Plate Block of the 45¢ Pronghorn. Pris- bottom stamp but white margins on top
tine fresh, XF, NH, tiny imperfection at left stamp. This may be some kind of proof? 6195. ÕÛ E9, LL Plate Block. VF, NH ....
does not detract. See photo on Page 96 VF, NH ..................... 1,000.00 .............................. 105.00
.......................... 3,000.00 6146. Û 1362c, Imperf Pair. VF, NH, some 6196. ÕÛ E9, Top Plate #1 Block of 6. VF,
wrinkles / creases Cat $750 . . . Est 125.00+ VLH in selvedge (stamps are NH & priced
6132. ÕÛ 1174i, LL Plate Block Perf 14.5 x as such) ....................... 126.00
14. Slater paper. VF, NH .......... 250.00 6197. Û E10a, Sheet margin IMPERFORATE
6133. ÕÛ 1176a, Scarce 63¢ Porpoise perf PAIR. Fresh, rich colour, XF, LH. Only 75
13.1 M/S Plate Blocks. VF, NH ..... 160.00 pairs exist...................... 800.00
\ 6198. Ú F1, Clinton, 2-Ring “59" numeral
cancel. VF. Scarce ........... Est 50.00+
6199. Û F1b, F .................. 250.00
6200. Û F1b, Fresh, VF, LH, slight crease ..
.............................. 500.00
6156. ÕÛ 1969a, UL Plate Block of 6 of the 48¢ Year of the Ram with the GOLD CHINESE 6201. Ú F1b, F ................... 100.00
CHOICE CONDITION ...................................................2,500.00
6174. Û E1, Fresh, F-VF, NH, natural gum
6157. Û 2001c, Sheet margin IMPERFO- skip at bottom................... 575.00
See photo on Page 96 ........ 1,250.00
6158. Û 2046i-7i, Write Me / Ring Me cpl
packs. VF, NH ................... 80.00
6159. Û 2085d, NHL All Stars stamp card
autographed by PIERRE PILOTE. VF .....
.......................... Est 100.00+
6147. Û 1371c, Imperf pair of the 84¢ Fruit
Tree. XF, NH, two minute gum glazing
patches do not detract.......... 2,000.00 6202. Û F2c, Beautiful LR sheet margin
6148. Û 1395iii, Imperf pair of the 43¢ Hibrite 6175. Û E1, Beautifully centered, razor-sharp IMPERFORATE PAIR, fresh colour, XF,
NG, some faint toning mostly on reverse.
Coil. VF, NH .................... 250.00 impression, deep colour, pristine fresh, XF, Only 200 pairs recorded ........ 1,500.00
NH. Has 2021 Greene Foundation Certifi-
6134. Û 1179d, Top margin Imperforate cate. A GEM ................ 1,000.00+
Pair of the 78¢ Beluga Whale. Fresh, large
margins, XF, NH .............. 1,200.00 6176. ÕÛ E1, Scarce mint block. F, one
stamp is NH .................... 330.00
6135. Ú 1183, $5 Bonsecours with a MAJOR 6177. ÕÛ E1a, Green block. F...... 320.00
SHIFT of “CANADA $5" to left. VF Est 50.00+ 6178. Û E2, VF .................. 150.00
6136. ÕÛ 1194B, FORGERY sheet margin 6179. Û E2a (2), Wet printing (41mm) in
Imperforate block, with gum. VF, NH ...... both the scarlet & carmine (unlisted shade
........................... Est 75.00+ in Unitrade). F-VF, HH, scarlet has SE ....
6137. ÛÚ 1194B (mint imperf), 1395 (used), .............................. 400.00
Forgeries, VF................ Est 45.00+ 6180. Û E3, VF, NH............... 150.00
6138. Û 1194C, Coil strip of 4 with a 3-sided 6203. Û F3, VF, part OG .......... 900.00
TAGGING ERROR (caused by a perf shift). 6204. Ú F3, F-VF, a few nibbed perfs . 337.00
Has red printer’s rejection marks on 3 stamps.
VF, NH. Ex Saskatoon Stamp Centre with
their write-up ................ Est 40.00+
6139. ÕÛ 1250ii, UR Plate Block of the 38¢
Regiments. VF, NH .............. 250.00 6149. Û 1535ii, Unissued 90¢ Xmas. Printed
in anticipation of a rate increase which was
6140. ÕÛ 1292b, LR corner IMPERFO- not approved. Some stamps ended up in
RATE BLOCK of the 39¢ Folklore. VF, private hands. VF, NH ........... 600.00
NH. See photo on Page 96 . . . 2,500.00+
6150. Û 1606i, Yukon Gold Rush pane of 10
VF, NH. Has 2007 Richard Gratton Certificate 6205. Û J2, Left margin single with full
& incl normal for comparison. . . Est 250.00+ strength TYPE A LATHEWORK. Fresh,
6151. Û 1660ai, Series of the Century F-VF, NH. Scarce. Has 2024 Greene
OVERPRINTED HOCKEY PANE in special Foundation Certificate .......... 2,500.00
folder. VF, NH ................. 100.00+
vertical pair of the 2007 Reindeer Christmas
issue. VF, NH .................. 675.00
PANE OF 6 of the 52¢ IIHF Hockey. Contains
3 imperf pairs. VF, NH. VERY SCARCE ...
............................ 1,200.00
6181. ÕÛ E3, Nicely centred block. VF, NH,
natural crease in top stamps ...... 600.00
6206. ÕÛ J2, Very attractive left margin
6182. Û E3c, Vertical pair IMPERF BETWEEN. block with full TYPE A LATHEWORK. Deep
VF, VLH ....................... 250.00
6183. Û E4, Pretty LR corner single. VF, rich colour, nicely centred. VF, OG, couple
small thins in top pair. A SCARCE BLOCK.
stamp is NH .................... 200.00 Cat $7,000 .............. Est 1,500.00+
6184. ÕÛ E4, UL corner block with beautiful
centering & pristine fresh colour. VF, NH ... 6207. ÕÚ J10, Used block of 6, F-VF. . 67.00
.............................. 720.00 6208. Û J11-14, F-VF, NH.......... 149.00
6141. Û 1292ii, IMPERFORATE SE-TENANT 6162. Û 2292b, Horizontal pair of the “P” 6185. Û E5, VF, NH............... 180.00 6209. ÕÛ J15-20, Set in LL Plate 1 imprint
PAIR of the 39¢ Folklore Sasquatch & 6152. Û 1676a, Imperforate pair. Fresh, VF, Christmas with DIE CUTTING OMITTED 6186. ÕÛ E5, UL Plate Block. Beautifully blocks of 10. VF, NH ............. 202.00
Werewolf. Large margins, XF, NH . . 950.00 NH ......................... 1,250.00 error. VF, NH. Scarce............ 800.00 centred, fresh, VF, stamps are NH (Cat listed 6210. ÕÛ J15-20, M/S Plate Blocks of 10. VF,
is for stamps) ................... 800.00 NH ........................... 808.00