Page 40 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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                                                                                                                               LOT 6157
                                                         LOT 6131
                    LOT 6114

                                                                                            LOT 6140

        CANADA Continued             6018. Û 298, Coil End Strip of 4 with 10 Tabs
        5989. Û 254, MAJOR MISPERF error. VF, NH  attached. VF, NH, folded .......... 150.00
         ........................... Est 50.00+  6019. Û 300i, Coil Jump Strip of 4. F . . 70.00
        5990. ÕÛ 254, LL, Plate Block #31 of 8  6020. ÕÛ 302, UL Plate Block. VF, NH ....
         stamps. Shows CRACKED PLATE variety  .............................. 250.00
         underneath all bottom stamps. Fresh, F-VF,  6021. ÕÚ 302, $1 Fish block, neat Fort
         NH ....................... Est 125.00+  William, Ont 1952 CDS’s. VF....... 60.00+
                                     6022. ÕÚ 302, Used block of 8 of the $1 Fish.
                                      VF, light 1951 CDS cancels....... 120.00+
                                     6023. ÕÛ 306, UR Plate Block #6. F, NH ..
                                      ............................... 75.00
                                     6024. ÕÛ 306, UL Plate Block #6. VF, NH .
                                      .............................. 156.00                   6097. Û 715vii, REVERSE OFFSET on
                                     6025. ÕÛ 306, LR Plate Block #6. VF, NH,                  the gum side. VF, NH. Has 2009 Gratton
                                      trace of slight DG ................ 218.00               Certificate ..................... 200.00
                                     6026. Ú 311-4, Wholesale lot of 100 sets. F-VF.
                                      Some nice cancels............... 305.00  6077. Û 535a, Lovely sheet margin IMPERF
                                     6027. ÕÚ 321, $1 Totem M/S Plate Blocks #1  PAIR of the 6¢ Maple Leaves in Spring. XF,  6115. Û 878, Left margin Imperforate Pair
         5991. Û 254c, Sheet margin Imperforate Pair.  with neat Minaki, Ont 1957 duplex cancels. VF  NH. Only 75 pairs known........ 1,200.00
          XF, NH ....................... 600.00                                                                            with BROWN & MOST OF MAGENTA
                                      ........................... Est 50.00+  6078. Û 550 (Pair), 593 (Pair), 597ii, All   MISSING. Large margins, VF, NH, light
        5992. Û 255, Horizontal pair with MAJOR  6028. ÕÚ 321, Wholesale lot of 25 used  with SINGLE BAR TAGGING. F-VF, NH  bends (wrinkles) .............. 1,500.00
         MISPERF variety. F-VF, NH, slight crease .  Blocks of the $1 Totem. Some nice cancels  (5 stamps) .................. Est 50.00+  6116. Û 918, “CANADA 2" with a kiss print
         ........................... Est 75.00+  here. VF ...................... 120.00+
                                     6029. Û 332, Mint wholesale lot of 30 Coil                                            resulting in a DOUBLED IMPRESSION. VF,
                                      strips of 4. F-VF, NH ............. 240.00                                           NH. Unlisted variety........... Est 75.00+
                                     6030. Û 337, Horiz pair with a MAJOR
                                      MISPERF error. VF, NH ....... Est 80.00+
                                     6031. ÕÚ 337p-41p, Blocks with neat Winni-               6098. Û 716c, The “WHITE QUEEN” error
                                      peg F.D. cancels. VF .............. 45.00                with red colour omitted & no tagging.
                                     6032. Û 343, MAJOR MISPERF variety. VF,                   Fresh, XF, NH. Has 2020 Greene Founda-
                                      LH ........................ Est 65.00+                   tion Certificate ................ 1,500.00
                                     6033. ÕÛ 372, 15¢ UPU LL Plate Block
                                      signed by the stamp designer CARL                       6099. ÕÛ 726, UR Blank Corner block
                                      MANGOLD. VF, NH .......... Est 50.00+                    of the $1 Fundy untagged, with BLACK
                                     6034. ÕÛ 385, 396, Two diff commem issues                 INSCRIPTIONS OMITTED. Fresh, VF,
                                      in margin blocks of 6 each signed by the                 NH, one corner crease. See photo on
         5993. Û 255a, Imperf Pair, pristine fresh, VF,  stamp designer HELEN FITZGERALD in    Page 95 ................... 4,000.00
          NH........................... 600.00  the selvedge. VF, NH. Nice specialty items .
                                      ........................... Est 40.00+
                                     6035. Ú 402 (Pair), 405; Also mint 403 NH, QE
                                      Cameo lot all with MISPLACED TAGGING
                                      varieties. VF (4 stamps) ....... Est 75.00+  6079. Û 550q, Scarce Imperforate Pair,
                                     6036. SSÛ 405b, 405bq, Mini panes, VF, NH  excellent margins, VF, slight bend, part
                                      ............................... 73.00  gum ........................ 1,400.00        6117. Û 924c, A pristine example of the
                                     6037. SSÛ 405bq, VF, NH .......... 55.00  6080. ÕÛ 559 (Block), Two left stamps have  “MAPLE LEAF IN WINTER” error. Striking
                                     6038. Û 406-9, Coil Single, Pair & strip of 4  2 vertical deep red printing lines. Interesting  example with the beige background colour
                                      of each. VF, NH ................. 168.00  unlisted variety. VF, NH........ Est 50.00+  & tagging missing. XF, NH. Has 2019
                                     6039. Û 407, 407i, Coil Single, Pair, strip of 4  6081. Û 567aiT2, Horiz pair with a ONE BAR  Greene Foundation Certificate . . . 1,500.00
                                      & Jump strip of 4. VF, NH .......... 58.50  TAGGING ERROR. VF, NH. . . Rose 100.00  6118. ÕÛ 926A, M/S Corner blocks. VF, NH
                                     6040. ÕÛ 411, UR Plate Block, VF, NH ...  6081. Û 567aiT2, Horiz pair with a ONE BAR  ............................... 80.00
                                      ............................... 90.00  TAGGING ERROR. VF, NH. . . Rose 100.00       6119. Û 951a, Strip of 4 of the 32¢ Leaf. The
                                     6041. ÕÛ 411, Export $1 M/S Plate Blocks.  6082. ÕÛ 572ii, Block with the UL stamp  6100. Û 726b, $1 Fundy untagged with  right 3 stamps are imperf. VF, NH . . . 337.00
                                      VF, NH ........................ 360.00  having the ‘MISSING BIRD ON TOTEM’  BLACK INSCRIPTIONS OMITTED. Fresh,  6120. Û 951a, Imperf Pair, XF, NH . . . 225.00
                                     6042. ÕÛ 411, 492, M/S’s Plate Blocks. VF,  variety. VF, NH.................. 225.00  VF, NH ....................... 750.00  6121. Û 952, Horiz Coil Pair IMPERFORATE
                                      NH ........................... 460.00  6083. Ú 593T1, 615T1, 698T2, 714T1, Untagged  6101. Û 727, $2 Kluane margin single with a  BETWEEN. No scoreline. VF, NH Est 35.00+
                                     6043. ÚÛ 444, Mint NH ONE BAR TAGGING  errors each tied on piece. VF....... 205.00  dramatic shift of the inscriptions to the left. VF,
                                      at right. Also used copy with CENTRE BAR  6084. ÕÛ 598iii, M/S Type II, Pl 1 Plate  NH. An eye catching variety . . . Est 100.00+
                                      TAGGING. F-VF ............. Est 50.00+  Blocks. VF, NH.................. 200.00  6102. Û 727a, $2 Kluane with SILVER
         5994. Û 256a, Imperforate Pair. VF, NH ...  6044. Û 459, FORGERY of the 6¢ Centennial,  6085. Û 601, MAJOR SHIFT of “postes /  INSCRIPTIONS OMITTED resulting in no
          ............................. 600.00  F, NH ...................... Est 40.00+  postage $2” & “Canada” to right. Nice variety.  country name & no value. F-VF, NH . 400.00
                                     6045. ÕÛ 459biv, Hibrite Block. F-VF,                   6103. Û 730a, IMPERF Coil Pair. VF, NH ...
        5995. ÕÛ 257, M/S Plate Block #2. F-VF  1 stamp NH .................... 140.00  F-VF, NH ................... Est 50.00+
         (LR corner is NH) ................ 180.00  6046. ÕÛ 459ii, FLUORESCENT INK top  6086. ÕÛ 601, 601ii, M/S Plate Blocks #2 of  .............................. 225.00
        5996. ÕÛ 257, M/S Plate Blocks #3. VF ...  margin block. VF, NH, SE ......... 200.00  the $2 Quebec. The UL corner block has the
         .............................. 200.00  6047. ÕÛ 459ii, FLUORESCENT INK bottom  “AIRPLANE IN SKY” variety. VF, NH. 177.50
        5997. ÕÛ 257, M/S Plate Blocks #6. F-VF ..  margin Block. VF, NH, SE ......... 200.00  6087. ÕÛ 601ii, UL Plate Block of the $2
         .............................. 160.00  6048. ÕÛ 459ii, Dull Fluorescent Ink 6¢  Quebec with ‘AIRPLANE IN SKY’ variety. VF,
        5998. ÕÛ 260, Dramatically MISPERFED  Orange Centennial block of 18, VF, NH ....  NH ............................ 95.00
         right margin block of 4 of the 20¢ Corvette.  .............................. 900.00
         F-VF, LH .................. Est 150.00+  6049. Û 460c, Centennial 6¢ FAKE TRIPLE
        5999. Û 261, Vertical pair, VF, NH . . . 120.00  PRINT variety. The basic stamp is genuine
        6000. ÕÛ 261, LR Plate Block. VF, 3 stamps  but the extra images are faked. VF, NH. An
         NH ........................... 200.00  interesting reference item!...... Est 75.00+  6104. Û 742, Rare horiz IMPERFORATE
        6001. ÕÛ 261, LL Plate Block #1. VF, NH ..  6050. ÕÛ 460fi, Block PRINTED ON THE       PAIR of the 12¢ Christmas. Unlisted in
         .............................. 300.00  GUMMED SIDE. VF, NH .......... 100.00          Unitrade. Fresh, VF, NH. Ex Sir Gawaine
        6002. ÕÛ 261, UR Plate Block #1. VF, NH .  6051. Û 406ii, Coil JUMP STRIP of 4 with    Baillie .................... Est 750.00+
         .............................. 300.00  CUTTING GUIDELINE. F-VF, NH .... 75.00       6105. SSÚ 756a, Wholesale lot of 25 with neat
        6003. Ú 262, Wholesale lot of 25 used $1  6052. ÕÛ 460ii, Hibrite UR Corner Block. VF,  cancels. VF .................... 106.00
         Destroyers. F-VF ................ 237.00  NH ............................ 90.00     6106. Û 790, Vertical margin pair with a
        6004. ÕÚ 262, Used corner block of the $1  6053. ÕÛ 460ii, Right margin block. VF, NH  MAJOR MISPERF error. VF, NH Est 65.00+
         Destroyer, SON “R” in circle cancel. VF ....  ............................... 80.00  6107. ÕÛ 790, Block of the 17¢ Parliament
         ........................... Est 40.00+  6054. ÕÛ 463ii, HIBRITE UR Corner Block.     with INK SMEARS on the UR stamp. VF,
                                      VF, NH ........................ 100.00                  NH ........................ Est 50.00+
                                     6055. ÕÛ 465ii, Block, VF, NH...... 100.00              6108. ÕÛ 790, Horizontal Block of 8 with
                                     6056. ÕÛ 465p, LR Corner Block. VF, NH ..                MAJOR TAGGING ERROR. Each stamp
                                      ............................... 50.00                   with a single tagging bar that runs through
                                     6057. Û 465pi, Scarce Hibrite issue with a               tower. VF, NH ............... Est 80.00+
                                      single & block. VF, NH (5 stamps). . . 250.00          6109. ÕÛ 790, Block of 18 with a MAJOR
                                     6058. ÕÛ 465Pi, HIBRITE Block. VF, NH ..                 TAGGING ERROR. Each stamp has a single
                                      .............................. 200.00  6088. Û 614a, Imperforate pair of the 15¢  tagging bar running through the tower. VF, NH
                                     6059. ÕÛ 465pi, UR HIBRITE Corner Block.  RCMP, large margins, XF, NH ..... 600.00  .......................... Est 125.00+
                                      VF, NH ........................ 250.00                 6110. Û 790a, PRINTED ON GUM SIDE. VF,
                                     6060. ÕÛ 465A, M/S Plate Blocks #1. VF, NH  6089. Û 620, Horiz Pair with left stamp with  NH ............................ 50.00
                                                                  unlisted vertical RED PRINTING STREAK.
                                      .............................. 100.00  VF, NH. Interesting ........... Est 50.00+  6111. ÕÛ 792T1, Untagged, block, VF, NH .  6122. Û 1164c, Vertical strip of 4. Stamps
                                     6061. ÕÛ 465A, M/S Plate Blocks #2. VF, NH  6090. Û 625a, Black DOUBLE PRINTED. Also  .............................. 100.00  #1-3 have portions being IMPERFORATE.
                                      .............................. 150.00                  6112. ÕÛ 806, Unsevered Coil Block of 6  Very scarce. VF, NH............. 750.00
                                     6062. ÕÛ 465Ai, NF Block, VF, NH . . . 70.00  has normal stamp for comparison. VF, NH .  with interesting GREEN PRINTING SMUDGE  6123. Û 1165, Horiz pair with a spectacular
                                                                  .............................. 150.00
                                     6063. ÕÛ 465Ai, M/S Plate #1 Blocks, NF.                 running horizontally on all 6 stamps. VF, NH.  MISPERF error. A real eye-catching item! VF,
                                      Fresh, VF, NH .................. 340.00                 Nice variety ................. Est 50.00+  NH ........................ Est 60.00+
                                     6064. ÕÛ 465Bi, M/S Plate #1 Blocks, NF.                6113. Û 806a, Imperf Pair. VF....... 200.00  6124. Û 1165c, PRINTED ON GUM SIDE
                                      Fresh, VF, NH .................. 500.00                                              error. VF, NH ................... 125.00
                                     6065. ÕÛ 465Biv, M/S Plate Blocks #2. VF,                6114. ÕÛ 817TI-8TI, M/S Plate Blocks  6125. Û 1167c, Unlisted vertical IMPERF
                                      NH ........................... 500.00                    UNTAGGED. VF, NH. Cat in Unitrade as  GUTTER STRIP OF 4 of the 39¢ QE. Fresh,
                                     6066. ÕÛ 465B, M/S Plate Blocks #1. VF, NH                $200 per se-tenant pair. VERY RARE  XF, NH, bottom stamp has minor DG patch.
                                      .............................. 160.00                    SET. See photo above ....... 1,600.00  ........................... 1,400.00+
                                     6067. ÕÛ 465Biv, M/S Corner Blocks. VF, NH
         6005. Û 262a, Imperforate pair pristine fresh,
          XF, NH. A CHOICE ITEM ....... 1,200.00  .............................. 100.00
                                     6068. ÕÛ 492i, LL Plate Block with the ‘LINE
        6006. ÕÛ 272, Block. VF, NH ...... 120.00  FROM KNEE’ VARIETY. VF, NH..... 50.00
        6007. ÕÛ 272, LL Plate Block #1. VF, NH ..  6069. ÕÛ 493i, M/S Plate Blocks. VF, NH ..
         .............................. 180.00  ............................... 50.00
        6008. ÕÛ 272, LR Plate Block #1. VF, NH .  6070. ÕÚ 508-11, Collection of 19 se-tenant
         .............................. 180.00  Blocks; all different as to configuration of
        6009. ÕÛ 272, M/S Plate Blocks of the 50¢  designs. All with Winnipeg 18 Mar 1970 F.D.
         Lumbering. Fresh, VF, NH......... 720.00  cancels with 6 containing Identical Pairs. VF
        6010. Ú 272, Wholesale lot of 60 used 50¢  ............................. 237.00+
         Lumbering. F-VF, CDS’s .......... 135.00  6071. ÕÚ 508-11, 508p-11p, MS Plate Blocks
        6011. ÕÛ 272, 294, Blocks. VF, NH . 160.00  & Corner Blocks with Winnipeg 18 Mar 1970
        6012. ÕÛ 273, UL Plate Block. Fresh, F-VF,  FD cancels. VF.................. 130.00
         NH ........................... 338.00  6072. Û 518, MAJOR MISPERF. VF, slight  6091. Û 641a, Imperf Pair in choice condi-
        6013. ÕÛ 273, UR Plate Block #1. Fresh, VF,  DG ........................ Est 50.00+  tion. Large margins, XF, NH. Only 50 pairs
         NH ........................... 375.00  6073. Ú 518, MAJOR MISPERF. VF .......  known ...................... 2,000.00
        6014. ÕÛ 273, LR Pl Block of the $1 Ferry  ........................... Est 45.00+  6092. ÕÛ 666i, NO FLUORESCENCE M/S
         with a large RED VIOLET PRINTING INK  6074. ÕÛ 522i, 525i, CENTRE blocks. VF, NH  Plate Blocks. VF, NH ............. 100.00
         BLOB in the lower selvedge. The ink is the  ............................... 80.00  6093. Û 705xx, Precancel with a noticeable
         same as the one used for printing the stamp.  6075. ÕÛ 522pi, 525pi, Christmas Tagged  MISPRINT of the stamp. The design is shifted
         XF, NH. Has 2014 Gratton Certificate. A  blocks of 16 containing the scarce centre  upwards. VF, NH............. Est 60.00+
         UNIQUE VARIETY FOR THE SPECIALIST  blocks. VF, NH .................. 410.00  6094. ÕÛ 714v, M/S Plate Blocks #1 HIBRITE
         .......................... Est 350.00+  6076. ÕÚ 524p-8p, Specialized coll of Christ-  PAPER. VF, NH. Scarce......... 1,000.00
        6015. Û 278, Coil Paste-up Pair. VF, NH ...  mas 1970 Tagged 6¢ issues from the Bileski  6095. Û 715, Horiz pair with a MAJOR
         .............................. 112.00  estate. Contains all 54 possible positions in  MISPERF error. VF, NH ....... Est 75.00+
        6016. Ú 279-81, Coil strips of 4. VF. . . 111.00  beautiful blocks of 10 with neat Winnipeg  6096. Û 715a, 715T1, PRINTED ON  6126. ÕÛ 1167d, Marginal Block of 20 of the 39¢ QE with 6 IMPERFORATE BETWEEN PAIRS
                                                                                               plus another 2 stamps IMPERFORATE BETWEEN STAMP & LABEL. VF, NH. A lovely show-
        6017. Û 297, Coil PASTE-UP strip of 4. VF .  FD cancels. Incl 4 CENTRE BLOCKS. VF .  GUMMED SIDE & UNTAGGED varieties. VF,
         ............................... 61.00  .............................. 950.00  NH (2 diff stamps) ............... 100.00  piece! ...............................................................4,200.00+
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