Page 39 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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                               LOT 5909                                           LOT 5960

                                                                                                                            LOT 6099

        CANADA Continued                                                                     5940. ÕÛ 218, LR corner block. The UR
                                     5880. ÕÛ 177, Nice block of the $1                       stamp has interesting Extended Frameline
                                       Cavell, fresh, F-VF, NH. See photo on                  variety. VF .................. Est 35.00+
                                       Page 94 ................... 1,650.00
                                                                                             5941. ÕÛ 218i, Mole on Forehead variety in
                                     5881. Û 177, VF ................. 300.00                 left margin block. VF ............. 100.00
                                                                                             5942. Û 219, MAJOR MISPERF error. VF, NH
                                                                                              ........................... Est 45.00+
                                                                                             5943. Û 219a, Booklet Pane, VF, NH . . 90.00
                                                                                             5944. Û 219c, Top margin single PRINTED
                                                                                              ON THE GUM SIDE. F-VF, LH, light crease
                                                                                               .............................. 550.00
                                                                                             5945. ÕÛ 224, Bottom Plate #2 Block of 6
                                                                                              (with inverted inscription). Fresh, lovely
                                                                 5910. Û 196c, Imperf Pair. VF, NH. . . 700.00
                                                                                              centering, VF, NH................ 150.00
         5860. Û 163d, Fresh mint imperforate pair,              5911. Û 198, VF, NH.............. 150.00  5946. Û 226, VF, NH............... 52.00
          crisp colour, large margins. VF, OG. VERY              5912. Ú 198, Wholesale used lot of 71. F....  5947. ÕÛ 226, Block. VF, NH ...... 140.00
          SCARCE. Only 50 pairs exist .... 2,000.00               .............................. 319.00  5948. ÕÛ 226, Top Plate #1 block of 6. Fresh,
        5861. Û 163ii, MAJOR RE-ENTRY in right                   5913. ÕÛ 198a, UR corner IMPERF BLOCK,  VF, stamps are NH............... 300.00
         “1" variety in pair with normal. F, NH.......  5882. Û 177, Fresh, VF, NH........ 600.00  rich colour, large / huge margins. VF, glazed  5949. ÕÛ 226i, Block with UR stamp having
         ........................... Est 35.00+                   gum .......................... 700.00  the MAJOR RE-ENTRY variety. VF . 275.00
        5862. ÕÛ 163ii, Major Re-entry in a block. F+,           5914. ÕÛ 199b, LR corner IMPERF BLOCK,  5950. Ú 226i, Major Re-entry. F-VF.... 80.00
         NH ........................... 52.00+                    rich colour, large / huge margins. VF, glazed  5951. Û 227, VF, NH.............. 120.00
        5863. Û 165Bii, Plate #4 & #5 Booklet Panes.              gum .......................... 700.00  5952. ÕÛ 227, Champlain $1 top margin
         F (2 diff) ....................... 160.00               5915. ÕÛ 200, LR Plate Block #2. VF, 2  Plate #1 Imprint Block. VF, NH ..... 480.00
        5864. Ú 166c, Booklet Pane, VF ...... 80.00               stamps are NH .................. 350.00  5953. Ú 227, Vertical Pair with roller cancel  5973. Û 244a, Sheet margin IMPERF PAIR,
        5865. ÕÛ 166i, Block of 9 with centre stamp              5916. Û 200a, Marginal Imperf Pair. VF, NG  having spelling error “KINDARDINE” Ont  fresh, XF, NH. Only 75 pairs exist . 1,125.00
         having the “EXTENDED MOUSTACHE”                          .............................. 350.00  on one stamp, & the normal “KINCARDINE”  5974. Û 245, F-VF................. 75.00
         variety. Fresh, VF, NH ............ 375.00              5917. ÕÛ 201, Block, VF, 3 stamps NH ....  on the other. VF.............. Est 45.00+  5975. Û 245, VF, NH.............. 150.00
        5866. ÕÛ 168, Block, VF, NH ...... 200.00                 .............................. 420.00  5954. Û 227i, Pale Blue shade, F-VF, NH ...
        5867. ÕÛ 170, UR corner block, VF, NH ...                5918. ÕÛ 201, Right margin block, very well  ............................... 95.00
         ............................... 96.00                    centred. VF, NH ................. 480.00  5955. Û 228-30, Coil Pairs, VF, NH . . 195.00
        5868. ÕÛ 172, UL Plate #1 Block. F-VF, NH                5919. ÕÛ 202-4, Nicely centred Blocks. VF,  5956. Û 228ii, Coil Pair with NARROW “1" vari-
                                                                  lower stamps are NH ............. 552.00
         ............................... 96.00                   5920. ÕÛ 203, Block, VF, NH ...... 480.00  ety on right stamp. VF, NH......... 150.00
        5869. Û 174, Fresh, VF, NH ........ 100.00  5883. Û 177, $1 Cavell JUMBO, pristine  5921. ÕÚ 203, Used block of 6, VF . . 120.00  5957. Û 228iii, Narrow “1" coil jump strip of 4.
        5870. Û 174, Rare 12¢ Citadel DIE PROOF  fresh colour, VF, NH. Has 2002 Greene        F, 2 stamps are NH ............... 90.00
         on India paper in colour of issue mounted  Foundation Certificate............ 600.00  5958. Û 229 (Coil strip of 4), Start Strip with
         on large card, 133mm x 142mm. VF, Very                                               1 tab at right. VF, NH ............ 150.00+
         rare .................... Est 2,000.00+  5884. ÕÛ 177, Lovely block of the $1       5959. Ú 230, Used wholesale coil lot of 22 pairs
        5871. ÕÚ 174, Selected used block. VF ....  Cavell, Post Office fresh, intense colour,  & 9 strips of 4. VF................ 156.00
         ........................... Est 35.00+  beautiful centering, XF, NH. See photo       5960. Û 231c-36a, Cpl set of KGVI Mufti
                                       on Page 94 ................ 2,400.00                    IMPERFORATE PAIRS. All with full
                                                                                               margins, bright fresh colours, XF, NH.
                                     5885. Û 179xx, Coil Precancel Line Pair. F,
                                      OG, NH .................... Est 35.00+                   See photo above ............ 3,600.00
                                     5886. Û 180, Wholesale lot of 15 Coil Pairs.            5961. Û 233, OVERINKED KGVI 3¢ Mufti. VF
                                      F-VF, NH ...................... 330.00                  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                     5887. Û 180i, Coil Line Strip of 4. VF, NH ...          5962. ÕÛ 233, Block with a MAJOR MISPERF
                                      ............................... 92.00                   error. VF, NH, couple light gum bends. An
                                     5888. Û 180iii, 181iii, Cockeyed King line strips        eye-catching item! ........... Est 150.00+
                                      of 4, F-VF, LH (varieties are NH) . . . 245.00+        5963. ÕÛ 233i, CREASE ON COLLAR
                                     5889. Û 182iii, COCKEYED KING variety in                 variety, UR stamp in block with 3 normal. VF,  5976. Û 245b, Sheet margin Imperforate Pair,
                                      Coil Line Pair with normal. VF, NH. . . 220.00          nicely centered.................. 150.00  pristine fresh, XF, VLH. Only 75 pairs exist
                                     5890. ÕÛ 184, Block. VF, NH ...... 144.00                                             ............................ 1,000.00
                                     5891. ÕÛ 190, Block. VF, NH ...... 240.00
                                     5892. ÕÛ 190, Exceptionally well centred                                             5977. Û 249-62, VF, NH ........... 260.00
                                      block of 16. Fresh, VF-XF, NH...... 960.00
                                     5893. Û 190, 203, 209, VF, NH...... 260.00
                                                                 5922. Û 203a, IMPERF PAIR. Large margins,
                                                                  crisp fresh colour, VF, NH, trivial natural
                                                                  gum wrinkle on lower stamp. Only 75 pairs  5964. Û 237a, Sheet margin IMPERFORATE
                                                                  exist ........................ 1,600.00  PAIR, huge margins, pristine fresh, XF, NH.
                                                                 5923. ÕÛ 203i, Perfectly centred block with  Only 75 pairs exist............. 1,200.00
                                                                  the UL stamp having the “BROKEN X” variety.  5965. Û 238, Wholesale lot of 100 coils in
         5872. Û 174a, Imperf Pair. Large margins,                Fresh, VF, 2 stamps are NH, one minute  strips. Selected centering, VF, NH. . . 600.00
          rich colour, slightly glazed OG. VF. Only 75            corner crease ................... 450.00  5966. Û 238-40, Coil strips of 4. VF, NH ....
          pairs known!.................. 1,250.00                5924. Ú 203i, Broken “X” variety. XF. A choice  .............................. 144.00
                                                                  example!....................... 80.00+
        5873. Û 175, VF, NH.............. 140.00                                             5967. Û 241-5, Also 241a, VF....... 221.00  5978. ÕÛ 249-62, Cpl set of blocks up to
        5874. ÕÛ 175, LR Plate Block #1. F, stamps  5894. Û 190a, Superb IMPERF PAIR with  5925. ÕÛ 204, Block of 10. F-VF, NH 205.00  5968. ÕÛ 241 (Pl 1, UL), 242 (UL), 243 (Pl 1,  $1 Destroyer. F-VF, NH .......... 843.00
                                                                 5926. ÕÛ 204 (Block), VF, NH...... 128.00
                                      large margins, post office fresh colour, XF,
         are NH (some DG in selvedge) ..... 150.00  NH. Only 150 pairs exist ........ 1,300.00  5927. ÕÛ 204, UR Plate Block #1. VF, NH,  LL & Pl 2 LR). Pl Blocks. VF ....... 475.00  5979. Û 249d, Imperf Pair, excellent margins.
        5875. ÕÛ 175, UL Plate Block #1, nicely                   trivial gum bends ................ 150.00                Fresh, VF, LH................... 400.00
         centered, VF, LH ................ 300.00  5895. ÕÛ 191, Block, UL stamp has DOT at  5928. Û 205-7, Coil pairs, VF ....... 140.00
                                      LL of “3". Unlisted variety. F-VF. . Est 40.00+
                                                                 5929. Û 209, VF, NH............... 80.00
                                                                 5930. ÕÛ 209, Block. VF, NH ...... 320.00
                                                                 5931. ÕÛ 211-6, Silver Jubilee set in Blocks.
                                                                  VF, NH ........................ 210.00
                                                                                                                          5980. Û 249d, Imperf pair, Fresh, VF, NH...
                                                                                                                            ............................. 600.00
                                                                                              5969. Û 241b, Top margin Imperf Pair. Fresh
                                                                                               colour, VF, LH. Only 75 pairs exist. . 750.00
                                     5896. ÕÛ 191aii, UR corner block with
                                      Shifted Surcharge variety. F-VF, NH 700.00
                                     5897. ÕÛ 191i, Extended Moustache variety,
                                      UL stamp in a scarce positional block of 24
         5876. Û 175a, Imperf Pair, large margins,  with Plate 8 imprint at LR. F-VF, 20 stamps
          post office fresh. XF, NH. Choice quality.  are NH incl the variety ........... 252.00+  5932. ÕÛ 211i, Block with the LL stamp  5981. Û 250c, Imperf Pair. XF, NH . . 600.00
          Only 75 pairs exist............ 2,500.00+               having the “WEEPING PRINCESS” variety.
        5877. Û 176, Grand Pre 50¢ with blue INK                  Fresh, VF, bottom stamps (incl the variety)             5982. ÕÛ 252, LL CRACKED PLATE #20
                                                                                                                           variety. F-VF..................... 67.00
         PRINTING SMEARS. F-VF, LH. An unusual                    are NH. Has 2004 Greene Foundation                      5983. ÕÛ 252, LL Plate Block #19 with
         variety!.................... Est 200.00+                 Certificate................. Est 275.00+                 CRACKED PLATE variety. F-VF .... 125.00
        5878. Û 176a, Imperf pair with full margins,             5933. ÕÛ 211P, Sheet margin Plate Proof                  5984. ÕÛ 252, UL Plate #12 Block of 8 with
         very rare with only 75 pairs known. F-VF, NH             Block on card. Large margins, XF . . . 300.00  5970. Û 241c, UR corner Imperf Pair, fresh  CRACKED PLATE variety. VF, NH . . 75.00+
          ............................ 2,500.00                  5934. ÕÛ 216, Centred block of 8 of the 13¢  colour, XF, LH. Only 75 pairs exist. . 750.00  5985. ÕÛ 252, LL CRACKED Plate Block #19.
                                                                  Yacht. VF, NH .................. 144.00                  VF, NH, slight bend .............. 187.00
                                                                 5935. ÕÚ 216, 273, Used blocks with each
                                                                  stamp having a neat CDS cancel. VF 56.00+
                                                                 5936. Û 217, KGV 1¢ PHOTOGRAPHIC
                                                                  PROOF in black (41 x 49 mm) on a larger
                                     5898. Û 191i, EXTENDED MOUSTACHE  black card frame. VF, irregular card margin
                                      variety in Pair with normal. VF, NH. . 303.00  at top. Scarce .............. Est 200.00+
                                     5899. ÕÛ 192, 192i, Broken “E” variety in  5937. Û 217-27, F-VF, NH ......... 191.00
                                      block of 6. Also 192 unlisted Worn Plate  5938. Û 217-30, Well centered set plus coils.
                                      variety with crescents appearing in both “3"’s.  VF, NH ........................ 367.00
                                      F, latter NH (2 items).......... Est 50.00+
                                     5900. Û 192i, Broken ‘E’ variety. VF . . . 80.00
                                     5901. ÕÛ 192i, Block with “BROKEN E”
                                      variety. VF, NH.................. 240.00
                                     5902. ÕÛ 192i, Broken “E” variety in LR Pl #2                                        5986. Û 252d, Imperf Pair. XF, NH . . 600.00
                                      block of 8. F-VF ................. 105.00                                           5987. Û 253, Mint wholesale lot of 50. VF, NH
                                     5903. ÕÛ 194, Block. VF, NH ...... 112.00                                             .............................. 150.00
                                     5904. ÕÛ 194, UR Plate Block #2. VF120.00
                                     5905. Û 195-201, F-VF, NH ........ 283.00
                                     5906. Û 195-201, VF, NH .......... 419.00
                                     5907. Û 195-201, Also 195as-7ds, 195d, 197c,
                                      F-VF, NH (12 diff)................ 316.00
                                     5908. Û 195b, Booklet Pane. VF, NH . 150.00
                                                                                              5971. Û 241P-45P, C6P, Cpl set of 5 diff
                                     5909. Û 195c-200a, KGV Medallion set                      imperf 1938 Pictorial Plate Proof pairs to
         5879. Û 176a, IMPERFORATE PAIR, large  from 1¢-8¢ all in IMPERF PAIRS. Many  5939. Û 217P-27P, Cpl imperf Plate Proof set  $1 (no 13¢ value - it does not exist). All in
          margins, rich colour, XF, NH. Very scarce!  are marginal pairs. Fresh, VF, NH. See  of 11 diff, on card. All with fresh colours &  issued colours on card. XF ...... 1,600.00  5988. Û 253a, Sheet margin Imperforate Pair.
          Only 75 pairs exist............. 2,500.00  photo above ................ 4,200.00  full margins. XF ............... 1,800.00  XF, NH ....................... 600.00
                                                                                             5972. Û 244, VF, NH............... 75.00
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