Page 44 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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                                                            LOT 6488                                     FROM LOT 6504

            LOT 6480

        CANADA REVENUES Continued                                6477. Ú OC9ii, Major Re-entry, F-VF .......              6508. Û CL6, CL9, F-VF, NG ....... 100.00
        6425. Ú YL10 (2), YL12 (4), Overlapped                    ........................... Est 40.00+                  6509. Ö CL6, Jack V. Elliot Air Service tied on
         singles used on piece. F .......... 112.00              6478. Û OE7, OE10, VF, NH........ 190.00                  Rolling Postage to Red Lake FFC 6 Mar 1926.
        6426. Ú YL12, Four singles used on piece. F              6479. Û OE7, OE10-11, VF, NH ..... 215.00                 “VIA AIR WAY” label detached from unofficial
         .............................. 100.00                                                                             blue essay & used as airmail etiquette. F ...
        6427. Ú YL13, Silver overprint pair. VF ...                   CANADA SEMI-                                         .......................... Est 125.00+
         ............................... 90.00                      OFFICIAL AIRMAILS                                      6510. Ö CL6, CL6 ESSAY, Tied on Rolling
           CANADA OFFICIAL                                        6480. Ö CLP1, Tied by blue scroll cachet                  Portage to Red Lake 6 Mar 1926 FFC.
                                                                                                                            CL16 is over the blue unofficial Essay.
             OHMS PERFINS                                          “BY AEROPLANE” 26 Aug, 1918 on                           (Essays were rejected by the Post Office
                                                                   reverse of SECOND EXPERIMENTAL                           Dept, therefore CL6 was affixed over
        6428. Ú OA104, Position A, VF ...... 100.00                TORONTO-OTTAWA FLIGHT cover.                             top). Has “VIA AIR WAY” label affixed
        6429. Ú OA105 (Position C), OA104d (Position               On the front has rectangular AERIAL                      on front of cover. F. (Approx 35 covers
         A), VF......................... 170.00  6459. Ú OA216, Position A, VF, lightly  MAIL Aug 26, 1918 TORONTO CANADA  6491. Û CL2b, Laurentide Air Service cpl  as such exist). See photo on below .....
        6430. Ú OA106-7, Position C, F (OA107  cancelled...................... 600.00  cachet. Cover a bit reduced, vertical file  Booklet containing 4 panes of 2. Fresh, VF,  ....................... Est 450.00+
         corner crease) ................... 70.00  6460. Ú OA224, Position A, VF, a few nibbed  NH. Quite scarce .............. 3,000.00
        6431. Ú OA107, OA107a, F-VF...... 112.00  perfs .......................... 250.00  fold through airmail stamp but still a fine
        6432. Ú OA108, Position A, F-VF ..... 60.00  6461. Ú OA226, Position A, F-VF ..... 90.00  example of this sought-after pioneer flight  6492. Û CL3, Laurentide Air Service. F-VF, LH
                                                                                               .............................. 150.00
        6433. Ú OA111, Position A, VF ...... 120.00  6462. Ú OA226, Position C, VF ...... 100.00  cover. See photo above . . Est 2,000.00+  6493. Ö CL3, Laurentide, VF, NH, a few
        6434. Ú OA111, Position B, VF ...... 120.00  6463. Ú OA231-6, F-VF ............. 63.00
        6435. Ú OA114, Position A, F ........ 60.00  6464. Ú OA241a, Position E. VF ...... 50.00  nibbed perfs .................... 225.00
        6436. Ú OA118, Position C, VF ....... 60.00  6465. Ú OA241a, Position F, VF ...... 50.00  6494. ÕÛ CL3, Laurentide margin block. Pris-
                                                                                              tine fresh, beautiful centering, XF, OG 600.00
                                                                                             6495. Ö CL3, Laurentide Air Service tied by a
                                                                                              bold green rectangular “TRANS-CANADA
                                                                                              FLIGHT /1925 / VANCOUVER - MONTREAL”
                                                                                              cachet on reverse of cover addr to Prof.
                                                                                              French at McGill University in Montreal. Pre-
                                                                                              pared in anticipation of the flight but cancelled
                                                                                              due to aircraft problems. F-VF. . Est 150.00+
                                                                                             6496. Ö CL3, Laurentide Air Service tied on
                                                                                              Rouyn Lake to Larder Lake 22 Jan 1925 FFC,
                                                                                              addr to Montreal. VF ......... Est 250.00+
                                                                                             6497. Û CL4, Laurentide Air Service. F-VF. LH
                                                                                               .............................. 200.00
                                                                                             6498. Ö CL4, Laurentide Air Service on back
         6437. Ú OA135, Position A, VF...... 700.00  6466. Ú OA246-8, Royal Visit set, Position A  of regular flight cover from Rouyn Lake 27
                                      except for OA247 which is Position C. VF .
        6438. Ú OA142, Position B, F+ ...... 125.00                                           Oct 1924. Addr to England (nice Foreign
        6439. Ú OA143, Position C, F+ ...... 125.00  ............................. 540.00     destination). F, some edge wear Est 250.00+
        6440. Ú OA144, Position A, VF ...... 150.00                                          6499. Ö CL4, Laurentide Air Service on
        6441. Ú OA146, Position A, F ........ 80.00                                           reverse of FFC flown on Jan 22, 1925 from
        6442. Ú OA153, Position C, VF ...... 100.00                                           Rouyn Lake to Larder Lake. F, light creases
        6443. Ú OA163, Position A, VF ....... 60.00                                           .......................... Est 275.00+
        6444. Ö OA163, OA165a, Tied by Victoria BC
         12 Jan, 1933 slogan cancel on OHMS cover
         to Vancouver. F, minor cover edge flaws.                                                                         6511. Û CL6a, Jack V. Elliot sheet margin
         Covers with 5-Hole OHMS Perfins are scarce                                                                        IMPERFORATE PAIR. Large / huge
         .......................... Est 175.00+                                                                            margins, pristine fresh, XF, NH. A beauty! .
        6445. Ö OA163b, OA165a, Tied by Victoria                 6481. Û CLP2, Aero Club of Canada Burning                  ............................ 900.00+
         BC 13 Oct 1932 cancels on OHMS cover to                  Zeppelin. VF, NG, trivial hinge thin. . 650.00
         Vancouver. F. Covers with 5-Hole OHMS                   6482. Û CLP3, $1 Aero Club of Canada, VF,                6512. Û CL7, Jack V. Elliot. VF...... 120.00
         Perfins are scarce ........... Est 175.00+               NG ........................... 150.00                   6513. Ö CL7, Jack V. Elliot Air Service tied
        6446. Ú OA168, Position A, F, bold cancel ..  6467. Ú OAC3, Position F, VF ...... 600.00  6483. Ö CLP3, $1 Aero Club of Canada  on Red Lake to Rolling Portage 9 Apr 1926
         ............................... 80.00                    neatly tied by blue boxed “AERIAL MAIL /                 FFC. Addressed to United States. VF......
        6447. Ú OA172, Position A, F ........ 70.00               TORONTO CANADA / AUG 25, 1919 First                      .......................... Est 200.00+
        6448. Ú OA175, Position A, F ........ 50.00               Day cancel on reverse of OHMS / Commis-                 6514. Ö CL7, Jack V. Elliot Air Service tied
        6449. Ú OA175, DOUBLE PERFIN error.                       sion of Conservation, Ottawa cover from  6500. Û CL4a, Laurentide Air Service cpl  on Reg’d Rolling Portage to Red Lake 12 Apr
         Position F, VF .............. Est 175.00+                                             Booklet (re-stapled) with 4 panes. F-VF, NH,  1926 FFC. “VIA AIR WAY” label detached
                                                                  Toronto to Boothbay Harbour, Me via New  minor bends on outside cover & light pencil
                                                                  York. F, small edge tear. Scarce item......  marks. VERY SCARCE......... 4,500.00  from unofficial blue essay & used as an
                                                                  .......................... Est 600.00+                   airmail etiquette. F-VF........ Est 250.00+
                                                                 6484. Ö CLP5, Cach Estevan-Winnipeg  6501. Û CL5, Northern Air Service. F . 175.00  6515. Ö CL7, Jack V. Elliot Air Service on
                                                                  Flight 1 Oct 1924 cover addr to Winnipeg.  6502. Ö CL5, Northern Air Service on cach  cover with Red Lake 5 Apr 1926 CDS via
                                                                                                                           Rolling Portage 7 Apr to USA. F-VF, regular
                                                                  Has front & full back advertising for Estevan  FFC Rouyn to Haileybury 27 June 1925.  issue stamp removed ........ Est 125.00+
                                                                                              Has been PILOT SIGNED. F. . . Est 150.00+
                                                                  businesses. Pilot Signed by E.A. ALTON. F.  6503. Ö CL5, Northern Air Service tied on  6516. Û CL8, Elliot-Fairchild. VF...... 50.00
                                                                  .......................... Est 300.00+
                                                                 6485. Ö CLP5i, Estevan-Winnipeg Promotional  cach Haileybury to Rouyn 27 June 1925 FFC.  6517. Û CL8, CL8c, Cpl Elliot-Fairchild pane
                                                                  issue WIDE SPACING variety between “en”  Has been PILOT SIGNED. F. . . Est 150.00+  of 8 with swastika background, showing the
                                     6468. Ú OAC4, Position A, F-VF..... 525.00  of Saskatchewan tied on cach 1 Oct 1924  6504. Ö CL5, Northern Air Service tied on  “TALL r” variety at positions2&4. Fresh, VF,
                                                                  FFC. On reverse has overall advertisement  cach Rouyn to Haileybury 27 June 1925  NH ........................... 675.00
                                                                  for Estevan District Industry. F, stamp has  & RETURN flight covers. Both are PILOT  6518. ÕÛ CL8, Elliot-Fairchild Air Service
                                                                                                                           block (half sheet). All 5 major varieties are
         6450. Ú OA176, Position A having missing                 small corner crease.......... Est 350.00+  SIGNED. VF (2 covers). See photo above  present in the lines above & below “AIR
          pin in ‘S’ of OHMS. VF .......... 300.00+              6486. Û CLP6, Imperf gummed facsimile in  ....................... Est 300.00+  SERVICE”, as well as the CL8c TALL “r”
                                                                  black. VF, NH ............... Est 30.00+
        6451. Ú OA176, Position B, F-VF, SE . 225.00             6487. Ö (CLP6), ‘Lonpex 75’ souvenir sheet                variety. VF, LH ................. 220.00+
        6452. Ú OA193, Position B, VF ...... 180.00               with reproduction of the London to London               6519. ÕÛ CL8, CL8c, Block with the UL
                                                                  Airmail with ‘Lonpex 76’ h/s overprint tied on           stamp having the tall “r” variety. Fresh, VF,
                                                                  9 Dec 1968 London local cover. Has special               NH ........................... 330.00
                                                                  printed card about the flight inside. VF .....          6520. Û CL8c, Tall “r” variety. F-VF, LH ...
                                                                  ........................... Est 75.00+                   ............................... 70.00
                                                                                                                          6521. Û CL9, Elliot-Fairchilds Air Service Pane
                                                                  6488. Ö CLP7, Moose Jaw Flying Club                      of 8. The UL stamp has FILLED-IN WING
                                                                   on airmail cover from Moose Jaw to                      variety. F-VF, NH, missing LL & LR selvedge
                                     6469. Ú OAC5, Position A, VF ...... 600.00
                                                                   Winnipeg 17 Aug 1928. The Semi-Official                 corners, some separation.......... 570.00
                                     6470. Û O231-6, VF, NH........... 102.00  is affixed on reverse of an immaculate     6522. ÕÛ CL9, Elliot-Fairchilds block with
                                     6471. Û O241-5, VF, LH ........... 483.00  cover (uncancelled as many are). VF.       the UR stamp being INVERTED. F-VF, NH .
                                     6472. Û O245, F-VF, NH........... 240.00  A beautiful & desirable flight cover. See   .......................... Est 200.00+
                                                                   photo above ...........Est 3,000.00+                   6523. Ö CL9, Elliot-Fairchilds Air Service tied
                                                                                                                           on airmail cover to Roessler via Red Lake &
         6453. Ú OA194, Position A, VF...... 500.00              6489. Û CL2, Laurentide Air Service. VF, VLH              Rolling Portage 26 May 1926. The Company
                                                                  .............................. 160.00
        6454. Ú OA204, Position C, VF ...... 180.00                                                                        failed & the cover was carried by favour by
        6455. Ú OA210, Position A, VF, some stains                                                                         Patricia Airways (blue boxed 27 June 1926
         at top ......................... 300.00                                                                           handstamp). F-VF, slightly reduced .......
        6456. Ú OA211, Position A, VF ...... 140.00                                                                        .......................... Est 250.00+
        6457. Ú OA212, Position A, VF ...... 150.00                                                                       6524. Ö CL9, Elliot-Fairchilds Air Service tied
                                                                                                                           on airmail cover from Rouyn to Haileybury,
                                                                                                                           Ont, 3 days after the Post Office cancelled
                                                                                                                           their service due to their not being able to
                                                                                              6505. Û CL5a, Northern Air Service TETE  provide a regular service. F-VF, reduced ...
                                                                                               BECHE pair, fresh, F-VF, LH ...... 850.00  .......................... Est 175.00+
                                                                                             6506. Ö CL5b, Northern Air Service blue dot  6525. ÕÛ CL9, CL9c, Elliot-Fairchilds block
                                                                                              left of monogram variety tied on cach Rouyn  with the UL stamp having “FILLED IN WING”
                                     6473. ÕÛ O262, $1 Destroyer block. VF, NH                to Haileybury 27 June 1925 FFC. Pilot Signed  variety. VF, NH.................. 330.00
                                      ............................ 1,200.00                   by B.W. BROATCH. F-VF .... Est 200.00+  6526. Û CL9d, Cpl Elliot-Fairchild pane of 8
                                                                 6490. Û CL2a, Laurentide Air Service
                                     6474. Û O268-73, Also O285-6, VF, NH ....  COMPLETE BOOKLET with four panes.  6507. Ö CL5b, Northern Air Service with blue  with the upper right stamp inverted & Pos 1
                                      .............................. 357.00  Fresh, VF, NH. Has “2nd Issue” m/s  dot left of monogram VARIETY tied on re-  having the “FILLED-IN-WING” variety. VF, NH
                                     6475. Û O271, Position A. VF, NH .... 80.00  notation on the front cover. Scarce .....  verse of cach FFC flown on June 27, 1925  .............................. 525.00
                                     6476. Û OC1, OC6-9, OCE1-3, OE10-1, VF,                  from Haileybury to Rouyn. Has been SIGNED  6527. Û CL10, Elliot-Fairchild, VF, some DG
         6458. Ú OA215, Position A, F-VF .... 375.00  most NH ....................... 314.00  ............................ 3,000.00  by PILOT “B.W. Broatch”. VF . . Est 250.00+  ............................... 80.00
                                                                            LOT 6545
                           LOT 6510
                                                                                                               LOT 6558
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