Page 46 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 46

                                                       LOT 6564

                                     LOT 6561                                                                            LOT 6611

        CANADA SEMI-OFFICIAL AIRS Continued                                                  6595. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on cach  6618. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on Lac
                                                                                              Whitehorse to Atlin & return 13-5 Apr 1928  La Ronge to Ile a La Crosse 25 Dec 1929 &
        6528. Ö CL10, Elliot-Fairchild Air Transport                                          FFC’s. Both covers are PILOT SIGNED. VF  Christopher Lake to Lac La Ronge 11 Mar
         tied on cach PILOT SIGNED Rouyn to                                                   (2 covers) ................. Est 135.00+  1930 FFC’s. F-VF (2) ......... Est 50.00+
         Haileybury FFC 12 Aug 1926. F-VF .......                                            6596. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways cach Telegraph  6619. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on
         .......................... Est 200.00+                                               Creek to Atlin to Whitehorse 15 Dec 1928  Prince Albert to Ile a La Crosse FFC 25 Dec
        6529. Ö CL10, Elliot-Fairchild tied on cach                                           FFC. PILOT SIGNED. VF ..... Est 150.00+  1929. VF ................... Est 50.00+
         Haileybury to Rouyn 12 Aug 1926. PILOT                                              6597. Ö CL42, Tied on cach Yukon Airways  6620. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on
         SIGNED. VF ............... Est 200.00+                                               Whitehorse to Champagne Landing &  Montreal Lake to Ile a La Crosse FFC 25 Dec
        6530. Û CL11, Fairchild Air Transport vertical                                        RETURN 23 June 1929 FFC’s. VF (2 covers)  1929 (only 273 covers flown). VF Est 75.00+
         TETE BECHE PAIR. VF, a few separated                                                 .......................... Est 250.00+  6621. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on
         perfs .......................... 100.00                                             6598. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on cach  Lac La Ronge to Ile a La Crosse FFC 25 Dec
        6531. Ö CL11, Fairchild Air Transport                                                 Whitehorse to Atlin & RETURN 27-8 Oct  1929 (only 225 covers flown). VF Est 65.00+
         Haileybury to Rouyn & RETURN 20 Oct                                                  1929 FFC’s. These are the rare dates (AAMC  6622. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on Ile
         1926 FFC’s. Each cover is PILOT SIGNED.                                              #YA2931-CL42 & a, Cat $500). F-VF, one  A La Crosse to Montreal Lake FFC 25 Dec
         VF (2 covers)............... Est 175.00+  6550. Û CL15, Patricia Airways. VF, LH ....  with minor staining (2 covers) . . Est 350.00+  1929 (only 181 covers flown). VF Est 60.00+
        6532. Û CL11-2, Fairchild Air Transport. VF .  ............................. 275.00  6560. Û CL20b, Patricia Airways. Beautiful  6599. SSÛ CL43, Patricia Airways. VF, NH .  6623. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airlines tied on Isle
         ............................... 95.00                    centering. VF, VLH ............ 1,250.00  ............................... 60.00  a la Crosse to Prince Albert 4 Feb 1930 FFC.
        6533. Û CL11a, Vertical TETE BECHE PAIR.                                             6600. ÕÛ CL43, Patricia Airways Block. VF,  VF ........................ Est 45.00+
         Fresh, VF, NH .................. 150.00                  6561. Ö CL21bi, VF Patricia Airways  NH ........................... 240.00  6624. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on Ile a
        6534. Û CL12, Fairchild Air Transport cpl pane             neatly tied on FFC from Red Lake to  6601. Û CL43, Corner single, XF, NH. . 60.00  La Crosse to Prince Albert 4 Feb 1930 FFC.
         of 10 showing normal & inverted stamps.                   Sioux Lookout 1 July, 1927. AN EX-  6602. SSÛ CL43, Patricia Airways Plate #5  Also has Port Menier, Que 28 Dec 1929 du-
         Fresh, lovely centering, VF, NH, one trivial              TREMELY RARE COVER WITH ONLY  Pane of 8. VF, NH, crease, slight separation  plex cancel. Addr to Roessler. VFEst 40.00+
         DG spot. Scarce................. 850.00                   ABOUT 5 COVERS CARRIED ON   .............................. 562.00  6625. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on
        6535. Û CL12a, Fairchild & Transport Ltd.                  THIS FLIGHT OF WHICH 2-3 WERE  6603. SSÛ CL43, Patricia Airways cpl Plate #9  Prince Albert to Christopher Lake FFC 10
         TETE BECHE PAIR. VF, couple short perfs                   FRANKED WITH THIS HORIZ OVER-  sheet of 8. VF, LH ............... 375.00  Mar 1930. VF................ Est 45.00+
         .............................. 110.00                     PRINT. VF. Cat $4,500. See photo above  6604. Ö CL43, Tied on cach Patricia Airways
                                                                    ..................... Est 3,000.00+                   6626. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline Christopher
                                                                                              Jackson Manion to Sioux Lookout 9 Mar 1928  Lake to Lac La Ronge 10 Mar 1930 FFC. VF
                                                                 6562. Û CL24, Patricia Airways, VF . . 120.00  FFC (Only 101 pieces flown). VF Est 175.00+  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                                                 6563. Û CL25c, CL30f, Patricia Airways. VF,  6605. Ö CL43, Patricia Airways tied on cach  6627. Ö CL46 (4), Cherry Red Airline issues
                                                                  LH............................ 100.00  Sioux Lookout to Jackson Manion 9 Mar 1928  tied on 4 diff Prince Albert via Christopher
                                     6551. Û CL15c, Patricia Airways, F-VF, OG  6564. Ö CL25c, Tied on Sioux Lookout to  FFC (Only 93 pieces flown). VF Est 175.00+  Lake to Lac La Ronge 10-12 Mar 1930 FFC’s
                                       ............................. 750.00  Red Lake 1 July 1927 FFC (AAMC lists  6606. Ö CL43, Patricia Airways tied on cach  (2 Prince Albert to Christopher Lake with
                                     6552. Û CL18, Patricia Airways UL Plate single.  only CL21 usage on this flight - only 5 of  Sioux Lookout to Red Lake 9 Mar 1928 FFC  diff Prince Albert cancels). All have attractive
                                                                                              (Only 97 pieces flown). VF .... Est 175.00+
                                      VF............................ 200.00  these covers flown). Scarce unlisted item.  6607. Ö CL44, British Columbia Airways tied  company red Airplane illustrated corner
                                     6553. Ö CL18, Patricia Airways tied on cach  VF. See photo above ......Est 750.00+  on cach Victoria to Vancouver 3 Aug 1928  cards. F-VF. AAMC #’s CL46 - 3001(2),
                                                                                                                           CL46 - 3001a-b ............. Est 250.00+
                                      Sioux Lookout to Woman Lake 2 Aug FFC. VF  6565. Ö CL25e, Third ‘O’ in ‘LOOKOUT’  FFC. VF, couple minor stains . . Est 125.00+  6628. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on FFC
                                      .......................... Est 250.00+  malformed, tied on FFC Red Lake to Sioux  6608. Û CL45, Klondike Airways. F, NH ....
                                     6554. Ö CL18, Patricia Airways tied on FFC                                            Lac La Ronge to Christopher Lake 11 Mr,
         6536. ÕÛ CL12a, CL12c, Fairchild Air  Woman Lake to Sioux Lookout 2 Aug, 1926.  Lookout 9 Mar 1928. F. Scarce. Est 400.00+  .............................. 135.00  1930. Has nice illustrated corner card. VF ..
          Transport Block containing 2 tete beche  VF ....................... Est 250.00+  6566. Ö CL26, Patricia Airways neatly  6609. Û CL45, Klondike Airways. VF, LH ...  ........................... Est 50.00+
          horizontal pairs: one with INVERTED stamp  6555. Ö CL18, Patricia Airways tied on cach  cancelled with Sioux Lookout Ont 29 Mar  ............................... 90.00  6629. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on
          on right; one with INVERTED stamp on left.  FFC Sioux Lookout to Birch Lake 2 Aug 1926.  1928 CDS on cover with 2¢ green Admiral tied  6610. Û CL45, Klondike Airways dark blue  Christopher Lake to Prince Albert 12 Mar
          Scarce item. VF, NH ........... 1,290.00  VF ....................... Est 275.00+  by Red Lake Mr 1928 to USA. VF Est 200.00+  shade vertical strip of 4. VF, centre stamps  1930. VF ................... Est 40.00+
                                                                                              NH ........................... 450.00
        6537. Û CL13, Patricia Airways. VF, NH ....  6556. Ö CL18e, Rare Patricia Airways printed  6567. Ö CL26e, Patricia Airways tied on Sioux  6630. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on
                                                                  Lookout 10 Mar 1928 flight cover to Woman
                                                                                                                           Waskesiu Lake to Prince Albert 29 Aug 1930
         .............................. 105.00  “FED” in GREEN INK, tied on #10 Patricia  Lake via Jackson Manion. F . . . Est 225.00+  6611. Ö CL45, KLONDIKE Airways along  FFC. VF.................... Est 40.00+
        6539. Ö CL13, Tied by Sioux Lookout to  Airways full back illustrated advertising cover  6568. Ö CL27, Patricia Airways tied on cach  with blue 25¢ MCGREELY EXPRESS  6631. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on
         Pine Ridge & RETURN 7 July 1926 FFC’s.  showing Co. Air Routes, intended for 2 Aug  FFC Red Lake to Sioux Lookout 13 Sp 1927.  Dog Team label tied by Whitehorse 17
         (Only 125-140 of each flown). VF (2 covers)  1926 First Flight (no cancels). Addr to “His  VF, slight scuff on CL27 ...... Est 300.00+  De, 1928 CDS’s on Roessler cover addr  Prince Albert (inverted indicia) to Waskesiu
         .......................... Est 150.00+  Majesty / King George V / Buckingham Palace”  6569. Ö CL29, Patricia Airways LL Plate 4  to New Jersey. VF (AAMC #KL2804-  Lake; plus return flight FFC’s 29 Aug 1930
                                                                                                                           (only 296 pieces each flown). VF (AAMC #’s
        6540. Ö CL13, Patricia Airways tied on FFC  (undelivered). Matching illustrated company  copy with Type D overprint descending tied  CL45). ONLY 3 COVERS KNOWN. VF.  CL46 - 3002, CL46 - 3002a) . . . Est 125.00+
         Red Lake to Sioux Lookout 7 July 1926. F,  enclosure addressing the King, SIGNED by Co.  by Red Lake 3 Feb 1928 split-ring cancel on  See photo above .........Est 750.00+  6632. Ö CL46 (Pair), Tied on Prince Albert
         rib toning on cover........... Est 100.00+  President F.E. Davison. Enclosure from Under-  Airmail cover from Sioux Lookout, Ont to Red  to Pelican Narrows FFC 11 Apr 1931 FFC.
        6541. Ö CL13, Patricia Airways tied on cach  Secretary of State for External Affairs acknowl-  Lake, Ont. F-VF, corner bend . . Est 250.00+  Has rubber stamped signature of PILOT &
         Red Lake to Sioux Lookout 7 July 1926 FFC  edging receipt of cover. F, some cover toning  6570. ÕÛ CL40, Western Canada Airways  POSTMASTER (only 309 covers flown).
         addr to Roessler. VF ......... Est 100.00+  & edge flaw not affecting stamp. A must for the  Block of 8. Fresh, F-VF, NH........ 105.00  VF ....................... Est 100.00+
        6542. Ö CL13, Patricia Airways tied on cach  Semi-Official Airmail collector . Est 2,000.00+  6571. ÕÛ CL40, Western Canada Airways  6633. Ö CL46 (vert Pair), Cherry Red Airline
         FFC Sioux Lookout to Red Lake 7 July 1926.  6557. Ö CL19, Patricia Airways tied on com-  bottom margin Imprint block of 6. F-VF, NH,  Pelican Narrows to Prince Albert FFC 11
         VF ....................... Est 100.00+  mercial cover from Rouyn PQ 14 June 1927  tiny spot of DG.............. Est 100.00+  Apr 1931. Has PILOT SIGNED h/s. VF ....
        6543. Ö CL13, Patricia Airways tied on cach  addr to Toronto (rec b/s). F, central vertical  6572. Ö CL40, Western Canada Airways,  .......................... Est 100.00+
         Toronto to Red Lake 18 Dec 1926 flight cover.  crease in cover affecting the stamp. Cat $900  Tied on cach Fort McMurray to Aklavik FFC  6634. ÕÛ CL46a, Cherry Red Airline block
         VF ....................... Est 100.00+  .......................... Est 300.00+  July 1929. F, vert fold not affecting the stamp  with the LR stamp having the SERIF ON
        6544. Ú CL13-4, CL43, Patricia Airways. VF .  6558. Ö CL19, Patricia Airways tied by  ........................... Est 40.00+  CROSSBAR OF A. F-VF, 3 stamps are NH
         .......................... Est 150.00+  Rouyn 23 May 1927 pmk on cover addr  6573. Ö CL40, Western Canada Airways tied  .............................. 79.00+
         6545. Ö CL13b, Patricia Airways SMALL ‘t’  to Toronto, Routing or usage is uncertain.  on cach Arctic Red River, NWT to Wrigley,  6612. Ö CL45, KLONDIKE Airways tied by  6635. Ö CL46a, Cherry Red Airline Serif on
          in ‘TO’ variety tied on cach Sioux Lookout  F-VF. See photo on Page 100 Est 600.00+  NWT. F-VF ................. Est 50.00+  Dawson, Yukon 31 Dec 1928 CDS on air-  Crossbar of “A” in “Air” variety on Prince Al-
          to Red Lake FFC, 7 July 1926. F-VF. See                6574. Ö CL40, Western Canada Airways  mail cover to Roessler, East Orange, NJ.  bert to Montreal Lake 13 Aug 1929 FFC. F-VF
          photo on Page 100........Est 600.00+                    tied on cach Rolling Portage to Red Lake  VF. Scarce ................ Est 400.00+  ........................... Est 60.00+
                                                                  10 May 1927 FFC. PILOT SIGNED. F-VF ..                  6636. Ö CL46a, Serif on Crossbar variety tied
        6546. Ö CL13c, Patricia Airways, ROUTE                    ........................... Est 65.00+                   on FFC Lac La Ronge Sask to Montreal Lake
         INSCRIPTION IN BLUE-BLACK variety,                      6575. Ö CL40, Western Canada Airways cach                 25 Dec, 1929. F, minor edge stain Est 50.00+
         tied by cachet & CDS on Sioux Lookout to                 The Pas to Cold Lake & RETURN FFC’s 23                  6637. Ö CL46a, Cherry Red Airline Serif on
         Red Lake FFC, 7 July 1926. Scarce, F+....                Dec 1927. VF (2 covers) ....... Est 80.00+               crossbar of “A” in “AIR” variety tied on Lac La
         .......................... Est 400.00+                  6576. Ö CL40, Western Canada Airways tied                 Ronge to Ile a La Crosse 25 Dec 1929 FFC.
        6547. SSÛ CL13c & d, Patricia Airways cpl                 on double cach The Pas to Gold Lake 23 Dec               F-VF....................... Est 65.00+
         pane of 8 with Plate #1 with BLUE-BLACK                  1927 FFC addr to Roessler (only 231 pieces              6638. Ö CL46a, Cherry Red Airline Serif on
         ROUTE INSCRIPTIONS. Position 8 has the                   flown), additionally franked by USA #C10, etc.           Crossbar of ‘A’ variety tied on Ile a La Crosse
         SMALL “t” IN “TO” variety. VG, OG, light DG              VF ....................... Est 125.00+                   to Prince Albert FFC 4 Feb 1930. F-VF ....
          ............................ 2,550.00                  6577. Ö CL40, Tied on cach FFC Sioux                      ........................... Est 75.00+
        6548. Ö CL13d, Patricia Airways tied on cach              Lookout to Pickle Lake 31 Dec 1928. F,                  6639. Ö CL46a, Cherry Red Airline Serif on
         FFC Red Lake to Sioux Lookout 7 July 1926.               centre fold .................. Est 50.00+                crossbar of “A” in “AIR” variety tied on Christo-
         Has route inscription in blue-black with small  6559. Û CL20, Patricia Airways, perfectly  6578. Ö CL40, Western Canada Airways tied  pher Lake to Prince Albert 12 Mar 1930 FFC.
         “T” in “TO”. VF.............. Est 600.00+  centered, fresh rich colour, VF, VLH. Very  on cach Prince Albert to Lac la Ronge FFC,  VF (AAMC #CL46 - 3001c) ..... Est 65.00+
        6549. Û CL14, Patricia Airways. VF . . 150.00  scarce with only 200 printed ..... 1,250.00  21 June 1929 (Only 313 pieces flown). F-VF  6640. Ö CL46a, CL46i(3), Cherry Red Airline
                                                                  ........................... Est 75.00+                   cpl set of Prince Albert via Christopher Lake
                                                                 6579. Ö CL40, Western Canada Airways tied                 to Lac La Ronge 10-12 Mar 1930 FFC’s. One
                                                                  by Goldpines, Ont 15 May 1931 company                    cover has Serif on crossbar of “A” of “AIR”
                                                                  cachet on Airmail cover to USA via Sioux                 variety; other 3 have “Snow on Wings” variety.
                                                                  Lookout. #C2 also tied by 16 May CDS. F,                 All addr to W.R. Patton (AAMC #’s CL46 -
                                                                  vert fold .................... Est 50.00+                3001, CL46 - 3001a-c). F-VF . . Est 250.00+
                                                                 6580. ÕÛ CL40, CL40a, Western Canada                     6641. Ö CL46a, CL46i, Cherry Red Airline
                                                                  Airways Blocks, 2 distinct shades. F, bottom             Serif on crossbar of “A” in “AIR” variety &
                                                                  stamps NH. CL40a has “ONE OZ. TEN                        “Snow on Wings” variety tied on Prince Albert
                                                                  CENTS” imprint in selvedge......... 80.00                to Montreal Lake ROUND-TRIP 13-5 Aug
                                                                 6581. Ö CL40h (3), Western Canada Airways -               1929 FFC. VF, CL46i has flt (AAMC #CL46 -
                                                                  PLANE’S SKIS TOUCH SUN varieties tied                    2904b). Scarce .............. Est 85.00+
                                                                  on cach Gold Pines to Favourable Lake 4                 6642. Ö CL46i, Cherry Red Airline “Snow on
                                                                  June 1928 FFC addr to Hawkesbury, Ont.                   Wings” variety tied on Prince Albert to Mon-
                                                                  Also franked by #140. F-VF.... Est 200.00+               treal Lake 13 Aug 1929 FFC (only 204 pieces
                                                                 6582. ÕÛ CL41, Block. F-VF, slight DG64.00                flown). VF (AAMC #CL46-2904) . Est 75.00+
                                                                 6583. ÕÛ CL41, Western Canada Airways                    6643. Ö CL46i, Cherry Red Airline “Snow
                                                                  Block. F-VF, bottom stamps NH...... 80.00                on Wings” variety tied on Ile a La Crosse to
                                                                 6584. ÕÛ CL41, LL corner block with “ONE                  Prince Albert 4 Feb 1930 FFC. VF (AAMC
                                                                  OZ. TEN CENTS” imprint in the selvedge.                  #CL46 - 3000) ............... Est 65.00+
                                                                  Fresh, VF, NH ................. 192.00+                 6644. Ö CL46i, Cherry Red Airline SNOW ON
                                                                 6585. Û CL42, VF, NH ............. 67.00                  WINGS variety tied on Christopher Lake to
                                                                 6586. Û CL42, Yukon Airways REVERSE DIE                   Lac La Ronge FFC 11 Mar 1930 (only 635
                                                                  PROOF in black on thick card. VF. . . 450.00             covers flown). VF............. Est 75.00+
                                                                 6587. SSÛ CL42, Yukon Airways complete set               6645. Ö CL46a, Serif on Crossbar variety tied
                                                                  of 4 diff reprint rouletted sheets of 10, in bright      on FFC Waskesiu Lake Sask to Prince Albert
                                                                  colours, VF, NH (40 stamps) ....... 250.00               29 Aug, 1930. VF............. Est 60.00+
                                                                 6588. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on 2                    6646. Ö CL46i (Pair), Cherry Red Airline
                                                                  diff FFC’s 13 Ap 1928: Atlin to Carcross &  6613. Û CL45a, Klondike Airways pane  “Snow on Wings” variety tied on Prince Albert
                                                                  Carcross to Whitehorse. F-VF (2) Est 100.00+  of 4 with the bottom stamp having the  to Pelican Narrows 11 Apr 1931 FFC. Has
                                                                 6589. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways cach White-  “MALFORMED STRUT” variety. VF, NH ..  Pilot & Postal Authority rubber signature h/s’s
                                                                  horse to Carcross & RETURN FFC’S 13-5  ............................. 750.00  (only 314 pieces flown). VF.... Est 100.00+
                                                                  Apr 1928. One cover is PILOT SIGNED. VF  6614. ÕÛ CL46, CL46a, Cherry Red Airline  6647. Ö CL46i (Pair), Cherry Red Airline pair
                                                                  (2 covers) ................. Est 125.00+  top part sheet of 25. Has 2 Serif on Crossbar  with SNOW ON WINGS variety tied on Peli-
                                                                 6590. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways cach Atlin to  of “A” in “AIR” varieties. VF, 2 stamps hinged.  can Narrows to Prince Albert FFC 11 Apr
                                                                  Carcross & return 13 Apr 1928 FFC’s. Both  Nice showpiece!................. 387.00  1931. Has PILOT & POSTAL AUTHORITY
                                                                  PILOT SIGNED. VF (2 covers) . Est 135.00+  6615. Ö CL46, CL46i, Cherry Red Airline dou-  RUBBER STAMPED SIGNATURES (only
                                                                 6591. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on cach  ble franking incl SNOW ON WINGS variety  314 covers flown). VF ........ Est 100.00+
                                                                  FFC Atlin to Whitehorse 13 Ap 1928. VF ...  tied on Ile a La Crosse to Prince Albert FFC  6648. Ö CL46i, CL46ii, Cherry Red Airline vert
                                                                  ........................... Est 65.00+  4 Feb 1930. Interesting double rated cover.  pair, both stamps with SNOW ON WINGS
                                                                 6592. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on White-  VF ....................... Est 100.00+  variety (bottom stamp also has SERIF on
                                                                  horse to Atlin 13 Apr 1928 FFC. VF .......  6616. Ö CL46, CL46i, Two copies incl regular  CROSSBAR of ‘A’ in ‘Air’ variety) tied on
                                                                  ........................... Est 65.00+  & SNOW ON WINGS variety tied on Prince  Pelican Narrows to Prince Albert 11 Apr 1931
                                                                 6593. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on White  Albert/Lac La Ronge ROUND TRIP FLIGHT  FFC. Have rubber stamped signatures of
                                                                  Horse to Carcross 13 Apr 1928 FFC. VF ...  cover 10 Aug 1929. UNLISTED. VF .......  PILOT & POSTMASTER (only 314 covers
                                                                  ........................... Est 65.00+  .......................... Est 175.00+  flown). F-VF. Very interesting item ........
                                                                 6594. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on cach  6617. Ö CL46, Cherry Red Airline tied on  .......................... Est 125.00+
         6538. SSÛ CL13, Patricia Airways TRIAL COLOUR PROOF PANE of 8 stamps ON GUMMED  FFC Whitehorse to Atlin 13 Ap 1928. Has  Montreal Lake to Prince Albert FFC 15 Aug  6649. Û CL46ii, Serif on Crossbar & Snow on
          CANARY PAPER, with Plate #1 Imprint. VF, NH, very minor DG in margin only ...... 6,000.00
                                                                  been PILOT SIGNED. VF ...... Est 75.00+  1929 (only 179 covers flown). VF Est 70.00+  Wings variety. VF, NH ............. 93.00
   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51