Page 48 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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                                     6683. Ú 302, Wholesale lot of 30 used $1 Fish.
        6650. Ö CL46ii, Cherry Red Airline SNOW  F-VF. This has always been a sought after    6710. Û 135/320, Two black stockcards full  IN 14 BINDERS:
         ON WINGS variety tied on Lac La Ronge to  stamp...................... Cat 450.00      with a solid coll of KGV-KGVI issues plus  6720. Ú Extensive dealer’s stock of used
         Christopher Lake FFC 11 Mar 1930 (only 635  CANADA INDIAN HEAD ESSAY:                 extras. Has Historical & Confederation; vari-  USA on 3-ring stockcards, from 19th Cen-
         covers flown). F-VF ........... Est 75.00+  6684. Û Imperforate 4¢ INDIAN HEAD ESSAY  ous KGV Scroll; Arch up to $1 Cavell; Me-  tury up to about 2015. Much is arranged in
        6651. Û CL47, Commercial Airways. F-VF, LH  of an unadopted design from the 1950’s. VF,  dallion set; 20¢ Grain; 10¢ Loyalist; 1935  Scott order. Has a wide array of commems,
         .............................. 160.00                                                 Silver Jubilee set; 1938 Pictorials to $1 Cha-  pictorials, defins, Xmas, coils, etc. Useful
        6652. Ö CL47, BROKEN “C” in “CIAL” variety  NH ....................... Est 150.00+     teau: cpl War set to $1 Destroyer; $1 Fish;  duplication throughout that will supply a
         tied on cach FFC Grande Prairie to Edmonton  PRIME MINISTER JOHN DIEFENBAKER:         etc. Also has useful coils with some in pairs.  dealer with stamps for years to come.
         21 May, 1929. F............. Est 200.00+  6685. Ú Christmas Card Dec 1962 from        F-VF, some NH. We estimate Cat between  VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) ....... Est 750.00+
        6653. Ö CL47, Commercial Airways tied on  Prime Minister JOHN DIEFENBAKER with         $2,500 - $3,000 (Over 150) . . . Est 600.00+
         cach Edmonton to Grande Prairie 21 May  a coloured photo of him & his wife. F ......  CANADA VARIETIES & ERRORS:  THREE CARTONS WEIGHING 90 POUNDS
         1929. Signed by famous pilot Wop May (photo  ........................... Est 40.00+  NEWFOUNDLAND COLLECTION 1861-1947:  6711. ÚÛ 192i/BK343, BOB, Fascinating coll  FULL OF UNITED STATES USED
         of him is also enclosed). F-VF. . Est 200.00+  CANADA 1978 PRINTER’S SHEETS:  6698. ÚÛ 21/270, BOB, Attractive coll neatly  of listed & unlisted varieties & errors on 2  WITH 100,000’s OF STAMPS:
        6654. Û CL48, CL48d, CL49-50, CL50a, F-VF  6686. Û Cpl set of 3 diff CAPEX 1978  arranged on pages. Some highlights are  stockcards, from 1932 up to 2006. Has dra-  6721. Ú Three large cartons full with a mas-
         .............................. 292.00  EXHIBITION CARDS from the diff Printers.  mint 41-7 ($235), 65-74 ($345), 89-92A ($51),  matic misperfs, tagging errors incl untagged;  sive wholesale used accum in bundles.
        6655. Ö CL48, Tied on cach FFC Peace River  VF ......................... Cat 50.00  115-26 ($287), 233-43 ($43), etc. Majority  printing errors; print smear; KGV Broken E;  The bundles are in plastic bags but not in
         to Edmonton 12 Feb 1931. Addr to NS. VF .  CANADA POSTAL STRIKE LOCALS:  VG-VF. Cat $2,150 (157)..... Est 700.00+  O47i in block of 9 ($101); etc. Incl some in  any order. Primarily 1950’s-90’s era with a
         ........................... Est 50.00+  6687. Û Complete mint sheet of 32 POST       pairs, blocks & multiples. Primarily all mint.  high percentage being large size commems.
        6656. Ö CL48, Commercial Airways tied on  PAR 30¢ Local stamps, from Montreal  WAR OF 1812 TOPICAL COLLECTION:  F-VF, most NH (35 items) ..... Est 400.00+  Tremendous variety of issues here that was
         cach Athabasca to Edmonton 23 Feb 1931  1988, black on orange issue. VF, NH ......  6699. ÚÛ Fascinating topical coll relating to  acquired over many years by the previous
         FFC. VF.................... Est 50.00+  ..................... Lafreniere 160.00  the War of 1812 neatly displayed on pages.  owner. A great lot for a dealer, packet
        6657. Ö CL48, Commercial Airways tied on  AMERICAN EXPRESS LABEL  Has related stamps & modern special event        maker or variety hunter. There is an
         cach Fort McMurray to Athabaska & RETURN  FROM LONDON ONTARIO:  covers from Canada & USA; plus some               enormous quantity of stamps here with
         FFC’s 23-4 Feb 1931. VF (2 covers).......  6688. Ö American Express London C.W. la-  printed articles, etc. F-VF (34 stamps, 64  huge catalogue value! VG-VF (100,000’s) .
         .......................... Est 100.00+  bel in red used on cover addr to Buffalo N.Y.  covers)..................... Est 65.00+  ......................... Est 900.00+
        6658. Ö CL48, Commercial Airways tied on  Has “$52.50" & ”per Express" m/s notations.  UNITED STATES WWI MILITARY:
         cach Athabaska to Fort McMurray FFC 24  VG+, envelope is faulty (piece missing at  6700. Ö Accum of 40 military mail covers /  CANADA MYSTERY LOT:
         Feb 1931. VF................ Est 50.00+  bottom) but a very scarce early American  postcards, mostly mail from Europe. Has a  6722. ÚÛ Large shoebox containing many
        6659. Ö CL48, Commercial Airways tied on  Express Company label used in Canada ..  variety of postmarks / markings. Also 12  100’s of mint & used stamps, early to modern.
         1931 “PINE to PALM” Flight cover Aklavik  ......................... Est 500.00+  letters. Mixed condition ........ Est 70.00+  Has stamps in glassines & stockbooks, on
         NWT to Miami. F ............. Est 60.00+                CANADA PRAIRIE SERVICE                                    pages & stockcards, etc. We saw stockbook
        6660. Ö CL48, Commercial Airways tied on  CANADA $1.29 TURTLES STAMP:  INAUGURATION FFC’S:                         with mint QV to early QE, nice range of BOB
         1931 “PINE to PALM” Flight cover Aklavik  6689. Ú Turtles Chocolates unlisted $1.29  6701. Ö C1, Cpl set of 38 diff Inauguration of  CANADA KE-KGVI COLLECTION:  incl Official Perfins, booklets & panes, etc.
         NWT to Miami. F ............. Est 60.00+  stamp affixed on a mini box. In a little known  Regular Prairie Service FFC’s 3 Mar 1930.  6712. ÚÛ 89/319, BOB, Primarily used coll  We noted used 46 ($100), 99 ($67); plus
        6661. SSÛ CL48a, Commercial Airways  promotion, Canada Post issued a $1.29 stamp  Has diff flights from Manitoba, Sask & Alberta.  neatly arranged on pages, from 1903-52.  mint 118 ($60), etc. Majority VG-VF .......
         cpl deep black / thin paper variety Pane of  to mail a mini box of Turtles as a Christmas  F-VF...................... Est 125.00+  Some highlights are 89-95 & 90A ($217),  .......................... Est 275.00+
         20 with BREAK IN OVAL variety at UL. VF,  present in Dec 2012. The only way to acquire  123 ($70), 149-61 ($250), 163-83 ($111);  UNITED STATES
         some reinforcement ............. 200.00+  the stamp was with the box of Turtles. F....  plus mint 136-7 (Pairs - $200), 138 (Block -  FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION:
        6662. Û CL48c, Imperf single with large mar-  ........................... Est 35.00+   $150), 203 ($60), etc. Majority F-VF. Cat  6723. Ö Carton with a wide-ranging coll of
         gins, VF, NH (Cat $375 as a pair) Est 100.00+  CANADA INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY:          $1,730 (265)............... Est 450.00+  cach FDC’s in specialty albums with descrip-
                                     6690. Ú INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY 1880’s                    WESTERN CANADA POSTCARDS:     tive pages, from 1964-93. Majority are in 4
                                      illustrated Waybill for T.R. Jones & Co. for           6713. Ö Interesting coll of 16 diff mainly used  Postal Commemorative Society Albums; plus
                                      a shipment from St. John, NB to Moncton.                pre 1920 postcards. These depict COWBOYS  1976 Flag issue in specialty album. Beautiful
                                      Depicts vintage locomotive & ferry (with                at work & rodeos. Also “Shooting up the  cachets, tremendous range of topics. VF,
                                      American flag) at a wharf. F, slightly reduced          Town”; “Pursuit of a Horse Thief”; Oxen  most addr (Approx 500)....... Est 250.00+
                                      ........................... Est 75.00+                  pulling buggy; Stoney Indians at Calgary; etc.
                                     CANADA INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY:                            VG-VF .................... Est 110.00+
                                     6691. Ú INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Waybill
                                      for G.S. Fischer & Co. dated 28 Oct 1885 for
                                      shipment from St John, NB to Moncton, NB.
                                      VF ........................ Est 50.00+
                                                                                                                             CANADA 1¢ WAR ISSUE “VICTORY
                                                                                                                           BOND” PATRIOTIC CACHETED COVERS:
                                                                                                 CANADA CHERRY RED AIRLINE  6724. Ö 249, Specialized coll of 1¢ KGVI
                                                                   CANADA MINT COLLECTION QV-KGVI:   FLIGHT COVERS:        War Issue covers all with patriotic “BUY
                                                                 6702. Û 51/324, Double-sided stockcard with  6714. Ö CL46 (2), CL46i (2), Four diff Cherry  VICTORY BOND” cachets. Seems to be all
                                                                  a clean coll of older issues with extras of a  Red Airline semi-official airmail FFC’s from  diff in someway by cachet type, slogan can-
                                                                  few. Highlights incl 149-55, 160-1, 199-204,  Dec 1929 to Mar 1930 incl one with cachet,  cel, town, date, etc. This lot was collected
                                                                  218-27, 242-5, 249-62, 268-73, 302 (3), etc.  one with Red Airplane illustrated corner card  over many years by Ken Lemke. F-VF (72).
         6663. Û CL48c, IMPERFORATE PAIR, large                   F-VF. Cat $1,700 (140) ...... Est 375.00+  & two with Snow on Wings variety. F-VF...  ......................... Est 450.00+
          margins, pristine fresh, VF, NH . . . 375.00+                                        ......................... Est 150.00+
                                                                 CANADA ACCUMULATION INCL BETTER:
        6664. Û CL48d, Commercial Airways BREAK                  6703. ÚÛ Duplicated accum of Canadian on  USA COLLECTION 1893-1936:  CANADA QV-KGVI MINT STOCK:
         IN OVAL variety. VF, NH ........... 75.00                black stockcards from 19th Century up to  6715. ÚÛ 230/784, Attractive period coll  6725. Û 34/278, BOB, Extensive mint stock
        6665. Ö CL48d, Commercial Airways BREAK                   1980’s. Primarily used with commems, defins,  neatly arranged on pages, from 1893 up to  of older mint Canada, identified in ‘102’
         in OVAL variety tied on cach Edmonton to  CANADA INDIAN HEAD ESSAY:  coils, blocks. If you look carefully there is lots  1936. Some highlights are used 238 ($80),  cards. Many diff with useful duplication
         Athabaska FFC 24 Feb 1931. VF Est 100.00+                of hidden value here incl mint 8¢ QV Numeral             from 1-5+ of each. Some highlights are 79
                                     6692. ÕÛ Margin block of the imperforate                  240 ($200), 276 ($95), 298-9 ($80), 311
                                      4¢ INDIAN HEAD ESSAY. This was an  ($200), #143 (NH block - $96), 2¢ Admiral  ($90); plus mint 223 ($60), 551-8 & 560-6  ($225), 102 ($102), 209 (5 - $175), 211-6
                                                                                                                           (6 - $210), nice range of Admirals, etc.
                                      unadopted design from the 1950’s. VF, NH.  imperf between block ($80), 50¢ Oil (4 - $40);  ($168), etc. Majority VG-VF. 2025 Scott  Most VG-VF, some NH. Cat $8,875 (Approx
                                      Scarce ................... Est 400.00+  used 10-20¢ QV Numeral ($80), cpl Quebec  $3,124 (419 stamps, 5 SS’s) . . Est 800.00+
                                                                  set ($530), $1 Parliament (3 - $180); & more.            500).................... Est 1,500.00+
                                     HOCKEY PROGRAM 1950:         Mostly VG-VF (100’s) ........ Est 350.00+  CANADA MINT NH WAR SET:
                                     6693. Ú World Championship 1950 Hockey  BR. COLUMBIA $10 LAW SHEET:  6717. Û 249-62, Cpl set up to $1 Destroyer.  UNICEF TEN-VOLUME COLLECTION:
                                      program from England for a game between  6704. Û BCL57, Cpl Br. Columbia $10 Law  Fresh, VF, NH ............... Cat 260.00  6726. Ö Ten specialty albums containing a
                                      Canada (the Edmonton Mercuries) & Streat-  Stamp sheet of 25. Position #16 shows the  CANADA BOY SCOUTS 1955 JAMBOREE:  beautiful coll of United Nations “Flag” series
                                      ham. The Edmonton team won the champion-  FLAW ABOVE “C” of “COLUMBIA” variety  6718. ÚÛ 356, Specialty coll commemorating  FDC’s from the 1980’s, all with multi-coloured
                                      ship. In 1952 they were Gold Medal winners  (#BCL57a). Fresh, VF, NH. A great revenue  the 8th WORLD SCOUT JAMBOREE at Niag-  cachets. The covers are neatly displayed on
                                      at the Oslo Olympics & were the last team to  showpiece. Cat $1,625 ....... Est 375.00+  ara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Aug 1955. Com-  printed pages with detailed write-ups & beauti-
                                      win gold for Canada until the pros in 2002. F.          prised of mint & used #356 incl Plate Blocks  ful illustrations from each country. Also has
                                      Nice Hockey collectable ....... Est 80.00+              & covers. Incl over 30 FDC’s with private  mint panes. A pleasure to look at! VF. High
                                                                                              cachets. Cachet makers incl Cdn Bank Note  original cost (39 diff mint panes, 162 diff
                                                                                                                           FDC’s) .................... Est 175.00+
                                                                                              Co., C. George B, Caneco, Lautenslager,
         6666. Û CL48Pi, Imperf Trial Colour Proof  The Caboose                               JCR, Schering, etc. Also 2 cach FDC’s with  MINT CANADA FACE $800:
          in GREEN, with BREAK IN OVAL variety.                                               “7-up” soda pop endorsement on flaps; Bank  6727. Û Box full of Canadian mints from the
          XF. Has airmail expert Kessler b/s . . 350.00  1. CANADA,                           of Nova Scotia folder with mint stamp; stamp  1950’s-80’s, all sorted in glassines by denomi-
        6667. Ú CL49, Used Commercial Airways. VF,                                            tied on Jamboree Lunch Menu held in honour  nation with values up to 17¢. Wide variety
                                                                                                                           of commems, defins & Xmas with singles,
                                                                                              of Governor General Vincent Massey; etc.
         facial thin. Cat $175........... Est 50.00+  PROVINCES AND                           Most VF (31 stamps, 39 covers) Est 175.00+  blocks, Plate Blocks, se-tenants, etc. F-VF,
        6668. Ö CL49, Tied on cach Edmonton to Fort                                                                        NH....................... Face 800.00
         McMurray 23 July 1930 FFC. VF Est 225.00+  UNITED STATES:                                                        UNITED STATES WHOLESALE LOT:
        6669. SSÛ CL50, Commercial Airways Pane                                                                           6728. Ú Shoebox with a wholesale used
         of 10. VF, NH, couple slight natural gum  NEWFOUNDLAND COLLECTION:                                                accum from the 1960’s-2000’s. All semi-
         bends ........................ 250.00  6694. ÚÛ 24/270, BOB, Interesting coll neatly
        6670. Ö CL50, Commercial Airways tied on  arranged on pages & stockcards, from 1870                                sorted by kind into bundles / part bundles of
         cach FFC 9 Dec 1930 from Edmonton to  up to 1947. Some highlights incl used mint 79                               varying sizes. Has a wide array of commems,
         Fort McMurray. VF ........... Est 80.00+  (Block $56), 83 ($50), 226-9 (Blocks - $148),                           defins up to $1 & $2, Xmas, airmails, etc.
                                                                                                                           Also some United Nations. A useful lot
        6671. Ö CL50, Commercial Airways tied on  J1-7 NH ($140). Also 8 diff mint Plate Blocks                            for a dealer or packet maker (1,000’s) .....
         cach Edmonton to Athabaska FFC 24 Feb  & 5 diff covers. Majority F-VF, some NH. Cat
         1931. VF ................... Est 80.00+  $1,346 (273) ............... Est 400.00+                                 .......................... Est 150.00+
                                                                                                  USA MINTS ON STOCKCARDS:
        6672. Û CL51, Canadian Airways single &  CANADA BOY SCOUTS                            6719. Û Accum of mints on stockcards from  UNITED STATES MYSTERY LOT:
         block (2 diff shades). Also CL52. F-VF, 2  TOPICAL COLLECTION:                        the 19th Century up to the 1960’s. Better  6729. ÚÛ Diverse accumulation of unsorted
         stamps NH ..................... 130.00  6695. Ö Attractive coll of Canadian BOY                                   material in a carton, early to modern. Has
        6673. Ö CL51, Canadian Airways Ltd. On  SCOUTS topical covers neatly arranged in  OLDER CANADA 1897-1908:  items incl 10¢ 1869 Eagle & Shield (RG,  stamps in glassines; ‘102’ cards; in envelopes
         cach Edmonton to Fort McMurray 30 Dec  sleeves, from 1956 up to 2015. Has a variety  6705. Ú 50/103, Duplicated accum of older  so Cat $750 as NG); 10¢ Columbian ($95);  & stockbook; on pages & stockcards; covers;
                                                                                               5¢ Pan-Pacific ($160); set of 1940 Famous
         1932 FFC. VF ............... Est 75.00+  of cach special event covers & cards com-  Canada on pages. Has various Jubilees  Americans; nice group of Airmails incl C1-2  postcards; postal stationery & cacheted
        6674. Ö CL51, Canadian Airways tied on Fort  memorating Jamborees, Moots, etc. Also a  up to 50¢ (2); QV Leaf to 10¢; QV Numerals  ($115); C6 ($65); C18 ($45); & more. Gen-  FDC’s; 3 different Hawaii reprint banknotes;
         McMurray to Edmonton 3 Jan 1933 FFC. VF  few Girl Guides items & a few scout slogan  to 20¢ (2); Maps (9); KE to 50¢; Quebecs  etc. Great source for topicals, cancels &
         ........................... Est 75.00+  cancels on piece. F-VF (142 items) .......  to 20¢. Has lots of better stamps, extras,  erally F-VF, some small gum problems as  varieties. Majority VG-VF (1,000’s) ........
        6675. Ö CL51, Canadian Airways tied on Fort  .......................... Est 200.00+  shades, cancels, etc. Mostly VG-VF (143) .  expected (440)............. Est 500.00+  .......................... Est 225.00+
         McMurray to Edmonton FFC 3 Jan 1933 (only                 ......................... Est 600.00+
         475 covers flown). Has W.C.A. label affixed
         on reverse. Addr to famous Canadian Pilot               CANADA $8 GRIZZLY BEAR:
         WOP MAY. VF ............. Est 100.00+                   6706. Û 1694, Unique commem $8 Grizzly
        6676. Ö CL51, Canadian Airways Ltd. tied on               Bear set as issued by Canada Post in a
         Airmail cover from Fort McMurray 3 Feb 1933              hardcover folder. Incl an engraved sunken
         to USA. Also has attractive Airways circular             print numbered & signed by artist-engraver
         label affixed. VF, tiny edge tear. . Est 65.00+          JORGE PERAL; plus a pane of 4 mint stamps
        6677. ÕÛ CL52, Canadian Airways Block. VF,                signed by the designer ALAIN LEDUC & the
         NH ........................... 125.00                    artist-engraver JORGE PERAL. This was a
        6678. Ö CL52, Canadian Airways tied on                    limited edition item with only 2,500 sold. VF.
         cach Edmonton to Fort McMurray & RETURN                  Cat $145 .................. Est 100.00+
         19-21 July 1934 (Only 270-271 pieces flown              CANADA 1986 DUCK SHEET:
         each way). VF (2 covers) ..... Est 150.00+              6707. SSÛ FWH2, Cpl $4 Canvasbacks sheet
                                                                  of 16. VF, NH................ Cat 375.00
        6679. Û Very interesting lot of a block & single
         from the KGV Admiral era. All with unprinted
         blank impressions & full never hinged gum.
         These were acquired some years ago for
         $100 from old-time Canadian dealer K. Bileski
         & his fascinating write-up accompanies. VF  CANADA
         ........................... Est 75.00+  QV COLLECTION 1868-1902:
        CANADA ENGRAVING:            6696. ÚÛ 24/88, E1, Attractive QV coll neatly
        6680. Û Canada Bank note engraving of  arranged on pages. Some highlights are  WESTERN CANADA AIRWAYS:
         Canadian Beavers at work. VF . . Est 40.00+  used 24-5 ($105), 27a (2 shades - $170),  6708. Ö CL40, Coll of 4 diff Western Canada
        CANADA ENGRAVING:             39b ($50), 46 ($50); plus mint 50-4, 56 & 60  Airways FFC’s from 1927-9. Incl flights
        6681. Û Canadian Bank note engraving of na-  ($574), etc. Majority VG-VF. Cat $1,775 (72)  from The Pas to Cold Lake, Gold Pines to
         tive warriors hunting deer at waterfall. VF...  ......................... Est 450.00+  Favourable Lake, Sioux Lookout to Pickle
         ........................... Est 40.00+  FIRST FLIGHT COVERS FROM 1941:  Lake & Lac La Ronge to Prince Albert. F-VF
        TWO DIFF 1946 INVITATIONS:   6697. Ö Cpl coll of 36 USA Foreign Contract  ......................... Est 150.00+
        6682. Ú Two diff printed illustrated invitations  Air Mail Route FAM 22 Flight covers, neatly  ALBERTA FLIGHT COVERS 1931:
         from the Mayor of Halifax, NS for receptions  displayed on specialty pages. This was the  6709. Ö 162/C1, Interesting group of 6 diff
         in 1946. One in honour of “Field Marshal the  South Atlantic route & has flights to/from Bel-  Airmail covers with typed cach “First Flight of
         Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, the other  gian Congo, Nigeria, Gambia, Brazil, Trinidad  1931-2 Season”. Flown to/from Peace River,  NEWFOUNDLAND IMPERF BLACK PROOFS:
         for the G.F. Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury.  & Tobago, Puerto Rico, etc. Nice postmarks,  Ft Vermilion, North Vermilion & Carcajou Dec  6716. Û 194P/210P, Nice lot of 6 diff BLACK IMPERFORATE PROOF PAIRS on thick paper.
         F, first one creased ........... Est 50.00+  cachets, etc. F-VF ........... Est 250.00+  1931. F-VF.................. Est 45.00+  All with excellent margins. VF. AN IMPRESSIVE LOT (NSSC Cat $2,610)...... Est 1,000.00+
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53