Page 52 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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108                                                                                                               GR. BRITAIN MINT NH FACE #197:
        CANADA KGV WHOLESALE:                                                                                             6920. Û Deluxe 16 black page stockbook with
        6865. Ú 191, 193, 198-201, Useful used                                                                             clear view strips containing a coll of mint
         wholesale lot of 200 of each, from an old-time                                                                    commems from 1989-91. These have been
         Toronto dealer’s stock. F-VF. Cat $3,640...                                                                       collected as singles, pairs, gutter pairs &
         .......................... Est 400.00+                                                                            blocks. VF, NH. Face value is £197 or $335
        CANADA CAPEX 78 HIGH VALUE:                                                                                        Cdn (720 stamps) ........... Est 225.00+
        6866. Ú 756, Used wholesale lot of 337 of                                                                         LESOTHO WHOLESALE LOT:
         the $1.25 CAPEX 1978 issue. Some nice                                                                            6921. Û 151-9 (350), plus used 295a (350), 3
         cancels. F-VF. Cat $505 ....... Est 70.00+                                                                        diff sets mostly in sheets. Good lot for a dealer.
                                                                                                                           VF, NH. 2024 Scott $1,575 .... Est 175.00+
                                       CANADA PATRIOTIC POSTCARDS:
                                     6880. Ö Coll of 14 diff Valentine & Sons
                                      PATRIOTIC POSTCARDS, circa 1908-12.
                                      All with gold borders & depicting diff views
                                      of cities, rural life, Quebec Tercentenary,
                                      etc, primarily from Ontario & Quebec. Used
                                      & unused, F ............... Est 175.00+
                                     CANADA BALLOON MAIL:
         6867. Û CL8/CL51, Attractive coll of 10 diff  from 1973 carried aboard the “SPIRIT OF
          mint Semi-Official Airmails, from 1926-32.  CANADA” Balloon at the 1st Hot Air Balloon
          We noted CL11 ($67), CL45 ($90), etc.  Championships in Albuquerque NM. All with
          F-VF, a few NH ............. Cat 353.00  nice cachets & each signed by the Canadian
                                      Aeronaut “STAN SHELDRAKE”. VF.......                                                     SOLOMON ISLANDS MINT
        “THE CANADIAN CLUB”           ........................... Est 45.00+                                               NEVER HINGED COLLECTION 1991-2005:
        MEETING NOTICES:             CANADA ANGLICAN DOCUMENT 1855:                                                       6922. Û 683-995, Springback album with a
        6868. Ö Fascinating coll of 185 diff CANADIAN  6882. Ú Part printed parchment document  CANADA COMPLETE QV JUBILEES:  beautiful coll of sets & SS’s in mounts on
         CLUB Toronto meeting notices on various  from the Cathedral Church of Quebec, Church  6897. Ú 50-65, Cpl used set from À¢ up to $5. All sound, various cancels. F-VF. A nice opportu-  pages, cpl between these numbers. High-
         postal stat cards, 1967-81, all to same ad-  of England testifying to the Ordination of a  nity to get these difficult stamps all at once. Cat $5,933..................... Est 1,750.00+  lights incl 903-13A ($38), 983-5 ($32), 992-5
         dressee. The notices are for meetings with a  Deacon. Has large embossed seal pendant  CANADA EARLY QE  CANADA MILITARY COVERS  ($42). Also many others in the $1-$17 Cat
         broad range of speakers incl politicians, busi-  attached. F, folded. An interesting historical  MINT NH COLLECTION:  FROM OVERSEAS:  range. Has pretty topicals like ocean life, roy-
         ness leaders & high profile individuals like  item ....................... Est 50.00+  6895. Û 326/541, Pristine mint NH coll neatly  6909. Ö Fascinating coll of uncensored & cen-  alty, ships, flowers, planes, birds, dogs, butter-
         Prime Ministers Chretien / Diefenbaker /                 arranged on stockcards, from 1953-71. Some  sored WWII covers from overseas locations  flies, space, race cars, shells, etc. F-VF, NH
         Turner, Allan Mac Eachen, Bill Davis, Sir  CANADA WWII MILITARY COVERS:  collected both as singles & Blocks. Some  with FPO cancels, mainly addr to Canada.  (264 stamps, 71 SS’s) . . 2023 Scott 989.00
         Edmund Hillary, Claude Ryan, Pauline  6883. Ö Interesting lot of WWII covers from  highlights are 337p-41p (blocks - $63), 511a-b  Each is written up in detail on a card giving
         McGibbon, Alan Eagleson, Knowlton Nash,  Canadian forces mostly stationed in Britain.  (18 blocks of each in various formats - $495),  openings & closings of offices, military unit,  SAMOA MINT COLLECTION 1886-1962:
         Andre Ouellet, Michael Ramsey, Marshall  Has censored & uncensored covers & air let-  513p-4p (M/S’s corner blocks - $100), etc. VF,  censor tape types, etc. We saw items from Gr.  6923. Û 9d/232, Coll of all diff mint singles &
         McLuhan, etc. VF ............ Est 80.00+  ters (incl Armed Forces types) with a variety  NH. Cat $983 (408) .......... Est 250.00+  Britain mainly; plus NW Europe incl various  sets. Incl 136-53 ($74), 157 ($30), etc. Also
                                      of military & regular type cancels. Most neatly                                      some 1877-82 ‘Express’ issues not counted
         CANADA KGV 5¢ ARCH MULTIPLE:  written up in detail on cards. VG-F, some flts  CANADA OHMS PERFINS:  points in Belgium, France, Germany & Nether-  in totals. VG-VF (77) .... 2024 Scott 232.00
         6869. Û 169a, Large part sheet of 80 stamps  (25) ....................... Est 50.00+  6896. Ú OA155, Wholesale lot of 50 OHMS  lands; plus Italy as our forces advanced to-
          of the 5¢ KGV Arch Flat Printing. Lovely                10¢ Mount Hurd Official 5 Hole Perfins. Mostly  ward victory. We noted 2 Green Cross covers
          centering, pristine fresh colour, VF, NH. Cat           F-VF, many with SE. Cat $1,750 Est 350.00+  & a wide range of unit b/s’s. Mixed condition
          $2,400 ................... Est 600.00+                                              but much VG-VF (159) ....... Est 300.00+
                                                                  NOVA SCOTIA COMPLETE SHEET:
        NEW BRUNSWICK PROOF SHEET:                                6898. Û 11, Cpl sheet of 100 of the QV 8À¢  CANADA MYSTERY LOT:
        6870. Û 10P, Cpl Plate Proof sheet of 100 on              green with 12 Plate Imprints in diff positions.  6910. ÚÛ Large carton full of material, from
         card of the 12À¢ Steamship in issued colour.             A nice sheet for the specialist to study for  early to modern. Has stamps in glassines,
         XF. Scarce ................ Cat 8,000.00                 varieties like unshaded “E” at position 94  ‘102’ cards & stockbooks, on pages &
                                                                  (Unitrade #11ii). Centering is quite nice.  stockcards, souvenir articles, covers,
                                                                  F-VF, NH. Cat $6,000 counting imprint & NH  FDC’s, used & unused Postal Stationery,
                                                                  premiums ............... Est 1,500.00+  odds & ends, etc. We saw mints incl high
                                                                                               values on pages from Canada annual colls
                                                                  CANADA 12¢ SHEET WITH PRINTING  1978-83; used coll in Scott album; Duck
                                                                  VARIETY FROM A RECENT DISCOVERY:  stamps; mint Postage Dues incl Plate
                                          CANADA WWII TOBACCO     6899. Û 742, Cpl sheet of 50 of the 12¢  Blocks & large multiples; used 50¢ Blue-
                                         ACKNOWLEDGMENT CARDS:    Christmas issue with a major printing variety  nose ($75); mint O45 Pl 2 (UL & UR blocks
                                     6884. Ö Accum of WWII illustrated Cigarette  affecting numerous stamps in the sheet.  of 25 - $124); mint NH SL78 ($50); etc.
                                      Acknowledgment Postcards from Gr. Britain  Has portions of “CANADA 12" partially miss-  Majority VG-VF (Several 1,000) Est 500.00+
                                      to Canada. Incl Overseas League Tobacco  ing (one stamp has inscription completely
                                      & Hamper Fund, Wings, Buckingham,  missing). An interesting unrecorded variety
                                      Sweet Caps & MacDonald’s. Variety of FPO  from a recent discovery in an estate lot. VF,
                                      cancels, h/s’s & censor markings. Some  NH, centre fold............. Est 500.00+       GR. BRITAIN 6 PENCE EMBOSSED:
                                      written up on cards. F-VF (18). Est 175.00+
                                                                 QUEBEC SHEET OF $5 REVENUES:                             6924. Ú 7, 7a, 7b, The three diff shades of
                                     CANADA COMMERCIAL AIRWAYS:  6900. Û QR36, Cpl sheet of 50 of the $5 Reg-              the Six Pence embossed - Red Violet, Dull
                                     6885. Ö C/47-8, CL50, Three diff Commercial  istration Revenue. Fresh, VF, NH. A lovely  Violet & Deep Violet. F. 2025 Scott $6,250
                                      Airways FFC’s from 1930-1. F-VF .......  looking sheet. Cat $825....... Est 175.00+  US..................... Est 1,000.00+
                                      .......................... Est 150.00+
                                                                                                                          MALAWI MINT NH COLLECTION 1969-96:
                                     CANADA CHERRY RED AIRLINE FFC’S:                                                     6925. Û 122/658, etc. Nice lot of all diff cpl sets.
                                     6886. Ö CL46i, Cherry Red Airline “Snow on                                            All Scott identified & priced in ‘102’ cards. VF,
                                      Wings” varieties tied on 3 FFC’s. Incl Prince
            CANADA IMPERFORATE PAIR:  Albert to Montreal Lake; Waskesiu Lake to               CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS 1928-50:  NH (76 stamps)........ 2024 Scott 212.00
         6871. Û 1172h, Imperforate pair of the 45¢  Prince Albert; & Prince Albert to Pelican  6911. Ö Attractive coll of 97 diff cach FFC’s,
          Pronghorn, VF, NH. Cat $1,200 Est 500.00+  Lake (this flight franked by a pair & has Pilot  Incl some beautiful multi-frankings; Trans-
        CANADA CHERRY RED AIRLINE FFC’S:  & Postal Official signature h/s’s - the last         Atlantic & Pacific; 7 Postmaster Signed; 2
                                                                                               Pilot Signed; 7 with NWT cancels; 5 Special
        6872. Ö CL46, Two diff Cherry Red Airline  company flight). F-VF (3 covers) Est 200.00+  Delivery; 4 Reg’d; 2 Miniature covers; 2
         FFC’s. Incl Christopher Lake to Prince Albert;  CANADA 2¢ MAPS MINT NH:
         & Lac La Ronge to Ile A La Crosse FFC’s  6887. Û 85-6, Nice study lot of 15 singles of  franked by C2; etc. Most F-VF. Est 350.00+
         from 1929-30. VF (2 diff covers) Est 100.00+  the 2¢ Map. Fresh, F-VF, NH. Cat $1,725 ..  CANADA 1928 FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:
        CANADA “P” STAMPS FACE $762:  .......................... Est 350.00+  CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS 1927-50:  6912. Ö Coll of 60 cach FFC’S all from 1928,
        6873. Û Accum of modern self-adhesive Book-              6901. Ö Extensive old-time coll of FFC’s pri-  from across Canada. Has many nice cachets
         lets with various defins & commems. VF, NH               marily cach, in sleeves & on pages. A wide  & cancels. Four covers have nice Western
         (770 stamps)............... Face 762.00                  range of flights from across Canada with  Canada Airways envelopes with a map show-
                                                                  many eye-catching cachets & crisp cancels.
        CANADA BOOKLETS 1995-2002:                                Some better frankings noted. Mainly 1929-  ing flight routes on reverse. F . . Est 150.00+
        6874. Û BK177c/BK251b, Coll of 9 diff better              40’s & incl some NWT & a few Reg’d. Good  CANADA ARTIST SIGNED COVERS:
         calibre cpl mint Booklets. We noted 188c                 old-time lot. F (Approx 290) . . Est 600.00+  6913. Ö 903-6, Specialized coll of 18 Aircraft
         ($44), 206Aa ($60), 251a-b ($68), 251Aa                                              FDC’s from Ottawa 24 Nov, 1981 all with pri-  GAMBIA COVERS 1956-1978:
         ($60); also sheetlets 1696a & 1699a ($100).             BOX FULL OF CANADA:          vate cachets. All diff as to issue & franking.  6926. Ö 153/362, Attractive coll of 23 diff
         VF, NH..................... Cat 377.00                  6902. ÚÛ An interesting accum of older to  Each cover is signed by famous aviation artist  covers neatly arranged on pages. Addr to
                                                                  modern material on stockcards, in glassines,  ROBERT BRADFORD whose paintings were  Canada, England, Germany, USA & domesti-
                                                                  on pages, loose, etc. Used, mint, commems,  used on the stamps. VF (18). . . Est 135.00+  cally. Most have beautiful multi-frankings with
                                                                  defins, officials, blocks, covers, etc. Needs
                                        CANADA CHERRY RED AIRLINE:  careful examination as we noted #18TC Proof  CANADA DOG TEAM COVERS 1978-91:  a variety of rates incl 7 Reg’d; 4 with River
                                     6888. Ö CL46, CL46i, Coll of 6 diff FFC’s  cut close but Cat $300; #115 mint pair (Cat  6914. Ö Attractive coll of 8 diff #10 size  Gambia TPO cancels. F-VF . . . Est 150.00+
                                      from 1929-30 of the Cherry Red Airline.  $80); mint Booklet Panes incl #219a (NH  Carcross, Yukon to Atlin, BC DOG TEAM  JAMAICA WWII
                                      Two covers have SNOW ON WINGS variety  Cat $70); the scarce 1970 Christmas centre  covers. Many lovely cachets. VF Est 75.00+  CENSORED COVERS TO ABROAD:
                                      & one cover has illustrated airplane corner  blocks regular & tagged (Cat $480); BK111A  6927. Ö Interesting collection of Jamaica WWII
                                      card. VF .................. Est 250.00+
                                                                  (Cat $50); #458b mint NH (Cat $40); 39¢                  Censored Airmail covers in sleeves to foreign
                                     NEWFOUNDLAND COLLECTION:     Petro Canada set of panes (Cat $50); 1989 &              destinations incl Antigua, Bahamas, Br. Hon-
                                     6889. ÚÛ 41/270, BOB, Attractive coll neatly  1991 P.O. Year sets; Newf’d Publicity issues;  duras, Canada, Costa Rica (underpaid), Gr.
         QUEBEC WILDLIFE FIRST DAY COVERS:  arranged on a stockcard, from 1860 up to  & more. VG-VF (Many 100’s) . . Est 450.00+  Britain & USA. Most F-VF (7) . . . Est 75.00+
         6875. Ö Van Dam #’s QW2c-13Ac; plus  1947. Some highlights are mint 41 ($65),  ALBERTA CANCELS COLLECTION:       CEYLON COLLECTION 1872-1966:
          QW5a, QW9u-10u, QW11Ac-3Ac, Gor-  44 ($60), 152 Block NH ($80), 221 NH ($50),  6903. Ú Box with an extensive coll of Alberta  6928. ÚÛ 63/390, BOB, Primarily used coll
          geous coll of 18 diff Quebec Wildlife Habitat  233-43 NH ($81), J1-7 ($63), etc. VG-VF,  town cancels neatly arranged in 2 large  neatly arranged on pages. A few collected
          Conservation stamps tied along with con-  some NH. Cat $887 (125) ..... Est 225.00+  stockbooks & on stockcards, form 1940’s-  both as mint & used. Majority F-VF (132) ...
                                                                                                                           ........................... Est 45.00+
          temporary commems on lovely Darnell cach  CANADA MINT NH JUBILEES:  2000’s. Broad range of communities from
          FDC’s, from 1989-2000. The 1989-92 cov-  6890. Û 50-60, QV Jubilees from 1/2¢-50¢.  Abee to Woodhouse. Majority are POCONS;
          ers are ARTIST SIGNED. Also 6 are “WWF”  Fresh colours, F, NH. Cat $1,720 Est 450.00+  plus RPO’s, CDS’s, duplex, illustrated  CANADA KGV SCROLL MINT NH SET:
          surcharged issues. Beautiful topicals. VF,  CANADA SEMI-OFFICIAL AIRMAILS:  cancels, etc. Many nice SON strikes noted.  6915. Û 149-59, Cpl Scroll set up to the 50¢
          unaddr. Cat $1,890 (18 diff). . . Est 400.00+  6891. Ö CL48, Two diff Commercial Airways  VG-VF (Approx 3,000 cancels) . Est 350.00+  Bluenose & $1 Parliament. Fresh, F-VF, NH
                                      1931 Flight covers. Incl Edmonton to  CANADA USED WHOLESALE IN A CARTON
        USA WWII                      Athabaska & Athabasca to Fort McMurray  WITH 12 POUNDS OF STAMPS:  ........................ Cat 1,541.00
        “SERVICE SUSPENDED” COVERS:                                                          CANADA MYSTERY LOT:
        6876. Ö Historic lot of 6 diff WWII Censored  cach FFC’s. VF (2) ........... Est 90.00+  6904. Ú Extensive wholesale used accum of  6916. ÚÛ An intriguing lot that should be fun
                                                                  many diff stamps in bundles & glassines loose
         covers (surface & airmail), from 1940-2 mailed           in a carton. Primarily 1980’s-90’s (some ear-  to sort. Includes mint, used, singles, blocks,
         to Alien / Overrun countries. Each has a                 lier & later). Mainly commems, plus defins up  remainders, etc. Should hold some surprises.
         “SERVICE SUSPENDED / RETURN TO                           to $5. Majority F-VF (10,000’s) . Est 400.00+  Mixed condition. (100’s)....... Est 100.00+
         SENDER” h/s or postal cancel. Addr to France
         (2), Albania, Greece, Hungary & Romania. F              CARTON FULL OF              CANADA MYSTERY LOT:            EARLY JAMAICA STOCK 1860-1906:
         .......................... Est 100.00+                  CANADA USED WHOLESALE:      6917. ÚÛ Similar lot to above but more  6929. ÚÛ 1/59, Dealer’s stock identified &
                                                                 6905. Ú Carton containing 8 lbs of used  material ................... Est 200.00+  priced on pages. Incl used 3-6 ($150), 14
                                                                  wholesale in bundles, envelopes & glassines,             ($40), 51, 53 ($114); mint 18 ($72), 24-7
                                                                  from pre WWII up to 1990’s. Has a wide range  2. BRITISH  ($88), 33-6 ($34), 45 ($57), 51 ($35), etc.
                                                                  of commems, defins & back of book. Great                 Has duplication of 1-6 of each. VG-VF, a
                                                                  source for cancels & varieties. Majority VG-VF  COMMONWEALTH:  few minor flaws. Scott from a few years ago
                                                                  (10,000’s).................. Est 300.00+                 was over $2,200 (142)....... Est 450.00+
                                                                 MINT CANADA FACE VALUE $1,163:  GR. BRITAIN PRESTIGE BOOKLETS:  BR. COMMONWEALTH 1946 PEACE ISSUES:
                                                                 6906. Û Accum of Canadian mints mainly  6918. Û BK145/BK191, Pristine mint coll of 14
                                                                  1970’s-90’s era. Has commems, defins &  diff Prestige Booklets, from 1980 up to 2010.  6930. Û Rapkin album with a nice coll of 1946
                                                                                                                           Peace omnibus issues neatly displayed in
                                                                  Xmas with lots of Plate Blocks, plus some  Lots of nice items here like £5 Story ofP&O;  protective mounts on pages. Virtually cpl incl
                                                                  singles, panes, etc. Incl some better like  £6 Beatrix Potter; No. Ireland; The Life of the  Canada set up to $1 Ferry & some extras.
                                                                  Millennium panes, etc. VF, appears NH ....  Century; Unseen & Unheard; Classic Album
         NEWFOUNDLAND FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:                        ........................ Face 1,163.00  covers; etc. VF, NH..... 2025 Scott 333.00  F-VF, appears NH (225) ...... Est 135.00+
         6877. Ö Interesting coll of 9 diff FFC’s from           UNITED NATIONS HOARD:
          1931-42. Primarily cach with a variety of              6907. ÚÛ Box with a hoard of United Nations
          flights internally, to Canada plus one to  PROOFS OF CANADA AIRMAIL CANCELS:  with stamps from 1950’s to modern. Contains
          Ireland. F-VF .............. Est 125.00+  6892. Û AAMC #’s 2839KP & 2843P, Two  issues primarily from New York but also
                                      special TRANS-CANADA flight Ottawa
        YUKON AIRWAYS COVERS 1928:    to Vancouver Sept 1928 PROOFS of  Geneva & Vienna. Has stamps on stockcards
        6878. Ö CL42, Coll of Yukon Airways Semi-  CANCELS (5.25 x 5.75 inches). Produced  but the bulk of the lot is loose & unsorted in
         Official Airmails tied on 3 diff FFC’s. Incl  by “Pritchard - Andrews Co. Ottawa” on  one large plastic bag. Contains a tremendous
         Whitehorse to Carcross & return, Atlin to  wove paper & signed “Proof”. VF, folded.  quantity of stamps with used, mint, commems,
         Carcross 13 AP 1928. F-VF (3). Est 150.00+  Rare Airmail Proofs for the specialist .....  pictorials, Flags, etc. Needs sorting & organiz-
         CANADA COLLECTION 1859-1963:  ......................... Est 300.00+  ing. F-VF (1,000’s)........... Est 250.00+
         6879. ÚÛ 15/411, BOB, Valuable coll of  CANADA 19TH CENTURY CLASSICS:  CANADA DEALER’S STOCK
                                                                 OF BACK OF THE BOOK:
          primarily mint mainly slightly better to better  6893. Ú 4d/18a, Coll of 9 early QV issues  6908. Û Glassine box full with a dealer’s stock  GR. BRITAIN KE-EARLY QE COLLECTION:
          stamps neatly arranged on a stockcard.  incl 14 (2 shades) 17 & 17a-b, 18 & 18a, etc.  of mint Canada organized by Cat numbers in  GRENADA USED COLLECTION 1861-1994:  6931. ÚÛ 127/386, J1/O72, Extensive coll
          Some highlights are used 21, 23-4 & 27  Most F. Cat $640............ Est 175.00+
          ($220), 45-7 ($120), 123 ($100), 158-9  CANADA MINT PLATE BLOCKS:  glassines & ‘102’ cards. Has a wide variety  6919. Ú 1/1714, Attractive used QV-QE coll  of mainly used on pages, nearly cpl for the
                                                                  of issues with useful duplication. Incl Semi-
          ($165), MR1 Block ($160); plus mint 50-6  6894. ÕÛ 270/511p, OC7, Fresh coll of 154  Postals, Airmails, Special Deliveries, Postage  neatly mounted in order on pages. Wide  period. Highlights incl used 127-40 ($724),
                                                                                                                           159-72 ($96), 179-81 ($417), 203-4 ($73),
                                                                                               range of singles & sets with many $5-$50
          ($587), 91 & 94 ($625), 107-10 ($350), 199-  Plate Blocks neatly arranged on stockcards,  Dues (good lot), Officials, plus some perforated  items to be found. Excellent base to build  222-4 ($205), O32 & O34-5 ($277), O40
          201 NH ($219), etc. Majority VG-VF, some
          mint NH. Cat $4,961 (114) . . Est 1,000.00+  from 1946-70. All are diff as to issue, plate &  Officials. Has singles & blocks. Mainly F-VF,  on. A nice clean lot. VG-VF. 2025 Scott  ($67). A few flaws but most F-VF. 2025
                                      position. VF, NH. Cat $732 .... Est 200.00+  much NH. High retail value (100’s) Est 250.00+  $1,690 (535 stamps, 7 SS’s) . . Est 600.00+  Scott over $2,500+ (215) ..... Est 425.00+
   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57