Page 56 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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112                                                      SHOEBOX OF WORLD MIXTURE:                                WORLD SOUVENIR SHEETS:
        EARLY PRUSSIA SELECTION:                                 7140. Ú Shoebox filled with a completely un-  WORLD “R” TO “S” COUNTRIES  7165. SSÛ Binder with an all diff coll of SS’s
                                                                                              WITH 5,800 DIFFERENT STAMPS:
        7111. Ú 3/8, Selection of various King Freder-            sorted hoard of loose world stamps from older  7151. ÚÛ World coll neatly mounted on  from Foreign & Br. Commonwealth countries,
         ick William IV used singles plus one cover               to modern. All are off paper with a wide variety  pages of R to S countries, older to modern.  all Scott identified on pages. Mainly 1960’s-
         (franked with #5 from Bremen) from 1850-7.               of countries & issues. Lots to sort through!  Stronger areas are Rhodesia, Romania,  2000’s with a wide variety of countries with
         All have nice town or numeral cancels. F-VF.             Generally VG-VF (1000’s)..... Est 125.00+  Russia, St. Helena, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St.  Cat values mostly from $3-$30 each (a few
         Cat $231 (11 items)........... Est 75.00+               SHOEBOX FULL OF LOOSE STAMPS:  Vincent, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Singapore,  higher). Lots of beautiful items. F-VF, primarily
        FRANCE AVIATION LABELS, ETC:                             7141. ÚÛ Shoebox with a loose unsorted  Slovakia, South Africa, SWA, Spain & Cols,  NH. 2024 Scott $1,145 (124). . . Est 325.00+
        7112. ÚÛ Interesting collection of French                 accum of duplicated world stamps, older to  Sri Lanka, Surinam, Sweden, Switzerland,
         Aviation Meet labels, Parachute labels, etc              modern. Primarily large size commems &  etc. A wide array of commems, pictorials,
         from 1946-7. Has individual items, plus 2 diff  OLDER RUSSIA COLLECTION 1858-1958:  pictorials with strength in Bermuda. Mainly  defins, etc. Incl some better like a page of
         miniature sheets & 3 cards/covers. F-VF  7125. ÚÛ 2/2094, Extensive coll neatly ar-  used, VG-VF (1,000’s)........ Est 200.00+  Somaliland which Cat $165. Mainly F-VF
         (4 singles, 2 mini sheets, 3 cards/covers)...  ranged & identified in a large stockbook.  SHOEBOX OF WORLD MIXTURE:  (5,800 diff) ................ Est 800.00+
         ........................... Est 85.00+  Ranges from Czarist era up to 1950’s; many  7142. Ú Shoebox filled with a completely
        FINLAND                       nice runs. Has a multitude of topical & the-  unsorted hoard of loose World stamps from  SIX STOCKBOOKS OF WORLD INCL NICE
        USED SEMI-POSTAL STAMPS 1931-1957:  matic singles & sets. Some highlights are  older to modern. All are off paper with a tre-  BR. EMPIRE 1935 SILVER JUBILEE SETS:
        7113. Ú B5/B147, Small coll of all diff singles  used 12-5 & 17 ($135), 659-712 ($175),  mendous variety of countries & issues. Lots  7152. ÚÛ An accum of World from older to
         & sets on ‘102’ cards, all numbered & priced.  909-10 ($45), 1532-3 ($50), 1624-7 ($48),  to sort through! Generally VG-VF (1,000’s)..  modern. Has a variety of countries & issues
                                      1680-7 ($52); plus mint 41-5 ($116), 780-3
         Incl B5-7 ($54), B10-11 (on piece $38), etc.             .......................... Est 150.00+  with many nice Br. Commonwealth incl 29
         F-VF (38)............. 2024 Scott 182.00  & 789-93 ($83), 867-72 ($70), 1104-20       diff mint & used 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee
                                      ($60), 1699-1721 ($98), etc. Mainly VG-VF,  DEALER’S STOCK OF WORLD COVERS:  sets (good cat value here); various 1937
                                      some NH (Approx 1,900)..... Est 500.00+  7143. Ö Box full with a stock of world covers  KGVI Coronation; Nauru mint Freighters to  POSTCARDS DEPICTING STAMPS:
                                                                  of a retired Toronto dealer. Primarily $2-$10
                                     BUENOS AIRES REPRINTS                                     5 Sh (Cat $153); Honduras mint NH C344a  7166. Ö Attractive coll of 14 diff postcards
                                     SPECIALTY LOT:               retail items (that are realistically priced) &  Perf & Imperf sou. Sheets ($90); & more.  all depicting stamps in full colour, circa
                                     7126. Û 2/11, Fascinating coll of gray black &  all in sleeves ready to sell. Has a wide array  Generally VG-VF (Many 100’s) Est 500.00+  1908-10. Most were made by Ottomar
                                      black PERKINS BACON REPRINTS on star  of countries, mainly Foreign with some Br.     Zieher. Each postcard has stamps from a
                                      watermarked paper in imperf singles & multi-  Commonwealth (no Canada or USA). Has  WORLD SHIP COVER COLLECTION:  diff country like South Australia, Greece,
                                      ples to blocks of 4. Detailed history accompa-  singles, sets, airmail, FDC’s, postcards,  7153. Ö Very interesting coll of 60 diff  Sweden, Italy, Mexico, Denmark, etc. Some
                                      nies. VF, NG. Ex Bileski estate priced at $500  postal stationery, interesting postmarks,  PAQUEBOT covers, from 1970’s-90’s. All  embossed. Used & unused, F . Est 300.00+
                                      (28 stamps) ................ Est 200.00+  etc. Mainly VG-VF. A useful lot for a dealer  have British frankings, with a broad range of
                                                                  with good profit potential. Total retail approx  postmarks, paquebot h/s’s, ship cancels &  WORLD SOUVENIR SHEET COLLECTION:
                                     FAROE ISLANDS & ALAND:       $2,800 (100’s) ............. Est 900.00+  cachets with ship data. Items from South  7167. SSÚÛ Attractive coll of well over 200
                                     7127. Û Lovely coll of all diff mint NH issues           Pacific, Gr. Britain, Europe, Labuan, Japan,  diff SS’s loose in a sleeve, primarily 1990’s-
                                      from 1994-2019. Lots of beautiful singles,              Liberia, Papua New Guinea, Port Said, West  2010’s. Majority are from Europe with strength
                                      sets & souvenir sheets. The majority are from           Indies, Penang, etc. F-VF ..... Est 175.00+  in Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy & Nether-
                                      the Faroe Is & has many in P.O. Year folders.                                        lands. Lovely designs; eye-catching themes
                                      Also a few used. VF, NH (370 stamps, 50                MILITARY UNIFORM TOPICALS:    & topics. VF, most mint are NH. Est 275.00+
                                      SS’s, 1 Booklet)............. Est 225.00+              7154. ÚÛ Interesting coll of MILITARY
                                                                                              UNIFORM topicals from 1970’s-80’s, primarily  MONKEYS & PRIMATE TOPICALS:
              JAPAN NEW YEARS &                                                               from Br. Commonwealth, GB, etc. These  7168. SSÚÛ Interesting coll of 24 diff modern
            GREETING ISSUE COLLECTION:                                                        depict a wide variety of military uniforms from  topical souv/mini sheets from a variety of
         7114. Û 498/4074, Very attractive mint Spe-                                          1600’s-1900’s. Strength in covers & postcards  countries. VF, primarily CTO used Est 50.00+
          cialty coll of New Years & Greetings issues                                         with over 50 items. Also 8 diff silk fabrics.  MONKEYS, APES, SIMIANS:
          neatly arranged in a large stockbook, from                                          F-VF (Approx 100)........... Est 100.00+  7169. SSÚÛ Coll of 25 diff souvenir/miniature
          1950 up to 2017. Some highlights are lottery                                       BOY SCOUTS TOPICAL ACCUMULATION:  sheets. VF, mint are NH, used are CTO....
          sheets 498 ($225), 522 ($50), 576 ($100),                                                                        ........................... Est 70.00+
          606 ($45), 3880-3907 ($350), etc. VF, NH.                                          7155. ÚÛ Amazing accum of BOY SCOUT  FLOWER TOPICALS:
          2025 Scott approx $2,675 (195 stamps,                                               topical items loose in a box, older to modern.  7170. SSÚÛ Very colourful coll of 79 souvenir
          199 SS’s) ................. Est 900.00+                                             Has material from every division of the globe
                                                                      BOY SCOUT / GIRL GUIDE  incl stamps, covers, cach FDC’s & special  / miniature sheets all depicting Flowers. Ter-
        GERMANY BERLIN COLLECTION:                                    SPECIAL EVENT COVERS:   event covers, postcards, literature, labels, etc.  rific range of countries & issues showing all
        7115. Ú 9N3/9N592, 9NB17/9NB285, Attractive              7144. Ö Extensive coll of primarily BOY  (also some Girl Guides related). F-VF (580  kinds of species & types, mainly mint. A very
         coll neatly arranged in a stockbook, from                SCOUT plus GIRL GUIDE cach special  stamps, 100+ labels, 124 covers) Est 250.00+  attractive lot. VF, mint are NH, used are CTO
         1948-90. Good range of pictorials, commems  JAPAN MINT PREFECTURE COLLECTION:  event covers & cards loose & on specialty  SHOEBOX FULL OF MIXTURE:  .......................... Est 175.00+
         & semi-postals. F-VF (730 stamps, 6 SS’s) .  7128. Û Z1/Z454, Close to COMPLETE Pre-  pages, from 1937-75. A multitude of world  7156. Ú Large shoebox packed full of approx
         .......................... Est 150.00+  fecture mint coll neatly arranged & identified  countries represented here incl China,  4 pounds of world mixture on paper. Has
                                      in a large stockbook, from 1989-2000. Has  Greenland & Iceland. Beautiful franking,  commems, pictorials & defins from a range of
                                      a vast variety of gorgeous singles, sets,  cancels & cachet designs. We noted 1972
                                      se-tenant multiples, booklets, panes & sou-  Sweden Rocket Flight & 1975 Australia  countries, mainly 1950’s-90’s. Lots of stamps
                                      venir sheets. VF, NH. Owner’s face approx  Balloon Flight, etc. F-VF (Over 400) ......  here (1,000’s) .............. Est 125.00+
                                      $1,450 Cdn (433 stamps, 21 SS’s, 184  ......................... Est 650.00+  WORLD MYSTERY LOT:
                                      booklets & booklet panes). . . Est 1,000.00+           7157. ÚÛ Diverse accum of material loose
                                                                 BOX OF WORLD:                in a carton of primarily Foreign countries, early
                                                                 7145. ÚÛ Box with an accum / hoard of World  to modern. Has stamps in envelopes, in glass-
                                        4. WORLDWIDE:             from older to modern. Has stamps in enve-  ines, in ‘102’ cards, in a stockbook, on pages,
                                                                                              approval sheets & on stockcards; covers &
                                                                  lopes, small boxes, loose, on paper, & more
                                                                  with a nice group of Portugal incl mint 650-7  postcards; etc. From all over the world with
                                     WORLD USED BLOCKS COLLECTION:  (Cat $207) & Portuguese Colonies. Lots to  strength in Africa & Middle & Far East. Great  TRAINS & LOCOMOTIVE TOPICALS:
                                     7129. ÕÚ Interesting coll of used blocks loose  sort through! Generally VG-VF (1,000’s)....  source for topicals, cancels & varieties. Major-  7171. SSÚÛ Beautiful coll of 140 diff modern
                                      in a sleeve, older to modern. Appear all diff.  .......................... Est 200.00+  ity VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) ..... Est 400.00+  souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting
                                      Strength in Europe, particularly Switzerland,          LARGE CARTON OF WORLD:        Trains, Locomotives & Railways. Has a wide
         ITALY WWII PROPAGANDA POSTCARDS:  Gr. Britain & USA. F-VF (345). . . Est 90.00+  WORLD DEALER’S STOCK  7158. ÚÛ Large carton crammed full with a big  array of countries with all kinds from this
         7116. Ö Coll of 5 diff unused WWII “PNF”  BOY SCOUT EXHIBIT 1930’s-60’s:  IN ‘102’ CARDS, CAT $11,300:  accum / hoard of World from older to modern.  popular topic. Has lots of better singles &
                                                                  7146. ÚÛ Four red boxes full with a stock
          (Nat. Fascist Party) Youth Branch propa-  7130. ÚÛ Beautifully written up topical exhibi-  of world A-Z countries all Scott identified &  Contains a wide variety of countries & issues  sets in the $10 - $22 range. VF, mint are
          ganda colour illustrated postcards depicting  tion coll of the BOY SCOUT movement on  priced in ‘102’ cards (but the cards are not in  with several old World albums; mint NH  NH, used are CTO .......... Est 275.00+
          veteran & young Italian soldiers in action.  specialty pages. Wide range of countries de-  Pitcairn Is first issues #1-16 (Cat $145);
          Each has a quote from Mussolini with his  picting Lord Baden Powell & scout activities,  order). Has $1-$9 singles & sets from older  Lindner hingeless album for Austria with  CHRISTIAN THEMES IN MAXI-CARDS:
                                                                  to modern with Europe & Cols, Br. Common-
          printed signature. Three postcards are artist  Jamborees, membership requirements,  wealth, Latin America, Asia, Africa, etc. A  various stamps from 1976-85; Canada mints  7172. Ö Beautiful coll of 73 diff b/w & colour
          signed. VF. Scarce group .... Est 250.00+  badges, etc. F-VF (97) ........ Est 45.00+  from the 1990’s on pages (Face $160);  photo Maxi-cards depicting Christian religious
                                                                  great lot for any dealer or future dealer with           themes, mainly 1950’s-70’s. Strongest in
        NICARAGUA SPECIMEN COLLECTION:  PRINCESS DIANA COLLECTION:  all the many hours of cataloging done. Just  Canada House of Commons FDC’s; & much  Europe particularly Monaco & Vatican. Many
        7117. Û 121/690, C261-2, Eye-catching coll  7131. ÚÛ Album with a coll of Princess Diana  take the lids off the boxes & start selling!  more. Lots to sort through! Generally VG-VF  attractive sculptures & paintings. VF, unaddr
         of singles & sets with American Bank Note  topicals. Has a wide variety of countries with  Mainly VG-VF. Scott from a couple years  (1,000’s) .................. Est 250.00+  ........................... Est 50.00+
         Co. “SPECIMEN” overprints & printers punch.  souvenir sheets, stamps & cach FDC’s. Most  ago totals $11,300 (1,000’s) . Est 2,500.00+  WWF MAXI-CARDS:
         Contains a variety of red & black overprints of  are memorial “tribute” items following her                      7173. Ö Gorgeous lot of 26 diff colour photo
         various sizes on issues from 1900-43. F-VF,  tragic death in 1997. Also contains a commem  WORLD COLLECTION       WWF Maxi-cards, from 1983-93. Items from
         NH. Ex Bileski estate (88) ..... Est 300.00+  medallion. Mainly mint, F-VF (126 items) ...  IN 2 CITATION ALBUMS:  19 diff countries depicting a variety of animals,
        PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:   .......................... Est 200.00+  7147. ÚÛ Thousands of stamps neatly ar-      birds, etc. VF, unaddr ......... Est 50.00+
                                                                  ranged in 2 huge Harris “Citation” albums,
        7118. Ö Attractive accum of 65 cach FDC’s  WORLD PAQUEBOT COVERS:  from 19th Century up to 1983. Tremendous
         from 1990-92 with singles & sets. Some  7132. Ö Attractive coll of 63 diff PAQUEBOT  range of countries & colonies incl Europe, Br.
         duplication. Also a pack of 10 diff scenic  covers, from 1970’s-90’s. All have British  Commonwealth, Latin America, Scandinavia,
         postal stationery cards. VF (75) Est 100.00+  frankings with a wide range of postmarks,  Middle East, China & Thailand (there are
                                      paquebot h/s’s, ship cancels & cachets with
                                      ship data. Several with ship illustrated bilin-  no H-M countries, Canada, Gr. Britain or
                                      gual etiquettes affixed. We saw items posted  USA). Lots of attractive commems, pictorials,
                                      from Gr. Britain, Europe, South Pacific, Japan,  topicals, & defins throughout. VG-VF (1,000’s)
                                                                  .......................... Est 400.00+
                                      West Indies, Heligoland, Cyprus, etc. F-VF .
                                      .......................... Est 185.00+
                                     COVERS WITH SHIP CANCELS:                                BOY SCOUTS & GIRL GUIDES TOPICALS
                                     7133. Ö Coll of 16 diff covers with ship can-                   IN 2 VOLUMES:
                                      cels, from 1933 to 2003. Cards & covers from            7159. ÚÛ Extensive BOY SCOUT & GIRL
                                      6 diff countries. We noted 4 diff SS Seguin,             GUIDE topical coll in glassines on stock-
                                      Muskoka; 3 Russian Arctic Voyages, 2 Israeli             cards in 2 binders, from 1964-85. Has  FLOWERS OF THE WORLD TOPICALS:
           AUSTRIA COLLECTION 1850-1978:  covers 1954-7, etc. F-VF....... Est 45.00+           singles, sets, souvenir sheets & cacheted  7174. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 77 diff world
         7119. ÚÛ Decent coll on pages & a  CHILDREN & YOUTH TOPICALS:                         unaddr FDC’s from a multitude of countries.  souvenir/miniature sheets all depicting
          stockcard. Has a good section of 19th  7134. ÚÛ Colourful coll of 58 diff modern     F-VF, much mint NH (Approx 760 stamps,  flowers. Most are mint with a wide variety
          Century classics with stamps up to $80  souvenir / miniature sheets plus 15 sets, 13  62 SS’s, 174 covers) ........ Est 400.00+  of types of flowers depicted. F-VF, mint are
          each; then various later up to WWI incl used  cach FDC’s & 5 Sweden maxi cards. All are                          NH, used are CTO .......... Est 175.00+
          164-7 ($112); solid section of 1930’s-40’s  topicals depicting children & youth. Wide  SOUVENIR SHEET COLLECTION:
          incl used 378-9 ($46), mint 405-23 ($41);  variety of countries & issues. Mostly mint NH.  7160. SSÚÛ Attractive coll of 170 diff souvenir  PARROT TOPICALS:
          then an extensive run of post war. Has  F-VF...................... Est 180.00+      sheets from all over the world, 1960’s up to  7175. SSÚÛ Very colourful coll of 34 diff mod-
          various semi-postals with sets up to $20;                                           2017 (couple earlier). We noted a nice range  ern souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting
          airmails with mint C32-46 ($74) & used  WALT DISNEY TOPICALS:                       of mint Germany. Lots of nice topicals incl Art,  Parrots with a wide variety of types & colours.
          C54-60 ($258); plus Postage Dues & other  7135. SSÛ Beautiful coll of 43 diff modern sou-  BOY SCOUT / GIRL GUIDES  Elephants, Motorcycles, Horses, Trains, etc.  Primarily African countries. Many spectacular
          BOB. VG-VF (100’s) ........ Est 450.00+  venir / miniature sheets all depicting famous  TOPICAL COLLECTION IN 3 BOOKS:  VF, mint are NH............. Est 150.00+  items. VF, mint are NH, used CTO Est 70.00+
                                      Disney characters incl Mickey Mouse, Donald  7148. ÚÛ Spectacular coll of BOY SCOUTS  ELVIS PRESLEY TOPICALS:  WORLD SOUVENIR / MINIATURE SHEETS:
        GERMANY ZEPPELIN REPRINTS:    Duck, Lion King, Hercules, Snow White, Peter  & GIRL GUIDES topical coll 1925-63, neatly  7161. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 33 diff modern  7176. SSÛ Interesting coll of mint souvenir /
        7120. ÕÛ C38-45, Cpl set of 8 diff overprinted  Pan, etc. Incl a set of Donald Duck Movie  written up on special pages in 3 binders,  souvenir/miniature sheets. Has various por-  miniature sheets from a wide array of coun-
         Zeppelins, all in blocks. All are private  Posters (Cat $52), Fairy Tales set (Cat $25) &  primarily mint. Commemorate anniversaries,  traits, scenes from his movies, singing, etc.  tries from around the globe. Primarily 1960’s-
         reprints. VF, NH (Genuine Cat $36,400!) ...  Animal Stories (Cat $24). VF, NH Est 125.00+  VF, mint are NH, used are CTO Est 135.00+
         .......................... Est 125.00+  BOY SCOUTS / GIRL GUIDES  special events & Jamborees. Has singles,        90’s with lots of $5-$30 singles & sets. Loaded
                                                                  sets, blocks, cach FDC’s, maxi-cards,
        FRANCE                       LABEL COLLECTION:            special event covers & souvenir sheets  WORLD WILDLIFE FUND COLLECTION:  with popular topicals incl transportation, fa-
                                                                                                                           mous people, sports, space, animal kingdom,
                                                                                             7162. ÚÛ Three stockcards with an attractive
        IMPERFORATE BOOKLET PANE SHEET:  7136. ÚÛ Attractive coll of BOY SCOUT &  from a multitude of countries. We noted mint  all diff coll of “WWF” topicals, mainly 1980’s-  etc. F-VF, mostly NH. 2025 Scott $1,300
        7121. Û 2415a, Cpl Imperforate Booklet Pane  GIRL GUIDE labels & seals from a broad  Cyprus 226a ($120), etc. F-VF (436 stamps,  90’s. Nice variety of countries & issues depict-  (115 diff) .................. Est 375.00+
         sheet of 5. Fresh, VF, NH. Maury Cat 1,125  range of countries neatly arranged on  17 SS’s, 175 covers) ........ Est 500.00+  ing all kinds of wildlife incl mammals, birds,
         Euro...................... Est 350.00+  stockcards & pages, from 1929-85. Has sin-   reptiles, etc. Inventory list accompanies. F-VF  COLLECTION OF
                                                                                                                          INTERESTING CANCELS ON COVERS:
                                      gles, blocks, part sheets, mini sheets, etc. We  ILLUSTRATED  (139) ................ 2023 Scott 188.00  7177. Ö Fascinating coll of covers with odd /
                                      noted World Jubilees 1929 Birkenhead & 1937  WWII ADVERTISING COVERS:                unusual town names, primarily 1960’s-70’s
                                      Netherlands. Also various reference pages  7149. Ö Interesting coll of 25 WWII illustrated  but does have some earlier. Majority are from
                                      incl colour illustrated 18-page Boy Scout  Censored advertising covers in sleeves from  USA; others from Canada, Australia, Gr. Brit-
                                      Movement as seen on stamps & other litera-  Colombia, Jamaica, Portugal & Venezuela.  ain & a few other countries. Neatly written up
                                      ture. F-VF (206 stamps, 7 SS’s) . Est 75.00+  Most have Jamaican Censor tapes. One addr  on pages; some with history of origin of name
                                                                  to Canada; others to USA. Many nice multi-
                                     SHIP MASTER SIGNED           frankings. Note 4 from Dodge / Firestone.                of the town or city. We saw D after, Mich,
                                     PAQUEBOT COVERS:             Mixed condition, some folds . . . Est 125.00+            Currency Creek & Iron Knob Australia. Buried
                                     7137. Ö Fascinating coll of 54 diff Paquebot                                          Village, NZ; Dynamite Factory, So. Africa;
                                      covers with British frankings, from 1970’s-90’s.                                     Evening Shade Ark; Dutch John, Utah; Beer
                                      Each SIGNED by the SHIPMASTER. Has an                                                England; Hells Half Acre, Wyoming; etc. Most
                                      interesting range of postmarks, paquebot h/s’s,                                      addr to No. Ireland. F-VF (190) . Est 250.00+
                                      ship cancels & cachets with ship data. We saw                                       MILITARY TOPICAL COLLECTION:
                                      covers posted from Europe, Latin America,                                           7178. ÚÛ Box with an historical coll / accum of
                                      USA, Africa, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Papua                                           MILITARY related material, from older to mod-
         JAPAN MINT NH COLLECTION 1988-2007:  New Guinea, West Indies, St. Helena, South                                   ern. Items here from a wide range of countries
         7122. Û 1805a/2997, Pristine eye-catching  Pacific, Dubai, etc. Several have ship illustrated                     in glassines / sleeves & loose. These depict
          coll neatly arranged & identified in a large   bilingual “Seamans Mail” etiquette affixed. F-VF  STAMP ON STAMP TOPICALS
          stockbook. Has gorgeous singles, sets, se-  .......................... Est 150.00+        INCLUDING $150 SET:    soldiers, all kinds of uniforms, officers, sailors,
                                                                                                                           regiments, leaders, air forces, historical
          tenant multiples, panes souvenir sheets &   EUROPA TOPICAL COLLECTION 1956-1993:    7163. SSÚÛ Attractive coll of all diff souve-  events, etc. Has stamps, souvenir sheets,
          booklets, topicals & thematics abound. VF,   7138. Û Attractive coll neatly displayed on  nir/miniature sheets all being STAMP  cach covers, WWII Censored covers, post-
          NH. Owner’s face YDOXH approx $1,235 Cdn  White Ace album pages. Has a range of      ON STAMP topicals. Has a wide range of  cards, etc. F-VF (254 stamps, 34 SS’s, 303
          (1,060 stamps, 79 SS’s, 19 Booklets) .....  countries & issues with sets, miniature /  stamps depicted from famous early classics  covers / postcards) .......... Est 225.00+
          ......................... Est 900.00+                                                up to modern. Has items from many coun-
                                      souvenir sheets & gutter pairs. Incl better                                         SHIPS & BOAT TOPICALS:
        BELGIUM 1960 REFUGEE SHEET:   items up to $25 & $45. Also 8 attractive  CHRISTMAS      tries. Incl some better items incl one set  7179. ÚÛ Box with an unsorted topical accum
        7123. SSÛ B662a, Fresh, VF, NH .........  FDC’s. F-VF (Approx 60 items). Est 100.00+  TOPICAL COLLECTION 1976-1977:  that Cat $150. Also has 7 cach FDC’s & 3  of Ships, Boats, Sailing Vessels, Freighters,
          ..................... 2025 Scott 70.00  WORLD WILDLIFE FUND FDC’s:  7150. ÚÛ Extensive Christmas topical coll  diff Stamp Exhibition sheets from England.  Steamships, Passenger Liners, etc. Has a
        SHIRLEY TEMPLE FAN MAIL:     7139. Ö Large specialty album with a nice  from a terrific range of world countries  VF, mint are NH (65 items) . . . Est 175.00+  wide variety of countries & issues from around
                                                                  neatly displayed on specialty pages. Has
        7124. Ö Germany #C59, Tied by Dresden 21  coll of 105 diff International “WWF” first day  MOTHER TERESA TOPICALS:  the globe with stamps, covers, postcards,
         Nov 1938 CDS on Fan Mail cover addr to  covers from 1976-8. All with beautiful artist  lovely mint sets, mint gutter pairs, over 50  7164. SSÚÛ Coll of 29 diff modern souvenir /  souvenir sheets, etc. If organized this would
         SHIRLEY TEMPLE, FOX Film Studio, Holly-  drawn colour cachets & descriptive info cards.  mint souvenir sheets & about 50 nice cach  miniature sheets all depicting MOTHER  make a fine basis for a specialized topical
                                                                  FDC’s. Clean lot, F-VF, mint appear NH
         wood. Has strip of 3 German Customs labels  The stamps & covers depict all kinds of birds,  (100’s) ................... Est 250.00+  TERESA. Has various countries incl one that  collection. VG-VF (Over 850 stamps, 215
         tied on back. F............... Est 50.00+  animals, sealife, etc. VF ...... Est 100.00+  Cat $14. VF, most are CTO used Est 50.00+  covers / postcards, 40 SS’s) . . . Est 325.00+
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60