Page 58 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 58
WORLD MIXTURE: 7280. Û Glossy b/w8x10 publicity photo of MILITARIA
7254. Ú Bag with 1.7 kilos of older to modern American actress KATHLEEN TURNER.
mixture on single / double paper. Strong in Known for her distinctive husky voice. Person-
Canada, Gr. Britain, European, etc. Has both ally inscribed in black marker “Sean All The The following items are from one man’s
small & large stamps (1,000’s) . Est 150.00+ Best! Kathleen Turner”. VF ..... Est 45.00+ collection of military memorabilia. The
USA MIXTURE: RENE ZELLWEGER PHOTO: collection is predominantly Canadian
7255. Ú Bag with over 3lbs of mixture on 7281. Û Glossy8x10 inch publicity photo of and spans both the First & Second World
closely trimmed single paper from 1970’s up American actress Rene Zellweger with a Wars. Each lot is accompanied by his
to recent. Primarily defins & Christmas (Few close-up portrait. Signed in blue Sharpie. She detailed research. We are pleased to offer
1,000) ..................... Est 50.00+ has appeared in many movies & has won 2
Academy Awards. VF ......... Est 40.00+ these important historical military items.
7256. Ú Over 4.5 pounds of world mixture on BEN STILLER AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO: USA PURPLE HEART:
paper. Mainly from 1970’s-90’s with a wide 7282. Û Glossy coloured8x10 movie still 7296. Ú USA Purple Heart awarded for Military
range of small & large size stamps, defins, (with scene from “Zoolander”) showing BEN Merit...................... Est 100.00+
commems, etc. Strong in Gr. Britain with val- STILLER. He is the well-known American ac- USA WWII BRONZE STAR:
ues to £5 & £10; but also Canada, Europe, tor, comedian & film maker. Has been auto- 7297. Ú USA WWII Bronze Star War Medal
etc. (1,000’s) ............... Est 125.00+ graphed in silver pen. VF....... Est 50.00+ with original ribbon............ Est 50.00+
PAPER PRIMARILY COMMEMS: 7283. Ú Special album with a cpl set of 50 diff
7257. Ú Over 1 pound of loose off paper mix- Wills Cigarette Cards from the 1930’s. Affixed
ture. Primarily commems & mainly 1980’s- on pages with printed write-ups. F Est 50.00+
90’s. A large quantity of stamps to sort & HOUSEHOLD HINTS CARDS:
search through (1,000’s) ...... Est 125.00+ 7284. Ú Album with a cpl set of 50 diff Wills
Cigarette Cards circa 1936, depicting “House- WWI BRODIE HELMET:
WORLD MIXTURE: 7313. Ú WWI Canadian Expeditionary Force Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Brodie Helmet.
7258. ÚÛ Bag with over 1 pound of loose off hold Hints”. F................ Est 45.00+ Has original painted “B” & “R.C.H.A.” from the 1st Regiment “B” Battery. This vintage helmet
paper world mixture (no Canada or USA). PLAYERS & WILLS CIGARETTE CARDS: incl the original liner & chin strap ........................................Est 500.00+
Primarily used & mainly large size commems / 7285. Ú Asst of Players & Wills Cigarette
pictorials (Many 100’s) ....... Est 150.00+ Cards neatly arranged on pages, pre WWII.
Topics incl trains, farm & wild animals, London CANADIAN MILITARY CANADIAN CAP BADGES & INSIGNIA:
7259. Ú Bag with over one pound of large size Cryers, “Do you Know”, KGVI & Royal Family, UNIFORM BADGES & INSIGNIA: 7310. Ú Large frame with a coll of various cap
etc. VG-VF, some flaws (208) . . . Est 70.00+
stamps on closely trimmed single paper from 7304. Ú Large frame with a coll of various badges & shoulder titles from the 20th Cen-
tury. Incl Royal Canadian Corps of Signals
the 2000’s up to 2023 (100’s) . . Est 100.00+ GR. BRITAIN NEWSPAPER 1837: cap badges & shoulder titles mostly from
WORLD MIXTURE WITH MANY 1,000’s: 7286. Ú “The Northampton Herald”, 4-page WWI & WWII. Incl University de Montreal (various types); Algonquin Regiment; Prin-
cess Patricia’s Light Infantry; Princess of
Contingent; Military Intelligence Corp;
7260. Ú Bag with over 5.5 pounds of loose un- newspaper from 26 Aug, 1837. Lots of inter- University of Toronto Contingent; Royal Wales Own Regiment; Royal Canadian
sorted mixture, older to modern. Has stamps esting news incl lists of members to return to Canadian Army Service Corps (RCASC); Army Service Corps (various types incl a
Parliament after recent election; lengthy edito-
both on & off paper. Strongest in USA stamps rial on the election; constituting of a new WWI NURSE’S MEMORIAL PLAQUE: Electrical & Mechanical Engineers; three belt buckle); Tank Division with large &
but does have lots of world throughout (Many Masonic lodge; market news; ads; etc. Has 7298. Ú Rare large size bronze WWI British diff Medical Corps; Tank Corps; & more small; Military Intelligence badge & buttons;
1,000’s) ................... Est 150.00+ Memorial Plaque issued to honour “Martha (34 items). See photo on Page 115 .....
neat red 1d Revenue h/s. F..... Est 60.00+
CANADA ON PAPER MIXTURE OF DAVE THOMAS - FOUNDER OF WENDY’S: S. Farley” who died of illness contracted ....................... Est 900.00+ Royal Canadian Armoured Corp (RCAC)
badge & buttons; & more (33 items). See
PRIMARILY COMMEMS: 7287. Û Coloured8x10 publicity photo of on duty as a Nurse at Adelaide Hospital in photo on Page 115.......... Est 900.00+
7261. Ú Approx 2.5 Kg of on paper mixture, DAVE THOMAS (1932-2002) personally in- Dublin, Ireland in 1918. Ms. Farley was WWI & WWII MEDALS & INSIGNIA:
from mainly 1970’s-90’s. Primarily commems scribed in black sharpie “To Jim, Best Wishes, awarded the Royal Red Cross in 1917 for 7305. Ú Frame with an interesting group of WWII WAR MEDALS:
but also some Higher Value defins, etc. F-VF Dave Thomas”. He was an American busi- exceptional services in Military Nursing. WWI & WWII Medals & Insignia. Incl “MR” 7311. Ú Large frame with an impressive
(1,000’s)................... Est 200.00+ nessman & founder of Wendy’s restaurant Her extensive Military Nursing experience (Mounted Rifles) shoulder badges; King Wil- coll of WWII War Medals & matching rib-
MIXTURE OF CANADA; ETC: chain. He became a well-known national per- included time in Hospitals in England, liam III 1690 Loyal Orange Order collarette; bons. Incl 1939-1945 Star; Atlantic Star;
7262. Ú Mixture with 8.25 pounds on paper sonality with over 800 TV commercial adver- South Africa & Ireland. “SHE DIED FOR RCAF sweetheart pins (2); set of three Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve
of Canada plus some Gr. Britain, some other tisements for the chain. VF ..... Est 50.00+ FREEDOM” plaques are extremely rare & WWII medals & UN Korea medal with rib- Cross; Air Crew Europe Star; Africa Star;
world, etc. Primarily 1950’s-80’s. This is a KGVI CIGARETTE CARDS: it is estimated that only 600 of these plaques bons to CN Loveless, pair of Royal Cana- Italy Star; France & Germany Star; Terri-
“lower end” mix with lots of defins but does 7288. Ú Cpl coll of 50 diff Wills Cigarette Cards were issued as compared to approximately dian Armoured Corp (RCAC) collar badges; torial Efficiency Medal; Burma Star; Pa-
have some larger size commems & pictorials for the 1937 Coronation of KGVI. Affixed in a 1,355,000 of the more common “HE DIED Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry cap cific Star; Service Medal with Palestine
(1,000’s)................... Est 150.00+ special album with write-ups. F, some soiling / FOR FREEDOM” plaques. Approximately badge; & Drummer badge (14 items). See bar; Service Medal of the Order of St.
CANADA COMMEMS: flaws on album cover.......... Est 65.00+ 4.5” in diameter .......... Est 5,000.00+ photo on Page 115.......... Est 500.00+ John of Jerusalem; India Service Medal;
7263. Ú Bag with 2 pounds of commems on WWI & WWII WOMEN’S MEDALS & AWARDS: & more (18 items). See photo on Page
single brown paper mostly from 1979-85. 7299. Ú Interesting coll of Medals & Awards all WWI MEDALS OF CORP COULSON: 115 .................. Est 2,000.00+
Primarily 17¢ values but does have other for women. Incl WWI British Army Victory 7306. Ú Frame with the WWI Medals &
values up to 32¢ ............. Est 90.00+ Medal named to “N.J. Sewell V.A.D.” (Volun- badges of Corporal Percy Coulson who
CANADA COMMEMORATIVES OFF PAPER: tary Aid Detachments provided nursing care served in the Canadian Expeditionary WWI MEDALS:
7312. Ú Large frame with an impressive
7264. Ú One pound of loose unsorted OFF for military personnel); 1897 QV Diamond Ju- Force. Incl set of three diff War Medals group of WWI medals. Incl 1914 Star;
PAPER commem mix mainly from the 1950’s- bilee Army Temperance Association Medal; (1914-1915 Star, British War Medal & Vic- 1914-1915 Star; War Medal; Victory
90’s. Terrific variety & a large quantity of Canadian Women’s Army Corp cap badges & tory Medal) along with matching miniature Medal; Special Constabulary Medal; Mer-
stamps (Many 100’s) .......... Est 75.00+ collar pins; & more (12 items) . . Est 300.00+ trio & his original identification tag, drum ma- cantile Marine Medal; large bronze Me-
WORLD MIXTURE: WWII RCAF UNIFORM INSIGNIA: jor cloth badge, & religious badges. A won- morial Plaque to “Brenton Haynes”; & five
derful set! See photo on Page 115 .......
7265. Ú One pound of modern world mixture 7300. Ú Frame with an interesting group of diff Allied Nations Victory Medals from In-
all on paper. Wide variety of countries & a WWII Royal Canadian Air Force uniform insig- ......................... Est 600.00+ dia, USA, Italy & Belgium (12 items). See
high percentage commems or large size nia. Incl cap badge, & large & small buttons ROYAL CANADIAN photo on Page 115 ......Est 1,000.00+
(Many 100’s) ................ Est 65.00+ (13 items).................. Est 125.00+ ARTILLERY UNIFORM INSIGNIA:
7266. Ú Two pounds of loose world mixture. 7302. Ú Large frame with a coll of various Artillery Uniform Insignia. Incl Cap Badge, 7314. Ú WWI Canadian Expeditionary Force
All off paper. Loaded with larger size, topicals, two sets of Shoulder Badges, & two sets Officers Swagger Stick with silver end & tip.
CTO’s, etc. No high values but tremendous cap & collar badges mostly from WWI & of “RCA” Collar Badges (9 items) ........ Approx 27 inches in length .... Est 100.00+
WWII. Incl 8th Princess Louise’s Hussars;
quantity & completely unsorted. Looks like a 2nd Queens Own Rifles; Carleton & York .......................... Est 125.00+
lot of fun (1,000’s) ........... Est 130.00+ CANADA WWI & WWII UNIFORM INSIGNIA:
Regiment; 109th Infantry Victoria & COINS AND
WORLD MIXTURE: Haliburton; 62nd Battalion (British Colum- 7308. Ú Frame with an interesting coll of WWI
7267. Ú One pound of loose unsorted world bia); 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles Regi- & WWII Uniform Insignia. Incl 1st Calgary
mixture. All off paper. No high values but COLLECTION OF OLD ENGLISH PHOTOS: ment; 116th Battalion; Quinte’s Own Highlands Brigade Shoulder badge; Lanark PAPER MONEY
looks like a lot of fun (1,000’s). . . Est 65.00+ 7289. Ú Interesting coll of 32 diff 19th Century 254th Battalion; & many more (28 items). & Renfrew Regimental Cap badge; Hastings
b/w photographs (2.5 x 4 inches) of various See photo on Page 115. . . Est 1,250.00+ & Prince Edward Regiment collar badges; NIUE $1 WITH GOLD INSERT:
men, women & youths, in contemporary “CGA” Canadian Garrison Artillery shoulder
EPHEMERA dress. We counted 19 diff photographers badge; RCAF Cap badge, Canadian Ar- 7315. Û Special case with 2014 Silver Proof
with many having advertising on reverses. WWII MEDALS & INSIGNIA: moured Tank Essex Regiment cap badge; Symbols of Luck Ladybird coin with 24K gold
Many of the photographers are from Cam- 7303. Ú Frame with an interesting group of Canadian 47th Frontenac Rifles Regiment plated insert................ Est 100.00+
SRI LANKA GREETINGS CARDS: bridge & London but numerous other places WWII Medals & Uniform Insignia. Incl set collar badge; Officers rank pips; miniature
7268. Û Fascinating set of 12 diff circa 1980’s as well incl Hereford, Bromley, Bedford, of six WWII medals with 1939-45 Star, Italy Member of the Order of the British Empire; &
unused colour illustrated greetings card for Croydon, etc. A flashback into fashions of Star, France & Germany Star, Defense more (19 items) ............. Est 300.00+
aid of the Puppetry & Children’s Museum in the era. Mainly VG-F ........ Est 150.00+ Medal, Voluntary Service Medal, & War
Colombo. Portray characters & humorous epi- Medal, Canadian Army Corps cap badge, CANADIAN MILITARY CAP BADGES:
sodes from Sinhales folklore. VF. Est 50.00+ THE TIMES LONDON 1822 NEWSPAPER: Lake Superior Scottish Regiment cap 7309. Ú Large coll of various cap badges
7290. Ú Fascinating old 4-page newspaper
BOXING COLLECTOR CARDS: “The Times” 11 Sept, 1822 with British Coat of badge, Royal Army Service Corp cap from the 20th Century. Incl Land Ordnance
Engineering; Logistics; Medical Services;
badge, Royal Canadian Engineers (RCF)
7269. Û Binder with an accum of “Kayo” Arms illustrated heading. Contains news of collar badges, Royal military College cap Engineers; Legal Corps; RCAF; Chaplain;
Boxing sport cards from 1991. Has All Time the day, listings of departing ships incl many badge (French version), Canadian Guards Music Corps; Intelligence branch; & more.
Greats, Heavyweight Champs, & more. VF for Van Diemen’s Land, humourous anecdote Queen’s Grenadier cap badge, & various Also incl a group of smaller collar pins
(260) ...................... Est 40.00+ under “Police” column, smuggling on the Sus- buttons (25 items) See photo on Page
STACY KEACH AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO: sex Coast, interesting ads, etc. Has a red 4d 115 .................... Est 400.00+ (39 items). See photo on Page 115.......
......................... Est 750.00+
7270. Û Glossy b/w 8x10 publicity photo of Revenue h/s. F .............. Est 65.00+
vision series Mike Hammer (1984-7). Has 7291. Û Glossy8x10b/w signed promotional
signed personal inscription. VF . . Est 45.00+ photo of American actor Richard Dreyfuss.
JACK KLUGMAN SIGNED PHOTO: He starred in many popular films in the
7271. Û Publicity b/w 8x10 photo from 1981 of 1970’s-90’s incl Jaws, American Graffiti, VIRGIN ISLANDS $20 COIN SET:
American actor JACK KLUGMAN. Personally Stakeout, etc. & won an Academy Award for 7316. Û Cpl set of 25 Silver Proof $20 coins
inscribed in black sharpie. He was an award Best Actor in Goodbye Girl. VF . . Est 50.00+ from 1985 (Crown size) from the Sunken
winning stage, film & television actor. VF ... WWI ANTI-VD BOOKLET: Ship Treasures of the Caribbean series.
........................... Est 50.00+ 7292. Ú Small 6-page folder published by “Alli- Each coin depicts a diff artifact on the front
GWYNETH PALTROW SIGNED PHOTO: ance of Honour” London during WWI. Entitled & portrait of QE on obverse. All in a special
7272. Û Publicity b/w 8x10 signed photo of “For Thoughtful Reading” concerning the pre- case. Current retail approx $750 Est 600.00+
American actress GWYNETH PALTROW. vention of venereal diseases for British sol-
Shows a scene of her from the 1999 film diers in France. Has messages by Lord
“The Talented Mr. Ripley”. She has played Kitchener & several medical authorities. F ..
roles in many well-known movies & has won ........................... Est 50.00+
an Academy Award for best actress for the CALENDAR ALMANAC 1900:
movie “Shakespeare in Love”. VFEst 50.00+ 7293. Ú Fascinating 33 page Calendar Alma-
FAMOUS FILM STARS: nac booklet (4.5 x 6.25 in) for 1900. Has gor-
7273. Ú Coll of 30 diff R&J Hill Cigarette Cards geous coloured outside cover depicting
from 1938 depicting Famous Film Stars. Incl American & British sailors with flags plus
Betty Grable, Deanna Durbin, etc. VF...... White House & Windsor Castle on reverse. In-
........................... Est 75.00+ side has all kinds of interesting printed arti- FRANCE 20 FRANCS GOLD:
CLYDE MCCOY AUTOGRAPH: cles. F ..................... Est 75.00+ 7317. Ú France 1878 20 Francs GOLD coin
7274. Ú Slip of paper with the autograph of ENGRAVED PRINTS OF CHINA with ‘A’ (Paris) mint mark. EF-AU Est 800.00+
American jazz trumpeter CLYDE MCCOY FROM THE OPIUM WARS:
(1903-90) whose popularity spanned 7 de- 7294. Ú Fascinating coll of 37 old b/w prints
cades. He is best remembered for his theme of the CHINESE OPIUM WAR era. These
song “Sugar Blues”. Also signed by one other are prints that appeared in the “1857 Illus-
person on the reverse side. VF . . Est 50.00+ trated London News”. Lots of interesting &
BETTE MIDLER SIGNED PHOTO: unusual scenes incl Chinese Pirate Boat at
7275. Û Glossy b/w 7x9 publicity photo with Canton; scene of Port of Shanghai; Chinese
3 diff scenes of her from the 1988 movie Smuggling Boat; Bombardment of Canton;
“Beaches”. Signed in blue sharpie. VF ..... Capture of French Folly Fort; Chinese carry-
........................... Est 45.00+ ing wounded; attempt to Capture the Pas-
MARK WAHLBERG SIGNED PHOTO: senger Steamer “Fei Ma” by 53 Imperial
7276. Û Coloured8x10 publicity photo of Junks; Chinese men & women; preparing
Mark Wahlberg from a scene from the 2001 raw silk; merchant boats; Chinese buildings;
movie “Planet of the Apes”. Signed by him in Hong Kong trial at Police Station; Chinese FRANCE 20 FRANCS GOLD:
gold pen. VF ................ Est 50.00+ War Junks; etc. F (37 items) . . Est 750.00+ 7318. Ú France 1870 20 Francs GOLD
FILM STARS & CELEBRITIES ON CARDS: EARLY FRANCE NEWSPAPERS 1824-1852: coin with “BB” (Strasbourg) mint mark.
7277. Ú Interesting asst of Cigarette Cards 7295. Ú Fascinating lot of 4 diff 19th Century Uncirculated............... Est 800.00+
mainly from the 1920’s-30’s. These depict film Newspapers, all in surprisingly nice condition
stars (primarily women), plus personalities & each has a circular Revenue handstamp.
from the sports world, radio, etc. Mixed These contain current events from France,
condition (80)................ Est 50.00+ GB, Germany, Spain (articles on war in
CARDS OF MODERN BEAUTIES: Spain), couple with ads, etc. An interesting
7278. Ú Cpl coll of 36 diff b/w real photo glimpse back into history from over 150 years
collector cards (2.5 x 3.5 inches) from the late ago. F .................... Est 110.00+
1930’s. All depict beautiful women in various EARLY FRANCE NEWSPAPERS 1824-1852:
poses with some in swimsuits or short outfits. 7295. Ú Fascinating lot of 4 diff 19th Century
VF ....................... Est 100.00+ Newspapers, all in surprisingly nice condition
OLD CIGARETTE TINS: & each has a circular Revenue handstamp.
7279. Ú Coll of 7 diff Cigarette Tins from some These contain current events from France, CAP BADGE COLLECTION:
years ago. Incl Black Cat, Sweet Caporal, GB, Germany, Spain (articles on war in 7301. Ú Large frame with an impressive coll of various cap badges from the 20th Century. Incl PRUSSIA 20 MARK GOLD:
Macdonald’s, Pall Mall, etc. The best one is a Spain), couple with ads, etc. An interesting Canada Post Office; USAF ROTC; Welsh Guards Regiment; Royal Rifles of Canada; Irish 7319. Ú Prussia 1887 20 Mark GOLD coin
with “A” (Berlin) mint mark & portrait of Kai-
Macdonald’s tin for the 1953 Coronation with glimpse back into history from over 150 years Regiment of Canada; Brockville Rifles; Kings Royal Rifles Corps; The Royal Scots; & many ser Wilhelm II. EF ......... Est 1,000.00+
Union Jack flag & the Queen. F . Est 40.00+ ago. F .................... Est 110.00+ more (80 items)....................................................Est 2,000.00+