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                                     7330. Û Special case with a $20 SILVER
                                      Proof coin from 2015 commemorating the
                                      100th Anniversary of the poem “In Flanders
                                      Fields” ..................... Est 90.00+
                                     CANADA $20 COUGAR:
                                     7331. Û Special case with a $20 SILVER Proof
                                      coloured coin from 2018 from the Majestic
                                      Wildlife series depicting the Courageous
                                      Cougar.................... Est 100.00+  ANCIENT ROMAN COIN:
                                     CANADA $1 THE MATTHEW:       7348. Ú Ancient SILVER Denarius coin
                                     7332. Û Special case with a $1 SILVER Proof  from the period of 117-138 AD depicting
              PRUSSIA 20 MARK GOLD:   piedfort coin from 2019 commemorating the  Emperor Hadrian. Reverse depicts Pietas
         7320. Ú Prussia 1875 20 Mark GOLD coin  Heritage of the Royal Canadian Mint & depict-  standing with both hands raised. A beautiful
          with “A” (Berlin) mint mark & portrait of  ing the Matthew............. Est 100.00+  early coin!................. Est 150.00+
          Kaiser Wilhelm II. EF ...... Est 1,000.00+  CANADA $20 PEI:
                                     7333. Û Special case with a $20 SILVER Proof
                                      coin from 2023 commemorating the 150th An-
                                      niversary of Prince Edward Island joining Con-
                                      federation.................. Est 100.00+
                                     CANADA 2017 PROOF SET:
                                     7334. Û Special black leather case with a
                                      2017 SILVER Proof set of seven coins
                                      commemorating the 1967 Centennial set ...
                                      .......................... Est 225.00+
         7321. Ú USA 1915 $2.50 GOLD Indian Head  7335. Ú Bank of Canada KGVI $10 & $20  7349. Ú Ancient SILVER Denarius coin from
          Quarter Eagle. EF .......... Est 700.00+  notes from 1937. F-VF (2)...... Est 80.00+  the period of 198-211 AD depicting Emperor
                                                                  Geta. Reverse is inscribed PROVID
                                                                  DEORVM & depicts Providentia standing
                                                                  holding rod & sceptre........ Est 125.00+

                                       BANK OF CANADA $100 NOTE 1937:
              UNITED STATES $5 GOLD:
         7322. Ú USA 1913 $5 GOLD Indian Head  7336. Ú Attractive Bank of Canada $100 note  ANCIENT ROMAN COIN:
          Half Eagle. AU ........... Est 1,000.00+  from 1937 with Gordon-Towers signatures.
                                      EF ...................... Est 250.00+  7350. Ú Ancient SILVER Denarius coin from  USA 20TH CENTURY TYPE COIN SET:
                                                                  the period of 193-211 AD depicting Emperor
                                     CANADA KGVI STEEL NICKELS:   Septimius Severus. Reverse depicts two  7343. Ú Special frame with a beautiful set of 20th Century type coins. Incl four diff Pennies from
                                     7337. Ú Ten rolls of KGVI STEEL Wartime “V”  captives seated at base of trophy ........  Indian Head to Lincoln; four diff Nickels; four diff Dimes; four diff Quarters; six diff Halves; and
                                      (Victory) 5¢ Nickels from 1944-5. Condition  ......................... Est 150.00+  three diff Dollars. An attractive set! Condition varies from F-EF (25)............. Est 350.00+
                                      is generally VF (400 Nickels). . . Est 200.00+
                                                                                             USA 1882-O SILVER DOLLAR:    USA 1921-D SILVER DOLLAR:
                                                                                             7359. Ú USA 1882 Morgan SILVER Dollar with  7368. Ú USA 1921 Morgan SILVER Dollar
                                                                                              “O” (New Orleans) mint mark. EF Est 75.00+  with “D” (Denver) mint mark. AU . Est 75.00+
                                                                                             USA 1884-O SILVER DOLLAR:    EARLY BRITISH SILVER PENNY:
                                                                                             7360. Ú USA 1884 Morgan SILVER Dollar with  7369. Ú SILVER Penny from the reign of
                                                                                              “O” (New Orleans) mint mark. EF Est 75.00+  Edward I (1272-1307). Reverse depicts long
             UNITED STATES $5 GOLD:                                                                                        cross. F .................... Est 75.00+
         7323. Ú USA 1912 $5 GOLD Indian Head
          Half Eagle. AU ........... Est 1,000.00+

                                                                                                                              UNITED STATES $2.50 GOLD:
                                                                                                                          7370. Ú USA 1912 $2.50 GOLD Indian Head
                                                                                                                           Quarter Eagle. AU .......... Est 700.00+

             UNITED STATES $10 GOLD:
         7324. Ú USA 1901 $10 GOLD Liberty Head
          Eagle with “S” (San Francisco) mint mark.
          VF-EF .................. Est 2,000.00+
                                                     LEGACY OF THE CANADIAN NICKEL:
                                     7338. Û Special wooden box with a spectacular set of six diff large SILVER Proof coins from
                                      2015 with gold highlights commemorating the legacy of the Canadian Nickel (6). . . Est 750.00+  UNITED STATES $2.50 GOLD:
                                                                                                                          7371. Ú USA 1914 $2.50 GOLD Indian Head
                                     CANADA SILVER QUARTERS:                                      USA 1885-O SILVER DOLLAR:  Quarter Eagle. EF .......... Est 700.00+
                                     7339. Ú Group of 20 QE SILVER Quarters                   7361. Ú USA 1885 Morgan SILVER Dollar
                                      from 1957-66. VF-EF (20) ...... Est 135.00               with “O” (New Orleans) mint mark. Has
                                     WORLD 100 DIFFERENT BANKNOTES:                            been PCGS Certified & graded MS-63 ....
                                     7340. Û Interesting group of 100 diff                     ......................... Est 150.00+
                                      uncirculated World Banknotes mostly from
                                      the 1950’s - 2000 era. Wide variety of                 USA 1888-O SILVER DOLLAR:
                                      countries .................. Est 100.00+               7362. Ú USA 1888 Morgan SILVER Dollar with
            USA WASHINGTON QUARTERS:  USA KENNEDY SILVER HALVES:                              “O” (New Orleans) mint mark. EF Est 75.00+
         7325. Ú Blue Whitman folder with a cpl coll of  7341. Ú Accum of 1964 Kennedy SILVER
          SILVER Washington Quarters from 1932-  Half Dollars. Condition varies from VF-AU (11)  ANCIENT ROMAN COIN:
          64. All spaces are filled incl the good items  .......................... Est 200.00+  7351. Ú Ancient SILVER Denarius coin from
          like 1932-D, 1932-S, 1936-D, 1937-D, 1937-  USA KENNEDY HALVES:  the period of 198-217 AD depicting Emperor
          S, 1938-S, 1939-S, 1940-D, & more. Condi-  7342. Ú Accum of Kennedy SILVER CLAD  Caracalla. Reverse depicts two captives
          tion varies from F-EF (83). . . Est 1,000.00+           seated at base of trophy ..... Est 125.00+
                                      Half Dollars from 1966-9. Condition varies
                                      from VF-EF (13)............. Est 100.00+  ANCIENT ROMAN COIN:
        USA 20TH CENTURY TYPE COIN SET:  BOX OF COINS FROM AN ESTATE:  7352. Ú Ancient bronze Billon Antoninianus
        7326. Ú Special frame with a beautiful set of  7344. ÚÛ Box of coins from on estate. Primar-  coin from the period of 284-305 AD depicting  UNITED STATES $20 GOLD:
         20th Century type coins. Incl five diff Pennies  ily Canadian incl 1981 Cased Double Dollar  Emperor Diocletian. Reverse depicts Jupiter  7372. Ú USA 1876 $20 GOLD Liberty Head
         from Indian Head to Lincoln; four diff Nickels;  set; 1998 Cased Specimen set; roll of KGV 5¢  facing Hercules .............. Est 85.00+  Double Eagle with “S” (San Francisco) mint
         four diff Dimes; four diff quarters; five diff  Nickels; bag with some nickel $1 plus 1960  ANCIENT ROMAN COIN:   mark. EF ................ Est 4,000.00+
         Halves; & three diff Dollars. An attractive set!  Silver Dollar; 2008 Cased Proof set; other  7353. Ú Ancient bronze Follis coin from the
         Condition varies from F-EF (25) Est 350.00+
                                      mint products incl 2016 Silver Colourized $20  period of 307-337 AD depicting Emperor     CANADA
                                      coin; $60 in paper $1-$5 notes from 1970’s  Constantine I. Reverse is inscribed I0VI
                                      mostly uncirculated. Also some Foreign coins  CONSERVATORI & depicts Jupiter standing
                                      (100’s) .................... Est 275.00+  ........................... Est 85.00+       PROOF SETS
                                                                 ANCIENT ROMAN COIN:
                                                                 7354. Ú Ancient bronze Follis coin from the
                                                                  period of 337-361 AD depicting Emperor
                                                                  Constantius II. Reverse is inscribed FEL
                                                                  TEMP REPARATIO & depicts soldier spearing
                                                                  a fallen horseman ............ Est 75.00+
           CONFEDERATE STATES $50 BILL:                          BYZANTINE COIN:
         7327. Ú Confederate States of America $50               7355. Ú Large bronze Follis coin from the  USA 1889-O SILVER DOLLAR:
          Banknote from Richmond 17 Feb, 1861.                    Byzantine Empire circa 610-641 AD depicting  7363. Ú USA 1889 Morgan SILVER Dollar
          Has 2 signatures & portrait of President  ANCIENT GREEK COIN:  Emperor Heraclius. Reverse has a large “M”  with “O” (New Orleans) mint mark. Has been
          Jefferson Davis. F .......... Est 150.00+  7345. Ú Ancient SILVER Drachm coin from  ........................... Est 75.00+  PCGS Certified & graded XF-40 Est 100.00+
                                      Apollonia on the Illyrian coast of the Adriatic        USA 1890-S SILVER DOLLAR:
                                      Sea circa 230-200 BC. Cow is facing to  BYZANTINE COIN:  7364. Ú USA 1890 Morgan SILVER Dollar with
                                      the left & reverse depicts square pattern &  7356. Ú Bronze Anonymous Follis coin from  “S” (San Francisco) mint mark. EF Est 75.00+
                                      NIKEN (Magistrate) ......... Est 125.00+  the Byzantine Empire circa 976-1028 AD. Has
                                                                  Nimbate bust of Christ & reverse has legend
                                                                  in four lines ................. Est 75.00+
                                                                 USA 1880 SILVER DOLLAR:
                                                                 7357. Ú USA 1880 Morgan SILVER Dollar. EF
                                                                  ........................... Est 75.00+
             NEWFOUNDLAND $2 GOLD:
         7328. Ú Newfoundland QV 1888 $2 GOLD
          coin. This was the last Newfoundland gold
          coin. EF-AU ............... Est 750.00+                                                                         Every year since 1971 the Royal Canadian
                                           ANCIENT GREEK COIN:                                                            Mint has issued a proof set in a special
                                     7346. Ú Ancient SILVER Drachm coin                                                   black leather case. These high quality sets
                                      from Apollonia on the Illyrian coast of the                                         consist of one coin of each denomination
                                      Adriatic Sea circa 230-200 BC. Cow is                                               from 1¢ to $1 plus the silver commemorative
                                      facing to the left & reverse depicts square                                         dollar. In 1997 the $2 coin in sterling silver,
                                      pattern & ARISTON (Magistrate).........                                             with the centre core plated in gold, was
                                      ......................... Est 125.00+                                               added to all sets.
                                                                                                                          7373. Û 1980 ................ Est 25.00+
                                                                                                                          7374. Û 1981 ................ Est 25.00+
                                                                                                                          7375. Û 1982 ................ Est 25.00+
                                                                                                                          7376. Û 1983 ................ Est 25.00+
                                                                                                                          7377. Û 1984 ................ Est 25.00+
                                                                                                                          7378. Û 1985 ................ Est 25.00+
                                                                                                                          7379. Û 1986 ................ Est 25.00+
                                                                                                                          7380. Û 1987 ................ Est 25.00+
                                                                                                  USA 1898-O SILVER DOLLAR:  7381. Û 1988 ................ Est 25.00+
                                                                                              7365. Ú USA 1898 Morgan SILVER Dollar  7382. Û 1989 ................ Est 30.00+
                                                                                               with “O” (New Orleans) mint mark. Has  7383. Û 1990 ................ Est 30.00+
                                                                                               been PCGS Certified & graded MS-63 ....  7384. Û 1991 ................ Est 50.00+
                                                                                               ......................... Est 150.00+  7385. Û 1992 ................ Est 40.00+
                                           ANCIENT GREEK COIN:                                                            7386. Û 1993 ................ Est 35.00+
                                     7347. Ú Ancient SILVER Tetradrachm coin  USA 1881-O SILVER DOLLAR:  USA 1899-O SILVER DOLLAR:  7387. Û 1994 ................ Est 40.00+
                                                                                             7366. Ú USA 1899 Morgan SILVER Dollar with
                                      from Mysia & the city of Pergamon circa  7358. Ú USA 1881 Morgan SILVER Dollar  “O” (New Orleans) mint mark. EF Est 75.00+  7388. Û 1995 ................ Est 40.00+
                                      166-167 BC. The coin depicts Cista Mystica  with “O” (New Orleans) mint mark. Has   7389. Û 1996 ................ Est 50.00+
             CANADA 1912 KGV $10 GOLD:  within ivy wreath & reverse depicts two  been PCGS Certified & graded MS-63 ....  USA 1900-O SILVER DOLLAR:  7390. Û 1998 ................ Est 75.00+
         7329. Ú Canada $10 GOLD. Has been ICCS  serpents entwined .......... Est 125.00+  ......................... Est 175.00+  7367. Ú USA 1900 Morgan SILVER Dollar with  7391. Û 1999 ................ Est 75.00+
          Certified & graded VF-20 . . . Est 2,000.00+                                        “O” (New Orleans) mint mark. EF Est 75.00+  7392. Û 2000 ................ Est 75.00+
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