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                                     7064. Ú 42/1591, BOB, Wide-ranging coll  7078. ÚÛ 14/4229, BOB, Extensive coll of  7090. Ú 4/681, Clean dealer’s stock from
                                      of used Finland neatly displayed in a large  primarily all used in 2 stockbooks & on  1917-80 neatly organized in order on ‘102’
                                      30-page stockbook. Has a terrific array of  stockcards. Has early issues up to modern  cards in a 3-Ring binder. Has a wide range
                                      commems, pictorials, defins, semi-postals,  topical & thematic pictorials & commems. Also  of commems, pictorials & defins. Useful dupli-
                                      etc. Also a few mint Booklets & over 130 diff  a wide range of BOB incl Azores & Madeira  cation up to about 7-8 of a kind. F-VF. Retail /
                                      used Aland. Mostly F-VF (1,725 stamps,  issues. Majority VG-VF (Approx 1,725) ....  Cat $390 (100’s) ............ Est 125.00+
                                      15 SS’s)................... Est 250.00+  .......................... Est 225.00+  JAPAN 19TH CENTURY CLASSICS:
                                                                                             7091. ÚÛ 1/74, Duplicated coll / accum of 19th
                                                                                              Century issues. Probable forgeries but possi-
                                                                                              bly some genuine. Excellent reference coll for
                                                                                              the specialist. Huge Cat of $1,000’s if genuine.
                                                                                              VG-VF, some flts (115 stamps). Est 400.00+
           AUSTRIA COLLECTION 1973-2021:
         7053. Ú 938/2936, BOB, Attractive coll of
          modern Austria arranged on stockcards.
          Has beautiful topical commems & pictorials,
          souvenir sheets, semi-postals, etc. Some
          collected as blocks. VF (Approx 1,275
          stamps, 12 SS’s) ........... Est 200.00+
                                        NETHERLANDS COLLECTION:
        ITALY & RELATED ACCUMULATION:  7065. ÚÛ Minkus Specialty album with a
        7054. ÚÛ Duplicated accum arranged on  primarily mint coll mainly from 1920’s-1970,  FRANCE COLLECTION 1849-2022:  THREE STOCKBOOKS FULL OF SWEDEN:
         stockcards & in stockbook with stamps from  with diff singles, sets & a few SS’s. Has lots  7079. Ú 3/6202, BOB, Extensive coll ar-  7101. ÚÛ 6/2548, BOB, Broad-ranging pri-
         early to modern. Has early classics up to mod-  of cpl mint semi-postal sets, plus commems,  ranged in 2 stockbooks & on stockcards.  marily used stock / accum from 1 to 5 of
         ern large size topical commems & pictorials;  defins, airmails & postage dues. Has many  Has early classics up to modern topical  each neatly arranged in 3 stockbooks from
         plus a wide range of BOB. We saw 300+  nice topicals like animals, ships, flowers,  pictorials, commems, semi-postals, airmails,  1858 up to 2006. Has early classics up to
         Italian Colonies, Offices & Occupation, Trieste  windmills, architecture, sports, etc. Mostly  souvenir sheets, etc. We noted 12-3 ($125),  modern topical commems & pictorials; plus
         accum, etc. Majority VG-VF (Over 2,400)...  F-VF, many NH. STC $2,300 (798 stamps,  38 ($100), etc. Majority F-VF (Over 5,700  FRANCE MINT AIRMAILS 1930-1949:  semi-postals, postage dues, officials, etc.
         .......................... Est 275.00+  5 SS’s) ................... Est 700.00+  stamps, 20 SS’s) ........... Est 700.00+  7092. Û C5/C28, CB1-3, Nice lot of all diff.  We noted 6 & 10 (2 each - $100), 20 (4 $160),
                                     ARAB STATES:                 FRANCE, FRENCH COLONIES AND  Incl C8-13 ($151), C23-7 ($212), etc. F-VF,  24 (3 - $105), etc. Majority F-VF (Approx
                                     7066. Ú Accum of various Arab States from  FRENCH COMMUNITY ACCUMULATION:  LH (22).............. 2024 Scott 474.00  10,200)................... Est 750.00+
                                      1960’s-70’s, on sales pages. Mainly Yemen &            AUSTRIA BALLOON FLIGHT CARDS:  FRANCE & COLONIES REVENUES:
                                      Manama but other countries as well. Loaded  7080. ÚÛ Box full of mint & used singles,  7093. Ö 657/777, Attractive coll of 6 BALLOON  7102. ÚÛ Interesting coll / accum of Revenues
                                                                  sets, panes, etc. neatly identified in cards
                                      with popular topicals. F-VF (100’s) Est 65.00+                                       on stockcards, from 19th Century to early 20th
                                                                  & sleeves from 19th Century up to 2000’s.  FLIGHT cards, from 1960-6 (4 Reg’d). Eye-
                                     GERMANY CANCELS:             We saw France, Algeria, Cameroon, Chad,  catching cachets, frankings & designs. VF,  Century. Has a nice range of revenue types.
                                     7067. Ú Well over 1 pound of large commems  Congo, Dahomey, Djibouti, French Morocco,  addressed .................. Est 45.00+  Incl issues from 13 diff Colonies. A few flts
                                      from the 1990’s-2000’s, on paper. All have  Guinea, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Togo,  ITALIAN STATE ROMAGNA  but mainly VG-VF (212)....... Est 200.00+
                                      CIRCULAR CANCELS. A great lot for the  Tunisia, etc. Topicals abound. Mostly VG-VF.  FORGERY SHEETS:  GERMANY ZEPPELIN
                                      postmark collector (Many 100’s) Est 100.00+  Owner’s Cat $3,400+ (1,000’s). Est 600.00+  7094. Û 1-3, 6-7, 9, Six diff cpl imperforate  FLIGHT COVERS 1929-1938:
                                     BINDER FULL OF OLDER EGYPT:                              sheets of 30 each from the Italian State of  7103. Ö Interesting lot of 7 GRAF ZEPPELIN,
                                     7068. ÚÛ A duplicated stock/accum of older  BOX FULL OF JAPAN:  Romagna, each being a Spiro forgery with  HINDENBURG & GRAF ZEPPELIN II flight
                                      Egypt from 1872-1961. Has a wide range of  7081. ÚÛ Box with an unsorted accum of  the stamps marked “FAUX”. Each sheet is  covers, all diff in some way. Variety of Ger-
                                      issues with defins, commems, plus airmails  earlier to modern in no order whatsoever.  partially affixed to a piece of card. VF. Great  man frankings incl C36-7. VG-VF, some flts.
                                      (incl mint C1-2), Postage Dues & other BOB.  Has stamps on pages, on stockcards, plus  competitive display potential (180 stamps) .  Old retail $547.............. Est 275.00+
         SWITZERLAND COLLECTION 1862-2022:  Numerous better items in the $10-$50 range.  some in glassines, in envelopes, loose,  .......................... Est 350.00+  GERMANY THIRD REICH COVERS 1935-
         7055. ÚÛ 41/1863, BOB, Wide ranging coll  Mainly VG-VF. Previous owner’s Cat value  etc. Lots of material here to sort & search  1943 PLUS A COUPLE ZEPPELIN COVERS:
          neatly displayed in a large stockbook & on  about $1,000 (Few 100’s) ..... Est 300.00+  through. Also has some Ryukyu Is &  7104. Ö Diverse lot of Third Reich covers incl
          stockcards. Some collected both as mint &               Manchukuo. Unchecked in any detail by                    5 with special Propaganda cancels; 2 Airmail;
          used. Has early issues up to topical pictori-           us. Mainly VG-VF (1,000’s) . . . Est 500.00+             5 Reg’d; some with gorgeous multi-frankings;
          als, commems, semi-postals & souvenir                  TWO VOLUME STOCK OF DDR:                                  domestic & foreign destinations (incl Java &
          sheets; plus officials, etc. Some highlights           7082. Û 58/2852, Two large stockbooks with                Colombia). Also 2 diff Graf Zeppelin covers
          are used 98-100 ($53), B10-7 ($170), B37-               a dealer’s stock of East Germany. Has some               from 1928 & 1930. VG-VF (13) . Est 300.00+
          109 ($413); plus mint B130 NH ($70), etc.               earlier but strength in 1956-1990 with a solid
          Also some in blocks. Majority F-VF (Approx              run of material between these years. Tremen-
          2,350).................... Est 350.00+
                                                                  dous range of commems & pictorials with use-
                                                                  ful duplication of mainly 2-4 of a kind. Lots of
         GERMANY & RELATED ACCUMULATION:                          cpl sets, nice se-tenants & souvenir sheets.
         7056. ÚÛ Many thousands of mint & used
          identified & priced in glassines, in ‘102’              F-VF, primarily NH (Many 100’s) Est 400.00+  GERMANY COLLECTION 1872-1945:
          cards, sleeves; on pages & stockcards, etc.                                         7095. ÚÛ 17/529, BOB, Attractive coll
          On a quick look we saw early post WWII  LATIN AMERICA                                neatly arranged in a stockbook. Has Eagles,
          commems, semi-postals & defins, Saar,  WWII CENSORED COVERS:                         Germanias, Inflation era & Third Reich.
          Danzig, DDR, States, odds & ends, etc.  7069. Ö Interesting accum of WWII multi-     Some extra earlier cancels & shades; plus
          Much to sort through. Majority VG-VF, some  franked Censored covers, most to USA, a  some collected both as mint & used. Also
          NH. Previous owner’s Cat $4,500 (1,000’s)  few to Jamaica. Majority have Jamaican    range of WWI-WWII Occupation issues.
          ......................... Est 600.00+  Censor tapes. All in sleeves. Incl Chile (5),  Some nice used blocks; variety of singles,
                                      Ecuador (2), Peru (11), one each from                                               JAPAN MINT NH COLLECTION 1966-1990:
         EUROPE & COLONIES MYSTERY LOT:  Argentina & Uruguay & 25 each from                    sets & souvenir sheets. Great source for  7105. Û 892/2072a, BOB, Pristine mint coll
                                                                                               varieties & cancels. Some highlights are
         7057. ÚÛ Diverse accum of unsorted mate-  Colombia & Venezuela. Majority VG-F+,       used B59-67 & B69-78 ($174), B104 ($67),  neatly arranged in 2 large deluxe “Elephant”
                                                                                                                           stockbooks. Appears close to cpl for much
          rial in a carton, older to modern. Has stamps  some flaws (70) ............ Est 375.00+  C36-7 & C55-6 ($145), etc. Majority VG-VF
          in glassines, in envelopes, stockbook, on  BHUTAN FIRST DAY COVERS:                  (Approx 2,300 stamps, 6 SS’s) Est 375.00+  of period. Has topical & thematic singles,
          approval sheets, pages & stockcards;  7070. ÚÛ Interesting coll of 25 diff FDC’s                                 sets & souvenir sheets, plus booklets &
          covers & postcards; etc. We saw a broad  from 1962-70. Has a variety of issues with  HUNGARY BOY SCOUT ISSUES:   booklet panes. VF, NH (Approx 900 stamps,
                                                                                                                           48 SS’s, 22 booklets)........ Est 275.00+
          range of countries & colonies, incl nice runs  various pictorials, souvenir sheets, scarce  PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA  7096. ÚÛ 481-5, 551-4, B110-2, B131-4, Spe-
          of Belgium, Germany & area, mint Poland,  3-dimensionals, etc. Many seldom seen  MINT NH COLLECTION:  cialty coll of BOY SCOUT & GIRL SCOUT  LATIN AMERICA WWII CENSORED COVERS:
          etc. Excellent source for topicals, cancels  covers. F-VF ............... Est 125.00+  7083. Û 1199/3465, BOB, Pristine mint coll  related sets & covers, from 1933-41. Neatly  7106. Ö Attractive coll of 10 WWII Censored
          & varieties. Majority VG-VF (Many 1,000’s)  SWITZERLAND ACCUMULATION:  neatly arranged in 3 stockbooks, from 1974  written up on special pages. The 481-5 set  covers in sleeves from all diff Latin American
          ......................... Est 500.00+                   up to 2005. Close to cpl for much of period.  was the First of the World Jamborees to re-  countries; 2 addr to Jamaica; others to USA.
                                     7071. ÚÛ Small box full with an unsorted  Extensive range of gorgeous topical sets &  ceive postal recognition. F-VF (19 stamps,
                                      accum in glassines & in ‘102’ cards. Mainly                                          Most bear Jamaican censor tapes. Variety
        FOREIGN COLLECTION:                                       souvenir sheets. Some highlights are 1654-  3 covers) ................... Est 75.00+  of multi-frankings. Majority VG-VF, a few flts
        7058. ÚÛ Large binder full of Foreign coun-  1930’s-90’s with semi-postals, commems,  9 & 1824-31 ($71), 1864-71 ($45), 1951-5  .......................... Est 100.00+
         tries mounted on pages with stamps from  pictorials, etc. F-VF (100’s) .... Est 100.00+  ($46), 1980 ($47); 2989a ($40), etc. VF, NH
         19th Century to 1980’s. Has Austria, Belgium,  BOX OF GERMANY:  (936 stamps, 68 SS’s) 2025 Scott 1,876.00
         Finland, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain,  7072. ÚÛ Small box with loose stamps primar-
         Hungary, etc. Also some nice mint NH souve-  ily 1950’s-80’s with West Germany & DDR.  PORTUGUESE COLONIES:
         nir sheets. VG-VF (1,000’s).... Est 250.00+  Has defins & commems with varying duplica-  7084. ÚÛ File folder with an interesting asst
                                      tion. VG-VF (Many 100’s) ...... Est 65.00+  of 19th & earlier 20th Century stamps. Has
                                                                  Port. Congo, Inhambane, Lourenco Marques,
                                     CARTON FULL OF GERMANY & RELATED:
                                     7073. ÚÛ Diverse accum of unsorted material  Quelimane, Ponta Delgada, Zambezia, etc.
                                                                  Many seldom offered items. Mostly VG-VF
                                      in a carton, early to modern. Has stamps in
                                      glassines; in sleeves; 2 stockbooks; on pages  (259) ..................... Est 135.00+
                                      & stockcards; multi-franked covers; on & off
                                      paper; souvenir sheets; small colls & accums;
                                      in ‘102’ cards; etc. We saw nice ranges of
                                      commems, defins, Occupation issues, East
                                      & West Germany, modern FDC’s & Special                                                 WWII CORRESPONDENCE FROM A
                                      Event folders, etc. Majority VG-VF (1,000’s)                                         FRENCH POW IN GERMANY TO FRANCE:
                                      .......................... Est 325.00+                                              7107. Ö Correspondence comprised of
                                                                                                                           stampless German issued POW 1st part
                                                                                                                           letter sheets / cards from a French prisoner
                                                                                                                           to his parents & family in Pas de Calais
            RUSSIA COLLECTION 1969-1988:
         7059. ÚÛ 3684/5636, Pristine coll of primar-                                                                      area, from Nov 1940 to Oct 1944. Most
                                                                                                                           have mute CDS’s; variety of Stalag XIIIB or
          ily mint neatly arranged in 2 stockbooks.                                                                        XIIIC Censor h/s’s, several with “write legi-
          Appears close to cpl for this period. Has a                                            FRANCE COLLECTION 1863-1954:  ble & short letters” in French h/s’s, etc. We
          terrific range of eye-catching topical & the-          JAPAN MINT PREFECTURE COLLECTION:  7097. ÚÛ 29/731, BOB, Old-time coll neatly
          matic sets & souvenir sheets here. VF, mint            7085. Û Z455/Z827, Close to COMPLETE  arranged on pages in springback album.  noted Oct 1944 item with m/s “C/O Central
                                                                                                                           PO via GB”, some with addressees rubbed
          are NH. STC approx $1,300 (1,760 stamps,                mint Prefecture issues neatly arranged in a   Lovely range of singles & sets. We noted  out. VG-F+ (26) ............ Est 200.00+
          164 SS’s) ................. Est 400.00+                 large stockbook, from 2001-7 (also incl   used 30 (3 shades - $75), 47 ($100), 50-3
                                                                  Prefecture issues listed with regular issues,  ($72), 348 ($65), B36 ($42), C8-13 ($49);  RWANDA ART SOUVENIR SHEETS:
         DENMARK COLLECTION 1851-2006:                            2008-16, #’s 3027/3998). Has gorgeous   plus mint 414 ($70), C23-6 ($86), J91-2  7108. SSÛ 531 (100), 564 (50), Wholesale lot
         7060. ÚÛ 2/1367, Plus BOB, Extensive coll                singles, sets, se-tenant multiples, souvenir   ($84), etc. VG-VF. 2024 Scott $3,104 (802)  of two diff art souvenir sheets. VF, NH. 2024
          of primarily all used on printed Scott pages.           sheets & panes. VF, NH. Some with folded   ......................... Est 800.00+  Scott $550 (150 SS’s) ......... Est 65.00+
          Has a nice range of 19th Century with                   selvedges. Owner’s face YDOXH approx    FAR EAST LOT:   BAVARIA COMPLETE MINT SHEET:
          stamps up to $190 each, good 20th Century  USED BELGIUM COLLECTION 1865-2011:         Cdn (1,080 stamps, 71 SS’s, 33   7098. ÚÛ Interesting lot of Far East material,  7109. Û 34, Attractive cpl mint gutter sheet of

          with commems, pictorials, defins plus semi-  7074. Ú 18/2495, BOB, Extensive coll neatly  paQHV ...................Est 900.00+  older to modern, primarily China. Has singles,  50 of the 3k rose. Selvedge flaws but stamps
          postals, Postage Dues, officials, parcel  arranged in 4 large stockbooks. Has early  ALBANIA COLLECTION 1913-1984:  covers 1999 PRC Ethnic Groups of China  F-VF, NH ................... Est 40.00+
          posts, etc. Also some Danish West Indies.  issues up to modern pictorials, commems,  7086. ÚÛ 27/2135, etc, Two double-sided  sheet of 56, 4 diff Lunar New Year packs with
          Mainly VG-VF. Previous owner said Cat  semi-postals, etc. Some extra shades /  stockpages with a coll in Scott order. The  PRC, Hong Kong & Canada topicals; over
          approx $2,600 (1,335) ....... Est 750.00+  cancels in earlier. Majority VG-VF (Approx  earlier issues are used but the later is mostly  $50 of Viet Nam; etc. F-VF (Couple 100) ...
                                      3,250).................... Est 375.00+
        GERMANY 1936 OLYMPICS SET:   BOLIVIA ACCUMULATION:        mint. Nice range of commems, pictorials,  .......................... Est 150.00+
                                                                  defins, plus BOB. Lots of nice sets. VG-VF
        7061. Ú B82-9, Cpl Summer Olympics Games                                             NICARAGUA COLLECTION:
         set on a special souvenir panel (approx 8 x  7075. ÚÛ Box with a duplicated accum in  (374) ..................... Est 225.00+  7099. ÚÛ Coll on Scott pages from 1869-
         12 inches). All with Berlin Olympic Stadium 1  glassines from earlier issues up to 1980’s.  EARLY BELGIUM CLASSICS:  1900. Has a wide variety of issues incl mint 5
                                      Has commems, defins, airmails, etc. VG-VF
         Aug 1936 illustrated cancels. VF. Est 50.00+            7087. Ú 1/16f, Attractive coll of 19th Century  ($100), 10 ($50), officials etc. Generally F-VF.
                                      (100’s) ..................... Est 70.00+  classics both imperf & perf. Neat cancels,  Previous owner says Scott Cat over $330
                                     GERMANY MINT SEMI-POSTAL STOCK:  nice colours, VG-VF. 2025 Scott $543 (18) .  (120) ..................... Est 130.00+
                                     7076. Û B366/B593, Pristine mint NH stock  .......................... Est 150.00+
                                      neatly arranged & identified in glassines,  GERMANY 1928 ZEPPELIN COVER:
                                      from 1959-81. Has 218 diff in cpl sets from  7088. Ö C37, Four Mark Zeppelin stamp tied
                                      6 to 24 of a kind (mostly 24 each). VF, NH  on 1928 GRAF ZEPPELIN America flight
                                      (Must be 4,800+ stamps)..... Est 500.00+  cover. Addr to Washington, DC. F-VF......
                                                                  ........................... Est 85.00+
              PARIS 1900 EXPOSITION:
         7062. Ö Nice coll of 21 diff coloured postcardV
          issued for the World’s Fair held in Paris,
          France in 1900. It celebrated the achieve-
          ments of the past Century & accelerated                                                 FRANCE MINT & USED STOCK:
          development into the next. More than 50                                             7100. ÚÛ 1474/2706, BOB, Extensive
          million people visited the Expo. The post-                                           duplicated stock neatly arranged in a large
          cards show scenes of the Expo & various                                              stockbook, from 1976-99. Primarily used
          pavilions. F-VF, used & unusedEst 100.00+               COLOMBIA WWII CENSORED COVERS:  with duplication from 1-15 of a kind. Hun-
                                     EAST GERMANY COLLECTION 1949-1988:  7089. Ö Interesting accum of WWII Airmail  dreds of diff large size commems, pictorials,  BOY SCOUT ESSAYS:
        GERMANY ZEPPELIN COVERS:     7077. Ú 48/2716, BOB, Extensive used coll  Censored covers, mostly addr to USA. Ma-  semi-postals & airmails; plus booklets &  7110. Û Two diff unfinished Die Proof Essays
        7063. Ö Coll of 3 diff Zeppelin cach cards /  neatly arranged on stockcards. A multitude  jority have Jamaican Censor tapes. Most in  mini-sheets. A multitude of topicals incl Art  (60x105 mm) circa 1940’s-50’s by G. Wimmer.
         cover. Incl 1938 Sudetenland Flight; 1939  of topical & thematic singles & sets. We  sleeves. A variety of multi-frankings. Mainly  issues, flora & fauna, sport, etc. Will have  These were for proposed SCOUTING issues
         Gorlitz Flight; & 1939 Germany Flight. Nice  noted 48-88 ($263), 724-37 sheet ($75), etc.  VG-F+, some flts. Interesting study lot (100)  huge catalogue value. Could produce sev-  for Liechtenstein or Austria. Each essay is
         postmarks. F-VF ............ Est 150.00+  Majority F-VF (Approx 2,400). . Est 300.00+  ......................... Est 400.00+  eral nice colls. F-VF (1,000’s) . Est 600.00+  pencil signed. VF ........... Est 100.00+
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60