Page 53 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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GR. BRITAIN GUTTER PAIRS:    QE 1977 SILVER JUBILEE:                                  GR. BRITAIN COLLECTION 1841-2014:  DOMINICA COLLECTION:  109
        6932. Û Coll of 1970’s-80’s mint commems all  6944. Û Beautiful QE 1977 Silver Jubilee coll  6970. Ú 3/3308, BOB, Extensive coll arranged  6980. Û Modest mint coll on pages. Has a few
         in gutter pairs. Wide variety of issues. F-VF,  neatly arranged in Herrick Specialty Album.  in 3 large stockbooks. Has QV issues up to  older issues but primarily 1930’s-90’s with
         appears NH (Approx 220 pairs). . Est 80.00+  VF, NH. Also has illustrated official 42 page  modern pictorial & commem singles & sets;  singles, sets & souvenir sheets. Incl 97-110
        IRELAND 1941 COMPLETE SHEET:  programme from Wiggins Teape Ltd. (274                   plus a variety of BOB. We noted a few better  ($39), 114-15 ($25), 142-56 ($60), 164-80
        6933. Û 110, Scarce cpl sheet of 240 stamps,  stamps, 56 SS’s, 2 booklets). . . Est 175.00+  like 129-40 ($370), etc. Some extra shades /  ($49), 268-86 ($30), etc. F-VF. 2025 Scott
         with central gutter of the 2Àp defin. F-VF,  NEW ZEALAND COLLECTION:                  cancels in earlier. Also a few mints. Majority  over $400 (132 stamps, 9 SS’s) Est 150.00+
         NH, some minor separation/selvedge creases  6945. ÚÛ File folder with an excellent coll from  VG-VF (Over 4,100 stamps). . . Est 500.00+
         ................... 2024 Scott 4,080.00  1941-98 neatly mounted in order on printed
                                      pages. Has an extensive array of commems,
                                      pictorials, defins, semi-postals plus other
                                      BOB. Loaded with nice cpl sets with many
                                      being mint. Will have high Cat Value. F-VF
                                      (1,120) .................... Est 400.00+
                                     GR. BRITAIN TWO PENNY BLUE:
                                     6946. Ú Gr. Britain #2, Encapsulated used
                                      example of the famous QV Two Penny Blue
                                      in special souvenir folder. Has Certificate of  GR. BRITAIN
                                      Authenticity. Also has a #3 used on cover. F.  COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION:
                                      2024 Scott $1,000+ .......... Est 300.00+  6959. ÚÛ 29 (Pl 7) / 1808, BOB, Extensive
                                                                  coll / accum of mainly mint arranged on                         GR. BRITAIN
                                                                  stockcards, from 1858 up to 1998. Primarily  MALAWI        EARLY BOY SCOUT POSTCARDS:
                NEW ZEALAND                                       QE era with a multitude of cpl mint NH  MINT NEVER HINGED COLLECTION:  6981. Ö Attractive coll of 7 used / unused
            AIR FORCE COVERS 1983-1990:                           commem sets (a few early used). Incl better  6971. Û 5/731, Springback album with an  humorous colour illustrated BOY SCOUT
         6934. Ö Album with an attractive coll of 46              items like used 39 ($160), 49 Pl 5 ($72), 64  attractive coll of sets & SS’s in mounts on  related postcards. Each signed by artist E.
          diff cach RNZAF covers. Most are anniver-               Pl 12 (2 - $370), 181 (2 - $380); plus mint  pages from 1964-2005. Incl 41-51 ($58),  Ibbetson, 1910. These depict Scouts in a
          sary covers commemorating anniversaries                 286-9 ($80). Majority VG-VF, almost all  148-60 ($43), 427-36a ($50), 518-33A  variety of mostly awkward situations. VERY
          of major aviation events, battles, pilots,              NH. 2024 Scott approx $2,090 (Over 1,000  ($47), etc. Also many others in the $1-$32  EARLY BOY SCOUT POSTCARDS AS
          squadrons, etc. Majority are flown covers               stamps) .................. Est 500.00+  Cat range. Has defins, commems & nice  THE SCOUTING MOVEMENT ONLY
          with 9 being officer signed. An interesting                                          topicals like flowers, wild animals, birds,  STARTED IN 1908. F-VF .... Est 125.00+
          lot! VF.................... Est 150.00+                GUYANA PRINCESS DIANA         insects, trains, vintage cars, fish, planes,
                                                                 WEDDING SHEETS Cat $900:      ships, etc. F-VF, NH. 2025 Scott $868.00  CAPE OF GOOD HOPE
        BR. COMMONWEALTH 1978                                    6960. Û 334-5, 334a-5a, Prince Charles &  (704 stamps, 92 SS’s) ....... Est 325.00+  DEATH CERTIFICATE:
        QE CORONATION ANNIVERSARY:        WWI BRITISH WARSHIPS    Princess Diana 1981 Royal Wedding sur-                  6982. Ú Official 1909 Death Certificate (14 x
        6935. SSÛ Cpl set of 21 diff gutter sheets,  ON TUCK POSTCARDS:  charges in both black & blue in cpl mint gutter  GR. BRITAIN IMPERF  9.5 inches) for a 32 year old man who had
         each containing 4 panes. Has 21 diff coun-  6947. Ö Attractive coll of 14 diff mainly un-  sheets of 50. VF, NH. 2025 Scott $900 (200  PENNY RED RECONSTRUCTED PLATE:  fallen to an accidental death in a ravine. Has
         tries. VF, NH .......... 2025 Scott 201.80  used WWI Tuck photo postcards, all depict-  stamps) ................... Est 120.00+  6972. Ú 3, Cpl Plate Reconstruction of 240  details on the deceased, etc, along with KE
                                      ing DREADNOUGHTS. We noted HMS’s  ST. LUCIA 1967 STATEHOOD  diff stamps ranging from letters AA to TL,  1Sh & 5Sh Revenues affixed. F . Est 50.00+
                                      Conqueror, KGV, Monarch, Thunderer,.  VARIETY SHEETS:    neatly displayed on pages. Also has a few
                                      Orion, Vanguard, etc. F-VF. . . Est 165.00+              extra examples as there are a few in pairs,
                                                                  6961. Û 1967, 1¢ & 6¢ QE “STATEHOOD /
                                     NORFOLK ISLAND MINT COLLECTION:  1st Mar 1967" overprint (see Scott foot-  strips & a couple blocks. Has a nice variety
                                     6948. Û 1/149, Small coll of all diff on  notes), comprising full sheets of 100 of the  of cancels. A few flts but condition is much
                                      stockcards from 1947-72. Incl 13-18 ($57), 29-  1¢ value (2, one with red overprint, one with  better than normally seen on these with most
                                      41 ($65), etc. F-VF (44). . 2024 Scott 156.00  black). These were not sold to the public  VG-VF. 2025 Scott $7,800+ . . . Est 900.00+
                                     OMAN MINT SETS 1944-1961:    through the post office but belatedly ac-
                                     6949. Û 1/93, O1-10, Lot of 6 diff sets. Incl  knowledged by the gov’t & declared valid.
                                      57-64 ($41), 79-93 ($96), etc. F-VF, some NH  Also the 6¢ value with black overprint (usu-
                                      (72 stamps) ........... 2024 Scott 206.00  ally red). Each sheet has Plate #1A at LR.
                                     GR. BRITAIN WWII AIRGRAPH EXHIBIT:  VF, NH, folded, 1¢ red overprint slight
          AUSTRALIA COLLECTION 1913-2004:  6950. Ö Fascinating coll of 8 diff WWII  selvedge separation. Scott $1,800 US
         6936. ÚÛ Extensive coll mounted on 3-Ring  Airgraphs, most accompanied by related win-  (3 sheets with a total of 300 stamps)......
          pages, from early to modern, mainly used.  dow envelopes, along with a detailed history  ......................... Est 650.00+
          Wide array of commems, pictorials, defins  of the development of the service. All addr
          plus BOB. Incl Kangaroos to 2Sh; KGV  to England (2 illustrated). We noted items                                  GR. BRITAIN STAMPLESS COVERS
          Heads to 1Sh4p; Victoria set; Robes to £1;  from East Africa Command, South East Asia                             ADDRESSED TO BENJAMIN DISRAELI:
          Arms to £2; later values to $4, $10; etc. Also  Command, Central Mediterranean Force,                           6983. Ö Interesting group of 4 diff stampless
          some Antarctic, BOB & a couple stockcards  Australia, etc. VF. Informative lot Est 90.00+                        covers from the 1870’s all addressed to
          of unsorted material. A good lot to build on.                                            KGV 1935 SILVER JUBILEE  BENJAMIN DISRAELI at Grosvenor Gate
          VG-VF (Many 100’s) ........ Est 300.00+                                                  COMPLETE OMNIBUS SET:   (2), Downing Street & Whitehall Gardens.
                                                                                              6973. Û Cpl Br. Empire mint coll of KGV
        GOLD FOIL FIRST DAY COVERS:                                                            1935 Silver Jubilee omnibus issues neatly  All from “known” individuals & all with wax
        6937. Ö Beautiful coll of 44 diff FDC’s from                                           mounted on pages. F-VF. 2025 Scott  seals on reverse. Each cover has a short
         1979-83 from Br. Commonwealth countries.                                                                          write-up. Benjamin Disraeli was a British
         Each cover has a matching GOLD FOIL                                                   $1,401 (245 diff)............ Est 800.00+  Statesman & politician who served twice
         REPRODUCTION of the stamp as part of the                                            AUSTRALIA DEALER’S STOCK:     as Prime Minister of England. He played a
         cachet. All displayed on special printed pages                                      6974. ÚÛ 1/1648, BOB, Mounted dealer’s  central role in the creation of the modern
         with descriptive write-ups in an album. VF ..                    JAMAICA             stock on pages with stamps from 1 to 8 of  ConservatiYH party. Most F....Est  375.00
         ........................... Est 80.00+                     WWII CENSORED COVERS TO USA:                           +
                                                                 6962. Ö Interesting accum of WWII Censored  each, primarily used, from 1913-98. Ranges  GIBRALTAR COLLECTION:
                                                                  Airmail covers to USA most in sleeves.  from Kangaroos up to modern topical  6984. ÚÛ Coll / accum on pages from 19th
                                                                  Franked by KGVI issues; variety of Censor  commems, plus airmails, postage dues,  Century up to 1990 (plus some mint NH from
                                                                  Examiner number tapes. Incl many corner  Australian Antarctic Territory, etc. Many 100’s  2001). Has commems, defins, singles, sets,
                                                                  cards. A good lot for study. Majority VG-VF,  diff. Mainly F-VF. (Approx 6,050) Est 400.00+  souvenir sheets. Incl mint 1935 Silver Jubilee
                                     BARBADOS MINT COLLECTION 1861-2013:  some flts (135) ............. Est 500.00+        set, 1982 Aircraft set to £5, etc. VG-VF. 2025
                                     6951. Û 15/1211, B1/MR1, Binder with a nice  QE SILVER JUBILEE                        Scott $390 (Over 150)........ Est 125.00+
                                      coll of singles & sets on black stock sheets  TOPICAL COLLECTION:                   AUSTRALIA USED COLLECTION:
                                      incl 16 ($87), 102-8 ($101), 186-9 ($30),  6963. Û Extraordinary mint NH coll of 1977 QE  6985. Ú Stockbook with a used coll in Scott
                                      495-511 ($39), 753-68 ($57), 872-85 ($51),  Silver Jubilee / Coronation 25th Anniversary  order from 1913-2007. Wide range of
                                      1078-92 ($34), 1171-81 ($31), etc. Also  topical coll neatly arranged on pages & in  commems, pictorials, defins, etc. Has
                                      some diff wmks & perfs. Has pretty topicals  sleeves. Has complete sets, souvenir sheets  Kangaroos to 5 Sh; KGV Heads; KGVI to
                                      like ocean life, sports, flowers, planes,  & booklets from a broad range of Common-  £1 Robes; Arms to £2; then a solid run of
                                      ships, birds, cards, space, lighthouses, rep-  wealth countries & colonies. Also incl 1978  1950’s-90’s issues with values to $10. An
                                      tiles, Royalty, etc. Mostly F-VF, much NH.                                           excellent base for expansion. Mainly F-VF.
          MONTSERRAT MINT NEVER HINGED                            Urch Harris Jubilee catalogue. VF, NH
          COLLECTION 1953-2009 IN 3 VOLUMES:  2023 Scott $3,280 (1,182) . . Est 1,300.00+  (380 stamps, 96 SS’s, 19 booklets) ......  2023 Scott $2,300 (100’s) .... Est 550.00+
         6938. Û Three springback albums with an  GR. BRITAIN STAMPLESS COVERS:  .......................... Est 275.00+
          immaculate attractive coll nearly cpl be-  6952. Ö Interesting lot of 6 stampless covers  IRELAND MIXTURE IN BOX:
          tween 1953-2009. Incl defins, commems,  from 1805-49. Incl crown OHMS, straightline  6964. Ú Chocolate box full with a loose un-
          SS’s, mini panes, imperfs with re-issues,  town, oval cancels with hour time mark, etc. F  sorted mixture, older to modern. Has defins,
          watermark changes, surcharges, etc. Also  .......................... Est 100.00+  commems & pictorials. Mostly off paper  GR. BRITAIN WWII CENSORED COVERS
          some officials. Has beautiful topicals like             (1,000’s).................... Est 90.00+  TO CANADA & USA:
          musicians, ocean life, Royalty, birds, planes,         BERMUDA DEALER’S STOCK:      6975. Ö Interesting coll of WWII Censored
          domestic animals, flowers, famous people,                                            covers to Canada & USA. Has a variety of
          shells, insects, prehistoric creatures, etc.           6965. ÚÛ Red box full with a dealer’s stock  cancels, censor tape types & Examiner #’s.
          Also a few uncounted imperfs, watermark                 identified in ‘102’ cards from earlier up to  Most neatly written up in detail on cards.
          variations, etc. F-VF, NH. Ex Cam Grosjean              2000’s. Primarily QE era & mainly all used.  Several have enclosures. We noted Green
                                                                  Has commems, pictorials, defins, higher val-
          (1,123 stamps, 237 SS / mini-sheets) .....                                           Cross cover, a few black out cancels, variable
          .................. 2023 Scott 3,673.00                  ues, etc. Useful varying duplication through-  rates, etc. Mostly VG-F (59) . . . Est 125.00+
                                                                  out. Will have High Cat Value. VG-VF (Many
        NEW ZEALAND ZOO ANIMALS:                                  100’s)..................... Est 150.00+
        6939. Û 1910-4, Limited edition deluxe hard-
         cover album & slipcase commemorating the
         2004 Zoo Animals issue. Incl set of gutter
         pairs & corner blocks of 6, special imperf  GR. BRITAIN
         souvenir sheet, signed FDC, & set of four  BOY SCOUTS RELATED COVERS:
         colour separation proofs. VF, NH. Original  6953. Ö Attractive coll of BOY SCOUTS &
         retail $135 .................. Est 60.00+  GIRL GUIDES cach special event covers,
                                      from 1952-83. Commemorate Jamborees &
        KIRIBATI 1979-2009:           Camps, anniversaries, other special events,
        6940. ÚÛ 327/968, Accum / stock of primarily  Scout slogan cancels, etc. F-VF, some
         mint on sales pages with sets, blocks, souve-  unaddr (72) ............... Est 200.00+
         nir sheets, etc. Lots of nice topicals. F-VF.                                                                       COMPLETE BR. COMMONWEALTH
         2025 Scott $250 (125)......... Est 75.00+  NEW ZEALAND ANTIQUE CARS:                                               1948 SILVER WEDDING OMNIBUS SET:
                                     6954. Û 1885-9, Limited edition deluxe hard-              SIERRA LEONE MINT NH COLLECTION:
                                      cover album & slipcase commemorating the                6976. Û 227/2920, etc, Nice all diff coll from  6986. Û Cpl omnibus set of 136 diff stamps
                                      2003 Antique Automobiles issue. Incl set of              1963-2008. Has a wide variety of beautiful   with countries from A-Z. Fresh, F-VF, LH.
                                      singles & blocks of 6, special sheet, signed  BRUNEI ACCUMULATION / STOCK:  sets priced & numbered in ‘102’ cards. Fresh,   A LOVELY SET IN NICE CONDITION!....
                                      FDC, & set of four colour separation proofs.  6966. ÚÛ 1/530, N1/N14, Small white box  VF, NH (525 stamps). . . 202  Scott 870.00  .................. 2025 Scott 2,556.00
                                      VF, NH. Original retail $135..... Est 60.00+  with a duplicated accum / stock all neatly  ST. VINCENT GRENADINES
                                     BR. COMMONWEALTH             arranged on ‘102’ cards by catalogue num-  KENYA FIRST DAY COVER  MINT NH COLLECTION:
                                     SPECIMEN OVERPRINTS:         ber from 1906-98. Has singles, many nice  COLLECTION 1977-1996:  6987. Û 3/1013, etc, All diff coll from 1974-94.
                                     6955. Û Coll of ‘SPECIMEN’ overprinted  sets, many better mint items like 1 ($50);  6977. Ö 76/675, Beautiful coll of Official cach  All are Scott numbered & priced in ‘102’ cards.
                                      stamps on stockcards from 1970’s-2000’s with  21 ($60); 33-7 ($171); 113-4 ($80); N3-7  FDC’s. Lots of lovely topical commem, picto-  Has stamp values up to $10 & lots of popular
                                      many nice sets & values to $10. Incl Kiribati,  ($121); N10-4 ($108); & more. High cata-  rial & defin sets & SS’s. Most with FD notice  topicals. F-VF, NH (475 stamps)..........
                                      Montserrat, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Tuvalu, etc.  logue value! Generally F-VF (Many 100’s) .  enclosures. F-VF, unaddr (78) . Est 150.00+  .................... 2024 Scott 469.00
                                      Lots of popular topicals. F-VF, majority are NH  ......................... Est 500.00+
                 JAMAICA WWII         (193 stamps, 5 SS’s) ......... Est 110.00+             GIBRALTAR YEAR SETS 2000, 2002-3:
           CENSORED ILLUSTRATED COVERS:                          BOX FULL OF BR. COMMONWEALTH:  6978. Û Beautiful lot of mints in three diff an-
         6941. Ö 118/125, Four diff WWII Censored il-            6967. ÚÛ Primarily used accum of material  nual colls for the above years. Has lovely sets
          lustrated advertising covers for stamp dealer           loose in a box, early to modern. Has stamps  & souvenir sheets. Fresh, VF, NH (99 stamps,
          Barrington Smith to diff US cities. Two de-             in glassines & ‘102’ cards; on pages &  17 SS’s).............. 2025 Scott 230.00
          pict stamps of St. Kitts-Nevis or Southern              stockcards; covers & cards; odds & ends; du-
          Rhodesia. One cover is a WWII Patriotic                 plicated used; etc. Has many Commonwealth
          “Careless Talk Sinks Ships”. F . Est 90.00+             countries represented plus Gr. Britain. Great
                                                                  source for cancels & varieties. F-VF (1,000’s)
        AUSTRALIA BOOKLETS 1967-1972:                             .......................... Est 175.00+
        6942. Û 399a/517a, Coll of 8 diff cpl Booklets.
         VF, NH .............. 2025 Scott 170.00                 GR. BRITAIN
                                                                 QE MACHIN HEADS ACCUMULATION:
                                                                 6968. ÚÛ Carton full with a diverse accum
                                                                  of duplicated QE Machin Heads. Has stamps
                                      BRITISH WARSHIPS ON POSTCARDS:  in glassines, in ‘102’ cards, in sleeves, in        RECENT GR. BRITAIN MINT NH 2002-2018:
                                     6956. Ö Historic series of 10 diff mainly un-  stockbook, on pages & stockcards, loose on  6988. Û 2017/3709, etc, Lovely coll of all diff
                                      used WWI era Patriotic photo postcards all  & off paper, commercial covers, cach FDC’s &  mints. Has many cpl commem sets, se-ten-
                                      entitled “BRITAINS BULWARKS”. These  special event covers, Regionals, etc. Majority  ants, self adhesives, plus a few Booklets, 3
                                      depict Dreadnoughts, Destroyers & Battle-  VG-VF. Will provide hours of sorting &    diff Postage Due sets to £5, etc. A beautiful
                                      ships. Incl HMS’s Neptune, Tigress, KGV,  organizing for the specialist (1,000’s).....  IRELAND TWO VOLUME  lot! VF, NH. 2025 Scott $1,930 (Several
                                      London, Queen, Lion, etc. F-VF Est 110.00+                                           100’s) .................... Est 750.00+
                                                                  .......................... Est 275.00+  COLLECTION 1922-1995:
                                     WWII BRITISH FORCES IN AFRICA:  BOX WITH                 6979. ÚÛ 1/978, C1/J11, Nice coll neatly  STOCKBOOK OF BR. COMMONWEALTH
                                     6957. Ö Interesting lot of 10 diff WWII items  BR. COMMONWEALTH ACCUMULATION:  displayed on pages in two Gibbons Exeter  INCLUDING A $400 SET:
                                      with Censor h/s’s from Egypt, Eritrea, Tunisia,  6969. ÚÛ Many thousands of mint & used  albums. A mixture of mint & used in the ear-  6989. ÚÛ Uni-Safe 8-page stockbook with
                 JAMAICA WWII         etc., to Gr. Britain. All identified on cards. Also  neatly identified in cards & sleeves, from  lier, almost all mint & nearly cpl from 1968  an asst of Br. Commonwealth, primarily mint,
           CENSORED COVERS TO CANADA:  Reg’d cover from Epson to Iraq. Has a variety  1880 up to 2000’s. Has Gr. Britain, Australia  on. Highlights incl various 1922 surcharge  in no particular order. Mainly 1930’s-80’s with
         6943. Ö A most interesting accum of WWII  of FPO cancels, 2 Green Cross covers & 3  & States, Ireland, New Zealand, South Af-  types; used 96-8 ($290); mint 65-75 ($108),  a wide array of countries & issues with 50 diff
          Censored Airmail covers to Canada, most in  air letters. Most VG-F+ ........ Est 75.00+  91 ($30), 118-19 ($38), 537-56 ($47), 550a-  KGVI 1937 Coronation sets plus 60 diff 1953
          sleeves. All franked by KGVI issues; variety  GR. BRITAIN MILLENNIUM SETS:  rica, etc. We noted Prestige Booklets, QV  c ($64), 658-9 ($32). Mostly F-VF. Previous  QE Coronation issues; various singles; some
                                                                  issues, topical sets, BOB, etc. Majority
          of Censor Examiner number tapes. A good  6958. Û 1839-86, 1890-1937, Cpl coll of 24  F-VF. Previous owner’s Cat $5,000+......  owner’s older Scott $1,900 & estimated very  souvenir sheets; etc. However, the best item
          lot for study. Majority VG-VF, some flts (81)  diff Millennium sets. VF, NH (96 diff stamps)  ......................... Est 900.00+  reasonably (880 stamps, 21 Booklets or  is a Gambia mint NH set of #3736-8 which
          ......................... Est 450.00+  ..................... 2025 Scott 91.80        panes) ................... Est 500.00+  Cat $440. F-VF (100’s) ....... Est 300.00+
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58