Page 50 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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106                                                      CANADA FIRST DAY COVERS 1973-1996:  CANADA KGV-KGVI CACHETED FDC’s:  CANADA FAKES & FORGERIES:
        UNITED NATIONS MINT NH COLLECTION:                       6817. Ö Beautiful coll of 445 diff official cach  6834. Ö 192/324, BOB, Attractive coll of 42  6848. ÚÛ Interesting coll of fakes & forgeries
        6789. Û 528/703a, BOB, Pristine coll from                 FDC’s. Has singles, sets & SS frankings up  diff early cach FDC’s, from 1932-53. We  from KGV to modern. Has fake OHMS & G
         all 3 offices neatly arranged on stockcards,             to $2 commems & $5 defins. Lovely topicals  noted #’s 192-4, 200, 208-9, etc. F-VF, some  overprints on O9-10, O25 & EO1; pair of the
         from 1988-97. Topicals abound. VF, NH.                   throughout. VF, unaddr ....... Est 225.00+  unaddr. A nice group! Cat $363 Est 120.00+  10¢ Fur Resources one with & one without ‘G’;
         2024 Scott $1,139 (328 stamps, 78 SS’s)...              BOX OF UNITED STATES:                                     #139 double overprint & inverted overprint; 39¢
         .......................... Est 300.00+                  6818. ÚÛ Box full with an accum of unsorted               Flag imperf blocks (2), imperf pairs (3, one is
        CANADA MILITARY RELATED COVERS:                           material in envelopes, on pages, in glassines,           used); 2 diff Commonwealth Games missing
        6790. Ö Interesting accum of Military covers              on cards, etc. Has older to modern with                  values; 2 diff Painting stamps with missing in-
         from all Forces, primarily WWII era. We saw              commems, defins & BOB. Primarily used                    scriptions; etc. F-VF (29 stamps) Est 200.00+
         cancels from RCAF Stations, ships, MPO’s,                (1,000’s)................... Est 180.00+                CANADA PROVINCES
         camps, FPO’s, etc. Mainly from Canada;                  USA MYSTERY BOX:                                         “BARTLETT LETTERHEAD”:
         a few from overseas. Majority VG-VF                     6819. ÚÛ Diverse range of material loose                 6849. Ú Illustrated ARTHUR BARTLETT
         (86 covers, plus 30 other items) Est 200.00+  CANADA USED $1 PARLIAMENT:  in a carton early to modern. Has stamps in  Letterhead depicting stamps of Br. Columbia,
                                     6803. Ú 159, Nice lot of 13 used, F-VF. Cat  sleeves & glassines; on pages & stockcards;  Nova Scotia & PEI all in full cover. Has written
                                      $1,170 ................... Est 350.00+
                                                                  stockbook; covers, postcards & Postal Statio-            message incl “I am using this letterhead with
                                     CANADA 1951 CAPEX COVERS:    nery; souvenir items; odds & ends; etc. Broad  CANADA PILOT SIGNED  permission”. Accompanied by a very informa-
                                     6804. Ö 311-14, Coll of Stamp Centenary /  range of defins, topical commems & pictorials;  FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:  tive 1966 article on Bartlett written by Dr R.
                                      Capex issues tied by Toronto or Richmond Hill  plus back of book. Good source for cancels &  6835. Ö Very interesting coll of 46 diff  Carr. F, folded. Very attractive . . Est 65.00+
                                      Ont cancels on cach covers. Most are FDC’s  varieties. Hours of sorting pleasure. Majority  cach FFC’s from 1929-37. Each is PILOT  CANADA COVER CORRESPONDENCE 1899:
                                      & all diff as to franking (incl Plate Blocks). Also  VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 275.00+  SIGNED. Has a nice variety of flights &  6850. Ö Interesting 19th Century correspon-
                                      1951 covers carried by Stagecoach, Train &  CANADA MYSTERY LOT:  pilots from across Canada. One 1932 FFC  dence, from mainly Ont towns & cities, all to
                                      Helicopter. F-VF (13 covers) .... Est 50.00+  6820. ÚÛ Diverse accum of unsorted material  has been signed by legendary Canadian  H. McKay & Co., Cigars in London, Ont.
                                                                  in a carton from All Reigns. Has stamps in               Most franked by #76. We saw CDS’s, squared
                                     QUEBEC WILDLIFE CONSERVATION:                             Pilot “WOP MAY”. F-VF...... Est 650.00+
                                     6805. Û QW7-13, Lovely collection of 7 diff  envelopes, glassines & stockbook; on pages  CANADA 50¢ GRAND PRE:  circles, couple RPO’s, duplex barrel head,
                                      Quebec Wildlife Conservation Booklets from  & stockcards; covers, postcards & Postal  6836. Ú 176, Wholesale lot of 90 used 50¢  3 Reg’d, etc. Some have corner cards. Most
                                      1994-2000. VF, NH ........... Cat 260.00  Stationery; odds & ends, etc. We saw 1982 &  VG-F, some slightly reduced. Good lot for
                                                                  1984 official annual collections, etc. Majority  Grand Pre. Most F-VF, all with SE. Cat  the specialist (88) ........... Est 175.00+
                                     CANADA                       VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 225.00+  $1,350 .................... Est 200.00+
                                     6806. Ö Interesting accum of WWII era covers,  6821. ÚÛ Diverse accum of material loose  6837. Û O20, Cpl 5¢ KGVI “G” overprinted
                                      most with MPO cancels, primarily addr within  in a carton, early to modern. Has stamps in  Official sheet of 100 (folded). Has Plate #2
                                      Canada (a few to Cdn military units overseas).  glassines, on pages & stockcards, covers,  Imprint at UR. Fresh, VF, NH . . Cat 300.00+
                                      Strong in Summerside & Yorkton but also  odds & ends, etc. We noted Scott Album with  MINT CANADA 1898-1940’s:
                                      many from other places incl Clinton, Lachine,  issues from 1859-1976 incl High Values & a  6838. Û Two black stockcards full with a nice
                                      Mont Joli, Rockcliffe, Nanaimo, etc. Most  smattering of Nfld; souvenir articles; Annual  coll of older mints with many better. Incl 2¢
           NEWFOUNDLAND PLATE PROOF:  neatly written up in detail on cards. We noted
         6791. Û OX1ii, Imperf Plate Proof on card  one cover with hand-illustrated cachet cover  coll from 1989, 1998 & 2005; four diff mint QE  Maps (3 diff shades), Hist & Confederation
                                                                                              sets; Medallion set; 20¢ Grain; 10¢ Loyalist;
          with excellent margins. VF, insignificant little  depicting soldier dated Lethbridge 1945.  miniature panes incl #405bq ($55) & #458b  Silver Jubilee set; $1 Champlain set; $1
                                                                  ($40); Revenue set #SL68-78 ($120); etc. VG-
          margin stain does not detract from this nice  Mixed condition but many VG-VF (68) .....
          looking item ..............  &DW  1,000.00  .......................... Est 125.00+  VF (1,000’s) ............... Est 350.00+  Chateau set; O1-10; C1-4, etc. F-VF. Cat  CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:
                                                                 BOX FULL OF                  $1,600 (98)................. est 400.00+
        WWII CANADIAN FORCES IN AFRICA:                          UNITED NATIONS FIRST DAY COVERS:  CANADA FFC’S SIGNED BY WOP MAY:  6851. Ö Coll of cach FFC’s from 1934-5.
        6792. Ö Interesting lot of 7 diff WWII era items         6822. Ö An unsorted accum of cach NY FDC’s  6839. Ö C1, Cach Fort McMurray to Hay River  Has a variety of flights from across Canada
         to / from Cdn units in Africa & the Middle East.         from 1950’s-80’s. Duplicated but a terrific vari-  NWT & return FFC’s 10-7 Dec 1929. Each  with attractive cachets & cancels. Incl C2,
         Has a variety of FPO cancels & censor h/s’s.             ety of issues with singles, sets, inscription  is SIGNED by famous Canadian pilot WOP  C4 (7), etc. Also a few uncach types & one
         We noted sepia photo postcard depicting                  blocks, etc. Plus some Geneva. Also some used/  MAY. F-VF (2 covers) ........ Est 125.00+  Pilot Signed. F-VF (81) ...... Est 200.00+
         Algiers scene; cover from England via Iraq to            unused Postal Stationery (100’s). Est 175.00+  CANADA FFC’S SIGNED BY WOP MAY:  USA WHITE PLAINS SHEET:
         Egypt; Canada to Jordan; cover from Nabala,                                         6840. Ö C1, Cach Fort McMurray to Wrigley  6852. SSÛ 630, Cpl White Plains sheet of 25,
         Palestine to Edmonton, etc. Most written up                                          NWT & return FFC’s 10-22 Dec 1929. Each  fresh colour, VF, LH ......... Est 300.00+
         on cards. VG-F, a few flts ...... Est 70.00+                                         is SIGNED by famous Canadian pilot WOP  USA STATE CAPITOLS:
                                                                                              MAY. F-VF (2 covers) ........ Est 125.00+  6853. Ö Interesting coll of 23 postcards 1905-
                                                                                             COVER FROM THE PRESIDENT      10 each depicting State Capitol buildings. All
                                                                                             ROOSEVELT COLLECTION:         are diff scenes but some duplication of States.
                                                                                             6841. Ö Gr. Britain #249A, Tied by Kilkeel / Co.  A nice lot. Primarily used, F..... Est 65.00+
                                         NEWFOUNDLAND COVERS:
                                     6807. Ö Interesting accum of covers from                 Down 22 Oct 1942 CDS on WWII censored  CANADA USED WHOLESALE
                                      19th Century up to 1940’s. Has a variety of             cover to MISS GRACE TULLY (Private  $2 HIGH VALUES:
                                      single & multiple frankings with commercial             Secretary to PRES. ROOSEVELT), White  6854. Ú 601 (42), 1182 (200), 1376 (88), Used
                                      covers; FDC’s; 6 diff unused Postal Statio-             House, Washington, DC. Has “FROM THE  wholesale lot of $2 values. F-VF. Cat $535 .
                                      nery (5 are postal cards); 1937 long Corona-  CANADA PRIVATE CACHETED FDC’s:  FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT COLLECTION /  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                      tion singles up to 48¢ on separate covers;  6823. Ö 325/1606c, Extensive coll of Private  AUTHENTICATED BY H.R. HARMER INC,
                                                                                              N.Y.” b/s. F, some edge wear . . . Est 75.00+
                                      1937 cach cover commemorating 100th An-  cach FDC’s, from 1953-96. All are diff as to
                                      niversary of Queen Victoria’s Accession to  issue, franking & cachet. Variety of cachet  CANADA 50¢ OIL WELL:
                                      the Throne; etc. Mostly F-VF. Also #29 tied  makers incl Capital, PS, Art Craft, FT, Ca-  6842. ÕÛ 294, Full top Plate #1 Imprint Block
                                      on battered cover St. John’s to England (43)  chet Craft, Caneco, H&R, JCR, Rose Craft,  of 10. Fresh, VF, NH, one small DG patch in
                                      ......................... Est 225.00+  Regal, Capital City, H&E, Kolor Kover, etc.  selvedge. Very pretty.......... Cat 134.00
                                                                  We saw $1 Export, Centennials to $1, 903-6
                                     CANADA QE MINT COLLECTION:   M/S’s Plate Blocks SIGNED by Aviation
                                     6808. Û 325/655, Decent mint coll neatly ar-  Artist ROBERT BRADFORD, etc. F-VF,
                                      ranged on Lighthouse Hingeless pages, from  many unaddr (336).......... Est 375.00+
                                      1953-74. Has commems, coils, Centennials to
                                      $1, etc. VF, some NH (Over 400) Est 100.00+  CANADA POSTMARKS:
                                                                 6824. Ú Small box full of loose stamps that the
                                     CANADA                       previous owner had selected for their town                   CANADA J.A.D. MCCURDY
                                     MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $359:  postmarks. Primarily 1940’s-50’s & mainly                 AUTOGRAPHED POSTCARD 1933:
                                     6809. Û Wide range of diff stamps loose  KGVI defins. Majority are off paper. Also has  6855. Ö C1, Tied on b/w photo postcard
                                      in a sleeve, from 1970’s-90’s. Has defins,  some RPO cancels, a few perfins, etc. F-VF  from Montreal 23 Feb, 1933. Has special
                                      commems, Plate Blocks, Booklets, souvenir  (100’s) ..................... Est 80.00+  commem cachet for the “SILVER DART”
          BR. COLUMBIA LAW STAMP BLOCK:  sheets, etc. F-VF, NH ........ Face 359.00  SHOEBOX OF CANADA, ETC. MIXTURE:      flight from 23 Feb 1909 which was the first
         6793. ÕÛ BCL63, Beautiful Inscription Block  CANADA 4¢ POSTAL SCRIP SHEET:   6825. Ú Shoebox with a loose unsorted mixture  CANADA COMPLETE SCROLL SET:  aerial flight in Canada & the British Empire.
          of the $1 Law Stamp. VF, NH Cat 1,250.00+
                                     6810. Û FPS44, Cpl mint sheet of 100 of  of Canadian stamps, all off paper. Primarily  6843. Û 149-61, Complete KGV set up to $1  Has been autographed by J.A.D. McCURDY
        CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:   the third issue of the 4¢ pink Postal Scrip   1960’s-90’s with commems, defins, Xmas, etc.  Parliament plus coils. Fresh colours, F-VF.  the Pilot of the 1909 flight. VF . Est 100.00+
        6794. Ö Coll of 25 diff FFC’s from 1928-46.  Revenue. VF, NH, 5 stamps at top with light   Also has some scattered Foreign (1,000’s) .  Cat $920 ................. Est 300.00+  CANADA WWII COVERS:
         Nice variety of flight cancels & cachets. F ..  DG. A VERY RARE SHEET! Cat $9,375  ..  .......................... Est 125.00+  CANADA 17¢ VARIETY SHEET:  6856. Ö Interesting accum of WWII covers
         ........................... Est 65.00+  ....................... Est 1,750.00+  CANADA PICTORIALS &  6844. Û 790, Cpl sheet of 100 of the 17¢  from 1941-45. Has military incl FPO’s, RCAF
        CANADA WWII 6„ AIRMAIL SHEET:                            PEACE ISSUES WHOLESALE:      Parliament with a MAJOR DRY PRINTING va-  Stations, etc. (many with write-ups on glass-
        6795. Û C7, Cpl LL Plate #2 mint WWII 6¢                 6826. Ú 241-4, 270-3, Used wholesale lot  riety - affecting almost all stamps in the sheet.  ines). Also some censored covers, 2 Airgraph
         Airmail sheet of 50. F-VF, 6 stamps with DG,             of medium to High Values. Incl KGVI 1938  Very eye-catching item! VF, NH Est 400.00+  covers, etc. The previous owner paid $5-$12
         light crease. Cat $1,068....... Est 250.00+              Pictorials 10¢-20¢ (4,200 of each), 50¢ (100);  MINT CANADA FACE $542:  for many of these. VG-VF (37) . . Est 70.00+
                                                                  & 1946 Peace issues 8¢-$1 (200 each).
         USA NATIONAL PARKS ISSUES                                VG-VF. Great source for cancels & varieties.  6845. Û Sleeve full of loose unsorted mints,  CANADA QE DIAMOND JUBILEE FOLDERS:
         MINT WHOLESALE:                                          Cat $4,690................. Est 350.00+  mainly 1970’s-90’s & primarily commems.  6857. Û 2513-8, Set of 6 QE Diamond Jubilee
         6796. Û 730/770, National Parks issues in               KLUSSENDORF CANCELS:         Lots of blocks, Plate Blocks, se-tenants, plus  2012 Keepsake folders. VF, NH . . Cat 51.00
          mint wholesale quantities identified in glass-         6827. Ö Box full of Klussendorf cancels on  some singles, etc. F-VF ...... Face 542.00  USA CENSORED COVERS
          ines & sleeves, from 1933-4. Has singles,               covers from the 1980’s-90’s. Has a wide vari-  CANADA USED $1 PARLIAMENTS:  TO ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON:
          sets, gutter blocks & souvenir sheets, from             ety of towns. Much is on company mail addr  6846. Ú 159, Wholesale lot of 15 used $1  6858. Ö Coll of 10 diff WWII Censored covers
          8 to 39 of each (also a few other issues from           to London Life in London, Ont. A fertile lot for  Parliaments. Mostly F-VF. Cat $1,350 .....  from various cities all addr to St Pierre &
          the period). F-VF, all appear NH. 2025 Scott            study. F (Many 100’s) ......... Est 50.00+  .......................... Est 300.00+  Miquelon, from 1942-4. All have St Pierre &
          $2,290 (100’s) ............. Est 600.00+  CANADA QV 3¢ LARGE QUEEN COVERS:  CANADA MYSTERY CARTON:               Miquelon censor h/s’s (8 have either USA or
        CANADA BOOKLETS FACE $520:   6811. Ö 25, Coll of 20 covers from 1868-9 all  6828. ÚÛ Carton of material early to modern,  Cdn censor tapes). One cover to USA has
        6797. Û Lightly duplicated accum of 104 Book-  franked with 3¢ Lg Queens. Has a range of  primarily used. Has stamps in glassines, on  “Postage Stamp detached before Received,
         lets from the 1990’s-2000’s. Has a wide vari-  shades, various town cancels from Ontario,  pages & stockcards, loose, etc. We saw colls  Morgan Annex, N.Y P.O” h/s. F, some flts.
                                                                                                                           Interesting study lot .......... Est 100.00+
         ety of types, designs & values with commems,  Nova Scotia; various destinations; etc.  & accums, some revenues, a smattering of
         defins & Xmas. VF, NH....... Face 520.00  Mostly VG-F............... Est 500.00+  Newf’d, mint Admirals, Centennials, used Millen-
                                                                  nium set, 1870-1995 used coll in Scott album,
                                     CANADA MINT BLOCK COLLECTION:  etc. Majority VG-VF (1,000’s) . . Est 300.00+
                                     6812. ÕÛ 112/294, BOB, Attractive coll of  NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUE COLLECTION:
                                      39 diff mint blocks neatly arranged on a  6829. ÚÛ NFR10/NFW4, Attractive coll neatly
                                      stockcard, from 1911-50. Some highlights  arranged on Van Dam pages. We noted used
                                      are 112-3 ($540), 145 ($75), 156 ($260),  NFR26-31 ($103), NFR36-43 ($60), etc. F-VF
                                      211-6 ($170), 272 ($120), E3 ($265), E9  (34) .................. Van Dam 410.00
                                      ($84), etc. Also #O47i Blunt “G” variety in a  CANADA 17¢ MINTS FACE $340:
                                      block of 9 (NH, $101). F-VF, some NH. Cat  6831. Û Accum of 2,000 mint 17¢ stamps.
                                      $1,940 ................... Est 500.00+
                                                                  Wide variety of issues, primarily commems.
                                     CANADA CENTENNIAL PLATE BLOCKS:  F-VF, NH.................. Face 340.00                     CANADA FDC’s
                                     6813. ÕÛ 454/465b, Pristine coll of Centennial  CANADA COLLECTION                        WITH HAND DRAWN CACHETS:
                                      Plate Blocks to $1. All diff matched sets as  2012-2014 FACE $499:                  6859. Ö 338, 352, 416, Three different FDC’s
                                      to issue & plate. VF, NH. Cat $572 (92 Plate  6832. Û Coll of mints on pages from 2012-14.  USA NEWSPAPER &  from 1954-64, all with HAND DRAWN
                                      Blocks).................... Est 175.00+  Loaded with many “P” stamps, souvenir /  PERIODICAL PROOFS:  COLOURED CACHETS. F .... Est 80.00+
                                                                  miniature sheets, & more. VF, NH (Few 100)  6847. Û PR102P2-PR113P2, Attractive set of
                                     OLD CANADA BANK CHEQUES:                                  12 diff 1895 small die PLATE PROOFS on  BRITISH COLUMBIA REVENUE SHEET:
                                     6814. Ú Interesting coll of 70 bank cheques,  ......................... Face 499.00  white wove paper, with denominations from  6860. Û BCL29, Cpl sheet of 25 of the 30¢
                                      drafts, etc. from 1875 up to 1952. Incl 10 with  CANADA MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $433:  1¢-$100. All affixed to the original gray card  orange Law Stamp. VF, NH, trivial gum bends
                                      illustrations. We noted Eastern Townships  6833. Û Broad range of mint issues, mainly  from the 1903 Roosevelt albums. Fresh  .......................... Cat 468.00
             NOVA SCOTIA FIRST ISSUES:  Bank 1875; Merchants Bank of Canada 1883;  1970’s-90’s. Has singles, blocks, Plate Blocks,  colours, F-VF, a few minor flaws. Cat $1,380  CANADA FFC’S SIGNED BY WOP MAY:
         6798. Ú 1-3, The first three imperforate issues.  Federal Bank of Canada 1883; Maritime Bank  Booklets, Booklet panes, panes, souvenir  US (12) ................. Est 1,000.00+  6861. Ö C1, Cach Fort McMurray to Fort
          F......................... Cat 700.00  of the Dominion of Canada 1886; etc. VG-VF  sheets, etc. VF, NH.......... Face 433.00  McPherson NWT & return FFC’s 10-30 Dec
                                      ........................... Est 60.00+                                               1929. Each is SIGNED by famous Canadian
        CANADA WWII MILITARY COVERS:                                                                                       pilot WOP MAY. F-VF (2 covers) Est 125.00+
        6799. Ö Interesting accum of Army & RCAF
         covers (primarily stampless) from Military                                                                       CANADA COMPLETE OHMS PERFIN SET:
         units, regiments, divisions, hospitals based                                                                     6862. Û O231-45, Also O241a, Cpl KGVI
         in Gr. Britain & elsewhere as they marched                                                                        OHMS Perfin set up to $1 Chateau. Fresh,
         & flew to victory in WWII. All have FPO CDS’s                                                                     F-VF, NH. Cat $672.......... Est 250.00+
         plus a few with FPO roller cancel types. Also                                                                    CANADA COMPLETE OHMS PERFIN SETS:
         noted a broad range of Military b/s’s like                                                                       6863. Û O249-62, O268-73, Complete War
         Camerons of Canada, Princess Patricias,                                                                           set to $1 Destroyer & Peace set to $1 Ferry,
         Black Watch, Cdn Headquarters, London, etc.                                                                       all with OHMS Perfins. Fresh, F-VF, LH. Cat
         A few with enclosures; some with Cdn Legion,                                                                      $446 ..................... Est 150.00+
         Salvation Army, etc corner cards. Plus a nice
         range of other h/s’s like “POSTED AT AN/
         RCAF STATION.” Mixed condition as usual
         (Approx 170) ............... Est 250.00+
        6800. Û FPS45, Complete mint sheet of 100  6815. ÕÛ 199/411, CE3-4, Attractive coll
         of the third issue of the 5¢ blue Postal Scrip   of 45 diff Plate Blocks (incl 6 M/S’s) neatly
         Revenue. VF, NH. Cat $1,250. . Est 250.00+  arranged on a stockcard, from 1932-63.
         UNITED STATES IMPERFORATE SHEET:  Some NH highlights are M/S’s 272 ($720),
         6801. Û 3007d, Cpl IMPERFORATE SHEET  294 ($200), 411 ($360), CE3-4 ($431), etc.
          OF 50 of the 32¢ Christmas. Fresh, VF, NH.  F-VF, some NH. Cat $2,147 . . Est 550.00+
          Very scarce sheet with only a few known.                           HAMILTON ONTARIO PATRIOTIC ELECTION CARD:
          2025 Scott $4,062......... Est 1,750.00+  CANADA BARREL CANCELS:  6830. Ú Very attractive multi-coloured patriotic election card (7 x 4.5 inches) from the early  EARLY MINT CANADA:
                                     6816. Ö Box with a duplicated accum of covers                                        6864. Û 50/103, Attractive mint coll on pages
        NEW BRUNSWICK PROOF SHEET:    all with double-ring BARREL CANCELS from  1900’s, for the Conservative candidates SAMUEL BARKER & F.C. BRUCE who were running  from 1897-1908. Has QV Jubilees to 50¢;
        6802. Û 9P, Cpl Plate Proof sheet of 100  1955-61. Has various cities (strongest in  in Hamilton Ont. Has draped flags, maple leaves, picture of Robert Borden (Prime Minister from  QV Leaf set to 10¢; QV Numerals set to 20¢;
         on card of the 10¢ QV in issued colour. XF.  Western Canada) with various dates. Also has  1911-20), etc. On reverse has questions about the costs of the cross Canada Railway & other  KE to 20¢; Quebec set; etc. Mostly F-VF,
                                                                   issues of the day. F, minor crease.......................................Est 200.00+
         Scarce ................... Cat 6,000.00  a few stamps. F-VF (370 items) Est 200.00+                               couple NG. Cat $8,400 (48). . Est 1,750.00+
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55