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WORLD COLLECTION             STANLEY GIBBONS 2024 BR.                                                                                    113
        7180. ÚÛ Six binders full with a world coll,  7203. Ú Br. Commonwealth 2024 Catalogue
         mainly 1930’s-80’s era. Has a terrific array  for stamps from 1840-1970. Colour illustrated
         of countries with Africa, Asia, Latin America,  with countries from A-Z. Much info here that
         Middle East, Br. Commonwealth, Europe, etc.  is not easily found elsewhere. F, binding has
         Majority are used with commems, pictorials,  split ...................... Est 150.00+
         defins, Airmails, etc. VG-VF (1,000’s)......  CANADA’S REGISTRY SYSTEM:
         .......................... Est 325.00+  7204. Ú Useful softcover book with the coll
        MYSTERY BOX:                  formed by Horace Harrison. This was
        7181. ÚÛ Carton with stamps from all over  Hennok’s Series of Postal History Colls #5.
         the world early to modern. Contains stamps  F ......................... Est 40.00+
         in glassines, envelopes, coll remainders,  CANADA ESSAYS & PROOFS:
         small accums, covers, odds & ends, loose,  7205. Ú Hardcover 198 page THE ESSAYS           MUSKOKA ONTARIO
         etc. Looks like a lot of fun for a rainy day  & PROOFS OF BR. NORTH AMERICA by            POSTCARDS WITH VIEWS:          GR. BRITAIN
         (Many 100’s) ............... Est 300.00+  Minuse & Pratt, 1970. This is the defin refer-  CANADA  7231. Ö Album with an eye-catching coll of  WWI PATRIOTIC / COMIC POSTCARDS:
        MYSTERY BOX:                  ence work on the subject & is long out of print.  PATRIOTIC LEATHER POSTCARDS:  used / unused, b/w & colour photo (incl 13  7242. Ö Eye-catching coll of 22 diff used / un-
                                                                                               real b/w photos), postcards from 1900’s-50’s
        7182. ÚÛ World carton full similar to the  VF ....................... Est 125.00+  7221. Ö Attractive coll of 34 diff used / un-  (most pre WWII). Depicts steamers, hotels,  used colour or sepia illustrated humourous /
                                                                  used PATRIOTIC postcards from Edwardian
         above but more material (Many 100’s) .....  JARRETT CANADA:                                                       patriotic WWI postcards. Depict soldiers in
         .......................... Est 400.00+  7206. Ú Original soft cover “Stamps of British  era in sleeves. Many beautiful designs here  resorts, lake & river views, town street  a variety of comic / compromising situations.
        MYSTERY BOX:                  North America” reference book by Fred  & many with additional hand painting. We  scenes, etc; incl a few Patriotics. Some nice  Many are artist signed. VG-VF Est 100.00+
                                                                                               cancels also incl Bigwin Island, Elgin House,
                                                                  saw Union Jack, Red Ensign, Maple Leaf,
        7183. ÚÛ World carton full similar to the  Jarrett, 1929. A nice collectable. F Est 60.00+  Beaver, etc. Some with small town cancels  Juddhaven, Milford Bay, Novar, Rossclair,  GR. BRITAIN WWI PATRIOTIC POSTCARDS:
         above two lots. Includes better items & more  BOGGS NEWFOUNDLAND:  like Red Deer Alta; Frank Alta; Ilderton Ont;  Ziska, etc. Majority VG-VF. Old retail $700  7243. Ö Attractive coll of sepia & colour photo
         material (Many 100’s) ........ Est 500.00+  7207. Û Like-new Quarterman reprint from  Hastings Ont; Elora Ont; etc. F-VF .......  (132)..................... Est 500.00+  WWI Patriotic postcards, primarily unused.
                                      1975 of this famous hardcover book. An  ......................... Est 275.00+        Depict soldiers & officers in uniform & in
          STOCKBOOKS,                 essential book with a wealth of info here for  CANADA COLOUR CHROME POSTCARDS:       action, military sports teams, servicemen
                                      any collector or dealer of Newfoundland....
                                                                                                                           on parade, captured German Trenches,
                                      ........................... Est 75.00+
         SUPPLIES, ETC.              BUTLER BROS 1896 PRICE LIST:  7222. Ö Eye-catching coll of colour chrome              troops at trenches, Australian artillery gun,
                                                                                                                           etc. Most VG-VF (37) ........ Est 120.00+
                                                                  view cards from across the nation, mainly
                                     7208. Ú Scarce 1896 Butler Bros 48-page  1950’s-80’s. Has used & unused with city &
        JUMBO BLOCK STOCKSHEETS:      Price List Catalogue, from Oxford England.  rural scenes, tourist destinations, hotels &
        7184. ÚÛ Group of like-new G&K “Jumbo  Has price listing of stamps, packets, albums,  resorts, etc. We noted a variety of Northern
         Starsheets” black stocksheets. Some are in  supplies, etc. An interesting glimpse into  Ontario, Winnipeg & Victoria cards; plus
         unopened packs. Has a variety of strip sizes.  philately from 125 years ago. F. . Est 75.00+  fold-out cards from Grouse Mountain, BC.,
         F-VF (125 pages) ............ Est 60.00+  CANADA THE FIFTEEN CENTS OF 1868:  BC Ferries & Winnipeg. Majority F-VF (200) .
        PLASTIC BLACK STOCKSHEETS:   7209. Ú Hardbound 55-page 1963 edition by  .......................... Est 125.00+
        7185. Ú Accum of black plastic 3-ring  L.G. Firth (10 pages in colour). The definitive
         stocksheets with a variety of pocket  study on this popular issue. The colour plates
         sizes. All are double sided. F-VF (100).....  showing the shades are an invaluable     CEYLON POSTCARD COLLECTION:
         .......................... Est 100.00+  reference for any collector or dealer. F ....  7232. Ö Fascinating coll of used / unused;
        BLACK STAMP MOUNTS:           .......................... Est 125.00+                   colour & b/w photo postcards, primarily KE-
                                                                                               KGV era (a couple later). Most with foreign
        7186. Û Useful asst of unused black stamp  BOGGS CANADA HANDBOOK:                      destinations (mainly Scotland). Depict
         mounts in strips, mostly in unopened packs.  7210. Ú The Postage Stamps & Postal History  Colombo scenes, villages, shoreline, boats,  VALENTINE’S BRITAIN’S
         Has many popular sizes with Hawid, Scott  of Canada 1974 Quarterman Edition, by W.S.                             BULWARKS WARSHIPS ON POSTCARDS:
         & Unisafe. Also 5 packs of Hawid Pre-Cut  Boggs. The defin reference for Canadian     street scenes, elephants, native lifestyle incl  7244. Ö Attractive coll of 7 diff mainly used
         mounts (42 packages)........ Est 150.00+  stamps. VF ................. Est 75.00+     dress & activities, temples, hotels, snake  WWI era Patriotic postcards depicting Brit-
                                                                                               charmers, etc. Variety of cancels&afew
        STAMP MOUNTS:                HERMAN HERST BOOKS:                                       with Hotel h/s’s. F-VF (125) . . . Est 500.00+  ish Navy Cruisers. Incl HMS’s Birmingham,
        7187. Û Box with approx 45 unopened pack-  7211. Ú Three diff publications by Herman                               Dartmouth, Edinburgh, Essex, Minotaur, etc.
         ages of Lighthouse black stamp mounts in  Herst Jr, one of America’s most prolific phila-  CANADA                 F-VF (7) ................... Est 90.00+
         strips. Has various popular sizes. Retail over  telic writers. Incl Nassau Street; More Stories  WINNIPEG POSTCARD COLLECTION:  ROMANTIC LEATHER POSTCARDS:  VENICE “BOOKMARK” POSTCARDS:
         $550...................... Est 275.00+  to Collect Stamps by; & The Compleat Philat-  7223. Ö Attractive coll of used / unused pri-  7233. Ö Charming coll of 24 diff Leather Post-  7245. Ö Interesting coll of 17 early unused
                                      elist. Two books are signed by the author. F            cards in sleeves from KE era. Contains all
        ISRAEL FIVE VOLUME SET OF ALBUMS:  ........................... Est 75.00+  marily colour photo or illustrated postcards,  bookmark style multi-coloured postcards circa
        7188. Û Set of 5 Israel Davo Albums (with                 from 1900’s-50’s (mainly pre WWII). Depict  kinds of interesting designs burned into the  1910. These depict scenes of Venice incl St
         slipcases) in like-new condition. Has printed  HUNGARY PHILATELIC LITERATURE:  buildings incl railway stations & hotels;  leather; most with hand painting added. De-  Marks Square, famous bridges, gondolas, etc.
         pages from 1948-2008. Has a few scattered  7212. Û Set of 6 hardbound reference books  street scenes, parks, etc. We noted 5 real  picts couples, flowers, birds, heart, etc; with  F. An unusual group .......... Est 85.00+
         stamps which are not counted. Current retail  published by the Hungarian Society for Phila-  b/w photo cards. Majority VG-VF. Old retail  many touching quotes. Some with small town
         $1,000+ ................... Est 350.00+  telic Research “A MAGYAR BELYEGEK  $494 (112) ................ Est 300.00+  Ont cancels incl Iroquois, Bridgeburg, Smith
                                      MONO GRAFIAJA”, 1965-7. The definitive ref-             Falls, Thedford & Havelock; also Caconna &
        BOX OF STAMP DEALER SUPPLIES:  erence for all aspects of Hungarian Philately.  WWI POSTCARDS SHOWING GAS MASKS:  Chateauguay Basin, Que ..... Est 150.00+
        7189. Ú Box with a useful lot of supplies for a  VF (Written in Hungarian) ..... Est 300.00+  7224. Ö Interesting coll of 3 diff WWI photo
         stamp dealer. Has small 3-Ring binders to                postcards depicting GAS MASKS on soldiers
         put stock in; bundle of 1-pocket vinyl 3-Ring  CANADA PHILATELIC LITERATURE:  from Germany, Russia & Britain. Many crude
         pages (ideal for covers, small souvenir sheets,  7213. Ú Library of 14 useful books covering  types depicted. F, unused, one with a crease
         Postal Stationery), small manila approval  many aspects of Canadian philately. Incl  ........................... Est 70.00+
                                      handbooks on cancels of Nova Scotia; Sask
         cards; couple small stockbooks; sleeves;
         couple pairs of stamp tongs; magnifying  P.O.’s; Stamp Errors; FFC’s (AAMC Vol 4,
         glasses; etc ................. Est 50.00+  1981); Posted Letter Guide; Squared Circle
        CANADA REVENUE ALBUMS:        Cancels; Holmes Canada of BNA; Lg Queens;
                                      Revenues; Registered Stamps; Postcards in
        7190. Û Brand new set of “The Canadian  Canada; etc. F.............. Est 150.00+
         Revenue Stamp Album” by E.S.J. Van Dam.  CHINA 9 VOLUME SET                                                        CANADA MULTI-VIEW POSTCARDS:
         Has four three-ring binders with printed  OF REFERENCE BOOKS:                                                    7246. Ö Interesting coll of 20 diff better cali-
         pages for both Federal & Provincial issues..                                                                      bre used / unused colour illustrated post-
         .......................... Est 200.00+  7214. Ú Nine-volume set of hardbound refer-    WESTERN CANADA POSTCARDS:  cards, all with multi-views. Has postcards
                                      ence books (in Chinese) with “The History
        BOX OF STAMP COLLECTOR SUPPLIES:  of Chinese Postage Stamps”. Well illustrated        7234. Ö Attractive coll of 47 diff used/unused,  from across the country, 1900’s-10’s. We
        7191. ÚÛ Box with an asst of various supplies  books published in 1998 by The Commercial  b/w & colour view cards, from 1900’s-50’s  saw 6 Patriotic items; plus views of Windsor,
         for a stamp collector. Incl a decent group of  Press in China. Has colour & b/w photo plates  (most pre WWII). Strength in views of Winni-  Ont, Niagara, Ottawa, Moose Jaw, Winni-
         various black mounts, 8 page Lighthouse  illustrating stamps, covers, Postal Stationery,  peg & Victoria; plus prairie harvest; couple  peg, etc. F-VF ............. Est 125.00+
         stockbook, blank album pages, glassines,  regionals, etc. Ranges from Imperial issues up  of Patriotics; Cowboys branding cattle; etc.  ONTARIO MULTI-VIEW POSTCARDS:
         black stockcards, hinges, 2 Magnifying  to 1994. Nice condition. VF .... Est 125.00+  SOUTH PACIFIC COLOURED POSTCARDS:  Majority F-VF. Old retail $304 . Est 200.00+  7247. Ö Attractive coll of 27 diff better calibre
         glasses, tongs, watermark tray, etc .......             7225. Ö Interesting coll of 19 diff unused                used / unused, colour & b/w photo view cards,
         .......................... Est 100.00+  COMPLETE 2024 SCOTT CATALOGUE SET:  Royal Packet Navigation, postcards circa  CANADA LEATHER POSTCARDS:  primarily 1900’s-10’s. Depict churches &
                                     7215. Ú Cpl 12 volume set of 2024 Scott  1920’s-30’s. These depict multi-coloured  7235. Ö Eye-catching coll of 33 diff KE era
        LIGHTHOUSE STOCKBOOKS:        Catalogues in good used condition. Has   scenes from Dutch Indies, Sumatra, Java,  leather postcards, mainly used. Contains a  scenes from small towns. We saw Dionne
        7192. Ú Five empty Lighthouse 16-page  countries from A-Z with all photos in colour   Padang, etc. plus 3 from Australia & one  variety of designs, most with colour hand  Quints Callander, Acton, Amherstburg,
         stockbooks with white pages. Various colour.  ......................... Est 650.00+  from Papua New Guinea. VF. . Est 150.00+  painting added. We saw Patriotic; Galt Horse  Blenheim, Brantford, Fort William, Ingersoll,
         F-VF (5) ................... Est 100.00+                                             Show 1907; Easter Greetings; Tourist Desti-  Jackson’s Point, Midland, Owen Sound
        UNI-SAFE STOCKBOOKS:         AIR POST JOURNALS 1980-1987:  WWI FRENCH PATRIOTIC POSTCARDS:  nations; University of Mount Allison, NB ban-  (Patriotic), Silmont, Strathroy, etc. F-VF ...
        7193. Ú Five empty Uni-Safe 16-page (32  7216. Ú Lot of AIR POST JOURNALS from  7226. Ö Interesting coll of used / unused Patri-  ner; photo illustrated Lift Lock, Peterborough  .......................... Est 150.00+
         sides) stockbooks with white pages. Various  1980-7, each year bound in hardcover. These  otic & military postcards from WWI. Depict  card; Calgary; etc. Mainly F.... Est 200.00+
         colours. Room for 1,000’s of stamps. F-VF (5)  are the official publications of the American Air  artillery, trenches, charging soldier; many are  GR. BRITAIN WWI LOST WARSHIPS:
         .......................... Est 100.00+  Mail Society. Contains a wealth of information  romantic in nature showing soldiers & loved
                                      here on world aerophilately. Many of the arti-         7236. Ö Six diff photo postcards of various
        LOT OF 3-RING STOCKCARDS:                                 ones. F-VF (14) .............. Est 50.00+  WWI Warships which were lost to the enemy
        7194. Ú Useful lot of 90 black stockcards  cles are in depth studies of all facets of the  by mines, U-Boat & at the Battle of Jutland.
                                      airmail field. Also one miscellaneous book.
         (Most double-sided) & over 40 clear plastic  F-VF (9 hardcover books) ..... Est 150.00+  Noted HMS’s Defence (2 diff), Ocean, Russel,
         stockcards. Variety of makes & pocket sizes.                                         Warrior & Triumph. F-VF, 1 used Est 75.00+
         F-VF....................... Est 75.00+  AIRPOST JOURNALS 1992-2004:
                                     7217. Ú Lot of AIRPOST JOURNALS from                    BRITISH NAVAL POSTCARDS:
        FIVE STOCKBOOKS:              1992-2004, each year bound in a hardcover              7237. Ö Historic coll of 15 diff used / unused
        7195. Ú Five 16 white page stockbooks. Three  book. These are the official publications of the  colour & b/w photo / illustrated Royal Navy
         are Uni-Safe, two are Lighthouse. Excellent  AAMC society. The books contain a wealth of  related postcards, from 1904-48 (most pre
         condition .................. Est 100.00+
                                      information & articles on world aerophilately           WWII). We noted views of Fleets at Halifax
            PHILATELIC                not easily found elsewhere. Many have in                NS, Lamlash, Invergorden, Simonstown SA,
                                                                                              etc. Also North Atlantic Convoy Duty; Vice
                                      depth studies of all facets of the airmail field.
                                                                                              Admiral Sturdee; etc. VG-VF.... Est 85.00+
           LITERATURE                 F-VF (13 hardcover books) .... Est 175.00+
                                        POSTCARDS                       EARLY TELEPHONE/
        THE DOMINION PHILATELIST 1892-1894:                           TELEGRAPH POSTCARDS:
        7196. Ú Six different early journal magazines            7227. Ö Unusual coll of 11 diff postcards
         printed in Peterborough Ontario. These pro-  BELGIUM KING ALBERT CORONATION:  circa 1910-15, depicting early TELEGRAPH
         vide a fascinating glimpse into 19th Century  7218. Ö Coll of all diff unused b/w postcards  & TELEPHONE use by military soldiers in
         philately with articles, dealer’s price lists,  from 1909 depicting scenes of the Coronation  the field. Has French, British & German  CEYLON TUCK POSTCARD
         auction reports, dealer ads, etc. VG-F .....  Ceremonies of KING ALBERT through the  postcards. Mainly b/w types. F-VF, mostly  SPECIALTY LOT:
         ........................... Est 50.00+  streets of Brussels. Also 2 showing the funeral  unused ................... Est 100.00+  7248. Ö Beautiful specialty coll of 30 diff used
                                      of King Leopold. VF (11 diff) .... Est 70.00+                                        / unused photo & colour illustrated Tuck
        7197. Ú Well-illustrated hardbound 411-page                                                                        postcards neatly written up on pages, from
         book “Atlantic Mails - A history of the mail                                                                      1908-49. Depict native dress; rural, seaside
         service between GB & Canada to 1889" by                                              EARLY MOTORCYCLES ON POSTCARDS:  & street views; views of Kandy, Colombo,
         J.C. Arnell. Published by the National Postal                                        7238. Ö Coll of 8 diff b/w France postcards  elephants, temple, hotel, snake charmer,
         Museum in 1980. An essential reference book                                           circa 1905-10, depicting early RACING  etc. F-VF ................. Est 275.00+
         on Trans-Atlantic mail. VF..... Est 100.00+                                           MOTORCYCLES along with their riders.
        IMPORTANT BNA AUCTION CATALOGUES:                                                      Has various bike types & riders who are  MIXTURES
        7198. Ú Hardcover bound edition of the 4 diff                                          named. Some depict normal bicycles follow-
         Harmers Auctions of the famous Louise Boyd                                            ing behind. F-VF. Scarce lot . . Est 300.00+
         Dale & Alfred Lichtenstein colls of Canada &                                        GR. BRITAIN WWI              MAIL CLIPPINGS:
         Provinces, which were sold in New York in                                           PATRIOTIC / ROMANTIC POSTCARDS:  7249. Ú Large plastic bag full of mail clippings
         1968-70. Fabulous material containing many                                          7239. Ö Attractive coll of 32 diff colour photo  on paper plus some on cardboard off parcels.
         legendary items. Scarce reference item. F ..                                                                      Primarily Canada & USA but also a few other
         .......................... Est 100.00+  CANADA COMIC LEATHER POSTCARDS:  CEYLON POSTCARD STUDY:  or illustrated WWI Patriotic postcards. Depict  countries. The Canada incl values up to $5,
                                     7219. Ö Fascinating coll of 53 diff leather  7228. Ö Specialty coll of used / unused,  soldiers & or loved ones; most with charming
        NEW ZEALAND AIRMAIL CATALOGUE:  postcards (all in sleeves), mainly used from  colour & b/w view postcards identified &  verses. F-VF, primarily unused . Est 100.00+  plus over 115 used $1.25 Capex. The USA
        7199. Û Useful catalogue with pricing by                  written up on pages. Identified as to original           has 160 used $2 Inverted Jenny high values
         James Stapleton 2009, published by the Air-  KE era. Each has an image burned into the  publishers & photographers, primarily QV-  VIEWS OF WWI DESTRUCTION:  & other material (Many 100’s) . . Est 200.00+
                                      leather; most with additional hand painting.
         mail Society of New Zealand. VF Est 50.00+                                          7240. Ö Coll of 27 diff mainly unused WWI  WORLD ON PAPER MIXTURE:
                                      Has a variety of comic slogans (many  KGV, a few later. Variety of foreign destina-  scenes of destroyed homes & churches.
        CANADA ASSINIBOIA & SASKATCHEWAN:  use illustrations as part of the message).  tions, frankings & cancels; most with copy  Primarily b/w or sepia photos from France  7250. Ú World on paper mix from a broad range
        7200. Ú Spiral bound 422-page well illustrated  Some with Ontario small town cancels incl  of address side displayed. Depict native  incl Amiens, Ypres, Somme, Arras, Verdun,  of world countries in a shoebox, from 1950’s
         reference book of the Westhaver-Thompson  Tavistock, Meadowvale, Duart, Ridgetown,  dress, lifestyles & activities; Colombo,  etc. F-VF ................... Est 75.00+  up to 2000’s. Has approx 3 lbs. Lots of larger
         Coll edited & published by John Jamieson  Norwood, Grand Bend, Dorset; also  village, seaside & rural scenes; temples,  commems & pictorials (1,000’s) . Est 125.00+
         1990. An invaluable reference work for any  Amherst, NS. We noted underpaid card  hotels, missions & military barracks; ele-  SHOEBOX OF USA:
         postmark or cover coll of Assiniboia & early  from Almonte, Ont to Ottawa with Postage  phants, music & dance, etc. An amazing lot!  7251. Ú A mostly modern (a few older) accum
         Saskatchewan. Much info not easily found  Due affixed. Mainly F. SELDOM OFFERED  F-VF (80) ................. Est 750.00+  on single paper. Has many defins, some
         elsewhere incl a check list at the back. F ...  IN THIS QUANTITY......... Est 325.00+                             commems, Christmas, Forevers, & more.
         ........................... Est 60.00+                  JAPAN POSTCARDS:                                          Lots to soak & sort! (Few 1,000) . Est 50.00+
                                     GERMANY WWI PROPAGANDA POSTCARDS:  7229. Ö Interesting coll of unused b/w post-
        EARLY CANADA PERIODICALS:    7220. Ö Interesting coll of 11 diff WWI Propa-                                       WORLD 5 POUND MIXTURE:
        7201. Ú Fascinating group of 3 diff early Phila-          cards mostly pre 1940. These have photo                 7252. Ú Bag with approximately 5 pounds of
         telic periodicals. Incl The Canadian Philatelist  ganda & military postcards, used / unused.  views of buildings, temples, houses, shrines,  world mix, both on & off paper. Has older to
         1891 (Vol. 1, No. 1) & 1894 (Vol. 3). An inter-  Depicts troops on parade, barracks, soldier  etc. Some have fancy handstamps. F-VF (95)  modern with a range of countries & issues
                                      with his loved one, destroyed German Tank,
         esting glimpse into stamp collecting from 125  etc. VG-VF.................. Est 50.00+  .......................... Est 125.00+  (Many 1,000’s).............. Est 150.00+
         years ago. These contain articles, ads, etc. F          ALBERTA POSTCARDS:                                       WORLD MIXTURE:
         ........................... Est 65.00+                  7230. Ö Interesting accumulation of Alberta              7253. ÚÛ Bag full with 2.9 pounds of loose
        EARLY CANADA PERIODICAL 1894:    There is never a         postcards from about 1910-60’s, with unused  WWI SILK EMBROIDERED POSTCARDS:  world mixture, all off paper. Has older to mod-
        7202. Û The Canadian Philatelist Dec 1894                 & used. Most have coloured views incl  7241. Ö Attractive coll of 21 diff WWI French  ern stamps, primarily used. Loaded with
         periodical (12 sided) published by L.M.  Buyer's Fee at  Calgary, Edmonton & Lethbridge, plus  Silk Embroidered Patriotic postcards, primar-  commems & pictorials. Primarily Foreign
         Staebler in London Ont. Has interesting ads              rural areas, mountain scenes, buildings,  ily unused. Gorgeous illustrations & charming  countries with a good group of Latvia (the
         & columns. An interesting flashback into  Vance Auctions!  Stoney Indian Chief, etc. F-VF (109) .....  messages. Has flowers, flags, horseshoes,  previous owner said there is no Canada or
         philately from 125 years ago. VF. Est 40.00+             .......................... Est 225.00+  wreaths, etc. VG-VF ......... Est 300.00+  USA). VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) . . Est 300.00+
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60