Page 36 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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92  CANADA Continued         5652. ÕÛ 81, Top margin Plate #1 Block of                                            5711. Ú 100, F-VF ................ 100.00
                                      8, fresh alluring colour, F, NH, small corner                                       5712. Û 101, F-VF................ 200.00
                                      crease ....................... 1,280.00
                                     5653. Û 81, Jumbo, F-VF, NH....... 530.00
                                     5654. ÕÛ 81, LR corner block of 20, pristine
                                      gum, fresh colour, F-VF, NH..... 10,600.00
                                     5655. Û 81, VF .................. 300.00
                                     5656. Û 82, Fresh, F-VF, NH ...... 1,100.00
                                     5657. Û 82, Top margin Plate 1 Imprint strip
                                      of 4. Beautiful centering, rich colour, VF,
                                      one tiny facial spot ............. 3,600.00

                                                                                                                          5713. Û 101, Lovely centering, fresh. VF, NH
                                                                                                                            ............................. 900.00

                                     5658. Û 82a, Imperforate pair, large margins,
         5637. Û 74P-84P, Cpl QV Numeral set of  pristine fresh colour, VF, NH, trivial gum
          imperforate PROOFS on card. Excellent  wrinkle on the left stamp does not detract
          margins, fresh colours. VF. Scarce 4,000.00  from this lovely item. Has 2020 Greene
                                      Foundation Certificate .......... 3,750.00
        5638. ÕÛ 74v, Imperforate margin block.
         VF .......................... 1,000.00
        5639. Û 75, Showing doubling of left 1 &
         re-entries in top & below left numeral box. F,          5675. ÕÛ 86, Gorgeous block of 9 with lovely centering, pristine fresh, crisp colours, VF,
         flts ........................ Est 50.00+                  NH ..................................................................1,620.00
        5640. ÕÛ 75, Block, VF, bottom stamps NH                 5676. Û 86b, VF, NH.............. 225.00  5691. Û 92ii, Olive yellow top margin strip of  5714. ÕÛ 102, Block, nice rich colour, F-VF,
         .............................. 640.00                   5677. ÕÛ 87, Block. F, NH.......... 80.00  8 with full OTTAWA PLATE #2 IMPRINT.  NH ......................... 2,580.00
                                                                 5678. Û 87, VF, NH................ 90.00  A very pretty showpiece. Fresh, F, stamps  5715. Û 102, VF, slight DG ......... 350.00
                                                                 5679. ÕÛ 87-8, Blocks, F, NH ...... 240.00  are NH ...................... 2,880.00  5716. Û 102, Large DIE PROOF of the 15¢
                                                                                             5692. Û 93, F-VF................. 500.00  Quebec in distinctive dark red orange shade
                                                                                                                           (76 x 62 mm) showing a portion of untrimmed
                                                                                                                           India paper on all sides, die sunk on card.
                                     5659. Û 82ii, IMPERF PAIR with sheet
                                      margin at right. XF .............. 900.00                                            Has Die Number “F-196” & full American Bank
                                                                                                                           Note Co. Ottawa imprint. A superb proof. XF
                                                                                                                           ........................ Est 1,000.00+
                                                                                                                          5717. Ú 102, F ................... 100.00
                                                                                                                          5718. Ú 102, Well centered, VF...... 250.00
                                                                                                                          5719. Û 103, Fresh, quite well centred. F-VF,
                                                                                                                           NH ........................... 750.00
         5641. Û 75vi, Right margin IMPERF PAIR.                                                                          5720. Û 103, VF ................. 400.00
          VF ........................... 900.00                                                                           5721. Û 104, Major MISPERF error showing
                                                                                                                           large portions of 2 diff stamps. F-VF, LH ...
        5642. ÕÛ 75vi, Lovely imperf block. Excellent            5680. Û 89-95, Also 90A imperf pair,                      .......................... Est 200.00+
         margins, rich colour. XF ......... 1,800.00              Complete KE set to 50¢. Bright fresh  5693. Û 93, Lovely centering, fresh, VF ....  5722. ÕÛ 104, Pretty block of 6 with TYPE B
        5643. ÕÛ 76-7, Blocks, F-VF, bottom stamps                colours, F-VF ................ 2,980.00  ............................. 800.00  LATHEWORK. F-VF, LH, natural SE at right
         are NH ........................ 800.00                  5681. Ú 89-95, F-VF .............. 197.00                 .............................. 200.00
        5644. Û 76iii, Nicely centred Plate 1 Imprint                                                                     5723. Û 105, Beautiful centering. VF, NH ...
         strip of 4. The second stamp shows the                                                                            .............................. 120.00
         scarce MAJOR RE-ENTRY in the word                                                                                5724. Û 105b, Booklet Pane. F-VF, NH 110.00
         “CENTS”. VF, 3 stamps incl variety are NH,                                                                       5725. Û 105f, Margin single with full TYPE D
         a few separated perfs in selvedge only. A                                                                         LATHEWORK. F-VF, NH (slight DG). 400.00
                                                                                                                          5726. ÕÛ 106, Bottom margin block with
                                                                                                                           LATHEWORK TYPE B showing a JOIN IN
                                                                                                                           LATHEWORK below the right stamp. Fresh,
                                                                                                                           F, bottom stamps NH ............. 520.00
                                                                                              5694. Û 93a, Sheet margin IMPERFORATE  5727. Ú 106a, Booklet Pane, VF ...... 50.00
                                                                                               PAIR, large margins, fresh colour, XF ....  5728. Û 106x, EXPERIMENTAL COIL paste-
                                                                                               ............................ 1,500.00  up strip of 4, with Type A backstamp. F-VF,
                                     5660. ÕÛ 82ii, LL Imperforate corner block.  5682. Û 89a, Sheet margin IMPERF PAIR,  5695. Û 95, F.................... 400.00  NH. Scarce..................... 725.00
                                      XF ......................... 1,800.00  large margins, crisp impression. XF. AN
                                     5661. ÕÛ 83, Fresh mint block. F . . . 800.00  OUTSTANDING ITEM ........... 900.00
                                                                 5683. ÕÛ 90, 90i, Carmine & Rose Carmine
                                                                  shades in blocks. F-VF............ 520.00
         5645. Û 77d, Imperf pair of the scarce Die II,          5684. ÕÚ 90A, Imperf used Plate #14 Block
          large margins, XF ............. 1,500.00                of 8. VF, lightly cancelled, on minute edge
                                                                  tear ...................... Est 150.00+
                                     5662. Û 83, Fresh, F-VF, NH ..... 1,325.00
                                     5663. Û 83, Bright fresh colour. VF. . . 750.00
                                                                                              5696. Û 95, Pretty top margin horiz strip of 3 with full “OTTAWA NO-1” plate imprint. Fresh crisp
                                                                                               colour, F-VF, stamps are NH (fingerprint on middle stamp, slight DG). Has 2019 Greene Foun -
                                                                                               dation Certificate. Cat $9,225 .........................................Est 3,500.00+
                                                                                             5697. ÕÚ 95, Scarce used block, ‘R’ in circle  5729. Û 107, Two distinct shades. VF, NH ..
                                                                                              cancels. F..................... 240.00+  .............................. 300.00
                                                                                             5698. Û 96-8, F-VF, NH ........... 237.00  5730. Û 107, Lower margin pair with partial
                                                                                                                           Type D LATHEWORK. Lovely centering, VF,
                                                                                                                           NH, light natural gum wrinkle....... 600.00
                                                                 5685. ÕÛ 91, Fresh block, crisp impression,              5731. Û 107a, VF, NH.............. 90.00
                                                                  F-VF, NH .................... 2,900.00                  5732. Û 107a, 108, 112a, VF, LH .... 120.00
                                                                 5686. Û 91, VF .................. 350.00                 5733. Û 107i, VF, NH ............. 150.00
         5646. ÕÛ 77d, LL Imperforate corner block               5687. Û 92, Very well centred. VF, HH ....               5734. ÕÛ 108, Lovely bottom corner margin
          of the scarce Die II. XF ......... 3,000.00  5664. Û 83, Attractive mint 10¢ QV Numeral  .............................. 500.00  block of 10 with TYPE B LATHEWORK show-
                                      with sharp impression. VF, NH. Has 2021                                              ing partial doubling under the far right stamp.
        5647. ÕÛ 78, Nice margin block of 32, pristine  Greene Foundation Certificate . . . 2,250.00                       F, NH........................ 1,300.00
         fresh colour, beautifully centered. VF, NH,                                                                      5735. ÕÛ 108, Margin Block with partial TYPE
         a few separated perfs. A HIGH QUALITY                                                                             D LATHEWORK. Fresh, F-VF, NH . . 800.00
         MULTIPLE................... 14,400.00
                                                                                                                          5736. ÕÛ 108c, LR corner margin block of 6
                                                                                                                           showing full LATHEWORK TYPE D. Fresh, F,
                                                                                              5699. Ú 96-103, Cpl Quebec set, several  stamps are NH ................ 2,000.00
                                                                                               nice cancels here. F-VF .......... 707.00  5737. Û 109, Imperf horiz pair of the 3¢
                                                                                             5700. ÕÚ 96i, MAJOR RE-ENTRY in a used  ECKERLIN REVERSE ESSAY in green. The
                                                                                              block with 3 normal. VF ............ 90.00  right stamp has partially printed variety. VF .
                                                                                             5701. Û 97, Huge margin JUMBO. F-VF, NH  .......................... Est 125.00+
                                                                                               ............................... 90.00  5738. Û 109, Bottom sheet margin Plate No
                                                                 5688. Û 92, Fresh, VF, NH ....... 1,750.00  5702. ÕÛ 97, Block with light Hairlines variety.  A126 strip of 4 with full TYPE D LATHEWORK.
                                                                                              VF, 3 stamps NH ................ 420.00  Fresh, F-VF, 2 stamps are NH..... 350.00+
                                                                                             5703. Û 97i, With strong hairlines in margins,  5739. Û 109, VF, NH............... 90.00
                                     5665. Û 83a, Imperf Pair with large margins,             very well centred. VF, NH ......... 180.00  5740. ÕÛ 109, Gorgeous block with perfect
                                      rich colour & full original gum. XF, LH. Only          5704. Û 99, VF .................. 150.00  centering. Brilliant fresh, XF, NH .... 360.00
                                      100 pairs exist ................ 1,500.00              5705. Ú 99, North Battleford Sask 8 Aug 1908  5741. ÕÛ 109, Fresh block of 10, VF, NH.
                                                                                              CDS. F-VF.................. Est 60.00+  A nice multiple!.................. 900.00
                                                                                             5706. Ú 99, Rare MISTAWASIS SASK 10  5742. Ú 109a, Booklet Pane, VF, NH . 200.00
                                                                                              De ‘09 split-ring cancel. VF. A choice stamp  5743. Û 110, F-VF, NH ............ 180.00
                                                                                               ............................. 100.00+  5744. ÕÛ 110, Bottom margin block with full
                                                                                             5707. Ú 99, Neat Rosebud Creek, Alta 1898  TYPE D LATHEWORK. Fresh, F.... 450.00
                                                                                              split-ring cancels. VF, nibbed perf . . . 100.00  5745. ÕÛ 110, Bottom margin block with 40%
                                                                                                                           LATHEWORK TYPE D. Fresh, F.... 450.00
                                                                                                                          5746. ÕÛ 111, Beautifully centred block. VF,
                                                                                                                           LH .......................... 1,200.00
         5648. Û 78, Large DIE PROOF in dull rose  5666. Û 83ii, Imperforate Pair with large
          carmine (49x64mm) showing die “F-113”  margins, fresh colour, XF. Has 2021 Greene
          number & American Bank Note Co. Ottawa  Foundation Certificate .......... 1,250.00
          imprint. VF ................ Est 800.00+  5667. Û 84, Top margin Plate No 1 Imprint
        5649. ÕÛ 79ii, Gorgeous left margin IMPERF  pair. Beautiful VF centering, light diagonal
         BLOCK with deep rich colour. XF . . 1,800.00  crease, some perf reinforcement at top. OG.
        5650. Û 79P, Imperf Plate Proof pair on card.  Cat $2,000.................... 2,000.00  5689. ÕÛ 92, Beautiful fresh block with
                                                                  pristine colour. VF, NH. Has 2014 Greene
         VF............................ 400.00  5668. ÕÚ 84, Block, roller cancel, F-VF. Quite
                                      scarce as a used block............ 480.00  Foundation Certificate .......... 7,000.00
                                     5669. Û 85, Re-entries at top & bottom, nicely
                                      centered, VF ............... Est 125.00+
                                     5670. Û 85, VF, NH............... 180.00
                                     5671. ÕÛ 85, Map Block, Muddy Water vari-
                                      ety. VF, 1 stamp NH, a few separated perfs
                                      .............................. 450.00
                                     5672. Ú 85, Hamilton 24 Dec 1898 CDS can-
                                      cel. A nice early date. F........ Est 45.00+
                                     5673. Ú 85, Interesting re-entry with horiz line         5708. Û 99ii, Imperf Pair, excellent margins.
                                      through “N HA”. VF ........... Est 50.00+                Has number notation on reverse. VF 1,000.00
                                     5674. Ú 85-6, Accum of 56 used 2¢ Maps                  5709. ÕÛ 100, Fresh block, F, NH, couple  5747. ÕÛ 111, Spectacular mint block with
         5651. Û 80, Lovely centering, fresh rich colour,  with a range of shades. Unchecked by us for  minor gum bends ................ 640.00  bright fresh colour, pristine gum. VF, NH ..
          VF, NH. Has 2020 PSAG Certificate . 900.00  plates, varieties, extra islands, etc. Most F-VF  5690. Û 92a, Imperf pair. VF...... 1,000.00  5710. Û 100, VF, slight DG ......... 200.00  ............................ 3,600.00
                                      .......................... Est 150.00+
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