Page 32 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 32

88  CANADA Continued                                     5425. Ú 25, Has Ap 1868 split-ring cancel.
        5402. Ú 21iv, Horiz pair each with the ‘SPUR’             VG+. Scarce first month of use . . Est 50.00+
         variety. F ...................... 150.00                5426. Ú 25, Three stamps each with a diff 1869
                                                                  dated town cancel. Incl Toronto 13 Feb; Ot-
                                                                  tawa 4 Ju; & Whitby 12 Jy. VG-F Est 90.00+
                                                                 5427. Ú 25, Kingston partial ‘9" 2-Ring numeral
                                                                  cancel. F ................... Est 50.00+
                                                                 5428. Ú 25, Clifton, 4-Ring ‘52" numeral cancel.
                                                                  F ......................... Est 65.00+
                                                                 5429. Ú 25, Accum of 20 used 3¢ Lg Queens.
                                                                  Has a range of shades & cancels. F . 400.00
                                                                 5430. Ú 25a, Watermarked. F, some short
                                                                  perfs .......................... 250.00
                                     5419. Û 24P, Imperf Plate Proof on card.
                                      Shows the “Incorrectly Drawn Guideline”
                                      variety at LL (vertical guideline to the right
                                      of the guide dot, position 95). VF . . 750.00+
         5403. ÕÛ 21P, Left margin block of the ½¢
          Lg Queen Plate Proof on card (Positions
          21-2, 31-2). The right stamps each have
          the LINE ABOVE ‘P’ OF POSTAGE & the                                                 5450. ÕÛ 28, Scarce mint block of 6, fresh rich colour, natural pre-printing paper creases. F,
          SPUR varieties. Excellent margins, fresh,              5431. Ú 25a, Watermarked, a choice lightly  OG, the two UR stamps are NH. LARGE QUEEN MULTIPLES ARE SCARCE....... 9,600.00
          VF ........................ 3,000.00+                   cancelled example with lovely centering. VF
                                                                   ............................. 600.00

                                     5420. Û (25), Proposed typographed design
                                      for the 3¢ Lg Queen in Pink, without scrolls            5446. Ú 27ii, Thick Soft Paper, neat concen-
         5404. Û 22, Fresh, nicely centered, F-VF, OG  in the outer frameline, on thin card (54 x 67  tric rings cancel, F-VF............ 875.00
          ............................ 1,400.00  mm). Printed by the National Bank Note Co.  5432. Ú 25iv, “GOATEE” variety, a nice clear  5447. Û 28, Unused, F-VF, NG, minor flaws.
                                      of New York. VF. SCARCE. . Est 1,250.00+  example, SON Kingston 2-Ring ‘9" cancel.
                                                                  F. A RARELY SEEN PLATE VARIETY ...  Cat $1,000................. Est 125.00+
                                                                   ............................ 1,000.00  5448. Û 28, Nicely centered, rich colour, F-VF,
                                                                                              NG.......................... 1,000.00

                                                                                                                          5458. ÕÛ 29d, Gorgeous IMPERFORATE
                                                                                                                           BLOCK of the 15¢ Lg Queen. Large mar-
                                                                                                                           gins all around, rich crisp colour. VF, OG.
                                                                                                                           Rarely seen in such a nice block . 3,200.00
         5405. Û 22, Nicely centered, fresh rich colour,
          VF, NG...................... 1,000.00
        5406. Ú 22a, Watermarked, F ....... 300.00                                            5449. Û 28, Nicely centered, VF, NG 1,400.00
        5407. Ú 22a, Watermarked. F-VF, a few short              5433. Ú 25v “CRACKED PLATE” variety  5451. Ú 28a, Watermarked. VF, clipped corner.
                                                                  through “C” of “CENT” & in right margin.
         perfs .......................... 500.00
                                                                  A nice clear example of this scarce variety.  Cat $600 ................... Est 60.00+
                                                                  F, lightly cancelled .............. 600.00
                                     5421. Û (25), Proposed typographed design
                                      for the 3¢ Lg Queen in Yellow Green,
                                      without scrolls in the outer frameline, on thin
                                      card (59 x 71 mm). Printed by the National
                                      Bank Note Co. of New York. VF. SCARCE
                                       ....................... Est 1,250.00+

         5408. Û 22b, Rich colour, crisp impression,                                          5452. Ú 28a, Watermarked, VF ..... 600.00
          F-VF, OG .................... 2,000.00
                                                                 5434. Ú 25vii, “SHAVING NICK” variety,                   5459. ÕÛ 29iv, Grey Violet 15¢ block with
                                                                  neat target cancel, rich colour, F-VF. A                 the LR stamp having the “CRACKED
                                                                  BEAUTIFUL CLEAR EXAMPLE OF THIS                          PLATE” variety (Position 65). Fresh, F-VF,
                                                                  SCARCE VARIETY ............ 1,350.00                     OG, the LL stamp is NH...... Est 800.00+
                                                                 5435. Ú 26, F .................... 130.00
                                                                 5436. Ú 26, Lovely segmented cork cancel. VF,
                                                                  one thin corner .................. 270.00

         5409. Û 22b, Rich colour, VF, OG, crease,
          lightly toned UL. Has 2018 Greene Founda-
          tion Certificate ................ 2,400.00
                                     5422. Û (25), Proposed typographed design
        5410. Ú 23, Nice fancy Kingston rayed ‘9"  for the 3¢ Lg Queen issue in Dark Green,                               5460. Û 29P, Sheet margin Plate Proof in
         cancel. F, corner crease ...... Est 125.00+  without the uncoloured border around the                             brown purple on card. Shows the SLIP
        5411. Ú 23, Nice Brantford 2-Ring ‘15" cancel.  stamp design, on wove paper (55 x 62 mm).  5453. Û 28v, Attractive mint 12À¢ Lg Queen  UNDER “P” variety (Position 91). VF .....
         VF............................ 250.00  Printed by The National Bank Note Co. of       on Bothwell paper with a distinct vertical  ........................... 1,000.00+
                                      New York. VF, light horiz crease (Minuse                 weave. F-VF, OG, light adhesions on reverse.  5461. Ú 30, Ottawa 27 Oct PRECURSOR
                                      & Pratt #25EA-B). SCARCE. Ex. Les                        Has 2005 Greene Certificate ..... 2,500.00  cancel. VG-F ................ Est 90.00+
                                      Davenport ............... Est 1,000.00+
                                                                                                                          5462. Ú 30, Halifax Precursor cancel. VG-F..
                                                                 5437. Û 26P, Lovely lower margin Plate                    ........................... Est 40.00+
                                                                  Proof pair in the issued colour showing part            5463. Ú 30, Neat Halifax CDS’s, VF, trivial
                                                                  of the Plate Imprint at left. Fresh, F-VF ....           paper wrinkle .................... 80.00
                                                                   ............................ 1,500.00                  5464. Ú 30, VF.................... 80.00
                                                                                                                          5465. Ú 30 (4), 30b (9), Nice lot of 15¢ Lg
                                                                                                                           Queens with a range of greys & blue greys.
         5412. Ú 23, Horiz strip of 3 with three VF                                                                        VG-VF ........................ 415.00
          strikes of the Hamilton 2-Ring ‘5" cancel. VF.                                                                  5466. Ú 30, 45, Tied by Victoria BC Squared
          AN OUTSTANDING ITEM!........ 750.00                                                                              Circle cancels tied on piece. F, some minor
                                                                                                                           TS. A NICE LOOKING COMBINATION ITEM
                                                                                                                           .......................... Est 125.00+
                                                                                                                          5467. Ú 30a, Greenish grey perforated 11.5 x
                                                                                              5454. Û 28P, Imperf Plate Proof on card,  12 showing ENGRAVER’S SLIP ABOVE “O”
                                                                                               large margins, VF, minor facial scuffs .....  OF “POSTAGE” (position 72). Fancy cork
                                                                                               ......................... Est 300.00+  cancel. F-VF, tiny sealed tear . . Est 175.00+
                                                                                             5455. Û 29,VF, OG ............... 160.00
                                                                 5438. Û 26P, Imperf Plate Proof in turquoise
                                                                  blue, on card. Four large margins, VF.....
                                                                   ......................... Est 750.00+
                                     5423. Û (25), Proposed typographed design
                                      for the 3¢ Lg Queen issue in Dark Yellow
         5413. Û 23a, Deep Orange, rich colour,  Green, on thin card (56 x 63 mm). This is
          F-VF, NG .................... 2,000.00  the so-called “finished design” with scrolls
                                      around the outer frameline. Printed by the
                                      National Bank Note Co.,New York. VF. Scarce
                                      (Minuse & Pratt #25EA-C). . . Est 1,000.00+
                                                                                                                          5468. Ú 30b, 30i, Accum of Blue Greys &
                                                                                                                           State Greys with a nice range of shades.
                                                                                                                           Most F (17) .................... 680.00
                                                                 5439. Û 27, Unused 6¢ Lg Queen in blackish
                                                                  brown. Fresh, F, part gum. Has 1972 Royal  5456. Ú 29c, Watermarked. F-VF . . 1,125.00
                                                                  Philatelic Society Certificate ..... 2,400.00
                                                                 5440. Ú 27, Fancy Toronto leaf cancel with
                                                                  numeral ‘2". VF, tiny tear .......... 200.00
                                                                 5441. Ú 27, 27a, Accum of 12 used 6¢ Large
                                                                  Queens. Has a range of shades. Good study
                                                                  lot. F .......................... 720.00
                                                                 5442. Ú 27a, SON Sydney 2-Ring ‘10" cancel.
                                                                  Stamp is faulty but a great cancelEst 45.00+
         5414. Û 23a, Deep Orange, beautifully                   5443. Ú 27a, Yarmouth, SON 2-Ring ‘18"
          centered, rich colour. VF, disturbed OG.                numeral cancel (RF3). F, some short perfs .
          Has 1997 Greene Foundation Certificate ..               ........................... Est 60.00+
          ........................... 6,000.00                   5444. Ú 27b, Watermarked, F-VF, a few
        5415. Ú 23a, Deep Orange with nice Kingston  5424. ÕÛ 25, Scarce mint block with nice  clipped perfs. Scarce............ 2,500.00  5457. Û 29d, Lovely IMPERF horiz pair of the  5469. Ú 30c, Deep violet, very thick paper.
                                                                                                                           F-VF ....................... 1,500.00
         2-Ring ‘9" cancel. F-VF............ 280.00              5445. Ú 27c, Lg Queen 6¢ dark brown on thin  15¢ Brown Purple Lg Queen. Bright fresh
        5416. Ú 24a, Watermarked, F-VF .... 400.00  centering & rich colour. VF, disturbed OG,  paper with RE-ENTRY & PLATE SCRATCH.  colour, large margins, VF, OG. Has 2013  5470. Ú 30c, Deep violet, very thick paper,
                                      one small thin. Has 2014 Greene Founda-
        5417. Û 24b, Thin paper. F, RG ..... 600.00  tion Certificate. Cat $24,000 . Est 4,500.00+  Also has PLATE SCRATCH in lower margin.  Greene Foundation Certificate . . . 2,000.00  well centred, moderate cancel. VF, thinned.
        5418. Ú 24i, Emerald green, F-VF.... 112.00               VF ....................... Est 200.00+                   Cat $2,000................. Est 350.00+
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