Page 28 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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84                                                                                                                 LOT 5231

                           LOT 5229                              LOT 5230

        CANADA MILITARY Continued                                5258. Ö S-28 (RF 195), Vancouver - Skagway
        5227. Ö 399, Tied by CAPO 5052 11 June                    R.P.O. / S.S. Princess Norah / 13 Mar 1931
         1963 military cancel on Forces Air Letter to             red oval cancel tying USA #554 on business
         RCAF 30 AMB, Langar, Notts, England. Has                 reply cover to USA. F ......... Est 65.00+
         7 more diff Military cancels to England, Italy,         5259. Ö SN-51, C.N.R. STA’N. /
         etc. VF ..................... Est 45.00+                 SHERBROOKE. P.Q. (RF F), tying #105 Pair
        5228. Ö MR2, Tied by Aldershot NS Military                on colour postcard depicting Sleeping Giant,
         Camp 26 Sp 1918 to a postcard addr to                    Fort William, Ont 16 Oct 1926 to USA. F ...
         Joggin Mine NS. Depicts a b/w real photo                 ........................... Est 65.00+
         view of the Aldershot Camp. F, toning / age             5260. Ö SN-58 (RF F), TORONTO ST’N
         spots. VERY LATE USAGE AS THE CAMP                       R.M.S. / No. 1) magenta strike used twice
         CLOSED A COUPLE WEEKS LATER. Ex                          (front & back) on circular mailing slip 18-9
         Firby...................... Est 125.00+  5242. Ö EN3, Unused QV 1¢ Postal  July 1900. Two #75 tied. VF. Scarce item...  5293. Ú SANDON BC (RF 50), Fully dated  5311. Û 2TC, Trial colour Plate Proof pair
                                      Stationery envelope with DOUBLE BLACK  .......................... Est 150.00+        with large margins, on card. XF .... 600.00
         5229. Ö Nice BOER WAR stampless  “SERVICE” overprints (2 diff types) &  5261. Ö WT-319.031 (RF E) MAC. & CAL  strike 20 Jy, 1898 on QV 3¢ Numeral. F.
          cover with VF pink oval CANADIAN  DOUBLE CRESTS. VF. An interesting  R.P.O/ No. 3, 14 June 1919 strike on Admiral  Scarce ................... Est 125.00+
          CONTINGENT SOUTH AFRICA 23 Mar,  Henry Hechler item ......... Est 175.00+  2¢ postal stationery card to Calgary (irrigation  5294. Ú SCHREIBER ONT-STATE 1 (RF60),
          1900 h/s addr to Niagara Falls, Canada.                 report card). VF .............. Est 85.00+  Fully dated strike 26 Fe, 1896 on 3¢ Sm
          Has illustrated SOLDIERS OF THE                        5262. Ö Ludlow #S-28, RF195, Vancouver-  Queen. F, slight thin .......... Est 75.00+
          QUEEN/CANADIAN CONTINGENT                               Skagway RPO/SS Princess Norah 1 Dec  5295. Ú SCHREIBER ONT-STATE 2, (RF40),
          1899-1900 cachet depicting a British                    1933 violet oval cancel tying #178 Coil  Fully dated strike 1 No, 1898 on 3¢ Numeral.
          Bulldog, Flag & Horseshoe. British FPO                  strip of 3 on cover to Vancouver. VF .....  F-VF....................... Est 50.00+
          22 Mar, 1900 & London Paid 16 Ap 1900                   ........................... Est 65.00+  5296. Ú SEELYS-BAY ONT (RF35), 22 No
          cancels. VG+, some edge flts, part of                  5263. Ö Ludlow #S-28 (RF 195) Vancouver-  ‘94 on 1¢ Sm Queen & 30 Ma ‘95 on 3¢ Sm
          back flap off. Ex. Palmer. See photo                    Skagway R.P.O. / S.S. Princess Norah 23  Queen (SE). VG-F (2 stamps). . . Est 50.00+
          above .................. Est 750.00+                    Apr 1936 green oval cancel on USA 1¢  5297. Ú SHAKESPEARE, ONT (RF 30), VF
                                                                  postal stationery card from Vancouver to  full strike 11 Ja, ‘99 on QV 2¢ Numeral on
         5230. Ö Gr. Britain #89, Tied by British                 Marshalltown, Iowa. VF........ Est 60.00+  piece. VF. Nice!.............. Est 40.00+
          FPO 23 Ap, 1900 cancel on illustrated                  5264. Ö Ludlow #S-112a (RF 315), blue boxed  5298. Ú SMITH FALLS, RF 7.5, Two lovely
          YMCA envelope showing crossed flags in                  C.N.S. CO. LTD./ S.S. PRINCE GEORGE 25  strikes 5 Sp ‘96 on strip of 3 of 35. F.......
          colour (Rowe type E). Has VF pink oval  5243. Ö EN4, QV 3¢ postal stationery enve-  Feb 1937 struck front & back on cover from  ........................... Est 30.00+
          CANADIAN CONTINGENT Apr 1900 h/s.  lope with DOUBLE OVERPRINTS (one in  Stewart, BC, via Vancouver to England. F-VF,  5299. Ú SPRINGHILL NS (RF25), Collection
          Addr to St. John, New Brunswick. The  black, one in red) OF “SERVICE”, CREST  small tear on reverse.......... Est 90.00+  of 4 cancels on QV 2¢-3¢ Numerals 1898-  5312. ÕÛ 2TC, Pretty top margin Plate
          sender was Private E.H. Stanger, 2nd St.  AND “63RD RIFLES”. The envelope is addr   1900. Three stamps are fully dated. F .....  Proof block of 6 on card showing full PLATE
          John Fusiliers, First Contingent, G. Com-  in Henry Hechler’s hand to his wife in Hali-  CANADA SQUARED  ........................... Est 65.00+  IMPRINT in sheet margin at top. VF ......
          pany. F, some slight soiling/edge wear.  fax but no postal markings. VF Est 200.00+  CIRCLE CANCELS  5300. Ú STELLARTON NS (RF20). Coll of 6  ........................... 1,800.00+
          Ex. Wannerton. A NICE BOER WAR  5244. Ö EN157, Unused QE Cameo 5¢                   cancels primarily on 3¢ Sm Queens. Three
          COVER. See photo above . . Est 700.00+  envelope with 50% OF THE STAMP DESIGN  5265. Ú ALMA, ONT (State 2, RF 35), 50%  stamps are fully dated. F....... Est 60.00+
                                      MISSING. VF, one slightly toned corner. A  strike 20 Au, 94 on QV 8¢ Sm Queen. VF ..  5301. Ú STELLARTON, NS (RF 20), Two fully
         5231. Ö Gr. Britain QV One Penny perfo-  NICE ERROR .............. Est 125.00+  ........................... Est 60.00+  dated strikes 11 Jy, ‘99 tying 2 singles of #75
          rated lettercard with VF red oval CANA-  5245. Ö P1, QV 1¢ postal stationery card with  5266. Ú BAIE-VERTE, NB (RF 35), Readable  on piece. F-VF............... Est 35.00+
          DIAN CONTINGENT SOUTH AFRICA  Goderich “21" 2-Ring numeral cancel (RF 3) &  strike 22 De, ‘97 on QV 1¢ Sm Queen. VF .  5302. Ö STELLARTON NS (RF 20), VF strike
          23 Apr, 1900 h/s. Has British FPO 19 Ap,  Goderich 25 Oct 1871 double split-ring cancel.  ........................... Est 60.00+  26 My ‘99 on QV 1¢ postal card to Pictou. VF
          1900 cancel. Addr to Chemainus, Van-  Addr to Clinton, Ont. F, bit toned. Est 40.00+  5267. Ú BELLE RIVE MONTREAL (RF 50)  ........................... Est 45.00+
          couver Island, BC (rec b/s). Legible letter  5246. Ö P1, QV 1¢ postal card with a scarce  4 / 13 Ju / 95 cancel (showing day preceding  5303. Ú STIRLING ON (RF25), Two stamps -
          inside from Orange Free State stating  strike of the Yarmouth 2-ring ‘18’, addr to St.  the month) on QV 5¢ Small Queen........  one 3¢ Sm. Queen 1896, other 3¢ Numeral
          “the enemy are close here”. F, some age  John NB. Has Yarmouth NS 2 Dec 1872 CDS  ........................... Est 90.00+  1898 which is on piece. F ...... Est 50.00+
          stains. Ex. Palmer. A NICE BOER WAR  alongside. Unitrade notes that most known  5268. Ú BRANDON MAN (RF7.5), Accum of  5304. Ú WARKWORTH, ONT (RF 25), VF
          COVER. See photo above . . Est 650.00+  strikes of this cancel are poor, this one is quite  33 Squared Circles on 1¢ & 3¢ Sm Queens  strike 14 De, ‘98 on QV 3¢ Numeral on
                                      decent. F .................. Est 150.00+  & Leaf/Numerals. Has a variety of partial/full  piece ...................... Est 35.00+  5313. Û 2TCix, Horiz Plate Proof pair on
                                     5247. Ö P24, Unused KE 1¢ illustrated adver-  strikes, dates, etc. VG-VF ...... Est 40.00+  India Paper. VF................. 700.00
                                      tising Postal Stationery card for John Hallam  5269. Ú CHELTENHAM, ONT (RF 35), Nice
                                      Hides & Skins, Toronto. Depict hide, etc. VF  fully dated strike 21 Ja, ‘95 on 3¢ Sm Queen.  CANADA
                                      ........................... Est 40.00+  F ......................... Est 50.00+
                                     5248. Ö U14a, QV 2¢ surcharged postal  5270. Ú GLAMMIS, ONT (RF 35), Fully dated
                                      stationery return envelope for the E.B. Eddy  strike 23 My ‘98 on QV 8¢ Leaf. Scarce. F-VF
                                      Co. of Hull. Has lovely patriotic design with  ........................... Est 50.00+  Canada lots are priced by Unitrade’s
                                      the Canadian Flag. Used from Yarmouth NS  5271. Ö HAGERSVILLE ONT (RF 20) VF  2024 Canada Specialized.
                                      19 Sp, 1899. F, centre fold / small edge tear  strike 9 Mr, ‘95 on QV 2¢ UPU postal card to
                                      ........................... Est 75.00+  AMSTERDAM HOLLAND. A nice strike & a
                                     5249. Ö UX4, QV 2¢ green postal stationery  nice destination. F, toned ...... Est 75.00+
                                      card used from St. John NB 30 Mr 1893 to  5272. Ú HARTNEY, MAN (RF 25), VF strike
                                      MONTEVIDEO URUGUAY (partial rec can-  22 Ju, ‘97 on 3¢ Jubilee (3 days after the first
         5232. Ö Gr. Britain #89, Tied by Army P.O.  cel). F, some toning.......... Est 175.00+  day of issue of the stamp). VF. . . Est 45.00+
          53/South Africa 25 Oct, 1900 CDS cancel  5250. Ö UX15, UPU 2¢ postal card used from  5273. Ú IBERVILLE, QUE (RF 25), Nice fully
          on BOER WAR cover to Winnipeg Man,  St. Catharines Ont 15 Oct 1897 to Scotland.  dated strike 11 My, ‘96 on 1¢ Sm Queen. F .
          Canada (rec b/s). Has VF violet oval  Has Hamilton Ont transit & rec cancel. F,  ........................... Est 40.00+
          CANADIAN CONTINGENT SOUTH   corner crease ............... Est 35.00+  5274. Ú IBERVILLE, QUE (RF25), Clear
          AFRICA 31 Oct, 1900 h/s. F, slightly                    strikes on 3¢ Small Queen & QV 1¢ Numeral
          reduced .................. Est 500.00+  CANADA RPO CANCELS  (this one is a pair & fully dated 4 Jan ‘99). F
        5233. Ö Unused 1914 b/w photo postcard  5251. Ö ON-1 (RF E), ALLANDALE &  ........................... Est 50.00+  5305. Û QV imperforate Engraved Plate
         depicting the Inspection of Canadian Troops  MEAFORD Br. Rwy purple 27 Aug 1889  5275. Ú KASLO, BC (RF 25), Gorgeous  Essay in violet brown on white bond paper.
         at Salisbury by KGV, QUEEN MARY, LORD  strike on QV 1¢ postal stationery card from  SON strike 27 Jy, ‘97 on a 3¢ Jubilee. VF ..  Four margins, fresh rich colour, VF .......
         ROBERTS & STAFF. VF....... Est 65.00+  “Grand Trunk Railway”, Collingwood to USA.  ........................... Est 50.00+  ......................... Est 600.00+  5314. ÕÛ 2TCvii, Plate Proof block in dark
        5234. Ö Unused b/w WWI real photo postcard  Ex Anders. F ................ Est 75.00+  5276. Ú KINGSTON, ONT, Superb strikes  grey, vert SPECIMEN in carmine. Full
         depicting the MILITARY TRAINING CAMP                     on Jubilees 1¢ & 3¢ (3). All with SON 1897               margins. VF .................. 1,200.00
         VERNON BC 1915. F ......... Est 75.00+                   strikes. F-VF (4 stamps) ....... Est 40.00+
        5235. Ö Coll of 13 diff unused Canadian                  5277. Ú MILLTOWN, NB (RF 35), Nice
         MILITARY REGIMENTAL postcards from                       fully dated strike on 1¢ Small Queen. VF ...
         1939-40. These show the emblem in colour                 ........................... Est 60.00+
         of each unit along with a history of the unit.          5278. Ú MILLTOWN, NB (RF 35), Nice fully
         Printed by William Scully. Unusual lot. F-VF             dated strike AM / 30 / Ju / 94 on 8¢ Sm
         ........................... Est 65.00+                   Queen. VF .................. Est 65.00+
        5236. Ö Stampless WWII Censored cover                    5279. Ú MINNEDOSA, MAN (RF 25), 1894
         from Oeventrop, Germany 19 Sept 1941 to                  strike on QV 8¢ Sm Queen. F . . . Est 40.00+
         a German Internee c/o Base Army P.O.,                   5280. Ú MITCHELL, ONT (RF 20), Perfect
         Ottawa. Has German & Cdn censor tapes                    SON strike 23 Jy ‘97 on 3¢ Jubilee. VF ....
         & h/s’s. F-VF ................ Est 50.00+                ........................... Est 40.00+
        5237. Ö HMCS OTTAWA: Valentine’s b/w  5252. Ö ON-56 (RF-F) BROCKVILLE &  5281. Ö MOUNT BRYDGES (RF 20),  5306. Û QV 2¢ Canadian Bank Note Co.
         photo postcard depicting the Canadian  OTTAWA R.W. MAIL CLERK / No.1/A/  STRATHROY (RF 30), VF Jan 1898 strikes  engraved PLATE ESSAY in green, on card.
         destroyer. Helped to sink an Italian submarine  DOWN 23 July 1864 cancel on cover  on the face of a QV 1¢ postal card. VF.....  VF ...................... Est 300.00+
         in 1941 but was sunk herself by a German  franked by #17 to Madrid, NY. Has red  ........................... Est 60.00+  5307. Ú 2, Strong laid lines, target cancel, F .
         U-Boat in Sept 1942. VF ....... Est 40.00+  Ogdenburg, NY / 10 Paid transit. F, some  5282. Ú NAPINKA & WINNIPEG (RF30),  ............................ 1,000.00
        5238. Ö Well travelled WWII cover from Wind-  edge wear, slightly reduced. A scarce early  Accum of 33 Squared Circle/RPO cancels,  5308. Ú 2, Slate Violet, neat target cancel, no
         sor Ont 28 Dec 1942 to Africa care of Fleet  RPO cover ................ Est 350.00+  mostly on QV 2¢ Numerals (but does have  visible laid lines, almost full margins, F-VF .
         Mail Office. Forwarded to diff addresses but             some 2¢ KE, 1¢ Sm Queens, etc). Has a  ............................ 1,500.00
         the addressee was never found. Has multiple              variety of partial to fully dated strikes. Many
         directional notations, h/s’s, ‘RETOUR’, ‘PORT            are on piece. VG-F .......... Est 150.00+
         INDEX OFFICE’ b/s, etc. Has been Officially             5283. Ö NEWPORT LANDING, NS (RF 35),
         Sealed all around edges. The cover finally               Nice full strike on colour photo postcard (de-          5315. ÕÛ 2TCix, Right margin Plate Proof
         reached the Leeds England DLO office with                picting CPR Depot in Sudbury, Ont), 27 Nov               block with rich colour. VF. An outstanding
                                                                                                                           block ....................... 1,400.00
         15 Feb 1945 cancel. The cover was 3 YEARS                1912 to Maple Grove NS (rec cancel). F-VF
         IN TRANSIT! ............... Est 150.00+                  ........................... Est 65.00+
                                                                 5284. Ú NORTH BAY ONT (RF15), Superb
                                                                  strike 22 Sp 1893 on #78 on piece. A beauty!
                                                                  ........................... Est 30.00+
                                                                 5285. Ú ORILLIA ONT (RF 25), VF strike 30
                                                                  Aug, ‘94 on 3¢ Sm Queen on piece. VF. Nice!
                                                                  ........................... Est 40.00+  5309. Ú 2, Attractive copy with four large
                                     5253. Ö ON-57 (RF-E), BROCKVILLE &  5286. Ú PORT WILLIAMS NS (RF30). Nice  margins & light target cancel, strong laid
                                      OTTAWA RAILWAY / SOUTH on cross  strike 31 May, 1894 on 3¢ Sm Queen pair. F,  lines. VF..................... 2,000.00
                                      border cover franked by two 5¢ Beavers 14  SE ........................ Est 45.00+
                                      Jan, 1867 to Chicago. F-VF. . . Est 300.00+  5287. Ú RED-DEER, ALTA (RF 25), Beautiful
                                     5254. Ö QC-99 (RF F) LEVIS & St.  SON strike 7 Ja, ‘97 on 3¢ Sm Queen. F-VF.
                                      FRANCOISE-BEAUCE / M.C. on QV 1¢  Nice! ...................... Est 40.00+
                                      postal stationery card to Levis. VF ........  5288. Ú RED-DEER, ALTA (RF 25), A great
         5239. Ö WWII stampless Censored cover  ........................... Est 75.00+  strike 27 No ‘00 tying QV 2¢ Numeral on
          with Milan, PQ 27 Apr 1943 split-ring cancel.  5255. Ö QC165 (RF F) MONT. & FT.  piece. VF ................... Est 40.00+
          Addr to a Canadian serviceman of Royal  COVINGTON R.P.O. / F.P. GERVAIS / Tr 82  5289. Ú RIVIERE-DU-LOUP-STATION QUE
          Rifles of Canada “Taken Prisoner of War  28 May 1931 blue 2-Ring strike on PO Letter  (RF25), Fully dated strike 12 Fe 1900, tying
          at Hong Kong” c/o Japanese Red Cross,  Bill Advice to St. Urban. VF..... Est 75.00+  #77 on piece. F .............. Est 35.00+
          Tokyo Japan. F, slightly reduced. Scarce  5256. Ö QC188 (RF-F) MONTREAL &  5290. Ö ROCKTON ONT (RF 40), VF receiver
          POW item................. Est 400.00+                                                                           5316. Ú 3, Scarce 12 Penny Black with
                                      KINGSTON G.T.R. WAY P.O./ No 2 strike on  28 De ‘09 on USA 1¢ greeting postcard from
                                                                  Winslow Arizona. VF .......... Est 50.00+
            CANADA POSTAL             reverse side of stampless cover from Coteau-  5291. Ú ST JOHN NB, Accum of 113 cancels  excellent colour, light target cancel, four
                                                                                                                           margins (except at UL corner). F-VF ap-
                                      de-Lac, CE 4 July 1858 to St. Catharines, CW
               STATIONERY             (No. 2 First Year of use - listed only as No. 3  on QV issues with 1¢ & 3¢ Sm Queens, 3¢  pearance, small edge tears incl a couple
                                      in Cat). St. Catharines receiver in orange. F,  Leafs, 3¢ Numerals, etc. Many fully dated  that are sealed. Has 1948 Philatelic
        5240. Ö CPR38F, With West Algoma Agricul-  archival tape on reverse. Rare . Est 750.00+  strikes noted from 1895-8. VG-VF (113)....  Foundation Certificate & 1977 APS
         tural Assoc / Ft. William 31 July 1914 slogan  5257. Ö QC-424 (RF D), QUEBEC AND  ........................... Est 75.00+  Certificate. Despite the condition problems
         cancel to Cranbrook, BC. The POSTAL CARD  RICHMOND G.T.R. WAY. / No. 2./B/  5292. Ú ST THOMAS ONT (RF7.5), Accum  5310. Ú 2, Four margins mostly large, strong  this is still a very presentable looking (and
         IS MISCUT, showing sky at bottom. Interest-  DOWN 22 Oct 1863 double strike on cover  of 87 cancels on QV issues with 1¢ & 3¢  laid lines, excellent colour, neat target  very affordable) example of this classic
         ing variety. VF ............... Est 50.00+  franked by #15 from Stanfold, CE to Nicolet,  Sm Queens, 1¢ Leafs, & others. Many fully  cancel. VF. An outstanding example .....  Canadian rarity. Scott $145,000 US ......
        5241. Ö EN2, Unused QV 10¢ brown Nesbitt  LC, 24 Oct b/s. Has Quebec transit. F, some  dated strikes noted from 1896-8. VG-VF (87)  ........................... 2,000.00  ...................... Est 25,000.00+
         envelope. VF. Cat $100........ Est 75.00+  docketing on reverse......... Est 125.00+  ........................... Est 75.00+
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