Page 26 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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                         FROM LOT 5139
                                                                                                                           LOT 5220
                                                                             LOT 5215

        CANADA MODERN COVERS Continued       CANADA              5152. Ö 337-43, 337p-41p, QE Wilding issues  5178. Ö AAMC #2839a, Cach CNE Toronto to  5207. Ö 180/CL40, Also USA #681, Eight
        5099. Ö 2225, Boy Scout Centennial issue                  cach FDC’s incl Winnipeg Tagged. All diff  Ottawa flight cover 29 Aug 1928. Same cover  stamps incl Western Canada Airways Semi-
         tied by 11th Scouts Canada Jamboree /  FIRST DAY COVERS  as to cach & franking. VF, some unaddr  used for USA Eastern States Expo Springfield  Official, tied front & back on Reg’d cach
         Bellefeuille, Que 1 Aug 2001 cancel on cach  5122. Ö 141, Tied by Ottawa Diamond Jubilee  (14 covers) ................. Est 50.00+  to New York flight 17 Sept 1928. Interesting  Peace River to Carcajou 31 Jan 1931 FFC.
         cover. Has been autographed by ADAM  of Confederation Flag cancel with additional  5153. Ö 415, Matched set of Plate Blocks #2  2 country franking with 2 diff cachets. F-VF .  Redirected several times, eventually to
         BADEN-CLAY, who is the grandson of LORD  cancel on reverse, on FDC (window enve-  on gorgeous colour cach FDC’s. Each  ........................... Est 75.00+  Kirkland Lake, Ont. The reverse is smattered
         BADEN POWELL (the founder of the Scouting  lope). F. Cat $150 ............ Est 90.00+  cover is signed by the stamp’s artist ANGUS  5179. Ö AAMC #2861b, Moonbeam to East  with cancels. F. Unusual item!. . Est 100.00+
         movement). Attractive Boy Scout topical item.  5123. Ö 142, Tied by Ottawa Diamond Jubilee  SHORTT. VF (4 covers) ....... Est 45.00+  Main 8 Jan 1928 FFC. F-VF. Scarce James  5208. Ö 246-8, Tied on 2 diff Royal Visit
         VF ........................ Est 50.00+  of Confederation Flag cancel on FDC. VF.  5154. Ö 461-65B, Centennial higher values  Bay District airmail cover...... Est 100.00+  related Airmail covers from St. John’s Nfld, &
        5100. Ö 2353, Two Booklet singles (adjacent  Cat $150 ................... Est 90.00+  tied by Ottawa 8 Feb 1967 cancels on 7 diff  5180. Ö AAMC #2861d, Moonbeam to  Quebec, PQ to Montreal. Each has “Posted
         positions from self-adhesive pane), affixed on  5124. Ö 143, Tied by Ottawa Diamond Jubilee  “Capital” cach FDC’s with Artist’s printed  Richmond Gulf 11 Jan 1928 FFC. F-VF.  on board the British ship EMPRESS OF
         cover to Sherbrooke, Que (no cancel). Each  of Confederation Flag cancel on FDC. F. Cat  signatures. VF, unaddr ........ Est 50.00+  Scarce James Bay District airmail cover....  BRITAIN on the High Seas” h/s’s June-July
         stamp with MAJOR VERT DIE CUT SHIFT  $150....................... Est 90.00+  5155. Ö 461-5B, Centennial singles & blocks  .......................... Est 100.00+  1939. F .................... Est 50.00+
         ERROR. VF................. Est 65.00+  5125. Ö 144, Tied by Ottawa Diamond Jubilee  up to $1 tied by Ottawa 8 Feb 1967 cancels  5181. Ö AAMC #’s 2923a-b, Wabowden to  5209. Ö 272, Tied on cach Vancouver to Hong
                                                                                                                           Kong FFC 19 Sept 1949. Envelope used has
                                                                  on 14 separate Rose Craft cach FDC’s. VF,
                                                                                              Cross Lake & Wabowden to Norway House
            MISCELLANEOUS             of Confederation Flag cancel on FDC. F. Cat  unaddr (14) ................. Est 50.00+  & return May6&5 June 1929 FFC’s. F-VF  illustrated advertising for MEDICINE HAT
                                      $150....................... Est 90.00+
                                                                                              (2 covers) .................. Est 80.00+
        5101. Ö C1, Tied by cach FFC Winnipeg to  5126. Ö 146, Tied by Ottawa Diamond Jubilee  5156. Ö 494, 843-6, 873-6, 903-6, Coll of 8  5182. Ö AAMC #’s 2939, 2939a-e, Cach Mari-  ALBERTA STAMPEDE. Depicts Bronco
                                                                                                                           Buster. F, some creasing ..... Est 100.00+
                                                                  Aviation covers with Ottawa F.D. cancels
         Pembina 2 Feb 1931. Has violet boxed  of Confederation Flag cancel (with an addi-  1979-81, all with private cachets depicting  time Air Pageant Flights. All are PILOT  5210. Ö 397 (3), Tied on Calgary to Vienna
         “D.W.” h/s. VF ............... Est 40.00+  tional strike on reverse) on FDC. VF. Cat  the McKee Aviation Trophy. Each cover is  SIGNED except AAMC #2939c. One cover  16 May 1962 flight cover; Vienna 20 May b/s.
        5102. Ö J1, J3, J12, Two Quebec covers  $150....................... Est 90.00+  autographed by ROBERT BRADFORD  has a KGV 20¢ Admiral franking which is  UNCLAIMED & forwarded several times arriv-
         from 1910 & 1936 franked with Postage Due  5127. Ö 192-4, Ottawa Conference FDC’s  whose paintings were used on the stamps.  scarce. F-VF (6 covers)........ Est 90.00+  ing back in Canada with boxed “CFPO 102"
         stamps. F, a few minor flaws.... Est 75.00+  with each value (the 192-3 are in pairs) on a  The covers are all diff in some way as to  5183. Ö AAMC #3007, Fort Resolution to Rae  16 Aug b/s. Also has large violet ”RCAF AIR
        5103. Ö MR4, Tied by St. Hyacinthe, PQ  separate cover, from Montreal 12 July 1932.  issue & franking. VF (8)........ Est 75.00+  13 Jan 1930 FFC (only 85 pieces flown). F-VF  WEAPONS UNIT / CAPO 5047 SARDINIA
         3 Feb 1917 cancel on light blue illustrated  F-VF (3) .................... Est 50.00+  5157. Ö 521pi, Christmas 5¢ Tagged centre  ........................... Est 50.00+  ITALY" h/s. F-VF. Interesting item Est 40.00+
         advertising cover for J.A. & M Cote boot  5128. Ö 195-201, Cpl KGV Medallion set  block on FDC. VF ............ Cat 200.00  5184. Ö AAMC #’s 3137, 3137a, Cach Van-  5211. Ö 560, Tied on cach Bow
         mfg. to Ottawa. Depicts Co. plant & boot. F,  tied by Regina 1 Dec 1932 CDS’s on large  5158. Ö 641, 655, Each tied on official cach  couver to Victoria & return 1 Aug 1931 Special  HELICOPTERS Ltd. Flight to Banks Island,
         a trifle reduced............... Est 50.00+  size Reg’d FDC to Yorkton, Sask. F-VF ....  FDC’s from 1974. The former SIGNED by  Delivery FFC’s addr to USA. FRANKED by  NWT & return; Inuvik 31 Aug 1974 cancel.
        5104. Ö Local official “SERVICE DE SA  ........................... Est 50.00+  Andre Ouellet (Minister of Foreign Affairs at  163(2), C1(2) & E4(2), latter cover is Post-  UNLISTED; addr to USA. VF . . . Est 50.00+
         MAJESTE” #10 cover with Montreal 14 Feb  5129. Ö 202, Specialized coll of 1933 UPU  the time, later Postmaster General & Head of  master Signed. F (2) .......... Est 80.00+  5212. Ö 593 (Pair), Tied on INUVIK, NWT to
         1906 CDS. Has “FREE” h/s & violet oval  FDC’s. All are diff as to franking & cancel with  Canada Post Corporation); the latter SIGNED  5185. Ö AAMC #3157g, Lac du Brochet to  WAGNARK DRILLING SITE 7 Apr 1976; in-
         “SUP’T. R’Y, M’L, SERVICE / MONTREAL”  a nice variety of towns from across Canada.  by Bryce Mackasey (Postmaster General).  Cormorant 22 Aug 1931 FFC. F-VF. Scarce  spection trip; addr to USA. Colour photo of the
         strike. F .................... Est 50.00+  One has attractive Hamilton Ont Philatelic  VF, unaddr (2) ............... Est 40.00+  Manitoba flight.............. Est 125.00+  site from the air accompanies. F-VF. Unlisted
        5105. Ö Unused Zieher postcard circa 1906  Society Postmaster signed cachet. Incl 2  5159. Ö 779a, Tied by special Ottawa 15 Nov  5186. Ö AAMC #’s 3177, 3177a-c, Cpl set of  ........................... Est 45.00+
         depicting 12 diff Canadian stamps in colour  with blocks, one strip of 3, etc. A good lot &  1978 cancel on Official cach FDC. SIGNED  cach Embarras Portage (Addition) Dec 1931  5213. Ö 2011 (2), Tied by special to / from
         along with the Coat of Arms of British Colum-  a rarely offered coll. F-VF. Cat $600+ (17) ..  by POSTMASTER GENERAL GILLES  Special Delivery FFC’s to USA. Franked by  Edmonton / Fort Vermilion 75th Anniversary
         bia. VF ..................... Est 50.00+  .......................... Est 300.00+  LAMONTAGNE. Also has C.C.G.S. Labrador  163(4), C1(4) & E4 (4). VF (4). . Est 150.00+  Flight covers 4 Jan 2004. Originally flown by
        5106. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard circa  5130. Ö 203, Tied by Regina, Sask 24 July  ship cancel SIGNED by the ship’s captain.  5187. Ö AAMC #’s 3351 & 3351a-e, Cpl set of  famous pilots WOP MAY & VIC HORNER.
         1909 depicting NEW SETTLERS & THEIR  1933, CDS on pretty cach FDC to Yorkton,  F-VF....................... Est 50.00+  6 cach Sept Isles - Natashquan FFC’s 14-5  Each cover has been signed by their sons
         FIRST HOUSE IN WESTERN CANADA. VF  Sask. Has oval “Supervisor City Mail Delivery”  5160. Ö 873-4, M/S Plate Blocks tied by  Dec 1933. All PILOT SIGNED by H.W. Irvine.  DENNY MAY & ROBERT HORNER. VF
         ........................... Est 50.00+  b/s. VF ..................... Est 50.00+  Ottawa 10 Nov 1980 special cancels on 4  F-VF (6 covers) .............. Est 90.00+  (2 covers) .................. Est 45.00+
        5107. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting  5131. Ö 205 (Pair), C6, E8-9, Tied by  separate Private McKee Aviation Trophy  5188. Ö AAMC #3413, Aklavik to Dawson  5214. Ö C1, Tied by Montreal 17 Dec 1928
         a scene circa 1910 of early settlers crossing  Lethbridge & Calgary 15 June 1938&1Mar  cach FDC’s. Each cover is autographed by  26 June 1934 FFC (about 120 pieces flown).  duplex cancel on cover to Edmonton. Has Ed-
         the Saskatchewan River by ferry at Prince  1939, CDS’s on FDC’s for Airmail & Special  famous aviation artist ROBERT BRADFORD  F-VF....................... Est 60.00+  monton to Winnipeg cachets in 3 diff colours,
         Albert, Sask. VF ............. Est 50.00+  Delivery issues, both addr to Calgary. F-VF  whose paintings were used on these stamps.  5189. Ö AAMC #’s 3431, 3431a-g, Cpl set of 8  plus Winnipeg to Edmonton cach in blue. F,
        5108. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa  (2 covers) .................. Est 65.00+  VF (4)...................... Est 50.00+  diff cach Winnipeg-Diana 11 Dec 1934 FFC’s,  minor flaws. Eye-catching cover!. Est 40.00+
         1910 depicting KING STREET IN DAWSON  5132. Ö 209, Coll of 4 FDC’s 1 July, 1934,  5161. Ö 873-6, Aircraft issues tied by Ottawa  all PILOT SIGNED by H. Hallick-Kenyon.
         YUKON. F .................. Est 50.00+  each with a diff cachet. F...... Est 100.00+  10 Nov 1980 special cancels on 8 Private  F-VF (8 covers) ............. Est 120.00+  5215. Ö C1, Tied by Montreal 13 Mr 1929
        5109. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa 1910  5133. Ö 211-6, Silver Jubilee set tied by  McKee Aviation Trophy cach FDC’s, all diff as  5190. Ö AAMC #3527, AAMC #’s 3527a-c,  duplex cancel on cach illustrated airmail
         depicting ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL’S  Ottawa 4 May 1935 CDS’s on Reg’d FDC  to franking & issue. Each signed by famous  Complete set of cach Dore Lake FFC’s 18  postcard entitled “THE LONGEST
         house & view of Baddeck Nova Scotia. F...  to Brantford, Ont. Has red 1934 Toronto  Aviation artist ROBERT BRADFORD whose  Sept 1935. All PILOT SIGNED by W.E.  REGULARLY FLOWN AIR LINE IN THE
         ........................... Est 50.00+  Centennial cachet. F-VF ....... Est 50.00+  paintings were used on the stamps. VF (8) .  Gilbert. Each has Canadian Airways Ltd.  WORLD MONTREAL TO CRISTOBAL
        5110. Ö Gorgeous unused multi-coloured  5134. Ö 211-6, Silver Jubilee set tied by neat  ........................... Est 75.00+  label affixed on back. F, covers have rib  3,600 MILES”. Has Cristobal Canal Zone
         Tuck’s postcard for the 1911 CORONATION.  Hamilton Ont 4 May, 1935 CDS’s on cach  5162. Ö 873-6, Aviation issue on 9 FDC’s from  toning...................... Est 75.00+  17 Mar 1929 rec cancel, carried by 3 diff
         Has central portraits of KGV & Queen Mary  FDC depicting the King & Queen on a  Ottawa 1980 all with private cachets depicting  5191. Ö AAMC #’s 3615, 3615b-e. Five diff  airlines. The illustration shows CHARLES
         on Union Jack flag, country names of the  medallion. VF................ Est 65.00+  the McKee Aviation Trophy. Each cover is  Prince Albert extension cach FFC’s 18-9 Nov  LINDBERGH & Canal Zone postal offi-
         Dominions, etc. Has m/s date “Toronto 8/28/  5135. Ö 211-6, Tied by Regina, Sask 4 My  signed by famous aviation artist ROBERT  1936. All are PILOT SIGNED by C. McNeal.  cials. F, minor edge stains. No listing for
         13". F ...................... Est 75.00+  1935 CDS’s on large size Reg’d FDC to  BRADFORD - whose paintings were used on  F-VF (5 covers) .............. Est 75.00+  this in the AAMC. See photo above.....
        5111. Ö Unused colour illustrated Patriotic  Yorkton, Sask. Has scarce Regina boxed  the stamps. Each cover is diff as to franking  5192. Ö AAMC #’s 3619, 3619a-i, Cpl set of 10  ....................... Est 225.00+
         KGV & Queen Mary 1911 Coronation post-  cachet. VF .................. Est 75.00+  & issue. VF (9)............... Est 80.00+  diff cach St. Lawrence Winter Service Special  5216. Ö C1, Tied by “MARINE POST OFFICE
         card. Depicts the King & Queen, Union Jack  5136. Ö 231-6, KGVI Mufti set (in blocks or  5163. Ö 903-6, Matched set of Plate Blocks of  Delivery FFC’s Dec 1936 to Pickle Crow,  / NZ / R.M.S. NIAGARA / PACKET BOAT” 17
         & Post Office & Bank of Montreal buildings.  pairs) tied by Ottawa 1 Apr 1937 CDS’s on  the Aviation issue on FDC’s from Ottawa 27  Ont. Franked by C5(10), E5(10). VF (10) ...  May 1929 duplex ship cancel on airmail cover
         F-VF....................... Est 45.00+  6 diff Staehle coloured cach FDC’s, to Port  Nov 1981 Each with private cachets depicting  .......................... Est 200.00+  to USA (Posted off Vancouver). FEst 40.00+
        5112. Ö Stampless cover with Cornwall, On  Arthur, Ont (2 are Reg’d). F-VF. . Est 60.00+  the McKee Aviation Trophy. All are signed by  5193. Ö AAMC #3711, AAMC #3711a-e,  5217. Ö C1-4, Tied by Ottawa 21 Dec 1932
         20 Oct 1919 CDS to Chesterville, Ont. Has in-  5137. Ö 244, C6, Tied by Vancouver BC 15  famous aviation artist ROBERT BRADFORD  Cpl set of six Prince George-Fort Grahame  CDS’s on Reg’d Airmail #10 cover to Savan-
         teresting & unusual violet 3-line “RELATING  June 1938 cancel on airmail FDC to USA. VF  whose paintings were used for the stamps.  cacheted FFC’s 5-7 June 1937. All PILOT  nah, Ga. Has Post Office Dept, Ottawa corner
         TO / VICTORY LOAN / BUSINESS” h/s. F.  ........................... Est 70.00+  VF (8 diff)................... Est 75.00+  SIGNED by CHARLES TWEED. VF (6  card. F, opened on 3 sides, some flaws ....
         A RARE HANDSTAMP ........ Est 75.00+  5138. Ö 246-8, Tied by ROYAL TRAIN 15 May  5164. Ö 915, Terry Fox stamp tied by Ottawa  covers)..................... Est 80.00+  .......................... Est 100.00+
        5113. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa 1920  1939 cancels on 3 cach FDC’s. All diff as to  13 Apr 1882 cancel on FDC. Cach features  5194. Ö AAMC #3713, AAMC #’s 3713a-e,  5218. Ú Glossy b/w photograph of famous
         depicting early Hollywood movie star MARY  cancel & cachet. F-VF......... Est 50.00+  Governor General ED Schreyer presenting  Cpl set of 6 cach Edmonton-Whitehorse  pioneer aviator KATHERINE STINSON with
         PICKFORD. She was one of the Canadian  5139. Ö 249/262, C7, CE1, E10, Tied by  The Order of Canada to Terry Fox & is  FFC’s 5-8 July 1937. All are PILOT SIGNED  autograph in blue pen. She was the first civil-
         pioneers in Hollywood & a significant figure in  Ottawa 1 July, 1942 CDS’s on 10 diff  SIGNED by ED SCHREYER. VF, unaddr...  by G.W.G. McConachie. VF (6 covers).....  ian pilot to fly the mail in Canada & was one
         the development of film acting. VF Est 50.00+  Patriotic FDC’s with matching coloured  ........................... Est 45.00+  ........................... Est 80.00+  of the first pilots to ever fly at night. The photo
        5114. Ö Lot of 3 diff unused sepia postcards  cachets depicting a British Bulldog &  5165. Ö 1687, 1694, $1 Loon & $8 Grizzly  5195. Ö AAMC #’s 3717, 3717a-e, Cpl set of  shows Stinson receiving a mail bag from Cal-
         circa 1930’s depicting DOG SLED TEAMS  Union Jack flag. All addr to Timiskaming  Bear, tied on separate cach FDC’s. Each  6 Prince Albert-Goldfields FFC’s 12-3 July  gary Postmaster George King prior for her
         in Northern Canada. These were printed  Ont with 5 covers being Reg’d. F-VF. See  cover is signed by JORGE PERAL who was  1937. All are PILOT SIGNED W.F. Windrum.  1918 flight to Edmonton. There are only a few
         by a missionary society in France. VF .....  photo above ............. Est 200.00+  the engraver of these High Value issues. VF  VF (6 covers)................ Est 80.00+  covers known to exist from this flight. VF. A
         ........................... Est 80.00+                   (2 FDC’s) ................... Est 50.00+  5196. Ö AAMC #’s 3833, 3833a-i, Cpl set of  nice item for the airmail collector Est 150.00+
        5115. Ö Stampless Post Office Dept OHMS  5140. Ö 268-73, C9, CE3, E11, Peace issues  5166. Ö 2032, Home Hardware FDC from  10 diff cach Vancouver to Whitehorse 5-8 Aug  5219. Ö Two diff ROCKET FLIGHT covers
         cover with Ottawa Dec 1935 / FREE cancel  up to $1 tied by Toronto 16 Sept 1946 CDS’s  2004 autographed by company founder  1938 FFC’s. F-VF (10 covers). . . Est 40.00+  from May 1936. One is Canada to USA, the
         & violet signature h/s of J.A. Sullivan Deputy  on large size Reg’d FDC to Temiscaming,  “Walter Hachborn”. VF ........ Est 40.00+  5197. Ö AAMC #’s 3903q, 3903t, 3903af,  other USA to Canada. Each cover has 2 diff
         Postmaster General. Addr to the Secretary  Que. Has Town of Temiscaming corner card.  5167. Ö C1, C3-4, Tied by 1928-32 cancels  3903aj-k, 3903am-n, Seven cach Winnipeg  imperf Rocket stamps tied by s/l cancels &
         of Posts & Telegraphs in Dublin Ireland. Has  F, some cover toning.......... Est 50.00+  on 3 different Airmail FDC’s (#C4 is cacheted  to Montreal related FFC’s, 1 Mar 1939. All  a diff coloured ‘BY ROCKET’ label. VF (2) ..
         embossed New Years greeting card insert  5141. Ö 270-3, Each tied by Ottawa 16 Sept  & is a combo FDC/FFC). F-VF..........  are franked by #C2. VF ........ Est 70.00+  .......................... Est 150.00+
         plus personal cards of J.C. Elliot, Postmaster  1946 CDS’s on Reg’d FDC. VF, unaddr. Have  ......................... Est 100.00+  5198. Ö AAMC #4203, AAMC #’s 4203a-e,
         General; J.A. Sullivan, Deputy; & P.T. Coolican,  Lancaster, Pa b/s’s (4) ........ Est 60.00+  5168. Ö C3, Specialized collection of 15  Six diff cach Montreal, Trois Rivieres, Quebec  5220. Ö Cover with enclosure with
         Assistant Deputy. F-VF, small edge tear. An  5142. Ö 272, C9, Tied by Winnipeg 16 Sept  FDC’s. Each is cancelled at a diff city from  FFC’s 15 Apr 1942. All are PILOT SIGNED  Ridgeway, Ont 27 June 1956 CDS cancel
         unusual item!................ Est 65.00+  1946 CDS on Reg’d Airmail FDC to England.  across Canada. All addr to USA. F-VF. Cat  by Cec Leech. VF (6 covers).... Est 80.00+  addressed to Japan. Has red 2-line
        5116. Ö Three diff b/w postcards showing the  F-VF....................... Est 40.00+  $270...................... Est 100.00+  5199. Ö AAMC #’s 4903, 4903b, 4911-1a,  “SALVAGED FROM / PLANE WRECK”
         COLLAPSE OF THE FALLS VIEW BRIDGE  5143. Ö 284-8 (Blocks), Tied by Ottawa 15  5169. Ö E7-9, Tied on 3 separate Special  Four cach Vancouver to Sydney, Honolulu,  h/s. Possibly from 1956 Grand Canyon
         27 Jan, 1938 at Niagara Falls. This was  Nov 1949 cancels on 5 FULTON cach type  Delivery FDC’s (all diff cancels); 1938-39.  Tokyo & Hong Kong FFC’s July-Sept 1949.  mid-air collision, 30 June 1956. All 128
         caused when the Niagara River below the  FDC’s. VF, unaddr............ Est 45.00+  F-VF....................... Est 75.00+  F-VF....................... Est 75.00+  passengers & crew perished. F, water
         bridge had one of the greatest ice jams in  5144. Ö 294, Oil 50¢ tied by Ottawa 1 Mar,  5200. Ö AAMC #’s 4903, 4903a-b, Set of 3  stains, stamps floated off. See photo
         history. VF (3) ............... Est 60.00+  1950 cancel on FDC. Has been signed by  CANADA  diff Reg’d cach Canadian Pacific Airlines  above .................. Est 150.00+
        5117. Ö Stampless OHMS #10 cover from the  Postmaster General GABRIEL EDOUARD  AIRMAIL COVERS  Reg’d 13 July 1949 FFC’s to Honolulu, Fiji
         Deputy Minister of Finance with Ottawa 31  RINFRET. Inside has clerk of the House of  & Sydney. Addr to USA & redirected. F-VF .  CANADA MILITARY
         May 1940 Free Frank (& W.C. Clark signature  Commons insert card. VF ...... Est 50.00+  5170. Ö AAMC #PF-29B, Montreal to Vancou-  ........................... Est 50.00+
         h/s) to USA. Matching enclosure signed by  5145. Ö 302, $1 Fish tied by Ottawa 1 Feb,  ver Confederation Diamond Jubilee FFC 5  5201. Ö AAMC #’s 4903, 4903a-b, 4911,  5221. Ö 104, Tied by Halifax 7 June, 1916
         him; re a request by an American citizen to  1951 on FDC. Has been signed by Postmas-  July 1927. Has violet 2-line “AIR FLIGHT  4911a, Five diff cach 1949 Trans-Pacific  CDS on a BIRCH BARK POSTCARD, addr
         buy Cdn War Savings Certificate; denied-as  ter General GABRIEL EDOUARD RINFRET.  ABANDONED / LETTER RETURNED” h/s  FFC’s. Has covers to Hawaii, Fiji, Japan,  to Holland, Manitoba (rec b/s). Has scarce
         it would be contrary to US neutrality act at the  Inside has Clerk of the House of Commons  & Dead Letter Office Ottawa b/s. F-VF .....  Hong Kong & Australia. VF ..... Est 75.00+  large red double-ring oval “INTELLIGENCE
         time. F-VF. Interesting item..... Est 50.00+  insert card. F ................ Est 75.00+  ........................... Est 50.00+  5202. Ö 105 (Pair), Tied on Pelee Island to  OFFICER / HALIFAX FORTRESS” h/s
        5118. Ö Lot of 3 diff b/w real photo postcards  5146. Ö 302, $1 Fish tied by Ottawa 1 Feb  5171. Ö AAMC #2707, Scarce #139 tied on  Leamington 15 Feb 1928 Airmail cover. Has  (this scarce handstamp is listed by Bailey
         of CHURCHILL MANITOBA, circa 1940’s.  1951 cancel on cach FDC to USA. Cachet is  cach Rimouski to Montreal 1st attempt 9 Sept  boxed Experimental / Radio Station / BEM /  & Toop #M8-10, under POW & Internment
         Depicts a scene of town, Hudson’s Bay  for San Bernardino Valley Stamp Exhibition  1927 FFC. During a bad storm the Vickers  Ian C. Morgan / Bermuda corner card. VF.  Camps WWI). The postcard is written by a
         Company, & Hudson’s Bay Mission. VF ....  July 1950. Depicts Inverted Jenny, globe,  Vanessa seaplane crashed & sank & covers  Interesting & unusual.......... Est 50.00+  Canadian soldier en route to England. VF ..
         ........................... Est 70.00+  etc with caption “Welcome Harry Weiss”. VF  were then carried by train to Montreal. This  5203. Ö 107, Tied by Montreal 15 Dec 1927  .......................... Est 100.00+
        5119. Ö Stampless large size Reg’d OHMS  ........................... Est 65.00+  cover may also be considered a crash cover.  slogan cancel on Airmail cover to Baie des  5222. Ö 104 (2), Tied CAMP HUGHES MAN
         cover with OTTAWA / FREE 11 Mar 1941  5147. Ö 302, $1 Fish tied by Ottawa 1 Feb  VF ....................... Est 150.00+  Cedres. Flown from Pointe au Pie to Seven  23 Oct 1916 FPO cancel on b/w real photo
         cancel from Dept of External Affairs to St  1951 cancel on FDC, with JCR cachet. VF .  5172. Ö AAMC #2717, Leamington-Pelee  Islands 25 Dec, thence by Dog Team to Baie  postcard to Moose Jaw. Depicts a view of
         Thomas, Ont. Has NA Robertson signature  .......................... Est 100.00+  Island 14 Dec 1927 cach FFC. Mailed from  des Cedres arriving 7 Jan 1928, from whence  CAMP HUGHES LOOKING NORTH showing
         h/s. He was an important politician holding  5148. Ö 321, Tied by Ottawa 2 Feb 1953  Winnipeg with 11 Dec slogan cancel tying  it was readdressed & dispatched by Dog  soldiers, tents, etc. F, couple slightly rounded
         many offices 1929-63 incl High Commissioner  cancel on Litho Art cach FDC. VF, unaddr ..  141 Pair, addr to W.R. Patton, Pelee Island  Team to Montreal. F-VF, tiny edge tear.  corners.................... Est 125.00+
         to London & Ambassador to USA. Official red  ........................... Est 50.00+  (Only 300 pieces flown). VF .... Est 50.00+  Interesting & unusual item...... Est 50.00+  5223. Ö 106, Tied by Niagara Falls 4 Sept,
         wax seal on back. F-VF........ Est 50.00+  5149. Ö 321, $1 Totem tied by Ottawa 2 Feb  5173. Ö AAMC #2803h, Red Lake to Rolling  5204. Ö 110, Tied by Clarke City, Que 29  1915 cancel on WWI b/w Tuck’s photo post-
        5120. Ö QW2c/QW13Ac, Beautiful coll  1953 cancel on FDC. Has been signed by  Portage 25 Jan 1928 FFC (Few pieces flown).  Mar 1928 split-ring cancel on Airmail addr  card depicting EXPERIMENTAL ARMOURED
         of 18 diff QUEBEC WILDLIFE HABITAT  Postmaster General ALCIDE COTE. Inside  F-VF....................... Est 50.00+  to Roessler via Seven Islands & La Malbaie.  CARS for military troops. VF .... Est 60.00+
         CONSERVATION stamps tied (along with  has Clerk of House of Commons insert card.  5174. Ö AAMC #2805d, Port Menier to La  F-VF. Interesting ............. Est 40.00+  5224. Ö 219, Tied by “H.M.S. / DANAE / NAVY
         contemporary commems) on Darnell cach  VF ........................ Est 50.00+  Malbaie FFC 8 Feb 1928, addressed to  5205. Ö 135/CL40, Seven stamps, incl West-  WEEK / VICTORIA, BC, 17 Aug 1935 slogan
         FDC’s, from 1989-2000. Four covers are artist  5150. Ö 325-9, Tied by Windsor / Sandwich 1  Ottawa. (Only 100 pieces flown) F-VF .....  ern Canada Airways Semi-Official, Tied front  cancel on cach special event cover. Has 5
         signed & 6 covers are “WWF” surcharged  May 1953 CDS’s on Grover B cach FDC. VF,  ........................... Est 50.00+  & back on Reg’d cach Carcajou to Peace  more diff oval Danae ship cancels on back.
         issues. Many beautiful items here. VF. Cat  unaddr. Attractive Map cachet. . . Est 35.00+  5175. Ö AAMC #2805d, Port Menier to La  River 31 Jan 1931 FFC. Redirected several  VF, unaddr. Attractive ......... Est 45.00+
         $1,890 (18 diff) ............. Est 400.00+  5151. Ö 356 (Pair), Boy Scout Jamboree FDC  Malbaie 11 Feb 1928 FFC (Only 100 pieces  times, eventually to Kirkland Lake, Ont. The  5225. Ö 243, 257, Tied by Debert NS MPO
        5121. Ö DOMINION EXPRESS COMPANY  from Niagara-On-The-Lake 20 Aug, 1955.  flown). Addr to Roessler. F-VF . . Est 50.00+  reverse is smattered with cancels incl RPO’s.  Oct 1942 cancel on WWII airmail censored
         printed money package envelope circa 1870,  Has been autographed by (Lady) OLAVE  5176. Ö AAMC #2807, Moncton to Charlotte-  F, bit soiled. Gorgeous & unusual item! ....  cover to England. VF.......... Est 45.00+
         for $6.50 used from Sudbury Ont to Toronto.  BADEN-POWELL. She was the first chief  town 19 Feb 1928 FFC (only 500 pieces  .......................... Est 100.00+  5226. Ö 246, 256 (Pair), Tied by violet boxed
         Has specific instructions that the consignee  Guide of Gr. Britain & the wife of the late Lord  flown). F-VF................. Est 40.00+  5206. Ö 140 (Pair), 141, Tied by Quebec 24  N.P.O./618/1 Aug 1944 Naval cancels on
         should open the envelope at the end so as  Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scout  5177. Ö AAMC #2807a, Charlottetown to  Aug, 1928 CDS’s on special airmail flight  WWII Reg’d Airmail censored cover to Stanley
         to preserve the 2 large black seals on the  movement & co-founder of the Girl Guides.  Moncton 3 Mar 1928 FFC addresses to  Quebec to Kingston Ont. Has 2 diff cachets  Gibbons Inc, New York via Montreal. Has
         reverse. F, couple folds. A SCARCE ITEM..  VF. A great item for a Scout collector ......  Toronto. F-VF (Only 30 pieces flown)......  for the Canadian National Exhibition (one in  purple Postal Censorship/Halifax b/s’s. F-VF.
         .......................... Est 200.00+  .......................... Est 150.00+  .......................... Est 100.00+  French, the other in English). VF. Est 90.00+  Attractive ................... Est 50.00+
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