Page 19 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 19

LOT 4548                                      LOT 4549                  75
                            LOT 4547

        NEW BRUNSWICK Continued                                                                                           4575. Û 8, Nice MISPERF variety showing
                                         NOVA SCOTIA:             4556. Ö 2, 5, Tied by light oval grid can-               a bit of the adjoining stamp at top. F, NH ...
                                                                   cels on Reg’d cover from Yarmouth NS
                                     4545. Ö Stampless 1827 Trans-Atlantic  19 Ma 1859 to Bridgetown NS (rec b/s           ........................... Est 35.00+
                                       folded letter with a scarce DIGBY  22 Ma 1859) via Annapolis. Has m/s
                                       “DOUBLE CIRCLE” POST OFFICE  “Register 43". A nice cover displaying a
                                       handstamp (Type 46, no inner circle)  rare franking - fewer than 10 such frank-
                                       with m/s date 22 Jan 1827, addr to Hull  ing covers exist paying the single domes-
                                       England. Has Halifax “Fleuron’ cancel  tic letter rate plus registration. F-VF, light
                                       16 Jan 1827 (Macdonald Type HAL-11)  file fold not affecting the stamps. Has
                                       wrong month type (as the monthly packet  1976 Philatelic Foundation Certificate.
                                       arrived in Halifax on Feb 19). Rated ‘9’  See photo below ........Est 3,000.00+
                                       for Nova Scotia inland charge & ”2/4" for
                                       packet & inland rate to Hull. A nice black  4557. Ú 3, Huge jumbo margins, superb  4568. Ö 4, Tied by neat oval grid cancel
                                       seal on reverse. A very scarce Digby  appearance, tiny thin. Cat $400 . Est 75.00+  on miniature size cross border cover from
                                       marking & especially so with such a  4558. Ö 3, Dark blue tied by oval grid cancel to  Digby 5 May 1856 to Eastport, Deer Island,
                                       great strike! VF. See photo on Page 74 ..  an 1854 cover to Pictou. Has b/s’s of Halifax  Maine. Has St. John 6 May transit b/s. On
                                       ....................... Est 500.00+  28 Feb 1854 & Pictou 1 Mar 1854. F, small  front has New Brunswick double arc ex-  4576. Û 8, An impressive mint single with
                                                                  corner edge tear in cover (not affecting  change h/s in blue, red PAID 10 CENTS &  DOUBLE PRINTING effect resulting from a
         4523. Ú 4, Scarce One Shilling, four large               stamp). An attractive cover .... Est 350.00+  straightline ADVERTISED (indicating the  second “KISS PRINT” IMPRESSION. Very
          margins, very light grid cancel, nice colour.          4559. Ö 3, VF four margin single neatly tied  P.O. advertised this undelivered letter in the  unusual & an essential item for a Nova
          VF, small flts. Has guarantee b/s & 2020                on neat 1857 cover from Pictou NS 11 Nov  local newspaper). F, some edge wear/soiled.  Scotia or variety coll. VF, OG. Has 2016
          Greene Foundation Certificate . . 10,000.00             1857 to Halifax (rec b/s 12 Nov 1857). VF,  A RARE ‘ADVERTISED’ NOVA SCOTIA  Greene Foundation Certificate. Est 450.00+
                                                                  file fold ................... Est 300.00+  PENCE COVER. Cat $2,000. Est 1,200.00+
                                                                                                                          4577. Û 8-13, With “SPECIMEN” overprints,
                                                                                                                           FORGERIES. F-VF, HH ....... Est 75.00+
                                                                                                                          4578. Û 8P, Plate Proof. F-VF........ 60.00
                                                                                                                          4579. ÕÛ 8Pii, 8Piii, 8Pv, Top margin
                                                                                                                           positional Plate Proof block of 40, on card.
                                                                                                                           Shows four ABNC Plate Imprints & three diff
                                                                                                                           “SPECIMEN” overprint types in red (a listing
                                                                                                                           of types & positions accompanies the lot). XF,
                                                                                                                           one tiny pinhole. A SPECTACULAR ITEM
                                     4546. Ö Incoming stampless folded letter                                              FOR THE SPECIALIST.......... 4,640.00
                                      from London datelined 6 Sept 1837 addr  4560. Ú 3, 3a, Normal stamp & BISECT        4580. Û 8TCii, Plate Proof. VF. Has 2018
                                      to a doctor aboard the Royal Navy ship  tied to each other on small piece by “H”     Greene Foundation Certificate . . Est 60.00+
                                      “HMS Cornwallis” at Halifax NS. Has m/s  grid cancels. F (Would Cat $6,000 if this  4581. Û 9, Jumbo single with partial PLATE
                                      “Per HMS Sheldrake” with red LONDON  was a full cover)............ Est 350.00+  4569. Ö 4a, Large margined BISECT tied  INSCRIPTION at bottom. F. A nice item for
                                      CROWN PAID SHIP LETTER 6 Sep 1837                        by oval grid cancel on cover from Pictou  the specialist ................ Est 40.00+
                                      cancel, rated 1Sh, New York CDS & m/s  4561. Ö 3 (2), 3a (BISECT), Tied by grid  NS 1 Dec 1857 to Halifax 2 Dec 1857  4582. Û 9TCi, Plate Proof on India paper. VF
                                      rate marking. Faint St Andrews NB h/s in  cancels on Trans-Atlantic “Ratchford” cor-  (backstamps). F-VF, minor soiling mostly  ............................... 90.00
                                      blue with a total of 5/7À currency to  respondence cover mailed from Amherst  on reverse. Has 1981 BPA Certificate. Cat  4583. Û 9TCiii, Plate Proof on card with
                                      collect. F-VF. Ex Jack Arnell, Robertson...  NS 2 Jan 1855 to Liverpool England. The  $6,000. Ex Schneider, Tada . Est 3,500.00+  “SPECIMEN” overprint. VF ......... 50.00
                                      ......................... Est 450.00+                                               4584. Û 10, VG-F ................ 250.00
                                                                   stamps pay the 7À Pence rate (via Halifax)
                                                                   in effect from 1 Aug 1854. Has nice red                4585. Û 10P, Plate Proof. F-VF....... 60.00
                                     4547. Ö Stampless “MONEY” LETTER  Liverpool Tombstone Packet Letter Paid             4586. Û 10Pii, Plate Proof on card, dark blue
         4524. ÕÛ 5Piv, 5Pvi, Gorgeous Plate Proof  from Halifax 1854 prepaid to Saint  17 Ja 1855 arrival postmark. F-VF, the Bi-  shade with Type B “SPECIMEN” overprint.
          block on card of the 5¢ Connell. Has Type D  John, New Brunswick with manuscript  sect is affected by a file fold, but all stamps  XF. Has 2018 Greene Foundation Certificate
          ‘Specimen’ on left pair, & Type B ‘Specimen’  “MONEY”. Has Halifax Paid 4 May 1854  with full margins (quite unusual). F-VF. A  ........................... Est 50.00+
          on right pair. VF............... 2,125.00  tombstone cancel, rated “3" for 3 Pence  remarkably fresh cover. The SECOND  4587. Û 10TC, Black Plate Proof. F-VF,
                                       letter rate, plus ”6" for registration rate (or                                     clipped corners. Has 2018 Greene Foundation
        4525. Û 6P, Plate Proof. VF ........ 125.00                EARLIEST KNOWN USAGE OF THIS                            Certificate...................... 100.00
        4526. Û 6Pii, Plate Proof on card. VF . 150.00  in this case a money letter) for a total of  RATE TO ENGLAND. Has 2018 Greene  4588. Û 10TCiii, Block Plate Proof with Type C
        4527. Û 6TC, Plate Proof on card. VF, tiny  “9" pence interprovincial rate. An unusual  Foundation Certificate. Ex Brigham. Cat
         stain .......................... 200.00  late usage of the ”Money" service during  $6,000+. See photo below Est 3,500.00+  “SPECIMEN” overprint. VF ........ 100.00
                                       the registration rate period. VF. See                                              4589. Û 11, UR corner single with PAPER
                                       photo above ............. Est 400.00+                                               FOLD/MISPERF in UR selvedge. F-VF ....
                                                                  4562. Ö 3, 4, Nice franking with both  4570. Û 4P, Six Pence Plate Proof in black  ........................... Est 35.00+
                                                                   stamps neatly tied by oval grid cancels on  on card. VF .................... 400.00  4590. ÕÛ 11, UR Plate Inscription block of 12.
                                     4548. Ö 1 (Pair), 2, All tied by oval grid  cover from Annapolis 15 Aug 1855 (b/s) to  4571. Û 5, VF appearance but has been
                                       cancels on folded cover from Halifax NS  Weymouth (rec b/s). F. Ex Brouse, Martin.  expertly rebacked / repaired, RG. A good  F-VF, NH, touch of separation at top172.00+
                                       24 May 1853 to New York. Endorsed  Has 1999 Greene Foundation Certificate.  spacefiller ................. Est 400.00+
                                       “Per Steamer to Boston” & has Boston  See photo below ........Est 1,750.00+
                                       26 May transit cancel. The stamps pay                  4572. Ö 5, Tied by oval grid cancel on an
                                       the very scarce Cunard Steamer “Port-  4563. Ú 4, VG-F.................. 500.00  1860 yellow envelope from Upper Cross
                                       to-Port” 5 Pence letter rate to USA. THIS  4564. Ú 4, F, small back flt. Cat $500.......  St. Mary’s NS 2 Dec 1860 via Halifax to
                                                                  ........................... Est 75.00+
         4528. Û 6TCi, Light Rose Plate Proof on  IS THE EARLIEST RECORDED USAGE  4565. Ú 4, Four full even margins with a very  Wiscasset Maine. Light border PAID 10
          bond paper. VF................. 250.00  OF A ONE PENNY STAMP ON COVER.               in red h/s. F-VF. THIS IS THE LATEST
                                       A great rate / date combination cover -  light grid cancel. VF, small flaws. A beautiful  RECORDED USAGE OF A SIX PENCE
        4529. Ú 7, Little Ridge 1862 split-ring cancel  ideal for exhibition. F, file fold affecting  looking stamp ................. 1,200.00  DARK GREEN. Ex Colchester, Tada.
         (pulled perf); plus St John 16 Au 1900 CDS.  2 stamps. Has 2008 Firby Certificate.    Cat $5,000. See photo on Page 76 .....
         F (2 stamps) ................ Est 45.00+  Ex Mayer, Martin. See photo above.....       ..................... Est 2,500.00+
        4530. Û 7P, Pl Proof pair on card. VF 100.00  ..................... Est 3,500.00+                                 4591. Û 11, Specialized coll of 9 imperforate
        4531. Û 7P, Vertical IMPRINT Pair on card.                                                                         TRADE SAMPLE PROOFS, each in a diff
         XF ....................... Est 125.00+                                                                            pastel colour, printed on thin hand wove
        4532. Û 7TC, Rose Plate Proof, VF . . . 75.00  4549. Ö 1b (BISECT), 2, Tied by neat                                paper. All with large margins. VF, 3 with light
        4533. Û 7TC, Plate Proof pair on card. VF ..  oval grid “1" cancels on folded Trans-                               ink marks, one with internal flt. RARELY
         .............................. 150.00  Atlantic cover from St. John 30 My                                         OFFERED ITEMS (9) ....... Est 700.00+
        4534. Û 7TCi, Green Plate Proof. XF . . 90.00  1859 to Hull England with m/s ”via
        4535. Û 8P, Plate Proof. VF ......... 60.00  Halifax". Has superb red PAID LIVER-                                 4592. ÕÛ 11i, Yellow green right margin
        4536. Ö 9, Tied on 1866 cross border cover  POOL BR. PACKET 11 Ju 59 transit.                                      block with full Plate Imprint. F-VF, bottom
                                                                                                                           stamps NH.................. Est 90.00+
         to Philadelphia. Has b/s’s from Bend of  F-VF. Has 2009 BPA Certificate. A                                       4593. Û 11Pi, Plate Proof on India paper. VF
         Petitcodiac & St. John both dated 28 Ma  CHOICE COVER UNREPORTED IN
         1866. VG+, some soiling...... Est 125.00+  THE CENSUS OF COVERS COMPILED                                          ............................... 75.00
        4537. Û 10, Marginal horiz pair. Fresh, F, NH  BY ARKEN & FIRBY. See photo above .                                4594. Û 11Pii, Dark Green Plate Proof with
                                                                                                                           Type A “SPECIMEN” overprint. F .... 90.00
         .............................. 240.00  ..................... Est 6,000.00+  4566. Ú 4, Six Pence Yellow Green. A lovely  4573. Ú 6, One Shilling Reddish Violet,
        4538. ÕÛ 10, Scarce mint block, Fresh, F-VF,  4550. Û 1P, Plate Proof in black on card. F.  used example with brilliant colour, large  lightly cancelled, excellent colour, F, small  4595. Û 11TCiv, Plate Proof on card, VF ...
         NH. Top stamps have a light crease . 990.00  Scarce. Cat $600............ Est 200.00+  margins, nicely tied to piece by a cpl oval  flts. Cat $3,500 ........... Est 1,000.00+  ............................... 75.00
        4539. Û 10P, Plate Proof. F-VF....... 80.00  4551. Ö 2, VF four margin single neatly tied  grid cancel. VF. Has been pencil Signed  4596. Û 11TCvii, Orange Plate Proof. VF ...
                                                                                                                           .............................. 100.00
        4540. ÕÛ 10P, Imperf Plate Proof block on  by grid cancel on cover from Kentville NS 6  on reverse by expert Peter Holcombe &  4597. Ö 12, Tied by oval grid cancel on cross
         card. VF, small adhesion reverse.... 320.00  Oct, 1857 to Bridgetown with m/s “in Haste”.  with his 1981 Certificate ....... 1,200.00+  border cover from Kentville NS 29 Jan 1866
                                      F ........................ Est 225.00+                                               to Boston. VG+, light horiz crease, slight
                                     4552. Ö 2, Tied by light grid cancel on cover                                         soiling .................... Est 200.00+
                                      addr to Lower Stewiacke. Has Halifax 17                                             4598. Ö 12, 12b, Normal stamp along with a
                                      Jan 1869 b/s. F, some soiling. Cat $400....                                          BISECT on cover to New York with Boston
                                      .......................... Est 175.00+                                               transit cancel. We believe this to be a faked
                                     4553. ÚÛ 2/6, Four diff imperf Pence forgeries                                        Bisect cover. Interesting reference item. VG+
                                      up to 1 Shilling. F-VF. Interesting reference                                        .......................... Est 100.00+
                                      lot......................... Est 75.00+
                                     4554. Ú 2, Spacefiller .......... Est 40.00+                                          4599. Ö 12b, DIAGONAL BISECT tied by
                                                                                                                            grid cancel to cover to Amherst. Has b/s’s
                                                                                                                            from Parrsborough 10 Dec 1860 &
                                                                                                                            Amherst 11 Dec 1860. F, cover has light
                                                                                                                            file fold & small edge tear at top (not af-
                                                                                                                            fecting the stamp). Has 1932 BPA Certifi-
                                                                                                                            cate & 2008 Firby Certificate. Cat $1,500.
                                                                                              4574. Ú 6, One Shilling Reddish Violet with  See photo on Page 76 . . . Est 1,000.00+
         4541. ÕÛ 10Pii, Block with Type B                                                     fabulous colour, stamp impression on im-  4600. Û 12P, Plate Proof on card. VF. . 60.00
          “SPECIMEN” overprint. F-VF ...... 350.00                                             maculate fresh paper, four large margins,
                                                                  4567. Ú 4, A lovely used example lightly  light cancel. XF. Has 2004 Greene Founda-  4601. Û 12P, LR corner Plate Proof Pair with
        4542. Û 10TC, Reddish Orange Plate Proof,                  cancelled, four margins. VF. Has 2019                   partial Plate Imprint. VF ........... 120.00
         corner margin single, XF ........... 80.00  4555. Ú 2-3, Four margins, light cancels, VF  Greene Foundation Certificate. A CHOICE  tion Certificate. A WONDERFUL STAMP IN  4602. Û 12Pi, Plate Proof Pair on card with
        4543. Û 11P, Plate Proof. F-VF....... 70.00  ............................. 700.00  STAMP .................... 1,200.00+  ALL RESPECTS & VERY DIFFICULT TO  green Type B “SPECIMEN” overprints. VF .
                                                                                               FIND SO NICE. Ex Mayer . . Est 7,500.00+
        4544. Û 11P, Plate Proof. VF ........ 70.00                                                                        .............................. 100.00
                                                                            LOT 4561                                    LOT 4562
             LOT 4556
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