Page 16 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
P. 16
LOT 4400 LOT 4403
LOT 4401
UNITED STATES Continued 4414. Ö R164 (Revenue), Tied by Oakland, 4431. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa 1910 4454. Ö Coll of 6 diff unused b/w postcards 4469. Ú 4, Four margins, light blue cancel. VF
Ca 7 Nov 1898 flag cancel on cover to depicting SANTOS DUMONT’S Airplane in showing scenes of the Japanese Pavilion at appearance, flts expertly repaired. Cat $1,600
Los Angeles. Has red “People’s Express & flight. A scarce early aviation postcard. F ... the 1939 New York World’s Fair. Each shows .......................... Est 250.00+
Transfer Co./Oakland, Ca” corner card. VG+, ........................... Est 65.00+ a diff photo by Henry Yamada with printed
toned. Scarce & unusual ...... Est 100.00+ 4432. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa 1910 descriptions on reverse. VF..... Est 65.00+
4415. Ö U71, Tied by Cincinnati Ohio 7 Ap, depicting JIM G. TARVER - the world’s tallest 4455. Ö Series of 7 diff unused b/w postcards
1888 duplex cancel on illustrated advertising man at 8 feet 6 inches weighing 460 pounds. depicting drawings of PICASSO at his exhibit
cover for PROCTER & GAMBLE. On reverse He traveled with various circuses & often at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. F
has ‘all over’ advertising depicting a large dressed as a cowboy. He has autographed ........................... Est 60.00+
bar of Lenox Soap. F, a bit reduced ....... the postcard on reverse. F ..... Est 75.00+ 4456. Ö Interesting coll of diff Western
........................... Est 60.00+ 4433. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard “Cowboy” arcade cards from 1940’s-60’s.
4416. Ö U91, With Stockton, Calif 13 June depicting ROBINSON’S CURTISS HYDRO Incl GENE AUTRY (4 diff), DANNY THOMAS,
1910 flag cancel with illustrated advertising AEROPLANE 1911. Shows the early sea- LEE MAJORS (later starred in the 6 Million
for The San Joaquin Valley Bank to Portland, plane in a harbour being readied for take-off. Dollar Man). Also a postcard of DAVY
4399. Ö C14, VF $1.30 Zeppelin tied by Oregon. Depicts bank buildings. F ........ Has message on reverse but not mailed. F . CROCKETT. F-VF (8 diff) ..... Est 100.00+ 4470. Û 5, Nice colour, F, OG, HH . 1,250.00
Washington DC 19 April, 1930 slogan ........................... Est 60.00+ ........................... Est 65.00+
FIRST DAY CANCEL on postcard flown 4417. Ö U348-51, Lot of 6 unused Columbian 4434. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard from 4471. Ú 5, SON ‘PAID’ cancel in blue oval. F,
by the Graf Zeppelin. Has proper Zeppelin Postal Stationery envelopes, all diff in some WWI depicting American GENERAL JOHN tiny tear ....................... 400.00
cachets. VF. Cat $900 US .... Est 600.00+ way ....................... Cat 103.50 PERSHING (along with other officers) meeting
4418. Ö U349, With Portland, Me 21 July 1894 soldiers in France. Pershing lived from 1860-
cancel with blue green advertising for C.H. 1948 & was involved in the Indian Wars,
4400. Ö C14, $1.30 Zeppelin neatly tied
by City Hall Sta NY 30 Ap, 1930 slogan Varney & Co. / Hungarian / Roller Mill / Carlyle Spanish American War, Mexican Intervention
cancel on South America - Pan America & Co., addr locally. VF. An eye-catching & WWI. F, light age staining .... Est 65.00+
GRAF ZEPPELIN flight cover. Has proper cover!..................... Est 150.00+ 4435. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
cachets & green pictorial Lakehurst NJ 31 4419. Ö U349, With Los Angeles 23 Oct 1894 1915 depicting the American Navy’s 3rd
May, 1930 rec / b/s. VF. See photo above cancel underpaid to Honolulu (3 Nov b/s). ARMORED CRUISER “BROOKLYN” - the
....................... Est 500.00+ Has “15/CTMS/T” postage due h/s. F, bit only one to be named for a city rather than a
toned ...................... Est 75.00+ state. Identified in Russian on the postcard. 4457. Ö Interesting coll of 40 WWII Patriotic
4420. Ö U429, Cancelled by Millbury, Mass 12 She served many duties in the 1890’s-20 era covers from 1942-5. Has a variety of
4401. Ö C14, VF $1.30 Zeppelin tied on May, 1928 cancel. Has nice illustrated adver- incl in the Spanish American War, was flag- frankings, cancels & cachet designs incl
clean GRAF ZEPPELIN FLIGHT cover tising for Buck Bros. Tools. On reverse has ship of the Asiatic Squadron, in the Atlantic, American Flags, Eagles, patriotic slogans 4472. Ú 5, SON “35" grid cancel. F . . . 400.00
from New York 31 May 1930 with proper all over illustrations of their chisels. Addr etc. F ...................... Est 50.00+ Buy War Bonds, etc. F-VF.... Est 175.00+
magenta & violet flight cachets. Also to Worcester, Mass. VF........ Est 50.00+ 4436. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard de-
has red boxed “MIT LUFTPOST picting a destroyed military camp following a 4458. Ö Free franked WWII Patriotic cover
BEFORDERT” (handstamp of Berlin’s hurricane at TEXAS CITY, TEXAS 16 Aug, with Camp Carson, Colo 4 May 1943 cancel
Airmail Service). Has Friedrichshafen 1915. VF ................... Est 60.00+ to Jamestown, NY. Cachet depicts caricature
& Berlin b/s’s. F. See photo above...... 4437. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1920 of 3 snakes with the heads of Hitler, Mussolini
....................... Est 600.00+ depicting a DOG TEAM in Alaska. VF ..... & Hirohito under the Boot of Uncle Sam. Has
........................... Est 50.00+ caption “Stamp em out”. F-VF. . . Est 50.00+
4403. Ö C15, $2.60 Zeppelin tied on 4438. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa 4459. Ö WWII Free cover from Jefferson Bar-
FIRST DAY COVER from Washington DC 1920’s of the famous Italian-born American racks, Mo 27 Nov, 1943 to NY. Has patriotic
19 Ap, 1930 flown on GRAF ZEPPELIN actor RUDOLF VALENTINO who was idolized colour illustrated cachet depicting an Ameri- 4473. Ú 5, Along with a pair of USA #68 tied
can hand grabbing the wrist of the AXIS with
South America-Pan America Flight as the “LATIN LOVER” of the 1920’s silent on piece by an oval Victoria Paid cancel in
with proper cachets & green pictorial era of film. His early death at the age of 31 blood dripping knife. F......... Est 45.00+ blue & cork cancels in black. A nice combi-
Lakehurst NJ b/s. VF. See photo above caused mass hysteria among his fans. VF .. 4460. Ö Stampless WWII Official Military Cen- nation example of Br. Columbia & USA
....................... Est 900.00+ ........................... Est 45.00+ sored cover sent from GENERAL DWIGHT stamps used together. F. Ex Wallace .....
4421. Ö UX3, Liberty 1¢ postal card D. EISENHOWER, APO 757 to Liskeard,
4404. Ö C18, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN cancelled by Waterbury Ct sharp bold strike 4439. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard Cornwall, England. Has US Army Postal Ser- ......................... Est 400.00+
Oct 1933 Chicago Expo Flight, Chicago to of six petal fancy leaf cancel. Has Water- depicting the devastation caused by the 28 vice, APO 757 / 10 Apr 1944 cancel, violet
Akron leg cover. Addr to Lansing, Mich. F-VF bury Ct 17 Apr CDS alongside. Has 1875 “Official Paid / US Army” h/s. Has Base 1033
.......................... Est 150.00+ dateline on reverse. VF. Has 2010 APS It remains the deadliest single tornado ever censor h/s signed by Lt. Col. E.R. Lee. On re-
4405. Ö C18, Tied on Cach GRAF ZEPPELIN Certificate mentioning tiny pinhole (which recorded in Ohio history & left 7,000 people verse has “Supreme Head quarters / Allied
homeless. VF................ Est 60.00+
Oct 1933 Chicago Expo Flight, Akron to we barely can see). Rohloff #L-13, Rated 4440. Ö Stampless cover with New York 3 Mar Expeditionary Force / Office of the Supreme
Friedrichshafen leg cover addr to New York. RRR. ONE OF THE FINEST STRIKES Commander” imprint. VG+, some flaws / soil-
F-VF...................... Est 165.00+ KNOWN ................. Est 500.00+ 1925 slogan cancel & “Woman’s American ing. Interesting collectable..... Est 175.00+
4406. Ö C18, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN 4422. Ö Unused CIVIL WAR patriotic military Baptist Foreign / Mission Society, NY corner 4461. Ö Two diff b/w photo postcards depicting
Oct 1933 Chicago Expo Flight, Miami to cover with blue illustration of soldiers & a card. Addr to Prague, Czechoslovakia. Has the 1952 National Soap Box Derby in Akron
Chicago leg cover addr to Winchester, Mass. tent. Printed by King & Baird, Philadelphia. F, 3 red Lion illustrated ”Post Office / Prague" Ohio. Shows scenes of the Derby final & part
labels & blue “Was Damaged” label. F, some
F-VF, light crease ........... Est 175.00+ minor TS ................... Est 80.00+ of the 100,000 people who watched the event.
4407. Ö C18, Tied by Chicago 26 Oct, 1933 4423. Ö Unused coloured patriotic postcard soiling, etc................... Est 50.00+ This Derby was a youth oriented racing pro-
slogan cancel on cach Graf Zeppelin Flight circa 1905 depicting CAPT CHARLES 4441. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa gram & had been running since 1934 attract-
cover to Akron (rec b/s). VF . . . Est 125.00+ GRIDLEY. He is regarded as the officer who 1927, depicting CHARLES LINDBERGH ing contestants from across the USA, Canada
4408. Ö C18, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN FIRED THE FIRST SHOT OF THE SPANISH standing beside his airplane “Spirit of St. & Foreign countries. One postcard is used in
Louis”. He became world famous after making
Chicago Exposition Flight 28 Oct 1933 Akron AMERICAN WAR during the Battle of Manila 1952, the other unused. F (2) . . . Est 60.00+ 4474. Ú 5, Along with USA #68 tied by
to Friedrichshafen leg. Addr to Uniontown, Pa. Bay on 1 May 1898 ........... Est 60.00+ the first nonstop flight from New York to Paris 4462. Ö Two diff b/w real photo postcards Victoria BC 7 Aug 1868 CDS & cork cancel
VF ....................... Est 125.00+ 4424. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting in 1927. F................... Est 65.00+ depicting scenes of the wreck of the ship on a small piece. This piece shows that the
4409. Ö C27, C32, Interesting lot of 7 diff 1946 scenes of the VIRGINIA MINE DISASTER 4442. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard showing “FLYING ENTERPRISE” 10 Jan, 1952. She practice of affixing the required USA post-
PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS TEST 20 Feb 1905. F. Scarce........ Est 75.00+ was a general cargo ship & sunk with a full age stamps on a cover in the colony was
FLIGHT COVERS, to diff Caribbean & Latin 4425. Ö Unused colour photo postcard circa Shows a flooded street scene with the Rike- load off the English coast near Cornwall, after still carried out in 1868. F. Ex Wallace ....
America countries. All with dual 2-country 1906 depicting ROY KNABENSHUE’s Kumber Co. building. This terrible flood was being crippled by storm damage & a shifting .......................... Est 450.00
frankings. Very attractive lot. F . . Est 75.00+ AIRSHIP TOLEDO #1 on the ground sur- caused by the flooding from the Great Miami cargo. One postcard also shows portrait of the
4410. Ö C35, Tied by Los Angeles 19 Nov, rounded by crowd. “VANLOO / PHOTO”. F-VF River & caused the greatest natural disaster ship’s Captain. VF (2) ......... Est 65.00+
in Ohio history. VF............ Est 65.00+
1952 cancel on cach FIRST EXPLORATORY ........................... Est 75.00+ 4463. Ö Stampless Official cover with Wash-
POLAR FLIGHT to Copenhagen. Has Green- 4426. Ö Unused Zieher colour postcard circa 4443. Ö Unused postcard circa 1930 depicting ington 28 Jan 1965 slogan cancel & “OFFICE
land 2Kr local affixed & tied by special h/s. F 1907 depicting 15 diff stamps up to $5 along RICHARD BYRD - one of the world’s foremost of the VICE PRESIDENT” corner card with
........................... Est 60.00+ with shield & eagle. VF ........ Est 50.00+ aviators & Antarctic explorers. VFEst 65.00+ HUBERT H. HUMPHREY printed signature.
4411. Ö E1, Tied on green Washington 2¢ 4427. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard de- 4444. Ö Unused colour postcard circa 1930 Has Vice President letterhead inside with the
postal stationery business reply envelope by picting the famous Arctic explorer, Dr. Freder- depicting American actress JOAN letter SIGNED by him. Cover F, letter VF ...
DET. & GRU. HAV. / TR16 / RPO 28 Mar ick Cook. He is best known for allegedly being CRAWFORD (with her printed signature). In .......................... Est 100.00+
1899 cancel to Detroit. F ...... Est 150.00+ the 1930’s she became one of Hollywood’s
the first person to reach the North Pole on 21 most prominent movie stars & one of the high-
April, 1908 but much controversy has resulted est paid women in the USA. VF . Est 45.00+ CANADA
from his claim. VF ............ Est 65.00+ 4445. Ö Unused glossy colourized photo post-
4428. Ö Unused b/w postcard issued for the card circa 1930’s depicting FRED ASTAIRE - PROVINCES
1909 St. Louis Centennial Celebration. De- famous American actor, dancer & singer.
picts the start of the International BALLOON He had a stage / film / television career that
RACE (in 1907) which was under the aus- spanned 76 years & is widely regarded as Canada Provinces are priced by
pices of the Aero Club of St. Louis. F, small one of the greatest music dancers of all time. Unitrade’s 2024 Canada Specialized.
age stain ................... Est 60.00+ VF ........................ Est 45.00+
4429. Ö Glossy b/w photo postcard of early 4446. Ö Unused glossy b/w postcard circa
American film actor TOM MIX. He was the 1930’s depicting famous Hollywood actor
star of many early Western films from JAMES CAGNEY. He was a major film star BRITISH COLUMBIA:
1909-35, most from the silent film era. in the 1930’s-40’s & his gangster roles thrust
4412. Ö LOX8, Officially sealed stamp This postcard is used in England 1920. F... him into the spotlight. VF....... Est 45.00+ 4464. Ú 2, New Westminster numeral “1" grid
cancel. F, some adhesions on reverse 350.00
used to seal a roughly opened edge of 2¢ ........................... Est 40.00+ 4447. Ö Unused glossy b/w photo postcard 4465. Û 2a, Pale dull rose, F, OG, some flaws.
carmine Washington postal stat envelope 4430. Ö Unused b/w photo advertising circa 1930’s depicting famous American actor Cat $1,000................. Est 175.00+ 4475. ÕÛ 6, Rare mint block, bright fresh
cancelled by Montour Falls, NY 1 Oct, 1902. postcard for Turnbull Wagons, depicting CLARK GABLE with his printed signature. He 4466. Ú 2a, Blue oval Victoria cancel. F 350.00 colour, crisp impression. F, OG. Has 2020
Addr to Watkins NY (rec b/s). Has pencil “182 people on 4 Turnbull wagons” horse was often referred to as the “King of Holly- Greene Foundation Certificate . . . 5,000.00
notation “Opened by mistake J.E.F.”. Nice drawn at the Fall Festival, Auburn, Ind. wood” & had roles in over 60 diff films during
usage. VF. Cat $750 US ..... Est 350.00+ Circa 1910. F, minor edge flaws . Est 65.00+ a career that lasted 37 years. VF Est 45.00+ 4476. Ú 6, Blue grid cancel, VG-F .... 275.00
4477. Ú 7, Blue cancel, F........... 100.00
4448. Ö Unused glossy b/w photo postcard 4478. Û 7/17, Coll of 4 diff Forgeries. Good
circa 1930’s depicting Swedish-American reference lot. F .............. Est 90.00+
film actress GRETA GARBO with her printed
signature. She was a Hollywood star during
Hollywood’s silent & golden eras. VF ......
........................... Est 45.00+
4449. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa
1930’s depicting famous American actor
SPENCER TRACY. He was one of the major
stars of Hollywood’s Golden Age & was the 4467. Ú 2a, Jumbo with a huge wing margin
first actor to win 2 consecutive Academy at left, neat blue Vancouver Island cancel.
Awards for best actor. The postcard has his F........................ Est 300.00+
printed signature. VF.......... Est 50.00+
4450. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting
circa 1931. F, corner creases . . . Est 65.00+
4451. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard from
1933 depicting SLIM WILLIAMS & HIS
DOGSLED TEAM, on his trip from Alaska to
Washington DC. He was an early promoter &
advocate for the ALASKA HIGHWAY in the
1930’s & went as far as meeting President
F.D. Roosevelt to discuss the idea. VF.....
........................... Est 65.00+
4452. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard de- 4479. ÕÛ 7a, Left wing margin mint block
picting the RUSSIAN NORTH POLE FLIERS of the light blue shade. F, OG, light gum
at Pearson Field Vancouver, Washington just wrinkle in margin. A SCARCE MULTIPLE .
after arriving from Moscow 20 June, 1937. ............................ 1,080.00
Also has inset photos of all 3 Russian airmen. 4480. Û 8, Wing margin single, F, OG 200.00
VF. Scarce................. Est 125.00+ 4468. Û 3, Rare mint 5¢ Rose Imperforate 4481. Ú8,F ..................... 150.00
4413. Ö OX13, Blue Officially Sealed stamp used on a spectacular 1908 European-size cover 4453. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard showing
from Germany to USA & the returned & forwarded to Paris France. Bears USA 5¢ Postage with clear to large margins, rich colour, 4482. Ú 9, F, tiny thin.............. 240.00
Due, 2 diff French Postage Due stamps & many German Official Seals on all four sides. Has a scene of the GREAT NEW ENGLAND F-VF, OG, light soiling at centre right. 4483. Û 11, F, OG................ 600.00
all kinds of markings on both front & reverse incl DLO, Received in Bad Condition at Foreign HURRICANE OF 1938. Shows a scene of Has 2019 Greene Foundation Certificate. 4484. Ú 11, F .................... 300.00
Branch, etc. F. Exhibition calibre item!....................................Est 500.00+ homeless men salvaging their belongings A scarce stamp that is missing in most 4485. Ú 11, SON Victoria blue ‘35’ grid cancel.
from a wrecked building. VF .... Est 50.00+ collections .................. 87,500.00 F, small edge tears............... 300.00