Page 222 - taiwan
P. 222

b.  Pada saat melamar di PT. GFA hanya bertemu dengan
                                       pak Samsul  yang mengurus persyaratan saya ketika
                                       When applying to PT. GFA only met Mr. Samsul who took
                                       care of my requirements when applying.

                               4.  PROSES/PROCESS
                                    a.  Proses pada saat membuat BST  melakukan Training di
                                       PT. Siemen Jaya di Cirebon selama 3 hari. mendapatkan
                                       BST KLM.
                                       The process when creating BST is conducting training at
                                       PT. Siemen Jaya in Cirebon for 3 days. get KLM BST.
                                    b.  Proses Medical Check Up dilakukan di Klinik di daerah
                                       The Medical Check Up process is carried out at the Clinic
                                       in the Garut area

                               5.  Tanda tangan PKL/Signature PKL
                               a.  Tanda tangan PKL pada tanggal  04 Januari 2019 di kantor
                                 GSA dan disaksikan oleh teman – teman yang berjumlah 4
                                 orang  Satu  kapal disaksikan oleh pak samsul.
                                 PKL's signature on January 4 2019 at the GSA office and
                                 witnessed by 4 friends. One ship was witnessed by Mr. Samsul.
                               b.  Isi PKL dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris
                                    -  Isi PKL Kontrak selama 2 tahun
                                       Fill in the PKL Contract for 2 years            Commented [6]: Did the fisher receive a contract with
                                    -  awal Kontrak 04  januari 2019 akhir kontrak 04 Januari   the manning agency and a contract with the vessel
                                       2021                                            owner?
                                       beginning of contract 04 January 2019 end of contract 04   Commented [7]: GPID: Only with manning agency
                                       January 2021
                                    -  Nama kapal Hsiang Fa No.8  kapal berbendera Taiwan   Commented [8]: Yuton: this could be additional
                                                                                       evidence for Indicator 1: Abuse of vulnerability;
                                       The name of the ship is Hsiang Fa No.8, a Taiwanese   according to regulation in Taiwan
                                       flagged ship                                    Commented [9]: Yuton, could you share the
                                    -  Jenis kapal Cumi Samba,jaring dan Pancing       Taiwanese Regulation that mention the fishers/ migrant
                                       Types of Samba Squid boats, nets and fishing rods   workers have to sign with the Vessel Owner?
                                    -  Gaji perbulan 450 USD, 250 USD Transfer,200 USD
                                       diterima diatas kapal.
                                       Monthly salary 450 USD, 250 USD Transfer, 200 USD
                                       received on board.
                                    -  Sistem gaji delegasi per 3 bulan
                                       Delegate salary system per 3 months
                                    -  Gaji 200 usd terima diatas kapal, 250 dititip kepada PT.
                                       Salary 200 USD received on board, 250 entrusted to PT.
                                       GFA                                             Commented [10]: 02 Deception- not being paid with
                                    -  Realita gaji yang yang dititipkan di pt, tidak diberikan   promised salary
                                       setibanya saya pulang ke indonesia.             Commented [11]: Did the migrant fisher know he would
                                       The reality is that the salary that was entrusted to PT,   fly out directly after signing the contract? How did he
                                       was not given when I returned to Indonesia.     feel about it? Did he feel forced to accept this condition
                                                                                       because of document retention or lack of other choices?
        2. Masa Penempatan/  PEMBERANGKATAN DAN TIKET/DEPARTURE AND TICKETS            (01 Abuse of vulnerability)
        Placement Time         a.  Pemberangkatan dan Tiket di urus oleh PT. Gafa Samudra   Commented [12]: We do not know how the crew
                                 Abadi                                                 member felt at the time and whether the crew member
                                 Departure and tickets are managed by PT.  Gafa Samudra Abadi   knew that he would fly after signing the contract. The
                                 Setelah TTD PKL berangkat dari kantor PT.GSA  tanggal 04 jan   team considered this as indicator #01 because the
                                 2019 dan kemudian Menuju bandara soekarno hatta untuk   contract was signed after the airplane ticket had been
                                 melakukan penerbangan ke negara tujuan,terbang        purchased by PT GSA, so with the ticket, the crew
                                                                                       member had no choice but to sign the contract.
                                 menggunakan pesawat lion air  pada tanggal 04  Jan 2019
                                 menuju Singapore.                                     Commented [13]: Meeting 1March: (Yuton) We should
                                                                                       not make assumptions that Fishermans are not OK this
                                 After TTD PKL departed from the PT.GSA office on 04 Jan 2019   - need further information. (Sari) still bad practice, even
                                 and then headed to Soekarno Hatta airport to fly to the   though fisherman agree on that. So, it could be still put
                                                                                       it as this indicator.
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