Page 224 - taiwan
P. 224
pt.gsa, setelah saya menanyakan sisa gaji saya,lalu alex
mengatakan mengambil rincian gaji dengan ibu maya selaku
bendahara, lalu alex pergi dengan alasan makan dan saya
menunggu sampai beberapa jam pak alex juga tidak kembali ke
pt.dan setelah itu saya tidak pernah bertemu dengan pak alex
When I arrived in Indonesia, I was immediately quarantined for 5
days, then I went home to Cirebon, and then I went to PT. GSA
and I met Mr. Alex as the director of PT. with Mrs. Maya as
treasurer, then Alex left with the excuse of eating and I waited for
several hours. Mr. Alex also didn't return to PT. And after that I
never met Mr. Alex again.
f. Solusinya saya mengadu ke SBMI DPC Tegal untuk
mengadukan permasalahan saya agar cepat selesai.
The solution was that I complained to SBMI DPC Tegal to
complain about my problem so that it would be resolved quickly.
4 Resume
Kasus/Case Resumes
5. Tuntutan/Claims - Gaji di PKL 450 USD
- sisa gaji yang belum saya terima/
remaining salary that I haven't received for 24 bulan x 250 USD
- Guarantee 1200 USD Commented [16]: 08 Withholding of wages- guarantee
- on the ship has been received 200 USD money
- Potongan/Retrieved 750 USD] Commented [17]: What does "retrieved" mean? Is it
Pengadu Pencatat the guarantee money or something else?
Commented [18]: salary deduction
Commented [19]: GPID: It is additional amount from
the guarantee
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